Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Torn Into Pieces

Ron and Draco both solemnly waited in Severus’ study, wondering when he’d be back and whether or not they were going to live to tell the tale afterwards. They'd both run after Harry as soon as they’d spoken and now Deliverance had made them sit down and wait for him to return. Many thoughts were running through their minds, worry for Harry, worry for themselves and their impending doom…but considerably more worry for Harry.

Ron had no idea what had happened back in the gatehouse, but it was the most frightening hysterical fit that he’d ever witnessed Harry have. And he’d rather it never happen again.

“Do you think he’s okay?” asked Ron out of the blue, literally shocking the both of them. Ron hadn’t even realized he’d opened his mouth to talk until he’d finished the sentence. And to Malfoy of all people.

Draco looked a little bit suspicious but answered nonetheless. “No.”

“NO!” the words were nearly yelled and Ron had to try his hardest to keep from saying more or he was certain Deliverance would come barging into the room, asking what the hell was going on.

“You asked what I thought and I told you. Don’t get all huffy about it.”

“But…you really think he’s not all right?”

The blonde shifted in his seat beside Snape’s desk so he could better see Weasley instead of just his profile. “What makes you think he would be?” he asked, a little sardonically. “You saw the way he reacted just now. Of course he’s not all right.”

Ron just sighed. “I know he’s not. Everyone else tells me he’ll be fine…you’re the first to tell me differently.”

Draco just shrugged. “You know, he will get better eventually. It’s not hopeless or any such rot. But, there’s so much more that’s wrong this time,” he whispered to himself.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” asked Ron, sitting up fully in his seat and staring the other teen down.

Draco shifted uncomfortably. He hadn’t meant for Ron to hear him, but it was too late now, he’d heard every word he’d just said. “I, um…listen Weasley…” he trailed off, clearly on unsteady ground with the redhead. He felt like a jerk for even saying anything, and now Harry was going to kill him. If Weasley didn’t kill him first, that was. He suddenly stood up and went towards the heavy doors, intent on running and hiding from the now very upset teen behind him. “We’d better go check on them,” he said, and had one hand on the door before he was stopped.

Ron slammed a hand down on Malfoy’s shoulder and turned him back around, getting in his face. “What? No. You’re going to tell me what you know and you’re going to tell me now. Something else is going on here, I can tell. I mean, I was suspicious when Harry refused to see any of us, including his friends, but now I know something is wrong. Why else would Harry be acting like a single touch would devastate him? Why else would the rest of you be trying so damn hard to keep everyone away from him? My own brother included!”

It was getting harder and harder to keep the truth hidden where it was supposed to stay. At least until Harry decided it was okay to tell everyone. Draco sighed. He put his foot down on this one. Enough people knew already. If anyone else were to discover the secret, he didn’t think Harry would ever forgive them for the deception. He knew Severus planned on telling Black and Lupin…one more straw on Harry’s back could break him. He didn’t even realize half the people who loved him knew his painful secret. He found himself dreading the day when he discovered the truth. But, back to the matter staring him in the face…he had to decide how to gently steer this in another direction.

“Listen, Weasley. I made myself a promise and I intend to keep it. I’m not going to give up Harry’s secret to you. It’s his business if he tells you or not, and I refuse to do anything that might jeopardize our friendship,” he said, internally thinking that it might already be screwed to hell if Harry found out, or when he found out, how many people knew. How often he’d discussed it with Severus and even Fred Weasley behind his back. And now Deliverance knew as well. It wouldn’t be an easy pill to swallow, not for the Harry Potter he knew. And especially not with the kind of secret he had been keeping, or rather, had been hidden so deep inside his own mind he’d been keeping it a secret from himself as well. It wasn’t a good idea to keep pondering on it all, especially with the look Weasley was currently throwing in his direction. “I’m sorry, Weasley. I just can’t tell you. If you want to know, take it up with Harry. Though, I recommend you wait a while to do so. He doesn’t need more stress on top of everything else.”

Ron nodded, though he looked extremely irritated. “I guess I can understand why you won’t tell me. I think I’d be the same way,” he muttered.

Draco nodded and ended up turning the doorknob for real that time. “Let’s go see if they’re back, shall we?” he asked and opened the door.

Another nod was earned from the question and the blonde led the way out into the foyer. It was silent as a tomb, indicating the three missing occupants of the house hadn’t returned yet.

“Wonder where Deliverance went,” muttered Ron, looking up and down the corridors. He noticed Zane was standing at the back doors; his tale wagging erratically and Ron could almost detect a faint whine. He must have wanted out, but he was afraid to open the doors for fear the dog would run out to find Harry. It was strange how close that dog had gotten to Harry…almost like he considered Harry one of his pups. But then again, he figured everyone who had ever met Harry and knew just how kind and sweet he was would probably develop a protective nature in his presence. It happened to the best of them, including himself and his parents. And his entire family, for that matter…he didn’t know anyone who had met Harry who hadn’t completely fallen for his charm. Except his relatives that is, but they were an insane and brutish lot not worth mentioning.

Almost thirty minutes had past before Ron even saw a glimpse of something walking towards them in the waning evening light. It was almost a shock just how quickly the day had gone while they’d searched for the gatehouse, the key, and then all that had followed in terms of emotional turmoil. He rushed to the veranda doors as well, standing next to a very excited Zane, his tail now beating the living daylights out of Ron’s leg. He noticed Malfoy come to stand beside him but didn’t even flinch at the idea of having the Slytherin so close in proximity to his person. Things were going to change.

His thoughts disintegrated as he saw Snape and Fred coming towards the Manor and a very limp figure hanging loosely in the older man’s arms. His heart started racing, feeling almost as if it would come clear out his throat, and then Malfoy had a calming hand on his shoulder, forcing him to calm the hell down. Ron barely gave him a second’s notice though, as the doors had opened, Zane had gone deathly quiet and the three of them were suddenly in the foyer.

“Is…Is he okay?” asked Ron, his heart still feeling frightening close to pumping right out his chest.

Severus nodded but the fact that his face looked drawn and pale was telling a story all on it’s own. “Let me get him up to bed,” he said distractedly, his eyes set solely on his son. “I’ll be back momentarily.”

Deliverance came out of nowhere at that point and ushered her cousin and her unconscious grandson upstairs. She’d obviously been getting things ready upstairs; having somehow sensed what was going to happen and what had to be done.

Fred stopped at the bottom of the stairs when a hand landed on his arm. “Hey, is he really going to be okay?” asked Ron, his voice so soft Fred almost didn’t hear him.

It wasn’t a very hopeful thing to see when Fred only sighed, his shoulders slumped. “I honestly don’t know, little brother. I think things have only gotten worse,” he muttered, looking vaguely in Malfoy’s direction, as if he would understand what he’d said. Ron nearly bristled; realizing the two of them really did know the secret that Harry was hiding from them. He cooled down though when the memory of his friend came crashing back into his mind, Harry scared and shaking, and just now limp and unmoving. They weren’t pleasant memories, not at all.

Fred grabbed Ron by the shoulders then, looking extremely hesitant but with resolve plastered all over his face. “We should leave. I don’t think Harry’s going to be in the mood for anymore visits tonight. And besides, he probably won’t wake back up at all tonight,” he said, wishful thinking if he ever heard any.

Ron wasn’t too keen on that idea though. “No, we should stay. I never even got to tell him I was sorry!” he exclaimed, suddenly feeling weighed down by the amount of guilt he was feeling. “This was my fault! I have to make sure he’s all right, Fred. Please, don’t make me leave him,” he said, his voice soft yet driven.

“I don’t have much of a choice here, Ron. This isn’t our house; we can’t just decide to stay whenever we want to. And, I just don’t think we should be in the way right now.”

It shocked the hell out of Ron when Draco butted in…on his behalf. Ron thought he just might hit the floor with the shock of it all. “You might want to stay, actually. It’s not such a bad idea, and quite frankly, I don’t want to have to sit up all night by myself worrying. And, though your company isn’t the best in the world,” he said, as if at least getting a hit in to make it seem more natural. “It’s also not the worst company I’ve ever had. And, loathe as I am to admit it, we might need some help tonight. And…Severus is going to want to vent his rage and I sure as hell am not taking it alone. So…you’re staying.”

It was more of a demand than anything, and now that Ron was seriously considering running for the doors, he knew he’d rather face down Severus’ ire any day than abandon his friend when he needed him. “See, Fred, we stay.”

Fred just shrugged his shoulders, actually looking grateful that they were going to be allowed to stay. “Thanks, Draco.”

“Anytime, Fred.”

It was like a mutual truce had been called between all three of them in the face of the circumstances they found themselves in. Ron wasn’t sure who to gape at longer, but closed his mouth when footsteps slowly descended the stairs just beyond their vision. It was Deliverance. She looked tired and worn. As if she’d just gotten a glimpse of something she hadn’t realized was quite so horrifyingly true and was then considering chasing down the certain cause of it all. She glanced up then, as if sensing their eyes upon her.

“Hello, boys,” she said calmly. “Why don’t we get you set up in some rooms, shall we?” she asked, looking for something to do to clear her head.

“Okay,” they all said in unison, causing a small snicker from the older woman before her face turned serious once more and they turned to follow her back up the stairs she had just come down.

Ron and Fred both decided to share the bedroom that was directly beside Draco’s, and coincidentally just down the hall from Harry’s. They all got ready for bed almost immediately, but both brothers lay in bed staring gloomily at the ceiling until long after midnight. Just as Fred was beginning to doze off, he heard a slight commotion from the down the hall.

“What was that?” asked Ron, instantly sitting up in bed and looking nervously at his older brother.

“I’m not sure. Maybe you should wait here,” he said, getting out of bed, slipping on his house shoes, and made his way towards the door.

Ron scoffed. “Yeah, right,” he muttered, slipping on his own house shoes and was fast on Fred’s heels. “You’re not ditching me. Something might be wrong.”

They met Draco as they past outside his door. “You hear it too?” he asked, pulling what appeared to be a silk robe around his shoulders.

Fred nodded and waved for them to fall in behind him.

“Was it Harry?” asked Draco anxiously. He was peering into the darkness of the raven-haired teen’s room but saw no forms moving within. It almost looked empty. “Are they even in there?”

“Only one way to find out,” shrugged Fred, and he walked into the room. It was, as Malfoy had thought, empty. He turned back to the guys waiting for him out in the hallway. “You’re right, they’re not here.”

Malfoy and Ron suddenly both had worried looks on their faces, and Fred knew he was wearing a similar look.

“Where the hell are they then?” Draco asked the question they all needed to know and started down the staircase before anyone else had a chance to realize where he was going.

“Draco!” rasped Fred, trying to keep his voice down in case they were over-reacting and he woke up the entire house. But he was fairly certain that something was going on…otherwise, why weren’t Harry and Severus in his room, where they had been last night. It just didn’t add up and Fred was determined to find out why.

They descended the stairs after him, jumping two steps at a time in their hast, and he found himself having to nearly skid to a stop on the marble floor unless he wanted to slam into the suddenly still form of Draco Malfoy. He traced the blonde’s eyesight and saw what had so studiously captured his attention. Just ahead of them in the hallway that led to the outside veranda stood Zane…looking downright menacing. Fred took a step back in slight fear. Something was definitely wrong, because the dog was growling, not at some animal outside, but at them.

“Fred?” asked Ron quietly, fear tingeing his voice as he also took a step away from the suddenly dangerous animal before them. “What the hell is wrong with him?”

“I have no idea.”

A sudden noise from behind them just barely caught their attention from the angry beast before them.

“You three, what the hell are you doing down here? Get upstairs!” bellowed Severus, coming up beside them and then going directly past, looking distinctly frightening in his own right. He carried a vial containing a reddish liquid and all at once threw it at the large Rottweiler.

Zane made a weird coughing sound and growled before backing away from the now gaseous form of the liquid as it wafted towards the poor dog. Fred found himself actually feeling sorry for him when he started whimpering and rushing towards a door that wouldn’t open.

Fred was so confused by this point that he almost cast a spell to clear out the hallway. He didn’t know what was going on and the sheer lack of information was driving him mad. This seemed so wrong, watching Severus use some type of potion against the damn dog, but there had been something wrong with him. What else were they supposed to do? And where the hell was Harry?

“It’s not working,” said Severus suddenly and out of the blue, startling Fred to the point that he jumped.

“What the hell is going on?” barked Fred, his patience completely gone. “Where’s Harry? And what is wrong with Zane?” he asked, his tone one of no-nonsense. They wouldn’t remain in the dark any longer if he had anything to say about it. He didn’t want to admit to himself that he was scared to death that Zane might have hurt Harry. It would explain the slightly wild look in Severus’ eyes if something had happened to the small teen.

The gaseous substance was startling to clear on it’s own and Zane still stood, proud and pissed as hell.

“Um, Severus?” began Draco worriedly. “Should we be hiding…or something?” he asked, watching as the dog continued to seemingly guard the rest of the hallway.

Snape shrugged, as if he was seriously considering doing just that.

“Where’s Harry?” asked Ron, coming out of his strange stupor as the confusion of seeing such a strange occurrence started to wear off.

Severus sighed and ran a hand roughly down his face. “He’s in the damn study.”

“And why is that?” asked Draco, almost starting down the hallway before he realized Zane was guarding it with his life. “And why is Zane standing watch?” he asked, starting to put some odd pieces together of a very weird puzzle.

Another, deeper, sigh escaped the older man then. “I think,” he started tiredly, “that Zane thought I was hurting Harry,” he said, dropping his head into his hands and rubbing for all he was worth at his throbbing temples.

“What?” asked Fred, his voice suddenly harsh. If Zane’s reaction had been so strong as the one he was still witnessing…Fred didn’t know if he was going to be able to contain his anger. “Did you?” he hissed.

Severus turned an angry glare on the redhead. “Of course I didn’t!” he all but yelled. “He was having…he was having another nightmare. I tried to calm him down, but I couldn’t. He was hysterical and that damn dog thought I was hurting him,” he explained through short breaths as he stood and watched Zane still standing in a menacing position right there in front of them. There was no other way to get to his study but to go down that hallway.

Fred closed his eyes and had to mentally calm himself down. He hadn’t meant to let his imagination run away with him, but it had a tendency of doing that whenever Harry was involved. “I’m sorry,” he mumbled, looking everywhere but at Snape’s face. He honestly hadn’t meant to just up and accuse the man of anything, but he had. And now he wondered if he was going to be on the receiving end of another type of lecture tonight. Severus was certainly going to be busy once everything calmed down. If it ever did, considering the entire situation seemed to be getting worse and worse. A thick veil of tension had been mounting for the past hour it seemed and Fred thought he could literally cut it with a knife. Or else he’d be able to soon if things didn’t calm.

“We have to get past that dog,” said Draco intelligently a few minutes later.

“Yes, I have realized that,” said Severus in a rather short tone of voice.

“You don’t have to get snippy,” Draco said in return.

“And you will not get an attitude with me right now young man!”

Malfoy would have glared had an ear-shattering scream not rendered the night still and stopped all hearts from beating. Zane bent down as if in pain and finally moved away from the door.

Severus completely ignored all those around him and stormed for his study. Zane seemed to come back to himself and rushed at him, but as if the dog weighed nothing but a feather, Severus shoved him bodily aside and grabbed the door handle, expecting to find it locked. Thankfully, it wasn’t and he managed to open it without any further obstacles standing in his path. The scream had come from within the room and Severus wasn’t sure what he was expecting to see. It had been one of pain and fear, and his only thought had been that Harry had somehow fallen back asleep. That wasn’t to be the case. Harry was wide-awake and screaming. And holding his head.

“Oh, hell.” Fred said all in one breath.

It was another of those headaches that left Harry feeling like his head was being ripped clean out of his skull. And nothing could even lessen the pain once it really started going. And it had started full force apparently. It was doubtful he was even aware of what was happening around him. Another scream that seemed to shatter all their hearts sent them running to the boy who was now withering on the carpeted floor, completely blinded by pain.

Severus was instantly at his son’s side, sinking down to both knees and wrapping an arm around him all in one swift movement. Before anyone could blink, he had Harry in his arms, holding him against his chest to stop the thrashing of his legs and arms. He was in so much pain, the touch that would have sent him running before, didn’t faze him at all.

“Go get one of his potions!” yelled Snape, cradling Harry in arms, trying to keep him still, trying to offer comfort. Draco didn’t need to be told twice and ran from the room. There was still a full vial in Harry’s bedroom. He hadn’t had a headache like this in such a long time everyone had thought they had stopped for good. Obviously, this wasn’t the case; otherwise Harry wouldn’t be in such agonizing pain right now. And how they all wished he wasn’t. It was one of the most helpless feelings in the world to watch as the small teen screamed and arched his back, trying to escape a pain that wouldn’t fade. And no one could do anything to stop it.

It seemed an eternity had passed by the time Draco got back, potion in hand, and ran directly for his godfather. And the boy lying nearly limp from the exertion, the exhaustion, and the pain. It was still there, but it was so strong now that Harry couldn’t even hold his head up. He was using all his strength trying to fight off the pain…and failing. He lay there, moaning and whimpering, occasionally doing both, and as soon as the vial was in Severus’ hand, he tilted Harry’s head back and forced him to drink it. He had to massage Harry’s throat to get him to swallow, as he had no strength even for that one little thing left in him.

The affect was almost instantaneous, and Harry could finally think, breathe, and see again. The pain had left him so incapacitated he wouldn’t have been able to save his own life had the house caught on fire. Hell, being burnt alive would probably be a step down in the pain level he had just endured.

Harry lay panting on the floor, his head still pounding, yet the pain was slightly more bearable. He could think again. Only, he was beginning to realize he wasn’t on the floor. That he was comfortable, or as comfortable as one could get with a blinding headache still only barely receding in his head, and began to realize he was in someone’s lap. And for a moment there he’d thought his day couldn’t possibly get any worse. He tried to sit up, but not only was his head spinning dizzily, making everything go double, but hands were suddenly pushing him back down. If he’d had any strength left, he would have fought like a man possessed. But, he didn’t have any strength. He didn’t know who was holding him. Instinct told him he should know who it was…but his fear and the memories that had just attacked his mind made him a little unsteady and confused.

“Get off me,” he moaned, pushing harder at the hands pushing against him.

“Harry, child, it’s only me,” said a distinctly familiar voice. It was too bad he still couldn’t focus well enough to realize that. He continued to push unaffectedly against the supposed threat, only to be so easily subdued. “Harry, just lie still. You’re absolutely fine. No one is going to harm you,” the voice said again. Harry felt oddly compelled to obey, yet another part of his mind was yelling at him to fight. This wasn’t right. He suddenly realized why things seemed so out of proportion and slowly opened his eyes, bringing up a hand suddenly when a nearby light nearly blinded him for real.

“There you are,” whispered a voice right against his ear. Harry nearly came up off the man’s lap, but finally came to recognize his father holding him.

“Dad,” he whispered in return. He glanced around and was surprised to see who all was in the room with him. Ron, Fred, Draco, Deliverance and his father…and apparently even Zane had come into the room to watch his mental breakdown. At least he surmised as much. He felt like such an idiot, knowing he must have frightened them all terribly for all of them to be standing right there with him, everyone of them looking anxious and concerned. He vaguely remembered having a nightmare and wanting desperately to get out of the room. He had felt a presence with him, but was too disoriented to know whom it was. After leaving his bedroom and going downstairs, things became even muddier. Someone had grabbed him and there had been a struggle. And he also remembered Zane, but after that Harry drew a blank. And anytime he tried to think about it, he realized his headache became so much stronger. He shuddered. There was something right on the edge of his mind that seemed to be evading him…but one little thought would send it all spiraling apart.

“Are you all right?” asked his father, and Harry looked up into deeply concerned dark eyes.

“I’m fine,” he said slowly, still unsure about what had just happened. He tried to sit up again and was actually surprised when he was allowed to do so. Ron and Fred were instantly at his side to assist him while his father braced him from behind. He was still extremely shaky and he knew that without their help he’d be flat on his face otherwise.

Someone grabbed his arm in order to keep his steady and then someone wrapped an arm around his chest. He wasn’t sure who it was, but it sent a shiver of fear down his spine and he almost recoiled from the touch. He thought he’d been able to hide his reaction, but obviously not well enough when his father called him on it.

“What’s wrong, Harry?” he asked, his voice close to his ear once more. “I know you had another nightmare tonight and I am fully aware that you’d rather keep them to yourself. But, please, you’re shaking so hard it is visible,” he said imploringly.

Harry shook his head. “I don’t remember,” he said, speaking the truth, but no one else there was willing to believe that. He’d kept his secrets for so long that everyone just assumed he was trying to keep one more nightmare from them.

“Harry, we know you remembered them,” said Fred very gently and very low so no one else could hear except Harry and Severus. “Please, don’t keep us pushed away. We can help you if you just let us in,” he pleaded, and if Harry had been able to give him what he wanted, he just might have. It was so nice to finally have people who cared for him unconditionally. He wasn’t entirely sure how to handle it all, and he felt like he was going to just keep disappointing his family and his friends. He wished he had more he could say, but then again…he didn’t. He knew if he remembered what he’d just dreamed about it would take a long time for him to overcome it. It was just a gut feeling, one that Harry wasn’t willing to ignore.

“I’m sorry. I really just don’t remember it. I’m telling you the truth!” he insisted when he saw Draco give him a calculating look.

“Are you certain you don’t remember anything?” asked Severus.

Harry nodded his head. “I’m positive.”

“Can you try?” was the next question and Harry nearly threw his hands up in exasperation. Hell no, he didn’t want to try, but he would do it if it would just keep them all happy. It was a stupid thing to do, he’d realize a moment later.

Harry tried to clear his mind and focus on what had happened right as he’d woken up. He remembered once more the feeling of someone else being in the room with him. At the time he hadn’t realized who it was…just that he was scared and wanted out of the room. Harry found himself speaking as he went along with his memories, hoping everyone wouldn’t think he wasn’t trying.

“I did wake up from a nightmare,” he recapped for them. “I know it must have been you Dad, but I thought someone else was with me,” he shuddered involuntarily and found a supporting hand on his shoulder. It was all he could stand to keep still as that hand started to rub his shoulder in what was supposed to be soothing circles. It wasn’t soothing at all, especially not with the memories he was recapping. “I…I, um…I left the room then,” he stuttered and the hand stopped it’s rubbing to just lay prone on his back. It wasn’t all that more comforting, but definitely better than the constant moving touch against his skin.

“Can you remember what happened in your nightmare?” asked Ron, his hand being the one currently on his back.

Harry shook his head. “I’m not sure,” he mumbled, his headache becoming more piercing the harder he thought. “My…my Uncle was there,” he forced out, the pain almost becoming unbearable again. But he forged on, needing to know himself now. What the hell was his mind hiding from him? “We were in h-his bedroom,” he whispered, and unbidden he flashed back to that moment in his head and nearly screamed. “Oh shit!” he exclaimed, anchoring himself to the present by digging his nails into the palms of his hands. “Oh my God,” he breathed again, suddenly struggling against the hands that were all at once on his body.

He felt his knee connect with something solid and a sudden intake of air. And suddenly he was free, pushing himself off his hands and knees and running for the door. He couldn’t believe that had actually happened. He’d hoped and prayed his head had been playing tricks with him, but they hadn’t. Sweet Merlin, they hadn’t. He almost made it to the door but was stopped when arms once more wrapped themselves around his chest, trapping his arms as well, and lifting him clear off his feet.

“No!” he screamed, knowing only that he had to get away. That he couldn’t let it happen again. It wasn’t registering that he was with his family, that he was safe. All he knew was what his mind was telling him, and that was to run like hell. But he couldn’t very well do that while being trapped against someone’s chest. He kicked, he screamed, and he even tried to bite the hand that had come up towards his face. It only served to make the hand go away and the arms around his chest to tighten their hold. “Get off of me!” he screamed at the top of his lungs, his kicks becoming more strategic as he heard whispering going on around him. It should have set off some kind of notice to Harry that there was more than one person here…that wasn’t right. It should have, but Harry was so far gone he just didn’t realize. And he continued to fight them.

“Harry!” screamed a voice so close that Harry instinctively tried to raise his hands to protect his ears, but he once more realized his plight when his arms refused to move. He felt the hands on his body again, running down further against his skin and he started screaming and kicking again, so fiercely that whoever was holding him ended up laying him on the ground and Harry suddenly found himself pinned to the cold floor. He knew what would happen if he didn’t get back up. It always happened if he wasn’t strong enough and as someone grabbed at his face, forcing his mouth open, he couldn’t stifle the sob that escaped him. Something thick and disgusting was suddenly being forced down his throat and he nearly choked. He coughed violently and the hands that had been holding him down were suddenly gone.

Harry rolled onto his side and tried hard not to heave. He remembered. He remembered everything now and wished to Merlin that he didn’t. A tear started to roll down his cheek and he did absolutely nothing to stop it. And to top it all, after that more and more continued to fall until he was a quivering ball of emotion curled into a ball on the floor. He knew then that a calming potion had been delivered into his system, but it did nothing to stop the fall of tears, and he was strangely grateful for that.

“Get him up off that cold floor,” said a calm voice from somewhere above him. Harry just laid there, the energy to get up and move having fled in the wake of his emotional upheaval, and when arms were suddenly slipping beneath his shoulders and knees, he did nothing to stop it. He knew his father was picking him up this time, he knew no one here would try to hurt him, but it still didn’t stop a shudder from racking his small frame and another tear to slide down his tear stained face. He wanted to go to sleep and wake up to another reality. How could this have happened to him?

Deliverance was unexpectedly hovering over him as he lay limply in his father’s arms, checking his breathing and his heart rate. She brushed an errant strand of hair away from his eyes and bent to presumably kiss his forehead. Harry flinched and buried his face against his father’s chest. “I’m sorry, sweetie,” she said brokenly, and Harry wanted so badly to tell her it was okay. But it wasn’t. And it seemed to him in that moment that it would never be okay again. “Let’s get him upstairs and back into bed. That calming potion will make him drowsy, I think,” she said then, her voice more composed.

He could feel the movement beneath him as his father climbed the stairs. Harry could hear the whispered voices of his friends following behind them, but he just couldn’t bother himself to care. He kept flashing back to a time he had tried so hard to forget, and now it was forever etched in his memory. The first time his Uncle had ever… forcibly taken him. Harry cringed as the memory tried to assault him once more. Any lingering doubt he had had been swept away. He felt wetness, as more tears cascaded down his face. He wouldn’t admit it to anyone, but in that moment he wanted to disappear.

His father laid him down in bed and the thought that he would be left alone in this room to deal with the memories by himself left him shivering in fear. “No, stay with me,” he whispered brokenly, and Severus was instantly lying down beside Harry on his bed.

“I’m right here,” said Snape, wrapping his arms protectively around his son. “Just rest now. No one will harm you. I’ll protect you,” he said softly, and Harry knew the words to be truth. He buried his head once more in his father’s chest and let the calming drought sooth him to sleep, along with the hand gently running through his hair. Harry briefly wondered where the others were going to sleep as he could still sense them in the room before the combined feeling of the potion and the feel of comfort sent him into the land of nod.

Tomorrow they’d deal with the consequences.

Chapter End Notes:
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