Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Chapter 39 – First day at school

Ivy shook her head, smiling. "You are worried about today, Severus. Everything will be okay."

"I know it will be okay," Severus said grumpily. He hated it when his wife could read him like an open book.

"Of course," she said grinning, and turned to the twins' room.

"I thought we are looking for Harry?" Severus asked while following his wife.

"I am," Ivy said, and opened the door of the twins' room silently. "See," she said smiling when she saw her three boys sleeping peacefully in Lysander's bed.

Severus relaxed beside her and snagged an arm around Ivy's waist. "I love our growing family." He drew her tighter against him and kissed her.

"Me, too, Severus," she whispered against his lips.


"Hey-" Fred said, swinging his arm around Harry's shoulders.

Harry was looking to his left at Fred when another arm was placed over his shoulders from the other side.

"-Harry," George finished Fred's sentence.

"Hey, guys," Harry said, happy to see them again.

"We just wanted to thank you," Fred said cheerfully.

"Thank me for what?" Harry asked, confused.

"For getting us freed of our last class today," George said happily.

"Yes, but couldn't you beg old McGonagall to come with you to your adoption as well? Then not only DADA would be cancelled, but also the class before it." Fred grinned at Harry's bewildered expression.

"What my dear brother wants to say is that we have only a short day of classes because Moody is off with you to the Ministry this afternoon." George ruffled Harry's hair and then went in front of Harry and walked backwards while speaking with him. "So, what will it be when you come back? Harry Snape?"

"Harry Snape-Potter?" Fred went on.

"Harry Potter-Snape?" George asked.

"Or still just Harry Potter?" They finished together.

"Merlin, leave him alone, you two," Hermione, who just had caught up with the three, said.

"Yeah, you will find out soon enough," Ron added.

"Oh, it's Ronniekins and his little girlfriend. Look, George, aren't they cute? What do you think, Harry?"

"I think I have Potions in five minutes and if you ever want to use Severus' lab you should stop asking me stupid questions and let me go," Harry said, annoyed, but he couldn't suppress a grin because it felt so good to be around his friends again. It was a nice contrast to all the worried adults he had around him for the last week.

Fred, who until then still had his arm around Harry's shoulder, took his arm away and held his hand over his heart. "And I thought you would be happy to meet us again, but, no, the only thing you can think about is being close to your dear adoptive father again. Haven't you already enough of old Snapey?"

"I already told you that I don't like it when you call him that. So please stop it or I will have to think about who I choose as my friends."

"Look, Fred, now you've shattered all of our hopes for a joke shop business partner." George swatted the back of Fred's head playfully. Then he turned to Harry. "We don't want to hold you back from learning more about potions, my little partner. On your way with you, now." He bowed jokingly in front of Harry.

Before Harry could leave, Fred leaned over to him and whispered in his ear. "You know we are just joking, right, Harry? I mean we don't only see you as a partner or someone we could use to gain knowledge from Snape. We are your friends."

"I know," Harry said and rolled his eyes.

"Come on, Harry, we have to hurry," Hermione said and pulled Harry with her. They had to run to make it in time to the Potions classroom.

While they sat in the Potions classroom and Severus explained a potion step by step, Ron leaned over to Harry. "So, what name will it be?"

Harry didn't want to get in trouble with Severus in his first class by getting caught while not paying attention and so he just shrugged his shoulders. Ron didn't try to push him anymore, and so Harry was alone with his thoughts.

Earlier he had been totally sure about keeping his name, but now, after living with the Snapes for the last week and already feeling so close to them, he wasn't sure any longer. He would be proud to be a Snape, and he feared he would never really feel as if he belonged to them if he remained a Potter. On the other hand he felt as if he would be betraying his parents by choosing the name of his adoptive parents. Why does everything have to be so complicated?

"Mr. Potter?"

Harry jerked his head. He had been so deep in thoughts that he hadn't been listening to Severus or noticed that the Potions Master had come over to his desk and was now looming over him. "I'm waiting, Mr. Potter," Severus said dangerously.

"I'm sorry, sir. I fear I wasn't paying attention." Harry lowered his head. That was the old Severus, no that was Snape, and Harry had no idea how to react to him.

"I was asking why you didn't write down what I told you to do, but I think my question is already answered."

Harry could feel Severus still loom dangerously over him, but he didn't dare to look up. The room was so silent you could hear a feather drop. All were curiously watching the scene between the two. They had all read in the Prophet about what had happened to Harry, and that he now lives with the Snapes and will be adopted by them. They were eager to see if the relationship between the two had really changed.

"I'm sorry," Harry whispered.

"I expect total attention in my classroom. I thought you had already gained enough knowledge about potions that you would know how important that is. If you are not able to pay attention you will have to go." These words stung. It was Harry's first class and he was already in danger of being tossed out.

"It won't happen again, sir. I promise," Harry said and shyly looked up. He expected to see hate and anger in Severus' face, and last year he would have, but now he saw that there was concern in those dark eyes. The angered expression was just a mask. Harry relaxed a bit.

"I hope so, Mr. Potter. Have a look at Mr. Weasley's notes before you start preparing the potion." Severus turned, and all Harry could see was the billowing cloak of his adoptive father.

He managed to brew the potion flawlessly, but even so he couldn't banish those thoughts about his new name completely. At the end of the class the Potions Master ordered, "Ms. Granger, Mr. Weasley, wait outside for Mr. Potter. One word, Mr. Potter!"

Harry nervously went to the front desk. When all students were out of the room, Severus asked, "Are you all right?"

Harry rolled his eyes. "Will you ask me this after each class?"

"No, just after those that you don't pay attention in. So what was wrong?" Severus had put his quill down and stared expectantly at Harry.

"I was just a little preoccupied. Please, Severus, I'm fine," Harry assured Severus.

Severus sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "If you are having second thoughts about the adoption, you still can..." He didn't finish his sentence and ran his hand nervously through his hair.

Harry was shocked. That must have been the reason why Severus had behaved so oddly that morning. He had been grumpier than normal, and even after his coffee it wasn't any better. "I don't have second thoughts. How can you think that?"

"Normally you aren't so careless in my class. Not after you found interest in Potions last year," Severus said and eyed Harry closely.

"I was thinking about something, but it wasn't about the adop... okay it was about it, but not the way you think. I swear I haven't changed my mind. I still want to be adopted by you and Ivy, but this is my first school day and I'm already late for my next class. Please, can I go?" Harry jumped nervously from one foot to the other. He didn't mind that he didn't have the possibility of speaking with his classmates, but his next class was Transfiguration and he didn't want a worried Minerva to fuss over him as well.

Severus scribbled something on a sheet and gave it to Harry. "Here, give this to Minerva."

Harry grabbed for the letter but Severus didn't let go. "If you feel tired you will go rest, no matter what time it is!" Severus said and looked sternly at his new son.

Harry sighed. "You told me that five hundred times this morning."

"I sometimes don't know how many times I have to say something until it gets imprinted in your stubborn brain." Severus let go of the letter and waved Harry out the door. "And tell the dunderheads behind the door to come in."

"See you," Harry said and ran out of the room. Outside he was facing around 35 Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws who looked at him curiously. "Ehm... you can go in!" It was then that he spotted Hermione and Ron and went over to them.

Hermione was nervously shifting from one foot to the other. "Has Professor Snape given you a pass?"

Harry waved the sheet in front of Hermione. "No worries, the number one student doesn't have to fear getting detention."

"Very funny," Hermione said and turned her back to him. "Can we go now?"

"Sure." Harry grinned at Ron.

On their way to Transfiguration Harry told his worried friends that he wasn't in trouble and that Severus just wanted to know the reason for his inattention. Harry was happy that they had already reached the Transfiguration classroom, so he didn't have to answer Hermione's question about what it was that Harry had been preoccupied with.

Minerva took the pass from Harry and eyed him critically over her glasses. Harry didn't wait for a question and made his way to his desk. He could feel the curious glances in his direction, but at least there weren't any hateful like they had been from some Slytherins in Potions. Draco hadn't even looked at Harry, but Harry hadn't expected it. They had only agreed to be civil to one another in private. At least Draco hadn't mocked him.

"Mr. Potter!"

Oh, no, not again, Harry thought desperately. He looked up at Professor McGonagall, who stood in front of his desk.

"Ehm... yes?" Harry looked at Hermione, seeking help, but she just shrugged her shoulders.

"Yes, what, Mr. Potter?" Minerva's crinkles deepened on her forehead.

"Ehm..." What shall I say? Harry thought and looked down at his desk.

"Are you feeling alright, Mr. Potter?" Minerva asked worriedly.

Harry's head snapped up. "Yes!" The crinkles increased even further on Minerva's forehead and her lips were only a thin line. Harry added, "I'm fine, really." He couldn't stop himself from blushing. He hated that he was in trouble again in front of the whole class.

"I asked you to transfigure this button into a plate," Minerva instructed.

"Oh," Harry said when he saw the button in front of him on his desk. "Sure." Harry waved his wand and the plate change into a brown plate with four holes in the middle.

"Try again, Mr. Potter, but try to focus better. The rest of you try the same with your button. Anyone who manages to change it perfectly, come to me and show it to me." With that Minerva went back to her desk.

"I want the results from the rest of you now, as well," Minerva ordered at the end of the class.

Harry sighed, frustrated. He had the urge to crash his stupid plate against the wall. As often as he tried he couldn't do it right. When the plate was formed of the correct material, one or more holes were in the middle. If he could manage to get the holes away, the plate was made of the same material as the button. Ashamed, he presented his result to Minerva.

"No worries, Mr. Potter. You will soon catch up with the rest of the class. You pressure yourself too much," Minerva said encouragingly.

Harry looked at the pile of correctly transfigured plates. Only five other plates had little mistakes. In Harry's opinion his looked the worst.

"Come on, mate. It's charms now," Ron said and dragged Harry with him. This time Harry couldn't avoid the other students. They were all whispering and looking at him. "Don't pay attention to them. They are just stupid," Ron said calmingly. "What the hell are you looking at? Do you want a photo or what?" Ron screamed at a group of Ravenclaws that ogled Harry as if he was a dangerous creature.

"That's useless, Ron," Hermione said while taking Harry's hand. "In a few days they will find something else to look at and whisper about, Harry."

She didn't sound convinced, and Harry wasn't reassured at all. Nevertheless, he sadly said, "Okay."

Charms passed without problems, but Harry was very frustrated and was happy that he didn't have to attend more classes. He felt tired, and he hated all the stupid glances that were thrown in his direction. Everywhere he went people stopped speaking to stare at him. Sometimes Harry was really tempted to shout at them like Ron did, but his two best friends tried to distract him.

"I think I will go home," Harry said tiredly.

"You have to eat something, Harry," Hermione said.

"No, I'm not hungry. Just go without me. I will see you tomorrow." Harry quickly disappeared in the crowd before his friends could stop him.

Arriving at his quarters Harry threw his bag on the armchair and threw himself on the couch. And I really was looking forward to this first day at school? Harry wondered.

Harry heard a popping sound and suddenly Paul's face was in front of him. "Master Harry hasn't eaten lunch. Paul will bring Master Harry something to eat."

"No," Harry said and grabbed Paul's arm.

Paul looked at the hand which was holding him in shock and Harry let go of him the moment he realized that he was crossing a border. "I'm sorry, Paul. I'm not hungry. I just want to rest."

"Master Severus said Paul has to take care that Master Harry is eating. If Master Harry refuses to eat, Paul has to inform Master Severus."

Harry groaned. "Okay, I will eat something."

Paul grinned from one ear to the other. "Paul is happy that Master Harry wants to eat now." With a pop he was gone and minutes later was back with a tray full of food and a glass of pumpkin juice.

Chapter End Notes:
Next chapter: The adoption (best chapter ever, I promise)

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