i am a recovered ( for now it is an ongiong struggle) self harmer and i was fine
amazing chapter
Harry is snape's son he like sev need infomation, does not like being out of the loop.
can't wait for the next chapter
Author's Response: I'm very glad this chapter was not triggering for you. I can confess that I too was once a self harmer, and so this chapter was VERY hard for me to write. It's always a struggle, but you have to think about the silver lining, the good things in life, and remember that it's worth it. Things may be hard now, but there's a bright future waiting for you! I hope you're well. Thanks for reading and reviewing! -Julz
Keep it coming! The french from Remus was soooo cute :)
wow...never saw that coming!
on the contrary, this is squite entertaining
uggg cliff hanger
and i need more need more
I loved the french from remus gave him some backstory and the prase used beautiful!
Harry talking back to snape and remus when they were arguing took gryffindor courage that is for sure. I have no suggestions other then keep it up
SOB!! I must have been soo not paying attention when I started this story! I could swear it said complete!?! I just dont bother reading wips anymore due to them not being updated :( ok rant over, I must insist that you finish this AMAZING story as soon as your little fingers can type!! Im totally hooked. Its taken me a few days to read and im really gonna miss it! I need (need!) To know how it will end, I love these guys so much! All the way through I kept reading the apologies about the speed of updates and was sitting here all smug cause I had found it completed lol how wrong I was :P anyways looong review done I hope you gathered that I love the story and dearly want to read more before the fabulous details start to filter out of my overcrowded mind! Much thanks :D
Good story but I have to say there is just a little to much crying on everyone's part :P the plot is good I like how you put the whole thing with Draco through its paces.
Awesome chapter, I didn't mind waiting for it at all. Looking forward to the next one.
yay old sevey is alright. Lucius is sort of awesome in this. the whole redemption thing is really going well for him. Loving the Drarry naturally.