Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Author's Chapter Notes:
This is a chapter for which I'm going to break several of my cardinal rules:

Firstly, never to have author's notes before the chapter (which I've done!). I find that annoying, but this time, it's essential!

Secondly, posting a little interlude with my chapter, which could stand alone, but it's not essential to the story itself.

Thirdly, a sacrilege. The interlude is a song fic. In other words, open YouTube, search for Billy Joel's 'Lullabye," listen, and then read!

Lots of trifling sappy stuff. Help yourself!
Chapter 43: Day of Truth

The alarms sounded a minute after midnight, while Severus was sound asleep. He groaned as he stretched, unwilling to leave the daze of the dream in which he'd been immersed only an instant before.


What had it been about, exactly? Something having to do with a tree, and…but the fragile thread of it was already breaking. From the other side of the door, the alarm sounded again, only audible to him. Harry was having a nightmare.


He rolled over. Was that still the dream, or had he actually heard that voice? Shaking his head, he sat up. The dream, of course. Harry. He had to go to Harry.

Softly, with the tread of a spy he'd developed so long ago, he moved soundlessly into the neighboring room and sat on the edge of the bed, placing his hand on the boy's forehead, as he had so quickly got in the habit of doing.

"Everything's fine, Harry, you're safe."

"You'll…stay?" the boy mumbled, without awakening.

"Definitely," Severus murmured. "Sleep, everything will be fine."

"And if…if he…if they…"

"Don't worry. I'll take care of everything," Snape reassured him gently, amazed to see Harry'd not opened his eyes. Wasn't it a child's privilege to talk this way when half-asleep?

"I'm afraid of…" Once again, he couldn't finish his sentence, but Severus understood anyway.

"You've nothing to fear. I'm here. I'll stay. Always."

It seemed as if the boy pushed his forehead a bit more against his palm, but that was all.

Sing…Severus, sing!

Snape started. The dream? The boy? The voice was in his head, he was sure of it, but…the Mark? Could it…?

Beside him, the boy seemed to have calmed, but his hand clutched desperately at his black robes, as he still frowned in his sleep.


"I…I don't know how to sing, stupid child," he murmured without really knowing why.

You know how. Please…a lullaby.

"I don't know any…I…" Merlin, why was his voice suddenly so hoarse?

A lullaby…just a lullaby…that's what makes nightmares go away, Sev.

That name…only one person had called him that, and it'd been a very long time since she'd used it with him. The only person, as well, who'd heard him sing, and…

A lullaby. You can do it. For him.

But he was fairly certain he didn't know any. His mother had never sung them, and the only songs he knew were the ones he and Lily had listened to on that old turntable…songs that…

And before he had time to realize, Severus had started to hum, his eyes lost in a time long gone by.

Good night my angel time to close your eyes

And save these questions for another day

I think I know what you've been asking me

I think you know what I've been trying to say.

The old gramophone was playing, and Lily had her eyes closed. Always, for this song. He almost felt as if he could smell her scent now, light but so familiar that it was impossible not to recognize it. She would've surely rocked Harry to this song. Maybe she'd even actually done it. Was it possible for the boy to remember it? But he didn't even hear his own voice as the notes trickled out.

I promised I would never leave you

And you should always know

Where ever you may go

No matter where you are

I never will be far away

But the boy was his now. And Severus belonged to him as well. If only he could've known him in that time when he'd been but a happy baby, held him, seen him play with Lily. But he was here now. And despite all the wasted years, Harry was his son, whatever might happen. So little time had passed, and so much ground covered already. How was it that one could end up loving someone so completely and so quickly? He felt his heart constrict at the thought. He'd never thought to be able to feel such a thing again, but he wouldn't make the same mistake this time. He'd be there when he was needed. Always.

Good night my angel now it's time to sleep

And still so many things I want to say

Remember all the songs you sang for me

When we went sailing on an emerald bay.

And the gramophone turned and Lily danced, eyes closed, with her arms wrapped around herself. So pretty and fragile. Lily…just like your son. He wants to save the world, he doesn't want to show he's afraid, but he has nightmares so often. If only you were here, if only you'd been there to take him to the train station, to protect him from people like me. Would you've believed it, Lily, when we dragged the turntable into the field to hear our songs in the wind, would you've believed I'd hate your son when I'd see him come to Hogwarts for the first time…and that I'd hate his eyes because they'd be yours? That I'd end up by loving him, protecting him, adopting him…your son. My son.

And like a boat out on the ocean

I'm rocking you to sleep

The water's dark and deep

Inside this ancient heart

You'll always be a part of me

He'd have to take Harry there one day. Magnus' field, the old oak we spent so many hours under, tell him about those days, teach him how to make water mills, since that pleased you so much, Lily. So many mills. Merlin, their wheels must still be turning, somewhere…like those old records. He'd surely like that, since you liked it too. He still remembers you, you know, in his own way. And he loves you too. Yes, those wheels are still turning, that's for certain, I can hear them from here.

Goodnight my angel now it's time to dream

And dream how wonderful your life will be

Someday your child will cry and if you sing this lullaby

Then in your heart there will always be a part of me.

Tomorrow, he'd probably officially be his son. Tomorrow. And the following month. And the year to come. One day, a day not too far off, actually, he'd be finished with his studies and leave Hogwarts to go off into the Great Life. Oh, he'll have all his NEWTs, I can promise you that, Lily. And he'll become a brilliant Auror, or whatever profession he chooses. And trust me, before long, that little redheaded Weasley will have taken over his life, like you took over his father's. But he'll have nothing to worry about, Lily, trust me. I can promise you this as well—I won't allow any prophecy, any Dark Lord, any threat to derail his life. I won't allow him to be anything but completely happy, so far as I can. And he'll have children one day, and I'm ready to bet they'll have your eyes. Your incredible eyes.

Someday we'll all be gone

But lullabies go on and on

They never die that's how you and I

will be

The so comforting sensation of warmth and weight against his forehead disappeared, and Harry half-opened his eyes. The voices had stopped…why? They went so well together…and were so reassuring, like a memory, or a promise. By the light of the sitting room filtering in, he glimpsed the black silhouette slip through the door, then close it softly behind him. He couldn't help but smile. He'd come…

Sleep, my angel.

In spite of himself, Harry's eyes closed. That voice…it wasn't Severus, but he knew it as well.

He's watching over you, my baby. Go back to sleep. You have a wonderful papa.

He smiled again. Yes, he had a wonderful… He struggled for a moment, feeling sleep steal over him, calm and serenely this time. A second, a fraction of a second only before it carried him off, he managed to slightly open his eyes, his vision blurry. But not enough to see the delicate figure turn toward him from the door, the long red hair framing that almost forgotten face.

Good night, my angel.

End of Interlude

Chapter Forty-three: The Day of Truth: Part One

"Severus! Severus, come this instant!"

Burrowed in his bed, the Potions master expertly ignored the imperious female voice calling for him.

"Severus Snape! In my office now!"

Not a chance. The old biddy could shout herself hoarse as much as she wanted, he wasn't budging. After all, this was the very reason why he'd placed special wards on his Floo. Oh, and for Death Eaters as well. But for McGonagall, first off.

The sound of a door closing could be heard, followed by muffled footsteps. A few words were exchanged in the sitting room, and a minute later, predictably, someone knocked at the door to his room. Yes, there'd been a flaw in his plan. Harry.

"Severus? Are you asleep?" a drowsy voiced asked.

So much for a lie-in, Snape thought. But after all, he'd already resigned himself to such, having adopted a teenaged who, paradoxically, still didn't sleep through the night. Restraining a sigh, he sat up. "I'm coming."

The advantage of sleeping fully-clothed was in never being unprepared when awakened. After a quick freshening charm, Severus went for the door, already with a premonition of what he would find.

It was Harry who greeted him, seeming both confused and not fully awake.

"It's McGonagall," he explained as he waved toward the Floo. "She refuses to leave until you go and talk to her. Apparently, there's a ruckus."

"What a surprise," Snape said sarcastically. "Go order something to eat; I've a feeling breakfast will be quick." Then, heading for the Floo where the impatient head of his colleague waited, he said, "Good morning, Minerva. I'd say what a pleasure it is to see you so early in the morning, but that would be a shameless lie. Let's get straight to the point: what ill wind brings you?"

"Tsk, tsk, Severus, you're not a morning person?" the Head of Gryffindor asked stiffly.

"Have you ever seen me in a good mood at any hour of the day?" Snape retorted.

"You have a point," Minerva conceded with a slight smile. "Be that as it may, hurry up with your coffee or your civility potion, and meet me in my office. You have approximately two minutes to get there, you and your good disposition."

"Minerva, you're a perfect antidote for any civility potion; explain your problem, then go back and curl up in you basket and sleep, would you? It's six in the morning, and I'd like a bit of peace here!"

"We'd all like a bit of peace, Severus, especially on a Saturday at dawn," the witch hissed, 'but it so happens that Albus has been trying to hold back a horde of reporters and Ministry delegates for an hour already; would you believe, it seems a professor in this school had the splendid idea of sending bona fide adoption documents to the Ministry last night, in Harry Potter's name!"

"Imagine that," Snape said, "what an absurd idea. I'm sure the guilty party will be duly chastised. Now, might I have my breakfast in peace?"

"Severus Snape, enough of this! You know very well that I'm speaking of you!" McGonagall cried, losing her self-control, to the Potions master's great delight.

"This irritates you, doesn't it?" he asked with a small, interested smile.

"And precisely what is 'this', then: that you adopted Harry, or that you did it without warning anyone, provoking a veritable assault on the castle in the middle of the night?"

"Night?" Severus said, tilting his head to the side, obviously amused. "Well, well, could it be I'm not the only person here who isn't a morning person? And to answer your question, I'd say both of them."

This was the moment that Harry chose to enter the room, two cups of coffee in one hand and a basket of scones in the other. He was frozen in place for a moment as he caught sight of the professor's faces, who'd turned toward him. Whatever had taken place in his absence, it appeared that Snape had recovered his good humor again, while McGonagall was seething with fury from within her Floo. Harry all but would've expected to see her transform into her cat form and launch herself, claws out, at Severus.

At the sight of Harry, though, she made an effort to get a hold of herself. "Severus, in my office in five minutes at the most," she said in her most professorial tone.

"One second," Snape protested, serious once again, "why should I make a detour through your grate? I assume it's Albus who's taking care of the details."

"The details, as you call them, are precisely the ones invading the Headmaster's office, and he's trying to calm the lot of them!" McGonagall snapped, losing patience. "You're going to explain to me what you've done, and I'll make a report of it to Albus. Unless, of course, you'd prefer to go yourself into the lion's den and give an account."

"Put that way," Snape murmured, "I'll give you the exclusive. But for heaven's sake, give us ten minutes; the night was short enough as it was."

Shooting a quick look at the circles under Severus' and Harry's eyes, McGonagall quickly agreed. "Ten minutes exactly, no more. See you soon." She made as if to pull back, then stopped. "Oh, be nice and save a scone for me. With all this nonsense, I've still not had time to eat."

"And a bowl of milk. I'm starting to get used to it," Snape grumbled. "Until later, Minerva."

Outraged, the witch disappeared.

"I don't know why, but I've the feeling it's going to be a long day," Harry murmured.

"Perceptive in the morning, hmmm?" Severus answered. "I suppose I should've alerted Albus last night. But what—spoil the surprise of an early morning awakening?" He sighed. "Well. I assume the cat strategy will be worthless this morning. Anyway, you'll have to answer the Ministry's questions alone. Whatever happens, Harry, I beg you not to tell them any more than is strictly necessary. Your powers are under control, everything's fine at Hogwarts, not an Animagus wolf in sight, the Manor is a charming little country house that Voldemort has nothing to do with, and the visit to Privet Drive went off without a hitch. Is that understood?"

"Yeah, understood," Harry said, "but isn't that a few too many lies to be credible?"

"Who said anything about lies? It's just one way of seeing things," Snape said casually. "Or one strategy, if you prefer."

"I see," Harry said slowly. "When's the lecture on 'you must not lie'? I think we can scratch that one off the list, can't we?"

"You're not five. It's a little late to instill good morals," Snape replied. "That said, it's clear I won't tolerate you lying to me. Under no circumstances, understood? Don't answer my questions if they annoy you, but never hand me a lie. Your safety is much too serious a matter."

Harry nodded solemnly. As strange as it might seem, he realized, he'd never had anyone not to lie to…well, anyone who seriously cared about it. "Understood," he said as he finished his coffee. He wasn't particularly fond of the drink, but if Severus liked it so much. Well, it'd be nice to have something to share, even if it was such a small thing.

"As for the others, I'll leave you to decide to tell them, or keep it from them. I certainly will not condone your becoming a compulsive liar, but I believe the risk is minimal. As for the rest, as I told you, a bit of craftiness never hurt anyone."

Oh well, Harry thought, he'd finally had his lecture on lying. And in a way, it was a good way to start the first day of the adoption.

"Finish your scones," Severus said as he stood. "And find a new robe to put on. You have about five minutes to make yourself presentable for the Minister."

"Do you think Scrimgeour made the trip up?" Harry asked anxiously.

"For Harry Potter's adoption? I'm willing to bet that he himself put on his best robes…or ones on which my blood won't be so visible," Snape said darkly.

"It's Potter-Snape; I thought we agreed on that?"

Severus stared at him, dumbfounded. "Are you really sure you want to do that? I doubt anyone will approve of your choice. I'm not certain I approve of it myself."

"Does it bother you?" Harry asked tensely.

"No, not from a personal point of view. But there's nothing honorable about the Snape name, whether it be Muggles or wizards."

"That's not my opinion," the boy said with a shrug. "People will deal with it. They'll have to."

"Hmmm," Severus said skeptically. "Hurry up. Minerva won't appreciate us being late. Annoying our emissary wouldn't be the best way to start the day."

"I don't know why, but I thought I heard 'scapegoat'," Harry laughed.

"A different strategy," Severus confirmed, smiling slightly. "Always send a Gryffindor in the lead. Go on, before we're truly late."

Exactly ten minutes after the Head of Gryffindor's departure, the two wizards stepped out into her office, showered and neatly dressed. To Harry's great surprise, Snape had even managed to wash his hair so it'd lost its greasiness. This was definitely going to be a big day.

"Finally," McGonagall greeted them impatiently. "Albus is beginning to run out of canned sentences. So explain what you've plotted…oh, do you have my scones?"

Harry handed her the basket, and the witch thanked him with a smile. "Thank you, Mister Potter."

"Potter-Snape," Harry corrected, thinking he was probably going to have to repeat that name rather often in the near future.

"Pardon?" McGonagall asked, looking at him over the top of her spectacles.

"I’m going to change my name. The adoption, and all that…" the boy began, all of a sudden nervous under his Head of House's scrutiny.

"Is that really necessary?" she inquired with a quick look for the Potions professor.

Snape crossed his arms over his chest. "Is that a problem for you, Minerva?" he asked curtly.

"For myself, no," she replied carefully, "but that won't make things easier."

"It wasn't my idea,” Snape said with a shrug. "But Harry will do as he pleases, and no one else will have a word to say about any of it, let that be clear."

"Don't be naïve; the entire world will have something to say about it," Minerva replied with a small laugh. "You do realize what you've just got yourselves into, both of you?"

Lowering her head to better see over top her spectacles, she studied each wizard in turn. How these two could've managed, in the space of weeks, to be so like each other was a mystery. And which one had copied the other? But one thing was certain, the obstinate expressions the Potions master and the Gryffidor sported, the pinched lips, the frowns, the fixed eyes, were one and the same. For an instant that seemed to stretch out endlessly, Minerva McGonagall had a very clear vision of a father and son, both similar yet different, but definitely connected.

There was even a slight air of resemblance in their features, if one looked closely. The witch blinked, slightly shaking her head in her hat.

"Sit down, both of you," she directed, pointing them toward two chairs. "Severus, explain all of this to me. In a precise manner, and spare me your usual sarcasms."

Snape opened his mouth, about to retort, before changing his mind. The old biddy was right: time was precious.

"Albus and I requested adoption papers quite a while ago. We wanted to legalize the situation as soon as possible, especially after recent events. Scrimgeour couldn't hope for a better chance to put Harry under the Ministry's authority."

"One moment," McGonagall interrupted, "it appeared to me that Albus was Harry's temporary guardian."

"In theory, yes," Snape agreed. "But we had an agreement, which included all three parties, that Harry would remain my responsibility. As much as would be possible, at any rate."

"But when exactly did you make this request?"

"Several weeks ago," Severus replied. "The request went directly through child services; almost no one at the Ministry knew of it."

"Several weeks…and you only decided now?" shouted McGonagall. "What exactly are you playing at, Severus Snape? Do you want this adoption or not? I wouldn't permit you to—"

"Professor, please," Harry took his turn to interrupt, "I was the one taking my time to sign. I didn't mean to cause so many problems; I only wanted to do it at the right time. I just didn't realize it wouldn't be the right time for everyone."

"Your timing doesn't pose an actual problem, Harry," Snape assured him. "The consequences would've been the same anyway."

"Probably not if you'd done it by the book, in the presence of witnesses and a Ministry delegate," McGonagall said dryly. "The process is not very legal."

"It's not a matter of a legal case either, and everything was done according to the rules, other than decorum. I suppose the Ministry is going to want to question us now, that said," Severus finished.

"That's the least that can be said. The Minister himself has come, as well as a half-dozen Aurors, not to mention reporters and child services. You've not chosen the easiest path. Oh, on that subject, the Aurors came to arrest you, Severus," the witch casually added.

"What?" Harry choked out. "For what, exactly?"

"Removing a minor, or kidnapping, I'm not very sure. Albus is sorting out the question. The general idea is to deny the adoption, of course."

"Hmmm. It's true Harry didn't remain precisely where he was supposed to," Snape said pensively. "Whatever the case, the Animagus card won't help us much today."

"And the 'get out of prison' card, you have one of those handy?" Harry asked. "You're not going to get arrested because of me!"

"No, most likely not. But I'll leave that part to Albus; he's beginning to get used to it," Severus replied.

"A bit much for my liking," McGonagall scoffed. "That attitude will get you nowhere with the Ministry, Severus, so drop it. What excuse will you have this time? Make an effort to be credible!"

"So, my cover as a spy didn't seem credible enough to you the first time?" Snape said coldly. "Don't worry, today's should suit you amply. Harry, I don't think I’m too far off the mark in assuming that Dumbledore will've told the Minister what happened in the laboratory during Voldemort's attack."

"You're talking about the Protego?" Harry asked in a low voice. Snape nodded.

"What do you mean?" McGonagall asked, clearly exasperated. "In case you've still not understood, I'm here to serve as intermediary between you and that pack of ravenous wolves waiting for you in the Headmaster's office. Help me a bit, for Merlin's sake!"

"Relax, Minerva. You're going to upset my cat. As for our little story, Harry recently wanted to make a few pilgrimages, perfectly understandable, to his family's graves, which required some outings. He also stayed at the Manor for safety reasons, of which you'll soon know the substance. As you can verify, Harry is in fine physical shape, and is recovering gradually from his hectic summer. Does that seem sufficient to you as a press release?"

"But for pity's sake, why did you do this in the middle of the night?" the witch asked again, her shoulder's slumping in a sign of defeat.

"Inspiration of the moment," Snape replied tersely. "Everything's fine, Harry and I are ready to receive the Ministry emissaries and eviscerate the reporters."

"Severus!" McGonagall shrieked.

"…and I'd be grateful if you'd tell our distinguished Headmaster about this. Is there a place where we're awaited?" he finished.

"Stay here," the Deputy Headmistress said stiffly as she stood. "I'm going to speak to Albus. And try not to make any more problems before I return, if you'd be so kind."

With a murderous look for her colleague, she threw a handful of powder into the Floo and disappeared.

"You could still be nicer to her, she's trying to help," Harry pointed out, once they were alone.

But Snape only lifted an ironic eyebrow.

"Nice? I don't recall seeing that clause in the contract."

"You're really impossible," Harry said as he rolled his eyes. "Do you think it's going to be as horrible as she said?"

"Probably worse. The Ministry won't be happy about this matter, anyway. They'll try to make you renounce the adoption, at best, and make me guilty of kidnapping, at worst."

"But that's ridiculous; last night you said that with the papers signed, the adoption wasn't contestable anymore."

"I said nearly not," Severus corrected. "We still don't have the official agreement, but at this point in the process, it's extremely rare that it can be denied. It would however be the case, if in spite of our respective good intentions, this adoption wasn't to your benefit."

"But that doesn't make any sense," Harry protested. "Since the parchment read our intentions, right?"

"I might have the best intentions in the world, and despite everything, still be a bad thing in your life. Similarly, you could want the adoption in spite of harmful circumstances. I could just as well beat you as starve you, or teach you dark magic to make you the next Voldemort. Muggles have something called Stockholm Syndrome that explains it rather well."

"But that's not the case," Harry cried. "It's ridiculous, you've never done any of that, and I'm not a masochist! I…you…"

"Harry," Snape said calmly, "I'm only trying to explain why it's necessary that the Ministry verify that everything's fine before definitely validating the adoption. They'll find nothing significant to find fault with our arrangement, and in any case, they'll make their judgment on the actual facts. It's not impossible that someone's taken the initiative to mix some fiction into the reality, and that's why I think it's not impossible for them to ask you to show your memories. If that happens, do not agree under any circumstances—do you understand?—under any circumstances to be Legilimized. Offer to place your memories in a Pensieve, and carefully control what you will show them. Nothing compromising for Lupin and his progeny, and nothing too specific about our recent activities. On the other hand, it'll be an excellent opportunity to implicate Lucius Malfoy for the kidnapping this summer. It the chance comes up, don't miss it. Lucius got off with that much too easily, and even if your testimony isn't enough, unsettling him a bit more would be desirable."

"That's it, my head's spinning," Harry moaned. "You couldn't have told me all of this before I signed? Or at least before…before…I don't know before what, but before now, that's for sure!"

"There's absolutely no need for you to panic, and even less so for you make up scenarios ahead of time to answer the Ministry. Be yourself, Harry. Without wanting to vex you, you're not the best of actors."

"At least one thing where I won't have to sign autographs," the boy groaned. "What are they going to want to know most about?"

"Probably everything: our history of mutual hostility, the risks I've made you take…"

His speech was interrupted by the green flames of Minerva's arrival. Appearing stern, she headed toward them. "They're waiting for you in the Headmaster's office," she said.

"How does it look?" Snape asked quickly.

McGonagall let out a long sigh. "Not very good. But you'll scrape by, like always."

Pushing them toward the Floo then, she threw another fistful of powder. Before stepping in, though, Harry couldn't help but turn and take one last look at Snape. The slight smile the professor gave him reassured him, but not as much as the calm certainty he read in his new father's black eyes.

Taking a deep breath and lifting his head again, Harry shouted his destination and rushed determinedly into the Floo.

He backed up, though, when he landed a bit violently, as he usually did in the Headmaster's office. The place—ordinarily so peaceful—was full to overflowing with people, most of them excited, who seemed to literally explode when they saw him finally arrive.

"Harry Potter! At last! If you'll follow me, please."

"One moment, I was here before you! Mister Potter, this way!"

"No, this is more pressing, you must…"

"Move, I can't see a thing. Mister Potter, how are you? Are you hurt?"

"Well, it's clear he's under a Confundus, you only have to look at his eyes…"

"Silence!" Dumbledore thundered in his impressive voice, immediately quieting the entire group. "I believe I was clear on the fact that Harry shouldn't be upset. I'd ask you all step back at once."

Which the wizards present did reluctantly, leaving Harry there, and behind him, Snape and McGonagall.

"It's Severus Snape," growled an Auror as he stepped forward. 'You, you come with us. We have some questions to ask you."

"That's right," said a deep female voice, "do it so I don't have to take deal with it."

Harry frowned, feeling irritation steal over him. "Excuse me," he said as he stepped toward her, "you are?"

"Amanda Saintclair, of child services," said the woman with a big smile as she leant forward to hold out her hand. Her eyes, though, had a calculating gleam that the boy didn't like. "I'll be happy to discuss the matter of this adoption with you."

"Happy, huh?" Harry replied skeptically. Then, turning to Severus, he said, "I’m staying with you."

"No, no, I'm afraid that's not possible, Mister Potter…Harry, if I may? Madam Saintclair asked with an engaging smile.

"It's Potter-Snape," Harry replied, lifting his chin stubbornly. "And I'm staying with Severus."

"I'm afraid that's not the procedure, unfortunately," the witch said, her smile fading. "Interviews are conducted separately."

"Maybe, but I definitely don't have the feeling that they're from the same department as you are," Harry retorted, indicating the Aurors who'd approached Severus, wands in their hands.

It was Amanda Saintclair's turn to frown. "Ah well, no," she admitted.

"But Professor Snape must be interrogated in private too," affirmed the Auror who seemed to be most senior. "That's our procedure as well."

There was a moment of silence, during which the boy shot an irritated and determined look at the Auror. Before anyone could react, the black cat had jumped to its usual perch, the Potions master's shoulder. Snape turned his head to hide a slight smile.

"Well, it seems to me there's no law against pets, is there?" Dumbledore said gaily.

"This isn't a pet," the Auror growled, his arms crossed, "but an Animagus. And what's more, an unregistered one."

"Mister Potter's status is still undecided," the Headmaster replied. "But I don't see how Harry's presence could pose a problem. Anyway, you'll have both versions of the story at the same time."

"Interrogating the suspect and the victim at the same time is more than irregular!" the Auror shouted.

"Honestly, does Mister Potter give the impression of being a victim?" Dumbledore asked as he pointed to the cat pressed against the professor's shoulder.

"That doesn't mean anything," the man grumbled. "It's not the way it's done."

"Minister?" Dumbledore asked politely as he turned to Scrimgeour, who was watching the situation from a corner of the office. "May I suggest that your Aurors question Professor Snape in Mister Potter's and my presence? That way, we'll be in a position to give you the required confirmations and clarifications. If that isn't sufficient, there will still be time to question the professor in private afterward."

The wizard rubbed his chin thoughtfully, staring at Snape with sharp eyes. "Very well," he said at last. "Hawkes, you'll question the three of them at the same time. But after that, I want to be able to interview Professor Snape alone."

His eyes moved to hold Snape's, clearly indicating that this was a bargain.

"Understood," Severus finally agreed, still remaining calm.

"If this is agreeable to everyone, in that case…" Dumbledor said, raising his hands in a gesture of conciliation. "Professor McGonagall, may I borrow your office for the interview? It shouldn't take long."

"But of course. I wait for you here along with…our charming guests," she said as she turned toward the various reporters and officials who were watching them sullenly.

"Oh, and if a certain acquaintance turns up, send him to me immediately, Minerva, if you please."

Ignoring the suspicious eyes bearing down on him, Dumbledore opened the Floo again and gestured for the Aurors to follow after. A moment later, the three Aurors, Snape, Shadow, and Dumbledore left the office to enter the more peaceful one of McGonagall.

"Perhaps it would be more helpful if our young friend were to take his original form again?" the Headmaster asked, indicating Shadow.

The man called Hawkes shrugged. "For now, I'd like to go back to the events of last August 24th, the date on which Mister Potter was kidnapped by You Know Who…"

"What a surprise. It's never too late…" Snape murmured. "And what precisely would you like to know?"

"Oh, don't get smart with me. We have several witnesses who've stated having seen you there," Hawkes said.

"Oh, really?" Snape replied. "I hope you didn't pay them too much, given my role in that matter was laid out in all the papers at the time. Could you get to the facts?"

"According to certain sources, Harry Potter was, at the time—as you called it—residing with you. Do you confirm this?" the Auror asked, still calm. Behind him, his two colleagues were keeping their wands pointed at the professor, tracking his every move.

"Indeed, Mister Potter resided at Snape Manor for part of the summer. On the other hand, he wasn't there at the moment of his kidnapping; as you know perfectly well, he was at the Ministry."

"At the moment of his kidnapping, yes, but a few minutes before, he was on your property, under your guard, wasn't he?" Hawkes asked dangerously.

On his perch, Shadow felt the fur of his back stand on end. He didn't like the way this man was speaking to his Man In Black.

"That's correct. The Headmaster came to take him from my home to the Ministry," Snape replied.

"Might I ask why you didn't go with your protégé to the Ministry?" the Auror went on.

"Because Voldemort had been already calling me for two hours. I couldn't delay my departure any longer."

"He was calling you, eh?" the Auror sneered. "And how? By Floo, I assume?"

"Through the Dark Mark," Snape replied dryly.

There was a rustling among the Aurors, and Hawkes appeared satisfied. "So you admit you were a Death Eater!"

"I bear the Mark. It ends there."

"Bearing the Mark, answering the summons of You Know Who, that seems like an accurate definition of Death Eater to me," the Auror said slowly.

"Merlin, to what to I owe the honor of being questioned by the only Ministry representative who doesn't read the paper?" Snape said exasperatedly. "Bring your files up to date, make enquiries—that involvement was clarified quite a while ago; I was in the Death Eater ranks to spy on behalf of the Order of the Phoenix. How many times will it be necessary to go over this again?"

"At least once more, Professor," Hawkes retorted. "Because some of that is still a bit too hazy for my tastes. Exactly how long have you had the Mark?"

"Twenty-one years," Snape muttered.

"Not even of age when you took it, eh? Great achievement," Hawkes snickered.

"Auror Hawkes, I doubt that sort of comment is necessary," Dumbledore said calmly. The Auror only then seemed to remember his presence, and shrugged.

"And how long since you…changed sides, if that's indeed what you've done?"

"Shortly afterward," Severus replied evasively.

"When exactly? Before the Potters' deaths or after?"

"Auror Hawkes, it seems to me that this is the matter of a trial that's already taken place," Dumbledore interrupted. "Professor Snape was already working for the Order at the time, and his help was invaluable. I'd be grateful if you'd restrict yourself to the current situation."

The wizard shot him an irritated look, but then went on. "What proof do we have that you weren't part of Mister Potter's kidnapping, in one way or another?"

"It appears he's right before you, alive and well. Do you think I'd have gone to so much trouble to get him out of there if I'd wanted him dead from the start?" Snape said, arms crossed over his chest. Shadow could sense his irritation, and his pulse sped up.

"Perhaps just to pass yourself off as a hero," the Auror replied slowly as he narrowed his eyes. "Seems logical rather logical, if you ask me."

Snape clenched his jaw. "I'm not aware what you know of what went on there, but there was no room for that sort of grandstanding that night. My primary ambition is to stay alive as long as possible, and on that night, that goal was totally at odds with a desire for glory. I did what I did—brought Mister Potter back alive."

"Honestly, Auror Hawkes," Dumbledore intervened again, "I don't see what devilish plan could've produced such an outcome. The professor proved his unfailing loyalty quite a long time ago."

"But loyalty to whom, hmmm?" the Auror asked. "While we're at it, I'd like to see your Mark."

"I've already told you I have it," Snape retorted. "I don't see what more you could need."

"Simply to see it."


"Come, come," the Auror scowled, "you wouldn't be ashamed to show it?"

"Do you think it's the sort of thing to be bragged about?" Snape hissed from between his teeth. He felt the cat stir on his shoulder.

"If you've nothing to hide, show it to me," Hawkes persisted. The other Aurors took a step forward.

"You have no need to see it. I can assure you it's there. Move on to the next question."

"Maybe it'd be best to use Veritaserum," one of the other Aurors suggested. "Clearly, he's not going to cooperate."

"Good idea. Get the phial," Hawkes agreed.

"No," Snape repeated. "Stick to your questions, I'll answer."

"That's not the impression I'm getting," the Head Auror said. "And given the situation, I'm not taking any chances."

"I will not take Veritaserum, let that be clear," the Potions master hissed. "I've no intention of allowing you to pull answers from me that could be harmful to my son."

"I'm sorry, but you don't have a choice."

Grabbing the phial his colleague held out to him, the Auror headed for the professor, wand raised. Snape quickly pulled out his own and pointed it toward the man who didn't slow his approach.

"I advise you not to do that, Professor."

"Really, Auror Hawkes, all of this is unnecessary," Dumbledore intervened, placing himself between the two men. "I'll gladly vouch for Professor Snape."

"I'm afraid that's not enough," the Auror replied calmly.

"There must be another way…"

But the Headmaster was interrupted by the whoosh of green flames in the fireplace, and the appearance of a massive, familiar figure. Shadow sensed Dumbledore's relief, while Severus tensed a bit more.

"Alastor, you've come in the nick of time to settle a little misunderstanding," the Headmaster said brightly.

The Auror greeted him with a grumble and a nod, before moving towards his colleagues. "What do we have here?"

"Professor Snape isn't being very cooperative," Hawkes explained, all of a sudden on the defensive. "He's refused to show his Dark Mark and take Veritaserum."

"Like that's a surprise," Mad-Eye said ironically. "So, this is still the way you want to go about things, eh?"

"It's not that, you simpleton," Snape growled. "Your lapdogs are overzealous. They're supposed to be here for an adoption enquiry."

"Yeah, yeah…but it'd really be stupid to miss this opportunity, wouldn't it?" Moody sneered.

Shadow sensed the Man In Black's anger come to a head. The professor contained it rather well, but that certainly wasn't true for the cat. Spitting and with claws out, he threw himself at the Auror, deftly scratched his face, before jumping back to his perch again.

Mad-Eye only had time to roar, unable to trap the cat who'd quickly jumped back to hide on his protector's shoulder.

Satisfied, Snape shot Moody his most superior look. "Constant vigilance, hmmm?"

Mad-Eye gave him a murderous look, but the other Aurors didn't leave it at that. Raising their wands, they didn't waste a second in aiming at the cat and casting a Petrificus at the animal.

For his part, Snape didn't make a move to react. As he expected, a green bubble surrounded Shadow, quickly repelling the spells. He couldn't restrain the small smile stealing across his face as he saw the Aurors' stunned expressions.

"Fools!" Moody bellowed, "what're you morons thinking? You're attacking Harry Potter, you complete idiots!"

"But he…but he…" Hawkes stuttered, unable to look away from the shield that still hadn't completely disappeared.

"Do not attack my cat again," Snape said dryly. "It's both unnecessary and rude. Not to mention particularly stupid, as your superior has just pointed out."

The remark was enough to bring the Aurors back to their senses; they shot hateful looks at Snape.

"How did you do that?" Hawkes asked. "That's still dark magic!"

"No, it is not," Dumbledore assured them. "Now that everyone's here, might we finish this part of the formalities?"

"Formalities? It's not a matter of…" the Auror began, before being interrupted by Moody.

"It's all right. Snape, what's this about the Mark?"

"Your minions insist on having a visual confirmation of it, which I refused," the professor explained.

Moody considered him inquisitively for a moment. Then his magical eye began to rotate in its socket, eliciting sickened faces throughout the room, then he turned to his colleagues again. "He has one," he announced. "No surprise there."

But when he turned to Snape again, his expression seemed less hostile and more intrigued than a moment ago. "Snape, what were you up to that day at the Mafofys' when Potter was kidnapped? Bloody coincidence again, that was," he growled.

"The same as usual, trying to learn more. And if I could've got there earlier, I would've known about the kidnapping in time…but that wasn't the case. So I tried to fix things as well as I could."

"Yeah, after three days. Not exactly brilliant."

"Moody, you go and stick yourself in the middle of a troop of Death Eaters, chaperoned by Voldemort, try to grab their favorite toy away from them, and then we might talk about my effectiveness! Do me a favor, if that should happen, try to die gloriously; you'd be doing me a service," Snape bit out.

"All things said, that's just about the only thing held against you, that you came back alive," the Auror scowled. "And now, you have to do something even more half-baked, eh? Why should we trust you, exactly? Because you brought a cat back to the house?"

"Your precious Potter will never be at risk for anything again, as long as he's in my presence. Neither Petrificus, nor Avada Kedavra, whether it be from a handful of under-trained Aurors or Voldemort. Is that enough of an argument for you?"

"I'll confess that was quite a trick," Moody admitted as he scratched his beard. "Was it what I think?"

"So, you can think as well?" Snape murmured. "Think of asking for a raise, one of these days."

"That's enough, Snape!" Moody roared. "You're not in a position to play this little game; stop trying to being smart, and answer the questions. What did you invent to protect Potter?"

"I didn't invent anything; I only duplicated a weapon that's been proven over fifteen years," Severus replied. "Except this time, there will be no failure."

"I see," Moody said thoughtfully. "Yeah. That would rather tend to work in your favor. Not really the sort of plan I expected from you. In fact, if I'd had to bet on someone, you would've been the last on my list for this sort of stunt. Who put you under Imperius, Snape?"

The professor let out an annoyed sigh. "No one. Do all the testing you want, and keep your comments to yourself."

Not wasting any time, Moody did so, casting a series of diagnostic spells on the professor, who waited, immobile, for the testing to be finished.

"All right, nothing on this side," Mad-Eye mumbled. "Everything still isn't very clear. The boy was supposed to stay in the castle. From what I've understood, he was seen wandering around just about everywhere but here. Explanations?"

"Harry had a few issues to sort out, so far as the problems of this summer. Not to mention he had to go back to Privet Drive to check and make sure the wards weren't posing a problem. The cemeteries, Privet Drive, my house—I don't think those qualify as grand escapades, given that the Manor is particularly safe for Mister Potter. At no time did I jeopardize his safety; I simply did my best so that everything could be put to rights."

"Yeah," Moody said skeptically, "you'll have to convince social services of that. But Dumbledore had guardianship over Potter, so as far as I'm concerned, it's the Headmaster's problem, not yours. See?"

Severus shrugged, while beside him, Dumbledore put on a contrite face. "Indeed, I'm afraid all of this is my fault. Professor Snape was only trying to protect Mister Potter when I was too busy to do it. In that, he's proved himself admirably."

"Like I said, tell that to social services," Moody repeated. "I want the memories in a Pensieve. And not yours, you reformed Death Eater; you're more than capable of tampering with them. I want the boy's. Kidnapping, his time at the Malfoys', and that wild escape. It's not negotiable."

Severus held back a smile. Dumbledore must've had just enough time to prepare this little show, and Moody was playing his role perfectly. Just a bit more, and he'd come to feel a certain affection for the old Auror. Harry's memories would be perfect to illustrate the Malfoys' guilt, show Snape's innocence, and block out the grand finale implicating Lily and her ghostly followers. Absolutely perfect.

"Very well, bring a Pensieve, and I'll take care of it," he growled. "Harry, get down"

The cat leapt quickly to the floor, taking his human form again, though not straying far from the professor.

"Do you really think this is a good idea?" he murmured nervously.

Snape nodded, before motioning with his chin toward the stone basin that Moody had pulled from his bag.

"Now, remember that day, Harry. The kidnapping. Start with the Ministry, the moment when you heard that voice. That's perfect. Let your memories unwind, up to the time when we escaped. Very good, that's enough," Snape said. With the tip of his wand, he extracted the long strands of memory, one by one, placing them carefully into the Pensieve.

At last, Harry looked up, a smile on his face. "Thanks. That feels good."

"They'll have to be put back," Snape told him regretfully. "But for now…"

Taking care, he handed the basin to Moody, who plunged his own wand within. When he resurfaced a few minutes later, he was frowning and markedly shaken.

"All right, Snape," he said. "I take back what I said. That was a masterstroke. Yeah, not too bad for an old, anorexic bat like yourself."

Severus' reply was a disgusted look, but Harry sensed his relief. Moody, though, didn't return the Pensieve.

"Have to show this to some others, so it doesn't seem like I'm mad," he explained. "Good. That's not everything, though; what about this adoption? What are you planning to make of it, and the boy? A new Dark Lord?"

"Certainly not," the professor hissed. "I intend to do what every parent does—keep him safe and give him the means to grow up and stay alive. All of that without corrupting his mind, and so far as is possible, without dark magic. I do not associate with any Death Eaters, if that's what you fear. So far as I know, Voldemort's put a price on my head, and any one of his henchmen would be happy to take it to him on a platter."

"Which also means you're a danger to the boy," Moody said.

"I don't claim to be first on the Dark Lord's list," Snape retorted. "My presence will change nothing of the gravity of threat weighing on Mister Potter. On the other hand, it will considerably lessen the danger he's in."

"Hmm. The Ministry was alerted about the little trip to the Muggles, and seeing what's happened here recently, I suppose the boy wasn't any worse off at your place besides. You know you're going to be closely watched, eh?"

"By whom? Voldemort, the Ministry, the students of this school, its staff, elves, and to sum it all up, down to the least creature of the wizarding world? Yes, I realize," Severus replied. "Other questions?"

"The artifact," Moody asked, "the birthday present. Does he still have it?"

Snape nodded, ignoring Harry's agitated movement at his side.

"Everything's fine, really," the boy finally said. "I don't know why this is such a big deal, but…I'm the one who decided about the adoption, and I know what I'm doing. Professor Snape won't put me in danger, on the contrary. Trust me."

"That's fine with me," Moody said at last, "but don't think you're going to get off so easily with social services. I'd be surprised if they agree with you. But fine, from a standpoint of the boy's safety, you have a deal."

"Wait a minute, this isn't what was planned," Hawkes protested, sensing control slipping away from him. "We have to take him to the Ministry."

"And for what? I have everything that's needed inside this," Moody replied, pointing to the Pensieve. "Maybe this bloke terrorizes the kids in this school, but so far as being a Death Eater, that's a load of tripe. I don't have time to waste with this sort of nonsense. I've more interesting fish to fry."

"We still can't allow a Death Eater, former or not, to have custody of the Boy Who Lived!" one of the Aurors said indignantly.

"Fight the bad with the bad—that mean anything to you? He knows their ways. He'll be a good bodyguard."

"But he'll influence him! He can't be allowed to do that!"

"What do take yourself for, Hawkes, a social worker?" Moody sneered. "Leave him alone. He won't influence anybody; he's nothing more than a bloody flunkey."

Harry opened his mouth to protest, but Snape stopped him with a look. Reluctantly, the boy held his tongue, then was the one to cross his arms this time.

After a moment's hesitation, Hawkes ended by agreeing. "Very well, we'll let it go for now," he grumbled. "I'd be surprised if social services lets it pass anyway, but in any case, watch your step," he said to the professor. "There's a cell waiting for you at Azkaban, and it'll wait as long as it takes."

"Albus," Moody said, ignoring his colleague, "I'm taking the Pensieve to the Ministry, and I'm taking care of this matter. We'll probably have to question these two again sometime, so keep them close by."

"Understood," Dumbledore replied with a satisfied nod. "Is there anything else?"

"Yeah, but I'm come back and talk to you about it later. I've more pressing things on the fire. You three," the Auror shouted in the direction of his colleagues, "go back to Headquarters and take care of the paperwork!"

The three Aurors seemed less than thrilled, but none of them dared answer back. With one last furious look for Snape, Hawkes threw a handful of Floo powder and disappeared, followed by his sidekicks.

"Good, that didn't go so badly," Moody said when they'd left. "But they'll be watching everything very closely. I'm sending Tonks to supervise all this when everything's over. On the other hand, there's been movement on the other side, especially at the Malfoys'. Any chance you know what that's about?"

"I'm afraid so," Dumbledore replied. "Young Draco was the target of a recovery attempt by his father, but it failed. Everything's back in order now."

"Hmm, that famous alarm, eh? You wouldn't have a little problem on your hands, would you?"

"Problem is too big a word for it, but indeed, we have a bothersome situation. Nothing unmanageable for the time being, however," the Headmaster said with a smile.

"For the time being, hmmm? We'll have to talk about it again. Snape, nothing to add?"

"No, I don't have any contact with my former colleagues, and no other sort of information. Sorry."

"Yeah, I suspected as much. You were still more useful as a spy, but I suppose it's better like this for now. Anyway…" His magical eye focused on Severus' sleeve where it covered the Mark. "How are you handling that?"

"It's fine," Snape said coldly, shooting a look charged with menace at the Auror. "Everything is under control."

Moody barked out a laugh. "Under control, eh? You make a good pair, you two. To my way of thinking, you're not controlling anything at all, and you're going to need the cavalry before the next full moon. Bah, not such a change from the usual. Constant vigilance! Constant vigilance!"

Ignoring Snape's roll of his eyes, he turned toward Harry, pointing a threatening finger. "And you too, boy. Don't think a pretty little magical shield will get you out of every situation. Even if I have to admit you've made a wise choice here. Keep your guard up all the time, understood?"

"Yes, Professor," Harry replied with a grateful smile.

"Good. I'm sending Tonks and a few imbeciles to mind the shop, and I'll call you when I have something new. Watch out for the social worker and her cronies; they're more cunning than they seem. Would surprise me if they came out of Hufflepuff. See you later, Albus. Snape, Harry."

Then, not wasting any further time, he headed for the Floo, Pensieve in hand, and disappeared into the flames.

"One good thing done," Snape groaned. "Now, Scrimgeour. Harry, you go with that woman, Saintclair, and try to convince her that everything's all right. I'll join you as soon as possible."

"That shouldn't be too hard," Harry agreed. "Do you think the Aurors will come back? Mad-Eye short-circuited them a bit."

"Not right away, anyway. And don't underestimate Saintclair. I suspect Moody has reasons not to trust her. Albus, I'm counting on you to supervise all of that?"

"Of course, my boy. I suggest you stay here; I'll send our Minister to you in a moment. Harry, if you'll follow me, it wouldn't be good to make Madam Saintclair wait too long."

"You really can't come?" the boy asked Snape anxiously. "I don't have a good feeling about this. She doesn't want this to work, I just know it."

"The Headmaster will be with you. It wouldn't be wise for you to be by yourself. If something goes wrong, you'll only have to send him a signal. Everything will be fine, it's an entirely routine interview; be yourself and it'll turn out well," Severus assured him.

And if that weren't the case, he'd know it immediately, he thought. The Mark that Moody hadn't missed wouldn't fail to let him know. The old Auror's discretion had surprised him; he'd expected he'd demand an explanation, but after all, the wizard knew how to be subtle when he had to. No doubt, however, that he'd have to quickly come up with an explanation at some point.

But for now, Scrimgeour was the most pressing. And that part of this risked being just as demanding and closely-conducted.

"Go on," he told the boy. "Albus, I'm counting on you not to let him out of your sight."

"Don't worry, your cat is safe with me," Dumbledore affirmed with a large smile, before throwing a fistful of powder into the Floo.

"See you later, then," Harry said reluctantly, heading for the flames.

"Be good," Severus instructed with a smile.

Slightly comforted by those two words, the boy landed in the Headmaster's office, immediately assailed by camera flashes.

"Harry Potter, who pushed you to agree to this adoption?"

"Was Professor Snape arrested?"

"Are you going to look for a new family?"

"Stop!" Harry shouted, irritation getting the best of him. "No, Professor Snape wasn't arrested, and no, I won't be looking for a new family; I already have one. You couldn't, I don't know, find something else to be interested in?"

"Come on, just a word for…"

"That's enough," Dumbledore cut in. "Mister Potter is expected for an interview. Madam Saintclair, I think we could use the library, if that suits you."

"We? I'm sorry, Headmaster, but children's interviews are strictly confidential," the social worker replied with a frozen smile.

"I do understand, and rest assured that all discretionary measures will be respected. But given Mister Potter's situation, precautions are necessary, and I must watch over his safety."

"I'm not sure…"

"What's more, his father has expressly asked."

"Yes, well, this adoption isn't official yet," the witch said stiffly. "Professor Snape has no say in this just now; he's not this young man's official guardian."

"Indeed," Dumbledore admitted, "I am, on the other hand. So I believe my presence shouldn't pose a problem."

"I see," Madam Saintclair murmured. "Well, if that's absolutely necessary, but I insist our conversation remain entirely private so Mister Potter can freely express himself."

"That's understood," the Headmaster conceded. "If you'll follow me… Oh, and Minister, Professor Snape is waiting for you in Professor McGonagall's office. Make yourself at home."

"Thank you," the wizard simply agreed, before taking his turn at the Floo, leaving a horde of reporters and a few markedly vexed officials.

On the other side, a hardly impressed Potions master was waiting for him.

"Minister," Snape greeted him, slightly inclining his head.

"Ah, Professor Snape, I've wanted to meet with you for a long time," the wizard began. "The circumstances, my god, merit it. Sit down, we'll be more comfortable."

Severus complied, every one of his senses on alert. Even a while ago, he would've welcomed the chance gratefully, but today, this was about protecting Harry and the nature of the family they were making, and it was out of the question to resort to these little games.

"How can I help you?" he asked in his most courteous tone of voice.

"Well, in quite a few things, actually," the Minister replied, his piercing eyes seeking to decipher his questioner's expression. "It would seem you're about to become Harry Potter's guardian,


"Hmmm. You won't be surprised if I tell you I'm more than reluctant to confide the guardianship of such a child to a former Death Eater."

"As you've just said, Minister, former," Snape clarified. "After having spent these last years spying on behalf of the Order, I hope my loyalty is no longer in any doubt."

"No, that's not wherein lies the question," Scrimgeour said soothingly. "We all have the same objective here: protecting the boy in every possible way. He's much too important for the least risk to be taken."

Snape narrowed his eyes. "He's at no risk with me, if that's what you're insinuating."

"I'm not insinuating anything. This place isn't secure for Mister Potter. Too many things are happening, and Dumbledore is proving too old to fully guarantee the safety of the grounds."

"That's not my opinion," Severus retorted tersely. "In addition, I'm here to watch over Harry fulltime."

"That point is definitely in your favor," Scrimgeour agreed. "But don't you wish to provide the best for your new…son? Safety, the best education, peace and quiet, an ideal framework in which he could thrive…under your wing, of course."

"Might I know exactly to what you're referring?"

"Doing what's best for the boy. You're not going to claim an attachment to your post as Potions professor to the point of not wanting to leave it, even if it means giving up Mister Potter. No one here is unaware of your aversion to teaching. You're a talented Potions master; you're wasting your time here and you know it. On the other hand, it just so happens that the Ministry Research Department is currently seeking a potions master to pursue studies on various potions still classified as secret."

Research. Being paid to create new potions, test their effects, without a single stupid child interrupting him with idiotic questions and untimely cauldron explosions. Oh, the man was crafty…but the pretext was plain for all to see.

"And Harry, during that time?" he asked in his most neutral voice.

"He would of course be in the charge of the best private tutors, and his curriculum would be enriched with other subjects, like languages and philosophy, or even the study of mythology. It seems to me these subjects are not taught at Hogwarts, which is truly an oversight. You'd both be quartered in an official Ministry house, with the usual school breaks and holidays free. It's understood there'd be no comparison between your salary there and what you're currently paid here. It's regrettable that a wizard of your competence is so poorly compensated."

"I see," Severus said slowly. "In clear terms, you're suggesting I withdraw Harry from Dumbledore's influence and place him under your own."

A flash of dissatisfaction passed through the Minister's eyes, his face tightening quickly, as if he were dropping a mask.

"See it rather as in your protégé's best interest," he answered. "You know I'm right. We'll all benefit from it. I'll push your adoption through, and you'll acquire an interesting position, as well as an ideal structure for the boy. I really don't see anything in this that could bother you."

"The principle itself, most liekly," Snape said. "Besides the fact, of course, that Harry wouldn't for even a second entertain accepting your offer."

"Are you the adult here or not? Mister Potter will do what you tell him to do!" the Minister roared.

"Probably," Snape said with a slight smile, "and that's why I would never ask him to do something he'd find so horrifying."

"And here I just was, thinking of putting your name up for the Order of Merlin," Scringeour murmured. For an instant, Severus almost laughed. The medal…Fudge certainly wouldn't have forgotten to mention this sort of detail to his successor. And to think that it'd been so important a few years ago. Shaking his head, he stood.

"I'm sorry, but I'm afraid I can't be of any use to you," he told the wizard facing him, the threat clear in his eyes. "Perhaps you've been poorly informed, but switching sides isn't one of my specialties. Don't confuse a spy with a turncoat."

"It rather seems that it's you who are confusing things," Scrimgeour hissed, his face markedly red now.

"Be that as it may, Harry will remain at Hogwarts as long as his safety won't be compromised. If that should happen, however, we'll make changes at the necessary time. But I doubt the Ministry routinely makes itself a refuge for just anyone."

"Don't gamble on it, Snape," the Minister said. "You think you can let yourself use that tone with me, now that you're applying for Harry Potter's guardianship, but let me remind you that you've not got it yet! And without its support, you're nothing, absolutely nothing!"

"Fortunate, in that case, that I harbor no Ministerial ambitions," Severus replied with a slight smile. "Is there anything else?"

"Not for now," Scrimgeour said as he stood. "But watch yourself. Your every move will be observed and analyzed, and with the slightest step out of line, a cell is waiting for you at Azkaban. And that one will be neither warm nor safe."

"I seem to have heard that threat already today," Snape said, annoyed. "Perhaps if the Ministry were to occupy itself more with watching Death Eater activities and movements, and less those of people who are—as you've said—of little importance, this war would turn more quickly in our favor. Whatever, be advised that Harry Potter is not for sale, Minister, and he'll still be here, long after you've left office. Don't meddle with this. Don't meddle with him."

"Is that a threat?" the wizard growled.

"A simple declaration. Think about it. This adoption will go forward, with or without your approval. Turn against Harry now, and he'll never forget it. And nor will I, by the way."

"I see," Scrimgeour said slowly. "That's the game you want to play."

"I'm not playing," Snape replied. "Not with my son—ever."

"Think about it as well, Snape; my proposition isn't out of self-interest, no more than it is unethical. You'll only find benefits there, I guarantee it. Dumbledore isn't ready to relinquish his influence on the boy. Believe me, he'll do everything he can to throw a spanner in the works."

"As I told you, we'll manage things as they come, in our own way. And now, if you've no objections, I'd like to rejoin Mister Potter. It's going to be a long day," Severus said firmly.

"Very well, I won't hold you back," Scrimgeour agreed, then added, "You've changed, Snape. I congratulate you on your new priorities, but don't forget what I've said."

"One step out of line, and Azkaban, yes, I understood the first time," Snape growled. "Have a good trip back, Minister. I assume Albus will notify you when everything's finished here."

"That won't be necessary. See you very soon, Professor."

Without losing further time, Severus gave a stiff nod, then threw a handful of powder into the Floo.

Chapter End Notes:
Hi everyone! Merry christmas and Happy New year a bit in advance! I hope you had a lot of Snape under your tree ( mine was desperately Snape-free, such a shame) !

Here comes a new chapter in double form; I can't remember how the idea of the Interlude came, but it really wanted to be there! Raewhit noted that the song in question was from 2003- a way too young for the purpose; I must admit that for this one, I conveniently didn't check. I usually do, and make sure the songs that Lily and Severus listen are from their time, but this one just wanted to be there, so... well ok I'm a Billy Joel addict and I love this one so very much!

Anyway, a lot of thanks to Raewhit who not only translate this story super-fast, but also corrects my mistakes! Which really represents a lot of work, trust me!

Also, she is soon going to catch up with me, and that is no good news for you guys ;-) because I am actually a slow updater those days... but I'll try to make an effort! For my defense, I am also a WoW addict, and I have a full time job, wonder when I find time to sleep! ;-)

A lot of puuuuurrs from Shadow and Se... ok, ok, stop hitting me, right, Severus is NOT purring! At all! Ahem.

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