Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Reviews For Antonomasia
Title: Chapter 13 18 Jan 2010 9:14 am
Reviewer: heartstar (Anonymous) [Report This]
    No one except for that one person whose hand was curling ever so slowly and carefully around his own against the ground like it was something priceless and fragile, lifting it away from the dirt, causing him to roll ever so slightly, lying entirely on his front with his other arm trapped under him so he could turn his face up and meet the eyes hovering close over his. Eyes so like his own, glittering and sad and happy and there was a hint of fury there that stopped his heart for a brief moment but then it was gone and Harry breathed once more.

    Is my Favorit moment in this chapter, and when snape excapes Ilove how you have written this story so far It alwasy wanteding more I hate cliffies but at the same time you do them well I hate that. I look forward to the next chapters

    Author's Response:

    Aww thank you ^^ Sorry about all the cliffys, I know what you mean; it’s like their even worse when they’re written well and I’m extremely flattered you like mine but it probably makes it suck that much more that I’m taking so long to update – I’ll try not to leave too many cliffy in future (I seem to be torturing my readers TT) – thanks so much!

Title: Chapter 13 18 Jan 2010 8:40 am
Reviewer: icecream_effn_sundae (Signed) [Report This]
    loved the update!! :)

    Author's Response:

    Thanks!  Hope you like the next one ^^

Title: Chapter 13 17 Jan 2010 7:50 am
Reviewer: EllaEleniel (Signed) [Report This]
    Yay! You updated! I was so happy to see it on the front page, and to be the chapter that Harry is finally going to get help! *squeals* ;)

    Where to start... Okay, I was thrown a bit off track when Harry went outside into the snow. Perhaps I wasn't reading close enough, but I had initially thought all the white represented the Hospital Wing. Of course though, it seemed he was heading downstairs since he moved past Myrtle's bathroom, so it must've been my mind not putting together the pieces.

    I HATE, HATE, HATE Umbridge! *Hexes her into oblivion* Speaking of Umbridge, I memorized the word umbrage for that completely useless, evil test that shall not be named and it's a noun that means offense or annoyance. Thinking of Umbridge helped me remember. lol. I don't exactly understand what happened to his arm, but whatever happened, it sounds brutal and squeam worthy.

    I'm so glad Dobby found Sev. Poor Harry would've died from hypothermia if he hadn't. Bringing Lily in was a nice touch. Was that an idea spawned by an earlier review? I thought maybe that bit could've been a little longer to really capture the magnitude and moment of it, but I liked it nonetheless.

    Another yay for Sev being found out as a spy. It was quite brilliant how he got away without any major damage. It was different and I almost had to chuckle along with Sev when he was returning. I'm so glad Harry won't have to deal with Sev being a spy when they get closer.

    Favorite part of the chapter...hmm... I'd have to say Sev carrying Harry back into the castle. I just can't wait to see everything that's wrong with Harry and what will happen because of it. I hope we're almost finished with the hurt part and getting closer to the comfort. *Hugs Harry* Poor guy could use a gazillion, but of course his body would probably protest the touch. :(

    About Tristan and Adrian, I totally revised that one horrible scene, not horribly written, but horrible because you know. I might send it to you to get an opinion if you like the changes. I have to submit quite a few apps yet and I probably won't hear on the first until mid-Feb at least. *sighs*

    Author's Response:

    Hi!  I’m not even halfway through replying to all my reviews, so very very behind... and I noticed you updated too!!! *jumps around happily* I’ll review soon I promise ^^  and I suppose technically this next chapter is going to be the one where Harry gets help... is that false advertising? *bites lip* ^^

    And I actually love that some people read that whole white moment differently – as much as it must have been seriously irritating to read... sorry TT – but some thought it was Harry dying and you thought the hospital wing; it’s good in that it means I successfully got everyone in the right frame of mind, even if I write it badly TT (I have the best readers... you put up with so much! *muffins for you* ^^)

    *helps you hex Umbridge into oblivion* is there anyone who doesn’t hate Umbridge by now? (if so they must be in league with her! Nooo! ^^) and that awful test that you had to do that we won’t mention (and that I bet you did a wonderful job of) sounds hard but you of course aced it (and if anyone tells you different then they’re clearly the idiots *throws muffins at them... Hagrid’s muffins... yeah, take that!*

    And I agree, I hate to imagine Harry’s arm but I sorta have to to describe it ^^ - and I’ll explain this better later but what happened was that Harry was writing and slipped – if I go back through the chapter I can pinpoint where it happens but I’m not sure it’s clear yet to anyone else – and the quill slashed up the paper and so tore a gash up his arm so deep it’s kinda mangled now... my imagination must look like some Salvador Dali Horror masterpiece ^^ (haha, I’m giving myself too much credit aren’t I... it’s probably a crayon scribble.)  nevertheless I’m preening that you think my description of it squeam-worthy ^^

     And yes, Lily was definitely from all of those people who were so sure the ‘ghost star’ would be his mum... *muffins for all* see, it’s you (and perhaps 20 others) who is really writing this fic ^^  I probably played it down a lot but I just wanted that hint of it in there, just enough for Harry to ponder later when he’s out of the woods (literally and figuratively ^^)

    A Sev with no excuses and no (good) reasons to pull away from Harry is always a good thing so of course I had to get him away from Voldemort – and Dobby was a must ^^ too cute not to ^^

    Poor, poor Harry, yes, we have much comfort on the way – and I hope I can write comfort half as well as I seem to be able to write disgusting descriptions ^^, I kinda owe it to people still reading and to Harry (and Sev) to give them lots of cuddle time now ^^

    Mid-Feb, so you know now about how those applications went?  Do tell!!! I’m sure you did wonderfully and life always has the best way of working out perfectly in the end, whether you take roads you expected to or not ^^ - shutting up now, but thanks and looking forward to more AIE too!  Have fun and enjoy yourself and keep safe!!! ^^

Title: Chapter 13 17 Jan 2010 4:25 am
Reviewer: dancingkatz (Signed) [Report This]
    My favourite part of the chapter was teh description of Severus grinning as he realised that he was finally free of his spying duties. I just have to say that however long it takes you to write and post this is one of the most compelling and powerful HPSS gen fics I've ever read. I thought I loathed Umbridge before but I REALLY hate her in this fic. You've exposed all the sadism that was hiding under her fake smiles and make her into an utter [expletive deleted] villain. I can hardly wait to see Severus confront and conquer her. He is going to do that, isn't he? Eventually?

    Author's Response:

    Oh I’m so glad you mentioned that! Thanks!  That’s one of my favourite moments too, I do so love the giddiness of discovering freedom and it’s fun to write too ^^ Oh *gives you hugs and cookies and muffins* thank you so much!  That’s such a hugely flattering, sweet thing to say and I’m kind of overcome by it, thank you!!!  And I’m glad you don’t like Umbridge... there’d be something wrong if you did ^^ and oh don’t delete your expletives... she’s all of them and deserves worse so I wouldn’t worry about offending anyone... we’re all thinking worse ^^ - and Sev will get a chance here or there to have his vengeance for Harry, though it’s unlikely Harry will get his own opportunity to – you never know but he might still be a bit too down to do anything while she’s still around.  Thanks so much!  Points and muffins and cookies, oh my!

Title: Chapter 13 17 Jan 2010 3:29 am
Reviewer: Sommersprossen (Signed) [Report This]
    I am excited to read more. Excuse me for being not able to produce proper review. It's 3 am. ;D

    Author's Response: oh, don’t sweat it, I’m thrilled you reviewed at all and that you stayed up so late reading this is very flattering ^^ - hope you got some sleep and thanks! ^^
Title: Chapter 13 17 Jan 2010 12:08 am
Reviewer: kayt (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Horrendously, horribly wonderful.
    Too good to pick out specifics, but the last section from "Severus was walking,striding, running now" does at the least promise hope for Harry and hope for Snape.

    Author's Response:

    Hehe thank you! (I think...) ^^

    Oh, there’s always hope – glad you liked it ^-^! Have a muffin and some points (unsorted?)

Title: Chapter 13 16 Jan 2010 10:39 pm
Reviewer: fizzywizzy2006 (Signed) [Report This]
    well..... I suppose..... if there's cookies, you will have to be forgiven. love this chapter. poor Harry.

    Author's Response:

    Hehe, in that case, *causes constant rain of cookies and hot chocolate to appear* - am I forgiven for the ridiculously long wait this time ‘round too? ^^ poor harry indeed... I’m a horrible, horrible person... fun to read though huh ^^ - thanks!

Title: Chapter 13 16 Jan 2010 9:55 pm
Reviewer: Chandramas (Signed) [Report This]
    Like all the good writers, you're EVIL! Leave it like there!!!

    favourite bit of today chapter "Harry was fixable. Severus couldn’t think otherwise."

    Author's Response:

    Hi! Thanks!  I think... ^^ - and thanks for adding me on LJ too... unless it was someone else with the same name, in which case kudos on the popular name ^^

    And it is always a good thing when Sev doesn’t want to concede defeat – don’t worry, he won’t let Harry go unfixed ^^ - thanks!

Title: Chapter 13 16 Jan 2010 6:41 pm
Reviewer: Wrinkled_Fabric (Signed) [Report This]
    Oh. Oh man. That was quite a chapter!!

    You broke Harry Potter!

    Now will you fix him? Snape thinks he's fixable, but I'm not sure he knows just how much there is to fix just yet. I can't wait till he realises. Oooh I can't wait till he finds out this was Umbridge's doing. Ooh I'm so excited!!

    *Snatches cookies and muffins* It was worth the wait, you are very forgiven. The kidnapping has been aborted, for the moment. :).

    I tried to quote my favourite line, but I kind of started highlighting a paragraph and then when I got to the end of the paragraph, I decided the next part needed mentioning and added that to my quote. And that went on for quite some time. My reviews are lengthy as it is, I'm sure you don't want to re-read your entire story all over again :). But seriously, my uber-favourite parts were Harry's POV in Umbridge's office, and then when he went into the snow. The way he was feeling was so tangible, it's completely brilliant, pulling me in like I'm there. Just thinking about it makes me want to go back and read it all again. And I have no doubt that I'll know it word from word by the time Chapter 14 is out. What I still don't know is how much of Harry's psyche is being effected by whatever the heck that potion was. I'm thinking you should put a girl out of her misery and just tell me. Please? Pretty please? With cherry muffins on top?

    Back to uber-favourite parts, you realise you're about to get a summary of your entire chapter? Haha.

    There was the part in the snow, with his mum. It was very subtle, I love that you didn't try to work in an obvious description of Lily because it was unmistakable without that and so beautifully done.

    Happy retired-spy Snape! I love that that means Snape doesn't have his spying to hide behind when he starts to be all fond of Harry. Aww and little Dobby, bless is little elf heart. The lines, “It’s Mr Harry Potter sir-” “Of course it is,” Snape muttered.' made me laugh out loud.

    And when he found him, oh my goodness that was heartbreaking. He was worried and carrying him, actually carrying him and the 'If anyone had been awake at three o’clock that Thursday morning and had thought to look out a window their friends would certainly have thought them lying' line(s) is (are?) just perfect to describe how much their lives are beginning to alter. Oh man, I so love this story! I really admire you, you're a genius.

    And, wow, my own line of balaclavas. It's like my dream job. I could even branch out into multi-coloured gloves and bags marked 'swag'! If you ever fancy you're chance at robbing a bank or a security van, you know where to get your gear ;)

    Really, really can't wait for the update.


    Author's Response:

    Hahaha, that’s funny... a mean, kinda... but I’m a bit twisted so I found that hilarious ^^... I broke harry... ahh, thanks for that ^-^ - and sorry it’s taken me so very very (VERY) long to reply... and update... full-time uni takes a surprising amount of time every week... like, all of it ^^

    Oh, I’ll fix him, don’t worry ^^ - and I doubt Snape would concede defeat when it comes to fixing Harry either, even when he finds out just how much fixing is to be done... he’s like the Bob the Builder of the Wizarding World, good ol’ Sev ^^ (and did I really just compare the two?  *shudders*) hehe, your excitement is contagious and now I’m excited and I know what happens!  ^^ *runs away from mob of readers who are likely quite desperate by now to know what I know...* but the secret’s all mine!  *laughs evilly*... too much chocolate, sorry ^^

    Haha, hmm, well, if the kidnapping was aborted last time because of how fast I updated, how close are you know to donning those balaclavas?  *hides under bed* oh no, oh no, oh no... ^^ *leaves more appeasement muffins and cookies for you to snatch before retreating to under my bed*

    I’m giggling rather a lot right now... mostly because I can imagine you sitting there highlighting the entire chapter before realising you’d been searching for one line ^-^ *pats you on the back* aww, don’t worry... you found some mentionable moments in the end *giggles* ^^ umbridge’s office and that whole scene was hard to get right (spent ages going over and over it) and I’ve been told my description of Harry dying of hypothermia made someone feel comfy and warm so I’m glad it drew you in and hope it made you feel similarly ^^- and I’m incredibly flattered when I read that you thought you would have the entire chapter memorised verbatim by the time ch14 is out... but then I have taken a ridiculously long time haven’t I *dodges anything incoming... aimed at my head...* ^^ - oooooh, cherry muffins? ...*crawls from under the bed and snatches cherry (CHERRY!) muffins before retreating again* - well, I’ll say that he is being affected by the potion and he probably wouldn’t have put up with any of this for as long as he has without it but then how do we really know?  Hmm... guess I’ll just have to hurry up and update ^^ (imagine that!)

    And thank you so much for saying that about the moment with lily – that’s exactly what I was aiming for and I’m thrilled you noticed ^^ (so many fics have a description so detailed it barely falls short of her saying ‘by the way I’m your dead mum’ so I tried to avoid it as much as possible ^^)

    Hehe, it was a good little plot device wasn’t it?  Getting Snape sacked from spying?  He does tend to hide behind details a lot and now he can be all affectionate with no reason to run away from his emotions (well, no more reason than any other man uses anyway... *sigh, in for a long, uphill battle with him aren’t we TT*) – still, we should throw him a party (oooh, with Snapey masks! You’d make a killing... in a good way ^^)  - hehe, even more thrilled I could make you lol, my ultimate aim in life... and so easily attained, *sighs happily* - I did hope Dobby came across as Dobbily as possible ^^

    Aww!... everything you say tends to make me giggle in a ridiculously flattered kinda way or blush or smile stupidly for a very long time but you somehow manage to get even sweeter!  Like mud cake! (which was supposed to be a compliment but somehow with ‘mud’ in it it doesn’t quite work... fairy bread?  Cherry muffins!!!) - *checks your head for fever and tsks to myself* if you think I’m a genius there’s something seriously wrong ^^ - oh, and the fact that you mentioned that?  That sev was carrying him like it made you want to melt... well, when I reply to your other review you’ll know why that had such a huge impact on me and the fic, ‘kay? ^^

    I know, wouldn’t your own line of balaclavas be awesome?   But then... what if the store was held up by blokes in balaclavas?  You might not even see them!  (camouflage... interesting...)  ooh, and I do so like gloves... the bags with ‘swag’ on them might be a seller too... maybe you could do a line of calico ones with dollar signs on them too!  And ones with cent signs too... for petty thieves and last minute operations (I can imagine that, walking in to a room of soon-to-be bank robbers and saying ‘these were all they had’... you could all have a good laugh before they shot you in the head ^^) – and don’t worry, if I branch out into the smash and grab biz you’ll be the first one I come too ^-^

    Sorry I’m making you wait so long (hold on a tic, I think I can hear someone outside... and by the sound of their footsteps... yup, they’re in balaclavas ^^)

Title: Chapter 13 16 Jan 2010 3:53 pm
Reviewer: A-zla (Anonymous) [Report This]
    very nice! I enjoyed how Snape slowly notices that something is wrong with Harry. I can't wait to see them both in the infirmary in the next chapter.
    My favorite moment - when Snape casts point me, implicitly trusting Dobby and worried about Harry.

    Author's Response:

    Thanks! And I didn’t even think about whether or not Snape would trust Dobby, I just figured a house elf would be too worried about punishment if they lied to one of their masters... but Sev was a little trusting wasn’t he... but then he was just waiting for something to go wrong too ^^ - and don’t you just love a worried Snape? ^^ thanks!

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