Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Title: Chapter 7: Darkest Places 08 Jun 2008 12:46 pm
Reviewer: ivys (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Excellent chapter. Harry will be okay,right?!!! Good luck with the next one and I hope it will be soon!

    Author's Response: Well, if Harry's not all right, it will be a very short sequel.  Hee hee.  I'm glad you enjoyed this chapter though and I hope I'll get chapter 8 out pretty quickly as well.  I am very excited for it.  Thanks for reviewing.  :o)
Title: Chapter 7: Darkest Places 08 Jun 2008 8:03 am
Reviewer: jolisgsd (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Your new laptop has obviously revitalized you. This was your most angsty chapter ever!!

    First I started crying for Remus who must be about to lose his job, lose the love of his life (he'll give her up in a fit of nobility), then I started crying for Severus when he leaped for the Floor in total fear for Harry, then I started crying for Harry who is in both physical and emotional pain (it sounds like) and is convinced that Sirius and Lupin both hate him as well as his dad. In fact, his dad hates him so much that Harry is convinced that he'll never be able to come home to the dungeons again, then I started crying for Severus who is watching his son die and is planning his own death right afterwards so he can be with Lily and Harry. This is too much crying!

    I hope you are back to your normal quick updates -- I don't look forward to a week or more of sniffing while I wait for the next installment.


    Author's Response:

    Yep, me and my laptop are getting along great.  :o)

    Wow, that IS a lot of crying.  Well, I cried as well if that makes you feel any better.  I'm sure it doesn't.  LOL  I will try to be quick in my next update, though of course I know you are waiting on Crucio as well and that's almost in the bag.  Did you really think this was my most angstiest ever?  Wow. I didn't even realize.  Well, good to hear!  I am off to type as fast as my stubby little fingers will allow!   

Title: Chapter 7: Darkest Places 08 Jun 2008 6:47 am
Reviewer: pkrosche (Signed) [Report This]
    No...awww, shit. I only have some slightly horrible theories that are most likely wrong, but you, my dear, are uber angsty this chapter. And evil. But I love it!!!

    Ok, so I don't know if I want to change my "favorite chapter" title from ch. 6 to this one...but its really, really close!

    This was amazing! Really!! And I should have paid more attention to your little poem at the beginning, because it says just who's in the crevice!! VOLDIE! (Our old friend...)

    So...do we get to find out just *how* he's channeling Sirius in Harry's mind?! This is totally confusing...you said he's dead (Voldie) and gone from the world...and yet he's able to communicate with Harry in his dreams...and now unconsciousness. Hmm...too many possibilities!

    Well, I must say though, I loved seeing a tired and sad and just finished crying Remus. Although I'm worried about what was said about Tonks...and Remus' job...and why he wasn't at the dinner...and why Tonks wasn't at the dinner. I'm just worried. Its sad, that poor werewolf has got a hard life. He could use some chocolate...perhaps we could all use some after reading this chapter!

    And Sev. That poor man. He's got a hard life too! But I did love seeing him so deeply concerned with Harry. Harry's description of his voice and how this *must* be a dream because Dad never talks like that and never tucked me in like that was jus hilarious!

    And I suppose it goes without saying that Harry's got a pretty hard life as of right now too. I seriously hope that ch. 8 isn't the last one...as you haven't said anything of the sort I hardly believe it. And that it doesn't end with Sev trading his life for Harry's...cuz that would just suck. And I would have to say that your black Dark Queen of angst, married to Voldemort hat was sewn to your head. (Ouch.)

    But YUPPERS!! LOVED THIS CHAPTER!!! Can't wait for the next one...hehe... But I do feel as though I should be freaking out about this, I'm kinda ok with it all. Really, Sev's going to save Harry with minor damage to his psyche and mental capacity and Harry'll confess to his being a total prat (which was partly due to Siri/Voldie) and they'll be skipping off into the sunset with Remus in tow with lots of medicine-laced chocolate! Perfecto!

    Ok, maybe not, of course you'll do a lot better...but please tell me I should be worried, because I'm just...not.

    Again, great chappie!! And its a semi-evil cliffie...darn you! But I love it (and you, of course!!) anyway! Have a good rest of a rainy weekend!

    Author's Response:

    Yay for my first review of the chapter!  Yips!  LOL  Yep, old Voldy is in the crevice.  Or more aptly, he created the crevice....

    Now, now.  I never said Voldy was channeling Sirius.  After all, Voldy's dead.  ;o)

    I'm glad you liked just finished crying Remus.  That man is a head case right now.  Even without Harry's angst, he was already.  You'll have to wait to see about Tonks though.  I have a new Tonks/Remus chapter in the works for y'all. 

    Sev...yes, poor Sev.  LOL  I am chuckling that you enjoyed Harry's wooziness and not quite getting that it wasn't a dream because Severus was being so gentle. 

    The last one!  Heck, no.  Please, do you even know how much angst I have planned for you?  LOL 

    Well, there won't be any skipping, sorry.  And there might be damage to everyone's psyche...but probably for reasons you can't even imagine.  Come on, what fun would it be if you could just figure it out all on your own?  LOL

    Of course you should be worried.  I am DQ, and my black hat IS sewn right to my skull now, so hold on tight!  :oP

Title: Chapter 6: Deflation 06 Jun 2008 11:01 am
Reviewer: pkrosche (Signed) [Report This]
    Ok, so I’ve seriously neglected you and your lovely story. But, OE…apparently something good happens when you’re ill and on holiday, because I think this chapter was the best of all (if that’s even possible since they’re all so bloody brilliant!!)

    And I never do this, but here are some of my absolute favorite lines:

    “Clearly his son needed an attitude adjustment.

    And he would get one.” -I seriously thought after reading this, “Good, Harry needs one! Go Sev!!” How strangely I would be both proud of the man and disappointed at the same time…he tried so hard, but I really think that if Sev just pushed a little more…

    ““Yeah, Potions,” Harry shrugged. “My dad won’t say anything,” he assured him as he gestured him to continue on to the library.

    “Your dad,” Ron retorted, “is still Snape.”” -Oh, Harry…this is terrible! I can’t believe that he’s gotten this far into that sinkhole.. (Hopefully this trip to Pomfrey’s will sort him out!)

    I did enjoy the banter between Draco and Harry, and was, I’ll be honest, really confused by it at first. It just didn’t make sense…but now I think I get it, so, no worries! It was hilarious when Zabini was so distracted…oh geez… But then, as it usually goes with
    Harry, he got in waaay over his head and was just covered in Draco’s sticky niceness. Ick.

    ““And you believe that because you and I banished Voldemort, you are now entitled to special privileges?” he inquired, as though he really wanted to know. Well, saying it like that made him sound right daft, didn’t it?” -I love how Harry’s been going about the castle saying that he single-handedly defeated Voldie, just because his dad didn’t want Harry to make a big deal about the part that he played in it…but totally took it to the next level…which was WAAAAY too far.

    ““You have never enjoyed your fame,” Severus reminded him.

    “Well, why shouldn’t I enjoy it now?” Harry asked with a shrug.

    “I did not say you are not entitled to enjoy the attention, but not to the detriment of your relationships with those who care about you. I am concerned about you, Harry,” he added, stepping closer. The movement made Harry feel skittish and he quickly stepped away. His father stared at him, his eyes shining with surprise.

    “There isn’t anything to be concerned about,” Harry told him, recovering quickly to feel the shadow of pain from Severus’ flame; he didn’t acknowledge it, and then the flame was extinguished. “I’ll apologize to Remus, and I’ll spend loads of time with my friends.” Harry couldn’t quite still the sarcasm as it flowed from his tongue, and again he waited for a reprimand. It didn’t come.” -This was horrible to read, I’m telling you. Defiantly one of those “rip my heart out and squash it with the heel of your shoe while laughing manically” moments. How could Harry be so thick?! And Sev not reprimanding him shows just how cutting Harry’s words were…and that Sev had given up.

    I really hated seeing the Weasleys and professors sitting at their own table in the corner…and Harry not even being able to go and talk to them was harsh. But in the mood he is currently stuck in, he probably would have made himself out to be an even bigger arse.

    “And Mrs. Malfoy had even patted Harry’s hand in a maternal manner at one point when Draco was assuring him that he wouldn’t be bored in the least if he chose to simply join the ranks of the elite of wizarding society. It only took a look from Severus for Mrs. Malfoy to peel her tapered fingers from Harry’s skin. She looked rather pale during the remainder of dinner.

    And Dumbledore simply watched all of it with concern.” -I love these awkward moments, and cherish each one that you give me…but this was overshadowed by much deeper feelings. Harry’s uncomfortableness, for one, and Sev’s eternally deep love for his git of a son. Thirdly, how much Albus can screw up, on occasion…and how much he cares for Sev and Harry as well.

    “Harry felt his father’s stiffening frame beside him, as if he were worried Harry might actually consider it, and that’s when Harry finally realized that his dad had been almost completely silent the entire evening and even the flame had remained dormant against his storm.

    Purposely dimmed.” -I am seriously concerned about Sev here, just as much as Harry. I hope that the next chapter opens with Sev searching out a teary-eyed Remus, and letting off some steam…unless Remus and Nymphadora were gone for a more practical reason, like eloping, seeing as how their best man turned into a monster…Or, since you just dashed my hopes saying that they weren’t together…I have no idea…

    Oh, and I love Ginny’s uncanny ability to imitate Severus. He he!!

    “Ginny glared at up him. “You know perfectly well, Harry Snape, that you wouldn’t even be here if it hadn’t been for your father. And you didn’t say a word. You acted as though you did it all alone. Without any help from anyone…not Lupin, not Dumbledore, not Bill,” she scolded. “And even Ron and Hermione have noticed the way you’ve been so…so overly pleased with yourself.”” -Once again, Ginny strikes truth!! Love that girl! I really hope that Harry took something away from their conversation (or her scolding, which ever you want to call it) and gets lots of time to think on her words, and more importantly his own actions while he’s in the Hospital Wing. *crosses fingers* Unless this leads to Siri…and Voldie’s eyes…then he can stay a git for a little while longer.

    I really enjoyed Harry and Ginny’s cuddling too…it was adorable! They’re so great together, well, when Harry’s not being fawned over by random girls that would have never given him the light of day a few months before. Also I’m amazed that it’s only been two, count ‘em: one, two, days since Voldie’s defeat. Amazing.

    And I’ll bet my non-existent pay check that Harry didn’t take his father’s potion…which really scares me. And I have a feeling that they won’t be meeting with Lucius’ lawyer lady…huh?

    Heh, this long enough for ya? Glad to have you back and it’s glad to be back!
Title: Chapter 6: Deflation 01 Jun 2008 12:08 am
Reviewer: susan (Anonymous) [Report This]
    is there some voldemort left in harry? i mean he is so out of bounds, and ginny, harry, severus and remus should go on a holiday, it would do them some good!

    Author's Response: Well, there is definitely something wrong with him, but nope, Voldemort ripped his little soul piece out and there is none left in there...  And you're right.  These guys really DO need a holiday.  :o)  Thanks for the review. 
Title: Chapter 6: Deflation 01 Jun 2008 12:02 am
Reviewer: lola (Anonymous) [Report This]
    awesome harry and ginny part and i am really concerned about harrys behaviour! i mean, he is such an idiot and i hope he will see reason soon!

    great work, as always

    Author's Response: LOL   Harry is being a big idiot, isn't he?  You should definitely be concerned about our boy.  I'm glad you enjoyed it, idiot Harry and all!  :oP
Title: Chapter 6: Deflation 29 May 2008 9:31 pm
Reviewer: Kristeh (Signed) [Report This]
    Great chapter! I felt like I was on a roller coaster at times, feeling frustrated, then smiling, then getting worried, etc. You really do know how to play on readers' emotions, don't you?

    I loved that Severus went to talk with Remus...I just can't get over how far those two have come!

    I smiled at Harry's and Draco's interactions, and Sev snapping off Narcissa about the money.

    I kept wondering what was up with Harry at the dinner. It's good that he realised he was in the wrong in the way he handled the classroom situation with Remus, but his behavior continued to be so...off, so 'not Harry'. I really am thinking that there is something seriously wrong with him, and your ending would seem to point towards that, too. I can't wait to see what's going to happen next. I'm very concerned about how Harry keeps spacing out, and then the awful screaming and he won't wake up? I hope the others can help him.

    Oh, and I loved Ginny. She was just perfect and knew exactly what to say and do. You go, girl!

    Author's Response:

    Yeah, Harry is certainly not himself.  You'll have to wait and see why though.  :oP  I'm glad you enjoyed the many many emotions though.  I love to write them.  Severus and Remus have come far, though Severus still is not quite sure what to do about their friendship.  It scares him, I think.  And he wouldn't admit that Remus is actually his friend.  LOL 

    I really have fun with Draco and Harry. 

    I love Giinny as well.  Glad you enjoyed the chapter.  thanks for letting me know.  :o)


Title: Chapter 6: Deflation 29 May 2008 2:22 am
Reviewer: waterleaves (Signed) [Report This]
    YES! HARRY'S REALIZED HE'S BEEN A WANKER! Thank you- Thank you! haha! I'm lovinggg it. Clearly Harry is pushing aside the deeper issues that he really needs to do with. I hope that this nightmare will be a catalyst for him to face that cold vacant feeling. Excellent update!

    Author's Response:

    yep, Harry is burying too much and they'll have a lot to work out if Harry can wake up from his nightmare.  Hee hee.  And yeah, it was pretty clear that Harry would get it eventually.  LOL 

Title: Chapter 6: Deflation 29 May 2008 12:36 am
Reviewer: JolisGSD (Signed) [Report This]
    Another great chapter. I'm hoping they are going to figure out what is wrong with Harry.

    Author's Response: Well, they better or the story will be over.  LOL
Title: Chapter 6: Deflation 28 May 2008 10:57 pm
Reviewer: Elphaba (Signed) [Report This]
    Holy Cow what a Great chapter, but as I am fond of saying, Bad cliffhanger Bad Bad Bad!

    Author's Response: LOL  I know, I am evil again.  I love it though.  Thanks for the review.  :o)

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