Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Reviews For Closure
Title: Dumbledore's Will 19 Nov 2005 1:49 pm
Reviewer: Jan_AQ (Signed) [Report This]

    Wow. Awesome opening to this chapter and awesome ending! WOW! I love your Snape- he's so in character! I love the writing around him, the motions and just everything. Great job! I noticed that Harry called his "dark mark" a deformity when he covered it up with a glove- I think that was nicely done, showing his thoughts about it and his character, poor Harry. I find it interesting that Harry speaks slightly different- kind of formal older. It intruiges me.

    I like Harry's injuries, however, you need to pay a little more attention to his leg- for example, Harry's leg probably would have been really hurting by the time he was deep into cleaning his cottage with Remus. When he went to get the groceries, he had the bag in at least one arm- what about the cane? And sitting down, lying down, putting pants on, it's all difficult with an injury with that. When you have an injury, it tends to affect almost everything. You should try doing something to yourself like tapping a long stick to your leg to see how it affects you, pretending that it's injured. It will help you be able to catch details and more realism. You did do a good job on this chapter, that one part just really stood out to me. I had and still have lots of injuries from sports, most of them were over exhertion or over use injuries and they can be just okay, a little weak and sore after a work out and a minute later crippling, worrying, pain.

    Also, the reading of the will seemed like you skipped a part. The guy started with the introductions, Harry had one thought, and then he was called up to get his part. What about the other people, were they just there to see Harry, and only Harry get something from Dumbledore?

    I really enjoy your writing style. I really do. It's really well written and I'm so proud to have it on this archive. :) I noticed that a couple of times near the beginning the structure of your sentence didn't introduce the speaker or subject soon enough. Like sometimes if you start the side comment, and it's too long or the stuff before it seemed to have been in a different direction, it wasn't moving to the subject fast enough so you're a little lost and it broke up the flow. Kind of like a skipped record in your mind, I guess. You can keep reading but you have to process the words a little more.

    Dumbledore coming out of that egg was really great, I loved that part of the plot and the feelings were done so nicely. His end request- Woah! Totally wasn't expecting that! Awesome, great story. Thanks so much for sharing it! Now write more! Hehe XD.

    Here's some little typo-type things I noticed (we all make them but if someone points them out, then it'll be easier for you to spot them if you want to change them):

     ...he did not know who long his funds would have to stretch how.

    this was a little weird with the structure of the sentence around it: he fled the letter left purposefully behind,

    plain wood cane with a well-place summoning spell.

    I will also need you're word as a witch

    "This is a charm that can be place on a necklace

     he thought to himself as he pushed opened the door.

    Harry kept his eyes closed as he controlled the rage that built up at the mention of Potions and why exactly the position needed to be filled brought up a rather painful memory…

    I thank you; you're friendship and strength has guided

    Years had been added to Harry’s life in the months were his friends

    Author's Response: WOW!!! Jan, you are SO awesome...not only do you tell me what you like and don't like, but you are the QUEEN of finding my stupid grammar mistakes-I think that means the most to me,  because it's rather embarrassing...and the only thing I can say in my defense was that I rushed this chapter-I'm sorry...I'm glad that you thought Severus was in character-he is the hardest for me to write, although I have to admit that my personality sometimes reflects his sardonic nature...The reason why Harry's speech is the way it is is because I wanted to reflect, through his vocabularly, how divided he is. What I mean is that at times he uses slang and everything, like a normal teenager...but then at times, he's very formal and shows a bit of his intelligence peeking through; his more ADULT side (forced upon him by the war)-I think Harry hides a lot of things, and now that the necessity isn't there, more of his true nature can come out...What do you think? I'm sorry about the lack of realism in is leg injury-I have added some things to the Remus-Harry section to make it clear that he has done too much on the day he escaped was released from the hospital-little things, like using a leviation charm instead of carrying the bags (what was I thinking, I wonder...I must have forgotten that he's a WIZARD!!! XD) When Harry had the 'one thought' in the will reading scene, it actually was more of a daydream...when he tuned back in, his name was being called. Each person in the will reading essentially received the same thing: a few words and an egg, with a few receiving personal items (like Harry) I figured that the readers would get bored if I went through everything...so I had Harry do something very typical for a teenager: SPACE OUT!!! (I do it all the time in Math class...which is bad...) Sorry about the mistakes again...and sometimes, when I do write my sentences, my structures are placed there to make the reader think, in a way. I love stories that don't just tell you everything up front-you infer things, and then you figure out at the end whether you were right or not-I, as an amatuer writer, am trying to imitate that style-and I apologise if it sucks at first-I'll try to refine it; after all, writing fanfiction is about enjoyment AND practicing writing and language skills. Thanks for the review, Jan...I can't tell you how much it means to me...
Title: Dumbledore's Will 18 Nov 2005 1:37 am
Reviewer: Zigflorian (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Wow!!!  What a cliffie!!!! 

    Author's Response: LOL...you won't have to wait long...give me til the weekend, and I'll try to have the next chapter posted-I promise, no later than Wed. Thanks for reviewing!

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