Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Chapter 10 Deck the Halls

Snape looked down at the small figure as his hand was squeezed tightly. It was the first time all day Harry had been quiet. At present the toddler was standing perfectly still and totally speechless.

Granted Harry had watched in fascination all week as Hogwart's was readied for the upcoming holidays and the little boy had loved the trees and greenery. But even those wonders had not, it seemed, prepared him for the sights and sounds of Diagon Alley at Christmas. Garlands adorned the lamp posts, wreaths hung on every door, fairy lights twinkled along roofs and outlined windows, and street corners were occupied by carolers or vendors selling roasted chestnuts and hot cocoa.

Harry had been here once before with Snape, but now everything looked so different he could only stare and hold tightly to Snape's hand.

"Well, are you ready to go shop or do you plan to just stand here?" the Potions Master questioned his little charge.

Coming out of the trance, Harry looked up at Snape. "Shop!" he declared. "We have to get presents."

Snape nodded and led Harry along the street toward some stores that might prove the best. "Do you have any ideas for presents?" he inquired. The man was well aware of whispered conversations between Harry and Draco as well as pieces of paper that had been hastily hidden when the Potions Master had returned to his rooms the last time Hermione had been babysitting.

"Uh huh. I gots a list," Harry announced proudly, patting his pocket.

Holding back a chuckle, Snape replied, "Alright. I will help you find the things then if you tell me what they are."

"Not all, 'Nape!" Harry stated emphatically. "Can't see YOUR present!"

This time there was no holding back the amusement and Snape smiled. "Very well. All but that one then."

The dark head nodded and Harry stated, "We needs quills and nice paper and maybe books for Aunt Min. From there." He pointed toward the correct shop.

Heading to the stationery shop, Snape quirked an eyebrow at the list of things. "All that just for Minerva? Has she been that good?"

Harry looked up at him with a shocked expression. "Yes! Aunt Min is very good."

Snape refrained from comment and wondered just how long the list was for everyone else, but he allowed himself to be pulled into the shop and then kept an eye on Harry as the little boy looked around.

They eventually left the shop with several purchases, among them a red quill and cream colored writing paper with a gold border for Professor McGonagall. Harry had insisted a small bottle of gold colored ink was needed as well and Severus had finally agreed, saying that it would be his own gift to the older witch. Merlin only knew what Minerva's comment would be when he gave her a present!

Several hours and numerous shops later, not to mention a bit of back tracking, Harry had all the presents he had hoped to get for most of the special people in his life; Minerva, Dumbledore, Poppy, Draco, and Hermione. With his own list taken care of, Harry questioned Snape, "What you gonna buy, 'Nape?"

"I am just looking for now," Snape replied.

"Then can we look at toys?" Harry asked hopefully, his eyes going from Snape to the toy store across the street.

"For a little while," Snape agreed and together they made their way to the land of many a child's dreams.

The store was fairly large and Harry knew already which sections were of most interest to him and thus soon had located the action figures and animals that each moved on their own. "I likes this one, and this one, oh and the dragon!" the toddler proclaimed to Snape while pointing out his favorites.

Snape nodded, mentally filing away a few of the selections. Then leaving Harry to look at things, with strict instructions not to touch anything, the Potions Master held a brief and hushed consultation with the shop owner and made some arrangements.

As Snape returned to where he had wandered over to watch the animated window display, Harry glanced up at the man. "We have to go now, 'Nape?"

"Yes, Harry. We need to get back to school. I have a few more things to attend to before dinner."

Sighing, Harry gave a last longing look at some of the toys and held up his arms. Once Snape had picked him up, the little boy rested his head on the man's shoulder and questioned, "Father Kismas bring me toys like this, 'Nape?"

As if the boy didn't already have enough things to play with, Snape thought to himself. Instead he nodded. "A few toys, yes."

"How long to Kismas?" the toddler wanted to know. It had been days since he'd written the letter with Draco. At least three.

"Today is Tuesday," Snape explained as he carried the child outside once more and started down the street. "All the students will leave on Friday. Then next Tuesday is Christmas Day. So that is one week exactly. Seven days from now."

"Seven days?!!" To Harry that was akin to forever!

"Yes, seven days. And do not shout," the Potions Master responded.

Harry sighed deeply. He couldn't believe it was still that long. All the stories and planning that he had been doing with Draco and Hermione and it was still a whole week before he would find out really about Christmas. Plus that was an awful long time to stay good!

Snape smiled to himself as Harry dropped his head back on the older wizard's shoulder. They should have time to squeeze in a much needed nap once back at Hogwarts.




"Dwaco said he has parties. I wants a party," the three year old stated as he looked at the Potions Master.

Quirking an eyebrow, Snape questioned, "What sort of party?"

"For Kismas!" Harry's look and tone plainly said Snape could be a bit slow at times. "And everyone will come."

"Oh they will?" Snape asked rhetorically.

"Yep and we's will have cakes and ice cream and presents," the little boy declared.

"And just when do you plan to have this party?"


Snape nearly choked. "No."

Harry looked at the man wide eyed at the refusal and began to whine, "'Naappe! Pwease???"

"Do not whine," the Potions Master retorted. "And today is unacceptable. There is not enough time to ready things." Wait, what had he just said? Merlin's beard! He had all but said they could do it another day. Severus groaned. What was wrong with him??!

"But Mione and Dwaco leave soon," Harry protested.

Sighing, Snape shook his head. "Very well, we will do it tomorrow before they leave. I suppose they could come for tea."

"Yay!!" the toddler exalted, hurling himself on Snape and hugging the man. "And Dum'dore come too. And Aunt Min. And Ron. And Poppy. And. . ."

"And that is plenty," the older wizard stated firmly.

Green eyes looked up and saw the look on Snape's face and Harry nodded. He knew the look and tone and since he really couldn't think of anyone else who could come, he gave in. "'Kay, 'Nape. We needs decorations now. And things to tell 'bout the party. . .envy stations." The little boy was proud of himself for remembering the big word Draco had said.

"Invitations," Snape corrected and couldn't hold back a smile. "Why don't you work on those at the table. You can draw them and we will deliver them at dinner if not before."

Nodding eagerly, Harry was off to get his crayons and paper and set to work.

What have I gotten myself into this time? Snape thought as he watched the energy laden little boy.


Small hands stretched toward the top of the door frame and Harry scowled. He still couldn't reach. Totally disregarding the fact that Draco was in the next room, the independent little boy hadn't bothered to call for his older friend. Instead Harry had stacked all the books he could find on a chair and scrambled up while Draco was occupied and not watching closely.

"Harry! What are you doing?"

The toddler jumped and started to whirl round at the voice only to lose his balance. With a squeal of "Dwaco!!" he tumbled off his makeshift tower of books toward the floor.

The blond teen reacted with the quick reflects of a seeker and caught the little boy inches from the hard floor. Setting Harry down, Draco shook his head. "Uncle Sev would have a fit if he saw you trying that," the older boy scolded.

Harry hung his head. It was rare that Draco was cross with him and Harry didn't like it at all. And he especially didn't want it today. Today was supposed to be special and Draco was leaving the next day. Looking up with a trembling lip and quiet voice, the toddler offered, "I sorry."

"You would have been if it had been him and not me," Draco agreed. Then unable to stay upset, he smiled. "Come here, nuisance."

Returning the smile and knowing he was forgiven, Harry flung his arms around Draco, explaining, "I can't reach high."

Draco laughed and hugged the little boy. "Well no, but I can help. What are you trying to do?"

Harry pointed at the red bow that he had dropped in his fall and which was slightly squished from being held in his small hand so tightly. "It needs to be there." He pointed at the top of the doorway. "And we needs lots more green stuff."

Taking the bow, Draco set about tacking it in place while commenting, "You'd best check with Uncle Sev about the green stuff. It looks about like the Forbidden Forest in here already."

"Nah uh," Harry argued shaking his head and taking a look around.

The morning had been spent decorating Snape's quarters. Evergreen boughs resided on the mantel in the sitting room along with large round scented candles. The coffee table held a bowl with an assortment of fruit, nuts, and holly. A picture of a wreath that Harry had drawn was on his bedroom door and other paper decorations dangled from the ceiling on thin string in the dining area. Bows of red ribbons had been made by Hermione and adorned each side of the archway leading down the hall and now the door to Snape's lab.

A bumping sounded from the main door leading into Snape's quarters and Harry and Draco exchanged a look. "'Nape!!" Harry yelled and tore down the short hall to the sitting room, skidding to a stop in time to witness the Potions Master's entrance with a tree.

"You gots one!!" Harry jumped up and down excitedly. "A Kismas tree!!"

Draco grinned as he leaned against the wall watching.

Snape nodded in response to Harry's exclamation and tried to maneuver the tree into the corner they had previously decided it would occupy. However the task was impeded with the toddler bounding around and chattering and 'helping'. "Draco," Snape finally called, "would you please do your job? Take care of Harry."

"Well. . ." Draco pushed away from the wall slowly, "I thought it was you who was supposed to take care of him. Let me check with the Headmaster on that and then I'll see what I can do."

"What you can do is obey me if you plan to enjoy the party later," the Head of Slytherin house stated firmly.

Snickering, the blond teen gave in and helped out his godfather by scooping Harry up and out of the way.

With a happy squeal as he was swung through the air, Harry wrapped his arms around Draco's neck. "Kismas tree, Dwaco! We's can decorate more!!"

It was impossible not to be amused and join in the excitement that Harry had in abundance and Draco and Severus found themselves laughing and enjoying themselves as much as the little boy as the three of them spent the remainder of the time before lunch decorating the first Christmas tree ever to be seen in the Potions Master's rooms.


Ron scowled at seeing Draco already in the room. "Why is HE here?" he questioned just louder than a whisper.

"Because he's Harry's friend too. Now behave," hissed Hermione. The two Gryffindors had arrived for the party, bearing their gifts for Harry.

Shaking his head, Ron commented, "The sooner we get Harry back to normal the better."

Truthfully, the red head was a bit surprised to be included in things, but pleased. He had felt very much left out when his best friend became a toddler. At first the guilt that it had happened because of him had kept Ron away. Then it was the fact that he had no desire to be close to Snape even if it did mean not seeing Harry. Hermione had scolded and pleaded but despite it all the most Ron had managed thus far was a handful of visits during the weeks Harry had had been de-aged. It was hard for the teen to associate the little boy Harry with his friend and even harder to accept the fact that Harry was happy with Snape and was friends with Malfoy.

Draco had heard the words and glared at the red head but made no comment. Instead the blond boy stayed near Harry and Snape.

Fortunately Dumbledore and McGonagall chose that moment to arrive and with everyone greeting each other and Minerva explaining to Harry that Poppy couldn't make it today but sent him a big hug and would celebrate with him later at the big party in the Great Hall on Christmas Day, things went well until it was time to have refreshments. The table had already been prepared thanks to Mercer and a dish of ice cream waited at each place while in the center was a platter of small individual cakes, bite sized and covered in white frosting with a sprig of holly, also made of frosting, on top.

As the young host, Harry decided where everyone would sit and Hermione was to the toddler's left while Draco and Ron were both on the right. Beside each other. Draco set his jaw, but nodded and took his place when Harry told his Slytherin friend which place was his.

Ron however was not as tactful. "What? Me sit by Malfoy? You've got to be kidding!"

"Sit down, Mr. Weasley," Snape ordered, his look and tone clearly stating that Ron had best not mess things up for Harry.

"I'll sit next to Hermione," Ron responded and moved toward the vacant chair.

"No, that Dum'dore's spot!" Harry declared.

"What difference does it make?" Ron fumed. "Why don't you let us sit where we want?"

Harry's temper erupted and the toddler seized the spoon from his ice cream. Before anyone could react, the blob of ice cream went flying and splattered all over Ron's cheek, dripping down his face and onto his clothes. The small missile was also accompanied by a rather loud exclamation. "Ron, you is a BLOODY GIT!!!"

For a moment the room was dead silent and then Draco recovered from the shock first and burst into laughter. Dumbledore and McGonagall shook their heads. Hermione glared at Ron. Ron glared at Draco. But it was one voice that resounded above it all.

"Harry James Potter!!"

Uh oh. Harry ventured a glance up at his guardian and then looked back down at the angry look on Snape's face.

"Excuse us," the Potions Master said to the others as he seized Harry's arm and marched the little boy into Harry's bedroom and closed the door.

"Now see what you did!" Hermione raged at Ron.


"Yes, you! If you had just been civil then Harry wouldn't be in trouble now. I hope you're satisfied," the girl shot back.

"Children, that is enough," Dumbledore spoke up with a stern look that had the bickering stopping.

"Where did he ever learn language like that?" Minerva mused, missing the flush that rose on Draco's face.

In the bedroom Harry was both upset and worried. He was mad at Ron and thought to himself that he WAS a bloody git, but he was also worried that Snape would be mad at him and he would be punished.

Sitting down on the bed, Snape positioned Harry in front of him and looked at the child sternly. "That was very rude, Harry. You know better than throwing food and yelling and calling people mean names."

The little boy's lower lip trembled. "He was mean to my Dwaco!"

Snape took a deep breath. "Yes, he was. But," he reached to tip Harry's chin up, "what have I told you about when others are mean?"

"Tell a grown-up," Harry whispered with a forlorn sniff.

"Exactly. And this time you didn't even really need to tell us. I was there. And Professor McGonagall. And the Headmaster. We all heard how mean Ron was being. And we would have handled it. If a certain little boy hadn't jumped in first."

Harry bit his lip and dropped his eyes. "I sorry, 'Nape."

"Just because Ron was being rude is no excuse for you misbehaving. You will go back out there and apologize to Ron and the rest of our guests. Is that clear?"

"Yes, sir," came the whispered answer.

With a nod, Snape placed a hand on Harry's shoulder and turned him slightly, giving the small bottom one quick swat. "If I ever see or hear of you behaving like that again or using those words you will not only get a full spanking instead of one swat, but I will wash your mouth out with soap," the Potions Master warned sternly.

Harry gave a little yip at the slight sting to his bottom, but then nodded his understanding of Snape's words.

"I'm glad we understand each other," Snape commented as he stood up and picked Harry up. After giving the little boy a hug, he carried him back out to the dining area.

Harry looked around at his friends and wanted very much to hide his face against Snape's chest. But he had been told to apologize and he knew that he had to. "I sorry, everybody. I sorry, Ron," the toddler blurted out. "Shouldn't have called you naughty name."

Dumbledore, McGonagall, and Hermione smiled at Harry and assured him it was alright and he was forgiven. Ron merely nodded and said, "It's fine." Draco gave Harry a wink as Snape set the toddler back in his chair.

"And don't think I don't know where he learned that phrase," Snape commented, cuffing Draco in the back of the head as he took his own seat.

Everyone chuckled as Draco rubbed his head and gave his godfather a rueful grin.


The fire flickered amide the logs, creating a cozy glow in the dimness of the room. The only other light came from the bewitched candles adorning the fir tree in the corner. It was just enough light to illuminate the two occupants of the oversized armchair.

Snape's hand was moving unconsciously, stroking the dark head that rested against his chest. The Potions Master had not even realized when the gesture had started becoming automatic. Had anyone happened to see and had the audacity to comment, of course it would have been stated that it was merely a technique to help the brat in his arms relax and get to sleep as it had been a long day.

Harry shifted slightly and spoke as he gazed at the Christmas tree. "I likes Kismas lots and lots."

"Christmas is not even here yet," the older wizard commented.

Thinking about that one a moment, Harry amended his statement. "Then I likes parties."

A soft chuckle greeted the announcement. "I'm sure you do. What did you like most?" Snape felt sure the little boy would seize the answer of children everywhere; presents.

Harry was quiet for a long time as he pondered the question. There had been drawing the invitations the previous night, and decorating the rooms and tree that morning, and then the yummy food. And of course the presents. He had gotten several nice things from his friends. Hermione had given him a new story book, promising to read it with him when she returned after the holidays. Until then he could look at the pictures and make up his own stories about them in his head. Ron had gotten Harry a box full of sweets which Snape had promptly taken and put on the high shelf, saying that the little boy could have a certain amount each day and not a bit more and since he had already had cake and ice cream anything else would wait until the next day.

The toddler hadn't exactly been thrilled with that ultimatum but Draco's present had distracted him enough that he forgot all about arguing with Snape. The Slytherin had gifted his little friend with something that Harry absolutely loved and something that had made Snape groan even more than the box of sweets while he gave Draco a frown. Harry was now the proud owner of a catapult. And not just any, regular old catapult; this one was winged and charmed so that it would hover in the air while the little boy loaded it again, leaving both his small hands free to perform the operation.

It had taken a little while to settle Harry back down and then he had presented his own gifts; a journal for Hermione, a book about Quidditch for Ron, and a pen with color changing ink for Draco. His friends had liked them and thanked him with words and hugs. And kisses in Hermione's case.

All the events of the day went through Harry's mind now at Snape's question about what was the best. Finally he looked up at the Potions Master. "Us," he declared.

"Us?" Snape looked puzzled.

"Uh huh," the dark head nodded. "All us. Here. Aunt Min, Dum'dore, Mione, Ron, Dwaco. And you and me."

Severus Snape was not one for sentimentality. He normally avoided it at all costs. But just now, in the flickering lights and with the sights and smells of Christmas all around him, part of the real meaning of the season snuck into his heart. Brought by the blunt words of the little boy in his lap. And he answered in an uncharacteristic way as he hugged Harry. "I think you're right, little wizardling. I think you are right."

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