Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Grimmauld Place

The next afternoon found Harry and Remus in the most secluded corner of the Dursleys’ back garden. They had spent the morning in Harry’s room learning the theory of Apparation. The former professor had concentrated on teaching Harry the technique that would allow him to Apparate and Disapparate with barely an audible sound, instead of the distinct “CRACK” that he recalled the Weasley twins producing. They were now in the garden with Harry attempting to Apparate several feet from one side to the other. Neither of them saw Dudley peering out at them from behind the kitchen curtain.

Under Lupin’s patient tutelage, Harry was finally able to disappear and re-appear six feet away. Falling on his back, Harry laughed in delight at his new ability. His was not yet a silent Apparation, but it was much quieter that the one Mundungus Fletcher had done last summer in front of the house on Privet Drive. Remus looked down at him indulgently, his eyes twinkling, and he stretched out a hand to help Harry up. His fingers were warm and firm as they tugged Harry to his feet, a reassuring feeling to them.

“All right, Harry let's try that again, this time to that corner…” Lupin was interrupted by an owl that swooped down between them and dropped an envelope at Harry’s feet.

Harry looked at it apprehensively for a moment, and then back up at Lupin. “Are you sure it’s okay that we are doing this?” At Remus’ nod, he bent to pick up the envelope addressed to him cautiously, and turned it over the see the Hogwarts crest on the seal. “Isn’t it too early for our school letters?” Harry ripped the envelope open and quickly pulled out the single piece of parchment inside. He scanned the bright green writing once, and then again, slowly, as his jaw visibly dropped.

“Remus!!! It’s my OWLs! But, I think someone made a mistake! This can’t be mine…Remus!” Harry looked up in disbelief. “This says I earned 10 OWLs! Seven of them Outstanding OWLs! NO! Oh NO! Remus!” Harry was jumping up and down now, and thrust the paper into Lupin’s hands. “AnOutstanding Owl in POTIONS!! Snape is going to have a fit!”

“Professor Snape, Harry.” Remus muttered automatically as he started reading the paper. Harry turned a cartwheel and then Disapparated and Apparated several times in rapid succession around the backyard. “An Outstanding in Defense against the Dark Arts as well! Excellent, Harry, excellent!”

“Did I earn enough to get into Auror training??? I mean to get into want I need for my NEWT levels?”

Lupin nodded with a smile. “Six outstanding, three exceeds expectations and one average, yes, I think you will be okay.” He looked at Harry shrewdly. “I thought Potions was one of your worst subjects? Or is it the teacher?”

Another owl swooped down on them before Harry could answer, this time dropping the envelope at Lupin’s feet. As he bent to retrieve it, Harry noticed that his new godfather did not appear to be quite as pinched or sickly looking as he had in the past. He wondered if Snape were still brewing Remus the Wolfsbane Potion that minimized his symptoms at the full moon. Lupin scanned the parchment rapidly and looked up at Harry as if to say something, but hesitated.

“Ha..harry?” Neither of them had heard Dudley Dursley come out the garden door into the backyard. Dudley hesitated, and threw an anxious look over his shoulder at the house where his mother was having tea with Mrs. Figg. “Can I ask you a question, Harry?”

“Sure, I guess.”

“Those scabby, black, hooded things that attacked us in the alley last summer, they aren’t coming back are they?” He looked from Harry to Lupin. “That’s not why you’re learning to disappear is it?”

Harry was taken back by Dudley’s words and could only stare at his cousin. Dudley was a large, lumbering bully, who had spent most of their young lives using Harry as a punching bag, but he was a muggle. Muggles did not see dementors.

“Son, are you telling me that you saw the dementors last summer?” Remus Lupin exchanged glances with Harry; both of them knew what Dudley’s words could mean.

“Well, they were a little hard to miss, especially the one grabbing my face!”

“Harry, pop up to your room and get the mirror Sirius gave you.”

With a feeling of dread, Harry Apparated to his room, fished the shattered mirror out of the bottom of his trunk, and Disapparated to the backyard. Lupin was speaking quietly to Dudley when Harry appeared and held out the badly wrapped mirror. Remus looked up at Harry, and pulled out his wand.


Harry grinned ruefully and handed the now whole mirror to Remus, wondering how his old professor always seemed to know what Harry didn’t want to tell him. With a glance over his shoulder towards the house, Lupin walked into the shadows, muttering into the mirror. Dudley looked at Harry, for the first time perhaps ever, without animosity. He seemed to study his cousin intently for several minutes, before pulling a coin from his pocket.

“I can make this disappear, Harry, although I am not sure where it goes, but I’ve been practicing hard. Do you think I can learn to disappear like you’ve been doing?”

At a loss for words, Harry looked about franticly for Remus, only to discover that Dumbledore had joined them in the backyard. Relief washed over him as his Headmaster winked at him, and walked Dudley toward the house. Harry watched as Dumbledore waved a hand over Dudley’s head and sent him into the house.

“Harry, Petunia was right, you are looking a bit peaked.” Dumbledore put his hand on Harry’s shoulder and looked over his half moon glasses at him. “I think you have been here long enough for the summer, would you like to celebrate your birthday with the Order?”

“Yeah, I would. Professor? Is Dudley a wizard?” Harry looked up into the sharp blue eyes. “He saw the dementors last summer.”

“Well, Harry, your cousin could have been a wizard, but it was part of my deal with your aunt that he not know he was magical. Now, let’s get your things together and you can show me what you’ve learned today.”

“Professor, later, can we talk about my dream?”

Dumbledore smiled gently as they watched Lupin levitate Harry’s trunk and Hedwig’s cage out the window. “Yes, my boy, we will and we will also be doing Occlumency lessons, as I hear you’ve been practicing hard.” He looked over at Remus, and nodded. “Oh, and Harry, excellent job on your OWLs.” And they disappeared.

-0- -0- -0- -0- -0-

The dim basement kitchen at 12 Grimmauld Place had undergone a remarkable transformation since Harry had been there last. The rough stone walls gleamed white and spotless in the enchanted light of magical skylights, and the table and cabinets shined warm with polish. The room was quiet and empty when they appeared.

“Harry, Hermione’s just arrived, too, and she is upstairs with Ron in the room you share.” Dumbledore looked intently at him over his half moon glasses. “They are quite worried about you.” He pulled 2 parchment envelopes from a pocket in his robes. “Why don’t you Apparate up there and give them their OWL letters.”

Harry reached for the envelopes, but Dumbledore did not release them immediately.

“The Order was told about the Prophecy, Harry, so they could better protect it, and you, as they have sworn to do with their lives. You have two friends upstairs who freely followed you into the unknown and laid their lives on the line just a month ago, because they love you. Don’t they deserve to know the Prophecy too?”

The blue eyes were solemn, as were Lupin’s gray ones as Harry glanced at him with silent appeal, apprehension filling him.

“Harry, Ron and Hermione have been your closest confidants since you first met. They have accepted you without judgment, stood by you through ridicule, and they, of all people, will understand.”

With a nod, Harry took the envelopes and a deep breath. He envisioned the bedroom and closed his eyes.

Neither Ron nor Hermione heard the soft pop as Harry Apparated just inside the bedroom door. He could see that they had a map spread out on Ron’s bed and were studying it intently.

“No, Ron, I really think we will have to change trains here, in order to get to Little Whinging. If we just got on the Knight Bus…”

“I am NOT getting on that blasted bus again! We will just have to leave while everyone is sleeping, and maybe we’ll be there by noon. I just know that he’s not going to send another birthday alone!”

Harry took a step toward them. “You don’t have to go to all that trouble, I’m here.”

Both his friendly started guiltily at being caught plotting, until it sunk in that it was Harry. Hermione threw herself at him with a squeal, and without hesitating, Ron wrapped his arms around them both. Everyone was trying to talk at once and then they all laughed, and started again. Harry had to laugh at the looks of mingled surprise, delight and concern he saw on their faces.

“Harry! Mate, how did you get here?”

“Oh, Harry, you look simply terrible!”

“Come here and sit down for a minute, both of you. Before anything else, I have something I need to tell you, something I should have told you a month ago.”

Hermione and Ron sat down on Harry’s bed, exchanging concerned glances. Harry took a deep breath as he looked at them, hoping the fear he felt didn’t show.

“A month ago, when I told you that Voldemort had Sirius, neither of you hesitated in coming with me to London. You knew what we could face, knew it wasn’t going to be easy, and you gave your all, getting hurt in the process. While you were being taken to the hospital wing, I was in Dumbledore’s office breaking things and raging at him.”

Both his friends chuckled at the image.

“He knew I was hurting over Sirius, worried about you guys, and didn’t understand what was going on. Dumbledore told me that he had been withholding information from me in the form of this Prophecy, which allowed Voldemort to lure me to the Department of Mysteries. The one we found there broke in the Death Chamber, but the Headmaster showed me his memory of the original prophecy in his Pensieve, just as Professor Trelawney gave it to him.” Harry screwed up his face in concentration, trying to remember the exact wording.

“ ‘The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches…born to those who have thrice defied him, born as the seventh month dies…and the Dark Lord will mark him as his equal, but he will have power the Dark Lord knows not…and either must die at the hand of the other for neither can live while the other survives…’”

Hermione gasped and looked up at Harry, while Ron appeared to be trying to work out the puzzle. “This is why you put up a wall between us, wasn’t it, Harry?”

Harry nodded, not surprised by her perception. “Ultimately, I will have to be a killer or a victim, which made me truly feel like a ‘marked’ man.”

“No, you can’t interpret it that way! Voldemort, oh hush Ron, is evil, he didn’t care who he had to hurt or kill just to hear to this prophecy. He has to be stopped, Harry, before he kills many innocent people. If you are the only one able to do that, then so be it!”

“And he has only heard the first part of this, the part about a boy being born who could defeat him, Hermione, because there was a spy who was heard the first part of the prophecy when it was made. Dumbledore says that when Voldemort tried to kill me, he marked me as an equal with this scar, and unknowingly transferred some of his powers to me, like being a Parselmouth. “

“Harry!” Ron burst out. “That says you are Vold…Voldemort’s equal! Blimey, Harry!”

“I certainly don’t feel like his equal, Ron! In fact, the whole thing pretty much scares the wits out of me!”

“I understand why Professor Dumbledore didn’t want you or Voldemort to hear the prophecy.” Both Ron and Harry stared at Hermione. “He didn’t want Harry burdened with this knowledge on top of everything else he had going on, and he certainly doesn’t want Voldemort to find out that Harry is at least his equal in wizarding power, until Harry has learned how to use it. Don’t you see, Harry, everything Dumbledore has done since you came to Hogwarts has been to try and give you time to learn your skills like everyone else. Unfortunately, Voldemort isn’t that patient.”

Harry nodded in agreement. “I know that there are some things that seem to come easy for me, like resisting the Imperius Curse, but there is so much I don’t understand.” He looked at his friends. “I tried to use the Cruciatus Curse on Bellatrix LeStrange when we were fighting, but it only stopped her for a minute. She laughed at me, and said that the curse doesn’t work unless you really want to hurt someone. I am not sure I can ever learn to do that.” Harry looked at his best friends. “Dumbledore says only the Order and we can know what the Prophecy says, so…”

There was a knock at the door. “Ron! Hermione! Remus is back! Maybe he has news of Harry!”

Harry grinned and crossed to the door, flinging it open as Mrs. Weasley made to knock again. “Hi, Mrs. Weasley!”

Molly Weasley gapped at him for a moment before sweeping Harry into a stranglehold embrace. “Oh, Harry! You look terrible, dear! I swear those people need to be whipped!”

Trying to pat her on the back reassuringly, Harry found that he still had the envelopes Professor Dumbledore gave him in his hand. He thrust his arm behind him, while Mrs. Weasley kept hugging him.

“RON! OWL Letters!”

“OWL letters?” Mrs. Weasley released him finally, swiping at her eyes, as Ron and Hermione ripped open their envelopes.

“I earned ten OWLS, Mrs. Weasley, six Outstandings!” Harry beamed, “An O in Potions!!”

“Me, too, Mum! I earned eight too, four Outstandings, and three Exceptionals, including one Outstanding in Potions! Harry, Snape is going to kill us!”

Hermione dropped heavily to the bed, reading her letter through a third time.

“What’s wrong?” Harry asked.

“I got one Exceptional.” Hermione looked up at them. “What did I do wrong?”

“Hermione,” Harry said patiently, “how many outstanding OWLs did you get?

“Well, eleven” Hermione had the grace to blush.

Ron rolled his eyes at Harry and they all laughed as they made their way down to the kitchen. Ginny launched herself at Harry as they entered, and suddenly everyone was talking at once about OWLs and Harry.

“Ah, Harry.” Albus Dumbledore extended his hand and placed it on Harry’s shoulder as he walked over to join them. Remus smiled at him.

“All right Harry?”

“Yeah, actually, just like you said. You were both right, I feel better now that I told them. Maybe it won’t seem quite so overwhelming now. Thank you.” Harry smiled at his new godfather, and felt content with the warm, reassuring hand of his headmaster and protector resting on his shoulder. He knew that nothing would ever completely fill the void left by Sirius’ death, but the love he felt here helped ease the ache.

-0- -0- -0- -0- -0-

Dinner was a boisterous affair with Mr. Weasley joining them from work. The talked about their OWLS and Harry let slip his newly learned Apparation skills. Ron and Hermione protested vigorously and made appeals to Professor Dumbledore for the same privilege, citing the fact that Harry was rarely out of either of their sights ten months of the year. With twinkling eyes, Dumbledore pondered their request for several long minutes before agreeing; he produced two more special Apparation licenses, much to Ginny’s dismay.

As everyone was starting to help with the clean up, the door opened to admit a tall, sallow-faced man with dark hair, wearing black traveling cloak. Professor Snape swept into the room giving no sign of surprise as his eyes raked across Harry, who in turned felt an intense wave of hatred. He walked over to where Mr. Weasley and Professor Dumbledore were speaking quietly.

“You wished to see me, Headmaster?”

“Severus, yes, thank you for coming so swiftly.” Dumbledore rose. “Remus, Harry, will you join us please in the drawing room.”

Harry exchanged looks with Ron across the table as he got up and followed the others upstairs. He again noticed how clean everything looked, seeing with a glance that the tapestry the Sirius had hated so was gone from the wall. Eyeing Dumbledore’s back, Harry was sure that Mrs. Black’s portrait in the entry hall was also gone.

Filing into the drawing room, Harry stood next to Remus as he quietly shut the door. Snape stepped into the middle of the room facing Dumbledore, who sat in a cushy armchair.

“Harry, Remus tells me that you have exhausted yourself practicing Occlumency since the term ended.”

“Yeah, I…” He shot a look at Snape. “I didn’t want to put anyone else in danger because I failed to practice.”

Dumbledore nodded. “Severus, I would like you to test Harry and evaluate his progress since you last gave him a lesson.”

Snape stiffened, his eyes locked on Dumbledore. “Headmaster, we have discussed this, and you are aware of my wishes.”

Dumbledore steepled his long fingers and looked over them at Snape. “Much has happened since that incident, Severus, and this is critical to the Order. I do know that Harry has kept his silence.”

Remus Lupin spoke quietly, “Not only did he not say anything, Severus, Harry risked everything to use the fire in Umbridge’s office to speak to Sirius and me. He was so devastated that James could have treated you so shabbily, so arrogantly, treated you like his cousin had treated him. He agonized over what kind of man had fathered him, mortified at a twenty year old memory of a fifteen year old boy.”

“Potter loathes me, just as his father did!” Snape snarled back, finally looking at Harry with a withering gaze through his long, greasy hair.

“Harry loathes you as an overbearing teacher who never passes up the chance to bully or belittle him in front of the entire class. Unlike you, Severus, who hate a boy simply because he bears an uncanny resemblance to the man who made your school years miserable. Harry is not James, and he needs your help.”

Lupin and Snape stared at each other for several long moments, before Snape nodded and walked to the far end of the room.

“Mr. Potter.”

Harry took out his wand and moved into position opposite Snape.

“On the count of three. One…two…three, Legilimens!”

An image of an ancient stone archway started to form in his mind, but Harry ruthlessly squashed it, envisioning a wall surrounding his thoughts and feelings. He concentrated instead on his OWLs, particularly his 2 Outstanding OWLs in potions. His efforts were rewarded when he felt Snape’s disbelief. He pressed forward then, picking up the image of a laughing face, sparkling green eyes, and auburn hair. Finding a warm, cherished memory of his mother, in the mind of a man who hated him, was puzzling.

Harry found himself on his knees, exhausted, but was surprised to look up and find his tormentor also on his knees across the room. Their eyes clashed for an instant, Snape clearly unsettled, before both stood.

“It is too bad that you did not practice like that when I was attempting to teach you, Potter,” Snape snarled, “your godfather might still be alive.”

Harry felt the words like a physical blow. He knew he had been at fault, and certainly did not need Snape to remind him. He turned to leave, only to be stopped, bodily, by Lupin. Too tired and too drained to fight, he stood with his forehead resting on Remus’ chest, his back to the room.

“That will do, Severus, your remarks are uncalled for. I asked for an assessment.”

“I find him surprisingly improved, Headmaster. I was unable to gain access to any thoughts other than the ones he directed me to, and…found he was strong enough to gain entry to thoughts I didn’t want him to.” Snape stood stiffly in front of Dumbledore. “He could become quite accomplished if he continues to practice.”

Dumbledore gazed at Snape, a spark of irritation evident in his voice. “His name is Harry, Professor, and what he projected was accurate. Harry has earned 2 Outstanding OWLs in Potions, and will be in your N.E.W.T. level Potions class. I fully expect that he will be mentored and taught while in your classes, not belittled in front of his peers. Harry has been dealt a heavy enough hand, as you well know; you have heard the Prophecy that governs his life. You may have reason to have hated his father, Severus, but you should know by now, that despite his appearance, Harry is very much Lilly’s son. I expect you to remember that.”

There was silence in the room; Harry did not see Snape nod at Dumbledore. He didn’t see Snape stare at him for a moment before sweeping from the room.

“Harry.” Dumbledore called to him softly, and Remus steered him over to an armchair. “Tell me exactly what you saw in your dream.”

Feeling wrung out and emotionally drained, Harry relayed his dream in a monotone. He told them how his scar had not hurt; that Sirius’ had relayed the prophecy to him as proof of who he was, and how he had said he’d stay close if he could. “And he said that if I kept practicing my Occlumency that I could go back in my dreams and visit him.” Harry raised his head to look at Dumbledore, “Do you think it was real, Professor, or…”

“I think you spoke to Sirius, Harry, that he doesn’t want to leave, and you need to do what he says so you can communicate.” Dumbledore looked at him intently. “There are many things in life, and death, that we do not understand. I do not think it is a trick, Voldemort would not be that subtle. I do want you to let me know, though, if you have another dream, Harry.”

“Yes, sir.” Harry stood to go. “Professor, why would Snape hate my dad so much, but have such warm memories of my mum?”

“I think Professor Snape liked your mother because she was always nice to him, and because she was very pretty.” Dumbledore stood too. “And you need to get some rest, Harry. Go to bed now and we’ll talk tomorrow.”

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