Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Author's Chapter Notes:
Sorry it took so long. Writing two stories at once is not a good idea.
The Mysterious Note

Harry awoke and laid in bed. The past couple days had been crazy. There were parents who had come and pulled their children out of school. Seamus had gotten into a shouting match with his mother, who wanted to take him home. Seamus wouldn’t go, he wasn’t coming home till he could say his goodbyes. Now today was the day to do that.

Harry rolled over and tried to go back to sleep, seeing as it was about three in the morning. It didn’t work. He had too many thoughts flying around in his head. Harry sat up and swung his feet over the side of his bed. There was a flash of lighting. The weather outside fit Harry’s mood very well. Shoving his glasses on his face, Harry looked over to his bedside table. His hand hit something hard and glass-like.

There was a folded piece of parchment with his name on it, and a glass vial filled with a slivery blue liquid in it. Harry looked at the vial, knowing that it was someone’s memories, but unsure whom it belonged to. Hoping to find answers, Harry unfolded the parchment.

Potter, take these memories and look at them. They will explain everything. Once you do that, open this parchment again. What is seen or read is not to be repeated to anyone.”

There was no name attached to the note, but Harry did as it said. Sliding his shoes on, he grabbed the vial, note, his invisibility cloak, the maraders map and he left Gryffindor tower. Harry slowly walked toward Dumbledore’s office, the only place that he could view his memories. Pouring the memories in, he paused before diving in. Who’s memories would he see? Dumbledore’s?…..Lupin’s? Harry had no idea, but it didn’t matter. Being able to see someone else’s thoughts would be a blessing right now.

Harry plunged head first and fell into a park. There was a small boy hiding behind the bushes. Harry cautiously approached the boy. The boy was a younger Professor Snape. These were Professor Snape’s memories.

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