Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Chapter 5 – First Night

Ivy place Ossy on the bed and laid her hands on Harry's. "Please don't pressure yourself, Harry. You know from experience that this brings you nowhere. Let James and Henry help you, and do the tests they want you to do. We will come and visit you each afternoon." She looked with those sad eyes at him and cubbed his cheeks with her hands. "We love you, Harry. Nothing can change that." She pulled him closer to kiss his forehead. Then she quickly stood up and left the room.

"I'll try to come over as soon as possible, Harry. Maybe I can bring Remus or Draco along one day." Severus laid his hand on Harry's shoulder, but the whole gesture seemed forced and mechanical. For Harry it was a sign of the disappointment his father had about his behavior. Harry hadn't been able to do what he had asked of him. He had worried Ivy even more.

When they had left, Harry just sat on the bed motionless. He could feel James' eyes on him, but it didn't matter. He had failed, and he needed to suffer for it.


"What's going on in your head, Harry?" James asked while he watched the silent and depressed boy on his bed. He had seen that something had changed in Harry's face while Ivy had spoken with him, and he hadn't missed the tension Harry had shown when Severus had said good-bye.

"They are disappointed in me," Harry said softly.

"Why do you think that is so?"

"Severus asked me to be strong and help Ivy. Have you seen him? He is disappointed in me. He didn't even hug me when he said good-bye."

"Do you want to hear my way of seeing the goodbye scene?"

Harry looked up at James. He didn't answer nor gestured James to go on, but his eyes said it all.

"I think your parents feel both very guilty. Ivy thought she would have been able to manage it all without you and the twins being influenced by this at all. She feels guilty for not being able to help you. Severus is guilt in person, Harry. It is very hard for him to be around Ivy and the other way around. Still both try to work together for your sake. Both are very worried, and both want to do their best to help you, even so at the moment they aren't able to live together. Severus didn't hug you because he feared you didn't want it. He tried to pretend that it was him and not Ivy who made you come here. He wanted to make it easier for Ivy this way. We spoke about it in my office only a few minutes ago. Severus thinks you are mad at him for being here. That was the reason why he was so reserved during his leave-taking."

"Why can't Ivy forgive him?"

"That, Harry, is something Ivy and Severus have to clear, not you. Of course you are affected by this problem, but you can't do anything, and it isn't your place to try to interfere. I think they both try very hard to still be good parents. Being parents and being a couple are two different kinds of things, Harry."

"But we are no longer a family."


Sometimes Harry hated James directness.

"But Severus wanted me to not worry Ivy more and take care of the twins. Now I failed at all of this. What about Eathan and Lysander. What will they think when I'm away as well? Oh, no, I promised them to never leave again. Back in Malfoy's Mansion at Christmas. They will be worried and think I left them. I need to go back." Harry jumped up and went over to the cupboard. Before he could pull his clothes out to put them in his bag, James took his hands and closed the cupboard.

"Calm down, Harry. Eathan and Lysander will be told that you have physical problems, which isn't a lie. Maybe they will even come and visit you as well if you need to stay for the whole seven days. You don't need to worry about them. If everything goes as planned, Thadeus and Elli will come over for the weekend to help Ivy."

Harry let James guide him over to his bed again.

"What kind of test do I have to do?" Harry asked.

"Tomorrow we will start with some physical tests concerning your lack of sleep and food. We need to know how much it already has affected you. This room is monitored Harry, so we will know if you have trouble at night. Your food will be measured as well. Your stay here is to see if we need to give you some potions or other medication or if we can help you without it. I know it is not very comfortable to be controlled like this, but it is for your own good."

Harry looked around if he could see some kind of cameras, but then he remembered that he was in a magical clinic. Wizard folks certainly didn't need cameras.

"I would like you to choose at least two arbitrary therapy forms which are taking place in the afternoon. Here is a list of them. If you have question you can ask a nurse or Victor or come to me. My office is close to the big welcome center we had entered when we arrived here." He gave Harry a sheet and then another one. "This is your schedule. The two therapy forms you choose will be added by a nurse or me when you inform us about your choice. The rest of the schedule is already written down, but it can still change according to the results of the tests. So look at it randomly to be sure you didn't miss a change."

Harry quickly scanned the sheet. "I have to take talking therapy and family therapy?"

"Yes, that's not different for our session at Hogwarts Harry, just that we see us a bit more often. As you can see I planned the schedule for seven days, but still it is possible that you don't have to stay that long. We can do this therapy session at Hogwarts as well or you could come back here just for the sessions."

"Okay." Harry let the parchments sink.

"I will leave now. I will see you tomorrow morning. Let Victor show you a bit around and help you with your choice." James tapped the list in Harry's hand.

Harry nodded. Only a week. He would be able to do this all.

Victor enthusiastically showed Harry around. The whole ward or as Victor called it Shrink City was very warmly and friendly decorated. The nurses were very nice and there were even male nurses.

"Can I show Harry the park and the gym?" Victor asked nurse Anne, who was sitting behind the big counter of the welcome area.

"Half an hour, Victor." She looked at Harry and then fumbled in a drawer. "Give me your hand, Harry. I need to fasten the ward band around your wrist. That will give you access to the park and the gym, but will stop you from leaving. You won't be able to get rid of that."

"I didn't plan to run away," Harry replied, shocked.

"That's the normal procedure, Harry. You are underaged, and we need to make sure you won't leave."

Harry groaned, but let her fix the band around his wrist.

The park was small, but for a few kids sat with their guests on benches and some were playing basketball at a small basketball court. "Come on, I want to show you the gym. I have soccer training there and sport therapy. Do you like soccer."

"I play Quidditch."

"Oh, yes, but you can't do magical sports here. I don't know why. Do you play in a school team? I never made it in the team at Scanterby."


"It's only a small school, not like Hogwarts. My mother wanted me to go to school there because they have very good music and art teachers. Our Quidditch team isn't very popular as we are more a school for artists and musicians."

"We don't have classes like that in Hogwarts."

Victor shrugged his shoulders. "Maybe you could try soccer. It's really fun."

"I will only stay for a week, so I don't think it make much sense to start something new."

Victor looked disappointed. He led Harry into the gym which was full of girls. "Oh, its dance training."

"No, no, no, boys," a very shrill looking woman said. He reminded Harry of Tonks. "Either dance with us or leave. No watchers!"

"So dancing or leaving, Harry?"

Harry looked at Victor as if he had grown a second head. "I can't dance."

"Oh there's not much about dancing. It's only moving to the music like you think it is right. There is no real right or wrong. It's cool. The session ends soon. It will be fun, come on." Before Harry could protest Victor pulled him amongst the girl, who smiled at him, some shyly, some admiring ,and some even ignored him. Harry's face burned in embarrassment when the woman instructed them to let go and let the music flow through their body and move like the music told them to move.

Everyone around Harry seemed to take this serious;y. Even Victor had closed his eyes and moved his arms crazily and swung his body around like grass in the wind. Harry looked shocked around and didn't know what to do. When his eyes fell on the woman, he saw her coming over to him. Harry tried to step backwards, but she quickly was behind him and took his shoulders. "You need to relax and feel the music," she spoke softly close to his ear, so they wouldn't disturb the others. "Close your eyes and try to relax. Nothing will happen to you. Just feel the music and let you body become one with it."

Harry didn't want to be a freak, and in this group he would be one if he wouldn't do what the others did. So he closed his eyes and tried to move awkwardly.

"No, no, no, sweetie. Just feel the music. Listen and take it into your body. Your body will start dance on its own when you are one with the music."

Why the hell had he agreed to go with Victor? Harry was scared. He was sure he wouldn't be able to do what the woman wanted from him. She didn't let go of his shoulders and slowly Harry's panic went away. He could hear the music now. The tunes were very melodic, not overly dynamic, but also not depressed. The more he listened to it the more he had the feeling the music was creeping into his skin and his bones. He forgot the women behind him, Victor, James, all the problems at home, and he just heard the music and felt it humming in his body. Then he felt himself swing from one side to the other and it was very, very relaxing. He felt good and so peaceful. He couldn't remember when he had last felt so peacefully. Harry couldn't say how long they had danced, but when the music ended he had the feeling it was too short.

"Well, well, well, girls and boys. That was a very good session. I'm proud of you all. Now off to supper," the woman said and clapped her hands. Then voices broke out. All the girl seemed to start chatting at ones. Victor led him back to the wards and into the boy's lavatory. Then they went into the big dining room.

"You should try to eat more, Harry. We are monitored here as well, and you will soon have one of the nurses or a healer on your back if you not eat more."

"I'm not hungry."

"They are not taking this as an excuse, believe me!"

Reluctantly Harry gnawed a bit more on a dry slice of bread. Victor hadn't lied, only a few minutes later a male nurse sat down beside Harry. "You don't plan to leave that on your plate, do you?"

Harry looked shocked at the nurse.

"I'm Dexter, and I'm responsible for your table today. If your refuse to eat more, I need to inform one of the healers, Harry."

Harry looked at his plate. "But I'm full."

"Those portions are measured. It slightly over your normal calorie need. The amount you want to leave on your plate is over the half of your portion. That will make you lose weight, and we can't let you do that. You know that this is one of the reasons you are here."

Harry groaned. It was embarrassing that the nurse was saying all this in front of Victor, even so the boy tried to pretend to not listen. At least the rest of the table Harry was sitting at was almost empty. Only a few more boys were sitting a bit further down the table and also didn't seem to pay attention to Harry and the nurse. Harry poked at his salad and forked it quickly in his mouth. He hoped the nurse would leave now, but he wasn't lucky. Only when he had finished his bred and the fruits, the nurse petted his back and left satisfied.

"Don't even think about going to the toilet for throwing it up. They will find out!"

"I was not planning-"

"Just a friendly warning, Harry," Victor said after he had lifted his hand to stop Harry's protest.

"Can we leave now?" Harry asked, annoyed.

"We need to wait until they have announced what kind of evening program we will have today."

"Evening program?"

Before Victor could answer someone spoke with a Sonorus charm. "This evening is a reading evening. Nurse Kathrin will read from 'Maya and her secrets'. So anyone who wants to listen to it, needs to be in the cushion room at seven. Now off with you to clean yourself."

Again Harry was led by Victor through the routine. They showered and brushed their teeth, and then they went back to their room. "I will go to the reading. What about you?"

"I think I will try to sleep. It was all a bit much today, and tomorrow they want to make a few tests, and I should better be well rested to pass them."

"All right. I will try to be silent when I come back." Victor left clad in his pajamas.

Harry stared at the ceiling while he lay on his bed. He couldn't sleep. Too many things were running through his head. He thought back to the dancing in the gym and was surprised how good he had felt then. He would have never guessed.

When Victor softly opened the door, Harry feigned sleep. Soon Victor's breathing ebbed down and Harry knew the boy was sleeping. The problem was that Harry couldn't sleep.

Harry shut his eyes when the door to their room was opened. The light in the hall was dimmed, but Harry's eyes had become used to the darkness in the room, and so even that dim light blended him.

"How are you, Harry?" a female voice asked.

Harry opened his eye carefully. The nurse had closed the door, but had lid her wand. It didn't look as bright as a normal Lumos. It was more like a blue light and it didn't blend at all.

"I can't sleep," Harry whispered.

"I will give you a potion. It's not a sleeping draught, but it will help you to fall asleep as well. You will feel a bit odd, but I will stay until you are asleep, Harry. Don't worry." She fumbled in the bag she had brought with her and soon a spoon full of sick potion hovered in front of his mouth. He wanted to tell her that he didn't want to take it, but as soon as he opened his mouth the thick liquid was in his mouth and some odd reflex set in and made him swallow the sweet tasting liquid down. Suddenly Harry felt a prickling in his whole body, and he felt light. He panicked, but the nurse was speaking softly to him, and her hand on his chest stopped him from sitting up. He was dizzy, but too weak to fight against the pressure of the nurse's hand on his chest. After only a minute Harry felt his lids to become heavy and his eyes close. After another minute or so he was asleep.

Chapter End Notes:
Please review and make me forget my sore throat and the stupid stuffed nose and the annoying cough! Where the hell is James when you need him?

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