Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Title: Chapter 33: The Best Birthday Ever 21 Oct 2008 11:23 am
Reviewer: fluff (Signed) [Report This]
    Awwww the ending was lumpy in the throaty, lovely. Oh to be a fly on the wall of that room when that happened!
    Nice chapter, poor Harry trying to do the right thing and getting into more trouble for it.

    Author's Response:

    Hi Mila. Glad you enjoyed the chapter. Yep, it certainly would have been interesting being there for that revelation. You will see more next chappie.

    Harry and Ginny will settle things between them...as far as they can when rampant hormones keep on rearing their persistent heads.

    How are theings with you?


Title: Chapter 33: The Best Birthday Ever 21 Oct 2008 10:06 am
Reviewer: Nakago (Signed) [Report This]
    Wow. I've almost cried at the end. Sweet, really. Does it mean that Severus' parenthood will be secret no more? Finally.

    Author's Response:

    For the select few in that room, Severus' paternity will no longer be a secret. But their discretion has to be gaurenteed because Sev is still a spy. Sev could no longer deny Harry's entreaties to tell the Weasleys about their situation.

    Glad you enjoyed the chapter. Thank you for your review.



Title: Chapter 33: The Best Birthday Ever 21 Oct 2008 4:43 am
Reviewer: dancingkatz (Signed) [Report This]
    I am not displeased at all. Truly! The scene between Harry and Ginny was very well written and I liked the fact that everything didn't go completely smoothly for them. The start of a real relationship is always fraught with misunderstandings and confusion and it makes their growing love for each other much more realistic than if everything had been smooth sailing.

    I thought the stuff about the snitch was really cool and am wondering if the snitch is actually heavier now that it holds Harry's magical signature (or perhaps something else?) than when Harry first held it.

    Severus' present to Harry was perfect, and I'm not talking about Lily's textbook (or at least no only Lily's textbook). What made Sev change his mind about letting other people know about their relationship as father and son? I'm sure you'll tell us eventually.

    I'm really looking forward to the rest of your story. You are an excellent writer and you just keep getting better and better!

    Author's Response:

    Hi there. Thanks for the review. Glad you liked the chapter so much. I think it would be too boring to have everything go too smoothly. They care too much for each other to let it fester though. The snitch is the snitch that DD leaves to HArry in his will in DH. It is heavier because the Resurrection Stone is inside it. My Dd doesn't die, you see.

    Sev changed his mind because he finally realised after he argued with HArry and Albus last chapter, just how hard it would be for HArry to keep on pretending to hate him all through the coming school year. They will, of course, have to continue with the subterfuge in front of others, especially the Slytherins...draco and Nott specifically. He is only telling the Weasley,s and Hermione...Fleur too becasue she and Bill are together.

    Thank you for your compliments. I hope I can continue to please.


Title: Chapter 33: The Best Birthday Ever 21 Oct 2008 4:32 am
Reviewer: Lilsabby (Anonymous) [Report This]
    I just wanted to let you know that this is one of my favorite stories. Thank you for the great chapter. It was worth the wait.

    Author's Response:

    Very glad you enjoyed it. Thank you for letting me know.


Title: Chapter 33: The Best Birthday Ever 21 Oct 2008 3:27 am
Reviewer: Pandora (Signed) [Report This]


    YES, YES YES!!!!

    Sorry, but I needed something warm and fuzzy after reading Tabitha & Jade's absolutely brilliant, but sad story!

    Did I say I love it!!! You have made me a happy woman!!

    Author's Response:

    So pleased that you are pleased, Dawn. Yep, light and fluffy was certainly a must after the dark angst-ridden Crucio.

    Love that story though.


Title: Chapter 33: The Best Birthday Ever 21 Oct 2008 3:19 am
Reviewer: Anonymous (Anonymous) [Report This]
    LOOOOOVE IT!!!!!!! About time! Oh golly... that was fantastic! Mostly the end... but I do like it that Harry is being responsible w/ Ginny. He made the right choice

    Author's Response:

    Thank you. so glad that you enjoyed it so much. He is being responsible, but he is questioning his sanity for bringing that lovely little idyll to a screaming halt.

    But the end of the day has made up for its inauspicious start.



Title: Chapter 33: The Best Birthday Ever 21 Oct 2008 1:06 am
Reviewer: Coconut Rum (Signed) [Report This]
    I one of those people who rarely give any feedback -- and when I do it is only when I love the story and consider it an all-time, short-listed favorite. That said, I simply wanted to tell you that this is exactly the soppy event I wanted to see -- the time had come. You write well and your plot is well-developed. You've been pretty true to character throughout and have been gradually developing characterizations that demonstrate that people grow and change. Good job.

    Author's Response:

    Thank you for finally taking the time out to let me know what you think. Lovely to hear from you and I am so glad that ASD is one of your favourites.

    Your compliments are much appreciated.


Title: Chapter 32: The Softening of Severus Snape. 09 Oct 2008 4:56 am
Reviewer: skrwt (Anonymous) [Report This]
    I enjoyed this! Thank you!
Title: Chapter 32: The Softening of Severus Snape. 08 Oct 2008 9:39 pm
Reviewer: little-starling (Anonymous) [Report This]
    I just adore this story. Each chapter infuses just the right amount of touchy-feely emotional angst from both harry and snape to leave you wanting more. You're doing a wondeful job of describing the evolving relationship between the two without rushing it. I also think you have a fine grasp of all the secondary characters, such as Ron, Hermione, Ginny and Molly.

    I do hope we get to see more Dumbledore in future chapters, you write him so well. Can't wait till the next chapter.
Title: Chapter 32: The Softening of Severus Snape. 08 Oct 2008 8:03 pm
Reviewer: Verdad y Vida (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Loved it! Planning to do a more involved review later, but this all I have time for today. Sorry! Was thrilled to see you'd updated.

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