Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Author's Chapter Notes:
Severus speaks with his sons about his relationship with Sarai, and they get invited to join a hunt in the Faerie Realm by Prince Balin, where something nasty occurs.
A Hunting We Will Go

The next morning, Harry awoke at six thirty, for he knew he had to get up at that time in order to speak to Severus about what he had witnessed last night privately. It didn't really bother him, waking up that early, for he had been conditioned to wake early from the time he was a little child by Petunia, who had not wanted her nephew to feel her husband's hand so much, and so taught him how to wake quickly and early. Harry had always been the first awake of all his Housemates, except occasionally one of the girls. It was something he probably would never grow out of, even here, when Severus allowed them to sleep in until seven-thirty or eight-thirty.

Thus he left Draco slumbering peacefully and slipped out of bed and into a pair of loose pants and a shirt and some soft shoes. Hedwig and the owlets were all sleeping peacefully in the nest and Stormrider had gone out to hunt at dawn and still hadn't returned, though Harry knew there was nothing on the manor grounds that would harm the big predator.

Harry headed down to the kitchen, figuring he would find Severus there making tea or coffee or out in the garden watering his herbs. And if he wasn't in either of those places, he was probably in the potions lab or the library. Or maybe he's still in bed with Sarai, the naughty part of his mind hissed, and Harry sternly told it to shut up. He knew perfectly well what had probably gone on during the night, but he shied away from thinking about his father in those terms, it was just too embarrassing. Yet at the same time, he wanted Severus to explain just what relationship he had with the half-fae warrior, so Harry knew where he stood with her.

He had just reached the kitchen, finding it lit by one of the ever-spelled Lumos globes, but empty of anyone, and was preparing to search the garden when Smidgen popped into view. The shimmerling was fully healed now, and she could now fly and blink from place to place as she wished. She hovered now just before Harry, her turquoise and violet wings glistening in the early morning sunlight coming into the kitchen.

:Good morning, Harry. I trust you slept peacefully.:

"Yeah, I did, thanks for asking, Smidgen. I haven't had a nightmare in a week or more. I guess I can consider my debt to you canceled."

:No, Harry. Aiding you with conquering your fears and severing the dark bond was good, but it still doesn't repay the debt you are owed,: Smidgen disagreed.

"But why not? I think you've done plenty, dreamweaver."

:That is not for you to decide, youngling. A lifedebt must be settled to satisfaction of both parties, and I say it has not been paid enough yet. Therefore, I shall be staying at the manor until this is resolved.: the shimmerling said firmly.

"Oh. All right. Uh, Smidgen, do you and Sarai know each other?"

:Yes, indeed. Sarai is a member of the Seelie Court and the Queen's personal bodyguard as well. I am the Queen's messenger, and I know most of her advisors and such. Sarai is a well-respected member of Titania's court now, due to her status as Blade.:


"She said that the other fae say "Duty, honor, and Sarai, you can't have one without the other."

:That's the truth. Sarai has the reputation of being as honorable as they come. As tough and hard as the blades she wields, and no Unseelie fae in their right mind would dare challenge her. Few men of her own court would either.:

"I'll bet they won't. After what she did to me during the day, I'm not surprised. I still ache." Harry groaned, trying to garner sympathy from the shimmerling.

But the fae cat did not seem to think that was any big deal. :A master works her students hard, so they may improve. Lady Sarai treats you no differently than any of her other students.: Then she asked, her mental voice filled with curiosity, :And what are you doing up at this hour, Harry?:

Harry shrugged. "Looking for my dad. I, uh, have to ask him about Sarai. I think she's a whole lot more than what he told us."

Smidgen switched her tail, then said, :And does that bother you, young Snape? That your father may have taken a companion? You know, your father is still a man and even he gets lonely I would imagine.:

"Yeah, but . . .why now?"

:Why NOT now, Harry? He has been alone all summer, without adult companionship, and even though he may seem like a man who is content to be by himself, I can assure you he needs someone as much as any other man or woman, maybe even more so. He has led a very dangerous and lonely life, without recognition for the most part or rewards either. And now he is also responsible for keeping you and Draco safe and providing for you. Do you not think that he deserves some time for himself and someone he cares about to share it with? Someone who is his equal and not his son?:

Harry blinked, for the shimmerling's tone was reproving, and he frowned and said, accusingly, "He's my father, that's what he's supposed to do. Did you know about them, Smidgen?"

:A messenger knows many things, young Snape, which she is often not at liberty to reveal. This particular thing was not my secret to tell, though I was aware that Sarai did have a mortal wizard as a lover, I did not know who it was until just recently, when I saw her with Severus. She too, has been alone for much of her life, and misunderstood by the majority of those she interacts with. Being a half-blood in any world is no easy thing, nor a warrior of Sarai's caliber. Few men are there in either realm who would not feel threatened by her fire and finesse, and seek to tame her. It is why she chose to be alone, until she met Severus, who it seems, loves her for herself alone. Both of them have sacrificed much in their lives, child, why should you begrudge them a little peace and happiness?:


" I don't . . ." Harry began.

:Don't you? Isn't there a small selfish part of you that's whispering, but now I have to share my father all over again, and I wish she'd never come here? Be honest, Harry.:

The fourteen-year-old bit his lip, though try as he might, he could not deny that Smidgen was right on target. A tiny corner of his heart did resent the fact that Sarai was such an important part of Severus's life, at least from what he had seen thus far. And he had to admit that he had never considered that Severus might be lonely and in need of another adult around, or that he might miss someone with whom he had grown fond of. Severus was just . . .the Potions Master and former spy, who had always been alone and never needed anyone except himself. Except . . .perhaps, if he was being totally honest with himself . . .he had been wrong to think that way.

"All right, maybe I was being a little selfish, but I thought he loved my mother, Smidgen."

:Harry, how long has Lily been dead?:

"Huh? What's that matter?"

:Please answer my question.:

"A little over thirteen years, I guess."

:Ah. Thirteen years. Would you not say that is a long time to be alone? The woman he loved has been dead for nearly two decades and in all of that time he has been without someone to love. At least until he met Sarai and even then she was teacher before she was his lover for many years. I'm going to ask that you do a difficult but mature thing, Harry, and consider your father's feelings before you go demanding an explanation from him like a petulant eight-year-old. He has been under a tremendous amount of stress lately and he needs this time with Sarai, both of them do, to relax. Do try and understand that.:

Now Harry felt ashamed, for he had been going to ask that Severus explain to him about Sarai, call him to account in a way, for inviting a woman into the manor and being disloyal to Lily's memory. The young wizard felt himself flush to the roots of his hair. Merlin's Eyebrow, but would he never stop jumping to conclusions and acting on impulse? Smidgen was right, he had been acting selfishly and not considering Severus's side of things at all.

"You're right. I was being stupid and thoughtless."

:No, not stupid, but thoughtless and foolish, yes. A common failing in boys your age.: Smidgen said quietly.

"Are you gonna give Draco this lecture too when he gets up?" he asked, a bit petulantly.

:If he seems to need it, then yes. Forgive me if I seem forward, but I have grown fond of you Princes during my time here, and I would hate to see you quarrel over such a ridiculous thing as this-a relationship which has been going on for years and makes your father happy, and could make you happy as well. Sarai loves children and she would make a very good mentor and a mother as well, should she ever consent to marriage.:

"Why haven't they gotten married, Smidgen?"

:Ah, that is something you need to ask your father, for I don't know the facts, only rumors.: The shimmerling twitched her whiskers. :As a matter of fact, here he comes now, so I shall leave you to your discussion.:

Then Smidgen blinked away, going out to sun herself in the garden, just as Severus returned from watering it, and nearly ran headfirst into Harry. The startled Potions Master reached out a hand to clasp his son's shoulder. "Harry? Is something the matter? Did you have another nightmare?" For he knew perfectly well that Harry should have been sleeping at this hour, since Severus had not scheduled any tasks that needed doing at the break of dawn.

"No, it's not that." Harry hastened to reassure him. "It's just . . .can I talk to you about something, Dad?"

"Certainly. Is this something that requires a few minutes or longer than that?"

"Uh . . .longer." Harry admitted, blushing.

"I see." The Potions Master noted the telltale blush and had a feeling he knew the topic of conversation. "I'm going to put the tea kettle on and we can go into the den, it's more suitable for a long discussion."

He waved his wand, casting a spell that would make the tea fix itself and levitate to them when it was ready. Then he led the way into the den and seated himself on the sofa.

Harry followed, and sat a scant two feet away, studying the floor and his socks for a moment before clearing his throat. "Uh . . .I was just wondering . . .if you and Sarai are . . .involved with each other?" he stammered, feeling his whole face flame. "Because last night . . .I wasn't trying to spy on you or nothing, Dad-"

"Anything." Severus corrected automatically.

"I was-what?"

"Anything. You weren't trying to spy on me or anything, not nothing," Severus elaborated. "You teenagers today butcher the English language and I cannot stand it."

"Oh. Sorry. Errr . . .where was I?"

"You were telling me about last night," his father prompted.

"Right. Anyway, I wasn't trying to spy on you or anything, Dad, but I was coming out of the bathroom, and I saw you and Sarai . . .together . . .by your room . . .and I just wanted to know if you're, uh, going out with her?" Harry finished at last. He darted a swift glance up at the older man, wanting to see if Severus was angry with his forwardness or not.

But the professor did not seem angered by his son's personal query. Instead he looked . . .faintly amused and unsurprised. "I should have seen this coming. It's impossible to keep secrets for long in this manor, not that our relationship has ever been secret, at least to the fae. The whole Seelie Court knows about it." mused the Potions Master. He looked directly at Harry then. "To answer your question, my too-curious son, yes, Sarai and I are involved, as you put it. For many years now. Where's your brother?" he asked abruptly.


"Of course. If I'm going to discuss this with you, Harry, I would prefer it if Draco were awake as well, so I need not repeat myself. Go and wake him up."


"Yes, now. Go on."

"He isn't going to like it much," Harry sighed, then rose to do as he had been bid.

Ten minutes later he returned to the den, followed by a rather grumpy Draco, who was rubbing his eyes and yawning. "What is it with you people and the crack of dawn, by Merlin's Toenail? Why can't we ever have a discussion at a normal hour, like six thirty at night?"

"Quit your grousing and just listen, Draco," ordered Severus briskly. "You can catch up on your beauty sleep afterwards."

Draco flashed him an irritated glare, but said nothing further and sat down on the other side of his guardian. "Okay, I'm listening."

"Wonderful," Severus returned, with just a hint of his old sarcasm. "Very well. The reason I've called you here, Draco, is because Harry noticed something last night that I need to clarify."

"He saw you and Sarai making out in the hallway, I don't really need details, Uncle Sev," Draco put in hastily. "I know what comes after that, I'm not five." He too was blushing faintly.

"I never said they were making out!" Harry objected.

"You said he looked like he was going to kiss her, and that's as good as making out right there," Draco argued.

"Enough. What may have gone on between me and Sarai is none of your business. The only reason I'm discussing this with you now is because Sarai and I refuse to act like two adolescents and sneak about trying to hide the fact that we are, as Harry puts it, "involved"." Severus cut in quickly. "Sarai and I have been . . .seeing each other for many years. Seven, I believe, though we were together in a mentor/student relationship before that. I have known her for thirteen years, ever since my grandfather, Micah Prince, died and I became the true heir to Prince Manor. Originally, he hired her to tutor me in kin-sa-dor, since her reputation as a master was above reproach, and she was, like me, a half-blood. I suppose he thought we would have much in common," Severus said wryly. "We did, though not what he expected. Soon after we were introduced, my grandfather died, and I inherited the manor and all the Prince fortune, which I could not use without giving away my cover as a spy. But the manor provided me with a base I could use when my duties as a spy grew too onerous and I needed to relax. In the beginning, Sarai was my mentor, she taught me kin-sa-dor and certain fae magics. Later, however, I grew to trust her as a friend, and revealed my true occupation as a spy, and she assisted me further with concealments and glamours that my grandfather had not known. Her teachings enabled me to deceive Voldemort and the rest of the Death Eaters for years. We met during the summer, when I was free from teaching and she could get some time off from her duties as her family's bodyguard.

"As the years passed, we grew closer, and our friendship changed to something . . .much more meaningful. We are much alike, she and I. We are both neither fish nor fowl, she is half-human and I am half-Muggle, and both of us were in professions that required us to risk our lives on a nearly daily basis. Such things require you to be alone and make you self-reliant, but also means that you are seen as unapproachable and hard most of the time, not something that lends itself to making friends easily. Sarai alone saw beyond the mask I wore as spy and Death Eater, for she wore a similar one, and she understood what duty and necessity had made me." Severus cleared his throat, then reached for the cup of tea hovering before him, and drank some.

Then he continued. "She saw what others missed, mostly because she wore a mask as well, the mask of the warrior, confident and controlled always, and needing nothing but her blade and her skills to defend her family. She has told you the way her kinsmen see her "duty, honor, and Sarai". She became thus so her Queen and her family would take her seriously and allow her to become a Blade, for such is not the normal occupation of a fae lord's daughter. There are women warriors among the fae, but not usually from the nobility. So she had to prove to them she was willing to work hard and be better than half the other warriors in the Queen's retinue. Which she did, but that path is a hard and lonely one, and it left her with little opportunity to find a man who would accept her for all she was. She said once to me that few men, human or fae, could love a woman capable of fighting them to a standstill. She threatened their pride and thus she was better off alone."

"But you do," Harry murmured.

"Yes, because I learned long ago never to let pride get in the way of my goals. A spy has no pride, else he would never be able to do what he does, and live a lie. When I put on the mask, I was no longer Severus Snape, heir to Prince Manor, but Severus Snape, spy and Death Eater. I became a totally different person during that time, and thus pride became secondary. She understood that, and accepted it, as I accepted her, and so we became lovers as well as friends."

"Uncle Sev, how come you've never . . .gotten married to her?"

"For many reasons, Draco. My duties as an agent are one reason, as are hers as the Queen's Blade. Neither of those occupations lends itself to starting a life with a partner, or a family either. And so we agreed, long ago, to remain apart until that aspect of our life was done with. During the summer, we are together as much as possible, and so it has been until now, when my days as an agent are ended."

"So you're going to marry her soon?" asked Harry.

"No, for her duty to Titania is not yet finished, she has another two years of her service to fulfill. But afterwards . . .then yes, I would like to marry her, assuming, of course, that this war with Voldemort is done by then. Have you any objections to that, Harry? Or you, Draco? I had hoped you would grow to like Sarai and eventually accept her as a family member."

"I do like her, Dad. It's just . . .weird to think of you two . . ." he trailed off, blushing again.

"Perhaps it will become less "weird" as time goes on, and you get to know her better. Draco?"

"I like her too. And I guess I wouldn't mind her as your, uh, wife."

"Good. Because discord between you boys and Sarai is the last thing I want to deal with. You are both old enough to understand what she means to me and to know that my loving her does not mean than I will neglect or love you less. She also likes you, and is willing to be a friend and teacher to you if you will allow it, and perhaps a kind of mother as well eventually. Are you willing to try and get along with her like mature teenagers, or must I play mediator and treat you like a couple of jealous four-year-olds?"

Both Draco and Harry blanched at that last and assured Severus that no, they were willing to make friends with the half-fae warrior on their own terms. Severus seemed to relax after that, and they all sat quietly for a moment, thinking about the new circumstances.

Until Smidgen blinked into the room and asked what was for breakfast, and prompted a discussion over whose turn it was to make it and what they should eat.

* * * * * *



The boys soon discovered that having Sarai as a guest in the manor meant that Severus was much more relaxed and willing to allow them more breaks when it came to chores, such as no longer having to do the laundry by hand that week. "Blessed Merlin!" cheered Draco upon learning that bit of mercy. "Hell, I wish Sarai had come three weeks ago. Maybe if we pay her she'll stay another week?" he suggested to Harry.

But when they asked the warrior if she could extend her stay, she regrettably told them a week was all she could spare from her duties at this time. "The Queen goes on a progress to oversee her realm and visit her subjects come Tuesday next, so I cannot stay away from the Crystal Palace for longer than Monday night. I am her current Captain, and must be there to protect her."

"Uh, well, maybe you could persuade Dad to umm . . .keep letting us use magic to do some chores around here?" Harry begged shamelessly.

Sarai eyed him sternly. "Indeed? And what makes you think I have that sort of influence over your father and his dictates regarding his sons?"

"Because you do, and he'll listen to you more than us. Please, Sarai? He's had us on punishment chores for two months." Draco wheedled.

The warrior looked thoughtful. "And he has told me why that was so. It was a deserved punishment, young man, no more or less than what I would have given my own apprentices. However . . .I will consider your request," she added at their pleading mute stares. "But . . .I make no promises."

"Thanks, Sarai!" Harry said.


The half-fae warrior chuckled. "For what? I've done nothing yet."

"But Uncle Sev will listen to you. You were his teacher, he respects you." Draco remarked.

"True, though we have not been teacher and student in some years and he is now equal to me in all ways. But I will suggest he allow you a bit of leniency, and see what may come."

The next morning, when the two checked the chart upon the wall, there was an amendment to it in bold blue lettering. LAUNDRY MAY BE DONE WITH MAGIC FOR THE REMAINDER OF THE SUMMER.

Draco let out a whoop. "Damn, Harry! She did it!"

Harry grinned. "That must have been some conversation," he muttered, and Draco laughed.

"Never underestimate a woman's influence, Harry."

They also noticed that Sarai brought out a happier side of the Potions Master, he tended to smile and laugh more, and he was not always inside his lab, but spent a good portion of his day with her and his sons, practicing kin-sa-dor, taking walks about the grounds, fishing, and gathering various kinds of magical plants. In the evenings, after supper, they would play Dragons Wild or read or Sarai would tell them amusing stories and legends of Faerie, all of which she had committed to memory.

Her powers of memorization impressed Draco, who said she had as good a memory as Severus or Hermione, and Sarai had answered, "My tutor, Lara Darvalin, insisted that I memorize the legends and stories she told me, she said that writing them down ruined them, for a piece of parchment could not capture nuances of tone or inflection. As a matter of fact, centuries past, a bard was forbidden to write any of his songs or tales down, but had to remember all of them, and most of them trained themselves to remember anything they heard spoken, making them the ideal messengers for kings and keepers of lore."

"But you can write, can't you?" the blond teased, and received a quick swat from her for his impudence.

"Insolent wretch! Do you think because I wield a blade I cannot write? I'd wager I have a neater hand than you do, Mr. Malfoy."

Draco looked skeptical, he'd learned how to write with a quill when he was very young, at Narcissa's insistence. As a result, he had one of the neatest hands in school. Not even Hermione wrote better. "Why don't we have a little contest, hmm?"

"What are the stakes, wizardling?"

"Careful, boy. You bet against her, and you'd better keep to the letter of any agreement you make," warned Severus. "No welching."

Draco flashed his godfather a pained look. "I know how to keep my word, sir. I'm a Slytherin. Any promises I make, I keep." He turned to the warrior. "We'll write a paragraph, and Uncle Sev can be the judge. Loser gets to owe the winner a favor, at the winner's discretion, within reason."

"That sounds fair. Very well, let us begin." Sarai said, summoning quills, ink, and parchment from Severus's study. "What are we writing?"

Draco shrugged. "Anything. But it has to be at least a five sentence paragraph."

The two went to the table in the kitchen to write their paragraphs. It took fifteen minutes, then they turned in the papers to Severus. Harry peered over his father's shoulder while Severus was judging. To him, both sets of handwriting was equally good, far better than he could have managed, even after Severus's tutoring.

Severus deliberated for some time, pursing his lips and studying the parchments from all angels, until at last he declared Sarai the winner by two words, since Draco's quill had splattered slightly on the last two words, blurring them a bit.

The Slytherin took his defeat gracefully, for he had learned a thing or two about losing since that Dragons Wild game, and agreed that Snape was correct, he had smudged the last two words a little. "So, what am I going to be owing you, Captain?"

"A letter, Mr. Malfoy." she answered immediately. "I will dictate to you a letter, it is the renewal of my contract with Queen Titania, and I would like you to write it for me, since your handwriting is excellent and I'm sick of writing the same thing over and over each year."

"What? You want me to write a letter to the Faerie Queen?!" Draco exclaimed. "Merlin's blinking wand!"

"I would not ask unless I trusted you to do a good job." Sarai informed him quietly. "Titania shall be satisfied so long as she can read what is written there and my signature is upon it."

"When shall we do it?"

‘Now is the best time," said the bodyguard. "She's been bugging me for the contract for over three weeks."

The two retired to the kitchen and began working on the letter, leaving Harry and Severus free to read or nap as they chose.

But while they could get Sarai to influence their father over a few things, she refused to interfere if they got in trouble with him, for then his authority was law. "He is your father, and therefore it is his responsibility to punish you. If and when I ever marry him, then I may do so, but for now it is him you are answerable to, unless we are learning kin-sa-dor."

Draco just groaned, for he had earned himself some extra chores for being snippy about getting up in the morning when Severus called him, and had been hoping Sarai could get him a reduced sentence. But no such luck.

Before they knew it, the week was almost over, and it was then that Sarai received an invitation from her cousin, prince Balin, to join him on a hunting trip. It was delivered via shimmerling, a pretty orange colored one who called herself Flicker, she had golden-orange fur and wings like a monarch butterfly and deep emerald eyes.

:Prince Balin says to tell you, Captain Valinek, that you may bring along your mortal wizard lover or any guests you wish, the more the merrier on a hunt.:

Sarai merely raised an eyebrow. "His Highness is very generous, for a change. Did he say what quarry we'd be hunting?"

:I believe he intends to hunt a pride of chimeras, Captain. Not easy prey, but not too difficult, either. And of course, after the hunting comes the feasting and reveling.:

"Naturally. Balin would never forget the feasting and reveling," Sarai said dryly. "I'm surprised he isn't having them first, although if he did, half of the hunting party would be too drunk to sit a horse, much less kill a chimera. I shall speak to my mortal wizard lover, as he puts it, and let you know what we have decided."

:Shall I stay and await your reply?:

"You may, as I will ask him in a few moments," answered Sarai, going inside the manor to find Severus, who was finishing bottling a Decongestion draft in his lab.

"Your prince wants you to accompany him on a hunt and has invited me to join you?" he repeated in astonishment, for such had never happened in all the years he had known Sarai.

"Yes, I think Balin feels guilty for putting me through such hell during the summer and this is his way of making it up to me. Would you and the boys like to come? I assure you, no harm would come to them, they would never have to face a chimera, only the experienced hunters are ever allowed near the quarry. But it is fun to follow and to experience and I think the boys could use a break from the manor. What do you say?"

Severus considered. "Where would this hunt take place?"

"Within the borders of the Seelie kingdom, of course. Probably in the Deepwood itself, since the chimera prides reside there. There have been reports of a pride raiding some of our settlements, which is doubtless why Balin has chosen to hunt them. We usually hunt only for food or to rid ourselves of a dangerous predator. And this quarry is just the thing to make his reputation as a daring prince even more sterling."

"Would we be mounted or on foot?"

"Mounted, you can't hunt chimera on foot, they're too quick and they can fly short distances. All of the court would ride elvensteeds, and you know how protective they are of their charges, Sev. The boys would not have to participate, merely be a part of the hunting party. There are plenty in Balin's retinue who do not actually hunt, but are along for the social aspect."

"Will you be hunting, Sarai?"

"I may, if my prince decides to risk his fool neck more than usual."

"And they will not mind three mortal wizards as guests?"

"No. They know well my habit of acquiring odd friends and as my guest they would not dare offer you insult, Severus, or they would answer to me." She grinned fiercely. "And Balin's friends and courtiers may be young, but they aren't stupid. They know all too well how badly they would get thrashed in an honor duel against me, and I'd not hesitate to call challenge if they grew offensive. Besides, you would not be the first humans we've hunted with in the past century. Titania's court is friendlier towards mortals than Oberon's ever was four centuries ago."

"How many will be there on the hunt?"

"Excluding the actual huntsmen? About thirty or forty, is my best guess. Balin's close friends and their relatives, as well as a few lower echelon courtiers seeking to win a place in the prince's retinue. He means well, my cousin, it is considered an honor to hunt with him."

"Very well. I suppose it can't do any harm for the boys to get better acquainted with their fae cousins. When is this hunt?"

"Tomorrow at dawn, I believe. We usually meet on the verge of the Deepwood, just outside the palace grounds. I know how to summon a Gate to get there, Sev, so all you have to do is part the Evermist and allow me to do so."

Severus nodded. "Let's surprise the boys after supper, shall we?"

"Yes, that's a good idea." Sarai said, giving him a quick kiss. "I shall go and tell Flicker that we accept Balin's invitation."

She departed to find the shimmerling, who was conversing with her dreamweaver kin in the garden, and soon Flicker had blinked on her way back to tell Prince Balin that he was now going to have four guests in his hunting party.


* * * * * * *


The next morning, there was organized chaos in the manor as everyone attempted to take a shower and change for the hunt before eight o'clock in the morning. Severus had laid out the clothes Harry and Draco would wear the night before, having gotten some sets of fae breeches and tunics for them from Sarai and used an altering spell to make them fit each teen perfectly. He also transfigured their trainers into riding boots and allowed them to use their cloaks from school. Their breeches were of butter-soft leather, but even so Severus strongly suggested they wear a pair of lightweight thermal underwear beneath them.

"How come, Dad?" asked Harry, who had never ridden anything before save for a hippogriff for five minutes.

"Because that will protect your thighs and backside from chafing," replied the Potions Master matter-of-factly. "You'll probably be sore after the hunt is over, since this is your first time on a horse, and we'll be riding for a few hours, but sore muscles are one thing, your skin rubbed raw is quite another."

"Do as he says, Harry," Draco warned. "Otherwise you'll regret it later, when you've blisters on your bum."

"How would you know? I didn't think you ever rode anything except a broom."

"Ha! Shows how much you know. Father wanted me to have a well rounded education, so he taught me how to ride when I was seven, though I haven't been on horseback for a year now."

"Think you still remember how?"

"Yeah. It's not something you ever really forget, and I used to ride a lot before I went to school, Father used to like to show off how good I sat a horse and whatnot." Draco shrugged.

Harry looked at his father. "Can you ride too?"

Severus nodded. "Yes. Sarai taught me, but you needn't concern yourself with not being able to ride, Harry, since we'll be mounted on elvensteeds, and they will make sure you don't fall off."

"How? Are you gonna stick me to the saddle or something?"

"No, the elvensteed you are mounted on has his or her own brand of magic to ensure the rider stays upon his back, unless they wish to dismount or are knocked off by an outside force, like a person shoving them out of the saddle. So even a complete novice like you, son, will be able to ride like one born to the saddle."

Harry was relieved to hear that, he had feared he would be the only person in the party who couldn't ride and look like an utter idiot. "Oh. Okay."

"But do put on those extra leggings, Harry. Because as Draco said, saddlesores are most unpleasant," warned Severus before he departed last night.

So, following both his father's and brother's instructions, Harry donned both sets of leggings when he dressed after his shower. The outer leggings were a soft tan color and the long tunic came down to just before his knees and was slit on the sides for riding. The tunic was a mottled green and brown, making it easier to blend into the forest , and the shirt beneath it was a soft tan as well. Over it Harry wore his school cloak, black with the Gryffindor crest.

Draco's outfit matched Harry's, save for the Slytherin crest upon his cloak and the fancy cloak fastener on it of a snake's head. Both boys also had on belts which held their wands and a small pouch with some dried fruit and bread and a flask of water that would refill itself when empty.

Sarai wanted to give them small knives as well, but Severus adamantly forbid it, saying it would be like giving a gun to two four-year-olds and expecting them not shoot themselves. "No way in hell will I allow them to carry weapons, they would be sure to end up stabbing themselves or each other," he said firmly, ignoring his sons' protests.

He too was dressed in a similar outfit as the boys', though on his belt he also carried a mini potions kit and a emergency first aid kit as well.

At last everything was ready, and they all followed Severus outside to the edge of the property and watched as he banished the Evermist and then Sarai chanted some words in her own tongue and a shimmering portal appeared in the middle of the space. Sarai could enter the manor from the Faerie Realm on her own, since Severus had managed to convince the mist on that side to permit it, but he still hadn't been able to get the mist to cooperate on the manor side, and so he still needed to banish it in order to leave the manor.

"This is the Gate to the meeting place," Sarai explained. "Go through it like you would a door to a room and you will enter the Faerie Realm."

Severus went through first, so the boys would know someone on the other side. Then he waited while first Harry and then Draco came through the shimmering aqua portal. Last came Sarai, who as Gate Holder had to banish her construct once she had used it.

Spread out before them were thirty to thirty-five fae lords and ladies, some already mounted upon elvensteeds and some not. Some of them were wearing hunting leathers similar to their own, while others had on fantastically elaborate robes in all different colors and fabrics and tunics and breeches cut to resembles feathers or scales in every shade imaginable. Some were carrying slender swords or spears, others bows and some had nothing at all. There seemed to be a mix of males and females, and all of them looked young, no older than their mid-twenties, though all of them were at least a century or older.

Harry blinked, trying to adjust himself to the riot of color and the soft musical voices and the curious stares he met from large slanted eyes of crystalline blue, or deep amber or cat-like green.

He couldn't make out a word of what they were saying, the language was all in the lilting tongue of the fae, until Sarai cast a translator charm upon them and then he heard the whispers and comments flowing about him.

"Look, Dalrynna! A human child. It has been long since we've seen one here."

"Oh! Are they always that scrawny?" sniffed one woman with violet hair dressed in dark purple and silver. "Poor thing looks like a good wind will blow him right over."

"Aye, but he's kind of cute. Like a stray misthound," giggled the first one, and she smiled at Harry.

Not sure if he liked being compared to a misthound, whatever it was, Harry smiled back tentatively.


Most of the fae were taller than he was, about the size of his father and slender, with hair in every style and color, for some of the racier young fae dyed their hair in different colors, like dandelion yellow, and cerise, and bluemist.

Draco too, got his share of stares and comments when he appeared, though he gave as good as he got, putting on the haughty Malfoy mask, and some of the young men gave him nods of respect and muttered, "Noble rank, that one. Thought they'd done away with that over there."

But the rumor mill started up full force when Sarai came through and took Severus's arm, going to introduce him and the boys to her cousin, Prince Balin.

"Who would have thought, old Honor and Duty has snared herself a good-looking mortal," one maiden with peacock colored robes and hair down to her feet sniffed. "Wonder what she offered him?"

"Hush, Lisha!" hissed another woman, this one dressed in amber and blue. "D'you want her to hear you? She could take you apart with her little finger, you kelpie brain!"

"Humph! I was just wondering, is all, what the sword maiden had beneath her tunic that would attract a man like that."

"He's a mortal, he'd probably be attracted to anything in a skirt. Or so I've heard."

"Yes, I've heard mortal men are insatiable," snickered another.

"Really? Maybe I should get me one of them."

Severus and Sarai ignored all the talk around them, making their way through the knot of courtiers to where the prince was, speaking to his chief huntsmen, a tall fae with a shock of moonsilver hair and deep purple eyes. He was dressed all in black and holding the leashes of several large white dogs, which looked like a cross between a greyhound and a fox hound.


"Those are misthounds," explained Sarai as they approached the pair. "They track by both sight and scent, and are essential to finding a chimera pride. They are very intelligent and will never tree a quarry they cannot bring down, or at least the hunting party cannot bring down."

Harry examined the panting dogs closely, noting their emerald eyes and gently wagging tails and slightly sweet expressions. He supposed there were worse things to be compared to, and reached out a hand to pet a dog, who sniffed him cautiously, then licked his hand.

"Unusual," said a calm voice and Harry looked up into the purple orbs of the Huntmaster. "Aurora likes very few strangers and she has never met a human boy before."

"Oh. Umm . . .animals like me," Harry said lamely. He held out a hand and said, "Hello. I'm Harry Snape, pleased to meet you, sir."

"Welcome to Sylvaria, I am Huntmaster Cormac. You are Captain Valinek's guest, are you not?"

The fae took Harry's hand and shook it once.

"Yes, sir." He stroked the hound's head again, and she licked him once more before drawing away.

"You bear the look of the Prince line about you," said Cormac.

"My father, Severus Snape, is the heir to Prince Manor."

"Ah. That explains much. Good hunting to you, m'lord Snape." The Huntmaster gave him a half-bow, then withdrew, taking the dogs with him.

Then Harry felt his father's hand upon his shoulder, urging him forward to greet Prince Balin, and whispering in his ear, "Give him a bow like Draco just did, don't offer your hand. He is royalty."

Harry nodded, and smiled nervously.

"This is my other son, Harry Snape," Severus was telling Balin proudly.

The prince, who was tall with a shock of bright gold hair and merry eyes the color of aged whiskey, flashed Harry a delighted smile. He was wearing leathers of a royal blue and gold and bore a golden circlet about his fair hair. "Well met indeed, Wizard Harry Snape. Welcome to my realm, I hope you enjoy your time here."

Harry bowed, copying Draco, then said, "Thank you, Your Highness."

"Balin." The prince waved away his title. "I'm only Your Highness in the throne room or in the palace. Out here I'm plain Balin Highstar . Right, Sarai?"

"Correct, my lord."

"Ah, formal as ever, cousin." Balin chuckled. "Do try and lighten up a little, won't you? You are not on duty now, remember?"

"I remember, my lord prince." Sarai answered. "But I shall watch for your safety, nonetheless."

"Ah, that's typical of you, Captain. Honor, duty, and Sarai. Although, perhaps you will allow yourself to behave like a normal woman for once at the feast now that your lover is here, no?" He gave the captain a wicked smirk. "Then we'll see if you know how to dance with more than swords, eh?" Severus stiffened, not liking the prince's comments at all, but he restrained himself from commenting. Balin turned back to Harry. "I hope you enjoy this excursion, and the revel afterward. Generally most humans do, especially our local cordial, summerdew."

"They are too young to drink, Your Highness," Severus interjected firmly.

"Ah. Still not of age, I see." He flashed the boys a commiserating glance. "Pity, for summerdew is the sweetest nectar. No matter, we have merlinna punch as well. Please, speak with the elvensteeds and see which will consent to bear you. If you'll excuse me, I must speak to Lady Branchala." Then he spun about, walking through the crowd to a smallish lady in gold leathers.

"Come, the elvensteeds are over here," Sarai beckoned them over to a section of the field that was furthest from the milling crowd of courtiers.

Here, several magnificent horses stood grazing. Draco, who had seen quite a few fine horses in his time, gasped at the sheer beauty and grace of these animals, who were swifter than any Thoroughbred, and had the graceful conformation and endurance of the best Arabian. They were in shades of white, chestnut, palomino, black, silver and palest gold, and all of them had manes and tails that were long and flowing.

"Now what?" Draco asked, not seeing any kind of halter or bridles on the horses.

"Now we wait for one to choose you." Sarai answered.

In about four seconds, a large fiery red stallion looked up, spotted Sarai and came forward. "Well met, Firesong," she greeted the tall horse, who gazed at her with such intelligence that it was impossible to think he was merely an animal. "Will you bear me on the hunt today?"

Firesong snorted, then dipped his head and one front hoof in a bow. "It is always an honor to carry you on my back, Captain." No sooner had he done that, then tack appeared on him, and Sarai could mount.

He was soon followed by a tall black mare with a proud air and a white star on her forehead. The mare stopped directly in front of Severus and whinnied, "Well met again, Wizard Snape. It has been too long since I carried you for a hunt."

Severus bowed to her. "My apologies, Morgana, but my duties have kept me away for too long. However, now that I have returned, will you consent to bear me?"

She tossed her head eagerly. "Indeed, Severus Snape. I shall bear you for as long as I am able." Black leather and silver tack appeared upon her and then Severus swung up easily into the saddle.

He had explained to Harry and Draco that the elvensteeds were intelligent and you had to ask their permission before attempting to mount one, else you would find yourself on the ground. An elvensteed would refuse a rider they did not like, so you had to be careful when you addressed one.

Two other horses trotted forward to examine Harry and Draco curiously. One, a filly with a coat the color of the full moon and a spun silver mane and tail, halted before Harry and breathed on him sharply. She had large crystal blue eyes and a slightly dished muzzle. "Well, you're different from the others, aren't you?"

"That's because he's a human foal, Moonheart," whickered Morgana.

"Ah, that explains it, Mother." Moonheart squared up before Harry, who bowed and said quietly, "Hello, Moonheart. I'm Harry and will you consent to bear me?"

Moonheart studied him for a moment more, then bowed back and said, "Yes, I shall. This should prove very interesting." Then a set of silver and blue tack appeared on her.

Harry hesitated, gazing up at the tall elvensteed uneasily. "Uh, Moonheart, how do I get on?"

The white filly shook her head. "Is this your first time riding, young one?" At Harry's nod, she shook her mane. "Ah, no matter. Simply grab hold of my mane and I will see that you get on."

Harry grasped the sleek silky hair in his hands and no sooner had he done that then he found himself on top of her back, sitting astride her as if he had been riding all of his life. "There! All settled, are we?" she whinnied, then trotted over to stand beside Severus and Morgana.

Draco had been chosen by a sleek black colt named Nightfire, he was the brother of Moonheart, who were both foals of Morgana. Unlike his mother, however, Nightfire was pure black, and his tack was ebony and emerald green. Draco had no trouble mounting, however, and soon recalled his old seat in the saddle.

"What now?" asked Draco, half to himself.

"Now we wait for the Huntmaster to blow the horn and the hunt shall begin," replied Nightfire. "I believe Fleetfoot, the pack leader of the misthounds, has already picked up a scent."

Sure enough, there came a strange yelping cry from the biggest hound's throat, and the Huntmaster knelt and unsnapped all the dogs' leads. Then he put a silver filigree horn to his lips and blew it three times.

By then everyone was mounted and at that signal, they all sprang forward, following the misthounds as they pursued the elusive chimeras.

Harry gripped the saddle horn tightly, fearing he would fall off, even though Moonheart's gait was as smooth as water flowing. "Relax, young wizard," soothed the elvensteed. "I will not let you fall. Trust me. Sit up and look about and don't worry about keeping up with the others, I shall keep the pace."

Harry obeyed and he even started to enjoy the novel feeling of riding the elvensteed, who had a much smoother gait than a horse.

Nightfire came alongside his sister and Draco grinned at Harry and said, "See? I haven't forgotten how to ride. Though riding Nightfire is incredible! No other horse I've ever been on has ever been so smooth or so fast."

Nightfire tossed his head. "That's because no mortal horse can compare to an elvensteed, young wizard."

Now they were riding through the Deepwood, following the main hunters, including Sarai and Severus, who were a little ahead of them. The hounds were in full cry somewhere ahead and all of the elvensteeds were moving steadily after them, their hooves barely touching the ground.

Draco threw back his head and laughed. "Wow! This is like the most amazing horseback ride ever!"

Harry had to agree. He wasn't even frightened when Moonheart jumped a small stream and a fallen log beyond it, for it was as though he were glued to the saddle, and all he had to do was hold on.

They cantered down the path through the Deepwood for several more minutes and occasionally some more reckless fae in a hurry passed them in a flurry of hooves and robes, but Moonheart simply snorted at them in disdain. The hunting party was strung out in a broad line, following Balin, who was leading, after the dogs who were still crying the trail.

Harry could just make out Morgana and Severus some ten feet beyond them and also Sarai on Firesong.

Fifteen minutes later they were still racing through the trees and Harry shifted slightly in his saddle, for his bottom was growing a bit stiff and his thighs were starting to ache slightly.

Moonheart craned her head around and neighed, "Are you all right, Harry? Getting a bit stiff, are you?"

"A little," he admitted.

"Perhaps we ought to slow down a bit, let you adjust, yes?"

Before he could tell her not to, she had slowed from a canter to a walk.

Nightfire also slowed down, unwilling to leave his sister, and soon the two were in the back of the party, near the butterfly maidens and those others who were only along to socialize.

Moonheart kept her pace to a soft walk, despite Harry's protests that he was fine now. "I'll be the judge of that, young Snape. I've had more experience than you, in fifty years."

"Sorry, Draco," Harry apologized to the Slytherin, who was looking slightly annoyed.

"It's okay. We can catch up to the others later, no problem, right Nightfire?"

"Indeed. But it is best if we take it easy, so your companion can learn to ride like a fae lord. The hunt will not be over as quickly as all that."

They continued walking until Moonheart judged that Harry was used to the saddle and then the elvensteed quickened her pace from a walk to a canter.

"Where's everyone else?" Harry asked uneasily, peering up the trail.

"Ahead. I can hear the dogs baying," replied the elvensteed.

The two horses began to run, trying to catch up to the main hunting party.

After five minutes they came to a fork in the trail.

"Which way?" asked Draco.

"Left, I believe," responded Nightfire.

"Are you certain, Fiery?" whickered his sister. "I could have sworn Mother said to take the right fork."

"No, no. The right fork leads to the Shadow Forest, not the Meadows," disagreed Nightfire.

Then he turned and galloped down the left hand path, and with a sigh, Moonheart followed.

Ten minutes later they still had not caught up with the main party, though they could still hear the horn and the dogs in the distance.

Draco glanced uneasily at Harry and whispered, "Harry, I think we may be lost."

"No, we aren't!" snapped Nightfire. "They're simply further ahead than we thought. We elvensteeds can travel swiftly when we wish, much faster than a mortal horse."

He began to pick up the pace, his hooves making a sharp pounding against the dirt of the forest trail. Ahead, they heard the horn sound and the hounds bay excitedly as they sighted their quarry.

Suddenly, a huge shape sprang into the path ahead of them, causing both elvensteeds to skid to a stop and rear, neighing in startled surprise.

"Well, well. And what have we here? A couple of trespassers, eh?" hissed the tall cloaked form. She, for some reason Harry just knew it was a female, was mounted on some kind of giant thing that was a cross between a wolf and a lizard. "How delightful! I've been waiting simply ages for some company to come along for supper."

Then she threw back her hood to reveal a sharply pointed face with a hooked nose and beady black eyes, long stringy black hair and gnarled sharp teeth. "Hello, pretties! Black Annis wants to know if ye'd be staying for a bite to eat? Ye look mighty tender!"

She laughed, a high screeching sound, and clapped her hands.

And before the elvensteeds could bolt, they were surrounded by more cloaked figures, only these were mounted on bony steeds with fiery red eyes, and they had green-tinged blades in their hands.

Moonheart whinnied sharply. "Unseelie, Nightfire! Run!"

"Halt, foolish mare! Or else I'll slay you where you stand!" growled the tallest of the cloaked figures, and he had a longbow drawn right at Moonheart's chest.

‘You trespass where you have no right, dark one!" trumpeted Nightfire angrily, stamping his hooves.

"I am Nirvala Darkholm, and I go where I will, and no Seelie working can keep me out!" sneered the tall leader. "Now shut your mouth, before I shut it for you!" He peered at the two young wizards from beneath his cowl. "Our lucky day, eh, Black Annis? Only question now is, what shall we do first, play with them or eat them?"


Chapter End Notes:
Uh oh! Can anyone say trouble? What will happen now? Who will live and who will die?

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