Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Author's Chapter Notes:
The first night does not go well.
Never Trust a Sleeping Puppy

I was a little surprised at how easily Dad said yes, but I learned much later that Dad wasn't entirely his old self when he agreed to my request.  Losing my mother really hurt him, and he was usually sad and moody that whole year after she had passed away, which is a nice way of saying dead.  I was sad and moody too sometimes, and I guess Dad figured that Summer made me happy, so he could put up with a puppy for a week till Uncle Matt came home.  Plus, I'm really good at begging.

Friday seemed to take forever to come, and in the meantime I had school and told all my friends there, I go to a Muggle school, the same one my mum went to, that I got to dogsit a golden retriever puppy for a whole week.  Some of them, especially Stevie Perkins, thought I was so lucky and asked if they could come over to play with Summer.  "Sure," I said, then added, "After I ask my dad." I had forgotten that some of my friends weren't wizards and they couldn't know about magic, so if they came over, we had to pretend to be a regular Muggle family.

Dad told me that I could walk Summer only in a certain corner of the backyard, near the fence, and she wasn't allowed in every room in the house, just the kitchen, the den, and well . . .that was it.  Her crate would be in the kitchen, though I wanted it in my room.  Dad put his foot down, though.

"The dog stays in the kitchen, Harry.  That way if she has an accident during the night, it's easier to clean up than on your bed or your carpet, understand."

"Aww, but Daddy, she'll be lonely in the kitchen," I protested.

"She'll be fine.  No more arguments.  The puppy stays in the kitchen, and that's final."

I shut up.  I didn't want to make him mad because then he might say Summer couldn't stay. 

So I just nodded my head and went to get the dishes and set the table without being told.  I figured if I was extra good it would show Dad that I really could take care of Summer like a big kid and all.  And maybe when I hinted next time about a puppy, he'd consider getting me one. 

Finally Friday arrived and I came home from school early, it had been half a day for some reason, and Dad was off so he picked me up.  "Can we call Uncle Matt now, Daddy? Ask him if he can bring Summer over?" I was so excited I couldn't stand still and kept hopping from foot to foot.

Dad eyed me and said, "Settle down, Harry. You're acting like you've got ants in your pants, jumping all over that way.  Or do you need to use the bathroom?"

"No, Dad!" I said, going red.  Really, did he think I was a baby that didn't know when to use a bathroom? "I'm just very excited.  I can't stand still."

Dad just rolled his eyes and muttered, "Merlin! Just what I need, a hyper son and hyper puppy too." He put a hand on my shoulder.  "Stand still, son.  Uncle Matt still has office hours, he'll bring Summer after he gets home from work.  Until then, you can finish your homework, if you have any."

"I don't," I said.  I wanted to groan, I was so disappointed I had to wait almost a whole day to see Summer.  I decided to watch TV until then.  

I dozed off watching cartoons and I got woken up by a wet tongue licking my face all over. I opened my eyes and stared into a pair of warm brown ones, kind of like melted chocolate.  A black nose was sniffing me too. Two golden paws were pressing smack on my arm and I grinned and sat up.

"Summer! You're finally here!" I reached out to pet the puppy and got licked all over again. 

Summer is a really pretty golden color, light gold on her body and darker gold on her ears, tail, and around her eyes and down her back. Uncle Matt told me he named her Summer because she reminded him of summer wheat and also ‘cause that was the name of a dog he'd had when he was a little kid.

Summer's tail was wagging really fast and she was looking at me happily. "You wanna stay here with me, girl?" I asked and petted her head again.  Her fur was so soft, I loved feeling it.

She slurped my hand and I hugged her, laughing.

"I haven't heard him laugh like that in months," Dad said quietly to Uncle Matt.

They were standing off to one side of the couch, watching me and Summer.

"I know.  It's good to see him happy again, Sev.  I know it's been hard for both of you without Lily." Uncle Matt said.  "There's something about puppies and little boys that just . . .go together.  Like hot dogs and baseball. Or wizards and Quidditch."

"Humph! You know, Matt, that's the only reason I agreed to let Harry dogsit  your puppy.  I know how much he loves dogs and wants one, but right now there's no way I could have one, not with my schedule.  It'd be different if Lily were here," Dad said, and coughed slightly.  He didn't really like talking too much about my mum, I think it made him too sad.  "But I couldn't really say no, I didn't want to disappoint him, not after losing his mother that way."

"Sorry, Sev.  I didn't mean to put you on the spot, but I just thought Harry would like to watch Summer while I went to visit the folks.  If you think it'll be too much for you . . .?"

"No, Matt.  We'll manage.  She's not quite housebroken, is she?"

"No, but she's doing real well.  Hasn't had too many accidents.  You know the spell to uh, banish feces and urine, right?"

"Is it a spell specifically for dogs?"

"Um . . .sort of." Then he said something in that funny language only wizards use, telling Daddy the spell. 

"Thanks, Matt. Harry, come here and listen to Uncle Matt tell you about how to care for Summer."

I jumped off the couch with Summer by me and came over to Uncle Matt.  "Okay, Uncle Matt.  What do I have to do?"

Uncle Matt showed me her crate, which had an old towel and a pillow and a sock of his in it, Summer liked to sleep with something of his next to her. "She likes to sleep in here, it's like her bedroom, and you can put her in it if she's been bad and chewed something too or if you're going somewhere."

He showed me the bag with her puppy food, her dog bowls, leash, and all kinds of toys, chews, and puppy snacks.  "You feed her two to three times a day, and make sure she has plenty of water.  Oh, and you might want to shut all the bathroom doors, she likes to drink from the toilet sometimes. You should always walk her an hour after she's eaten and make sure you watch her.  She's started going to the door and barking to go out, but sometimes she forgets, so if you see her walking in circles and sniffing, pick her up and get her outside fast.  She's teething too, that's why there are all the chew toys and bones.  Her toys have a charm on them so she can't rip them to shreds.  She loves to steal socks and shoes and either chew them apart or bury them outside.  She also loves walks, but never ever forget to put her on a leash.  She'll run away else."

I listened carefully to his instructions, then saw Daddy writing them down on  a piece of paper.  Dad knew if he didn't do that, I might forget.  Next to each type of chore he drew a picture, like a bowl filled with food for Summer's breakfast, or a leash for a walk, a bone for a play time, so I would know what everything said, since I couldn't read all that well yet.

He turned to me and said, "Harry, I want you to check this board everyday and see what you've done or not done.  Put  a check mark with red marker next to anything you've done that day."

"Okay, Daddy," I agreed.  That would be easy.  I picked up Summer's leash and Uncle Matt asked, "Where are you going, Harry?"

"I want to take Summer for a little walk," I answered, and looked at my dad questioningly.  "Is that okay, Dad?"

"Yes, as long as we all go together," Dad agreed.

So I snapped on Summer's leash, she was doing an excited dance about my feet, and we all headed down the street for some exercise.

Summer was like a whirlwind, she went running and barking after anything, leaves, bits of stray paper, and I had to run after her to keep up.  But I didn't mind.

Uncle Matt looked at my dad and said, "I wonder who's walking who, Summer or Harry?"

"I'd say the puppy has the upper hand for now." Dad answered.  "Harry, tell Summer to heel.  Don't let her drag you all over."

"I'm trying not to!" I panted as Summer pulled on her leash, almost ripping it from my hand when she saw a little rabbit hopping in Mrs. Alder's yard. 

"Summer, heel!" ordered my Uncle Matt.

The little puppy sat down instead, and looked all sad and guilty.  I bent down and petted her.  "It's okay, girl.  I'm not mad, just getting tired, is all."

Summer panted, then swiped my face with her long sticky tongue.  I didn't mind.  I liked getting puppy kisses. 

I let Dad and Uncle Matt catch up before I started walking again, Summer running ahead of me.  She was very curious, sniffing all the bushes and mailboxes and trees.  She even peed on one, and I told her she was a good dog for doing her business outside.  That's what Uncle Matt told me I should do so Summer learned how to go potty outside and not in our house. Daddy would not be happy if that happened.

We walked down Aspen Avenue for a few more blocks, till we reached the park, and some kids were there, and they all rushed over and said how cute Summer was and petted her and she licked them and wagged her tail so hard her whole bottom shook.  She really likes kids.

After five minutes, Dad said it was time to go back home, and Uncle Matt agreed, saying he had to go back home, finish packing, and leave for New York.  When we reached our house, Uncle Matt knelt down and hugged Summer.  "You be good for Harry and Sev, my girl.  No chewing or anything, y'hear?"

Summer barked, then jumped up and licked his face.

"Crazy little mutt," he laughed, ruffling her fur.  Then he stood up and said, "Well, guess I ought to make my exit.  See you in a week, Sev."

"Goodbye, Matt. Have a safe trip and I hope all goes well with your father.  We'll take good care of Summer, right, Harry?"

"Yes, she'll be fine. Bye, Uncle Matt. Hope your dad feels better" I said, remembering my manners, then I hugged Healer Morgan goodbye.

"Bye, kiddo.  Have fun with my Summer." He ruffled my hair a bit, then Apparated away. 

Summer whined, I think she was a little scared being left alone with us. To make her feel better, I picked her up and said, "You wanna have a treat?"

She perked up then and barked, and I fed her a dog biscuit I had in my pocket.

"Come on, Harry.  Let's bring her inside and feed her, and then you can walk her in the back yard.  By that time I should have supper ready and we can eat while she rests in her crate," Dad said.

Summer was kind of heavy and I almost couldn't carry her, until Dad leaned over and said, "Put a hand under her bottom, and one under her shoulders, son." He showed me how to hold the puppy and she covered his face with kisses.

"Ugh! Puppy breath!" he grumbled, wiping his face, and I just laughed.

Everything went okay until it was bedtime.  Dad came out with me to walk her before bed, since it was dark and I was kind of scared, even though it was just in the backyard.  When she finished her business, I petted her and told her she was a good dog. 

"If she needs to go out any more during the night, I'll set a spell to wake me," Dad said.  "Now put her in the crate and say goodnight, scamp."

"Night, Summer. Love you," I said and gave her a kiss.

Dad made a face. "Harry, don't kiss that dog on the mouth, for the love of Merlin!"

"Why not?"

"Do you have any idea what that puppy licks with her tongue? Dirt, dog slobber, her own . . .ah, never mind." He shook his head, and motioned for me to put her inside the crate.  "If you  have to kiss her, kiss the top of her head."

"'Kay." Summer went into her crate and turned around and lay down. She chewed on her sock and I locked the crate and Dad cast the alert spell, then it was bedtime for me and Summer.

Dad read me a bedtime story, same as always, this time he read "The Pokey Little Puppy", one of my favorites, and then I was sleepy enough to fall asleep when he rubbed my back.  Lately, I'd had nightmares about my mum, and he had started staying with me till I fell asleep, and putting on a nightlight too.

I fell asleep quickly, but in the middle of the night, I woke up to hear Summer crying.  I wondered what was the matter, and got out of bed to see.  But I had just started to go down the hall when a hand grabbed the back of my pajamas, scaring me out of half my life!


"Harry, get back in bed," ordered my father.

 "You scared me!"

"What are you doing up?"

"I heard Summer crying and I wanted to see what was wrong."

"There's nothing wrong, I just took her out and she's just a little lonely and homesick."

"Aww! Maybe I could-"

"No, Harry.  You will not take the puppy out of the crate.  She needs to get used to sleeping there."

"But Daddy . . ."

"No arguing, Harry.  She stays in the crate.  She'll fall asleep eventually."

I pouted.  Summer was crying little whines and I couldn't help feeling sorry for her. "But she's scared, Dad.  Can't I just go and talk to her? Please?"

"No.  Now go on back to sleep."

Summer began howling.

"Dad, how can I sleep with that? She sounds awful.  You wouldn't let me cry like that, would you?" I asked, giving him my best sad-eyed look.

"And this is what you have to look forward to with a new puppy.  No sleep and howling," scowled my father.  "Don't give me that look, young man.  It won't work. She has to learn that when it's bedtime she sleeps like the rest of us." Then he turned me about and sent me off to my room with a very light swat on my bum. "Bed, Harry James Severus."

I knew better than to disobey him when he used my full name in that tone of voice and I went back to bed, but I couldn't sleep, I kept hearing Summer howling and scratching. 

Finally, I couldn't take it and I crept out of bed and peeked down the hall. Dad must have gone to bed, because he was nowhere in sight. I tiptoed down the hall to the kitchen and when Summer saw me she stopped crying and wagged her tail.

I petted her through the crate and told her to go to sleep. She licked my hand and I thought she'd settle down, but when I tried to leave she started to cry again and she looked so sad and lonely that I did something I knew I shouldn't.

I took her out of the crate and into my room.

I put her on the bed and she snuggled up under the covers.  "Shhh. You gotta be quiet, Summer.  If Dad ever finds out . . ." I shivered.  "I'll be in big serious trouble. Go to sleep, girl, okay?"

Summer yawned, guess all the crying wore her out.  I know it always did me, I'd cried for years after Mum went to heaven to live with my real dad James and all the angels. Then she snuggled next to me and began to snore.  Oh well, guess I could sleep with that rather than her howling. I tucked the blanket round me and soon I was fast asleep.

I was going to wake up early and put Summer back in the crate before Dad found out, but I guess I was too tired.  I woke up when I felt the sun shining on my face, and when I sat up and looked around, Summer wasn't in my bed!

I looked around and my mouth fell open.

My extra pillow was on the floor, ripped open with all the feathers everywhere. Summer was lying in the middle of them, eating the laces on my brand-new trainer, and there was a big wet puddle of . . .pee on the rug near the door. 

"Uh oh!" I whispered.  "Summer, no! Bad dog!" I scolded, trying to wrestle the trainer from her. Dad would go nuts if he saw her eating my new shoe and especially the mess in my room.  Oh, how I wished I could do real magic!

Summer kept growling and shaking her head and refusing to let go of my shoe.

"C'mon, girl! Give . . .that . . .to  . . .me!" I panted, my arms were getting tired from her pulling.  I never knew puppies were so strong.  I pulled as hard as I could.

Suddenly the lace came free and I flew backwards, landing hard on my bum.

"Ow!" I cried, standing up and reaching back to rub it.

My hand came away wet and smelly.

"Ugh! Gross!"

I had sat down right in the puddle of you-know-what.

"Bloody hell!" I hissed and quickly took off my pajama bottoms and stuffed them under the bed.  I'd put them in the laundry hamper later, when Dad was busy.

Then I went to get a pair of clean pants from my drawer.  Summer pounced on my feet as I pulled them on, growling like she was fixing to bite me.

I thought it was cute, until her little teeth bit my ankle.

"Ouch!" I yelped. "That hurt! Bad dog!"

Summer whined, looking like I did when Dad yelled at me, all sorry.

But the next minute she was running around jumping in the feathers and barking.

"Shhh! Be quiet!" I told her. "Before you wake up Daddy!"

Feathers were flying in the air like a blizzard and I didn't know how I was going to clean all this up before Daddy woke up. 

I tried to catch the feathers in the rest of the pillow while Summer ran around like a crazy dog, praying that Dad was too tired to pay attention to the puppy barking.

"Summer, shut up!" I snapped, going to pick her up. 

Too late.

The door to my room opened and my daddy stood there, staring.  "Merlin's flaming staff! What the blazes happened in here?"

"Uh, hi Dad!" I gave him my best innocent look.

He glared at me and the puppy.  "Harry, what did I tell you about having the dog in your room?"

"I know, but I just wanted to . . .uh . . .play with her," I finished.  "I'll clean it up, honest."

Summer saw him and wagged her tail happily.

"Come here, you little menace," Dad said, and stepped forward to pick up the puppy.

"Dad, watch out!" I cried, too late.

He stepped right in the puddle of dog pee.

I froze.

He looked down and swore.  I could tell he was really mad and disgusted too.

Suddenly I started to laugh, because, well, it was kind of funny.

Dad glared at me.  "You think this is funny?"

I could tell he was quickly losing it, but I just couldn't quit laughing. I put a hand over my mouth and laughed and laughed.

Dad muttered some words that would have gotten my mouth washed out if I'd ever said them. Then he jerked his slipper back and muttered that spell Uncle Matt taught him, and the puddle vanished.

He walked into the room after and I stopped giggling, because he looked mad enough to give me swat on the bum. But he went past me and picked up Summer by the fur of her neck, like a mum dog does.  "Bad dog!" he shook her and gave her one of his I'm Very Disappointed Young Man looks. Or maybe it was both of us.

Summer hung her head and he turned around.

"Daddy, I'm sorry! Where are you going?"

"I'm taking the damn dog outside.  Finish cleaning up in here, mister."

"Yes, sir."

"After you're done come and see me.  You are in serious trouble, young man."

I looked down at the ground.  Suddenly, watching Summer wasn't so much fun anymore.  But I knew it was my own stupid fault, so all I said was, "Okay, Dad."

He left with Summer and I knelt to gather up some more feathers, they were like everywhere, and I wondered what my punishment was going to be. I never knew one small puppy could be so much trouble, and she'd only been here a night.

Chapter End Notes:
What will Sev do with Harry?

Next: Puppies can be destruction on four legs, as Sev & Harry discover.

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