Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Title: Dinner 25 Feb 2022 12:00 am
Reviewer: cavehack (Signed) [Report This]
    Oh dear, I’m looking forward to seeing how detention goes. Thanks for your interesting and well written story.
Title: Dinner 11 Dec 2008 7:13 pm
Reviewer: Pandora (Signed) [Report This]
    I am a little upset that this chapter didn't get more frogs. Whether or not you agree with CP, and I really am against it, and don't usually like reading stories with it, the review should be based on your writing skills and how the story is composed and I, for one, think that this story is very well written and it is quite unique and well-thought out.

    You definitely deserve five frogs for this chappie! Nice work!

    Author's Response: Thanks! Yes a story with CP is probably bound to provoke heated controversy... Well, and I write from Snape's point of view, how I think he would feel. That does not mean I agree with him. 
Title: Dinner 11 Oct 2008 2:11 pm
Reviewer: Well... (Anonymous) [Report This]
    I think this is too much focused on the caning. Which, apart from the fact that physically hurting children can't teach them to not hurt people. I don't see the logic. I don't think Dumbledore would ever have agreed to caning, he is too wise for that. Snape would be the kind of person who lashes out and then regrets it, not punish like that methodically. It makes no sense and the author wallows without end and explains how great caning is and how effective, etc. I have been caned, hit with many objects, kicked, etc when I was a child and I see no reason why it should be... glorified, that's what it is. JKR would not have done this. Though, there are many things she wouldn't have and I agree with, but nonetheless, this story is pretty off. It is the first on P&S I believe to be out of place.

    Author's Response:

    Sorry if you think it's glorified, that was not my intention.

Title: Dinner 09 Oct 2008 3:38 am
Reviewer: lema (Anonymous) [Report This]
    omg poor poor Harry!
    AND he had detention? taht sucks!
    poor kid, gosh that caning was bad enough!

    Author's Response: Poor Harry indeed...
Title: Dinner 08 Oct 2008 7:50 pm
Reviewer: Cheesedoodle (Anonymous) [Report This]
    So we're going to ignore the fact that Harry used the spell in self defense, are we? Look, it's not a bad story—it's actually rather well written—but this just seems really warped to me. Draco tried to *torture* Harry. If someone began an unprovoked attack on you, and (for lack of a better analogy) hurled something at you that if it hit would cause you indescribable agony, don't you think you would be justified in retaliating any way you could? If Malfoy had actually ended up dead I would still think he deserved it.

    As you can see, I don't think Harry deserved punishment for using the hex under these circumstances. However, if we're *going* to hand out punishments merely on the basis of that fact it was an unknown incantation, I am shocked that Draco is getting off scott free. He started the fight, he knew perfectly well what his curse did, and it was a horrible curse! Yet he isn't getting any punishment at all, when Harry is going through all kinds of things, just because...what? Because he knew what crucio does? Or because he was hurt? I doubt that taught him much of anything, especially since he was healed almost immediately. Or because his curse didn't land? That would be ridiculous—if a person shot at someone, I don't think everyone would be saying, "Well, he missed, so we can't hold him accountable."

    I wasn't going to respond to your story about whether Harry deserved his punishment or not, because while it seemed unwarranted to me, I figured your universe would at least be equally harsh to everyone involved. So, fine. It's your prerogative. But I am very disturbed that Draco isn't in trouble as well.

    Author's Response:

    Thanks alot for your detailed feedback. I love it when readers share with me what they liked and what they didn't like!

    As I understood, your main point of criticism is that Draco isn't punished as well. (And it seems, you are not the only one to feel like that... ). As I replied to another reviewer, HannahRammah, also in Canon Draco was never punished for almost killing two fellow students (necklace, poisoned wine), because Dumbledore wanted to protect him, and the book does not mention any punishment for Draco's attempted Crucio, either.

    Side note: Believe me or not, I think the punishment that Harry got in HBP was in a way even harsher than in my stories. Making Harry copy James' and Sirius' misdeeds and commenting "It must be such a comfort to think that, though they are gone, a record of their great achievements remains", I think that is cruel beyond words.

    Again, thanks for your review!

Title: Dinner 08 Oct 2008 6:54 pm
Reviewer: HannahRammah (Signed) [Report This]
    Although your story is well-written, it's not really logical. Draco attempted to use an Unforgivable and none has done a thing about it. And it just doesn't follow with canon Dumbledore that he would allow Snape to cane Harry. Even you mentioned in this story that Dumbledore had abolished corporal punishment. Why then, would he allow it now? With Harry, of all people? And similarly would not do anything about Draco's role? I realize this is not a story about Draco, but to be an effective whole, the lesser parts must make sense.

    Author's Response:

    Thank you very much for your review.

    I agree that it seems unfair that Draco isn't punished for trying to use an Unfogivable. However, I do not think it contradicts Canon. There, Draco was never punished for almost killing two fellow students (necklace, poisoned wine), because Dumbledore wanted to protect him. (And, by the way, it is not mentioned in Canon, either, that he was for the attempted Crucio, and I am pretty sure that Harry did tell McGonagall about it to justify himself when he was "called out of the common room for fifteen highly unpleasant minutes in the company of professor McGonagall", as it says in the book.)

    So, is Dumbledore OOC as he allows Snape to cane Harry? Maybe. However, he needs a lot of persuasion by Snape who knows how Draco probably feels. After all, Snape felt betrayed after the werewolf incident and it was another step that made him take the Dark Mark. So he wants to protect Draco from making the same mistake that he made in his youth, and I can imagine that Dumbledore can be convinced, even if he does not feel completely comfortable with it.

    Again, thanks for your feedback, I appreciate your sharing your thoughts with me!

Title: Dinner 07 Oct 2008 10:48 pm
Reviewer: Pandora (Signed) [Report This]
    I like this chapter better than the previous one, not that the other one was not well written, but ouch!

    I was a little disappointed in Snape for telling Malfoy the details of Harry's punishment. He should not have discussed the punishment with another student, even if Malfoy was the one who was hurt by Harry's actions. Now, the whole school will know about it.

    I hope that Snape will not be as harsh with Harry in the future, if you plan on there being a mentor/guardian type of relationship with Harry.

    Well written though!

    Author's Response:

    Thanks for your feedback.

    Yes, I understand what you mean, if I were Harry, I would just hate to think that Malfoy of all people knew I had been CANED. However, as it was Snape's main argument that Draco needed to know that Harry would be punished, it wouldn't have made much sense to cane Harry and then keep it quiet.

    As to how harsh Snape will be with Harry in the future, well, I will not tell you in advance...

Title: Dinner 06 Oct 2008 6:24 am
Reviewer: Dismal Air (Signed) [Report This]
    I forget what happened in cannon, maybe things were heating up too much event-wise for there to be any consequence for Harry? Anyway, I like how it's developing extremely slow--Snape is still rigid as ever and Harry is distant.

    Though you're killing me with these interludes lol, I'm ready for more :)

    Author's Response: Thanks, glad to hear you're ready for more, more will come!

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