Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Title: The Child Under The Tree 07 Jul 2011 1:16 pm
Reviewer: DS (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Awesome! I absolutely loved the little twist you gave to the story.. that little Tom finds his mum. Much more forgiving and humane than the cannon!

    Author's Response: I'm glad you think so! I admit that that part of canon never sat well with me, and I didn't really understand why Dumbledore would keep Harry from helping the baby, when he'd formerly always encouraged Harry's kind and loving side. I'm happy you like what I did with little Tom!
Title: The Child Under The Tree 07 Jul 2011 4:36 am
Reviewer: Natasi (Signed) [Report This]
    Holy sh!t snacks, thank you for not killing Harry!

    I look forward to the next chapter, great job!

    Author's Response: You're very welcome :)! To be honest, I don't much like deathfics, so I never really intended to kill him... but I like cliffhangers ;). Thank you very much for reviewing!
Title: The Child Under The Tree 07 Jul 2011 3:13 am
Reviewer: Hope_06 (Signed) [Report This]
    wow i loved this well done

    Author's Response: Thank you very much!
Title: The Child Under The Tree 07 Jul 2011 2:40 am
Reviewer: B00kw0rm92 (Signed) [Report This]
    Ooooooh, this was SO SWEET! Wonderful chapter! I can't wait for more!

    Author's Response: Thank you, I'm glad you liked it!
Title: The Child Under The Tree 07 Jul 2011 1:14 am
Reviewer: Dotty Lizard (Anonymous) [Report This]
    I'm so glad that Harry got to see his parents. I was hoping he would end up in that in-between place after the last chapter so this one is a relief. Also, that was a good thought to see baby Tom off with his Mum; far more satisfactory a conclusion than what was in the book.

    I really enjoy the way you've written Harry in this chapter now that he's been freed (hopefully) from evil possession. I know it's going to take a while for him to adjust to it once he's back in the real world, but I'd like to see more of this Harry in the future. Thanks for writing! :)

    Author's Response: I enjoyed writing a more carefree Harry, who can enjoy himself without fear of being possessed. But yes, you're right of course, it's going to take him a while to adjust - and Snape, too! I'm glad you liked the chapter, thank you for reviewing!
Title: The Child Under The Tree 07 Jul 2011 12:25 am
Reviewer: Anonymous (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Oh, beautifully done!

    Author's Response: Thank you very much!
Title: The Child Under The Tree 07 Jul 2011 12:15 am
Reviewer: Poirot (Signed) [Report This]
    I loved the visual references in this chapter, and the pacing was just right!

    I wish you had shared a little more of merope's thoughts, though, but you can't have everything. :)

    Author's Response: I'm glad you liked this one better! I agree about Merope; she would have been an interesting character to explore, but as the chapter was from Harry's POV, I couldn't explore her thoughts and feelings in more detail. Thank you for reviewing!
Title: The Child Under The Tree 06 Jul 2011 11:20 pm
Reviewer: Frostbluete (Signed) [Report This]
    Love it! Beautiful chapter! If I had any fresh and tasty tomatoes you'd get them^^

    Author's Response: Mmmh, I'd make myself a nice tomato salad :)! Thank you very much!
Title: The Child Under The Tree 06 Jul 2011 10:23 pm
Reviewer: Helene (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Good Job with it.

    Author's Response: Thank you, I'm glad you think so!
Title: The Child Under The Tree 06 Jul 2011 9:54 pm
Reviewer: alifromnm (Signed) [Report This]
    Oh, this so makes up for the cliffee. Nice to see that Tom goes to his mom and Harry will come back to Sev. Thank you.

    Author's Response: I'm glad everyone's so forgiving about the cliffie (I know it was a bad one)! Thank you very much for reviewing!

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