Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Author's Chapter Notes:
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter and company. I am using them for fun only. I do own Dylan, Joseph, and Kayne. I am also borrowing Danu from the Irish but I think they can forgive me this one time.
Twenty Six

Harry stared at Ron in irritation and turned away. He signed heavily, it figures the one time I come to Hogwarts, and the stupid ass has to be here. Why me? he thought mournfully.

~Because you are just that special.~ Pasch said over their bond. Harry snorted and rolled his eyes. ~Oh, lucky me.~ He heard Pasch snicker before she disappeared from the bond; Harry just shook his head.

Harry began to walk toward the curtain that hid Dylan's bed.

"I asked you a question and I expect an answer," Ron demanded harshly.

Harry stopped then turned around slowly. His eyes were cold and his expression fierce. Ron paled, appearing to regret demanding an answer from Harry, as he took a step back.

Dumbledore looked at Harry, then at Ron and sighed. He raised his hand to his forehead and rubbed wearily, "Mr. Weasley," he began only to be cut off by Harry.

"Don't worry Dumbledore, I got this." He glanced at the Headmaster and Dumbledore's mouth twitched from holding in a smile when he saw the mischievous look in Harry's eyes.

Harry looked back at Ron and took a step forward. He noticed that Ron was even paler and began looking decidedly nervous. He gulped and straightened, looking at Harry bravely. Harry felt a vague sense of admiration for Ron for his bravery, stupid though it was.

"Mr. Weasley is there somewhere in this Wizarding World that states that you have the right to demand anything from me? Am I your family, your friend, or even an acquaintance?" he asked and Ron shook his head. "Then where the hell do you get off demanding a damn thing from me? I have had it with your rude behavior. I have done nothing to you that would demand such behavior, and frankly, I will not put up with it."

Ron looked at him angrily, "You broke my wand."

Harry snorted, "That's what you get for pulling it on me."

"You were insulting Hermione!" Ron yelled out.

"And?" Harry asked

Ron sputtered in anger, "What do you mean 'And?' I couldn't let you keep insulting her. She's my friend."

"Really? That's not what I read in the paper. Did she finally figure out you were trying to get into her pants?" Harry asked and watched as Ron's face flushed red. Ron took a step forward and yelled at Harry.

"I love her and she loves me. She just doesn't know it yet."

Harry rolled his eyes, "Yes, that much is obvious. I'm sure it would be a huge surprise to her if someone told her that she's in love with you. Mr. Weasley, I do not have time for you childish antics. I have things to do and people to see so if you would go away, it would be greatly appreciated by everyone in this room." Harry turned away and began to walk over to Dylan.

He heard a roar of rage and turned around just in time to get a punch to the nose. He fell and looked up to see Ron standing over him, panting in rage. Harry brought his hand up to his nose and wiped away some blood. He stared at his hand in shock, who knew Ron would have the balls.

"Well that looks like a good place for you. You are so beneath me, it's pathetic. I don't know how you thought you would get away with treating me as you have, but no longer. I am the hero of the Wizarding World and I demand some respect," Ron said with a smug look on his face.

Harry stared at his hand for a few seconds. Anger overwhelmed him as he glanced up at Ron, his eyes glowing with power. Ron gaped in shock and backed up quickly when Harry slowly got off the floor.

"Now Mr. Corwin," the Headmaster started and trailed off nervously when Harry directed a glance towards him. He was shocked at the power he felt flowing off the young man. There was more going on than Harry had told him; it hurt to know that Harry didn't trust him enough to let him know what it was. He glanced towards Severus, who was looking at Harry with pride. Severus felt his gaze and glanced towards the Headmaster. Severus gave him an unreadable expression and looked back towards Harry. Albus sighed deeply, he was sure that Severus knew why Harry was so powerful. He would get to the bottom of this later. He was startled out of his thoughts by a thud.

Harry glanced over at the Headmaster when he began to talk and Dumbledore trailed off. He looked back over at Ron and pulled out his wand. He began to caress idly it while giving Ron a cold glare. "This is the time you pull a wand out on someone, if you are going to. Not because they said a few nasty things about a woman who can't stand you and you are too oblivious to see it. The time to pull your wand on someone is when a coward attacks you when your back is turned. I am afraid I can't allow this act to go unpunished. You have the chance to run," Harry said mildly.

It took Ron a few seconds to understand what Harry had said, then he turned and tried to run from the room. Harry flicked his wand and Ron went flying against the wall. He hit the wall hard and slid down, moaning in pain. He glanced at Harry in fear then over at the Headmaster, "Professor Dumbledore, please help me," he begged.

Harry glanced over at the man he considered his grandfather, "Leashes, Dumbledore, leashes."

Dumbledore sighed, "I know just don't hurt him too much."

Ron whimpered in fear when he heard that and Madame Pomfrey screeched, "Headmaster, surely you aren't going to let him hurt Mr. Weasley?"

The Headmaster shook his head, "I have warned Mr. Weasley that he will have to take care of himself. I have had enough of holding his hand when he says or does something that gets him into trouble. It's time for Mr. Weasley to grow up and become an adult. I'm sad to say it took me this long to see it," Albus said, his gaze growing sad as he glanced at the cowering man.

Severus walked up to the Headmaster, put his hand on the man's shoulder, and squeezed gently. "You had a reason Albus, don't forget that," he said softly so that it wouldn't carry.

"Well I forbid it. You cannot think that I will stand here and let you hurt someone in my Infirmary," Madame Pomfrey said.

Harry flicked his wand, and said "Petrificus Totalus!" to keep Ron from moving. He then turned towards the nurse and she stepped back nervously, looking at his wand then his face. Harry walked over to her and leaned down to whisper in her ear. "Even if this man turned his back on Potter? Even if he threw his best friend to the wolves for a bit of attention and publicity? We are Protectors of the weak and betrayed. We do what we can, when we can." Harry heard the woman gasp softly and when he pulled back to look at her she was gazing at him with an intent look.

"Protectors of the weak?" she questioned in a quiet voice.

"Protector of the Valiant One," he answered in an equally quiet voice.

Her eyes widened then narrowed. She glanced at Ron then looked back up to Harry. "Alright but don't hurt him too much."

Harry smirked at her and her eyes widened. She gave him an intense glance, looking him over. Harry looked at her puzzled when she suddenly smiled at him knowingly. "Why don't you go torture Mr. Weasley a little Mr. Corwin. I think you have the right."

Harry gave her a sharp look and she just smiled smugly. Harry shook his head and turned towards the frozen man on the floor. He walked over and squatted down. He gave his former best friend a long look and felt sadness well up in him. This man used to be his best friend, they had been through so much together, and he had thought they would be friends forever until Ron had turned on Harry. Harry couldn't understand why he had done it. For what? Some time in the spotlight? Harry shook his head then paused, "Madame Pomfrey," he called out distractedly.

"Yes...Mr. Corwin?" she said, pausing over his name. Harry gave her a quick look as she looked at him serenely.

"I need to take some blood from Mr. Weasley."

She looked at him confused, "Why?"

"His blood needs to be tested for a potion; since he is petrified, now would be the perfect time to get some blood."

"Potion? What potion?" she asked curiously.

Harry shook his head, "You'll have to ask Severus or Albus that question. The vial please."

Poppy nodded and walked over to the medical cabinet and opened it. He heard glass clinking together as she began to rummage through the cabinet. She grabbed a vial then shut the door. She walked over Harry and handed him a syringe. He grabbed it and looked at it, then glanced at Poppy. "Muggle means Madame Pomfrey?"

She shrugged, "I don't discount it just because it's Muggle. Healing is healing whether it's Wizarding or Muggle. It will be easier to draw blood with this than to cut him with a spell."

He looked at the syringe. "I don't know how to use this. Would you be so kind?" he asked and waved at the frozen man.

"Of course." She grabbed the syringe from Harry then knelt down. She took Ron's arm and pulled out her wand. She muttered a spell and a rubbery cord wrapped itself around Ron's arm and it tightened. Poppy tapped his arm a few time then took the cap off the syringe. She inserted the needle into his arm and began to slowly withdraw blood. After the syringe was half filled, she pulled the needle out, took her wand out, and cast a healing spell on the arm. She then capped the syringe and cast unbreakable and preservation spells on the syringe.

She handed Harry the syringe. "There you go...Mr. Corwin," she said. Harry glanced at her again. He frowned slightly at the pause over his name. That was the second time she did that. He looked at her suspiciously and the woman smiled at him. "Is there anything else you need?"

"No, that would be it. Severus, could you please test this blood."

Harry looked over at Poppy. Call me Evan, please," he said.

Poppy nodded, "Of course Evan. You may call me Poppy. What is your middle name if I may ask?"

Harry paused in surprise, "Umm... I don't have a middle name."

Poppy looked very pleased by that, like she'd been given a present. "Well then, I need to check up on your friend, then talk to the Headmaster and Severus. You go ahead and torture Mr. Weasley." She leaned forward and softly whispered in his ear. "Get one in for me, would you?" then got up and walked over to the Headmaster with Harry staring after her in shock. Harry began to grin and looked back at the man on the floor.

Ron had been aware of everything that was going on around him even though he couldn't move. He'd been shocked when he heard Dumbledore tell Harry not to hurt him too much. He couldn't believe that he'd been betrayed like this, not by the Headmaster. He always took care of things. He knew that no matter what he did, the Headmaster would help him out. Now, the Headmaster had turned on him. He had been relieved when Poppy had interfered. At least someone was going to help him. He watched as that bastard had walked over to her and began to whispering in her ear. Whatever he had said shocked her then she too had turned on him. If he could have, he would've whimpered in fear. No one was stopping Corwin from torturing him. He couldn't believe it. When he got out of this, he was going straight to the Ministry, and then to the papers. He would not let them get away with this. He felt cold when Corwin finally directed his gaze at him. He cast his eyes around the room wildly but no one was paying them any attention.

"Well Mr. Weasley, Ron. I can call you Ron, can't I? Ron, we seem to be having a problem communicating. I insulted your friend, you pulled your wand, now, here again, I ignore your attitude, tell you few choice truths, and then you attack me. Punching me when my back was turned is cowardly and I am afraid I cannot allow this type of behavior. I am going to have to teach you a lesson. Do not start something you cannot win, and Ron, you will never be able to win with me. Now, whatever shall I do with you?" Harry asked idly. He tapped his wand against his lips thoughtfully.

"I've decided that I'm not going to hurt you, well not much anyways. Now be still Ron, or this might hurt." He pointed his wand at Ron and cast a spell. Ron whimpered internally, Why does he say be still, when he's the one that petrified me. Ron sighed in relief when he realized it hadn't hurt. Harry smiled at him, "Now for the next six months you will have the word 'Coward' written on your forehead. Whenever someone asks you why it's there, you will be forced to tell the truth. To everyone Ron, your family, friends, Ministry workers, reporters. Everyone will know of your cowardly actions. I don't think this will set well with the Wizarding World. Do you? Especially after that article in the Prophet," Harry said, shaking his head in mock sadness.

"Um...that just doesn't seem like enough now does it? There should be something else. Ah, I know." He pointed his wand at Ron and muttered another spell. Ron could feel something this time, but it wasn't painful.

Harry smiled at Ron, "Now that is a dual spell. The first part of the spell forces you to answer truthfully to everyone. You will tell them exactly what you think of them and you can't lie. I have a feeling you are going to lose quite a few friends by the time that spell is taken off. The second part of the spell will create intense pain if you ever even think about attacking anyone in such a cowardly way again. It'll make the Crucio curse seem like a tickle. Now, since I set the spells, I am the only one that can remove them. Until I feel that you have learned your lesson, the spells will stay on. Know this Ron, you will probably loose your standing in the Wizarding World. I hope the betrayal of your friend was worth it. Also, so you can't tell anyone about what happened here, I'm afraid I'm going to have to take your memories." Harry opened his mind and gently entered Ron's. Harry began to wipe the memories of Evan's power and of being thrown across the room. He replaced them with Harry pulling his wand and casting the Petrificus Totalus spell. He erased the fact that they just took the blood and replaced it with the memory of Ron willing giving them the blood. He eased out of Ron's mind and placed a sleeping spell on him.

He muttered a curse, picked up Ron, walked over to a bed, and laid him down. Severus, who'd been watching them curiously, walked over, "So what did you do?" he asked.

"I cast several spells on him. One will let everyone know that he is a coward by placing the word 'Coward' on his forehead. Only I can remove it. He'll be forced to tell everyone why it's there. The second spell will force him to tell the truth to everyone. What he thinks of them, their ideas, their family, etc. He can't lie, ever."

"You do know that he is a part of the Order don't you?" Severus asked.

"I know. The spell allows for it. He simply won't be able to say anything about the Order to anyone who isn't a member. I don't want to compromise the Order even if they are ineffectual."

"Is that all you did?"

Harry smirked, "If he ever thinks about attacking anyone from behind again he'll feel pain that makes the Crucio seem like a tickle. He'll still be able to defend himself but that's all. He won't be able to pull a wand or attack a person without a damn good reason," Harry explained.

Severus smirked, "How very Slytherin of you."

Harry smiled, "Thanks."

The Headmaster walked over to them and glanced down at Ron curiously. "Why is he unconscious?"

"I put him to sleep. I didn't even hurt him. I just cast a couple of spells that are going to make his life a living hell. No more than he deserves, though. Do you know that he feels that you betrayed him?" Harry asked.

"He does?" Albus asked.

Harry nodded, "Yep. You apparently failed in your duty by not defending him. He felt that since you took care of everything when he did something stupid, you were going to defend him this time. When you didn't, he felt betrayed and decided that you had turned on him. Which is really rich, coming from him," Harry said with a snort.

The Headmaster didn't answer; his expression was troubled. He shook off his thoughts and glanced up at Harry. "Since you are here, would you like to stay the night? That way you can be here when your friend wakes up. And, you can be inducted into the Order at the meeting tonight, the sooner the better."

Harry looked at Severus who nodded, then glanced back at the Headmaster. "That's fine."

The Headmaster smiled brightly, "Very good. I will have Dobby set up a room for you."

"I'm going to see how Dylan is doing," Harry said.

"Alright. Maybe afterwards you can explain to me why there is a Muggle in Hogwarts."

Harry looked at him, then at Severus. "You mean Severus didn't explain?"

"All he said was that you saved the Muggle and that he had an important part to play in the war."

"Ah. Yes, we can use his help." Harry nodded at the Headmaster and walked behind the curtain. He looked Dylan over and felt relief that he looked better than he had. He sat down on the bed and entered the man's mind gently. He dug around until he found the hidden box of memories, which he opened slowly, letting them out in a controlled dribble so they wouldn't overwhelm the man's mind. After a few minutes, the box was empty and Harry began to back out of Dylan's mind, then paused, rummaging around again until he found what he was looking for, then he backed out of Dylan's' mind and breathed a sigh of relief that nothing had happened.

"What did you do?" a voice asked him.

Harry jumped in surprise and turned around quickly, too quickly; he swayed a little and leaned on the bed. He felt a hand on his arm steadying him and look up. Poppy was looking at him, worried.

"I'm fine. You just startled me and the magic hadn't settled yet."

Poppy nodded, "What did you do? I could feel magic being worked but I couldn't tell what you were doing."

"I was replacing his memories; I had hidden them from him before the Aurors arrived," Harry explained.

"Excuse me?" Albus asked in confusion as he and Severus came around the curtain.

Harry sighed and started to tell the story of how he came to know two MI5 agents and how the Death Eaters were hiding in Muggle London.

"MI5?" Poppy questioned.

"It's an agency like our Unspeakable and Auror departments. They were watching the warehouse across from the salon because of suspicious activity there. What they didn't know, was that the warehouse belonged to the Death Eaters."

Albus and Poppy looked at him in shock, "Death Eaters in Muggle London?"

Harry nodded, "The Death Eaters realized that they had been watching the warehouse and while I was at the salon, they attacked. I saved Dylan and his partner, Joseph. I gave them the option of having their memories erased or I could hide them deep in their minds and, I release them later. They took the second option."

"But why? Why let the Muggles keep their memories?" the Headmaster asked. "You know it's the law to obliviate them."

"I know but they can help. They are MI5 agents, after all. They'll have a list of warehouses in Muggle London and beyond that are under suspicion. If Severus is right, there's probably more than one warehouse out there. With their help, we can save time looking for them. Unless you plan on going to every warehouse in London to check it out, this is the easier option. Plus, I really like Dylan and I didn't want to take his memories."

The Headmaster was thinking quietly, and then nodded, "That actually makes a lot of sense. Good idea Evan."

"Thank you Albus."

"So when I walked in you were giving him back his memories?" Poppy asked.

Harry nodded, "Yes, I figured he would be less disoriented if he could have them replaced while he was unconscious. In addition, he is an agent; he'll more than likely be suspicious when he wakes up. If he could remember me then he would know why he was here."

Poppy nodded in understanding. "He will be out till morning. You can come back then."

Harry looked at Severus, "I have an errand to run. Would you like to come with me? There might be violence," Harry added slyly.

Severus looked intrigued, "What are we doing?"

"I need to find Joseph, Dylan's partner. Since Death Eaters attacked Dylan, it is very likely that they will be after Joseph. I want to get to him and help him if I need too. I hope that they gotten to him yet," Harry said with a worried look on his face.

"I'll go with you; until later, Albus."

The Headmaster nodded, "Be careful."

"Always," Harry said. He turned and followed Severus out of the infirmary.

As they walked down the stairs and out the door of Hogwarts, Harry grabbed Severus's arm and said, "I'll need to apparate you again."

"How do you know where the Muggle's at?" Severus asked.

"I got the information from Dylan's mind."

"Couldn't you give me the information? If there are Death Eaters then you need don't need to be disoriented when we arrive."

Harry frowned, "Good idea." He looked at Severus and entered his mind gently. He gave Joseph's location and pulled out gently. "Got it?"

Severus nodded, "Let's go."

They both disapparated then reappeared in a middle of a forest. They pulled out their wands and looked around carefully. "If I got it right, the cabin should be up that trail. Let's go."

They began to walk up the trail and Harry opened his senses but couldn't find anything wrong. He hoped that they'd gotten here before the Death Eaters. They crept along carefully, glancing around warily.

They made it to the cabin and Harry scanned it. It was empty. He didn't know where Joseph might be. He gazed around thoughtfully and paused when he heard the sound of water. He looked at Severus, "If I was a Muggle on vacation in the middle of the woods, and there was water nearby -- what would I be doing?"

Severus shrugged, "I don't know, bathing?"

Harry rolled his eyes, "No Severus. Fishing, I would be fishing. Come on."

Harry began to walk down the trail towards the sound of water. He could hear Severus mutter about bugs and the stupidity of Muggles. Harry snorted softly, that man has to bitch about something.

They reached a clearing and Harry saw a large river. Joseph was sitting in a lawn chair, a beer in one hand, and a fishing pole in the other. Harry thought about how to approach him; there was no way around it; he had to petrify Joseph. He wouldn't believe it if Harry tried to explain the situation to him. Harry took out his wand and cast the spell towards Joseph. The man froze, his beer and fishing pole falling out of his hands.

Harry walked over to him. Joseph's eyes were open and they gazed at Harry in fear and anger. "Sorry about this Joseph. I hope you'll forgive me for this later. I needed to freeze you in order to help you. I know you don't understand now but you will. I need to give you your memories back so that Dylan has a friend when he wakes up."

Joseph eyes were confused and they widened in shock at Dylan's name. Harry smiled at him, "I'll be careful, but this is going to be disorienting." He gently entered Joseph's mind and found the hidden box of memories. He gently opened the box and let the memories out, and watched as they replaced the false ones. After a few minutes, he pulled out of Joseph's mind and released the spell on the man, and waited for Joseph to acclimate to his restored memories.

Joseph slumped in his chair and closed his eyes. Fifteen minutes went by before Joseph opened his eyes again. Joseph glanced at the man before him. "Evan?" he asked confusedly.

"Hey buddy, how are you feeling?" Harry asked.

Joseph sat up slowly, "A little disoriented. It's confusing to remember things you didn't know you knew." He closed his eyes and was quiet for a few more minutes. He eyes flew open and he sat up quickly. "Dylan, what did you say about Dylan?"

Harry patted the man on the shoulder, "He's fine now. I went to find him first but when I got to his house, Death Eaters were already there. We got them, but not until after they had tortured Dylan. He was close to death but we got him somewhere safe and healed him. He is fine now; he's just sleeping. He needs to rest while the potions do their work."

"We?" Joseph asked.

Harry pointed towards the man standing behind him. "My friend Severus Snape and I went to talk to Dylan."

Joseph glanced at Severus and his eyes widened. "Is he a vampire?"

Harry snorted in laughter and Severus grunted in irritation. "No, he's not a vampire. It's sunny remember."

Joseph looked at Harry in shock, "I was kidding. Are you telling me vampires are real?"

Harry nodded, "They are. As are unicorns, werewolves, dragons, three-headed dogs, etc. Many things you think of as mythical are real."

"Wow," Joseph said in a daze.

"Come on we need to go. I'm taking you to see Dylan; he's going to need a friend by his side when he wakes up."

"Are you ready to see a magical castle?" Harry asked in mock excitement.

Joseph paused from getting out of his chair when he heard that question. "Are you kidding me?"

Harry shook his head and Joseph's eyes widened in excitement. "Seriously? A magic castle?"

Harry nodded and Joseph grinned, "Well let's go. What are we waiting for?"

Harry started laughing and helped Joseph pick up his things. They began the walk back to the cabin and Joseph was asking questions excitedly. Near the end of the trail to the cabin Harry froze, quickly shushed Joseph, and looked at Severus. "There are Death Eaters here."

Severus looked around warily, "How many?"

Harry closed his eyes, "I feel five. They're at the cabin. They are probably planning to ambush Joseph."

Joseph cursed and threw his things down on the ground. He reached around his back and pulled out a gun. He cocked it and looked at Harry, "I know they are wizards and they use magic but a gun can do a lot of damage."

Harry nodded thoughtfully, "Well if they are waiting for Joseph, I say we should give him to them."

Joseph eyes widened in confusion and Severus looked at him in disbelief. "You're not doing what I think you're going to do. I forbid it."

"Severus it's the only way. They won't be expecting it. They'll be thinking I'm a Muggle, unable to use magic. You know as well as I do that I'm much stronger than they are."

"True, but you are having problems controlling your magic."

"Only because I don't want to hurt anyone, well not much, anyways."

Joseph watched them as they began to argue, ignoring him completely. "Uh...hello. Since I'm the one they're after, shouldn't I have a say in this?"

"No!" Severus said. "Of course, Joseph," said Harry, simultaneously. Harry and Severus glared at each other and Severus turned away with a sniff of irritation.

"Now what are you talking about doing?"

"I can take your form, enter the cabin, and stun them all," Harry explained.

Joseph stared at him, and then looked over at Severus, "Is he always this stupid?"

Severus snorted in amusement at Harry's exclamation of protest. "Yes, usually."

Joseph shook his head, "That's a stupid idea. What if you get hit with something you can't handle? Where's your backup? I'm assuming you want us little peons to wait here while you take care of the Death Eaters?"

Harry opened his mouth to say something but Joseph just kept on talking him, ignoring him. "I am not about to let you fight my battles for me, Evan. I appreciate the thought but I am an MI5 agent and I have been for years. I have been involved in things that would make most people shudder. You're not going into a situation that you have no knowledge about. If we had some equipment, we could do some recon work but since we don't we'll have to play it by ear. You'll have back up, Evan, because if you go running into that cabin without it, I will make you regret ever being born. Do you understand?" Joseph asked sternly.

"But I..."

"No. You are not going in alone. Period! We'll come up with a plan that involves the three of us or we can just turn around and come back the way we came. I've seen you wizards appearing from thin air, why can't you do it again?"

"The more Death Eaters we catch now, the less there will be to fight later," Severus said. He was beginning to like this Muggle. He wouldn't take any of Harry's self-sacrificing crap.

"I understand. Less is better. Now what do you suggest about drawing their attention?" Joseph asked.

Harry shrugged, he was pouting. It was a good plan he grumbled mentally. I have the power to take care of them. I don't see why I can't do it. He ignored the voice in the back of his head that sounded a lot like Pasch saying that might does not make right. No one would get hurt if he could help it.

~What about yourself?~ Pasch asked suddenly.

~What do you mean? I wouldn't get hurt. I have more power than they do.~ Harry grumbled.

~So, that makes it all right? Voldemort has more power than Dumbledore. Does that make what he does right?~

Harry was pissed, ~Are you comparing me to Voldemort?~

Pasch sighed in irritation, ~No kitten, I am not. I am saying that just because you have power doesn't mean you have to use it all the time. Let your friends help. As the Muggle said, it's his battle just as much as it is yours.~

~But he might get hurt.~ Harry protested.

~But it's his choice. He has been going into dangerous situation for years. Today is not the first time, nor will it be the last time, he has faced death. Let him do what he does best.~

Harry paused, thinking about it. ~I have been kind of a prat about this, haven't I?~

Pasch snorted in amusement, ~You're young yet. You will learn that you don't need to do everything on your own. You have your own gifts, use them.~ Pasch said then disappeared from his mind.

Harry looked at the two men who were talking softly. "I could use Faucon to recon," he said suddenly.

They looked up; Severus looked thoughtful while Joseph looked confused. "Faucon?" he asked.

"That's what we call my animagus form. The falcon that you saw before," Harry explained.

"Oh. You know that's a good idea. No one would notice a falcon in the woods."

Severus nodded in agreement. "Alright, change and check out the cabin. Come back and don't do anything stupid."

Harry looked at him in mock sadness, "I am not feeling any trust. I am very hurt by this Severus."

Severus snorted in irritation, "I'm sure. Just do what I said."

"Fine." Harry transformed into Faucon and took off towards the cabin.

Severus grumbled under his breath about brats and Joseph chuckled. "Is he usually like this?"

"This is a good day."

Joseph began to laugh. "He reminds me of Dylan before he became my partner."

"Oh?" Severus asked curiously.

"Dylan used to run into situations without learning everything he could first, or without thinking things through. He was willing to sacrifice himself for others. That idiot got into lots of bad situations but somehow he always walked away from them. Once he became my partner, I put a stop to that stupid behavior. I wasn't going to let him get himself killed," he said affectionately.

"That does sound a lot like Evan. He really likes Dylan."

Joseph snorted, "Figures. Maybe we should keep those two apart. Things might become even more dangerous if we don't"

Severus sighed in resignation, "Good luck, Evan is very stubborn and if you tell him to stay away from Dylan then he would be all that more determined to be with him. Evan hates being told what to do."

Joseph nodded in understanding. "Yea, Dylan is like that too." The two men sighed in despair over their friends.

A few minutes later Faucon came flying back and transformed back into Evan. "There are five Death Eaters. Two are at the southern side of the cabin and there are two inside. There is one waiting next to where the trail starts. I guess he's hoping to get you as you came out of the woods.

"I can take care of the one by the trail, Severus how about you take care of the ones outside of the cabins and Evan; you can take care of the ones inside. I can sneak up behind mine but if I shot at the others it would give us away."

Harry snickered and Severus smirked. "Since we don't have any headsets to use I need to be able to signal you or vice versa," Joseph continued. "Once I am done taking care of my man, Severus, you should go next. Take them down and take them down quickly. After you have them, then Evan, it's your turn. We don't want anyone to know we're here and I want to make sure that no one can give the alarm. Is there any magical way that you can let me know when your targets are taken care of?" he asked the two men.

Harry looked at Severus, "I could call to you in my falcon form. I'll sit in the tree in front of the cabin. I can see the wizard by the top of the trail and the southern side of the cabin. I'll let Joseph know when we are all in place and then let you know when Joseph has taken care of his wizard. Then when you are done with yours, I'll call to let Joseph know, and then I'll take care of the ones in the cabin."

"How do we signal if someone needs backup?" asked Joseph.

Harry pondered and then said, "If either of you needs help, I'll call three times for backup. Then I'll go to help. Severus, you can call an alarm when I go for my two. Sound good?"

"Sounds good; you guys ready?" Joseph asked.

"Always," Said Severus.

Harry looked at Joseph, "I can cast a spell that would silence your footsteps if you want, and another to help shield you from spells."

Joseph smiled and shook his head, "Thanks, but I have been sneaking for years. I don't need a spell to quiet my footsteps, but I'll take a shield from spells. Now, how are you getting into your positions?"

"I thought I would fly and transform when it's time."

"Severus?" Joseph asked.

"I will fly also."

Harry looked at him in surprise that quickly faded, "That's right, I forgot you're an animagus."

"Really? A falcon?" Joseph asked.

"I transform into a raven."

Joseph looked delighted, "That is just so cool!"

Harry snickered and Severus smirked. Harry waved his wand and said, "Protego." He said, "That should last for about 15 minutes."

They transformed and took off while Joseph began creeping up the trail. He finally reached the wizard and waited. He heard the call of a falcon and knew that it was Evan stating that they were all in position. He crept up behind the wizard, grabbed him around the neck, and began to squeeze. He held on firmly to the wiggling man until he finally slumped then let go. When the man fell, he reached down to feel for a pulse and sighed, relieved that he wasn't dead. He hated killing, even if his job sometimes required it.

He dragged the wizard back into the forest and heard Faucon cry again. There was an answering call from a raven and he knew that Severus was in place. He wished them both luck.

Severus was perched on a tree, watching the two Death Eaters below him. He was waiting for the signal to take care of them. A few minutes later, he heard Faucon call out and waited. A minute or two later, Faucon cried out again and Severus knew it was time for him to take care of the Death Eaters. He answered the cry and flew off into the forest. He transformed and pulled out his wand. He crept to the edge of the forest, brought his wand up, and quickly stunned both Death Eaters. They fell and Severus waited, since no one came running out of the cabin he bound them and transformed back into a raven and called out. It was up to Harry to take care of the rest of the Death Eaters. He heard an answering call from Faucon and prayed that Harry would be all right.

Harry sat perched in the tree by the front of the cabin. He could see the wizard waiting by the end of the trail. He finally saw Joseph appear out of the forest and called out. He watched as Joseph strangled the wizard, and then dragged him back into the forest. He called out again to let Severus know that it was his turn. He heard an answering call and waited for a few minutes. He heard another call and knew that it was time for him to take care of his Death Eaters. He called back to Severus then flew down to the grown and transformed. He sat there and waited for a moment before trying to lure them out of the cabin.

He started hitting the side of the cabin, and then cursed loudly so that the Death Eaters could hear him. He settled back and waited as he heard the Death Eaters run to the door. They flew out door, looking around for the source of the noise. Harry raised his wand and stunned them both. As they dropped to the ground and Harry ran over to them and stunned them again before putting a binding spell on them.

"I got mine. You can come out now," Harry yelled out. Joseph came out of the woods, dragging the unconscious wizard. He waited and few seconds later, Severus came around the cabin, two Death Eaters floating behind him.

He walked up and dropped the Death Eaters next to Harry's. Then Joseph placed his unconscious wizard with the rest of them. Harry leaned down, picked up a pinecone that had fallen from one of the trees, and made a portkey.

He piled the Death Eaters together and placed extra binding & stunning spells around each. "What do you think Albus thinks about our presents?" Harry asked idly as he activated the portkey and watched as the bodies disappear.

"He's been giddy with joy lately, so it's either that or it's from all the lemon drops he consumes. Either way he is a happy man."

Harry snickered then turned towards Joseph. "Is there anything you wanted before we leave?"

"Yea, I have bag of clothes and stuff that I would like to take with me. Wait a second while I get it." He turned and went into the cabin. A few minutes later, he came rushing out and jogged over to them. He looked at them in excitement and nervousness. "All right, I'm ready. How are we getting there?"

"I am going to apparate with you," Harry explained.


"It's what we call our ability to disappear and to reappear from thin air."

"Will it hurt?" he asked nervously.

Harry shook his head, "No, it won't hurt." He looked at Severus. I'll see you there?" Severus nodded then disappeared. Joseph shivered, that was just so freaky. He looked over at Harry expectantly and Harry grabbed his arm. They disapparated and reappeared near the Forbidden Forest. Harry looked at Joseph worriedly when the man didn't move and noticed that he had his eyes closed.

"You alright there?" Harry asked.

Joseph opened his eyes, "Yea, I was a little dizzy but I'm fine now." He glanced around curiously but didn't see castle, magical or otherwise. He looked at Harry in disappointment. "I thought you said there was a castle."

"There is. I can see it because I'm a wizard but you need to be on the castle side of the wards to see it. There is a ward around the castle to protect it from Muggles. I'm going to have to direct you past the wards since you're going to want to go the opposite way. There are deflecting and 'notice-me-not' spells in the wards. The closer a Muggle gets to the wards the more they want to leave this area. Muggles think this area is haunted."

Joseph gulped, he could already feel the wards affecting him. The longer he stood here the more he wanted to flee. Harry grabbed onto his wrist. "There are two ways I can do this. I can drag you through the wards or I can freeze you, take you past the wards, and then unfreeze you once we've passed them. Your choice."

"Freeze me. If I feel this bad just standing here it's not going to get any better."

Harry nodded and took his wand out, petrified Joseph and floated him through the wards. Once inside the castle grounds, he removed the spell on Joseph and helped him sit up. Joseph looked around and froze at his first sight of Hogwarts.

"Oh my god. That is...oh wow...a magical castle." Joseph trailed off in awe. He suddenly turned towards Harry. "How freaking cool is that!" he said with excitement. "A magical castle."

Harry laughed, "It's a school to teach young wizards and witches how to use their magic. It's summer break now, so the castle is nearly empty. I have to warn you though, the portraits talk, the stairs move, there's a Poltergeist that likes to throw water balloons, ghosts, and strange creatures called house-elves who take care of the castle. Don't be surprised by anything. Come on. I'll take you to Dylan."

Harry walked toward the doors of Hogwarts with Joseph following. As they went into the castle, Joseph gasped at the beauty of it. When they were climbing up the stairs, he noticed the stairs above him were moving. He glanced at the walls and saw the people in the portraits moving, and nearly fell when a portrait called out a greeting to them. He had heard Harry say that they talked but hadn't quite grasped it.

They finally reached the infirmary and walked in and over to Dylan's curtained bed. Joseph inhaled sharply when he saw Dylan. He quickly walked over to him. Concerned, he looked back up to Harry. "Is he going to be alright?"

Harry opened his mouth but Madame Pomfrey answered for him. "He's going to be fine, young man. He had severe blood loss but I gave him some blood replenishing potions. He'll awake in the morning."

"Ah thanks."

"I'm Madame Pomfrey, the healer here at Hogwarts."

"Nice to meet you, I'm Joseph Robsart."

Poppy bustled around the room, checking Dylan's pulse, his eyes and then straightening his blankets. She gave them both nod then left.

"Dylan is in really good hands. She's the best at healing," Harry commented. Joseph nodded distractedly.

They sat together quietly and time went by. A voice interrupted the quiet.

"Evan, it's time for our meeting."

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