Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Author's Chapter Notes:
Thanks a lot to my beta-readers, Acai and Fallen-Petals15, for correcting my mistakes.

I also want to thank my motivation and plot betas Katja and Alicia.

Dear readers,

Okay, that's the end of Part One now. I'm very sad and I really have to force me to upload this chapter now. Please review and motivate me to write the sequel soon.

In the meantime I would suggest that you try one of my other stories. Especially "Final Breeze" and "Cherokee Camp". Or if you want to read about a little Severus, you should give "A better Childhood" a try.

A big 'Thank you' to all my loyal reviewers. You kept me writing.


Chapter 84 – New Years Eve


"When you hug me, I will think twice about my decision," Draco said while holding an arm out to keep Harry at bay. "Your family is way to touchy and hair-ruffly."

"As if I would like to hug a snake," Harry said, pulling a face.

"Good," Draco said dryly and turned around to go into the hall.

Harry used his chance when Draco turn his back to him and jumped him to ruffle Draco's hair.

"Hey, you traitor," Draco cried out and dashed after Harry down the halls.

At the end of the hall Draco had caught up with a heavy breathing Harry. "Are you all right?"

"I don't know. I think I should take my potion," Harry said and fumbled in his pockets. Cold sweat formed on his forehead when he realized what had happened. "Damn!"


"Damn, as if I'm not in enough trouble already," Harry cursed.

"What's wrong?" Draco asked, not knowing why Harry was so distressed.

"I forgot my applicator. Severus will kill me!" Harry said, already starting to panic.

"Calm down, Harry. Maybe you won't need it," Draco said uncertainly.

"No way, now that I know that I don't have it, I will get an attack for sure," Harry said miserably.

"We could use the floo," Draco offered.

"But our floo is closed now. Albus and Minerva are in the Great Hall."

"Then we could call Madam Pomfrey or James," Draco said, but Harry shook his head.

"That's not good. I have to speak with Severus," Harry said and let his head hang.

"Okay, come on, let's go in the living room," Draco said and laid his arm over Harry's shoulders.

With his head hanging and the familiar burning in his chest, Harry entered the living room. Severus sat with a glass of Fire whisky in his hand on one of the big armchairs.

"Severus, can I please speak with you?" Harry said nervously.

"What's wrong?" Severus asked, alarmed by his son's behavior.

"Can we talk in the hall?" Harry said, already having trouble taking deep breathes.

"You should take your potion, Harry," Ivy said, worried.

Harry gulped and shook his head. "Can we please talk outside?" he pleaded in Severus' direction.

"Where is your applicator, Harry?" Severus asked sternly, realizing that there wasn't much time for Harry to take it before it was too late.

Harry groaned and wriggled to find a way out of this without embarrassing himself in front of Remus and Mrs. Malfoy-Lupin.

"Harry?" Severus stood up and grabbed Harry's shoulders to see deep in Harry's eyes to check how far Harry already was into the attack.

"I forgot it," Harry whispered.

Severus groaned and pulled Harry with him to the room where they had arrived a few minutes ago. He rummaged in his cloak until he found the emergency potion.

Harry's breath already came in short gasps, and he was relieved when the vial was pressed against his mouth.

When the attack was over, Severus addressed Harry. "You gained yourself a nap now."

Harry looked up, shocked.

"You know the drill, Harry. The emergency potion drains your energy and you have to refill it with a nap. There is still enough time before midnight," Severus said sympathetically. "I will fetch your applicator during your nap. Do you remember where you left it?"

Harry was surprised that Severus wasn't really mad with him, but didn't object. "I think in the bathroom."

"Do you need help, Severus?" Remus asked through the closed door. "We have his potion on supply, you know?"

"Yes, come in," Severus said.

Remus eyed Harry closely and then turned to Severus.

"I need to go back home and look for Harry's applicator. I had to give him the emergency potion, and that means he needs to nap for at least an hour. Could you show him to a bed and watch him. He has the tendency to not sleep if there isn't someone around to watch him. Breathing techniques help him to fall asleep. Are you familiar with them?" Severus asked, not really liking that he had to leave Harry with Remus. The man was very close to Harry, and Severus felt jealous. He knew that this was really irrational, but he couldn't fight the feeling.

"I know some breathing techniques, Severus. You can trust me with him," Remus said seriously.

Harry could feel that something more was going on between the two men. Remus and Severus still weren't friends, and Severus seemed to never forget Remus' and his past as students at Hogwarts.

"Fine, I will check if he is asleep when I'm back. Please inform Ivy otherwise she will worry," Severus said and turned for the fireplace. He first had to lower all the wards and that will need some time.

Ten minutes later Harry lay in one of the guest beds, and Remus sat beside him rubbing his back and telling him when to breathe in and out. After five minutes of tossing his head around, Harry fell asleep.


"Harry?" Severus said softly and shook Harry's shoulder gently.

"Ugh," Harry groaned and blinked.

"Time to stop napping or you will miss the whole party," Severus said, grinning.

"What?" Harry said, shocked, and sat up abruptly. "How long was I asleep?"

Severus grinned. "One and a half hours. So you still have more than two hours to party until midnight."

"Oh, why didn't you wake me earlier, Severus?" Harry whined and tried to stand up, but was prevented from doing so by Severus.

"Harry, I still want to speak with you about what happened earlier." Severus looked Harry straight into the eyes.

Harry squirmed. "I'm sorry. I know I shouldn't have forgotten my applicator, but-"

"No, Harry, that's not what I wanted to talk about. That you forgot your applicator was bad, but we took enough precautions to react in that case. You are a teen and not a perfect robot. No, I wanted to thank you for coming to me and not hiding the fact you forgot the applicator. I'm glad you start to trust us enough to speak openly." With that he thrust the applicator into Harry's hand.

Harry blushed. "I thought it would be best. You would have been mad at me when I got an attack and didn't tell you about the applicator before."

"Yes, I would have been mad and very sad if you had hid this information from me, but you didn't. I'm very proud." Severus ruffled Harry's hair affectionately.

Harry grinned happily. "Can we go to the party now?"

"Of course," Severus said, chuckling.


"Finally!" Draco shouted when Harry and Severus entered the living room. Happily he ran over to Harry. "Come on, you must try the punch."

"The children punch," Severus said seriously, eying his godson critically.

"Of course, Uncle Severus," Draco said and pulled Harry to the big buffet.

"What's that?" Harry asked while looking disgusted at some red creatures on the buffet.

"That are king prawns. They are great. Try one!" Draco said, so excited that Harry wondered if Severus had a reason about telling Draco not to give Harry the punch of the adults.

"Eww, I don't think so. They are looking at me," Harry said, disgusted, and pulled a face.

Draco laughed. "Sometimes you are really silly, Snape. Like a girl." Draco grabbed one of the prawns and beheaded it.

Harry stepped back when he heard the crunching noise this action produced.

"Draco Lucius Malfoy, how often do I have to tell you to use a plate? You'll soil the floor," Mrs. Malfoy said reproachfully.

"Yes, Mum," Draco said, but when he turned his back to his mother, he rolled his eyes. "Here," Draco said and thrust a plate into Harry's hand as well. "Take whatever you want, but you should really try the prawns."

Harry held distance between him and all the ugly looking stuff that lay close to the prawns. When Draco slurped an oyster and a baby calamari, Harry thought he had to vomit. A hand was placed on his shoulder and he jumped.

"Don't let Draco spoil your appetite, Harry. He is only showing off. Normally he wouldn't eat the oyster or the calamari," Narcissa said friendly. "Look over there is some chicken and salad." When Harry toddled over to where Mrs. Malfoy has pointed, she addressed her son," Really Draco, you behave like a bore."

Draco blushed and looked down.

Narcissa shook her head. "I thought you two were friends enough to not try to impress the other all the time."

That was one thing women will never understand, Remus thought while coming over to Narcissa and Draco. "Boys always have to impress each other or challenge each other, love. Come on let them have fun. A few crumbs on the floor won't kill us."

Narcissa rubbed her belly, thinking that soon there would be no male dominance in the house when Aquila is born. Narcissa was really looking forward to have a girl that would behave like she understands it. Sometimes she wonders about Draco's behavior and is very happy to have Remus at her side.

Draco threw a grateful look at his adoptive father and ran over to Harry. After they had eaten, they drank some punch and played with the twins until Narcissa called them over to the adults.

"Time for the surprises!" Narcissa said and was delighted by the shine in Draco's eyes. Sometime he still was her little baby boy.

On the table lay eight presents and eight magical crackers. In the middle of them was a deck of cards.

When all guests were gathered around the table, Narcissa explained the rules. "One after another you will pick a card and do what is written on the card. When you have fulfilled the task you can choose a present or a cracker. So we all have two turns. Who wants to begin?"

"Me!" Eathan said and lifted his finger up in the air as high as he could.

"Okay, Eathan, then you will start the game," Narcissa said, smiling.

Eathan eagerly took a card and gave it to his mother to read it for him.

"Sing a song!" Ivy read and looked happily down at her son.

Eathan thought shortly and then started to sing.

Draco had trouble keeping serious and not laughing out loud. Harry didn't dare to look in Draco's direction because he knew he would start laughing as well. It was just too funny how Eathan sang. He often didn't know how to go on and then started anew with a part he could sing well. Eventually he stopped in the middle of a sentence and declared that the song was finished.

"Very well done," Narcissa exclaimed, excited. She and Ivy were the only ones who really enjoyed this song, and Harry was sure they really thought it was good. It's like when babies fart and women think it is so cute.

Eathan grabbed a present and held it protectively on his lap. Obviously you open the presents after the game, Harry analyzed.

Eathan was allowed to choose the next person and said that it was Lysander's turn now.

Lysander grabbed for the cards and gave it to his father, gnawing at his bottom lip.

"Draw a picture of a firework!" Severus read out loud.

Lysander smiled, relieved. He was worried it would be something he couldn't.

"Here, Ly," Narcissa said and laid a sheet and some corals on the table.

With his tongue stuck out in concentration, Lysander drew the picture and was rewarded with a present.

Oh, please don't choose me, Harry pleaded inwardly and tried to avoid looking at his brother, who now started to look uncertainly around in the room.

"Mummy," Lysander said, and Harry relaxed.

Harry knew that it was irrational and childish to be afraid to have his turn, but again he was bothered by not knowing what would come and if he was able to it.

"Tell us your New Years Wish," Ivy read out loud. She smiled at Severus in a private mental conversation before she turned to the other guests. Narcissa smiled knowingly at her best friend, but the children didn't seem to have notice the silent interaction between Severus and Ivy. Narcissa was a little worried about Severus' serious and concerned expression when Ivy looked in another direction, and so Narcissa looked quickly over to Remus. Her husband of course had noticed the whole thing and grabbed Narcissa's hand in comfort. It was his way to tell her not to worry and enjoy the day. Eventually Narcissa was pulled out of her thoughts by Ivy's wish.

"I wish that we will remain such a happy family or even will get more happy," Ivy said, happy that she didn't have to lie, but still didn't have to give her true wish away. "Remus you are next!"

"Kiss two persons in the room," Remus read out aloud. "Not a hard choice," he said grinning and leaned over to his wife to kiss her deeply.

"Eww," Draco whispered in Harry ear. "Isn't it awful to see your parents make out?"

"You are telling me! Mine are behaving as if they haven't seen each other for weeks whenever they meet each other," Harry replied in a soft voice.

Draco stepped back horrified when Remus went over to him. Chuckling madly, Remus turned directly in front of Draco and marched over to Ivy and Severus. "Severus my-"

"Don't even dare to try it or the little bit of friendship we have built up is ruined this instant," Severus spat.

Remus stopped shocked and couldn't say something for a moment.

"What? You didn't even think that I would let you kiss me?" Severus asked, puzzled.

"No, I was just joking, but you caught me a bit off guard with your friendship comment. Never mind," Remus said, still positively shocked that Severus saw him as a friend. "Ehm... I originally wanted to aim at your wife or is this ruining our friendship as well?" Remus asked teasingly.

"Beginning friendship, I said, Lupin," Severus said, realizing his slip of tongue.

"Friendship nevertheless, Severus. You can't beg out of it now. So what about your wife?" Remus asked.

"Oh, please, you never asked me before when you kissed her. Or wait... how do you plan to kiss her," Severus asked skeptically.

"Really, Severus," Ivy said and hit him playfully on his chest. "Come over here, Remus!" Ivy stood up and opened her arms.

Remus grinned and went over to hug Ivy and kiss her on her cheek. Eathan and Lysander giggled. "I want to kiss you too, Mummy," Lysander said, excited.

"Me too," Eathan added and bounced. When all the kisses were exchanged, Remus announced the next person to play the game.

Harry was caught of guard when Remus said his name because he still was transfixed with all the playful exchanges. So when his name was called he jumped and the attention was fully on him. "Ehm... okay." Nervously he went over to the cards and took one. Please not singing!

"Tell a short children's' story," Harry read out, relieved. He was good at telling stories because he had done this quite often the last months for Eathan and Lysander. They loved his stories and so Harry was confident when he told a story about a little duck in a big pond, who met a lot of friends.

When Harry had chosen a gift, he told Draco that he was next.

"Dance with someone!" Draco read out and grinned at his mother. "Would you give me the pleasure of dancing with me, Mother?" Draco bowed in front of his mother.

"It will be my pleasure, Draco," Narcissa answered playfully.

Remus let the background music change into a waltz because he knew that Draco was very proud that he had learned that dance especially for the wedding.

After a while it was again Harry's turn. Some things were twice in the deck of cards and so Harry pleaded again that it was not singing and added dancing as well.

"Kiss three persons in the room," Harry said and blushed wildly. At least better than singing or dancing he tried to convince himself.

First he choose the easiest targets, his brothers. "Okay, little monsters. Let your big brother kiss you!" Harry said playful and grabbed Eathan who squealed delighted by the play. After Harry had planted a very noisy kiss on Eathan's cheek, he chased after Lysander, who was running away, giggling. He caught him easily and gave him a noisy kiss as well. Then he blushed and went over to Ivy. "Mum?"

"It's my pleasure, Harry," Ivy said and opened her arms.

Harry quickly kissed her cheek and wanted to draw back, but Ivy was faster and pulled him closer again. "Oh no, that was all?" Quickly she gave him a noisy kiss on his cheek.

"Mum!" Harry protested and wiped his cheek with his sleeve. That all guest were chuckling didn't help his redness at all.

"You turn, Dad," Harry said while passing Severus on his way to the table. Quickly Harry grabbed a cracker and went over to Draco again, who made kissing gestures at him.

"Be happy I didn't choose you," Harry said teasingly which made Draco stop shocked. "That was a joke!"

"I hope so, or I really have to wonder why you didn't want to speak with the girls on the lake," Draco said teasingly, even so he knew that Harry was straight like he was. Harry had told him about his crush on one of the Ravenclaw fifth years.

"I want another card," Severus said protesting when he had read what was standing on his card.

"Oh no, no cheating, Severus," Narcissa said, amused.

"What is it?" Ivy asked and leaned over. She grinned when she saw what it was.

"That's not funny!" Severus glared at his wife.

"Oh, don't be a spoilsport," Ivy said, patting Severus shoulder and then snitching the card out of his hand. Before Severus could protest she read out, "Sing a song!"

Remus grinned, and Severus glared daggers at him.

Harry felt with his father, but couldn't suppress a grin.

"Okay, okay, just remember you asked for it," Severus explained and then started to sing in a deep baritone.

Oh he ought to be an admiral, a sultan, or a king

And to his praises we shall always sing

Look what he has done for us, he's filled us up with cheer

lord bless Charlie Mops,

The man who invented beer

"Severus!" Ivy said reproachfully and bopped Severus in his ribs. "How many Fire whiskys did you have?"

"You wanted me to sing. You didn't say what!" Severus protested. Eathan and Lysander giggled wildly, and Draco and Harry tried hard to stand straight, but failed when they snorted with laughter.

"Time to unwrap the presents," Narcissa declared and everyone ripped the paper of their presents.

Harry looked shocked at his present. It was one of the awful books Severus had forced him to read for punishment when he eavesdropped on his talk with Draco. Rosaly Meadow's Garden of Eden.

"I think I have yours, Harry," Remus said and pulled Harry out of his shock. "Here!"

Harry grabbed the snitch, Remus pressed in his hand. Still dumbfounded, he looked at the snitch.

"Look you can activate him here!" Draco said and push a small button.

Immediately, the snitch became alive and made an angry sound. After a few second it bit Harry in his hand and Harry let go.

Draco laughed hard. "That expression is almost as good as you looked when you bumped on the ice. It bites when you don't release it quickly enough or turn him off. "Come on catch it!" Draco demanded playfully and finally Harry grinned and raced after the tiny golden ball. When he caught it at the other end of the room, Draco was behind him.

"I chose it. It only hover low enough to still get caught. Do you like it?" Draco asked, smiling proudly.

"Sure! It is great!" Harry said happily.

"I have one, too!" Draco said and pulled his snitch out of the pocket. "We can play who catches his one first."

"Yeah, that sounds great," Harry said, excited, but then realized the book in his hand. "Oh, I think I have to find the one whom this book belongs to." He ran over to Ivy and looked around if she had a gift in her hand. The book could still be Narcissa's present.

"Ah, there it is," Ivy said when she saw the book. "Or did you change your mind about Rosaly?" Ivy asked teasingly.

"Yes, we would happy to buy you a whole series of Rosaly, Harry," Severus said in a sing song voice.

Harry pulled a face at Severus and stuck his tongue out.

When Severus tried to grab his tongue, Harry quickly drew backwards and ran giggling away. The time until midnight Draco and Harry played with their snitches and the twins played with their blocks. Their colors changed every five minutes and when two or more blocks with the same color touched each other they vanish and appear on the loose pile of blocks again. That made each building very unstable and the boys giggled happily each time it broke down.

"Time to go out for the firework and the countdown," Remus announced. "The house-elves have prepared everything."

"Wow," Harry said amazed when the fireworks were shown in the sky. It was the greatest fireworks show he had ever seen. At midnight everyone was hugging the other, even Draco hugged Harry. Every adult was kissing Harry, even Narcissa and Remus. It seems they enjoyed that he didn't protest like Draco.

In the end Harry had Eathan on his shoulders, looking mesmerized at the fireworks. So many things had changed in the last half year, and now he was much happier than he had ever thought possible. For the first time in his life Harry was looking forward to a new year in his life.

The End.
Chapter End Notes:
This chapter was extra long, and I feel very sad about posting this last chapter. So please review and make me smile again. Maybe it will make me start the sequel sooner than I planned!!!

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