Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Dementor Tamer

Next time Harry woke up he was the Hospital Wing and the morning sunlight was creeping in. For a minute it took Harry a while to figure out why he was in the Hospital Wing and how he got there.

And then he remembered.

Snape had dementor traits! An unnatural wave of terror spread over Harry as he realized that. He remembered Snape shifting in the light and his face for the briefest of moments reflected the human looking dementor in his nightmare and when Snape freaked, grabbed his robes in flash of anger the temperature in the room dropped. Harry shuddered. How was it possible that Snape had dementor traits?

Then Harry remembered seeing Snape crying. Why was he crying? Harry’s head was reeling in circles, everything was too confusing. It didn’t seem possible that someone could have traits of another being, especially dementor traits.

“Oh good you’re awake,” Madame Pomfrey said bustling over.

“How’d I get in here?” Harry asked and Madame Pomfrey raised her eyebrow.

“Snape said he wanted his chambers back and since you were better...he brought you in here.” Madame Pomfrey chortled slightly. “You’re free to go,” she declared with a wave of her hand.

Harry paused, did she know about Snape? No, he realized. Snape said that no one knew about him. Now Harry did. What was going to happen? Harry shook his head slightly and left. Of all the people he had to discover a secret about, it had to be Snape and his deepest one. Harry shuddered slightly. Dementor traits, it wasn’t possible.

Hermione was perched on the marble stairs in the Entrance Hall when Harry exited the Hospital Wing.

“Harry!” Hermione squealed when she saw him. “What are you doing in the Hospital Wing...I thought you were...” she trailed off slightly and corked her eyebrows up. Harry shrugged.

“Guess he wanted his bed back,” Harry said sheepishly.

“Well, it doesn’t matter; you’ve got a lot of homework to catch up on! Let’s get to the library.” Hermione ordered and Harry rolled his eyes.

“Joy to the world!” he muttered sarcastically.

“Come, you’ve got loads of Potions homework, you missed a double period, and Arithmancy, and transfiguration...” she trailed onward with a thick description of all the classes and homework, but Harry found he couldn’t concentrate on her words. His mind kept wandering to Snape.

As he walked up the marble stairs he caught a flash of black and he turned in time to see a quickly retreating Snape. He shuddered and sighed a bit. Why did he always have to find out things?

The rest of the day passed in a blur as Harry poured over his homework and tried his hardest not to concentrate on Snape. At one point though, his concentration broke and he got up, found a book on potion oddities and found that it was indeed possible to get traits from other creatures.

Vampires and werewolves were the most usual, keen eyesight and strength, but there was nothing about dementors. Yet, now that he thought back to it, Snape had said something about the Voldemort’s experiments. If you could give a person vampire traits, it wasn’t completely impossible to give someone dementor traits. Especially if it was Voldemort’s idea.

Yet that knowledge didn’t help Harry feel any better. The mere fact that he wasn’t wrong and that Snape was indeed like a dementor was horrifying. It made sense though, for when Snape was angry, peeved, in a dark mood, didn’t the dungeons always seem to be colder and suddenly drop in temperature. And how many times had Harry seen Snape’s eye flash in anger.

Again Harry found himself shuddering and Hermione glanced up.

“Harry, are you alright?” Hermione asked worriedly.

“Yeah, just thinking that’s all.” Harry mumbled.

“Has something happened between you and Professor Snape?” she asked quietly.

“Why?” Harry asked quickly, a bit too quickly. Hermione corked her eyebrow again. Harry was starting to think that they were around Snape too much because they seemed to have perfected Snape’s way of corking the eyebrow.

“Because he seems to be avoiding you,” Hermione pointed out.

“I just woke up,” Harry pointed out and Hermione shook her head.

“He walked into the Entrance Hall, spotted you and walked out quickly. And he just walked into the Library, spotted you and walked right back out.” Harry moaned and buried his head into his hands. This was too much. Snape was avoiding him and Harry was suddenly horrified of Snape. “Harry?”

“It’s nothing...really.” Harry couldn’t tell Hermione, he couldn’t tell anyone. First, it was too horrifying to him, let alone telling his friends. Second, he was sure Snape would kill him for even daring to mention it to anyone. Third, it was Snape’s secret, Harry had learned enough over the years to respect secrets.

Hermione pursed her lips but decided to drop it. Harry took one last glance at the book of potion transferring traits and without truly realizing it; he shoved it into the pile to check-out.


Potions was a hard lesson. It took all of Harry’s willpower not to just skive off and even more when he realized Snape wasn’t in a great mood. Malfoy was eyeing Harry oddly, as if expecting him to suddenly burst into flame.

Actually that had been happening since Harry woke up. First, Harry thought it was just because word had gotten out that he was roomed in Snape’s chambers while healing but instead it turned out it was all about Peeves. Apparently people found it unnervingly weird that Peeves saved his life.

Peeves had yet to confront Harry about what he done; actually he seemed to be on the opposite side of the school of wherever Harry was. Ginny said that Peeves didn’t know what to do or say. And to redeem himself for his good deed, Peeves apparently was making the most of everything and anything. Becoming more of a nuisance.

“What?” Harry snapped as a Ravenclaw girl stared at him with wide eyes. He was getting sick of people staring at him. Hermione clucked her tongue in annoyance at Harry’s attitude while Ron shot the girl a glare.

“It’s Peeves, he does to a point...a very faraway point...have feelings. Obviously those arose for Harry, don’t know why though.” Ron said and Harry rolled his eyes.

“Thanks Ron, that’s a big help!” Harry snarled sarcastically. Ron just shrugged hopelessly that said that that was the only excuse he could come up with.

Snape was eyeing them all, except Harry, he was almost desperately avoiding Harry’s gaze, which was fine by the boy. Harry found himself suddenly very wary of the man.

“Turn in your homework,” he ordered and there was a scramble of movement as everyone dug for their homework. Harry pulled out his while hiding a yawn. He was having worse nightmares, but they were normal except for the problem of Snape and his frightening appearance was in all of them. He was starting to loath nightmares.

“Harry!” Hermione snapped and Harry flushed. “You said you didn’t have a nightmare last night!”

“I—err—didn’t,” Harry said helplessly.

“You’re a horrible lair, Harry,” Hermione snapped. “Plus, you’re yawning like mad. What was it about?”

“The usual stuff,” Harry mumbled and Ron, who had been listening in, looked over.

“As in? Harry you haven’t told us about one of your nightmares for the past week!” Ron snapped and Snape drifted over.

“Talking in class?” he said snidely.

“Sorry, Professor,” Hermione said hurriedly and Snape corked an eyebrow.

“Truly, talking in my class and you’re sorry? What were you talking about?” he demanded darkly as Hermione flushed red.

“Err—Harry?” Ron prompted.

“We were talking about my—err—nightmares.” Harry mumbled, not daring to look at Snape. He buried himself in his potion.

“Is that a truly appropriate? Talking of nightmares in my class?” he demanded snidely. Harry felt a bit of relief flood through him when he realized that Snape was acting about as normally as he usually did.

“No sir,” Harry responded hurriedly. “Hermione just doesn’t seem to know when to leave one alone,” Harry shot Hermione a dark look and Hermione glared back.

“When you go sleepwalking into walls, I feel we deserve to know what you’re dreaming about.” Hermione retorted and Harry rolled his eyes.

“Told you, I can’t remember!” Harry lied.

“No,” Ron said slowly. “You remember, because when you don’t you’re dazed looking when you wake up.”

“I spend way too much time with you guys,” Harry muttered as he made to leave to get ingredients. At the ingredients cabinet he suddenly felt someone behind him. Before he could react, something was pressed into his shoulder.

“I can understand if you don’t trust me,” Snape whispered in his ear. “But this will get rid of the nightmares.” With that he swept away and Harry found a Dreamless Sleeping potion in his hand. He looked at it a moment and then put it into his robes.

He turned in time to see Snape blow up at Neville for making a potion that if it blew up would cause severe damage to everyone in the room. As Harry swept by he felt a distinct drop in the temperature and closed his eyes tight to ignore it. Usually he wouldn’t have noticed it but now that he knew...it was all too obvious.

Snape must’ve sensed him passing because if it was possible the man seemed to shrink away from Harry.

Finally the lesson was over and Harry was free for the night. He caught up with Lupin in the corridor and they chatted away happily. Hermione and Ron dropped by for a while but slipped off after a while to go do ‘perfect’ duty. Harry shared one knowing look with Lupin and they both had to look away to stifle their laughter.

“So Harry, how’s Arithmancy going?” Lupin asked and Harry shrugged.

“Okay, I guess. Nervous about the O.W.L though.” Lupin sat forward with a smile and before Harry knew it Lupin was quizzing him in everything he knew of Arithmancy. Hermione had been a big help lately, even Luna, so he was able to get through all of Lupin’s questions with only a few errors.

Finally, Harry got up and left Lupin’s corridors. It was a bit after curfew but Harry didn’t care too much. And it turned out the only Prefect he met was Malfoy, who just pointedly ignored him as if he wasn’t there.

“Err-Malfoy,” Harry called back and the blonde boy paused. He didn’t turn though. “Thanks for helping when I fell into the clogging potion.” Malfoy did the vaguest of nods in recognition and kept walking.

The castle seemed to be getting decidedly colder as Harry walked back to the tower. He was shivering slightly, his memory drifting to Snape slightly but he shook his head. He thought back to what Snape had said earlier.

Did he still trust Snape?

“Potter?” Harry spun around to see Professor Gary leaning against the doorframe of his classroom. “What are you doing?” He was staring vaguely over Harry’s left shoulder.

“Err—just going back to the Tower,” Harry shrugged. He watched as Gary’s eyes twitched slightly, as if directing something. Harry glanced over his shoulder but saw nothing.

“Good, good, get to bed Potter,” Gary said offhandedly.

“G’night,” Harry mumbled and he turned around. For a minute he felt as if he had walked through a ghost but he shook his head to rid himself of the feeling. Behind him Gary did an odd cluck with his tongue, but when Harry glanced over his shoulder Gary was walking away.

“Mental,” Harry muttered.

Later, Harry found himself crawling into bed, Ron already there and snoring like mad. Harry shook his head and reached out to fiddle with the potion Snape gave him. He wasn’t sure at first, but Snape just wouldn’t do something like that would he? Just poison him. Maybe it was to make him forget.

For a brief minute, Harry didn’t mind if he forgot what he knew.

Then, Peeves swooped in and dangled before him. Harry started at first and then raised an eyebrow.

“You saved me,” Harry said bluntly.

“I did,” cackled Peeves.

“Thank you,” Harry smiled slightly and Peeves shook his head.

“I still owe you, Potter, I still owe you.” Peeves said in an oily voice.

“What?” Harry gasped. “What the hell do you mean you owe me? You’ve never owed me!”

“Oh but Potter, I did and I do.” And before Harry could demand an explanation Peeves swooped off. Sighing, Harry looked one last time at the potion, rolled his eyes and gulped it down.

He collapsed back into his bed and fell asleep heavily.


The next morning Harry woke with a start and one glance at the clock he realized he was late for class. Horrified, Harry jumped to his feet, dressed hurriedly, and took off running.

He was running down the corridors quickly, not running into anyone or anything. He was flying to History of Magic, not bothering to slow down but sprinting.

Somewhere in his mind, he knew that this was familiar. As if he had done this before. A sickening feeling over washed him as he rounded another corner.

And to his horror, and with a sickening jolt, his worst nightmare came true. Remus Lupin was lying on the floor, bleeding and barely breathing. He wasn’t dead though, like he had been in the nightmare, but he was seconds from dying.

“Lupin,” Harry whispered as he shook the man. “Remus wake up!” he ordered but Lupin just moaned and rolled over a bit. Harry felt tears streaming down his face. “Remus you can’t die, you can’t leave me. I just loss Sirius, I can’t loss you too!” Harry sobbed but Lupin didn’t respond.

And then there was a scream. An earth shattering scream that jolted Harry. He climbed to his feet, another wave of something familiar about all this washed over him. And he shuddered darkly.

With one last glance at Lupin, he took off running toward the scream. In a matter of seconds he was skidding to a halt at the top of marble staircase. To his horror, he watched as a swarm of dementors swarmed into the Entrance Hall and as Professors ushered students into safety while spouting out patronus.

He began to run down the stairs, fumbling with his wand as he saw Death Eaters, not many but enough, swarming in after the dementors. There was an odd glimmer about them that startled Harry. That glimmer, he just knew it, was protecting them from the effects of the dementors.

A hand grabbed Harry was he ran down the staircase and Harry turned half expecting a man in a black cloak but he didn’t know why. But it was Dumbledore. His eyes were brimming with a fierce hatred and determination.

“Go get Snape; we need all professors out here.” He ordered before swooping on by Harry, his wand out and attacking the Death Eaters who just dodged behind dementors for protection.

Harry eyed them warily but did what he was ordered. Yet, as he dived into the cold dungeons and sprinted toward Snape’s office, he knew something was wrong.

He was being followed.

But he noticed it too late; he didn’t have time to react. And in a flash the black cloaked figure had grabbed him, disarmed him, and slammed him hard onto the corridor floor. It wasn’t like the nightmare but it was close enough.

“Dear me Potter,” the voice whispered in his ear and with a start he realized it was Professor Gary. No! Harry thought. It wasn’t Professor Gary; it was Sebastian Jones, the deranged Dementor tamer. The eyes...how could Harry have forgotten about the eyes? They were so obvious! “Realize who I am?”

He jerked Harry over and stared hard into his eyes. The man was deranged that was obvious. “You killed the Dark Lord, Potter. You’re too weak to kill the Dark Lord, but you killed the Dark Lord!” He snarled and behind Harry he heard another scuffle as someone else was dragged into the corridor.

“I didn’t kill Voldemort,” Harry snarled. “He killed himself when he defied the Wizard’s Debt!”

“Stow it!” Gary snarled as he backhanded Harry across the face. “It doesn’t matter; we the Death Eaters will get revenge for the Dark Lord. We will yet to make a mark upon the world. And we’ll start with you. You see Potter, I control Dementors.” Harry snarled but Gary shook his head to keep him from talking. “Okay, I tame them, then. You’re think like my brother, don’t you Potter. He was stationed at Surrey, but he failed so I had to kill him. We don’t accept failures.

“So I came to Hogwarts, under the name of some Hufflepuff fool. No one had seen him for years, so I didn’t even have to disguise myself much. Just my age. But that doesn’t matter. I’ve been watching you...seeing who you trusted and who you hated. How you worked and how you thought. You’re almost like a dementor, Potter, hard to figure out but once that’s done easy to read.” He cackled darkly and looked up.

“You’ve noticed the Dementors, you know. I’ve had them here since Christmas. Only time the wards were weak enough to sneak them in. Every time you were near me, or in my classroom, you were near them. I controlled them enough to keep them at bay, and they listen to me. So easy to get into the mind of a dementors, when you’ve got part of a dementor in you. Sound like someone you know?” He eyed Harry as the boy tensed up slightly.

In the Entrance Hall there was a battle going on and everyone was shouting and screaming. Harry tried to block out the screams. They reminded him too much of his nightmares.

“I gave you the nightmares, Potter. I knew you thought of me as too much of a fool to waste your distrust on, so I gave you hot coco. You were getting too aware of the dementors, you’re so prone to them and they’re so prone to you. But the hot coco contained a potion to give you your worst nightmares. Why? Because I needed you moving around at night to successfully get the plan done. With you screaming in terror in your sleep, and sleepwalking the castle, all eyes were on you. So I could slowly break any wards that gave any problems. You’re such a wonderful distraction Potter. Dumbledore cares far too much for you. And to see you terrified in your sleep and walking the castle, he can’t keep watch for too much more.” He grinned wickedly and Harry glared darkly.

“However, enough of this chatting Potter, it gives me headaches. Have too many links with too many dementors. I was a prize to the Dark Lord until you killed him. You will pay for that!” Gary hollered darkly.

Harry took advantage of the man’s lack of grip for the moment and knocked him backward. There was a quick scuffle, Harry fighting hard and Gary fighting back. It was a pop to the nose that sent Harry reeling. Startled, Harry lost his balance for a minute and Gary grabbed him. Locking Harry’s arms behind him.

They were face to face for a long dark moment. Harry’s breath ragged and the screams of the Entrance Hall bursting loudly in his ears.

“Now, Potter, let’s put you, the one who beat the Dark Lord, to the ultimate test of trust.” With that he thrust Harry around and the boy found himself face to face with what had been plaguing his nightmares.

Snape was being held by a dementor, all his dementor traits called up, his face sunken, his eyes flashing, everything around him crisp with coldness, his eyes pure black, his robes flapping with ragged wind that only dementors can have, and a hollow hunger for happy feelings.

“Do you trust Professor Severus Snape, Potter? Look at him closely, do you trust him enough right now...not to kill you for his own hunger?” Gary’s voice was like burning oil and Harry was horrified.

Gary then did the odd clucking noise that Harry had heard last night. And before Harry knew what was going on, Snape’s body went rigid as Gary used his power over dementors to control the dementor side of Snape.

Then, both Snape and the dementor holding him, dived right for him.

Chapter End Notes:
Now that’s a cliffy, eh? Don’t worry I’m going to update as soon as I can. I’m on a roll. Do you like it? Read and Review, please. Plus, thanks for all the reviews I’ve gotten!

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