Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Reviews For O Mine Enemy
Title: Chapter 41 - The Elusive Severus Snape 14 Mar 2020 6:39 pm
Reviewer: Xedra (Signed) [Report This]
    This fic!!! OMG it's killing me but I loooooooove it!!!

    Author's Response: I'm sorry to be killing you but so happy you're loving it!!!! :)
Title: Chapter 41 - The Elusive Severus Snape 14 Mar 2020 3:17 pm
Reviewer: Stuff and Nonsense (Signed) [Report This]
    I was wondering how/when Snape would be "found out." Now I'm dreading what will happen to him, especially, but I know he'll have some type of plan. I do love the "seeing magic" detail; it sounds so beautiful. I hope we find out more about the ring and how it works later. I was so sure Voldemort was going to taunt Harry with the "Snape loved your mom" bit, and I'm surprised he didn't take it further. I'm really wondering just what is up with Harry's power and connection to Voldemort. I absolutely adore this story and your masterful story-telling ability. Keep up the superb work!

    Author's Response: Thank you for your review! (And sorry for taking so long to respond!) So here's the thing about Voldemort (at least, my Voldemort): he doesn't really understand the full range of human emotions or how valuable they can be to his enemies. I don't think he even understands that Snape loved Lily. To him, Snape had a physical desire for Harry's mum a long time back. It was fleeting and he got over it. It's barely a blip to Voldemort - a passing, amusing thought - and he has no idea what such information might meant to both our boys. So I can see him going either way - not revealing it because he doesn't think it's important, or casually revealing it without knowing what he's actually revealing. That's my take, anyway. :) Thank you for your kind words! I hope you're staying safe out there in this crazy world!
Title: Chapter 41 - The Elusive Severus Snape 14 Mar 2020 11:58 am
Reviewer: Kyralian (Signed) [Report This]
    Oh, crap! And you finish on such a cliffhanger! It has been my unfortunate observation that many writers reach a major cliffie and never update again, don't be like them! Stay focused and strong, and keep away from the blasted coronavirus [and the writer's block]! I'm anticipating a torturous forthnight - happy writing!

    How can they get away now? My guess is that Harry needs to perform some miracle.

    Author's Response: I won't be like them, I promise! Even though 12 years ago, I was just like them... But let's ignore that. I'm older, wiser, and more determined now to finish. ;) Sorry it took so long to respond to your review though! This last month has been crazy in more ways than one! Stay safe out there!!
Title: Chapter 40 - Death Eaters are the Worst 12 Mar 2020 8:25 am
Reviewer: AbsintheAddict (Signed) [Report This]
    Hells yeah I love the idea of Harry getting stronger through legilimency. I think it was a lost opportunity in the original series as I really find interesting both of the "mental arts". The idea that Harry is fulfilling his future Harry vision but "on his own terms" is also sounding likelier and likelier. And that strength and Snapes loyalty I hope it gets to mean that the alternative nicer future is coming to be the actual reality. That and getting revenge on that b.. Bella were my favorite parts this chapter. I loved the uncertainty, Voldemorts anger and fear... Everything. It goes without saying that I enjoyed this chapter as always. Hope you are having a good week and I hope to read from you soon!

    Author's Response: Thank you! (And sorry about the long delay in responding!) I'm glad you liked those parts. I'm having fun writing this section of the story. Well...I mean, I've been having fun with all of it, but you know. ;) I hope you are doing well and staying safe out there!!
Title: Chapter 40 - Death Eaters are the Worst 11 Mar 2020 10:44 am
Reviewer: Xedra (Signed) [Report This]
    Amazing chapter! But these cliffhangers OMG!!!

    Author's Response: I know...the cliffhangers are hard to resist. They're so fun in this part of the story! At least for me. Maybe not for you... ;) Thanks for reading!!
Title: Chapter 40 - Death Eaters are the Worst 07 Mar 2020 9:23 pm
Reviewer: hobesan (Signed) [Report This]
    Still enjoying this immensely! Mighty fine writing.
    I hope there is plenty more or that maybe there will be a sequel. Please.

    Author's Response: Thanks!! I'm having a lot of fun writing it. :) We are at the climax of the story now, and then I will take however long I need to wrap things up and wind the story down. I have no intention of continuing the story into the school year except to get them settled in the new year. I do have some ideas for a sequel, but I don't know for sure if I will pen one yet. I'm focused on getting this story done and then taking a break, and then I'll see if the mood strikes. :)
Title: Chapter 40 - Death Eaters are the Worst 07 Mar 2020 12:30 pm
Reviewer: Kyralian (Signed) [Report This]
    I admire your ability to plan, dedication required to bring a new chapter weekly. You can't imagine how comforting it is to check my email Saturday morning and be confident while doing so that a new chapter is waiting for me there.

    I liked the little surprise for Bella, I imagine the deatheaters will become even more wary of Harry now, as will Voldemort.

    Snape's feeling guilty, well, he bloody has the cause to! Somehow, this chapter made me resent him, unlike Harry who is much too forgiving! The bloody man nurses his grudges as if they were his children, while using any excuse to abandon the one child he's a guardian of!

    So Harry's picking up Legitimency nicely - that's very interesting...

    Author's Response:

    I'd say "poor Snape," but he brought it on himself. I love Snape-as-Harry's-mentor stories in fanfiction, but I don't think he could shed his character flaws of bitterness, resentment, impatience, etc., overnight. I'm aiming for his relationship with Harry showing him that he has the ability to change (and to start on it)...but the actual change itself would be a slower process. 

    You know, if Harry had more time to think in between the scariness and surprises and torture, I'm sure he'd be analyzing his newfound Legilimency ability like crazy! I'm sure when things settle down, he'll manage to be properly awed by his sudden progress and consider all the possibilities.

    Thank you for the regular reviews! I'm so glad you enjoy the weekly chapters!! It's been a lot of work, but it's been so so fun. Fair warning...I'm having a harder time keeping up, what with so many important/climactic scenes and tying up of loose ends coming up. In order to not stress myself and to not forget anything storywise, I may need to take an extra week in between updates for a couple chapters. I'll have a better idea by the end of the week, but I'll let you all know. Even though I love the idea of consistent weekly updates, my main goal is to simply to make sure people know exactly when to expect the next chapter and then to deliver. 

    I hope you're having a fabulous week! 

Title: Chapter 40 - Death Eaters are the Worst 06 Mar 2020 11:22 pm
Reviewer: Ms_Prongs (Signed) [Report This]
    My heart was in my throat for the last part of that chapter (I almost wrote episode by accident...)

    You have a way with words that just draws a person in. I couldn't help but cringe at each painful moment for him. GOD you're good.

    I really do need to go back and re-read this, it's been a while since I have... maybe that'll keep busy until your next update.

    Author's Response:

    I love thinking of it as an episode! :) I wanted to do regular updates (or at least let people know exactly when to expect an update) for the reason that it's more fun to follow a story that way. Plus it motivates me when I have a firm deadline and people holding me to it! 

    Thank you for the compliment, and at the same time, I'm sorry the painful moments made you cringe! :) I'm so happy you're enjoying it so much, even enough to re-read it!! :) :)

Title: Chapter 39 - Window to the Soul 29 Feb 2020 4:49 pm
Reviewer: AbsintheAddict (Signed) [Report This]
    I want cherry pie, haven't tried it at all but sounds delicious xD. I thought it weird crabbe was smart given his son's behavior in school.does that mean crabbe is S. Snaoe? Is he an ally? Or did something else happen. I guess I'll find out next week. I wish you have a most productive weekend and next week so we might be granted an extra long chapter xD. Just kidding! Write at your own pace and I'll be waiting for it ;)

    Author's Response: Cherry pie IS delicious! Especially warm out of the oven, with a side of cold vanilla ice cream. Yummm. Yeah I decided to make Crabbe slightly smarter than his son (we all know it isn't like father like son, after all), and I figure Snape wouldn't impersonate somebody who had zero brain cells...unless he thought being underestimated would give him a leg up. In this case, I think he knows he stands a better chance of protecting Harry if he disguises himself as somebody with a certain amount of standing in Voldy's inner circle. Thank you for tuning in, regardless of chapter lengths! :)
Title: Chapter 39 - Window to the Soul 29 Feb 2020 2:20 pm
Reviewer: Blueber (Signed) [Report This]
    Wow you're such a good writer! I've been checking all week just in case you were back early. I was surprised at Harry's capture and wasn't sure how you would resolve the story with that plot twist, but I love this twist with Snape coming to the rescue as Crabbe and Harry fighting back with his mind and saying Voldy's name! I have to go back and reread when he got the ring now. Thank you for continuing to write this great story!!

    Author's Response: Aw thank you so much! It means the world to hear that you're enjoying the story so much! I hope you continue to enjoy it. :)

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