Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

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Summary: Sirius Black and/or Remus Lupin have raised Harry ever since that night in Godric's Hollow. But now Harry is at Hogwarts and new evidence comes into light proving that Severus Snape is Harry's biological father. After many arguments with Sirius, Severus decides he wants custody of Harry despite their extremely bad teacher-student relationship. So Harry has to choose, but who does he pick?
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Summary: Sirius or Remus (or both) have raised Harry since he was little. When Harry starts at Hogwarts, Snape calls a conference to discuss his obominable behavior. Harry must be present at the conference.
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We all know that Dumbledore left little Harry Potter on the doorstep of Number Four Privet Drive. We all know that the Dursleys never wanted the 'freak'.

Here is my challenge:

While traveling through the mortal realm, royal immortals of your choice (i.e. vampires, werewolves, fairies, elves, etc), hear the wailing of a child. Curious, they discover baby Harry on the stoop of Number Four. Despite the dangers of raising a mortal amongst immortals, the couple cannot abandon the crying infant. They agree to raise the child in secret.

Harry's disappearance is only known eleven years later, two months before he is due to begin his first year at Hogwarts. How will Dumbledore (and the rest of the faculty) react to the young immortal prince?

  • Severus is one of the immortals to raise Harry
  • Harry is Sorted into Slytherin
  • There is more to Lily's heritage than most people know(i.e. she is a half-blood fae, vampire, etc)

Remember to have fun with this challenge. The categories and characters are just guidelines. The couple that discovers baby Harry does not have to be a man and woman; Severus may despise Harry despite his immortaliy. The possibilities are endless and completely open.

Please let me know if you decide to accept this challenge.
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Summary: I can't take credit for this challenge. My friend Darkarma came up with this challenge and said it was ok for me to post it here.

Harry makes a bet with Snape that if he can brew a Polyjuice potion on his own within a single month perfectly, that Snape would have to crack down on his house and act like a respectable teacher. If Harry fails he has to resign from competing in the House Quidditch competitions for the rest of his time at Hogwarts. Snape of course will provide the proper supplies.
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Summary: Harry watches or gets a dog of his own, either from Snape or someone else, and now has to deal with all kinds of problems caused by it. Must have the puppy for a week, puppy cannot be abused by Snape, Harry must get into one argument and defend the dog with Snape, and Snape should lose his temper during the story for some reason. Other than that, anything goes!
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Summary: Write an AU fic where Severus and Lily are divorced and Harry tries to get them back together--you decide how he goes about it and if it is successful or not. Extra points for giving Harry an identical twin or adding James into the mix (or both...:D).
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Summary: Severus Snape picks up Harry Potter, and talks to his Aunt Petunia about the abuse Harry has gone through. (A heart to heart talk between Severus Snape and Petunia Dursley).
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Summary: The Slytherins started it but the Gryffindors will finish it...or at least they hope so. A few pranks turns into a full out war when Dumbledore issues a Prank Week. One full week of embarrassing charms, exploding food, and toy ferrets. Add a Potions master with a migraine, one spell that wasn't aimed good and what do you get?
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After the end of Deathly Hallows, Harry spends more time in Snape's memories and discovers that Snape is Harry's father. Reckless and determined to recreate the family he never had, Harry uses Snape's horcrux (the potions book of the "Half-Blood Prince") to bring Snape back. Snape is less than pleased at the Dark magic used to bring him back from behind the Veil, but he soon realizes that Harry needs his guidance in the new challenges of a world without Voldemort.
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Summary: Severus Snape is a spy by nature and by training. As such it infuriates him when he realizes that he knows virtually nothing about the real Harry... other than the fact that Harry keeps a journal. Using his own invisibility cloak, Severus sneaks into the Gryffindor tower while the students are at the leaving feast and exchanges the journal's specially matched ever-sharp quill with a quill of his own that has been charmed to a parchment in Severus's possession so that everything Harry writes is copied to the parchment. What does Harry write, and what happens when Severus realizes that they are kindred spirits?
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