Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Reviews For Antonomasia
Title: Chapter 11 21 Jul 2022 1:52 am
Reviewer: cavehack (Signed) [Report This]
    I wonder why Ron didn’t notice Harry’s wounded back or the blood seeping from those wounds. Ron was a great friend, in any event. I also wonder why McGonagall didn’t notice Harry looking unwell, though McGonagall has never been known for her keen observational skills.

    I’m guessing Moaning Myrtle, with points hopefully going to Ravenclaw. Thanks for another great chapter!
Title: Chapter 11 20 Jan 2010 10:09 am
Reviewer: wrappedinharry (Signed) [Report This]
    ’h, I had not read the A/N properly and didn't realise you asked a question. I will say Moaning Myrtle if Harry frequents the bathroom some more.

    Don't think I am sorted. But I imagine I would be a Hufflepuff. I'm not brave, sly and ambitious. or scarily brainy. *I can hear you sniggering, so stop. We need Puff's to keep the rest of the herd honest.*



    Author's Response:

    Wouldn’t dream of sniggering!  I disagree as I think you are incredibly smart and brave and ambitious (I wouldn’t call you sly but I bet you are in the best, kindest possible way ^-^) and we definitely need Puffs to keep the rest of us honest, despite you being so very flattering it can hardly be called honesty for its kindness ^-^ - your points will of course be added to the Puffs... GO PUFFS! ^^ (despite my being a Raven... (haha not for the smarts, I just read too much so I wouldn’t be able to resist a common room/library ^^) I just want everyone to win ^^)

    And good guess!!!  Lots of points to you (you’ll have Hufflepuff winning soon ^^)

Title: Chapter 11 20 Jan 2010 10:00 am
Reviewer: wrappedinharry (Signed) [Report This]
    Hey Lisa. So sorry that I have taken so long to read this chapter... bet you thought I had deserted the ship. Not true, I have been incredibly busy and haven't been on the computer all that much lately. It's exciting to know I have a further two chapters to read. Yay!

    Just wondering why Ron didn't notice Harry's back when he put his cloak around Harry's shoulders. I know it was dark, the only light the full moon, and Harry was squished into a corner with his back against the wall, but still... I suppose Ron is pretty oblivious a fair bit of the time, but surely he wondered why Harry was sitting in a freezing bathroom, shirtless. And so very out of it. Surely physical injury had to have crossed his mind. Also, he surely would have noticed something when he put Harry to bed. I gather that when HArry cleaned up his vomitus, he would have spelled his sheets clean too, because they would have been covered in blood and serum and the beginnings of puss.

    Despite everything, Ron was brilliant in this chapter. I loved it when he asked Harry in Divinatiton if he (Harry) was finished trying avoiding him.

    I gather that McGonagall's dark mood is due to Umbridge's ever increasing hold over the school. And I know she was distracted too, but if even Ron realised in Trelawney's incense-filled and shadowed classroom just how unwell HArry looked, why couldn't McGonagall see it when she must have been right in his face telling him off? Or was she admonishing Harry while she shuffled papers and got ready to leave the classroom herself.

    All I can say is that all of these oblivious teachers are going to feel really, really guilty when they realise just how sick Harry is. And I am sure he is going to get a whole lot sicker before he finally collapses.


    Author's Response:

    So good to hear from you!  I hoped everything was okay (and of course that the unthinkable hadn’t happened and that you hadn’t jumped ship... shock horror!!! ^^) – I’d say lucky you to have two chapters of a fic to read but *sigh*, it is mine and all I can promise is two extra chapters of angsty, almost-cuddly crap TT – very sorry (at least we’re oh so close to the cuddling ^^... although people seem to like the end of chapter 13 so I guess there’s that ^^)

    I think to an extent, Ron’s the type not to think about things from the angle that we would because we know exactly what’s been happening to Harry while Ron just has vague concerns about his health... and Ron grew up very differently to Harry (which I always seem to have in the back of my head and probably effects my writing more than I realise ^^) and probably wouldn’t be able to fathom the thought of not going to a loving parent if a teacher was abusing him the way Harry would.  Ron doesn’t realise that things are as bad as they are but he’s slowly getting to the point where realising it has to become inevitable. 

    And it will be a shock when he does realise just how much he’s missed simply because he wasn’t looking properly for all his good intentions (possibly why Hermione’s getting so irritated... she is much more down-to-earth sometimes, as ambiguously as I’ve written it it’s hugely possible that she suspects far more than him in terms of just how bad life is for Harry... and I’m gonna pull myself off that tangent now ^^ but thanks for letting me gush, it’s always easier to write after going over this kinda stuff with you *hugs and muffins and cookies for you!!!* ^^) – oh, and in terms of detail... I’ve seen people – friends – miss a hell of a lot simply because they didn’t think to look and/or didn’t want to see, the thought that Ron could miss that much wouldn’t surprise me. (but then I’ve known some pretty... umm... not-so-perceptive types... too cynical? ^^)

    You’re right, McGonagall’s distracted because of Umbridge (and really, working with someone like that would be enough to distract anyone >.<) but she’s been making a particular nuisance of herself when it comes to McGonagall so the woman is perpetually... unhappy... now ^^ - and thanks for pointing it out, it reminded me to include something I’d forgotten ^^ *muffins!!!!!!!!*  I seem to be either really good or really, really bad at writing obliviousness... to the point that it’s kind of unbelievable... sorry about that, I think I grew up with one too many oblivious adults in my life *rolls eyes* you wouldn’t believe the crap we could get away with all through school cos our teachers didn’t care.

    And they may well feel guilty for it in the end but luckily there will be ways they can make amends ^-^ hopefully you enjoyed your reading and welcome back!!! *MORE MUFFINS!!!* ^^

Title: Chapter 11 17 Dec 2009 9:02 pm
Reviewer: Victory-Starr (Signed) [Report This]
    Aww, this was lovely. I really and truly and seriously adore your Ron. Most writers have me finding him annoying. Not so with yours. He's just wonderful and I love him.


    Author's Response:

    Oh I’m so very glad you like my Ron! *ron and harry hugs for you!* - I do find them cute as friends and as much as they’re guys and probably wouldn’t be as demonstrative as girls of the same age, it stands to reason that when they’re sleeping beside each other for most of the year and one of them is in such horrible shape the other would be genuinely worried and would show it.  Very glad you’re enjoying it ^^

Title: Chapter 11 13 Dec 2009 2:28 am
Reviewer: Wrinkled_Fabric (Signed) [Report This]
    Oh. Oh, Ron. I feel like you just gave me a christmas present and a birthday present all rolled into one. Ron is my favourite character bar none. You've done him such a justice. He should have gone to get Harry really help already, but that's Ron. He's not perfect, and that's just wonderful.

    I call you mean and tell you I dislike your wicked ways, and you thank me? I have been going about the world the wrong way :P

    I feel very privileged to be mentioned, I keep smiling! Happy to help motivate though, seriously, you're awesome. A meanie, like I say, but very very awesome. That whole chapter a bundle of torture and art and perfection. There is comfort at the end of all this hurt right?? Please?

    Just so you know, I spend half my fanfic'ing days looking for fics full of 'all the angst and torture and mutilation'. I have admittedly high standards (that sounds better than picky) and now you've gone and shoved the bar even higher so everything else I read doesn't compare and now I'm struggling to find reading material. (I actually have to work at work! Who would have thought it *gasp* )

    I may possibly see how many of your readers I can get together so we can plot and execute a kidnap. Then we could tie you to a chair and demand you write. Yep, I think that'll be quite reasonable.

    (I like muffins, there's nothing wrong with a good smushy muffin. Ooh, better yet, I could do with a bowl of pasta, since I was reading this and I forgot about mine and the spaghetti stuck to the bottom of the pan. Al dente with parmigiano please :) )

    Wow, I talk too much.

    Can't wait for the next update (seriously, the kidnapping may come into effect if we have to wait too long... :) )


    Oh yeah, and I am going to suggest the ghost/guest is Lily? My points go all the way to Ravenclaw :)

    Author's Response:

    Oh, you just made me make ridiculous little squealing sounds of happiness over and over in the span of time it took to read your review, you are so sweet *tries to drown you in muffins as sweet as the things you say* ^-^

    I’m speechlessly ecstatic over your approval of Ron and very very glad I could do him justice, especially when you’re such a Ron-person ^^  I’m thrilled to know someone who likes canon!Ron likes mutilated!Harry’s-friend!Ron... ^-^

    Hehe you could probably call me quite a few things I would thank you for, mean and cruel aren’t very bad things to be called, especially when I seem to put Harry (and most readers) through so much; but to be told nice things about my writing immediately after is definitely something to thank you for!  (Thank you!!! ^^) – oh, and of course any sane person would say the same so you should totally try telling people they’re mean and cruel... and let me know how that goes... hehehe ^-^

    Made me smile to know being mentioned made you smile... I suppose that works out quite well too, all smiling in the end ^-^ And now I am grinning quite madly because I don’t think anyone’s ever said I’m awesome like that and I blame you for the silly noises not unlike muffled squeeing currently escaping me (for which I’m also getting odd looks from my mum for ^^)  I’ll continue to be a meanie (and hopefully ‘awesome’ so as not to ruin the rest of the fic too ^^)  And of course there’s comfort on the way!  Couldnt leave all the wonderful people saying I’m awesome and mean and imaginative and cruel without a lot of mushy goodness to make up for all the torture; what kind of person would that make me? ... hehe, no doubt cruel and mean and... well... cruelly mean... but not meanly cruel... that’s just too awful ^-^

    Oh, well I hope that this one is filling your quota of angst and torture and mutilation (if it isn’t with that last one then you’ll like chapter 13... it’s not going to be lucky for Harry... Umbridge will enjoy herself though... if that... um... helps...? ^^)  Hehe I know what you mean with the pickiness... ahem, high standards ^-^, I’ll give most things a shot but I tend to reread my favourites and I can be very... standardizing with those ^-^  I’m so happy I made your list with that though (although very sorry to have raised your bar... very horrible of me, unforgivable really *slaps back of hand* naughty lisa... but very flattering to hear ^-^ - and I know!  A work place is no place for work!  You should really stop that before it gets out of control ^^)

     I hope I can keep this good enough to keep you interested!  (we have some interesting times ahead, I’ve been setting it up for these few chapters especially so *hands you Harry plushy* hold tight ^-^)

    I’m not laughing.  I’m not.  You can’t prove I am.  *hides face* - stop proving it!  Well, tied to a chair may make it hard to write... what with the lack of hands... and all... But by all means go ahead with the kidnap thing, it would be so nice to meet you and so many other people who seem to like my writing (although I am a bit small so you wouldn’t need many ^^)... even if only to have them tie me to a chair and expect me to write with my hands behind my back (I’d suggest that voice control thingy on my laptop – believe me, I have no idea why I’m helping you succeed with my kidnapping by sorting technicalities, but hey, it’s what I do ^^ - but I do find it hard to dictate with stories... maybe I could just have my right arm free?  Please?  I won’t try anything... you can’t prove I would!

    ... can you?  Wow, that would be great wouldn’t it?  To be able to prove that sort of thing?  Yes, I’m high on egg nog (which is apparently made of egg and nog... I made the mistake of asking ^-^)... do you know what nog is by the way?  I have no idea... unsurprisingly ^^

    Oh, smushy muffins are the best.  Lots of smushy muffins on the way, though we’ll have mushy smushy muffins when my fic gets its Snape on... oh I can’t believe I wrote that ^^  Oh I’m sorry!  I didn’t mean to cause burnt/sticky spaghetti... even inadvertently... I do so like spaghetti... especially just plain spaghetti on its own... it’s awful when it burns though... *hands you more, slightly undercooked*... oh, I like it undercooked - *hands you more, slightly overcooked* - just in case... *hands you more, juuuuust right*... because you can’t mess with classics... apparently... (which is obvious to all who like FANfiction XD) – oh, and *al dente with parmigiano* too, because you asked so nice ^-^

    And if you think you talk too much I don’t want to know how much you think I go on (and on and on) ^-^ (it is fun though ^^)

    Hope this wasn’t too long to wait... if it was coming a bit close... well, I suppose I’ll schedule kidnapping in sometime this week?  See you then (or not... balaclavas are very ‘in’ right now ^-^)

    And in all seriousness, thank you so much, it’s reviews like yours that make me think I could abandon all attempts of writing my own stories and spend the rest of my life writing fanfiction in the hopes of earning more of them; thank you so so much *drowns you in more muffins, cookies and points* - oh, and Ravenclaw?  Very very good choice... as if I hadn’t already thought we were similar... ^-^


Title: Chapter 11 12 Dec 2009 11:08 pm
Reviewer: kayt (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Brilliantly written chapter. You really conveyed how out of it Harry was, and I loved Ron too.
    Ghost/guest? Maybe Lily - although she's probably too obvious a choice.

    Author's Response:

    Oh thank you ^-^  I’m so glad people are getting behind Ron in this too and that they don’t seem to think I’m mucking him up ^^

    And I find it hilarious that you’re the third person to guess Lily... You’ll see next chapter but you’ll probably also see the effects of your guess in the 14th (I think...) ^^  Thanks! (Oh, and you earnt 10 points but I don’t know where to put them so they’ll go in unsorted ‘til you let me know different ^^)

    Have fun x

Title: Chapter 11 12 Dec 2009 9:03 pm
Reviewer: Snapesthe1 (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Ghost star...his mother, perhaps? Send my points to Slytherin:)
    Thanks for a great chapter...love this story. Gosh, everyone around Harry is clueless aren't they? I mean, you'd think someone would notice the blood! I don't think poor Harry will last much longer. I hope Severus helps him soon.

    Author's Response:

    Ooh, nice guess, it’s given me an idea too ^-^ – you’ll see in a minute and I’ll put your points with Slytherin ^^

    Aww thank you!  I hope you continue to enjoy it too, hopefully you don’t mind the upcoming resolution to all the conflict... well, sort of... the resolution might be a little conflicting in itself ^^

    And Sev tries... poor love, he’s really the only perceptive one in the castle huh... but then everyone else is very busy right now... what with... umm... stuff... and all ^^

    Thanks! ^^ x

Title: Chapter 11 12 Dec 2009 6:32 pm
Reviewer: Kristeh (Signed) [Report This]
    Oh, I was so happy to see you'd updated, and I can't wait for the next one!

    I'm so glad that Harry wasn't actively tortured here, but he's in really bad shape. I wish Ron had seen his back or at least had taken him to the hospital wing, but I can understand why he didn't as he doesn't know yet how badly hurt Harry is. Surely he and Hermione are getting suspicious though. Trelawney might not have noticed Harry's condition, but surely Ron has.
    I'm thinking it might be time for them to go to Pomfrey or McGonagall whether Harry likes it or not.

    At the very least, I hope Severus will soon realize what's going on with Harry and do something to help him. I can't stand to think of him with his poor back all torn up and those awful words.

    Great job!

    Author's Response:

    Aww thank you ^^ I’ve tried to keep the torture to a minimum lately and we only have one more of those hurdles to go too (then it’s mush all the way ^-^)

    And yeah they’re suspicious but I think if a friend was so adamant that they were alright no matter how awful they looked you’d have to be wary of doing anything for fear of being interfering... not that Ron and Hermione don’t decide to get interfering... hmm, I think I’ve just known enough people who don’t notice things unless they’re pointed out to them, I cant imagine anyone in RL being so perceptive ^-^

    And yes... umm... those awful words... hmm... well... I suppose you’ll see the result soon but the original inspiration for the whole fic was a picture I saw quite awhile ago on deviantArt, this photo of a stick thin girl who had written ‘ugly’ all over herself... gave me the idea... so... umm... I’ll make sure I give fair warning at the beginning of chapter 13 of the last of the awful parts because... well, it isn’t going to be pretty (but it will allow for Snape to save the day... kinda... you’ll see ^^)

    At least there’s some Snapey goodness coming up now though ^-^

    Thanks so much, hope you have a good week (and that Christmas prep is fun and not too hectic) x

Title: Chapter 11 12 Dec 2009 7:07 am
Reviewer: Min (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Please someone rescue Harry!!!

    Author's Response: Oh they will, bit longer, and you might like the next one ^^
Title: Chapter 11 12 Dec 2009 6:50 am
Reviewer: xxslytheringirlxx (Anonymous) [Report This]
    awesommee storie update soone please i cant get enough!

    Author's Response:

    Aww thanks, fast update on the way ^^

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