Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Reviews For Lily's Charm
Title: Chapter 49: Hopeful Denial 30 Jul 2023 5:00 am
Reviewer: cavehack (Signed) [Report This]
    The clock is ticking, indeed, as we get to the denouement. I’m looking forward to seeing how this all plays out.
Title: Chapter 49: Hopeful Denial 21 May 2010 8:54 pm
Reviewer: SnapesLily (Signed) [Report This]
Title: Chapter 49: Hopeful Denial 04 Aug 2009 6:23 pm
Reviewer: Baghi (Signed) [Report This]
    Hmm...curious. I hope things end well for our dear Snapes.
Title: Chapter 49: Hopeful Denial 24 Mar 2008 3:08 am
Reviewer: pkrosche (Signed) [Report This]
    Ok, first of all, I have to say I was dying, literally DYING of laughter for the first half of this chapter...oh man. Rolling on the ground, mouth wide open, belting out huge chorals of laughter I was. Thanks.

    It was really wonderful, though to see more of that wonderfully strong werewolf backbone show up, love that werewolf! But I'm glad that all that yelling got into Sev's skull. Hermione's not the only one with the cogs turning and it was great for Sev to finally say as much out loud, but I get ahead of myself...

    Ahh...you kill me dead. I was seriously waiting for Harry to jump up on the couch, yelling at everyone, "Yeah, we have resigned ourselves to our fates, so good bye! Avada Kedavra Maxima!!" and simply kill himself and Sev (unless that would kill everyone in the room, then Sev would also jump up on his chair and they would simultaneously chant "Avada Kedavra" at each other, letting everyone else deal with Voldemort while they're enjoying complete bliss beyond the veil).

    But I was really proud of Remus to continue to voice his opinion, so like my own. It was a relief too, to see Sev sorta except the possibility of hope.

    Which leads me to the Charm...it was beautiful how you wrote it...I loved that part so much. And it was truly beautiful how Harry reacted to Sev's Dark Mark, and so true. But it was refreshing to see Harry react to it so strongly.

    Why was it so strange and astounding that there was “A ring of light formed with the final chant, encircling both [Harry and Sev]?” Or was there simply supposed to not be any reaction from the charm other than the obvious arm coating? It was just strange how they were so in awe...unless they saw something more?...

    And YES!! More hope, their connection was strengthened by the reenactment!! (With the possibility of mind reading...I bet Sev's not too happy about that!)

    Poor Harry for always needing to shelter his friends and only hurting himself in the process and poor Severus for watching Harry shut down...But you can stop it Sev!!!

    Ok, back to business...I really liked how in character Ron and Hermione were here. Ron's anger and outbursts at Sev for giving up was spot on in how Harry's best friend should react. Loved it! And Hermione, already kicking around a few more neurons. And her suggestions really did help Harry out too...as well as Sev. Love her!

    And Harry's self-sacrificing nature was horribly tangible then too, not wanting any of his friends to get too close to Voldemort. But it's sadly true; it's exactly what happened in canon...Harry taking responsibility for his friends so they will get to live full lives, without him if it comes to that. But I really did want to slap Harry out of his suicidal stupor from the beginning of the chapter...geez, that boy!

    But I've got to hand it to Sev, he was really great, allowing Harry's friends to 'help' even though he said that they probably wouldn't find anything that they didn't already know. But that just means that it WILL happen!! Ha ha, Severus, ha ha.

    As funny as all this is and as hard as I was laughing in the beginning of the chapter, the solemn nature of the second half could still not bring me down fully. I'm sad, but, like Harry and Sev and everyone else, I have hope that you've got some more tricks up your sleeves.

    But it was still hard to go through the motions of gaining that spark of hope, only to shove it down, dampen it out, just as Harry did. But still, there is hope for tomorrow (granted I doubt that Harry will be able to survive an entire day of classes if he even goes to one, let alone breakfast) and with Dumbledore having some ideas of how to greater strengthen Harry and Sev's connection as well as the Order Meeting coming the day after tomorrow...I can't help but be optimistic. While I still feel terribly crestfallen about the whole situation...but again, I have faith in you, OE (and your wonderful muses)!!

    But naughty Severus for attempting to bait Remus...but, then again, good job Remus for not taking it! (Love that werewolf! Did I already say that?)

    And I wonder what that particular roll of parchment handed oh so subtly to Sev by Dumbledore...Harry better start asking some very well thought out questions... Because I happen to think this is extremely important...but I've been wrong before. Whichever, I'm ok with both but, do we get to find out more in the next chapter? (I can't believe it's already fifty!!...wow!)

    Oh, and Sev, you better word your answer very carefully...evil, evil, evil, evil, evil, evil you are...evil cliffy...

    Besides that, what a wonderful chapter and I'm extremely sorry if I jump around lots...I guess three cans of Mt. Dew will do that to a person. Oops. Well, have a nice Sunday night as well as a Happy Easter, and I'll see you soon (figuratively speaking, of course!)... Until next chapter, then!

    Author's Response:

    I am sorta laughing that you were laughing.  You really have a way of affecting my moods.  LOL  Remus definitely got into Sev's head.  This was a fully-permeated Remus chapter extravaganza.  Yay Remus!  I love him. 

    ROFL  I love it.  Simultaneous Avada Kedavras just to get the whole thing over with!  ROFL

    Remus' hope is going nowhere for as long as those two lunkheads need it.  Let's hope not for too long.  LOL

    Thanks.  I am glad you liked the Charm re-enacting and Harry's reaction to the Mark.  I really feel the lure of it for some reason.  The tantalizing, evil beauty....

    Everyone else in the room could momentarily feel the connection that Harry and Sev share...it was so strong for that brief moment.  That's why Albus asked if they could feel it, but to them it just is.  They are used to it.  Everyone else was stunned how much they are really connected and possibily how deep their feelings run for each other.  It was an 'awe' moment!

    LOL  It wasn't mind reading, per se...  But more later on that in chapter 50 and beyond. 

    I really adored Ron here.  He momentarily forgot that he's never really liked Snape and forgot to be intimidated as well.  LOL  Hermione is not gonna let his go either.  Not as long as she's got a book, that is!

    Suicidal stupor is right!  But that's all up to Sev, I'm afraid.  All he needs to to is give that boy a reason to hope and he will.  Sev's opinion pretty much means the world to this kid now so someone go kick Severus in the bum please!

    I love you taunting Sev.  Your'e too funny. 

    I'm glad you haven't lost all hope!  Everyone else is trying to keep the faith as well.  :oP

    Don't have faith in me.  My muses are notorious for leading me down paths I never meant to go...

    You will love the parchment answer...yes you will!

    Yeah, Sev!  Listen to PK.  Word your answer carefully!

    Happy Easter and thank you for your marvelous review!  :o)

Title: Chapter 49: Hopeful Denial 24 Mar 2008 2:22 am
Reviewer: Raven (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Go figure! I have no internet for several days and there's an update with the news of less than ten chapters left!? Oh no! An ending is in sight!? That is incredibly depressing to me. I just want this to go on and on forever! Well, maybe not Forever, but for a while yet. *sigh*

    The strengthening of the charm to ensure Harry is the caster was a very interesting, exciting, and just eye-bugging-out moment...Loved it. And Remus...I love your Remus. He's just...the friend thta I swear everyone needs! I love him. And you know, I'm not that big of a Ginny fan (speaking in canon, there) but your version of Ginny is much stonger, and much more developed I think than in JKR's version; she's just a lovely girl.

    As mentioned, even though the ending is in sight, (*sniffle, blows nose, wipes eyes*) I am so excited for the big showdown! I'll probably be sitting here screaming at the screen reading while anyone in the vacinity is wondering what my problem is...But, that's life! I love your story so much!

    Author's Response:

    Well, there's gonna be a sequel, so don't fret too much.  The sequel will pick up right where LC ends off so technically it is the same story, just split into two.  Feel better?  :o)

    I'm glad you liked the strengthening moment for them.  Everyone does need a friend like Remus.  Especially these two.  I'm so glad you like this Ginny.  I love her so much but you are right, in canon she was never developed to her potential.  

    The showdown is coming.  It's about time!  LOL  I've had that part written for ages and I'm so excited to reveal it soon.  I hope you do get some screaming in!  And I know I am used to the librarians staring at me disapprovingly as I type.  LOL  :o)  Thanks for the review! 

Title: Chapter 49: Hopeful Denial 23 Mar 2008 11:18 pm
Reviewer: cathyrf (Signed) [Report This]
    As I read through the first part of this chapter and my mouth fell open, leaving me looking like a fish (not a good look on me), and I noticed the tingles racing through my extremities, I could only wish for one thing. That I was Catholic. I'm not, and it's a shame in this case...

    Because I would seriously nominate Remus for sainthood. He earned it here. Righteous fury fits him like a glove. St. Remus - it has a nice ring, does it not?

    He cornered the market on sarcasm here too. Every single angry statement he aimed at Severus (and at Dumbledore, once) was truthful to their very core:

    “Stop that!” Remus admonished, his arms finally uncrossing as he flung them out in front of himself, his sudden anger startling Harry. “This is not some adventure the two of you are embarking on, no matter how many times the Headmaster will tell you so,” he told them fiercely.


    Remus turned back to Severus, his eyes blazing. “Harry has to want to live!” Remus told Severus, almost shouting now, his fists pulled down by his sides. “Telling him how splendid it will be to see Sirius again…you’ve got him so mesmerized by it, he’s practically eager to die!” he insisted angrily.

    But best and got the biggest "ouch" for Severus IMO:

    “But you understand it, don’t you, Severus?” he returned, almost jeering the words. “That’s what this is about, isn’t it? You enjoyed it so much the first time that you can’t wait to go back. And now you’re just going to drag Harry along with you!”

    (Ah...got a bit of fire on your head, Brain, I mean Severus. OE will get the reference).

    A riled up werewolf is again a force to be reckoned with! Thanks again to Tonks for getting him back in the game...because we certainly needed somebody thinking less morbidly here.

    But then he comes back to our gentle cuddly wolf when he calms down and says what I think it the most important line in this chapter:

    "...and then in his soft, familiar voice Remus said quietly, “It’s a fight, Severus. You can't let Voldemort win.”

    {{{{HUGS}}}} Remus. Thank you for making Severus see the alternative. It needed to be said just this way, in exactly those words. Perfect.

    Okay, enough Remus love for the moment. (More later). There were so many little visual moments that kept getting my attention. The "fog" coming and going over Harry has he struggled for what he was "told" would be and then what "could" be as the charm was discussed and tested and he felt Severus' conflicted feelings. Other visuals:

    "the cogs in Hermione's head whirring.."

    "There was no twinkle in the old man’s eyes...."

    "Though the loss was only vaguely perceptible, the sudden pain it brought was palpable"

    "The symbol of how much his father loved his mum. It was actually quite beautiful."

    "...But his dad was studying him, the black streaked with uncertainty."

    "An unfamiliar mask slipped over his son’s face..."

    Those were some of many (but if I keep cutting and pasting we'll be here all day), but that last one was a painful one for me (as well as Sev) because it's hard to see Harry shutting down and not wanting to hope.

    And you've got to love his friends for standing right there as they always have, ready to help in whatever way they can (whether Sev wants them to or not, though he clearly is resigned to them being there for Harry). It was Ron's remark to Harry that I loved most..."You don't have to die either!" Said like a true best friend.

    I'm back to Remus love for reminding Severus of *why* he went to Albus and it not just being for Harry's sake. And he made the point one more time, when it was Severus' eyes he met just as Remus flooed to his quarters. You can just imagine it as the "I meant what I said, Severus" can't you?

    Sev...your answer to Harry's question at the end of the chapter better be awesome. You could turn the tide for him here emotionally.

    I am consoled by the ending being near in that there is a sequel. Whew...

    Do I even NEED to say St. Remus gets my hug for this chapter? Really, people...no one else deserves it more.

    Author's Response:

    St. Remus!  I love that werewolf.  But I always say that, don't I?  LOL  He is brilliant with his righteous anger.  It takes a lot to rile him up but when something does...wow.  But come on, Severus and Harry are practically drooling at the prospect of dying.  it's just easier to give up.  Much harder to fight.  And Remus knows it; he needs to make them see it, especially Severus as pretty much, whatever Sev decides, Harry's going to go with it. 

    I'm glad you could feel the confliction of Harry and Severus.  They WANT to live and want to want to live, but come on...it's not an easy thing to have to hope for something that you might not get.  It hurts too much.  

    I am so glad you got such good pictures with this chapter.  And yep, that was really hard for Sev to see Harry shutting down.  Yikes.  Poor both of them again.  

    Remus trying to make amends there with Severus while still telling him to shape up was hard for all of them.  Harry to see this interaction between them and for Sev and Remus as well, as they explore this thing that just might be friendship.  

    Yeah, Sev...listen to Cathy!  Get a grip, man!

    A sequel...of course.  Did you really think I would let our boys go so easily.  Don't think so! 

    Can I join you for that Remus hug?  Ah.  Bliss.  

    Thanks for the awesome review!  :o) 

Title: Chapter 49: Hopeful Denial 23 Mar 2008 11:11 pm
Reviewer: Caramello (Signed) [Report This]
    My heart dropped before reading, "there will be a sequel." Lol. I would be so sad if you were willing to give up this universe so easily.

    This chapter was a bit less sad than the previous two, in a good way of course. Like a breath of fresh air, even if we know that there is some inevitable things. HOWEVER, if there IS a sequel, I don't have to be horrified at all the possible outcomes, haha ;)

    Thanks again!

    Author's Response:

    Nope, nope!  Not giving these boys up.  They are mine!  *maniacal laughter*  There is a bit of hope brewing for our guys.  I'm glad you thought of it as a breath of fresh air.  It was sorta, huh?  Wellllll, I never did say where this one would end, now did I?  *more crazed chortling*   Thanks so much for the review!  Glad you enjoyed.  :o)

Title: Chapter 49: Hopeful Denial 23 Mar 2008 7:38 pm
Reviewer: Jade_Sullivan (Signed) [Report This]
    Quite possibly the most poignant, wonderful description of the Dark Mark I've ever, ever read:

    "Harry’s fingers seemed to have their own mind as they reached out toward the tattoo that marred his father’s pale skin. It was ugly…repulsive really, and yet he was drawn to it, captivated by it. He trailed the pads of his fingers over the taunting skull. The symbol of how much his father loved his mum. It was actually quite beautiful."

    The way you describe: 'Voldemort's blemish'...'the blue melted into their flesh'...

    You write so poetically. I'm just in awe.

    I couldn't help but smile at the line, "The library would become a second home to all of his friends by morning, he knew."

    There is so much loyalty implied that one statement, and I nearly choked up at the thought...

    This was incredible. I will revel in these final ten chapters. :)

    Author's Response:

    Thanks Jade!  I always enjoy getting a review from you.  They just make me smile.  :o)

    I'm so glad you liked the Dark Mark description.  It just seemed to fit. Being entranced by it.  And in this story, it really IS a symbol of Severus' love for Lily and then later for Harry.  And so many are mesmerized by evil.  Thanks for pointing that part out.  I really enjoyed writing it.

    You know really the only reason I write is because I love to play with words.  They fascinate me.  I really would love to have someone give me an idea and just write the story for them.  I am not all that creative.  I just love words.   Thanks for the compiment. 

    Harry's friends are so loyal.  Ron was so moved by everything that was going on, he didn't even notice he was being nice and civil to Snape.  LOL  He forgot to be intimidated by him. 

    I am so happy you enjoyed the chapter and hope you enjoy the rest of the story.  Thanks so much as always Jade!  You are awesome.  :o) 

Title: Chapter 49: Hopeful Denial 23 Mar 2008 4:54 pm
Reviewer: Keina (Signed) [Report This]
    Oh no, soon over already ? well I know that there are 50 chapters so maybe not 'already' but... ugh !I never thought I would say that one day, but please slow down, I don't want it to be over yet ! and ths chapter was powerfully sad ! Oh my... the only think I don't want is to see them apart, don't care if they live or die ( ok, that is mean !) ;-)

    Author's Response: LOL  I know it's sad but there will be a sequel.  YAY!  I know what you mean though.  Live or die, they just need to be together!  Glad you enjoyed the chapter even if it was sad.  :o(
Title: Chapter 49: Hopeful Denial 23 Mar 2008 5:13 am
Reviewer: Anonymous (Anonymous) [Report This]

    Oops, caps. Lol. *waits for next update*

    Author's Response: Thanks!  Glad you enjoyed it.  :o)

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