Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Author's Chapter Notes:
Their Separation was inevitable.

Some violence and multiple time frames.
Chapter 32: Separated

October 31,1996--around 11:00pm

"Shoo," Poppy directed and Albus moved away from Severus, with one last look at his young friend. He nodded toward the small group of Order Members, staring in shock at Harry.

"Wait for me in my office," he told the group in general and once the others had obediently left through the Floo, all of them shooting furtive glances back at Harry, Albus turned around once more toward Severus. Remus was casting a Sleeping Spell over the distraught boy and Albus felt a great wave a sadness wash over him.

He watched as Remus picked Harry gently up into his arms and settled him on the bed. He continued to watch with a heavy heart as Remus bundled their Harry up in blankets and then Albus closed his eyes in pain as Remus slumped into the chair beside the bed, seemingly lost in his own grief.

With all his heart, Albus wished in those moments that he had taken better care of Harry. Wished that he had questioned Lily and James more fully; wished he had followed his instincts regarding Severus. But he hadn't. He'd believed Lily as fully as Severus had. And then he'd ignored the further promptings to keep Harry from the Dursleys. He had thought he was doing what was best. He couldn't have been more wrong.

Even when he'd finally seen a way to fix everything...still, Albus felt the pain of so much regret. And now...Severus. But Severus wouldn't let himself slip through so easily. Albus had witnessed how deeply he loved Harry. There wasn't a single conversation they had had in the past few weeks that Harry's name hadn't come up. Already Severus spoke of him with such pride; such deep affection that Albus couldn't believe Severus would give him up so easily.

And Harry. Harry's emotions were much easier to read...they always had been. Harry could love. Just like his mother. Surely, he would refuse anything less than Severus' full recovery. Yes, Albus told himself firmly. Harry wouldn't let Severus go.


Albus opened his eyes, not at all startled by the intrusion. He had been waiting for it, in fact. He raised his eyebrows at Kingsley.

"Did you get him home, Kingsley?" he asked. Kingsley nodded solemnly.

"Narcissa's waiting for you."

Albus nodded. Finally, some good news. "Thank you Kingsley. The others are in my office. I'll be there shortly." Kingsley nodded once and Albus watched him go before turning his gaze back to Severus' bed.

Poppy was busy, continuing to weave her Life Charm around Severus' frail body. Remus was alternating glances between Harry and Severus and Albus smiled sadly. Remus was fully invested in both of them, and Albus wondered if the young man even recognized the delicate tendrils of friendship that were beginning to stretch between the two of them. Just like it had between Severus and James so many years ago....

Albus nodded to himself, reaching into one of his many pockets for a pinch of Floo powder. Satisfied that both Harry and Severus would be well taken care of, Albus stepped into the Poppy's fireplace. He threw down his powder and called quietly, "Malfoy Manor!"

He stepped out again into the elegant parlor. The house-elf was waiting for him.

"Mistress is upstairs with Master. Pandy is to be taking the Headmaster to see them," the little elf said eagerly, waving her hands toward the elaborate staircase. Albus nodded in acquiescence and followed Pandy upstairs. She went to the door at the end of the hallway and ushered Albus in.

Albus smiled kindly at Narcissa, who stood up delicately from the ornate chair she had been seated in and came over to him; her face was rigid with worry. Albus nodded to the Mediwizard who glanced up only briefly in acknowledgement, and then went back to his work.

"How is he, Narcissa?" Albus queried, taking the hand she offered to him.

"The Healer is still checking him," she told Albus quietly, waving him toward the bed.

Lucius' eyes were closed, his milky skin much paler than normal, his silver hair damp and matted. There were only a few patches of bruised skin, a few cuts along his chin. Lifting his eyes to the Healer, he asked, "How is he?"

Healer Martet, a loyal member of the Order, smiled grimly. "There are very few physical injuries. He's been hit with a particularly debilitating curse though. It will take some doing to wake him again."

Albus nodded, unconcerned with this news. "Has his mind been affected?" he asked briskly.

The Healer shook his head. "No."

"Excellent," Albus murmured with a smile. "I will need to enter his thoughts," he informed the Healer. The younger man nodded his approval, gesturing for the Headmaster to begin.

Glancing up at Narcissa, who nodded shakily, Albus turned back to Lucius. He brought his hand to rest against the younger man's cheek and drew in a deep breath as he felt Lucius' unconscious mind begin to writhe against his own.

He was standing in the familiar circle, next to Severus. They had stood this way many times...for many years. Lucius kept his eyes focused on the Dark Lord and waited.

He was angry. The Dark Lord was gazing around, as though trying to decide who he would torture tonight. Lucius readied himself.

"My followers have failed me once again," the Dark Lord whispered and his eyes seemed to be only for Lucius. "It's a pity, really," he continued, shaking his head as though he could actually feel regret. Lucius stiffened, preparing himself for the retribution he knew would be aimed toward him.

"I had so hoped your son could join us, Severus."

Lucius' spun around, with every other Death Eater in the circle, to face Severus. Son? Potter? But none of the Death Eaters had a chance to take it in.

Severus made a movement for his wand and Lucius watched in fascination as the Dark Lord thrust out a vindictive hand. Severus fell to his knees. The Dark Lord was smiling as he flicked his other hand toward Crabbe and Goyle, and they hunched forward, their brutish frames almost shivering in anticipation.

Severus' eyes were closed. Goyle smashed a foot against Severus' unprotected head and Lucius watched as Severus' head snapped back and smacked sharply against a rock.

No! Lucius wanted to cry out. Not now. Not when Draco needed his protection. He cared little for Severus Snape, but he could not let him die.

Draco needed him.

Lucius set his jaw, before forcing a vindictive smile to his lips as he strengthened his shields against any intrusions and joined the vicious clutch around Severus. Aiming only a few harsh kicks at Severus, he turned toward the Dark Lord. He was watching with a cruel smile.

Lucius set his lips to match and walked forward. The Dark Lord slid his eyes briefly to Lucius, saying coldly, "Surely you realize the traitor has betrayed your son, Lucius. You, more than the rest, must welcome a chance for retribution."

The ruby eyes glimmered in the moonlight.

Lucius bowed slightly, demonstrating with care, his servitude. "I do, My Lord," he agreed fervently. He checked his shields before murmuring humbly, "I beg you, My Lord, to allow me the final retribution. He has betrayed my entire family. He has obviously been stunting Draco's efforts on your behalf, My Lord. I ask you to let me be the one."

He bent down, keeping back the swirl of bile that surged up, and lightly kissed the pale knuckles that the Dark Lord offered forth. And he waited. A cold hand brushed against his hair. Lucius stilled the tremor that started through his body.

"I will grant you that privilege," the cold voice agreed.

Lucius looked up again and the red eyes glinted in ugly satisfaction. Lucius nodded fervently, bowing low this time. "You are most gracious, My Lord. It is more than I deserve."

The Dark Lord nodded. "Remember that, Lucius, when you next speak to your son."

Lucius nodded quickly and bent once more to kiss his Master's hand. The Dark Lord allowed the touch and then drew back his hand. He waved it dismissively toward Severus. His voice rang out to the group of Death Eaters, still engaged in their task.

"Dispose of him, Lucius."

Lucius nodded and moved forward, drawing his wand as he walked. His comrades parted. Stilling his churning emotions, Lucius stepped, with a calculated movement, on Severus' wrist. The bones cracked in a satisfying crunch.

He bent his face close to the man who had played a role so well, for so many years; the man who had protected Draco more than once. He felt no regret for what he was about to do. This was for Draco...and for Draco's mother.

"My pleasure, My Lord," he breathed and pulled his wand up along Severus' robes, chanting the silent words to activate the Portkey. Slowly, he moved his wand, giving the Portkey time and then he stopped, resting his wand against Severus' throat. "Avada-"

Severus glowed blue and then he was gone.

Lucius thrust himself backward in feigned surprise. The Dark Lord screeched in rage and Lucius turned, knowing he would be killed. Before he finished his circle, more than a dozen witches and wizards appeared around the circle, all of them dressed in red. Aurors.

The Dark Lord roared again and lights began flashing all over the barren field. Lucius joined the fight, screaming curses and throwing hexes with skill as bodies danced around him. He turned to defend two of his comrades when a tall Auror appeared in front of him and before he could react, Lucius felt a jolt go through his body and he felt himself spinning toward the dirt...

Albus allowed the darkness to close once more around Lucius as he untangled his thoughts easily from the ones that did not belong to him. Lucius had given them Severus. For his own selfish reasons, certainly, but they all owed him much gratitude, nonetheless.

Albus straightened up and turned toward Narcissa, whose hands were pressed tightly together, her joints white with the effort. Albus knew she was afraid of what he might have found...afraid for what it might mean for Draco. He smiled reassuringly at the pale woman.

"Voldemort," he began, and she flinched at the name but Albus paid no attention to it as he continued, "chose Severus for his games tonight. Lucius saved him." She blinked, surprised. "For Draco," he added and Narcissa relaxed. "I do not know if Voldemort will seek retribution. I do not know if he realizes it was Lucius."

Narcissa nodded shakily.

"Thank him for me, will you, my dear?" he asked cheerfully and she nodded again. Albus smiled and turned back to the Healer. He took a small vial from his robes and handed it over. "It will reverse the curse," he explained and then he turned abruptly away. "I will take my leave. Someone will be in touch," he told Narcissa mildly.

Apparently, she'd lost all ability to speak as she only nodded again. Albus inclined his head and walked swiftly from the room, finding his way back to the parlor and into the Floo easily. Wishing he didn't have to, he threw down another pinch of powder and called for his office.

He stepped into his office with a quiet sigh. He didn't want to explain everything now. There was too much else to do.

"Is it true, Albus?" Arthur asked.

The others glanced at the eldest Weasley and then back to Albus, their expressions ranging from nervous to incredulous.

"Of course it isn't true!" Jonas, their Ministry contact, broke in, sounding uncharacteristically agitated and Bill nodded in agreement. "Severus Snape was a Death Eater!" Jonas cried, as though insulted at the very idea of a relationship between Severus and Harry. The others began muttering and Albus sighed and held up a wizened hand. There was no reason any longer to keep this particular secret.

"Severus is Harry's father," he affirmed simply. They stared at him. Before the bedlam could begin, Albus turned to Kingsley.

"I need you and Nymphadora to go to Malfoy Manor. Voldemort discovered that Harry is Severus' son. That is why Severus was beaten. Lucius is the one who sent Severus to the Infirmary. The Malfoys may need protection."

Kingsley nodded immediately though Nymphadora looked like she wanted to argue. With a quick look from Kingsley though, she smoothed her features, set her jaw, and nodded as well. They went to the Floo and Albus turned back to the other Order members.

"Jonas, pull yourself together," Albus chided gently as the man was opening and closing his mouth in wonderment. "I need you to go to the dungeons and stay near Draco." Jonas looked ready to protest as well, but at mild glare from Albus, he sighed and nodded. He turned to the Floo as well.

The four Weasley men were looking at one another, confusion dashed across their freckled faces.

Arthur finally spoke again, his voice strained, "How can this be, Albus?"

"I will tell you only that they only just discovered it themselves, and," he added pointedly, "I assure you that both of them are quite happy."

The Weasleys looked even more bewildered. Albus smiled sadly. "I will let Harry explain if he wishes to...when he feels up to it."

"Will Snape be all right?" George--at least Albus thought it was George--asked tentatively. Albus smiled, pleased that he seemed concerned, even though it was clearly concern for Harry.

"Poppy will do everything she can," Albus assured him. Both twins nodded, looking satisfied with that answer. Albus cleared his throat. "Now, gentlemen, if you would excuse me, I must return to the Hospital Wing."

The Weasleys continued to stare, obviously not finished digesting the news. Albus turned toward the Floo, only just hearing one of the twins muttering, "Mum's gonna have kittens," before he disappeared in the green flames.


November 1, 1996--around 2:00am

Over and over, Harry vomited, until the retching was dry and painful. Then he felt gentle hands, probably Remus', pulling him backward.

"Get rid of them," Harry ordered coarsely, hoping one of them would understand.

With one quick wave of Dumbledore's hand, the robes that had desecrated Severus' body were replaced with a clean hospital gown. Harry gaped at it. The final nail, hammering down. His father was really in the Hospital. He was sick.

Harry could feel the edges of panic begin to crowd him but as he closed his eyes, thinking of his father, he knew he could do this. He gently firmed his storm, feeling himself relax. When Harry opened his eyes, Pomfrey was peering in at him. He didn't even blink at the intrusion.

Then there was a glass of water in his face. "Gargle," Pomfrey ordered. Harry took the glass and obeyed, swishing the warm water quickly around his mouth. It tasted rather minty and it tingled against his gums.

"Spit," was Pomfrey's next command as another glass, this one empty, appeared in front of him. Leaning over slightly, he spat. Harry felt a bit better, now that his mouth had lost that disgusting aftertaste. He frowned though as Pomfrey leaned in to study him again, her eyes narrowed.

"Do you need another vial of Calming Draught?" she asked.

Another? He hadn't realized he'd had a first.

"I'm all right," Harry assured her, shaking his head. She looked doubtful but after she had waved her wand up and down his body, she nodded.

And then she suggested briskly, "You had best get out of those clothes, Mr. Potter." Harry looked down. He didn't remember getting dressed in pyjamas. "They're damp," Pomfrey continued, "Would you like me to-"

"That's all right. I can do it," Harry interrupted and after a quick Drying Spell, followed by a Freshening Charm, he took a moment to remember the incantation and then with a complicated little motion, Harry's pyjamas were jeans and a sweatshirt. And he had socks and shoes on his feet. Harry's heart twisted; his father had taught him that.

Pomfrey nodded in satisfaction before ordering Harry to sit down. "You need to rest, Mr. Potter," she told him sternly.

Since he was too tired to argue, he sat. Before Pomfrey could turn away, Harry asked timidly, "Should I-should I talk to him now?"

Pomfrey's stern face softened a bit before she nodded. "As much as you can. You may stay here as long as you like," she assured him before Harry realized he was about to ask.

"Thanks," he murmured gratefully and turned back to his father. He had no idea what to say, and he realized that four pairs of eyes were staring down at him. Ginny's...and Remus', well he didn't really mind those two pairs so much, but he didn't think he could have some sort of chat with his father while McGonagall and Dumbledore were gaping at him.

He glanced uneasily at Dumbledore, who was still standing on the other side of the bed. The Headmaster nodded as though he understood and then moved silently away, taking McGonagall with him. Harry felt two hands squeezing his shoulders, one of them small, the other much larger, both of them gentle.

"We'll wait over by Madame Pomfrey's office," Remus told him softly and Harry had to blink back tears as he nodded. Ginny's small hand trailed down his arm to his hand. She squeezed again silently and then Harry was alone with his father. He had no idea what to say. What do you say to someone who was...who wouldn't even know you were there?

Harry swallowed back his grief and stood up. He wanted to see his father's face; even through the bruises and swelling, this was still his father. The first time they'd talked, really talked, Severus had held his gaze, listening intently to everything Harry had shared. Harry let that memory fill his mind.

"It was just a brick wall, a wall! And then Hagrid tapped some of the bricks and it opened...just like that," he had chortled, feeling almost as excited as he had when he'd actually been there at the entrance to Diagon Alley with Hagrid.

"And then we went to Gringotts. I had never seen a Goblin...not a real one anyway," he'd rambled. "They were actually a bit frightening," Harry had admitted with a smile, "and the carts, well that was pretty fun. Hagrid didn't like it though," he'd mused thoughtfully.

Severus' eyes had smiled then. "Going to Diagon Alley for the first time is indeed a fascinating experience," he had agreed. And Harry had wanted to ask him about his first trip but Severus didn't seem to enjoy talking about his younger self, especially his parents, so Harry hadn't asked. Now, as he stared down at his father, he wished he had. He wished he'd done so many things differently.

Harry wished he could take back every word, every action that had hurt his father. He didn't want it to be too late. It couldn't be too late. They hadn't had enough time.

Swallowing thickly again, Harry took his father's hand gingerly. He saw Pomfrey standing over Severus on the other side, with a table full of vials; she was muttering things Harry couldn't understand as she twirled her wand up and down Severus' body. And Harry felt himself relax a bit. She would fix him.

"Dad," he said quietly, squeezing his father's hand lightly. Yes, he decided. He liked the way that sounded. That's who Severus was now.

"It's Harry," he continued awkwardly. "Madame Pomfrey said I should talk to you. I don't really know what to talk about, though..."

Little things ...easy things.

And Harry realized with a small glow that his father would want to hear about those unimportant, mundane things. He had enjoyed listening to Harry each time they'd talked.

"I took Ginny to the dance," he said, trying to keep back the tears. "She looked really beautiful. I wasn't such good company though," he said hoarsely. He paused as he steadied himself. He needed to change the subject.

"I don't think I did so well on my Transfiguration test on Tuesday. I didn't really study," he admitted, wishing as he did that Severus could give him a disapproving look. "I know I should have, of course," he told his father with a small smile, "but it was much more fun playing Exploding Snap with Ron."

"Don't worry, though," he assured Severus quickly, "you can lecture me about the importance of taking my studies seriously when you wake up." A small sob caught in his throat and any humor that had been in his voice was completely lost. If you wake up...

Harry closed his eyes briefly and calmed his raging emotions before going on. After all, his father needed this. "I transfigured my pyjamas, just like you taught me to do. And I kept my shields up, even when I didn't mean to," he told his father, a bit of excitement creeping into his voice. "I know you would have been pleased. I think I finally got the hang of this Occlumency thing."

Harry bit his lip. "I know it took a long, time; I'm sorry about that. I really am. And I know I could have done better in our lessons...not just Occlumency, but all the spells and curses you tried to teach me. I tried," he attempted to explain, beginning to feel a bit frantic that his father should understand.

"I can do better though," he promised quickly, "and I'll work harder in my classes. I even enjoyed the Potion we made together, remember?" He didn't realize how fast he was talking or how his hands were fisting in and out of Severus' hospital gown. "I'll keep studying for everything. You won't have to lecture me about anything. I promise all right? You just have to get better and I'll do everything you tell me to do. Just please!" he begged wildly, and then he felt firm hands closing over his own, stilling his frenetic movements.

"Harry," Remus whispered against his ear, "it's all right. Everything's all right." The voice was soothing and Harry felt his heart rate slowing. "Still your emotions, just like your father showed you, Harry." Harry drew in a deep breath and nodded slowly, obeying the gentle direction. He let himself feel calm again as his storm quieted.

And then Pomfrey was in front of him again, holding out a vial. Harry shook his head. "I'm all right now," he told her. Remus took the vial out of Pomfrey's hand and wrapped Harry's fingers around it.

"Drink it, Harry." Remus made it a command. After only a moment's hesitation, Harry nodded and did as he was told. He was certain his father would have made him drink it as well.

He handed the empty vial back to Pomfrey, who nodded in satisfaction and went back to her chanting. Harry was surprised as he felt the effects of the Calming Draught begin to take hold. He felt much more at ease; he felt almost rational again.

"Where's Ginny?" he asked Remus, who was still standing quite close.

"I'm here, Harry," Ginny assured him, coming from behind. Harry took her hand and pulled her close.

"Thanks for coming, Gin," Harry said softly. She didn't answer, but she moved closer. "How did you get here without waking Hermione?" he asked curiously, feeling a bit hurt that neither she nor Ron had shown up. Ginny snorted.

"McGonagall threatened to rescind her library privileges," she said. "I'm sure she went to get Ron as soon as McGonagall left though..." Ginny's eyes flicked to Remus. "Well, I mean-" she started to backtrack but Remus chuckled.

"I didn't hear a thing," he denied with a smile. Ginny grinned. And Harry couldn't stop his own smile; he was grateful for the small dose of normalcy.

"What time is it?" he asked.

Remus cast a quick Tempus Charm. "Three o'clock," he announced. It was funny; he didn't feel tired at all. But he turned in concern to Ginny.

Before he could say anything to her though, McGonagall came back over and apparently had a very similar idea to Harry's. "Ms. Weasley, I have some business to attend to...if you are ready to return to the Tower."

Ginny didn't even glance at Harry. "I'd like to stay."

McGonagall and Harry frowned together.

"Gin, it's late. I'm all right now. You should go get some sleep." It was a lie, of course. Harry was nowhere near feeling anything but a gaping void, but there was no reason for Ginny to suffer along with him. Ginny, however, only smiled up at him.

"I don't mind, Harry."

McGonagall was glancing between them now. McGonagall's eyes were shrewd as she raised an eyebrow. "I'm sure your brother and Ms. Granger are most anxious to have an update on Harry and Professor Snape," she said coolly and Harry felt a crazy urge to laugh.

Ginny however, looked ready to argue. So, Harry stepped in. "It's all right, Gin. I'll be fine. You can come back first thing in the morning. And Professor McGonagall does have a point," he said, with another small smile. And when Ginny didn't look convinced, he added, "I'll feel better if I know you're getting some rest."

Ginny rolled her warm eyes, obviously knowing Harry was manipulating her, but allowing it nonetheless. "All right," she conceded, but then she whirled on Remus. "Take care of them," she ordered fiercely. Remus blinked but nodded quickly.

Harry let Ginny give him a hug and then he watched her exit through the Floo with McGonagall. He turned back to his father and his throat constricted immediately. The reprieve had not changed anything.

"Albus, I'm ready."

Harry darted his eyes up. Pomfrey was motioning the Headmaster forward. "What are you doing?" Harry demanded, hating the way his voice trembled.

Pomfrey glanced over at him. "I've begun all the basic treatments. I need to wait to do anything else. The Headmaster and I will need to assess the condition of his mind now."

Harry's stomach lurched. "What do you mean?"

Pomfrey tried to explain, "We need to explore the extent of the damage."

Harry's heart began to hammer against his ribs. "Can I help?" he asked. But Pomfrey shook her head and Dumbledore, now beside her, did as well. "But I've been inside his mind," Harry told them, clearly hearing the desperation in the words. "I could help."

"Harry, we have no way of knowing what we'll find," Dumbledore told him. Harry was going to protest again, but he felt Remus' hand on his arm and he looked down again at his father. He could almost hear his deep voice, telling him to accept what they were saying to him. He swallowed and nodded, not trusting himself to speak. He wasn't going to disappoint his father. Not ever again.

Pomfrey and Dumbledore eyed Harry for another moment before both of them drew their wands and pressed them against Severus' temples. Harry winced, stilling the urge to tell them to be gentle.

They began chanting together. They spoke in long, unrecognizable, trailing sounds. Harry put a hand on his father's chest again, wanting to give him some sort of support. He blinked in surprise as he recognized Remus' hand beside his own and Harry's eyes went to his friend's face. Remus glanced at Harry, smiling quietly before turning his gaze again to Severus. Harry enjoyed the brief glow in his chest before he turned his attention back to his father.

Harry had no idea how long they stood there together. It seemed like hours, and only mere seconds at the same time. Finally, Pomfrey and Dumbledore withdrew their wands, both of them drawing in deep breaths.

Harry looked up quickly; he felt dizzy at the twin looks of regret.

"How is he?" Remus asked immediately.

Pomfrey shook her head. "Harry," she murmured gently, and Harry fingers clawed around his father's thin hospital gown. He closed his eyes and shook his head, willing her to stop talking. He didn't want to hear it.

"This will be hard to understand..." she began again, but Dumbledore had to finish as she seemed to have lost her voice.

"His mind has separated itself from his body. He's not there anymore. There's nothing there."

"What do you mean?" Remus demanded as he gripped Harry's arm.

"Severus...Severus was about to die," Dumbledore tried to explain, but Harry couldn't listen. Not to this. He turned away and crashed into Remus. Remus put his arms around Harry and held on tightly. Harry didn't hear another word as he listened to the roaring winds of his storm.


Somewhere in time and space....

There was nothing. He couldn't see anything. He didn't know if there was anything for him to see. He felt lost. Stranded...

He tried to move forward, to push through the weights constricting his limbs. As if waking from a dream, a mist slowly coalesced around him. He thought he was standing. The fog seemed almost translucent. He could see vague, wavy shapes on the other side.

Severus stepped through the mist as it parted for him. He looked all around. He should have felt confused, but he couldn't. It made absolute sense.

He was in a room. He knew this room. The dark polished wood, the large stone fireplace; he remembered all of it. The too-squashy chair, the Potions journal lying open on the low table, the books piled on the desk. It was a parlour.

It was their parlour.

Severus stepped fully into the room, letting the familiarity settle over him. He took a deep breath, enjoying the scents of fresh flowers and cloves. He knew those smells.

In anticipation, he turned around. And there she was.


Standing in the kitchen doorway. Just as she should be.

Lily was waiting for him. She was smiling, the expression radiant on her beautiful face. Without any other thoughts, Severus went to her.

She threw her perfect arms around his neck as he pulled her close. Severus leaned in, to brush his lips against her hair. He inhaled deeply. He felt whole again.

He could almost feel the soft lingering of cloves against her skin. The fresh flowers pressed amongst their scent.


Chapter End Notes:
Please check out my profile for a link to my yahoo group. cathyrf has created the most inspiring poster for chapter 30 (Dance of the Death Eater). It truly made my muses run amuck and gave me a taste of my own medicineā€¦it actually made me cry. Thank you Cathy.

Another: Thank you as well to SiriuslyEnthralled for her wonderful musical muse (Cry Little sister by the Lost Boys), which forced me to let Lucius have his say. Lucius and I thank you, Marcie.

Just one more: To PonytailGoddess, my thanks as well. The last part was only just begun and your comments a few reviews ago, fueled me to push it a bit further. Thanks.

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