Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Title: Chapter 8 02 Jun 2006 10:27 pm
Reviewer: Serena Snape (Signed) [Report This]
    Ron's are blue I think, Sirius's grey, Remus's grey/amber, Peter's watery blue and James's hazel. :P
Title: Chapter 6 02 Jun 2006 7:05 pm
Reviewer: Serena Snape (Signed) [Report This]
    Yeah, I liked the chapter. :P The only mistakes you made is that you changed Flame's gender from a she to a he and left out a few sentences. ^___^
Title: Chapter 10 28 May 2006 1:17 am
Reviewer: Llewellyn (Anonymous) [Report This]

    A warning, your character Eliza toes the sue line with all of her powers. Again, flaws make your characters interesting. What really stood out to me was that Ron and Hermione still were friends with him and that Harry was still very in character despite all he went through over the summer. Realize that I criticize you because I enjoy your story and want to help make it better by telling you what you are doing right and what you are doing wrong. You made some spelling errors, please go back and correct them:

     3rd and 27th paragraphs: ingredients, not ingrediants

    28th paragraph: detention, not detension

    39th paragraph: out, not otu but I think that was just a typo.

Title: Chapter 9 28 May 2006 1:00 am
Reviewer: Llewellyn (Anonymous) [Report This]
    I KNEW it! I knew you would put him in Slytherin. Nice song, it was very canon although it drew attention that 'Sebastien' didn't want on him. A question; if he is saying he went to an American school, won't people question why he doesn't have an American accent? Or did his voice change with the change? Just trying to help smooth out your plot.
Title: Chapter 8 28 May 2006 12:06 am
Reviewer: Llewellyn (Anonymous) [Report This]
    OH! I forgot! I don't know if this is still of use to you but I will answer your questions about the eye colours. Ron: Blue, Sirius: Grey, Remus: Amber, Peter: a watery blue, James: Hazel. I don't know if this is still of use to you, but here it is.
Title: Chapter 8 27 May 2006 11:58 pm
Reviewer: Llewellyn (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Oh! I love this story so much! One thing you might want to watch out for is making Harry completely unbeatable. Make sure he still has some weaknesses to him. This is very important to keep the story interesting. I wonder if Severus will ever find out that Sebastian (oh, I love that name- did you know that it means 'a person of authority') is really Harry? Will he ever find out about the problems in the boy's past? I'll keep on reading. Just so you know, you have several typos so you may want to go back and clean up this story, it is extremely unpolished although the premise is awesome.
Title: Chapter 43 18 May 2006 5:33 am
Reviewer: Fairycatcher1 (Signed) [Report This]

    all fr now
Title: Chapter 43 17 May 2006 2:23 am
Reviewer: Fairycatcher1 (Signed) [Report This]
    hurry up please!you are leaving me hanging! i have read this story about 4 times! love it! stop torturing me and get the bloody next chapter on!
Title: Chapter 43 20 Apr 2006 10:58 pm
Reviewer: isobel (Anonymous) [Report This]
    please update!!
Title: Chapter 43 03 Mar 2006 12:11 am
Reviewer: Ari (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Oh dear.  I liked it immensely.  I hope you update soon.

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