Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Reviews For Lily's Charm
Title: Chapter 32: Separated 30 Jan 2008 8:46 pm
Reviewer: Kristeh (Signed) [Report This]
    Oh, I forgot to say that I'm not accepting that "It's not me; it's my muse" business either! You sound like my son when he's trying to get out of something (It wasn't me! It was all so and so's fault!). Well, I don't accept that from him, and it won't work for you either.

    Remember, only you can prevent forest fires...No, that wasn't it...Oh, yeah, only you can save Severus!
Title: Chapter 32: Separated 30 Jan 2008 8:43 pm
Reviewer: Kristeh (Signed) [Report This]
    Another great chapter! I was really glad to see how much Dumbledore cares for both Harry and Severus, and how tender and protective the others are with Harry. It's nice to know that he does have so many people who love him and will care for him, though none of them can take his father's place, of course! (Harry needs his dad, OE!)

    You know, I normally can't stand Lucius, I guess I've read so many fics where he's as bad as Voldie, or even worse. But after reading this chapter, I can't help but hope that he too will be all right, and that maybe there's hope for the Malfoys' redemption, too. That would be nice to see.

    I loved how Ginny wanted so much to stay with Harry, how she was willing to face down McGonagall to do it, but I also think Harry could maybe use a little time alone with Severus now, too.

    It was wonderful how Harry realised that his father just liked to know all the little details about his life, that he can tell Sev even about the things that seem silly or unimportant, and that Severus is truly interested because it's Harry telling him.

    And that ending...well, I want Sev and Lily to have their happy ending, but NOT YET! Harry needs Severus now, and I hope Lily will help Sev to see it and encourage him to go back for their son's sake.

    Thank you, too, for commenting on my fic. I'm probably going to update "Slave Child" one more time just because it's new and I'm excited about it, but then I'm going right back to writing on "Potions Professor."

    Author's Response:

    Oh, Kristeh! :o)  That's supposed to be a really huge, smiling funny face grin for you.  You make me laugh!  With your little extra review.  And I won't back down...much like your son.  It wasn't me.  Sev went back to Lily all by himself.  I swear.   :oP

    Oh, poor Dumbles.  He tries so hard.  *sigh*  It is great for Harry to have so many people, isn't it?  He does need Sev.  I only hope Sev can see it (yes, Sev...NOT me)

    I'm so happy you have some good vibes for Lucius.  He did the best he could and yes, I do think there's hope for those Malfoy's yet.  I love too that you used the word 'redemption'. That's really what this fic is about for me.  

    Ginny is a tiger, that's for sure.  She'd pretty much do anything for Harry at this point, but you're right.  Harry needs time alone with Sev now...especially now.  

    Harry really is growing up and that realization that Sev truly does care for him is very very important.

    Yeah, Sev and Lily...NOT YET!  You heard the woman.  Give it rest!  LOL

    I love your fic.  I didn't realize you'd started anothe.  Okay...must go check it out...must go check it out.  LOL  Thaks for reviewing!  :o) 

Title: Chapter 32: Separated 30 Jan 2008 8:01 pm
Reviewer: Lio Saoirse (Anonymous) [Report This]
    argh, nooooo! you can't sevvie!! please bring him back, or have him have a nice conversation with lily! yeah that would be good. harry doesn't need anymore people leaving him!


    Author's Response: You're right about that.  Harry doesn't need that at all.  Hopefully, Sev knows that as well.  :o)  Thanks for reviewing. 
Title: Chapter 32: Separated 30 Jan 2008 7:52 pm
Reviewer: cathyrf (Signed) [Report This]
    Well, I have to come up with original material to write because my twin from another dimension in the space and time continuum (pkrosche) hasn't posted yet and I can't say, "Yeah, just what she said!" I'll attempt to do my best. ;-)

    Albus's point of view - and subsequent grief - watching Harry and Severus in the hospital wing was touching. I like to be reminded that he didn't always make the best choices for Harry and feels regret over it. And noticing how concerned Remus was not only for Harry but for Severus as well. I DO want those two men to be friends. Assuming Severus ever wakes up (but I'm not going to accept anything else).

    I also liked getting filled in on Lucius did to get Severus back to the hospital wing. It really makes my skin crawl that the reasons were entirely self-serving and not at all due to any kind of, shall I say friendship for Severus for lack of a better word. But he did it knowing it would have some payment of torture from old Voldy in return. So he still gets the pat on the back from the last review, but I'm glad he didn't get a hug, LOL.

    Albus said just enough in his office about Harry and Severus relationship, because any other details to share should be up to Harry, even if it left some confusion (loved the "Mum's going to have kittens comment...so in character).

    Harry was just breaking my heart. Trying so hard to keep it together. I got this HUGE lump in my throat as he's trying to talk to Severus and keeping it light, but quickly just dissolving into making any kind of promise it would require to make his Dad come back to him. And Remus.....always there. I have really come to think of Remus as Harry's "other Dad." He really is wonderful.

    But I think Harry is emotionally done for. How can you truly believe your father is dead, find out he's still alive and begin to think he might be okay to hear again he's (for all intent and purposes) clinically dead. I don't even think Remus can put Harry back together again. Breaks my heart (sob!)

    I am completely feeling bipolar on the Severus and Lily turn of events. Naturally, I love that he gets to see her again and potentially work out some issues with her that will help him in his grief and guilt surrounding her, but all the time he spends there means Harry continues to suffer. Get your issues dealt with Severus and get the heck back to the here and now, darn it!

    Who gets this chapter's hug? I'm wrapping up Remus and Harry together. Because poor Remus has got a handful to deal with, poor guy.

    Oh, I SO am and SO not looking forward to the next chapter, if you know what I mean.

    BTW...I'll put in my own two cents here and say you really should come and join us for the chat (and often time silliness) on the Lily's Charm Yahoo board. Really!

    Author's Response:

    Well, Cathy, my dear...you did a very nice job indeed.  :o)  Oh, and yes...do join our lovely chats.  We are fun, darn it!

    Oh, the regret poor Albus feels.  Very sad that one.  He tried though.  He did.  I hope Harry can someday realize it as well because I really do think Albus loves him.  So sad.

    I knew you would like the Remus part a lot.  YAY!  He really does have feelings of friendship for Sev.  I don't think at this point, Sev could really return them, but it's a start at least.  LOL

    Oh yes, Lucius did it entirely for selfish reasons (well not entirely as it was for his son) but no, he is too cold and cruel a man to really care about Severus one way or the other.  Creepy indeed.  Glad you liked it though.  And now aren't you glad you guys riled me all up yesterday?  LOL

    LOL  I loved the 'kitten' comment too.  I can't imagine Molly taking this well.  Arthur was dumbfounded enough for the whole of 'em.  And Tonks hasn't even had a chance to get her two cents in.  Poor Remus when she does!  LOL

    Harry was breaking my heart too.  He was doing a bit of bargaining there wasn't he? Well, he is pretty desperate.  :o(  Remus is perfect.  I love him more and more each chapter.  I love that he sorta guide Harry to do what he knows Sev would want him to.  Awww.

    Clinically dead.  Yes.  I'm glad you said it because that's what it is.  I don't think Harry can take much more (if anything) at all.  He's truly gonna be done for now.  

    Harry will continue to suffer...I won't lie to you.  LOL  I am pipolar on the issue too, but hey this was Sev's idea...not mine.  (I swear!)  Remus and Harry, all wrapped up together.  Yes please.  Oh, I think you will enjoy the next chapter, my friend.  As you did in fact inspire the bestest part with your lovely poster.  Now all you go find my yahoo group and look at it!  :o) 

Title: Chapter 32: Separated 30 Jan 2008 6:42 pm
Reviewer: treetop (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Wow. I don`t usually review, but your story keeps me on the edge of my seat. I really love how Harry is affected. Poor boy though. Hopefully, Snape`ll remember that there is a promise to keep. Might not be the most comfortable way, but Lily won`t mind waiting if it means her son won`t be alone and heartbroke. Thank you for this great story and i absolutely love your super-fast updates.

    Author's Response:

    YAY!  I'm so glad you decided to review!  Thanks.  I'm glad you're enjoying the story and I'm keeping you in suspense.  I'm glad you like the way Harry takes everything.  I hope Snape remembers too. You're very welcome and for the updates as well.  I just can't stand the wait either!  :o)

Title: Chapter 32: Separated 30 Jan 2008 4:23 pm
Reviewer: Anonymous (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Good job. But please write a longer chapter. And please bring Snape back

    Author's Response: LOL  Longer?  Okay, I'll try.  And I'll try to get Snape back to Harry. :o)
Title: Chapter 32: Separated 30 Jan 2008 3:59 pm
Reviewer: graynavarre (Signed) [Report This]
    I am going to hold on to hope. I really, really am. (Sob)

    Author's Response: Hold on, graynavarre, hold on!  :oP
Title: Chapter 32: Separated 30 Jan 2008 2:11 pm
Reviewer: Tsuby (Signed) [Report This]
    Aww! So beautiful and so sad at the same time! In a way I don't like the way it's going, but at the same time I have to keep reading. This story is seriously threatening to make me cry :)
    Thanks so much for the stories and for the fast updates!

    Author's Response: LOL  I'm glad you like it and don't.  None them are so happy either...well, except Sev right now.  :oP  Thanks for continuing to read it anyway.  There's always hope!
Title: Chapter 32: Separated 30 Jan 2008 9:49 am
Reviewer: Keina (Signed) [Report This]
    OK, I knew I shouldn't have read at work, and it's happy I don't have students right now because I'm fighting against tears... I'm a bit kinda paralyzed, so I hope nobody ask me anything in the next hour because I'm not sure I will be able to answer...
    One thing I know... there is a very frightened Unicorn somewhere in France !! ;-)

    Author's Response: LOL  Hang on little unicorn!  Hey, I didn't kill him.  He left!  It's not my fault!  :oP  I'm glad though that you're so affected by the story.  I love it and thanks for the review!  :o)

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