Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Title: Chapter 8: Black 12 Jun 2008 7:59 am
Reviewer: Leilia Snape (Signed) [Report This]
    Wow... That is all I can say about this story.
    I have read all of Lily's Charm, and every "mini-story" in this universe. Absolutely incredible.
    I have to tell you that I love this story, (I love all of these stories) and keep checking at least once a day to see if you have updated yet.
    And I have to tell you that you are going to kill one very loyal reader with all of this suspense.
    Now to the actual review. ;-}

    I loved how this chapter turned out!
    I can't wait to find out what Sev and Remus have up their sleeves. Are they going to try to bring Sirius back to life? I am looking forward to Sirius's reaction to finding out that Sev is Harry's father. Should be interesting. ;-}
    What happened between Remus and Tonks?! They were so happy together. Tonks was overjoyed that Remus Finally proposed, and Remus was just about jumping up and down earlier. but now Remus always seems sad. and that line that said (when) "Tonks had still wanted him". Did I miss something or was it not in there or am I just really dense?!


    Author's Response:

    LOL No, you didn't miss anything.  I just love to give snippets that don't tell the whole story.  Annoying, I know.  You'll learn about Remus and Tonks later.  Patience, dear grasshopper.  And I am so glad you found LC and are enjoying it so much.  :o)  I love to hear it!  And I know, my suspense is killer, but that's me.  I just love to leave you all begging for more.  More fun for me that way.  LOL  Oh yeah, you'll have to wait and see about Sirius as well.  ;o)

Title: Chapter 7: Darkest Places 12 Jun 2008 6:35 am
Reviewer: ChooseToLive (Signed) [Report This]
    I'm glad to be on board. :-) What I like about how you're handling Harry's fame is that you're showing how easy it would be to get caught up with it and swept along with the tide, without any intention of hurting people. I work in the entertainment business, and it's so easy to see how it's possible.

    As for Harry and Sev's relationship, I like that they have issues but those issues aren't allowed to spin out of control. They have good communication (not the least because of that link!) and I enjoy seeing them work through things together, without overblown misunderstandings or profound angst. It's all very healthy and very appealing (especially to a hurt/comfort girl like me).

    And, btw, LOVE LOVE LOVE the Lily/Sev flashbacks and relationship. Yeah. Love. Not sure how else to describe that. :-) Especially because you haven't made James evil in exchange. Yep, I dig your universe. :-)

    Author's Response:

    Oh, i love the flashbacks as well!  And no way to evil James.  I don't love evil James.  Glad you enjoy the flashes back in time.  They are very fun to write. 

    Oh, you are so nice.  LOL  I love the way you describe what you enjoy about their relationship.  I'm glad you see it that way--just like I hope readers will see it.  I just love the way the two of them have bonded.  That link is a handy thing, I agree.  ;o) 

    I agree that Harry's behavior is perfectly plausible, even for Harry, if you know what I mean.  You can't be cool and unaffected all the time.  I actually enjoyed writing Harry's big head, though I know not everyone has been a fan.  But hey, I thougt it was realistic.  And did I mention, just fun!  LOL  Hey, come join us on our yahoo group if you want.  They are all fun and just as obsessed as I am.  LOL  Thanks again for your awesome review.   :o)

Title: Chapter 7: Darkest Places 12 Jun 2008 4:01 am
Reviewer: ChooseToLive (Signed) [Report This]
    Are you FREAKING KIDDING ME?!? I started reading Lily's Charm about three days ago, ripped through it and now The Gift and THIS is where you've left of?! I have the worst timing. :-p

    Anyway, I love your universe, and the intimate relationship you've created between Severus and Harry, and right now I'm enjoying seeing Harry deal with fame in a way I haven't seen before. Keep up the great work, and I'll definitely be back for more!

    Author's Response: Oh wow!  I love to have a new reader find LC!  YAY.  And yeah, you do have pretty bad timing.  LOL  Sorry about that.  I'm so glad you are enjoying the story though, and the Universe.  I am in love with these boys.  Head over heels!  Yep, my most fun obsession.  I'm so thrilled you are enjoying Harry and Sev's relationship.  It was so fun to have their mind link help that relationship along.  YAY.  And glad you enjoying Harry's dealings with his fame.  I didn't want to do the same old, same old and there's a method to my madness. I promise.  There always is.  Thanks for the great review and I'm so giddy that you enjoyed LC.  My baby.  *wipes tear away*  :oP 
Title: Chapter 7: Darkest Places 10 Jun 2008 7:23 am
Reviewer: b_e_skrewt (Signed) [Report This]
    AGH killer cliffie! Please continue!!!... I have some guesses but I want to wait to see if I'm right :)

    Awesome chapter btw.

    Author's Response: Aw man!  I love guesses.  Sure you don't want to share?  LOL  Well, glad you liked the chapter anyway, even with my evil cliff.  I love cliffies!  :oD
Title: Chapter 7: Darkest Places 09 Jun 2008 6:43 pm
Reviewer: cathyrf (Signed) [Report This]
    EVIL EVIL EVIL EVIL EVIL EVIL EVIL you are. (That's seven).

    Of course I say that with the deepest of affection because the angst junkie that I am adored that chapter from the bottom of my heart. I felt every single emotion Harry and Severus went through and weeped for the thought of what Severus could experience if Harry dies. When Harry kept trying to apologize to Severus and thinking everybody hated him - dang, that broke my heart. *sniff sniff*

    Yup, you know I'm in the camp of "Sirius is helping Harry." He adores Harry too much to be any other way.

    Oh, I sense some historic angst level highs coming up. I need to restock my tissue stash. I think I'm going to need every single one soon. My poor guys. They'll come up with some way to save Harry (I can't conceive of any other ultimate outcome) but I can't wait to see what you've got up your sleeve to get there. You're brilliantly evil (there's eight).

    I should hug Remus because life is being so mean to him, but I just really need to hug Severus. The grief he must be experiencing at watching Harry slip away from him is so heart wrenching.

    Tremendous chapter. Evil...but tremendous.
Title: Chapter 7: Darkest Places 09 Jun 2008 5:16 pm
Reviewer: Kristeh (Signed) [Report This]
    Oh, wow...this really is angsty, all right. Poor Harry, I knew something was very wrong with him, but I didn't think it was this serious, to the point that he could die.

    What an awful thing he and Severus are both going through, Harry with the terrible visions and believing everyone hates him, and Severus having to see his son in such pain and fearing for his life. And everything was supposed to be 'happily ever after' after Voldemort died! It's just not fair...poor boys.

    I definitely think that either the Sirius in Harry's vision is trying to protect Harry from the ice and the void, or else he's a manifestation of Harry's own sense of guilt. I just can't believe that Sirius would truly blame or hate Harry.

    And poor Remus, going through difficulties all his own, too, though I'm sure that has paled compared to Harry's situation.

    I'm so looking forward to the next chapter!
Title: Chapter 7: Darkest Places 08 Jun 2008 11:24 pm
Reviewer: Nightshade (Anonymous) [Report This]

    Author's Response: I will!  Don't worry.  Thanks for letting me know you are liking it! 
Title: Chapter 7: Darkest Places 08 Jun 2008 9:50 pm
Reviewer: Keats (Signed) [Report This]
    From some of your reviews I know it is not Voldemort but maybe it is Harry himself, that evil part of us fed by abuse, guilt and insecurity. Harry has faced so much evil and hate in his life and he has always tried to put it behind him, yes he has Sev, Remus, Ginny and all his friends but he has always suppressed parts of himself (only Sev might be able to access through bond) hidden in the abyss that Volde created. That dark Harry is now trying to fight the light Harry for control and is winning. That is my guess

    Author's Response:

    Wow.  Awesome thoughts about this.  I love that you've really thought about it, especially the bit about only Severus being able to those darkest parts of Harry through their bond.  Of course, I won't tell you either way, because you'll just have to wait and see.  Thanks so much for the review.  I'm so glad you're enjoying the story still.  :o)

Title: Chapter 7: Darkest Places 08 Jun 2008 7:12 pm
Reviewer: Cecilia Farrell (Signed) [Report This]
    NOOOOOOOOOOOOO Your too cruel, Voldermorts back!!! Poor Snape he's got to save Harry from the icy darkness, you can't kill him that would just be evil, its getting to the end of the series (?) and to kill him now would be exceedingly depressing... Snape would completely break to pieces and Remus and Ginny would be heart broken the love of her life gone, taken by voldermort. Has Voldermort being controlling Harry??? was it him speaking (in a sense) at the dinner party?
    Come on you can't kill off-Harry, no matter the angst riddled charater of LC, for you'd be committing character genocide, nobody would ever be the same ever again. *Finger crossed* come on Harry fight lol :D, i'm holding out for a fluffy ending regardless of the all indicators.

    Author's Response:

    Well, no.  Voldemort is dead.  But yeah, someone better start saving Harry from the icy darkness before it's too late.  *evil cackling*

    If Harry dies, yep it will be a very short sequel.  The other one was 55 chapters!  LOL  Voldemort has not been controlling Harry, nope.  He's dead. 

    You are cracking me up!  Character genocide...   ROFL

    Keep those fingers crossed!  :oD

Title: Chapter 7: Darkest Places 08 Jun 2008 3:09 pm
Reviewer: graynavarre (Signed) [Report This]
    No, I can't guess. I am too busy whimpering and hiding in a corner and hugging on to my teddy bear. Oh, and sucking my thumb. (highly undignified position for a 60 year old woman)

    Fix them, please.

    Author's Response: LOL  Poor Barbara, hiding in her corner.  I will do my best.  I don't want you in that corner for too long.  LOL 

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