Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Author's Chapter Notes:
Please read and review, thank you very much. I am also in need of a Beta if anyone would be willing. Thanks!

She walked slowly across the pieces of stone and stared up at the wreckage that was once one of the most amazing and most well-known wizarding school. Hogwarts she thought as she gripped a piece of wreckage so she could pull herself up and into the only opening as the great doors that once opened was closed. She had tracked him down, as many witch and wizard had been trying to and now she had to tell him that they had all got it wrong, she tucked a piece of blonde hair and tugged her back pack tight for what she carried was precious if they hoped to get it right. The wizarding world was disbanded, many hunted down by the muggles they once looked down, isn’t that how the story always goes. If you’re afraid of something you should attack. She pulled herself through the whole and then took out her worn wand and cast a silent spell that lit up the room, not the one they learned at the school, but now spoken spells could mark your imprisonment and death. But as she walked through the hallway she couldn’t deny that even she looked dead, Hogwarts was very much still alive, mostly she assumed because of her one inhabitant. She continued walking and froze when she came to the area where the once confusing staircases spun and turned, one lone one remained and she hesitantly stepped on the first step and gripped the railing as it turned her toward one level up, walking up slowly she had a funny feeling the Hogwarts knew why she was there and maybe even remembered. As she finished walking up the staircase turned leaving her stranded in front of a door, beneath it the small opening between the floor and the door was illuminated. She raised her hand to knock but the door opened, the man that stood there was tall, his emerald eyes seemed not the least surprised that she found him.

“Luna Lovegood.” The voice she hadn’t heard in years, she smiled tiredly at him and was surprised when he offered her a hand, taking it he led her into the room shutting the door. “Wards to keep my presence unknown but then again you always saw what others couldn’t.” he smiled tiredly and led her to two worn chairs she sat taking her back pack off she stared at him.

“It’s bad Harry, really bad, we were so wrong…we got everything wrong!” she said Harry sighed and shook his head and leaned back.

“The past is the past Luna we can’t go back that far even with a time turner.” He said quietly. Luna shook her head and dug into her back pack and pulled out a gem filled with a greenish liquid.

“No…but with this one of us can go back…to who we were with full memories and fix it. Whichever one of goes will be trapped in that time…” she explained Harry stared at the gem.

“If we did succeed this time wouldn’t, shouldn’t exist.” He explained. She nodded. “You want me to be the one to go back don’t you?” He asked she nodded and pulled out a notebook.

“Harry I am so sorry but…it has to be you, because you have the connection, we have to find HIM and convince him that…” She said hurriedly as he leafed through the notebook.

“So Voldemort was the good guy all along, even with the whole muggle killing thing?” he asked, she shook her head.

“Harry I think the muggles he attacked were spies, I think he knew something we didn’t know…which means…” She said.

“Which means I need to go back and redo my entire life including first year and hopefully find him again but maybe he wasn’t actually possessing Quirrell as we thought…maybe…” Harry frowned then shook his head. “What if we are wrong Luna, what if this is how it is supposed to be?”

“It can’t be Harry, this can’t be what it is supposed to be like!” She protested sighing he stood and turned looking her in the eye and held out a hand.

“Then I had better get it right because there won’t be a second chance again, time is funny that way, and we are lucky we have this chance.” He said. She placed the gem in his hand and stared up at him.

“I would go instead Harry I really would but…” She looked down.

“You don’t have a way to get into HIMSELF’s head, of course then again I should rewrite it all, not just the sides.” He smiled at her and the gem’s top fell off they both stared at it several minutes. “I guess that means its time…” Harry said as he downed the potion without so much a second thought, he had been hiding to long, hoping if the muggle world thought he was gone they would go easier on the wizards of course he was wrong…the world went black but he had feeling he knew right where he would wake up and this time it would be different…he wouldn’t be some scared starry eyed boy…

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