Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Title: Chapter 41: The Wrong End of the Stick! 28 Aug 2009 1:06 am
Reviewer: DazzlinD (Anonymous) [Report This]
    i am really enjoying this story. keep up the great work.

    Author's Response:

    Thank you for your review. I am glad you are enjoying the story.



Title: Chapter 41: The Wrong End of the Stick! 27 Aug 2009 10:51 pm
Reviewer: lunaz (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Great chapter. My favourite moment was when Snape realized that Harry also saw him in the mirror and that he was included as part of the family. And then that last paragraph..."I thought I would go and see if Lupin has recovered........" excellent touch. Thank you.

    Author's Response:

    Thank you...so glad you enjoyed it.



Title: Chapter 41: The Wrong End of the Stick! 27 Aug 2009 6:48 am
Reviewer: jolisgsd (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Thanks for posting this to P&S. Good chapter.

    Author's Response:

    You're welcome.



Title: Chapter 35: A laying Down of Arms. 27 Aug 2009 1:19 am
Reviewer: Vicky (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Ahhh! Harry you are such a total moron! Why does he have to over react to everything! As always, my annoyance is a good thing as it shows that I care about the characters, and Harry wouldn't be Harry if he didn't believe someone didn't want him at the slightest of indications. But for gods sake, why can't he see that Severus' indifference is not indifference, but hides his true emotionbs in front of others! At least, that's what I think it is. You only got 7 reviews? For one of my stories, that would be incredible, though that is probably because they suck, lol. I don't think anyone how has read ASD dislikes it, as I have said many times before, ou are an author of increidble talent, and a brilliant imagination. Some people can come up with the most incredible storylines, but just not be able to write in a way that drags in the reader, and...I was going to say vice versa, but a good plot is essential to drawing the reader in. Anyway, you have both talents in spades. I think you're right about long stories, and when a chapter goes on for so long it can be annpying, as you don't feel you're making progress in the story, or the story is boring and drags out scenes that really don't want to be dragged out. Obviously not the case in your story. lol, if it was, wold I have wrote that? No. But you're right, short chapters can leave you feeling short changed. I think the main issue people have with long chapters is that they take longer to update, though obviously I don't know about this yet with your story. I always write such long reviews, I annoy myself with them sometimes; who honestly wants to read the rantings of a stranger? Though a lot of my rantings, okay, all, are praise. And I sometimes nearly forget what happened at the end of a chapter, which is really annoying when I come on to the next one. This is just making my review longer, and full of stuff you have no need to read, so I'll shut up. The way you make your readers feel! I know, I always say the same things in my reviews, but that's because such features are so outstanding I have to mention them every time. I loved the way Harry was so loyal to Severus, even against the family that took him in. That shows what an incredible sense of loyality he has, and I love him all the more for it. LOL, the bit when Dumbledore called Minerva, as I have thought of her since this story, due to your ability to make the characters come to life, even those seen as basically an authority figure, which not that much known about them, you make brilliance out of a name alone. Anyway, when Dumbledore called Minerva 'my love' and she glared at Harry, hilarious, I love the relationship they have, Dumbledore and Minerva, I mean. Rant rant rant about your awesomeness and wonderful talent. Now, I need to see Harry talk to Ron, Hermione, Ginny and the other Weasleys, so you are incredible as always, no matter how many reviews you get, goodbye.

    Author's Response:

    Wow...another mini novel! LOL. Thank you so much, once again, for your compliments. You are really doing an awful lot for my ego. It is thanks to you that I finally got around to posting my last chapter. I am working on the next in between answering reviews.


    I too love the idea of Minerva, the person rather than just the authoratarian. I love the idea of her and Albus as a couple. I think they would have grown into it slowly. They would ahve come to know each other very well and been very good friends for a long time. The romance would have crept up on them. I think Dumbles would not have felt comfortabvle with romance until Minerva would have been in her fifties. He is still a good deal older than she is...old enough to be her father in fact. But Albus Dumbledore is very young at heart and wizards can live to a very old age. Remember that Madam Marchbanks, one of the examiners when H R & H sat their OWLs was also an examiner when Albus took his OWLs. So she must be going on for two hundred!


    Harry is frustrating, yes. But he is also still very insecure. He cannot believe that any adult, except perhaps for Molly and Arthur and Dumbledore can look at him and see anything worth liking. This attitude is ingrained in him. The Dursleys did a real number on him. Ten years...formative years...of being tolod you are nothing but a waste of space has to have left a lasting impression. And don't forget, Harry saw Severus being just as horrified as he was when he found out about their relationship. AND, Severus hated him with a passion for 5 years. Harry is too frightened at this stage to believe that this amazing stroke of luck...the fact that he actually does have a living relative besides Petunia...is real.


    I love long chapters and I love long stories. I have never liked short stories. I always feel short changed. But on this site, I truly believe that most readers are happy reading two or three thousand words per chapter. Don't know why, really, except that reading storie on the site myself that get massive number of reviews are all much shortwr chaptered than mine. Of course, the majority of readers might just think that my story is crap...a distinct possibility. I need more readers like you Vicky. LOL.


    Anyway, you have to take a pill and calm down a little bit. You will have a stroke if you keep on getting do het up. 


    Oh, and BTW...like long stories, I love long and detailed reviews also. So don't worry that I am cross-eyed or something reading your reviews. I love your enthusiasm!


    You might think about working some paragraphs into your novels though...they would be easier to read when they are so long.


    Till next time...


Title: Chapter 33: The Best Birthday Ever 26 Aug 2009 11:23 pm
Reviewer: Vicky (Anonymous) [Report This]
    AHHHHH! *sqeals and claps like a five year old at christmas* YAY!! SEVERUS SNAPE YOU ARE INCREDIBLE!!!!!!!! Go Severus, go Harry, go the entire world! I'm so happy!! I don't think Severus was soppy in giving Harry that, it was a perfect present...which could make it seem soppy, but hey! *squeals again* I ADORE YOU SEVERUS SNAPE!! Soooo glad he told everyone! Well, he didn't tell everyone, and I'll have to read on for that, but whatever. Brilliantly portrayed emotions, the arguement at the start between Harry and Ginny...wince. But the end!!!! YAY!!!!! I did NOT see that coming, though I'm very glad it did. Despite what Albus had said, I didn't think Severus would reveal it so soon, and in a way I guess that's an even better birthday present than Lily's book! Okay, it might not turn out like that with..peoples (read Ron's) reactions, but I'm going to read on right now to find out.

    Author's Response:

    Hey Vicky! Still enthusiastic, I see. LOL Glad you enjoyed it so much. I agree with you...Harry would have been thrilled just with the revelation, but the gift also means so much to him. Something that his mother owned and touched and wrote in.



Title: Chapter 26: Severus Snape and the Foolish Old Man. 26 Aug 2009 1:58 pm
Reviewer: Vicky (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Of course their is still interest in the story! It's incredible! Only 4 people reviewed the last chapter? That's insane, I know I didn't review it, but that's only because it told me I couldn't, stupid thing! I love the way Minerva tends to Albus, hilarious. The descriptions of Severus as he brewed were excellent, I loved what Harry was thinking about how good Severus was, and how Hermione would panic if she knew how far she had to go to be as good as him, that was funny! As always your plotline is amazing, and the talent used in writing it is also amazing. I was panicking when Albus called Snape, though I guessed it was the ring, and the descriptions of his hand were... very descriptive. Very good. Did the Elder Wand stop the curse? Well, I'm going to read on to find out!

    Author's Response:

    Hi again Vicky! Thanks for another lovely review. Yes, the interest in this story here has been waning and that is one of the reasons I do not hurry to upload new chapters. I figure if people are really keen, they would find the story over at fanfic.

    But I am glad you are enjoyed the chapter. I am also sure that you ahve read about the Elder wand by now.


Title: Chapter 20: Back to the Burrow 26 Aug 2009 4:06 am
Reviewer: Vicky (Anonymous) [Report This]
    *sighs* I once again find myself on a ball in the lounge floor in the middle of the night. LOL, just kidding! I hate Voldemort. I don't care that it's stating the obvious, but I really, really, really, really, REALLY HATE Moldy-shorts (which I am very proud to say I thought of myself before finding it in a fic, though I guess everyone had thought of it) When Harry called out for 'dad', OMG. I was...okay, not sure how I felt about that. Glad he was getting to terms with it and all, but in the middle of the clan of Weasleys? When he didn't want Severus to go...I definately know how I felt then, I felt my heart break for the poor boy who had lost so much, yet would stand so boldly even in the face of the knowledge that he might again loose something, before he had even had the chance to really have it. *sniffles* Okay, sounding more insane by the minute, but POOR HARRY!!! Yes, he doesn't need to be coddled, no he's not a child, but...poor Harry! It's got to be annoying having a woman so clearly insane annoying you with rants in her reviews. LOL, but you won't get rid of me! The way Ginny was defending Harry...I ADORED IT!!! It's great to see her that way, Severus' descriptions in particular...amused me. And then how Harry, who was scared even to look at Severus, stood up for Ginny...just incredible. As always exceptional, and your turn of events as always took me by surprise, and now I must read on the find out what the result of this surprise is!

    Author's Response:

    Well hello Vicky! I have just finished your three reviews and I want to thank you so much for your enthusiasm. Beyond enthusiasm in fact! LOL. It has taken a while for me to respond because I have been computerless for about a week and I have literally only been on line for about ten minutes and in that time I have read your reviews. I have a new computer and my son-in-law has spent the last three hours getting me up and running. It was a lovely surprise to find your three lovely reviews. (I am completely clueless when it comes to computers.) I do not get anywhere as many reviews here on P&S as I do over at fanfic.com so it is always a nice surprise to find one...three at once is amazing and three lovely long ones, even if the author of them is insane (LOL) is amazingly amazing. BTW...I like insane.

    I hope you continue to get enjoyment out of the story...you still have a ways to go. I am also reminded that I have a completed chapter that I have had uploaded on fanfic for about a month and I have not put it up here. Perhaps I had better see to that as I feel sure that you will want to read it! I think some readers here might have jumped ship, it has been so long.

    I am glad you are enjoying the plot and the characters. This was my first and my favourite story. If you should decide to read my other story posted here, I must tell you that I have stopped uploading here because the story did not garner much interest here on P&S. But it is still a going concern over at fanfic.net. Oh yeah, another reason for that is that I changed the rating to M because of some content (nothing totally shocking, I assure you) but P&S do not allow work that is rated M. I cannot be bothered changing the content so that it complies with the standards here.

    Anyway, I hope to hear from you again. Now I had better go and read the remainder of the emails I have not gotten to because the alerts for your reviews were right at the top of the long list.



Title: Chapter 19: Godric's Hollow 26 Aug 2009 3:35 am
Reviewer: Vicky (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Okay, realised the utter insanity of my last review. Blame lack of sleep. I simply led sideways; I was cold and curled up so I could stay warmer. And when I do that I think about the story, and sometimes I fall sideways because I'm annoyed at the characters, and I think about them while I lie down. Okay, that doesn't help. Rest assured I am not actually insane. Obviously I also did not read the entire of the next chapter, but I read a little, then had to review, read a little more, reviewed a little more. Thank god for copy and paste! ANYWAY. This excellent chapter is what I was going to talk about now. Harry! Oh, god, poor Harry! The bit with the Dementors! OMG! (I would tell you about my reaction,but I'm trying to assure you I'm not insane! ;) ) I...I...Harry! God, Harry! (not helping, am I? I'll try again) The way you drag the reader in...we feel for Harry, you have such a talent, the ideas for the plot are incredible, and... and... Oh god! Nevermind, I have to read on! ;) (I'm still not insane!)
Title: Chapter 16: Secrets Will Out. 26 Aug 2009 2:27 am
Reviewer: Vicky (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Why is it that I always find myself curled up in a ball on the lounge floor in the middle of the night when I only intended to finish the chapter of the fic I was reading? Why is this, do you think? I know exactly why, because you are an INCREDIBLE AUTHOR!!! And, obviously, so are all the others on this site, and I've curled up on the lounge floor in the middle of the night because of one of their stories, too. But I have never been as exasperated by a character as I was when Snape and Harry were arguing, or rather when Harry was ranting at Snape. Actually, no, it was when Severus immidiately JUMPED TO THE WRONG CONCLUSION!! Ahhh! Harry is with Ginny you moron! I can't tell you how much I hated that I couldn't yell at him as I had stayed down waay too late after only intending to read the first chapter or so, what can I say, I was hooked (this is ignoring the fact he is not real and wouldn't be able to hear me in any case, as he would be..IDK where). But yeah, I just wanted ot scream at the moron, then Harry over reacted and...AHHH! (sidenote: as I always end up having to write, though I haven't ranted quite as much before, this is an exceptionally GOOD response to your story, and I was only ever this enraged by the actual HP books, and this is the only fanfic I have been quite so exasperated at, it shows how well you engage your readers...and that I need my medication!) Okay, MAJOR overreaction there. LOL, put it down to the fact it's approaching 4 am. I was BOILING WITH RAGE when Petunia hit Harry! I was ready to murder the stupid, ugly...okay, can't get away with swearing in reviews, so I'll leave it to you to come up with the words. LOL, isn't it weird when people always describe people swearing, but never actually write any of the insults? I wouldn't be rambling so much if I hadn't already read the next chapter, no way in hell could I have lived with that cliffie! But I really felt I had to respond to this chapter, I am a rare reviewer, I only review when I have ideas for a story or if it is the BEST FANFIC I'VE EVER READ IN MY LIFE! The second is the case here. I have been getting so much pleasure out of reading your exceptional story that I hoped to give you a moment of pleasure in return. Not that it worked, I just ended up ranting and soundng like I needed to be hospitalised! I shall now rant about something that is hopefully a lot more pleasent for you to hear, the awesomness of your story! I was looking for a long story, preferably finished, because I was tired of having so many parts of short stories I had to keep watching for updates, and ended up getting confused with other story plots, and I saw the length of this. From then the story just hasn't let me go. The idea of two fathers was INGENIOUS!! The wonderful plotline is inventive and exciting and you never know what will happen next. The characters are...so real! And so in character, everything you have them thinking, every single nuance of them is so perfectly them! The reactions are just...I have no good enough words for your talent. You have an incredible talent for pulling your readers in and making them feel the story, and wish the characters were real, if only so the reader could rant at them for their idiocy. I guess I've proved that to you, LOL. Just basic adoration that I can't seem to find enough positive words for. This review is ridiculously long and I hope you've liked it and I've given back some of the intense pleasure I've gotten from reading this story, and as much as I would like to rant even more about how brilliant and incredible your story is, and about how talented you are, my eyelids are literally drooping, lack of sleep from reading so late in the past few nights, so I'll end the rant here with one simnple statement. YOU ARE AMAZING!!!!!!!!!
Title: Chapter 40: Hunting Harry 20 Aug 2009 10:33 am
Reviewer: Kimmy (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Your story is brilliant, please update soon! I can't wait to find out whats happened to harry now...please keep writing!

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