Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Chapter 8

“Finite Incantatem”

Silence was the prominent reaction from the group. The Wizengamot couldn’t see the difference in the child from where they were seated but they saw the reactions from the other three wizards who stood closer to the child. The main thought, what could possibly have been on the child to hinder such reactions?

Shock. That’s what Albus felt. When he uttered those two words that would end what ever spell was on Harry he was not expecting the sight before him.

Looking at the child in front of him, he gave a great sigh, that sounded suspiciously like pushing back tears. How could I have let this happen?

What is that god awful stench? This was the first thought of Draco’s, well that was before he actually took a good look at the kid in front of him. This child, one he viewed as a little brother of sorts, looked absolutely horrible. This small two-year-old boy most definitely did not look the same as he did when he was taken. What did those two bastards do to you Harry? Unknown to him, there was a steady stream of tears falling from his eyes.

Merlin! What in all the world of magic has been to my boy? Severus, for the first time in a long while, was motionless and speechless.

Harry, the once ever so cheerful child (as much as Harry ever was), looked horrible. The child had such large black bags under his eyes Severus had to wonder if Harry had slept a wink since he had been taken. By the looks of him, Severus would have to say he didn’t.

Even though it had been a large amount of time that Harry had been away from him, he looked unhealthily pale and skinnier than he had been before. Did they even feed him? Did they take him outside? He looks so pale!

He took a small step forward and lifted the child back up into his arms before sitting in a vacant chair.

“Harry.” He waited for a reaction, but Harry didn’t move a muscle. Ignoring the awful stench that Harry permeated he hugged Harry closer to himself. “Harry, please answer me child.” Still there was nothing.

Frustrated he stopped speaking and gently rocked back and forth hoping to give Harry a sense of security. Though only a minute later he stopped, he could not ignore the stench anymore, let alone how Harry must be feeling with his nappy so horrible.

He strode past Albus, thankful that he was trying to comfort Draco, and up to where the others were residing.

“I must ask a favor of you,” he stopped watching their reactions when they finally smelled the air, all looking in disbelief at Harry, “I would like to clean Harry up. It seems that the spell that was placed on him was covering what you are seeing and smelling now.” He said all of this very calmly, which was surprising but Severus wasn’t thinking about anything but the toddler in his arms.

“There is a bathroom just outside the back doors. Take him there, but do not leave the building Severus. Do you need us to have anything sent for?”

“No I know enough transfiguration to clean him up properly enough. I will be back shortly thank you.”

He made his way through the back doors, thankful that he was allowed to use the back rooms instead of having to go through the halls where the rest of the court was waiting. Finding the bathroom door, he slipped silently inside, checking first to make sure no one was in there before transfiguring a piece of towel into a soft blanket to lay on the counter.

“Okay Harry, I am going to lay you down now all right.” He didn’t bother to wait for a reply knowing he wasn’t going to get one and carefully laid the child on the blanket. He carefully pulled off his clothing before even beginning to think about removing the horrid nappy that lay beneath. He took another towel and transfigured it into a new nappy before wetting the remaining towels to clean Harry with.

Taking a deep breath, he was unsure whether it was to calm himself or to just take his last gulp of fresh air for a while, and removed the nappy. He cringed at the state of Harry’s bottom but dug right in; if he were Harry he would be miserable. He gently talked to Harry throughout the experience and gave a small smile as Harry finally started responding to him.

Harry’s responses varied. At first he only wiggled in discomfort as Severus was cleaning his bottom but gradually Harry started making quiet noises. Encouraged Severus finished the process quickly and dressed Harry again.

“Harry, will you talk to me kiddo?” Severus looked hopeful at Harry. “That’s a good boy, it is just me”

Harry raised a small and hesitant arm towards Severus, “Da…Daddy!” Severus moved to lift him back up from his laying position and carefully pulled Harry closer to him.

“That’s right Harry.” Severus closed his eyes, grateful that Harry had come out of his self induced shell and recognized him, he didn’t know what he would have done if he hadn’t. “Harry, I need you to do something for me kid. Can you tell me what happened?”

Harry grabbed Severus’ robes tightly in his hands, “No, no Hawwy a bad boy! Dawk woom, bad boy Hawwy!”

Not understanding much of Harry’s mangled words Severus just tried comforting him the best he could. “It’s okay Harry. You are not a bad boy, Harry is a good boy. You hear me child, you are a very good boy.”

They sat on the bathroom floor for a while before Severus suddenly stood up. “Harry, we have to go back into the courtroom but Draco is there. Would you like to see Draco Harry?” He felt Harry give a very slight and hesitant nod, before reluctantly getting up off the hard floor and through the door. He talked softly with Harry, hoping to distract him from all the people in the room while he walked over to where the headmaster and Draco now sat. He gave the headmaster a look that had the older man walking away and up to the judges to give the three of them space.

“Draco, someone wants to say hi.”

Draco quickly averted his eyes to Harry who was giving him a small smile and leaning out towards him. He wasted no time in scooping Harry from Severus’ arms and cuddling him to his body. “Oh Merlin, Harry, I thought…” he stopped his line of thought not wanting to think about it. He merely continued hugging the life out of the child in his arms.

There was no small giggle like Harry would usually give off, but neither of the two older men expected one. Harry had apparently had a ruff time of it and both of them were going to maim the people responsible.

It was only five minutes later when they unfortunately heard a voice proclaim that they had to give the other two gentlemen a chance to explain Harry’s condition and that they would hear from them again afterwards. “However, I am willing to allow Harry to stay in your company though you must allow Ms. Jenkins to accompany you. Would you be willing to accept those terms?”

The two men’s nods were enough for the panel and they sent them on their way through the back doors to another room, separate from the other court persons’.

As soon as they were gone, the wizengamot gave a start. “All right let us see what the meaning of this is.” With a wave of a wand the main doors flew open admitting Mr. Hafen and Minister Fudge into the room.

The two men walked confidently up to the panel and stopped, giving each member a small smile. When they looked around though their smiles faded slightly when they noticed that Harry Potter no longer presided in the room, however, neither man wanted to anger the court by asking, let it be.

“I am going to ask this once, and only once, and I expect straight answers. Do you both understand?” Mr. Crumpet bit out. He was not at all happy with what he had just see in the boy and was determined to get straight answers out of these men, even if that meant stringing them up by their toes from the ceiling.

Both men nodded curtly. What would he want to ask us that made him ask us this question and in that brisk manner?

“Did either of you gentlemen know that there was a spell placed on Mr. Potter?” The two in question glanced at each other, which did not go unnoticed by any member of the Wizengamot. “Gentlemen?”

After another glance, it was finally Fudge who answered, “No of course not. Was this a harmful spell?”

“Minister Fudge I warn you that you are not the one who has the privilege of asking questions, that is our right. I am not at all certain of the truth in this statement. I wish to question you both separately. If you would Mr. Hafen step back out into the hall to wait until we call you back in. Thank you. And for your knowledge the spell could be interpreted as harmful, I do suppose it depends on who you ask. Now please Mr. Hafen, the hall awaits you.”

As soon as they all heard the door slam shut the court preceded.

“Now we ask you again, did you know that there was a spell placed on Mr. Potter?”

“As I have said, no I did not.”

“How often did you personally see the boy while he was staying at the ministry?”

“I am afraid that I hadn’t, not until today when I went with Jason to pick the child up. I have been extremely busy and unable to see him. He was there only for a short while.”

“Why did you not make it a priority to check in on the child? He is after all Harry Potter and was staying within your ministry. I am curious as to why you wouldn’t make time.”

“Uh, again it has been very busy at the ministry recently. I have simply not had the time, surely you know that if I did I would have been near the boy every moment I could spare.”

“Indeed I am sure. Back to the first topic again. Do you have any idea what spell we could have been talking about minister?”

“No I am sorry I do not. I am quite curious as to what it was though.”

“That is all. Please leave and send Mr. Hafen in,” was the curt reply. They would not give up any information until they got some in return.

Fudge walked desolately out of the room. How dare they treat me, the minister! With such blatant disrespect! We’ll see how long any of those people stay on the Wizengamot when this case it through! None of them! That’s how many!

He pushed the door open with more force than is necessary. He turned left and walked a ways down the hall. “Jason, they want you in there. Don’t do anything stupid boy! Be prepared, the others have the Wizengamot in their pocket! Stay on alert!” With that he turned his back to the other man trying to think of something that could turn the table in their favor. There has to be something…

Walking into the room Jason wiped his brow with his sleeve, he was nervous, he would admit it. These wizards and witches were some of the most powerful people in the wizarding world. He even believe them to hold power over the minister himself.

He stood in front of the panel holding his breath in anticipation. Stony faces. I hate that, I can’t even tell what their feelings are right now.

“Mr. Hafen I am going to ask you a few questions. I want a straight forward answer. You will not ask questions back, only give answers, no more. Do you understand?” He nodded slightly. I am not the one on trial, what’s going on?

“Good. I wish to start off by asking you once again if you knew that Mr. Potter had a spell placed on him?” Crumpet stared hard at the man in front of him, he did not tolerate lying and he planned to make sure this man didn’t do just that. He had a bad feeling about this case.

Jason swallowed hard. “No sir.” There short answers, then they can’t take any of my words and twist them.

Crumpet eyed him hotly but moved on. “How often did you check on the boy while he has been in your care?”

“ I made sure the boy had food, was clean, and had a place to sleep. All his necessities were taken care of. I was there to make sure they were.”

“I do believe that was not what he asked Mr. Hafen. He asked how often you checked on him, not what you did for him.” A rather pudgy women sitting in the second row of the panel spoke up. Jason glanced at the lady, Oh dear, she doesn’t seem to be in a very good mood.

“Yes ma’am I apologize. I checked on him three times a day.”

The women’s face hardened. “Mr. Hafen how old is Mr. Potter currently?”

“He is about two years of age currently ma’am.” He was confused on why the question was asked.

“What does a two year old boy require?”

Jason paused before answering. “Same as any child or person for that matter; food, shelter, cleanliness…” he was cut off abruptly.

“Mr. Hafen you mentioned all of the needs, however, when talking in regards to a toddler their needs and wants tend to mix and disappear behind a line. I toddler of his age needs contact, love, and care. What I saw today from that boy was not a child who had recently received any of those three. Why is that?”

Jason stumbled over his words trying to come up with a reasonable answer. He finally found one that would hopefully turn matters better for him. “I do not believe that Severus Snape nor Draco Malfoy showed him such love and care ma’am. That boy has been the way you saw him today since I first went and got him.” Satisfied his quenched his grin, that was a good answer.

The members of the Wizengamot looked at each other. “Mr. Hafen please go let everyone back in, I want this court resumed.” Crumpet got up from his seat followed by the other members of the court. They wanted to see for themselves Harry Potter and his interaction with the two young men again and compare what they heard with what they see with their own two eyes.

The wizengamot left the room single file with the most powerful of them in the lead, mainly Mr. Crumpet. Without talking they found themselves outside of the room where Harry Potter and his current guardian on trial were at.

Crumpet raised his wand and quietly recited a spell that allowed them to see through the walls, like a double sided window would be but this spell allowed them to watch without another window appearing on the other side, so that those they were observing would not know. The window was large enough that it took up the entire wall, allowing all the members of the court to line up next to eachother and still have a full view of the four people inside the room.

At first glance they saw Severus and Draco playing with Harry on the carpeted floor. It looked as though someone had transfigured something in child’s playing blocks. Glancing at the child, they noticed that while not completely happy go lucky as most young children, he was not as stoic as he was in the courtroom. A few members of the court smiled when Harry had gone to put a block on top of the already three stacked blocks but they fell which Harry simultaneously fell onto his padded bottom with his mouth hanging open in a disbelieving gesture. Draco was chuckling slightly and Severus had a rare, to the court anyways, smile on his face.

Not one to give up Harry picked up his blocks to start anew. Curious Mr. Crumpet looked for Albus Dumbledore and finally spotted him in the corner of the room watching the scene with a small smile, looking as if he were lost in memory. Knowing Albus as well as Mr. Crumpet did he assumed that he was. He did spare a second to wonder why Albus was not sitting with the other party members, but quickly ignored it since he figured that Albus was not the one on trial to see if he were a fit guardian for the boy, the other man was.

Crumpet was brought out of his thoughts when he heard the female members and quite a few of the male ones as well, aw at something. He glanced back towards where Harry was playing, since that would be what the adults were awing over, and couldn’t help but give a small smile as well. Harry had walked over to Draco and given him a small hug, saying something that none of them could hear, and then moved off of him and walked slowly to Severus who scooped the boy into his arms and placed him in his lap. Again Harry said something unknown to the watching members but this time he snuggled into the older mans arms, clenching onto his shirt with unrelenting force and buried his head into his shirt.

There was no doubt about it; Severus was who this boy wanted to be with. Harry had come out of his almost comatose state from earlier and willingly, without being forced to, clung to not only Severus Snape but also Draco Malfoy.

Before interrupting the group, Mr. Crumpet looked at where Ms. Jenkins was sitting. She had a wide smile on her face and remained out of the way. It seemed she was more than happy to let Harry play with the other two without interrupting.

Nodding to himself, Crumpet looked at the other members of his group. Most were still staring at the small group while the other half were quietly talking to each other discussing what it was Harry had said, mind they were all guessing. Clearing his throat Crumpet ended the two-way spell.

“I am going to bring them back into the room and then we shall proceed.” The group nodded in assent while he moved to the door, knocking lightly so as to not startle the members on the other side. Opening the door slowly he poked his head in.

“We are ready to continue, if you would please head back into the courtroom we will proceed as normal. Mr. Snape you can carry as far as the courtroom doors, than I am afraid you must hand him to Ms. Jenkins.” He saw Severus’ nod of consent before leaving the room, the group and other court members following behind.

At the court doors Severus lifted Harry up to his eye level. “Harry you have to go with Ks. Jenkins here. You remember her right? I promise you will be able to see me.” He tried handing Harry over to the lady but Harry wouldn’t let go. “Please Harry, please let go.”

The court panel was watching this passing with interest and let it proceed as it was, they were in no hurry.

Harry clung, if it was even possible, harder to Severus’ robes with tears starting to pool around his eyes. “Please Daddy, no, no go! Be good boy, be good boy! Daddy stays!”

The Wizengamot members were dumb-struck. Harry Potter thought of Severus Snape as his father! Not once did any of the members think that they had that close of a relationship.

Severus ignored the other members in the hall and looked and addressed only Harry. “Listen to Daddy Harry. Are you listening?” When he felt Harry nod into his robes he continued. “You will see me inside that room. I want you to look at me and Draco, I promise we will be there, you will see us. Do you understand Harry?” There was no response this time except for tears, which was basically letting Severus know that Harry had heard, even if he didn’t fully understand. “I have an idea Harry, do you know what it is?”

Harry peered up at his Daddy through his tear stained eyes and gave a small shake of his head.

“What’s your most favorite thing of mine that you love?”

Harry took on a pensive look, which looked quite funny to the adults. Nodding once to himself Harry looked into Severus’ eyes. “Hawwy like Daddy’s wobes!”

Severus smile. “That’s right Harry. So here’s what I am going to do, are you listening Harry?” When he felt Harry nod his head he continued, “I am going to give you my robes to hold onto for me. I want you to take good care of them, these are my favorite ones Harry. This way you will know Daddy is still there, since I couldn’t leave without my robes. Will you watch them for me Harry?”

“Daddy give Hawwy wobes? Hawwy hold dem for Daddy.”

“Thankyou Harry. I want you to stay with Draco while I take them off okay?” He transferred Harry into Draco’s arms before turning to the court panel and addressing them. “I apologize now for the state of dress I will be in as I know that it will not be the formal clothing for court.”

“Do not worry, Mr. Snape, we all understand completely. Now please hurry so we may proceed.”

Nodding Severus went into the bathroom around the corner to remove his robes. He returned within minutes dressed in black dress slacks and a plain black t-shirt, carrying his black robes over his left arm. Nodding to the members he walked over to Draco and Harry. “Okay Harry take good care of them for me.” He handed them to the child who hesitantly held his arms out to take them. Harry looked at him with awe, before quickly taking them and burying his face in them.

Harry glanced at Draco. “Wook Dwaco! Daddy lemme hold his wobes!” Harry proudly showed them to the other boy with a small smile.

“Yes I see that, maybe you should thank him Harry.” Draco smirked at the kid in his arms. Sometimes it was all he could do from squishing the child in a tight hug for an eternity; he was just too cute, though you would never hear him admit that out loud.

Harry looked at Severus with complete seriousness. “Tank you Daddy. Hawwy take good cawe of da wobes fow Daddy.”

Severus gave a small chuckle, glancing to his side where Albus was trying very hard not to full out laugh. “You are very welcome child. Now I need you to go with Ms. Jenkins now Harry. I promise I will be inside the room as well.” He saw Harry frown and clutch onto Draco tighter when he tried to hand him off to the other woman reluctantly. “Come on Harry.”

Clutching his Daddy’s robes tightly to his chest he allowed Draco to hand him over to the lady he was with before. He didn’t move to touch her but stared desolately at his Daddy and Draco.

Sighing the group made their way into the courtroom where everyone else was currently waiting. After them came Ms. Jenkins with Harry in her arms followed immediately by the court panel.

Once all the members were seated Mr. Crumpet spoke up. “We have questioned each group on their own but we now wish to call up each person again, for the records, and use veritaserum upon each member. We wish for there to be no doubts in anyone’s minds about this case. This is too sensitive of one for there to be a chance of something going wrong. I had not mentioned the use of the potion earlier because I did not feel it necessary before now and I am sorry to both parties, but neither groups have a choice, the whole of the Wizengamot has agreed upon its use.” Waving his hand at the main door the swung open revealing a young man who was carry four small tubes filled with liquid.

“Now I will call up each member of the defense, which would be Mr. Severus Snape and Mr. Draco Malfoy first. Seeing as Mr. Malfoy is still underage he shall only receive a drop and a quarter as the laws permit. Whichever of you gentleman which to approach first, please come and take the seat placed on the side.”

Severus glanced at Draco who was shaking slightly; the prospect of being subjected to the potion was terrifying. Grasping Draco’s shoulder in what he hoped was a comforting manner; Severus got up and gracefully walked to the chair taking a seat. He glanced briefly at Harry and gave him a small smile before looking at the young man handing him a vile. Sniffing at it cautiously, making sure it was correct, Severus tipped the entire contents into his mouth before handing the vile back. As soon as his eyes glazed over a small man in the back of the Wizengamot stood up and approached Severus.

“What is you full name?”

“Severus Altair Snape.”

“What is your profession?”

“Potions Master at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.”

The man looked at the scroll that was floating next to him copying down every word that was spoken between the two. Satisfied he turned back to his questioning.

“Could you please tell us what a typical day is like with the two-year-old Harry Potter?”

“When Harry wakes up and dressed he gets his breakfast which is prepared by the house elves. On a day where there are classes he stays with me in my classroom in a pen with a

shield around him that will block the potions fumes and explosions that may occur

during class time.

During breaks between classes I would take Harry out of his pen to allow him to

walk around. During lunch I take him back into my rooms to eat; he is not comfortable around so many people as are held in the Great Hall. He then is put down for a nap in my rooms before my next class. I place a alerting spell on him and multiple other spells to keep anyone other than Draco the Headmaster and myself out.

Usually he awakens when classes are over and I am able to spend the rest of the evening and night with him, with Draco usually coming after classes end. With the off chance that he does wake up before classes end I bring him back into the classroom and to his pen until classes are over.

After dinner he gets a bath and about a half hour to play before bed.”

“Thank you Mr. Snape. I am going to move on and ask you to please tell the court what all you have collected in order to take care of a two-year-old child?”

“I had gone out a bought a crib and table along with some plushies nappies and all accessories that come with cleaning up a child. Also with Draco’s help we managed to get some cloths for the boy for when he is eating along with a chair for him. Also some children’s books and toys were purchased along with the pen mentioned earlier.”

“Can you explain why you are not in your robes any longer Mr. Snape.”

Severus gave a small smile. “Harry was a bit frightened to go back with Ms. Jenkins, so I had offered the boy to have his most favorite item of mine which just happens to be my robes so I gave them to him to hold onto.”

“One last question; how do you view Harry Potter now?”

“Harry Potter is now a small two-year-old toddler who only wants to be shown affection and care. He is not a demanding child most of the time and is one of the quietest kids I have ever known. He is a victim in this case who was frightened and only wants to be with people he feels safe with.”

The man went to wave his wand and say the counter spell to the potion but before he was able to he was interrupted.

“Those are al lies! He is a Death Eater! It is well known that he hates Harry Potter!” The minister was on his feet pointing an accusing finger at Severus.

The man said the spell before addressing Fudge. “That is enough out of you Minister, you know better than most that there are no interruptions while using veritaserum.”

“How dare you speak to the minister like that. He has every right to speak out now. That man lies! I demand that he is put back under and allow other questions to be asked!” Jason Hafen was red faced and stood next to the minister.

“Now see here you are in no position to be ordering me to” there was no time to finish. The main doors burst open allowing a flood of at least twenty men in flowing black robes and white masks into the room, all of whom were pointing their wands at individuals.

The room burst into action. Dumbledore pushed Draco behind him in an effort to protect the young man while happy to see he had his wand out and ready even though he was shaking like a leaf.

The wizengamot was standing with wands pointed, each at a different Death Eater. The two groups stood there staring at one another for a moment before a flurry of movement startled on of the wizengamot members causing him to stun a death eater. A battle ensued not long after.

Severus was battling one particularly tough death eater when he saw Ms. Jenkins, with Harry in arms, being cornered my Hafen and Fudge. With a scream, Severus shouted out a few curses and the death eater was flown into the wall. He ran to the area where Harry was intent on killing the minister and that good for nothing child services man. He raised his wand a curse on his lips when he heard the anguished scream that could only come from Draco. Torn Severus didn’t know what to do; both of his boys were in trouble and he couldn’t help both of them.

Mr. Crumpet ran by him, “Go Severus help Draco, I will take care of Mr. Potter and Ms. Jenkins.”

Glad that someone would help the other two, he ran to Draco where he found a masked person holding their wand to the boy. He stupefied the person and went to Draco’s side. “Draco, come on now we have to get you somewhere safe.” He hauled Draco off the floor and half carried half dragged the young man through the battle, gload for the cover the other members were providing him. He sat Draco back on the floor underneath the courts panel, out of view of the battle. “Listen to me Draco, keep your wand out and ready. Harry will be brought to you soon; I want you both to keep out of sight.” Draco shakily nodded and Severus left him to retrieve Harry.

Going abck into the direction that Harry was before, he was dismayed to see Mr. Crumpet having issues with fighting two people at once. He let a few curses go at the two men and went to Crumpets side to help the man while quietly telling Jenkins where to take Harry. Relieved that Harry was going to a safer area, Severus turned back to the two men. “No you will see why you don’t mess with me or mine!”

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