Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Author's Chapter Notes:
Hope you enjoy this chapter.
Chapter Two - Convincing Uncle Severus
Thanx to my great Beta Lady DestinyHope for a great job.

Disclaimer: I don’t own Harry Potter and I am not making any money of of this story.


Harry knew that Uncle Severus would react this way, so it didn’t faze him when he started shouting . Before he made the suggestion, Harry had the fore thought to put a silencing spell around baby Harry so that the shouting wouldn’t wake the baby up. No sense having a cranky one year old to deal with as well as a cranky Potions Master.

Harry sat and watched his uncle pacing the office ranting and raving about the idea. He allowed him to do so without interruption as did Professors Dumbledore and McGonagall. They had both noticed Harry putting the silencing spell around little Harry so they let Severus get it all off his chest. Finally after he had wound down Severus took his seat again. Albus called for a house elf and ordered tea and biscuits for them all. Professor McGonagall played mother and they sat silently for awhile drinking their tea and munching on the chocolate biscuits.

Harry finally broke the silence turning to his uncle, "Uncle Severus, I know about your past with your father and with the Marauders, and I will say no more about it as I know that is the way you prefer it. I am asking you to please reconsider Sir, for my sake."

"You were the first and only adult in the Wizarding World who didn’t let the title ‘The Boy Who Lived’ go to your head. I was not allowed to get away with anything with you. If I broke the rules you punished me for it and it didn’t matter who I was or what my title was. You treated me just like you treated all your students, sometimes even harsher to make a point with me. With all the other teachers I just had to flash my poor lil orphan boy look and they would feel sorry for me and would allow me get away with just about anything, but that look never worked with you."

Seeing the disbelieving look on McGonagall’s face Harry turned to her. "It’s true Professor. Even with you Ma’am all I had to do was flash my poor orphan look and you would forgive and forget almost any misdemeanor I did." She still looked disbelieving so Harry looked at her with sorrowful eyes and a bit of a pout and Minerva true to form caved in with an "oh you poor dear", reaching out slowly with her hand and cupped his face gently running her thumb over his cheek before releasing him.

Harry looks over at Professors Dumbledore and Snape with a smirk, ‘Works every time."

Dumbledore smiled widely with his eyes twinkling merrily but Snape snorted and raised one of his eyebrows.

"Even Professor Dumbledore let me get away with things that other students would have been suspended or expelled for. For instance, at the beginning of my second year my best friend and I were unable to get through the barrier to get the Hogwarts Express so instead of waiting for his parents to come back through the barrier, we had the brilliant idea of taking his father’s enchanted car and flying it here. Well we made it here but we were seen by several Muggles and we also crashed into the Whomping Willow. That is one unforgiving tree and it has a wicked right hook," Harry chuckled at his statement and then continued, "Uncle Severus wanted us to be punished by being expelled or at least suspended for a short time to teach us a lesson but Professor Dumbledore left our punishment up to Professor McGonagall, since she was our Head of House. All she gave us was a night’s detention for our misdemeanor. "

Snape raised an eyebrow upon hearing this as he looked at Dumbledore, who smiled and shrugged.

Looking at his uncle Harry continued,"Sir, you have been the only one in my life who hasn’t allowed me to get away with everything and has made sure I was made accountable for my actions. Or at least you tried to. I have learned a lot about control and discipline from you over the years I have been at Hogwart’s. Admittedly, for the first five years you were a right git about it but still I was not able to get away with anything with you. You made sure that I took responsibility for my actions. I didn’t really appreciate it then but I do now. I would like to say thanks to all the teachers I had at Hogwarts but especially thanks to you, Uncle Severus. "

"This last year with you Uncle Severus has been the happiest time in my life since before my parents were murdered. You were not afraid to discipline me even though I had been abused. Everyone said to you that you should be more lenient on me because of my history, but you told them that would be a big mistake because I needed the structure of rules that needed to be followed in my life and to be able to accept the consequences of my actions if I chose to disregard the rules that were set up to guide me. For without this accountability I wouldn’t be able to become the best person I possibly could be and as my Guardian it was up to you to teach me to take responsibility for my actions and also to accept the consequences of these actions. You also told them that you would never over step the boundaries between discipline and abuse, that you knew the difference unlike my relatives. Sir, you were correct and I am a better man because of you and I was able to defeat the Wizarding World’s worst enemy because you made me a stronger and more confident man. I thank you, Sir for that. In this last year you have been the father I never had."

Severus didn’t say a word while Harry tried to convince him to change his mind about raising little Harry with the help of Remus and Sirius. However there was a look of pride in his eyes. The eyes are definitely the mirror to a person’s soul.

"I ask you to please reconsider sir, I know it will not be easy for you to work with Sirius and Remus but I need you. If I was raised by those two alone I most likely would turn out to be a smart aleck who likes pulling pranks on people and expect to get away with it because of who I am. I very much doubt I will get much discipline with them since I am sure I can use my poor lil orphan look to get out of trouble and you know that Remus will give into Sirius as he always did. I will be the one to suffer for it. Without discipline and structure in my life how am I to defeat Voldemort."

At the name Snape cringed and Harry apologized instantly, "Sorry sir, forgive me I forgot. I know that you would never give in and would hold your ground so that I would grow up to be a man anyone would be proud to know. You would make sure my fame doesn’t go to my head and that I was made accountable for my actions, no matter what anyone else says. I know that I need that in my life. I also know that you will do all in your power to keep me safe even if you have to give your own life to so."

Snape looked at older Harry then at baby Harry who was still sleeping peacefully on the couch and thought for a moment about all that Harry had said then turned back to older Harry with a determined look in his eyes. "You may have a point there Po....Harry. I wouldn’t want you to grow up to be just like the Marauders, Lily wouldn’t want that, she hated the pranks they played on people. She would have wanted you raised with discipline so that you turned out to be a good man. I will accept the responsibility of raising little Harry even if I have to have the other two helping me with the task. But mark my words young man you will have rules that will be followed or you will face the consequences."

"I wouldn’t want it any other way, sir." commented Harry with a huge smile and a sigh.

"Well now onto problem number two, Mr. Sirius Black. In my time line Sirius was sent to Azkaban for being the follower of the Dark Lord and the one who betrayed my parents, he was also accused of blowing up a street that killed another wizard and twelve innocent Muggles."

"Sirius was not my parents’ Secret Keeper when they died. He believed that if he stayed their Secret Keeper then he would be targeted right away since he was Dad’s best friend and therefore the obvious choice for Secret Keeper. So they hatched a plan to make Peter Pettigrew Secret Keeper because no one would believe they would be stupid enough to choose him as Secret Keeper. So without telling anyone they transferred the Secret Keeper from Sirius over to the rat. That was a bad decision for Pettigrew was in the Dark Lord’s service and was cowardly enough to run to his Master with important information even though he knew it would betray his friends and more likely than not, end in their demise."

"Severus is this true?" asked Dumbledore.

"I do not recall seeing Pettigrew at any of the meetings, Albus but it is possible since everyone wears masks to hide their identity." replied Snape.

"He could have been there and not under a mask," remarked Harry which got inquisitive looks from the other three. "Dad, Sirius and Pettigrew are unregistered animagi. Dad was a stag by the name of Prongs, Sirius is a dog that looks a lot like a grim by the name of Padfoot, Pettigrew is a rat by the name of Wormtail and Remus is a werewolf by the name of Moony. They became full animagi in their fifth year so that they could keep Remus company on the night of the full moon. They started studying in second year when they found out for sure that Remus was a werewolf. "

Professor McGonagall was totally shocked to learn that three of her students studied and became animagi without her knowledge right under her nose even. Professor Dumbledore just shook his head with a twinkle in his eyes and a smile on his lips. Professor Snape however was muttering something about that it figures they would break all kinds of rules and not get caught or something to that nature.

"Harry, how do you know that Sirius Black was not your parents Secret Keeper?" asked Dumbledore.

"Well Sir, he told me near the end of my third year and he had proof that he didn’t kill Pettigrew. You see Sirius escaped from Azkaban the summer before my third year and of course the ministry had the brilliant idea of having Dementors around the school that year. Nasty creatures they are." Harry explained with a shudder.

"It is impossible to escape from Azkaban." stated Severus, depanned.

"I know that is what they say but Sirius did it. He discovered that if he transformed into Padfoot that the Dementors couldn’t affect him as much. Apparently animals don’t have the same emotions as we do so the Dementors can’t detect them. So he practiced for months finally being able to maintain his dog form for a long interval so he slipped out of the prison undetected to his freedom. Well he was as free as a man can be while on the run." Harry informed the Professors.

"Harry what was his proof?" enquired Professor McGonagall.

Harry smiles and replies, "A rat."

The looks on the three professors faces was unique to say the least. They were all confused as to what he could possibly mean.

"What does a rat have to do with Black being accused?" Snape wished to know.

"Well Sir, I guess I should tell you who the wizard is that Sirius was accused of killing before I explain about the rat comment. He was accused of killing Pettigrew as well as the twelve Muggles. It was said that all that was left of Pettigrew was his finger."

"But this is not the truth?" Asked Dumbledore.

"No Sir, you see after Sirius found out about Mum and Dad’s deaths he went after Pettigrew because knew the rat was the Secret Keeper and therefore the only one who could have told Vol.....You-Know-Who where to find us. When Pettigrew was confronted on the Muggle street he knew that he was no match to Sirius’ dueling prowess. He yelled for everyone to hear that Sirius betrayed my parents and then the rat directed his wand at the street and fired a Reducto spell, severing the gas line under the street. Pettigrew cut off his finger then transformed into his rat form just before the blast hit the street and escaped down into the sewer system and was gone. He was presumed dead."

"When we met near the end of my third year Sirius told me this and even proved he didn’t kill Pettigrew by producing the rat right in front of my eyes. Once Pettigrew transformed back into human form, well actually he was made to transform back but that is beside the point, Pettigrew confirmed that he was the Secret Keeper who had betrayed my parents and that he was in the Dark Lord’s service."

"Harry do you know when this happened?" asked Dumbledore.

"I believe it happened the morning after my parents’ died. It was around seven o’clock in the morning, the Muggles were just starting their daily activities. That was why so many died that day." Harry replied thoughtfully. Then he suddenly sat up straighter and looked at Dumbledore.

"That is today isn’t it? If we can catch him in time we can prevent that from happening and send the right person to Azkaban for the betrayal of my parents." He looked at Dumbledore with hope in his eyes.

Dumbledore looked at the old clock that sits on a table by his desk then got up from his chair and went over to the fireplace where he threw some floo powder into the fire. After a brief conversation, Remus Lupin stepped through the fire into the office.

Remus looked around the office at everyone there and noticed little Harry sleeping on the couch and cast a confused look. "Albus I thought you were taking Harry to his Aunt’s?"

"There was a change of plans Remus. A young man showed up and convinced me that his Aunt’s was not the best place to leave young Harry."

"Who is this young man I would like to thank him." replied Remus.

Older Harry stepped out from behind Severus and said to Remus, "Hello Moony, good to see you again."

Lupin glanced at the young man then turned back to Dumbledore only to turn his head quickly back. "How?............why?................." stuttered Remus with his mouth working like a fish in shock.

"I seem to have that effect on people today." Harry joked with a chuckle.

"James?" questioned Lupin.

"No Remus I am not James. Although I look a lot like him, well except for my eyes they seem to be my mother’s or so everyone keeps telling me." Harry went over to little Harry and once again gently brushed his hair aside to show the lightning bolt scar on his forehead. Then he turned and lifted his own hair out of the way to show the exact lightning bolt scar in the exact same place.

"Harry? How? Why?" asked Remus with a bit of doubt in his voice.

"Yes, Remus I am Harry James Potter, son of James and Lily Potter. I am 17 years old now and in my last year at Hogwarts. I came back using a time turner that I borrowed from Professor Dumbledore. I came back in time to convince Professor Dumbledore not to leave me at my Aunt Petunia’s and I am happy to say that I have achieved that goal. Little Harry is now safe from Aunt Petunia and her husband." Harry said with a bit of pride and relief in his voice.


He told Remus all the information he had already shared with the others as quickly as he could without leaving anything out.

By the time Harry was finished Remus was flabbergasted and couldn’t believe what he was hearing. He wanted to grab Harry into his arms and never let him go. The wolf in him wanted to hunt down the people who hurt his cub and make them pay for all the pain they caused his precious cub, but the human side of him knew that this was not possible because one it would get him sent to Azkaban or worse and two it hasn’t happened in this time line yet and wasn’t about to happen, he would not allow it. He was willing to do his part in helping raise little Harry with Severus and Sirius.

Remus finally gave into his impulse and wrapped his arms around his cub and gave him a hug. Without intending to Harry flinched at Remus’ unexpected touch. Then he relaxed into the embrace and hugged him back with a deep sigh. How Harry had missed this, being held by Remus and being able to lay his head down on Remus’ shoulder. He hadn’t been able to indulge in this comfort since he lost Remus in the final battle and he missed feeling the werewolf’s strong arms around him and hearing his soft voice telling him all will be well. With reluctance Harry stepped back with a huge smile on his face.

"Thanks I needed that. Sorry about flinching it is just a reflex from the time I spent with my aunt and uncle nothing against you personally." Harry said with a apologetic smile.

Remus smiled back at him and slowly raised his hands to cup Harry’s face gently, "That’s ok I should have told you what I was about to do so you could prepare for it, I apologize for that."

"All is good." replied Harry with a wide grin.

Dumbledore broke the silence, "We need to get to Sirius before all those Muggles are killed and Sirius’ life is ruined needlessly. I will explain in more detail on the way there Remus." With this said Albus headed for the door of the office then turned back to address the others. "Remus and Severus I will need you both with me, Minerva if you would be so kind as to stay here and take care of our two Harrys please. And Harry if you would stay here please.......just too many questions would come up if you are seen outside of my office," remarked Dumbledore with a smile.

"I have no problem staying here with Professor McGonagall and little me," Harry said turning to smile at McGonagall.

With a smile and a twinkling of his eyes Albus led Remus and Severus out of the office and on their way to the mission at hand and that was to save Sirius Black and twelve innocent Muggles from a rogue rat.

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