Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Reviews For Vows II: Duty
Title: Chapter 4 12 Jul 2009 5:54 am
Reviewer: Snapegirl (Signed) [Report This]
    Draco is a Ravenclaw now--I like it! That's the first time I've ever seen that one done. But I think it's good that he's made new friends and all--though I'm surprised that Sev can;t keep his Slytherins in line enough so that his son is safe.

    I loved the part about the two boys sliding down the bannisters--I used to do that when I was a kid with my nieces in my basement. We used to put huge pillows from our couch at the bottom and slid down onto them over and over. It was such fun! Until our parents caught us and made us quit.

    I also like how you give Crookshanks a bigger role in this story and made him Harry's pet as well as Hermione's.

    Author's Response:

    It's not so much that Severus couldn't have kept the Slytherins mostly in line; he's Severus Snape, of course he could - but he can't be everywhere at once. Draco is also, if nothing else, wanting to save his hide. This was Draco's decision to be resorted, it was his solution to the problem at hand - knowing his most likely prospect would have been to  be sent to his brother's dorm or the Ravenclaw tower. He just couldn't forsee having to spend the next 5 years walking on eggshells around his own common room, nor having to constantly rely on his father to bail him out. He keeps his dignity this way and reduces the chances that Nott and gang would terrorise him.

    Yeah, I used to do the same thing, sliding down the bannister, or taking a large pillow and surf down the stairs. Now THAT was fun!

    Crooks is still Hermione's, he's just reveling in the fact that he's found Harry again. But he still considers Hermione his owner. She IS the one who feeds him. ;-)

Title: Chapter 4 12 Jul 2009 3:45 am
Reviewer: FawkesSong (Signed) [Report This]
    I like the idea that Crookshanks was the Potters' pet.
Title: Chapter 4 12 Jul 2009 1:32 am
Reviewer: Pandora (Signed) [Report This]
    Draco's a Ravenclaw. How interesting!

    I love that he made friends with Luna. I'm glad that Draco's happy now though.

    That is so cute that Crookshanks was the Potter's cat when he was just a kitten, and remembers Harry's scent from when he was a baby.

    I'm really looking forward to your next update. i'm so glad that you are writing a sequel for Vows.
Title: Chapter 4 12 Jul 2009 1:01 am
Reviewer: Doc Brown (Anonymous) [Report This]
    I still can't help but think that Severus could've made his House walk around Draco on tiptoes, with very little effort, so the resorting wouldn't be necessary. For instance, taking points off Slytherin (if not Nott & co) liberally and repeatedly, and not-so-subtly remarking that Slytherin won't be out of minus points until the order is restored among the ranks. I'd bet the Slytherins would converge upon the measly 2nd/3rd years very quickly, under the circumstances, as I can't believe clear-thinking people are a minority there.

    Author's Response: He possibly could have, but the points reduction would have meant they would have made it worse for Draco, and Severus can't be everywhere at once, nor could Draco go around on tip-toes among his former mates all the time. This was his solution - it was up to him as to whether he wanted to be resorted or not. Severus would have supported him either way.

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