Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Author's Chapter Notes:
Finally we get to Snape, mmm?
Chapter 4

It was a beautiful day as the Weasleys (plus Hermione and Harry) stepped foot on the platform of Nine and Three Quarters. Harry stood in place for a moment and closed his eyes, once again taking in the delightful sounds about him; the whistle of the train, the chatter of students and families, hooting owls and chirping toads and the overall happiness he could feel. It was a sight sorely missed to Harry's weary eyes, and so he opened them again, a small grin on his face.

Molly and Arthur were busy scolding the twins about getting better grades, expressing confidence of Percy's Head Boy position, gathering Ginny's things and making sure Ron didn't forget Scabbers. Ron assured them he had the rat safely tucked away in his pack and tried not to express his disgust at the creature.

"Alright, so the compartment should be right….there. C'mon, before someone snags it." Harry said, carting his luggage and Hedwig, with Hermione and Ron close behind. Harry's insides were almost full to bursting with anxiety. He couldn't wait to see Remus again, and yet was afraid now that he was who he was (war undoubtedly changes a person) he wondered if Remus would indeed befriend him again, or in reality for the first time.

Harry stopped in front of the sliding door, and reached ever-so slowly as his heart began to beat faster and his hand began to shake. He suddenly felt a heavy thud on his shoulder and nearly jumped his skin. But it was only Ron, nodding him on. Trying to ignore the giddiness at just seeing the blurred form of Lupin through the glass, Harry opened the door.

They quietly entered, careful not to disturb Remus, and sat down. Ron and Hermione took the seat opposite and Harry sat beside the rumpled teacher. Harry was closer to Remus than was normal for what should have been strangers, but he didn't care. Besides, Remus was all hunched over in the corner against the window, bundled up and obscuring his face from view as he napped. Harry stretched his neck to peer over at him closer.

"Merlin, you're going to give him the creeps, Potter." Said a whisper at the door. No one had heard it open again as the noise was drowned in the train finally taking off. It was Draco, already clad in his uniform.

"Buzz off Malfoy." Ron said, but with less bite than usual.

Draco merely closed the door and leaned against it, arms folded.

"Take a picture, it lasts longer." Draco said after watching Harry watch Lupin as he continued to nap, peacefully oblivious to the four teens currently staring at him.

"I taught you that one." Harry smirked, finally making eye contact, emerald gazing at grey.

Draco rolled his eyes.

"Look, I haven't much time since Pansy is looking for me. But I wanted to ask what you plan on doing should anything…unusual happen on this train ride." Draco whispered, wary of the slumbering man. He now knew not to underestimate the cleverness of Gryffindors, especially werewolf ones. He may look asleep but, who honestly knew?

"Never mind that." Harry waved dismissively. "Are you going to stay here? We can make room..." He added much to Ron's obvious horror.

"No, no. I better get back. Don't want rumors to fly before we get there, do we?" Draco replied quietly with a small sneer, though he still looked put off. Harry didn't want to leave Remus so soon, but got up anyway to follow Draco outside into the hall, gently closing the door behind them. This left Ron, Hermione and their newfound accomplice Crookshanks to watch over Remus.

"What's the matter?" Harry asked quietly, startling Draco who hadn't realized Harry followed him.

"I don't…I don't know how to conjure a patronous." Draco replied, clearly stressed. Harry looked surprised, but then understood. Draco would have much more unpleasantness to surface due to the dementors this time around. Harry was used to it, but Draco…he liked to bury it all down.

"The spell is simple enough, I can teach you now if—"

"No, I must go. Besides, out of all of us, only Snape could conjure one. I doubt I could now." Harry caught that the 'us' meant Voldemort's circle of followers. It saddened Harry, and so he put a comforting hand on his friend's shoulder. "I'll manage it somehow then. Who knows? I may start up the DA again."

Draco looked exasperated at that but somehow hopeful, and with a sly smirk but friendly eyes he returned down the corridor of the train. Harry slipped back in to his friends.

"Have a nice chat with your best mate there?" Ron huffed and Hermione playfully slapped him on the arm. Harry just rolled his eyes.

"No, my best mate in right here, being a jealous prat at the moment." Ron blushed at that but seemed satisfied.

"Oh, I wish we could give him another blanket or a pillow…" Hermione changed the subject, gazing at Lupin.

"I know." Harry replied softly.

It had been about twenty minutes into their ride when the train began to slow to a halt. Harry caught Ron's and Hermione's eyes. Ron put a hand on the window and the chilled air froze around his handprint. Puffs of their breath could be seen, but each remained still and calm. The train's final jolt of stopping roused Lupin awake as the lights flickered out.

They had discussed what they would do should something like this occur again. They were too early in their journey to lose everything and change the timeline drastically by conjuring a triple patronous, a mean feat by three third years. Too many questions would be asked and their covers likely blown. And so they would risk the effects, even if Lupin was quick it was still a risk. Third year, the real third year, Harry could barely take a few seconds of the thing. Harry now had years of bad memories and torturous experiences under his belt, as did his friends. He just hoped they could resist the temptation to cast.

Lupin was readily alert, and took a quick look at his compartment companions. His eyes lingered on Harry, who even in the darkness he seemed to recognize because a flicker of something filled the older man's golden eyes, making them soften.

"I'll go and have a word with the driver—you three sit tight." He said softly but firmly, quietly slipping out of the room, wand at the ready. Harry thought he would never ever hear that voice again while he lived, yet here he was. He almost didn't hear Ron's gulp and Hermione's gasp.

Harry looked to the door and saw a darkened form reach over and open it. A scaly undead hand reached out as the ragged zombie-like creature seemed dead-set on Harry. Harry didn't move or flinch. He held his breath as he stared straight into the eyes of the dementor—or where he thought the eyes would likely be.

Then Harry heard the scream…his mother's piercing yet melodic, terrifying scream echo in his head. After all these years it was still the worst memory he had. He then heard his father and a high pitched laugh. Darkness wasn't forth coming this time, and his memories played out in the seconds he was exposed. He then heard Bellatrix taunting Sirius, and his scream too as he was hit and fell backward…Harry's own piercing screams and Lupin's choked and pained pleading as he held him back from dashing after his already dead godfather that fateful night. Memories began to overlap and this time Harry slipped down on the ground on his knees as if in a trance, but he fully awake and in agony. He clutched his head and hissed in pain, the voices becoming too much. He felt someone land beside him, then another body. They were deathly cold but held him as he held his head, their tremors mingling with his own. They were trained to be quiet in their pain, and the three sat on the ground in silent agony. A bright flash filled the compartment as a man yelled the freeing charm and all at once the voices stopped. Harry gasped for breath and he began to hear Hermione's soft words of comfort to him and Ron, her own voice trembling.

It was then he felt larger, warmer hands on his back and without stopping himself Harry clung onto the man who had knelt beside him. Lupin stiffened for a moment—only a moment—before wrapping his arms around the frail form of Harry Potter. To say the old Maurader was surprised was an understatement, but he was glad to be of some use, even if only to comfort the child.

"Thanks." Harry whispered, tightened his grip for a moment, relishing in the contact he had taken for granted the first time around, and gently withdrew so as not to completely startle the man. Harry then helped Ron and Hermione up as the lights flickered back on. Ron's freckles stood out like a photo negative of a starry sky against his pale cheeks. Hermione's hair was frazzled and her own skin pale, but they remained silent, their eyes the only testimony of what they must've relived as well.

"Here, it's chocolate. It'll help." Lupin said, handing each a generous chunk of a bar he seemed to carry in his pocket. Harry chuckled softly, remembering the man's soft spot for the confection. The train jolted back as it began its trip anew. "I'm going to talk to the driver again, I'll be back soon. We'll be arriving shortly so I suggest you pop on your uniforms." He smiled softly and left, but not without another look at Harry.

Ron sat down on the cushion as if he were a hundred years old and regarded his piece of chocolate.

"I forgot how he liked this stuff." He said weakly with a smile, taking a nibble. Hermione sat beside him and munched on hers. "Me too." She whispered. Harry curled up opposite them beside the window, the spot still warm where Lupin had been sitting.

"I know one thing, I'll never get used to that." Ron said, he being a bit stronger and gaining more color as he continued into his candy.

"I agree, it's too much. Even for us." Hermione replied drowsily.

"I'll make sure you two won't have to again." Harry replied. He felt horribly guilty at indirectly causing them pain—again. He would take a thousand such tortures if it could keep them safe and happy.

"What d'you mean?" Ron asked, chocolate around his mouth. Harry giggled tiredly at that. "I just mean I'll look out for you better, alright?" Harry replied with a crooked smile.

"Hey now, this wasn't your fault—"

"It's my choice. I'll figure out an excuse if we need to use the charm again before Remus teaches me." Harry calmly argued. Ron seemed too tired to counter him so allowed Hermione and Crookshanks to cuddle up to him. They were asleep by the time Lupin walked back in.

"Mmm, fell asleep so soon did they?" He almost whispered, sitting next to Harry but giving him quite a bit more space than Harry did earlier when Lupin was asleep himself.

"It was draining to say the least. Was that a dementor?" Harry asked. He assumed partial truths would be best for now, instead of outright lies. He would just be subtle about how much he knew and feign partial ignorance.

"Yes it was." Lupin replied, seriousness flooding his expression. "Though they should not have attacked our train…"

Harry let him trail off and after a moment brought up another truth, to help keep the timeline so far relatively intact. "Did you hear a woman screaming?"

Lupin blinked, then answered slowly. "No, I didn't…did you?"

Harry nodded, opting to look out the window. He supposed he was being a tad bit too calm about this but he was so tired and had no energy for acting just now. He felt too comfortable with Remus.

"Hermione told us about dememtors…after we heard about Sirius Black escaping." He felt Lupin stiffen again, but remain so this time. "She said they bring your worst memories to light in a way. I think the woman I hear…I know who she was."

"Who?" Lupin prompted cautiously, though catching the past tense with a twist in his stomach.

"My mother. I hear my dad too…and a laugh…a high-pitched laugh." For the first time in a long time he thought back to those memories…and then even farther, before he knew he was a wizard, " I used to always have the same nightmare when I was younger…and all I could remember was a flash of green light." Harry had no idea why he was rambling now. He didn't need to say this much now, or ever…but he held things in so long he was going to start being more open.

"I guess I remember bits of it, y'know?" Harry turned back, sure he would see Lupin staring back in fear or disgust of the strange kid being all morbid. But all he saw was a deep sadness that mirrored his own and a craving to comfort but not knowing how. It was the barrier of strangers and it made Harry's heart twinge painfully, though he understood why.

"I know." Lupin sighed, voice breaking just a bit. He scooted a bit closer to Harry and regarded him evenly.

"I know you just met me, but…I want you to know I knew your parents. They were great friends of mine." He seemed to be holding his breath, as if he hadn't meant to say this so soon—and originally hadn't—and waited for Harry's reaction with a wolf-like intensity. Harry smiled and for a moment his eyes sparkled just like Lily's used to before turning a murky dull color again.

"Then I'm glad to finally meet you, Professor Lupin." Harry replied, holding out his hand. Lupin grinned, relieved for some reason and shook Harry's hand, but then taking a curious look. "How'd you know my name?"

Harry nodded to the luggage. "Being friends with Hermione has taught me a thing or two about deductive reasoning." Lupin laughed at that, and Harry was so happy to hear the sound once again in his life.

It was clear that evening, and neither too warm nor too cool. Not that the Trio really noticed (and their plus one member, though Draco would've never said so out loud that he too missed the old castle). As the train pulled in, Harry, Ron and Hermione had rushed to the window, seeing the twinkling lights of Hogwarts like winking stars welcoming them back home. Lupin was taken aback by their excitement but then remembered he had to leave right as the train stopped and meet the other teachers to be seated before the students, so he bade the children good bye and slipped away.

Meanwhile, the Trio gingerly stepped off of the train and heard Hagrid's booming voice down the way and saw him warmly greeting the tiny first years with his swinging lantern and gentle eyes. He glanced at Harry, Ron and Hermione and called out a hello to them, to which they happily replied and waved, Neville noticing the greeting being a bit too excited, even for them. But he shrugged it off, trying to escape a certain blonde Slytherin before he caught his attention.

Said Slytherin however was not up to pranking the poor Gryffindor, in fact he had plans to never do anything of the sort ever again. But it wasn't like he would go running up to the kid giving him friendship hugs either. Draco had a reputation right now to uphold (as long as he had to at any rate) and he truly did still hold a disdain for most of the resident student body of the scarlet and gold. He spotted Potter and his two…friends…who were happily climbing into a carriage with that blond girl who was a bit spacey if anyone asked him. Draco then turned to see Crabbe and Goyle waving him over to a carriage with an impatient Pansy and bored looking Nott and Zabini. Well, he sure had his own work cut out for him with that crew. Running a hand through his platinum hair, he strutted on over to them, careful to avoid looking at the thestrals, that among his group only he could see.

"This one taken?" Harry asked happily, gazing at the girl already seated and reading a magazine upside down, her wand tucked behind her ear in her blonde curls and radish earrings. She looked up, though not exactly reaching his face and said in a faraway voice, "No, not really. If you don't mind nargles….and of course the dabberblimps, though those will be around the Firsties more since they're going on the water…" Harry smiled even wider and replied with an "Awesome!" and effortlessly climbed in, his two friends sharing a bewildered but fond look as they followed suit. Neville joined them as well, clutching onto Trevor and sitting beside the new girl.

The carriage soon began to move and Harry was happy the top was down and they had a clear sight of the stars above and the gentle breeze upon them. He jolted as if remembering something and extended his hand to the rather spacey girl. "Sorry, I forgot—I'm Harry Potter, pleasure to uh, meet you." Harry smiled warmly, with a fondness as if he were actually greeting a dear friend. To him and his two-thirds trio, he was.

The girl blinked at the offered hand and took it in her own smaller and slender one, which was a bit cold despite the lukewarm night. She smiled faintly, "I'm Luna Lovegood."

The others followed Harry's example and introduced themselves.

"You're a second year, right? I think I've heard Ginny talk about you…you're partners sometimes in herbology." Neville said shyly.

"Indeed, Ginny is very nice to me. It's…new to me." Luna said cryptically but in her own way of aloofness that was normal for her. Harry and the others felt a bit bad at that, all of them (except Neville) knowing what she often went through, the girls in her dorm shunning her and the rumors about her…unique personality. It had never occurred to Harry before but he wondered what her life was like before they became friends, before he was able to help look out for her. Once again he felt that need to right a wrong, and while he knew it wasn't his fault he realized he couldn't bear for her to be made fun of to the extent she was the first time around. He'd look out for her better this time.

"Yeah…" Was all Neville could come up with to reply in the awkward silence. In fact, he noticed Hermione had barely said anything and Ron had yet to complain about the trip taking so long he'd starve and how he'd have to stay up finishing Snape's essay or something. And Harry…Harry was the most changed. He looked older, and more than some over-the-summer growth thing (because he was still short, shortest of the guys in class again this year it looked like) but his eyes…his eyes were old, almost haunted from some faraway dream…

After a moment Luna caught Harry staring straight ahead at the front of the carriage. She turned to look in the same direction then back to him.

"You can see them too, can't you?" She asked. At Harry's surprised look but nod in answer she turned to Ron, who sat beside him and Hermione who sat beside Ron. The two had glanced ahead too then back at Harry and Luna. Luna turned to Neville who looked utterly confused but curious. Suddenly, Luna's eyes brightened and cleared for the time being.

"You three can see them." Hermione looked down and Ron looked tired all of a sudden.

"Yeah. We can." Ron replied quietly, his voice sounding hoarse.

"See what?" Neville asked, looking behind him but seeing nothing but the front of their buggy being magically pulled as always and the back of the buggy before them. He turned back expecting an answer.

"Something I hope you never have to see." Harry smiled sadly.

Neville now looked totally confused and furrowed his brow.

"What aren't you telling me?" He asked quietly, the same look in his eyes as when he tried to block them in first year from going after the Stone.

"I don't think we're ready to hear his story." Luna replied softly, putting a hand on Neville's arm, making him blush slightly in the moonlight. "Not yet anyway." She smiled knowingly at Harry who returned the smile gratefully and they continued the ride, getting Neville's mind off of things by Hermione asking him about their herbology essay from over the summer break.

It was that time of year again. The time when his headache would return full force and the sounds light pitter patter of hundreds of feet would echo the castle's stony interior. Only this year would be far worse than any other to date in his career of teaching, he just knew it. For one, one fourth of his mortal enemies stood there, chatting up Dumbledore with that ridiculous grin and tattered robes. Oh, he looked innocent but Severus Snape knew better. He'd witnessed the monster within the small, lanky wizard first hand. Now that Black was on the run, Lupin here just now decides it'd be nice to teach at his old stomping grounds? Did Dumbledore not see how suspicious this was? The man was a menace, and would likely take Precious Potter under his tattered wing and the two would resume the old Marauder ways and oh Merlin, Snape's life was going to be an inferno of despair wasn't it? It's not enough his life was crap already, Albus had to actually top the proverbial cake with this nasty little lemon drop. Now he was going to be forced to be in Lupin's presence every day, and MERLIN FORBID witness him and Saint Potter bonding…oh, he was about to puke. It was literally making his insides twist painfully, oh no, was this a panic attack? He hadn't had one in years! He was the right hand of the Dark Lord, he could deal with this of all things, right? Right. Oh wow, now Lupin was chuckling with Albus and Hagrid about something as they made their way towards the table. Is…is he…? No. He is NOT sitting beside Albus, thank you very much. That's right move along, Moony. ((How did I remember his stupid nickname?! BLOCK IT OUT BLOCK. IT. OUT.)) Wait. Oh no, he's sitting beside me! Why why why WHY why-

"Dear Merlin, your eyes are actually twitching, did you know that?" came a voice that startled Snape out of his own mind, a rare feat.

Minerva McGonagall stood there, peering at the taller but much younger colleague of hers as he stood stock still but staring off at the others as they made their way to the table and greeting their new staff member. He glared at her and began to walk on, to the table and his now dreaded place beside Lupin.

Minerva was not one to be brushed off so easily and she took his arm, making him stop and roll his eyes at her.

"Don't give me that attitude, young man. I may not be an Occlumens like you, but I can still tell you're obsessing over Remus teaching here this year." Minerva said, hands on her hips.

"I don't know what you mean, Minerva." Snape drawled out without emotion, his face carefully blank. Minerva huffed.

"Don't play coy Severus. You are exhausting, do you realize that?"

Snape narrowed his eyes. "I don't expect any of you to understand or even look beyond this apparent fondness for the man that has blinded you all into submissive little sheep. But I have a right to feel as I do—or did you conveniently forget the escapades your precious little Gryffindor indulged in while we were students?" Snape hissed back, eyes flashing. Minerva had the decency to flush—which for her was an unnoticeable tinge of pink on her sharp features.

"People change, Severus. You know better than most what that means." Minerva replied and walked away before Snape would retort. He looked at her retreating form then focused beyond her to Remus, who had been staring his way. Caught staring, Lupin blushed and gave an awkward wave and shy grin. Snape simply glared, took a deep breath and steeled himself for a very unpleasant evening ahead.

Chapter End Notes:
You may notice me change bits here and there from the books and the movies. Not to worry, it's not huge things (aside from the whole alternate universe thing pfft) but just as a heads up since some of you may catch on and be a tad confused.

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