Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

on 01 Jan 1970 12:00 am [ Comments]

The Silence of the Lambs


- Ramelia on 06 Sep 2009 10:22 am


Weasley jumper


- Truckles on 06 Sep 2009 12:24 pm
Room of Requirement
- Graciella Bellanotte-Diadoro on 06 Sep 2009 5:17 pm

Let's see... something for fluffiness, something for mischief, and one for a good drama...

"Fear is a true prison of the heart."

"He that seeks trouble never misses."

"Gold is tried in the fire." 



- little-sun on 06 Sep 2009 6:46 pm



Child Leash/Harness 

- Ponytail Goddess on 06 Sep 2009 8:12 pm



a reference to Fluffy 


- Kristeh on 06 Sep 2009 8:26 pm

Path Not Taken


Stopper to Death

- bluemoon13 on 06 Sep 2009 8:40 pm

Stubby Boardman

Full moon


- angelauthor14 on 06 Sep 2009 9:04 pm

Glittering red eyes.

Long sharp fangs.

The Grim

Dementor's kiss

Returning from the Veil

Hang on tight, and don't let go.

Kiss of Death.

Ruby red lips.


- Pandora on 07 Sep 2009 2:28 am

A portrait of Snape

A Howler

A trail of "crumbs"

A boggart under a bed

A new secret passage

- Foolish Wishmaker on 07 Sep 2009 5:04 am

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