Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Author's Chapter Notes:
The kids all face the consequences of their actions

Warning: some spanking this chapter! Don't like, skip that part.
Laughter and Tears

Harry's POV:

Until this afternoon, I had never feared my father's temper. Oh, I had been afraid of disappointing him, of his scolding tongue, but that's not the same. I had always known he had a quick temper, but usually it was controlled to a hair trigger degree. I had seen it flare up, but just as quickly seen him wrestle it into submission. But today I had actually discovered a new thing—Dad wasn't perfect. His control over his temper wasn't absolute. I hadn't meant to lie to him, not really, I knew he had no tolerance for kids who did so, but the words had just slipped off my tongue. I had been caught out and like any silly kid hoping to avoid punishment, I had tried to pretend I was innocent. I knew better. I really did. But I lied anyway. What can I say? Sometimes I'm an idiot. I was pushing again, trying to see how much I could get away with. With Dad, not much. But I push anyway. Today I pushed too far.

When he lifted his hand, I was sure I was going to get it in a big way. And for the first time ever I was scared of my father. I'd been hit across the face before, by my grandpa once when he recovering from a hangover and half-asleep. That was long ago, but I still remembered it. And how furious my dad had been about it. That had nearly ended their relationship with each other. I hadn't deserved to get smacked that time. This time though . . . I deserved to. But what terrified me wasn't the hitting part, it was the fact that Dad was so . . . out of control. That wasn't something I'd ever seen Severus Snape lose. Not really. But he did then. And I was scared to pieces.

Lucky for us both Grandpa was there to stop him.

Except now I had to face my grandfather's anger and disapproval as well as Dad's. I was sitting in a large wooden chair in Hagrid's hut, with my best friend Ron next to me, he was more scared of the Snape temper than I was. Both of us were convinced we weren't going to live to see our second year. I regretted that stupid Easter bonnet prank more and more with every passing second. What had seemed like a totally brilliant idea then was now turning out to be one of my stupidest. I scooted my bum back in my chair, it was so big I could have had another person sit next to me with room left over, and I gave Grandpa my best I'm-really-sorry-and-I'll-never-do-it-again look.

All he did was scowl at me. I winced.

"Harry James Severus, do you have any idea how much trouble you're in? Or how much you and Mr. Weasley caused because of your so-called prank? I cannot believe a grandson of mine would behave like that! You ought to be ashamed of yourself, boy! I know I am."

I hung my head and mumbled that I was sorry. It didn't help. When I glanced up he was still glaring at me.

"Now, I'll admit that I played pranks too back in the day, but mine never endangered other people's health or their lives." Grandpa said, his voice hard and sharp.

"People's lives?" croaked Ron, shivering. "All we did was put joke products on their hats, Mr. Snape."

"All you did? Boy, do you realize that those hats were on the heads of elderly ladies when those jokes products went to work? They caused a panic, and you're damn lucky no one broke a hip running off the stage or had a panic attack or a heart condition and got seriously injured. Those pranks might seem mighty funny played on someone your age, but playing them on those poor old witches was just plain wrong and not funny at all. What were you thinking? Or not thinking, I ought to say?"

"We just wanted to have fun, sir," Ron answered before I could form the words.

I was willing to let him talk, for now I was feeling guilty and ashamed. I hadn't thought about anyone getting hurt. Zonko's products were meant to be funny.

"How funny did you find the prank after it happened?" Grandpa demanded.

I thought about it. At first, I had laughed my arse off. . . until one of the old ladies fell down. Then it hadn't seemed so funny anymore. But by then it had been too late. I got a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach. "Not very funny." I admitted. "Does . . . does everyone know we did it?"

Tobias shook his head. "No. Your father and I figured it out because we found that Galleon note in the anteroom. We didn't tell anyone else . . . yet. But I know that both your mothers will be told before this evening's over." He shook his head. "You've pulled a lot of crazy stunts, Harry, but this one takes the whole bloody cake. Some of those old women got hurt because of your prank. One sprained her ankle and some of them got scraped and bruised and a few fainted. Did you know that?"

"No, sir," I replied, not daring to look him in the eye. "Is that why Dad was so mad?"

"That and because you humiliated him in front of all those people."

"He did the same thing to me last night," I objected, recalling the other reason I'd done what I had.

"What do you mean?"

"He . . . he treated me like a little baby, telling me to go to bed and . . . and stuff in front of Ron." I said, struggling to keep the self-pity from my voice.

Grandpa nearly roasted me with his Snape glare. "Are you telling me that you pranked that contest because Sev told you to go to bed early, young man?"

"No. Not exactly."

"Then suppose you tell me exactly what you do mean?"

I gulped and tried to explain myself. Even to my own ears I sounded lame. But he had asked.

"Boy, I promised myself and your father a long time ago that I'd leave the discipline to him, but I'll tell you straight out that if I hadn't made that promise, you'd be over my knee getting ten of the best with my belt. Not just because of the prank, but because of your attitude. You've behaved like a spoiled brat this Easter, Harry James Severus, and that's not something I want to see in my grandson."

I started to snivel, knowing full well that he meant every word. And it hurt, seeing him so ashamed of me. I had always admired Grandpa. He had made a lot of mistakes with my dad when he was growing up, but he'd admitted them and done his best to turn himself around and make himself into a new man. A man that both Dad and I respected and loved. But at the same time, I didn't want to admit that he was right.

"I'm not a spoiled brat, Grandpa!" I sniffed. "You thought it was funny when Dad got stuck judging the contest too. Isn't that why you came to watch it?"

"Harry, I was teasing your dad a little. But I would have never deliberately done something to make him embarrassed. Do you like seeing your dad look like a fool in front of half the school? Well?"

"N-no, sir. I just wanted . . ." I trailed off, because there wasn't any excuse I could make for what I'd done. I had been petty and mean.

"Hope you're happy now, boy. Your selfishness has made your dad look like an incompetent idiot. To some people. If you had done what Lexy asked and helped her mind your little sister, you wouldn't be sitting here right now worrying about getting your arse tanned. And maybe Eileen might not have gotten lost either."

"How did Eileen get lost?"

"She wandered off with Robyn while Lexy and 'Mione were talking about volunteering at the library."

"Figures," I snorted. Mention books and they were like obsessed.

"Quit acting all high and mighty, young man! You might have prevented that if you hadn't been so busy trying to pay back your father. I hope you both had a good laugh, because I doubt you'll be laughing any time soon, once Severus gets through with you, Harry. Or Molly with you, Ronald."

Ron went white. "Oh, please, sir! Don't tell her! Please?"

"That's out of my hands. If you don't want to get in trouble, don't do something you know is wrong. There's a time and a place to prank and this was not it."

Ron groaned and I knew he was probably going to get his bum walloped by Miss Molly's spoon. Ouch!

"Where do you think Eileen's gone?" I asked, now I felt bad because of that too.

"Your dad was going to check the castle. I hope he finds her soon."

"Me too," I said. "Maybe I could go help him look?"

"Oh, no you don't, Harry James Severus. You're going to stay right here where I can keep an eye on you. I'm sure your dad and Aunt Min can find Eileen on their own. Not to mention your Uncle Al."

"How about Mum?" Surely she was out looking for Eileen too.

"Your mother doesn't know about Eileen going missing. Yet." Grandpa sighed. "Your dad didn't want her getting hysterical. You know your mum's greatest fear is one of her kids getting kidnapped again."

I nodded. When I was eight, Alaina's ex-husband Dan had kidnapped me, Lexy, and Hermione and tried to make my mum give Lexy to him. We had been prisoners for a few days and it had been awful. For both us and my parents.

"I hope that Lee and Robyn are okay," Ron said, and I echoed him. Lee was what we sometimes called Eileen.

I never wanted anything to happen to my baby sister.

Grandpa leaned back in his chair, and together we waited for the return of my dad.

Minutes seemed to go by like hours, until I began to hope that my father had forgotten about us because of Eileen. Wishful thinking. Severus Snape never forgets anything.

Then the door opened and Dad entered, followed by Molly Weasley, who also looked steamed. He stood looking at me in the doorway and I turned my head away, I felt about two inches tall.

Grandpa stood up. "Sev, did you find Eileen and Robyn?"

"Yes. They were both sleeping in Professor Trelawney's tower. She's the Divination teacher, she found them after they'd been chased by bloody Peeves, Hogwart's poltergeist, and had a tea party with them. They fell asleep on her couch and she was going to ask Albus about them when Minerva and I arrived. She's with Alaina now, asleep on a blanket on the grass. And Robyn's with Jane and Hermione."

"Thank God!" Grandpa looked relieved. "For a few minutes there I thought we might need those magical police."

"You still might, Toby." Molly said sternly. She turned, her hands on her hips, and a look that rivaled my dad's at his worst on her face. I noticed a red second place rosette was pinned to her robes. "Ronald Bilius Weasley! I cannot believe that you would do such a thing to those poor elderly witches! This is worse than anything your brothers ever did, and I thought they were bad. Some of those witches are my friends . . . and my son almost causes them to have heart failure. I'm so ashamed of you, young man! I taught you better than that! And here I thought you were becoming more mature. Honestly, Ronald, you make me want to tear out my hair!"

Ron hung his head. "Mum, I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to hurt them, I just thought it'd be funny, 'cause some of them had the ugliest hats and all."

"Unbelievable!" she threw up her hands. "You're going to be even sorrier when we get home, young man, and I take my spoon to your behind!" She walked over and grabbed Ron by the ear. "Now, apologize to Healer Snape, Ronald, for ruining his contest."

Scowling, she marched Ron up to my dad. Ron apologized, looking at his shoes. "Severus, I don't know what to say, except I promise he'll never do anything like this again." Molly said, looking very ashamed and embarrassed.

"I understand, Molly. Ron's not to blame for all of it. Harry was doing it right along with him," Dad reminded her. "Congratulations on your ribbon in the Bake Off, and I hope you have a Happy Easter." He then looked at my friend, who was sniffling. "Ronald, I forgive you. Don't ever do it again."

"Okay, sir."

"If you'll excuse us," Molly said. She bid us goodbye and dragged Ron out of the hut by his ear.

Dad whirled on me. "If I could trust my temper right now, Mr. Potter, you'd be getting a good spanking just like Ronald. Since I can't, however, it'll have to wait till this evening."

I gulped. This did not sound good at all. Dad normally never made us wait when we were in trouble. We were punished right away. I shivered. "Yessir."

"Dad, do you want to come home with us and eat supper?"

Tobias considered. "All right, Sev. I never refuse your or Alaina's cooking."

"Come on, then." Dad beckoned us out of the hut.

Later that evening:

Over dinner, which was a light supper of cock-a-leekie soup (chicken soup with leeks), fresh bread, and sandwiches, Dad told us about how Peeves had taunted him and how the Baron had put him in his place. It made all of us laugh, imagining the pesky ghost getting walloped with the Baron's sword. Every Hogwarts student had had run ins with the ghost before, and had gotten in trouble for something Peeves did. He had made me late for class on more than one occasion by causing me to trip over my mysteriously untied shoes or causing a door to get stuck.

"There's one thing I don't understand, though," Lexy said. "If Peeves is already dead and a ghost, then how could the Baron's sword hurt him?"

Dad shook his head. "They're composed of energy, Alexis, and perhaps the Baron's energy is stronger than Peeves' and he can therefore use it to make the poltergeist extremely uncomfortable for a time. If you want a better answer, perhaps you ought to write Minerva or read a book on ghosts."

"Good idea, Dad." Lexy said.

For dessert, there was Mum's blue ribbon winning spice cake with homemade cream cheese frosting. I would have had two helpings of it, but Dad told me no dessert was part of my punishment. I sulked, but didn't dare argue with him.

I could barely eat because I was anticipating the spanking to come, so missing dessert wasn't quite as bad as it could have been.

Finally the meal was over, and Grandpa said it was time for him to get on home. He normally would have stayed and talked or played cards with Dad, me, Lexy, and Mum, but he knew Dad had us to deal with and it had been a long day. He hugged us goodbye, but took me aside and said, "Harry, I hope after this you learn your lesson about playing pranks."

"Yes, sir. I'm sorry I made you ashamed of me," I said.

"Kid, you made a mistake—a big one—but I want you to learn from it. Do that, Harry, and I'll always be proud of you."

I threw my arms about him and hugged him back. "Happy Easter, Grandpa."

"Same to you, you wretched scamp!" Then he turned me around and gave me a smart swat. "Behave, and don't give your parents any more gray hairs, y'hear?"

"I won't." I headed into the den, where Dad had told us to wait for him, and gave my behind a quick rub. It stung a little. I remained standing in front of the fireplace, Lexy and Eileen were already there. Lexy looked ashamed, Eileen puzzled.

Our parents came in then and seated themselves on the sofa, looking stern and upset. Dad cleared his throat and said, "Harry and Lexy, I know you know why you're here. Eileen Lily, come here."

Eileen ran over to him and crawled onto his lap. She looked up at him and Mum. "Are you mad at me?"

Dad frowned. "Yes. I am both mad and disappointed in you, young lady. You know that you're not to wander off without asking permission from me or your mother. How many times have I told you that?"

"Lots," she said.

"Why did you leave Lexy without telling her where you were going?"

"Umm . . ." She looked about and squirmed.

"Eileen, tell the truth."

" . . .cause I needed to go potty. Real bad, n' Lexy was with 'Mione. M'sorry!" She started to cry. "I didn' mean to get lost, Daddy! But a bad ghostie chased me!"

"Eileen, look at me. Do you know why you got lost?"

She shook her head.

"It's because you're too small to wander around Hogwarts yourself. You need a grown-up or Harry or Lexy to help you find your way around. Anything could have happened to you and Mum and I would have never known if you were hurt or sick because we didn't know where you were."

"You could have been taken away by strangers too," Alaina added. "And then you would have never seen us again."


"Yes, forever. That's why you should never ever run off like that. You made Daddy and I very scared, Eileen. Understand?"

My little sister's lip stuck out. Tears flowed from her eyes. "Am I in twouble?"

"Yes. You're getting a four minute time out and a swat," Dad said. He flipped her over his lap and gave her a smack. "Never ever do that again." Eileen was bawling. Then he took her over to the corner and made her sit on the Naughty Stool for four minutes.

I winced in sympathy. I remembered those days. Suddenly, I wished I were three again, when the worst spanking I'd ever gotten was because I threw a toy train at my father.

Afterwards, he hugged her and she promised to behave, then he took her off to bed.

While my father was doing that, Mum looked at Lexy and said, "Alexis, you shouldn't have been talking to Hermione while minding your sister. You know Eileen's like the wind, into everything."

"I know, Mom. I'm really sorry!" Lexy said, blinking back tears. "I just didn't think."

"I can see that. Normally you're much more responsible than that, Lex. What should you have done after the Easter egg hunt?"

"I . . . should've brought Eileen to you or Mrs. Granger and Robyn too. That way you could've watched her while Hermione and I were talking. I just . . . got so excited that I . . . forgot. It won't happen again."

"I'm glad to hear it. Now, your dad and I discussed this and we both agree that you made an honest mistake, so you won't be in too much trouble for it. You're grounded for the weekend, that means no books from the library and no flying."

She groaned. For my sister, being without new books from the library was the ultimate in boredom. "Okay. That's fair." Then she asked, "Mom, can I volunteer at the library with Hermione this summer?"

"We'll see, Lexy. Right now, I think you need a good night's sleep." She stood up and hugged my sister. "Good night, Lex."

"Night, Mom." She pulled away and gave me a thumbs-up sign before going down the hall to her room. On the way there I heard her talking to Dad, telling him good night before closing the door to her room. She knew, of course, what awaited me. I had confessed all of my stupidity to her after supper, when we were washing and drying the dishes. She had just looked at me and said, "Merlin, Harry, but I swear you and Ron go out of your way looking for trouble! Why do you do that? Just to see how mad you can make Dad?"

I hadn't answered her, because I wasn't sure I knew the answer. There was a part of me, the rebellious part, that did want to push my father to the edge of his control. But now that I had done it, it didn't seem like anything to be proud of. Especially not when I was about to suffer the consequences of my dumb decision.

Mum just looked at me, her dark eyes filled with disappointment. "You know, Harry, this wasn't the way I imagined spending Easter evening. With all of my children in trouble and your father so upset. I had wanted to have a nice peaceful holiday, playing board games and eating popcorn and drinking lemonade, relaxing with a good book. Now, I sort of expected Eileen to find mischief, she's at the age where she's testing her boundaries and prone to doing forbidden things. But you . . . you I thought were old enough to act responsibly. I thought I could trust you to set an example for your sister. Guess I was wrong, huh?"

There really was nothing I could say to that. So I nodded.

"Part of your punishment is a grounding for three weeks and no seeing Ron for the rest of the break. I also think you should use some of that money you won to anonymously "help" those ladies who were injured by your prank. But that's up to you. I think you know the last part of your punishment. Go to your room, Harry. Your dad will be by in a bit."

I went and hugged her. "I'm sorry."

"Me too." She kissed my cheek and I went to wait on my bed.

I figured Dad would be there in a few minutes. I waited and waited. I checked my watch. I was about to climb the wall. Why was he torturing me like this? I got into pajamas. Finally, it had been nearly thirty minutes, and I couldn't take it anymore. I crept down the hall, and heard my father talking to Mum.

" . . .made me so angry, Alaina, that I nearly lost it. I almost hauled off and smacked him to the ground. . . I've never been so furious before . . . thank God that my father was able to stop me . . . can't believe he would do something so irresponsible . . . I always thought Harry was more like Lily than James, but after this . . . I'm not so sure. This sort of stupid prank is exactly what my old friend would have pulled . . . and did once upon a time . . . to his elderly aunt." He sighed. "Merlin help me, I thought I was done with blistering his behind . . . you know how I hate it . . . but it seems to be the only thing that gets through that stubborn skull of his . . ."

Oh, damn! Now I felt even worse. I quickly scurried back down the hall.

A few minutes later, he came in, looking resigned more than angry. Out came the desk chair. He sat down and crooked a finger at me. I walked over, swallowing hard, my feet dragging. I had known this was coming, but even knowing didn't make it easier to accept it. "Harry James Severus, you had better hope this is the last time you ever find yourself in this position. Over my knee."

I obeyed. I felt ridiculous, I was almost twelve and getting a spanking as if I were Eileen's age. But I knew I deserved it. It had been over a year since I'd gotten my bottom warmed and I had forgotten how humiliating it was. And also how painful. I had promised myself I wasn't going to cry. Or wriggle. I was going to take my punishment silently, like a true stoic Slytherin. Six smacks later I was bawling like a baby and trying to avoid Dad's hand and cursing the fact that I was wearing light cotton pajamas which did nothing to cushion my bum. Dad only ever used his hand but after ten whacks I was sure I wouldn't be able to sit again for a week. I couldn't ever recall a spanking hurting so much. Then he paused.

I started to sit up, but he pushed me back down. "Stay where you are. I'm not finished yet. Those were for the prank itself. The next four are for deliberately humiliating me in front of everyone."

I gasped. "Grandpa told?" I half-wailed.

"No. I happened to overhear you tell Lexy in the kitchen." His voice was ice and steel.

"I'm sorry! Really! I never should have done it."

"At least you've learned something."

The last four swats were harder than the previous ones. But finally it was over.

I lay there, crying, my pride in tatters. I was sure he would never forgive me.

Then hands lifted me and drew me up, cradling me against a broad shoulder. I was too old to be held like this, but I put my head on his shoulder anyway. "Hush, son. Shhh." Hands were rubbing my back. "All's forgiven, Harry. Now don't ever make me do this again."

For some reason that made me cry harder. Finally, I managed to pull myself together enough to ask, "How can you forgive me after what I did?"

"Because that's what fathers do. They forgive their children for their mistakes."

"Even for this?"

"Yes. Are you sorry for what you did?"


"Are you ever going to do anything like that again?"

I shook my head rapidly.

"Then it's done and over with. All except your grounding, that is. You can serve one week for the rest of your holiday and the rest during the summer. Go wash your face and blow your nose."

I did, wincing as I walked towards the bathroom. This would be my last spanking, I vowed. From now on I would do my best to behave so my dad could be proud of me. I splashed water over my face and tried to ignore my stinging bottom. I wagered it hurt me just as much as I'd hurt my dad.

When I returned to my room, Dad was still sitting there, rubbing his hand on his knee and grimacing. "Damn it all, I hurt my hand," I heard him mutter.

I gave him a lopsided smile. "Guess it's true what they say, huh, Dad? It really does hurt you as much as it does me."

He looked at me and our eyes met. I saw the regret and pain in them. "More. Someday you'll understand why, when you have children of your own."

I came over to him. "I think I do understand. A little. I promise I'll be good from now on."

He eyed me up and down. Then he chuckled. "Harry, don't make promises you can't keep."

"But I really mean it!"

"I'm sure you do. And you'll try your best to keep your word . . . until the next time temptation crosses your path. No child can be good forever. I know that and I don't expect it from you or from your sisters. What I do expect is that you learn from your mistakes and try your best to not repeat them."

"I'll try, Dad. Really hard."

"Then that will be enough. Get in bed."

I did, careful to lie on my stomach. "Night, Dad." Then I added, "I love you," because I felt he needed to hear me say it.

"I love you too," he replied, and some of the pain vanished from his eyes. He took my glasses and placed them on my nightstand, then Noxed all the lights except the one in the hall.

I lay there for a long time, unable to fall asleep. Part of that was because of my sore bum, but most of it was because I was thinking about what I could do to make amends to those old ladies I'd hurt. I felt terrible for that, and even though it was hard to give up all those Galleons, I knew Alaina was right, and I owed it to them. I sighed heavily at the thought of how many sweets and Quidditch tickets I could have bought. Enough to last me till next Christmas.

Oh, well. Like Grandpa always said, you live and learn.

I had learned several things this Easter, things I would never forget, and someday I'd tell my children about all the trouble I got into as a kid, and hopefully they'd learn from my mistakes. But ever since then, I can't look at an Easter bonnet without smirking and wincing and recalling that one Easter of laughter and tears.

The End.
Chapter End Notes:
The End

The next story in this series is Severus' Christmas Wish, followed by Object of Affection, and then the Fourth of July Deer.

I know I tend to jump about a bit chronologically with these small stories, you can blame the Muse for it, but I do try and put them in chronological order in my profile. If you get confused about them, just PM me.

Thanks everyone for reading. Wandamarie, hope you enjoyed this!

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