Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

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Based on this meme: "The fact that I cannot explode into a thousand bats to escape awkward social situations is a constant source of irritation." Snape turns into a Vampire and can now escape those awkward moments at his will. He does so, to the annoyance of everyone else.

Or perhaps he discovers his animagus is a bat and pretends to be a vampire.

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I wrote a few paragraphs, but can't decide to go from here! Too many choices! Would love to see someone contine!

In Harry's second year at Hogwarts, the school was in turmoil. The Chamber of Secrets had been opened, and rumors of a monster inside were causing panic among the students and staff. The situation had grown so dire that the school governors were considering sending the students home for their own safety.

It was during this time of chaos that Harry Potter went missing. His friends, Ron and Hermione, searched high and low for him, but there was no sign of the young wizard anywhere. The entire school was on edge, and the faculty began searching to find the missing boy.

Meanwhile, Severus Snape, the stern Potions Master, was out patrolling the castle grounds. As he approached the edge of the Forbidden Forest, he noticed a figure slipping between the trees. Snape's curiosity was piqued, and he cautiously followed the shadowy figure, wand at the ready.

As he drew closer, Snape realized that the figure was none other than Harry Potter. But something was amiss. The boy's movements were jerky and unnatural, and his eyes had a glazed, vacant look. It was as if he was being controlled by some unknown force.

"Potter!" Snape called out sharply, hoping to snap Harry out of his strange state. "Stop at once!"

But Harry didn't respond to Snape's command. Instead, he continued walking deeper into the Forbidden Forest, as if compelled to do so. Snape, now deeply concerned, quickened his pace and caught up to Harry, grabbing him by the shoulder.

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Summary: The reason why electricity and electrical devices aren't allowed at Hogwarts isn't because they wouldn't work... it's because electrical devices and electricity would interfere with magic. This is a highly regulated secret for the Magical world's protection.
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Summary: Voldemort regained his human form long before Harry Potter ever first came to Hogwarts.
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Summary: Any story where Harry acts as though he must earn his keep (preferably with guardian Snape) , bonus points for trauma throwbacks or heartbreak.
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Summary: Harry Potter characters plays video games!
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Summary: Severus tries to do something nice for Harry, but it goes horribly wrong.

Bonus points if Snape is motivated by guilt for something. Double bonus points if it happens when he and Harry still hate each other. Triple bonus points if the backlash somehow includes the Dursleys.

No character bashing please. (Except the Dursleys.)
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Summary: There is to be an easter egg hunt at Hogwarts! Who came up with that? Idk.. Probably that crazy old Headmaster. Chaos ensues. Surprise me! ^_^
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Summary: No one knows how Harry survived the killing curse, but there are those who will go to any length to find out. Harry is kidnapped by scientist wizardkind.
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Summary: Get Harry kicked out of Hogwarts.


Get Ron kicked out of Hogwarts and Harry is somehow involved.


Get them both kicked out of Hogwarts.

You should show what happens after they get expelled and make a story of it. Do they stay expelled? Why did they get expelled? Where do they go/what do they do after they get expelled? No drabbles, no slash. Make it a one shot or longer please.
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