Reviews For Green Filters
Hugs and Love, Vanime Author's Response: ;) thanks for the reveiw, the next part should be up soon, can't wait to hear what you guys think. <3
Author's Response: His old house would have if in the next chapter there hadn't been an agreement. <3
Author's Response: Thanks tahnks, soo much~ <3
Author's Response: It's hard, I have self-issues I'm trying to get over, thanks for your support~ I still owe a lot to her, if she wasn't around this story wouldn't even be up anymore~ And she's so patient with me, and kind. :)
Hugs and Love, Vanime Author's Response: Haha, nor can I. ;P I can't wait to write that sene... I'm doing it later though cause of my computer, I need to reset it... so I'd lose any writing I don't already have up. :P
Thanks for the support though~
Author's Response: Aerg, it's hard to stop bad mouthing myself when what I say is what I believe is true. :P Haha, thanks though. :) I'll work on my self confidence. :P
Author's Response: I'll try tom but between my current inspiration dry spell and storms that keep my editor off the computer, it may take a little while. :P
...I'll try though, pinky promise, for before I go back to school! :) |
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