Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Chapter 17: Riddle Me This

Where is Harry Potter?

By: Dolores Umbridge

Special Political Reporter for the Daily Prophet


Just five days ago, this newspaper informed our readers of the attack on the family home of the Weasley's. A family well known for its loyalty not only to the light, but also to the late Albus Dumbledore, and Harry Potter himself as well. Arthur Weasley works in the Misuse of Muggle Artifacts Office, and his son Percy works closely with the Minister himself. It is also well known that Harry Potter's best friend is Ronald Weasley. So, just where was the "Chosen One" when his best friend's family was under attack on that awful night of September Nineteenth? Where is he while the youngest Weasley child, their only daughter, is still missing? Where is he while Molly Weasley is in serious condition at St. Mungo's, not expected to make it through another night? Why has no one seen The-Boy-Who-Lived, since his departure from school back in June? It is this reporter's opinion that maybe Fudge was right all along, that Harry Potter is a menace, turned Dark....


"Harry, you have to calm down," Remus said as he suppressed another cringe when the books started to shake once again. "I understand why you're upset, but you can't let this woman get under your skin."

"A bit late for that, she's been in and under my skin from my first detention with her!" Harry all but yelled as he rubbed the back of his hand.

"I know she tried her hardest to persecute you at school, but, Harry, don't you think you've matured past this? You seemed to at least forget about that Skeeter woman, and she tried to flay you just as badly in the papers, if not worse. Why are you so hung up on Umbridge?" Remus asked.

Harry sighed, and pinched the bridge of his nose. Did he really want to tell anyone else how much weaker he had been in his fifth year? All the adults in his life knew too much about that year, as it was. Did he want to add to the pity he saw in their eyes over Sirius?

Harry held out his hand and showed Remus the back of it. "What am I looking at Har...What is that? Is it writing of some sort? ‘I will not tell lies'? If I'm not mistaken, this is your handwriting, is it not?" Harry could feel the anger rolling off Remus. "How did you get this scar Harry?"

"It seems that Voldemort isn't the only one that marked me. Umbridge wanted to leave her mark as well." Harry said, taking on a fake cheerful tone.

Remus growled, "How did she accomplish this, and why has no one seen it?"

"I'm not sure if it was a spell or a cursed item, but she had those in her detentions use her quill to write lines, she told us it was self inking. As I wrote, I could feel the words being cut into my hand over and over again, and the ink looked like blood. This is the result of a years worth of detentions from her." Harry explained.

"You didn't answer why no one has seen it, and are there others?" Remus questioned.

"I'm not sure how many other's there were. I only recommended the Murtlap soak to one other person. You know why no one else has seen it, Remus. Who would I have told? Dumbledore spent the entire year avoiding me, and McGonagall told me to quit getting detentions from the woman. And then after everything with the Ministry and Si...Sirius, why should I have felt the need to add more pity to everyone's eyes? It's not like that could change anything." Harry said with a huff and he plopped down into one of the squishy chairs they had added to the library when it became the one place in the house everyone gathered to.

"Well, well Mr. Potter. I do believe we need to change your moniker. You play The-Boy-Who-Constantly-Acts-As-A-Martyr, so well, and it's much catchier than The-Boy-Who-Lived or The Chosen One." Snape sneered as he swooped into the room. He grabbed Harry's hand and inspected the scar. "Murtlap soak? I do believe you mean Essence of Murtlap. I gather Miss Granger helped you with that, since your grades in Potions while I was the teacher were abysmal at best." Harry rolled his eyes and snatched his hand back; missing the look Remus gave Snape.

"What do you want Snape? I was having a discussion with Remus, not you, and I'd like to get back to it soon." Harry said.

"You mean you'd like to get back to brooding over certain articles while procrastinate and put off your training and research. Narcissa has returned, and says she has new information that we all need to hear. This can no longer wait until your other cohorts return from their stay with Mrs. Weasley. So sit and be quiet. Lupin, if you don't mind, leave, this does not concern you any longer." Snape said.

"No need to get rude, I understand," Remus said. "Harry, please do not hesitate to contact me if you feel the need to talk, about anything. You need to remember that we are here to support you. Snape, do you mind, I need to ask you something regarding my Wolfsbane?" Remus asked as he motioned towards the door. Harry just rolled his eyes at the obvious attempt to get Snape out of the room so that Remus could talk about Harry.

Once they were safely on the other side and under a privacy bubble cast by Remus, Severus raised his eyebrow as he spoke, "Surely, a question about your potion does not require all this? I warn you, I've had a lifetime of meddling fools, I will not put up with the same from you."

"You need to watch him. His magic is becoming stronger everyday. He was containing himself while we were talking, but just barely. Don't glare at me like that. I simply thought you would have liked a warning. Your role as a spy would do us no good, if you misspoke and Harry flattened you with an angry burst." Remus explained with a smirk. "We both know where he gets his temper from, you more than anyone, should understand why you shouldn't pester a sleeping snake, right, Severus?" With a quick chuckle Remus was out the front door and Apparated away.


Harry stopped his pacing to look around the room. ‘Where is something I can throw, something that will make the glorious sound that only breaking glass can make?' He looked around the room, passing by many artifacts that were to complex for a simple Reparo to fix repeatedly. As Harry searched the room for the perfect temper fixer, he noticed how much better the entire room looked, it almost sparkled. ‘I see Aunt Petunia has attacked this room. The difference is amazing. I don't think Molly could have ever accomplished this with out the removal of that blasted portrait.' Harry thought to himself with a snort.

Harry's smile quickly vanished as the older Tarnished Trio walked into the library.

"As you know, we have had no luck in narrowing down the possible locations for the remaining Horcruxes. While I am not the most optimistic of men, I do believe Narcissa has come across some information that will greatly help us in our search." Snape said, as he took in Harry's demeanor.

Harry took a deep breath and sat down to give the situation his full attention. "Thank you for bringing us this information, Mrs. Malfoy."

"You are quite welcome, Mr. Potter," Narcissa said cautiously. "I was very lucky to retrieve this information from one of the House-elves before Lucius and Severus' pla...well before I was able to get away to be with my family."

Harry took notice of her quick change, but set it aside for the time being.

"The House-elf did not hear the entire conversation, but what she did hear I believe to be rather important. ‘The key to answering the riddle, of keeping the riddle safe, is under Slytherin's nose.'" Narcissa finished, looking rather smug.

"So, I need to take a trip to Hogwart's then," Harry guessed. "I also take it, that you want me to do this today, and not wait for Ron and Hermione to return, correct?"

"What make's you believe you will be taking this trip into the Chamber alone, Mr. Potter?" Snape asked.

"What make's you believe I'd let you back down there?" Harry asked, mimicking Snape's sarcastic drawl.

"Now, now, Mr. Potter. Surely you are too Gryffindor to not deprive three Slytherins the chance to talk with Salazar Slytherin himself?" Lucius said in his best Politicians voice.

Harry snorted, "Mr. Malfoy, if it hadn't been for a chance meeting with your son before coming to Hogwart's, I may very well have ended up in Slytherin myself. I might have been an impressionable, very naive boy, who was able to be influenced very easily at eleven. But you will see that now, now I'm not afraid to use that which the Hat saw in me, that which was Slytherin enough to put me in your House," Harry said, and then laughed. "You should thank me, Snape. You thought the last 6 years of dealing with me in class and in the hallways was bad enough. Just think of all the headache draught you would have had to brew if I had listened to the Hat, and not argued my way into Gryffindor."

Snape pinched the bridge of his nose. "Thank Merlin, I'm not sure I would have lived much longer than you would have, had you been sorted into Slytherin. Now, quit being a brat, and get moving. We need to have a nice chat with Salazar, to see what he thinks of this conundrum Narcissa's elf overheard."

"I guess that explains the normal attitude we get from the four of you all the time. Being Slytherin equals being a brat." Harry said with a cheeky grin, before bolting out the door and up to the Cabinet room to get to Hogwart's before they could Hex him.


"This is unbelievable, Severus," Narcissa simpered as they walked down the staircase leading to the Chamber. "All this time, you had the main entrance to Salazar Slytherin's Chamber, and you never knew it. I bet you threw a grand fit, worthy of Draco at his worst, when you realized this," she added with a giggle.

Harry couldn't help himself he chuckled as well. "He had a few choice words on the subject, and then he locked himself in his bedroom until he cooled down. Actually the entire trip from start to finish was rather memorable. I, for one, never thought I'd see Severus Snape, Potions Master, Hogwart's most hated Professor, and all around git, drool. But drool he di...Ow! What was that for?" Harry asked, glaring at Snape, as he rubbed the back of his head where Snape had cuffed him. "Hey, by the way, where is Draco? Shouldn't he be just like the three of you, bouncing with anticipation just like Dobby does when I call for his help?"

Lucius just glared at the brat, as Narcissa answered. "Draco is having a hard time coming to terms with the fact that everything he learned as he grew up was a lie. He doesn't want to cause anyone any trouble, so instead of trying to fake good will towards people he's hated for the past six years, he's staying in his room and rethinking his own personal views."

"I see, I know this won't mean much coming from me, but...well I'll make sure that Hermione and Ron don't cause him any problems as well. ‘Open'," Harry said to the door, before swinging it open with a flourish. "Welcome to Salazar Slytherin's office. Hey, Sal, are you awake? We need your opinion once again," Harry said, directing the last to the portrait.

"I know you do not show your elders the respect they deserve, but you will show Lord Slytherin respect by addressing him correctly." Snape demanded.


"No, dear Harry, I'll take care of this. I gave the young snake speaker permission to address me casually. He is after all more Slytherin than anyone else I've had the pleasure of speaking to in many a year. Now, you are in a rather cheerful mood today, Harry. Are your efforts going well, then?" Salazar asked.

Ignoring the indignant looks he was receiving from the others in the room, Harry answered, "Unfortunately, no, we've had a few set backs recently. I was just attempting to forget, for a bit at least." Trying to push back the shadow that crossed his face, Harry continued, "I do believe Mrs. Malfoy, here, has come across an interesting riddle our dear Tom created. He always was one for playing with words, anyway...Mrs. Malfoy, would you mind repeating what you were told to Salazar? He's rather good at sorting out just how Tom works."

"Lord Slytherin, it is an honor to be able to speak to you," Narcissa said as she gave a slight bow.

"Yes, yes, get on with it would you? I don't have all day," came Salazar's reply.

"Yes, well. We are not exactly sure if we heard it all, but what we do know of is this: The key to answering the riddle, of keeping the riddle safe, is under Slytherin's nose." Narcissa explained.

Sal rubbed his chin, "Hmm, interesting indeed. Well, the first thing we need to figure out is how many noses I have in the world. You do not really need to know what you are looking for until you find the place to look."

"Lucky for you all, I have a rather extensive collection of Slytherin artifacts. During the research to find these items, I found that there are no likenesses of Lord Slytherin, other than what you can find down here. It seems that after his departure from the school, most of his paintings and statues were destroyed. Only what was at the school was spared." Lucius informed the group.

"So, we only need to search the school?" Harry asked.

"Yes, it would seem so. Our next question to ask is how we are going to manage to search a school filled with children, when three of us can not be seen here?" Snape questioned.

"OH!" Harry exclaimed. "DOBBY!"

Dobby looked over the group, taking time to glare at Lucius and move in between him and Harry before turning to Harry and giving him a huge smile. "Yes, Harry Potter sir? What can Dobby be doing for the greatest wizard, Harry Potter? Dobby is always happy to help Harry Potter!"

Harry chuckled at the glare Lucius was giving the elf. "Dobby calm down and thank you for coming. Dobby, can you tell us where all the Salazar Slytherin artifacts are in the school?"

"Hmmm, Dobby isn't knowing about a room that contains any of the things you ask for. Dobby is thinking that this is the only place in the school that has those items."

"I thought you were going to search my Chamber fully, Harry?" Sal questioned.

"We...uh...we found the room Tom used, and collected the items from it. We haven't had a chance to get back to search any further. That and I was afraid if I let Snape back down here, we'd lose him to all your ‘wonderful' potion stuff, or the Basilisk." Harry explained.

Lucius coughed, and Narcissa giggled behind her hand. "It seems the boy knows you well, old friend." Lucius teased.

Snape ignored the remarks, instead he turned to the portrait to ask, "Is there any spots you would suggest searching?"

"The only place out there that qualifies under the riddle is my main statue, as it's the only thing out there that has my nose on it." Sal explained.

Harry grabbed his rucksack off his back and said, "It's a good thing I keep this with me. Never know when you're going to need a broom."

Harry then pulled out his broom, and enlarged it to its normal size. He then took it out into the main chamber, not waiting for the others to follow, and flew up to the face of the statue. Looking over at the dead Basilisk Harry cast ‘Deprehensio Veneficus', and watched as a small area directly under the stone nose just barely glowed.

"Well, it's no wonder we didn't see this before." Harry said loud enough to reach the others. "I had to be right up on it to see the effect from the spell. Now let's see if I can open it. ‘Open' ‘Sneeze for me, greatest of the Hogwarts Four' ‘Slytherin's Heir' No, didn't think those would work. Do you three have any suggestions?" Harry asked.

"When do you think he would have hidden the Horcrux here?" Narcissa asked.

"The latest he could have hidden anything in the castle, would have been when he applied for the DADA job. Dumbledore did say that the Curse on the job did start not long after than as well," Harry answered.

"So why not something along the lines of, ‘Greatest of the Hogwart's Four, help me in getting revenge on those who stand against us'?" Snape suggested.

Harry tried that, and many other suggestions before becoming very aggravated. "This is why we should have at least waited for Hermione. This is her area of expertise, not mine. She's the one that figured out your little riddle...wait would he have? Let's just hope that really was that entire riddle." Harry questioned mid rant. He flew back up to the statue, looked at the carcass and said, "‘The riddle to finding the riddle, of keeping the riddle safe, is under Salazar's nose.'" Harry whooped when a small stone disappeared. He started to reach in and thought better of it when a picture of Dumbledore's hand popped into his head.

Harry landed and said, "I think maybe one of you should fly up there with me to check out the area. I would really rather not turn out the way Dumbledore did, and you two are the only Dark Art's experts down here. So, which of you shall join me on my broom?"

Lucius and Snape just looked at each other, before Snape swung his leg over the broom handle behind Harry. "I do believe I should be the one, considering I'm the one that knows what it was that struck down Albus' hand."

Harry held back the snort that tried to escape as he thought, ‘Yeah, cause we all know who struck down the rest of him.' Shaking his head slightly, Harry quickly flew the two of them back to the face of the statue. He then positioned them so that Snape would have the easiest access to the area.

Out of the many spells Snape cast, Harry only recognized the one to detect a Horcrux.

"I detect something dark in there but it is no Horcrux. You need to cast Curatio Acerbus in Parseltounge to counter the protective wards so we may reach the items inside." Snape explained. "Make sure you have the correct wand movement, very good. Now, let's get this done and get down from here."

Harry followed the instructions Snape gave him to the letter. There was a brief backwash of magic as the wards feel, but it was nothing compared to the backlash Harry survived after Moody killed Nagini. Carefully Harry reached into the cubby space and pulled out a small wooden box. Looking speculatively at Snape, Harry handed him the box and landed.

Snape once again cast detection spells. Not finding anything amiss, Snape opened the box. Harry looked puzzled.

"I've seen some of this before, but where? A locket, thimble, a key, yo-yo, a ratty paper heart, mouth organ, and a lemon sherbet? Oh and a Head Boy's badge? Wait, he wouldn't have cared about that stuff later on, would he?" Harry asked everyone in the room and in particular to no one.

"What do you mean, Mr. Potter?" Lucius asked.

"You wouldn't have seen this memory, because it was Dumbledore's. He didn't need your help collecting it. During our lessons last year, Dumbledore showed me when he went to tell a very young Tom Riddle, that he was a Wizard and that he had a place reserved for him at Hogwart's. Tom didn't believe Dumbledore, and demanded a demonstration. During that demonstration Dumbledore found Tom's hidden spoils, things he had taken from people he had hurt. Dumbledore demanded that Tom return those items to the people and give apologies as well. But those items are all here, including a few new ones." Harry explained.

"Let us take these items into Lord Slytherin's office were we can get a better look at them. We need to decipher the meanings so we can figure out which item is referenced in the riddle." Snape said as he started walking back to the office door.

Harry quickly followed, and dumped the items that he had in his hands on the table closest to the portrait. Snape took each item and laid them out so that everyone could see them.

"Mr. Potter, can you please explain the significance of each of the items, as you know it." Snape asked.

"Well, let's see." Harry said as he sorted through the items and looked at each. "These are the items I recognize from the memory," he said as he pointed to the small pile that included the thimble, yo-yo, valentine, and mouth organ. "I'm not sure about these, although I have a guess about the badge and candy. How about any of you? You're the Voldemort experts."

"The locket would worry me if not for the fact that I detected no Horcrux." Snape then snapped open the locket and looked inside. "It's a picture of a couple. A muggle picture if I'm not mistaken," Snape said, showing it to everyone.

"Hey, that's the lady that ran the Orphanage. She's the person who Dumbledore spoke to," Harry supplied.

"Well, that mystery is solved. The locket was from the matron, Mrs. Cole, who ran the orphanage. The badge and candy are, surely, the Dark Lord's way of thumbing his nose at the school and Albus, as I'm sure Mr. Potter here would agree. I have learned nothing that would lead to the meaning behind the key." Snape said. "Lucius, Narcissa, do you have anything to add?"

"It is a Gringotts' key. But I know of no significant correlation between the Dark Lord and either Gringotts' or the Goblins. The Goblins have stayed neutral; he would not dare attack them and cut off his funding. He may be unbalanced, but he is not unintelligent. It does surprise me that there are eight items here, though," Lucius added.

They turned towards the snort that came from behind them. "You are all over thinking this. I take it that my heir has created a Horcrux, and this was the artifact that you spoke of before? Yes, very smart to keep that information unknown to as many as possible. Did you believe that the riddle you brought me lead you to a Horcrux? Yes, just as I figured. Well then, it is simple really. You need to sort out which item does not follow the pattern of the other's and that will be your key to answering the riddle. If you think about what each of you has said, then you would realize you have already figured it out," Salazar said.

Narcissa turned back towards the items and started going through them once again. "Hmm...these items are from the children he lived with at the orphanage, correct Harry? May I call you Harry? Good, thank you. You may call me Narcissa as well. We live together now, no need to stand on such high propriety. That is, if you can get past my unfortunate role in the death of my cousin, your godfather."

"I...uh...I can't promise I'll always be forgiving, but I can promise to at least put things to the side until we have a chance to sit down and talk about the way things really happened that night." Harry said.

"That is very mature of you, Harry. I'm sure that Sirius would be proud. Now, let us get back to the items at hand, shall we? The locket is from the orphanage matron; the candy and badge are from his time as a student. It seems we are left with the key. The key in the riddle really is a key," Narcissa pointed out.

"It does seem as if the Dark Lord was rather straight forward in his wording, as well as obsessed with the number seven," Lucius agreed.

"His arrogance knows no bounds. That will be one of his biggest downfalls," added Snape.

"Very nicely done. Your opinion of your compatriots needs to be refined, young Harry. It would seem that they can really get down to it and solve conundrums at hand. And you told me you were worried that they would constantly fight you." Salazar said to Harry, chuckling as the teen turned an alarming shade of red.

"That's the last time you get me to open up to you, you haunted, pompous, Slytherin painting." Harry mumbled, as he tried to rein in his embarrassment. He was not looking anywhere near the other's as they tried to hide their chuckles; instead he concentrated fully on glaring at Salazar.

Feeling a rare bout of compassion for the teen, Lucius changed the subject. "We now need to get back to the house, I suggest packing everything that was found today, and make it ready to travel," Lucius said.

"I need to run another scan, earlier I detected a slight darkness but at the time I was not sure if it was the wards or something else. It was nothing that would harm any of us, but I want to make sure before we take it back to the house," said Snape. He then started, what Harry hoped, was a long list of individual spells. Harry worried that if it was one long incantation, he'd never remember it.

"Very well, there is still something dark about the items, but it is nothing that will harm us. In fact it is almost the same darkness that the diary has about it. I am starting to wonder if items that have been in the presence of the Dark Lord, absorb his aura and it is that which I am detecting. I will need to study all the items when I get the chance. Mr. Potter, if you would pack up the box then we shall be on our way. Lord Slytherin, as always it was an honor. Your help is greatly appreciated." Snape said as he bowed towards the portrait.

"Yes, Lord Slytherin, we are humbled at the chance to have met you. If possible, my wife and I would relish the chance to speak to you again. When times are not so troubled, that is," Lucius said obsequiously.

"As long as you stay on young Harry's good side, I do not foresee any problem with us having a chat or two in the future. Do me the honor of not coming back if my heir should be the one to prevail. I refuse to have anything to do with him, I would rather burn my frame with me in it first," Salazar said, chuckling at his own joke.

"Bye Sal, I hope you enjoy your alone time. I don't see any point in letting any one else down here with you having no faith in me," Harry said, letting his cheeky grin shine through. Harry had revenge to seek on the portrait, and he planned on serving it Gred and Forge Weasley style; as outlandish, and unexpected as possible. With an evil grin, Harry grabbed the box and started up the steps, with the adults following at a more sedate pace.

Chapter End Notes:
I’m sorry I have taken so long to get this update to you all. If you’d like to know what’s been going on, go to my site and the message there will explain everything. Thank you for your patience. As always please feed the review monster. :)


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