Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Author's Chapter Notes:
It's the little things...
Chapter 20

“I don’t know how much you remember of that vacation,” Severus said.

“There was a lake,” Harry said thoughtfully.

“There was,” Severus confirmed. “We chose a Muggle establishment in the Welsh countryside to escape any sort of attention from the press. It was a wonderful idea in theory. Somehow you managed to find the only lake in a fifty mile radius to have an infestation of kelpies. I spent the better part of the week trying to keep you out of the water.”

“Couldn’t you beat the kelpies?” Harry asked.

“I could, but there was no reason to. To defeat a kelpie is to domesticate it. There was no reason to do that to a wild creature if little boys listen to their fathers,” Severus said with a sharp tap to Harry’s knee.

Harry gave Severus an embarrassed smile. He knew that rebuke was for more than the kelpie many years before. Harry had gotten himself and on occasion his friends or siblings into situations that would not have happened, if Harry had simply listened to Severus’ instructions. It was something Severus never failed to point out, sometimes driving his point home leaving Harry with a smarting bottom. Those occasions were very rare however, life-and-death situations, or at least the threat of serious bodily injury.

“The first year your mother and I were married we all had to adjust to the change of our situation.” Severus said.

“What do you mean?” Harry asked.

“There were many small things really…”


Severus stood at the bathroom sink down the hall from Harry’s bedroom. He sent the boy off to prepare for bed a few minutes before and Severus was checking the state of the bathroom to ensure the boy had cleaned his face and teeth. Severus frowned at the state of the toothpaste. It was clearly pinched from the middle, the habit Severus had tried to prevent forming since the first time he’d helped Harry with the task.  

Severus shook his head lightly at the sight before setting it to rights. It’s funny how the boy’s mother doing the same thing never drove him nearly half is mad. In fact, when Lily did it, he found it almost endearing. Then again, Severus was always there to fix it almost instantly. If he didn’t know any better, he would say Lily did it to purposely drive him spare.

Severus flipped the light off walking down the hall to Harry’s room. He found Harry not in bed as he was supposed to be, but playing with the toy dragons Sirius had brought him.

“You’re supposed to be in bed, Harry,” Severus chided mildly.

“I’m not sleepy,” Harry said continuing to play with the toys.

“Be that as it may, it is still time for bed. Come now, into bed,” Severus said pulling back the covers.

“I don’t want to,” Harry whined.

“Harry,” Severus said bit more sternly. He’d never had this much difficulty putting Harry to bed before.

Harry reluctantly got into bed, “Can I have a story?”

Severus tucked the covers around Harry’s small frame.

“You may,” Severus said sitting on the edge of the bed. “What story which you like to hear?”

“The Three Brothers,” Harry replied instantly.

Severus nodded, Summoning the appropriate book, “There once was three brothers traveling down the dark and lonely road at twilight,” Severus began.

“Moony always says midnight,” Harry protested.

Severus shot him a warning, “Would you prefer not to have a story at all?”

Severus was tired. His long stressful day and was not over yet. He still had marking to do for the entirety of third year. It would be a long night. The last thing he wanted to be doing was squabbling with Harry about fairy tales.

“No,” Harry said sitting back.

“Very well,” Severus said continuing the story. Harry was still awake when he finished.

“One more story,” Harry requested.

“I do not think so,” Severus said rising. “Go to sleep.”

“Please?” Harry begged.

“Close your eyes Harry,” Severus instructed.

Harry did not comply. “Not sleepy,” he pouted.

“That is your choice, Harry. Good night,” Severus said kissing the boy’s brow.

Harry rolled so his back was to the door as Severus flicked off the lights. He left the door open a crack and then headed downstairs to find Lily.

“He asleep?” she asked folding laundry as Severus flopped onto the seat next to her on the sofa.

“He’s not. He wanted another story,” Severus told her.

“You could’ve given him another story, Sev,” Lily scolded.

“If he’d been in bed when I came to check I might have done so.” Severus explained.

“Did you tell him that?” Lily asked.

Severus paused, “I did not. I did not…”

“It’s fine,” Lily said. “You’re new to this. You should tell him why he isn’t getting something like that.”

Severus nodded, “I’ll keep that in mind. I hadn’t realized how different this would be then when we were dating.”

“You’ll learn. We all will. It’s a big adjustment for everybody. Isn’t there marking to do?” she asked folding one of Harry’s T-shirts.

“Don’t remind me,” Severus complained.

“You can always help me with this,” Lily offered.

Severus flicked his wand at the hamper, clothes all folded at once.

“I don’t see why you insist on doing things the Muggle way,” he grumbled.

“Did you ever stop to think I might like doing things the Muggle way?” Lily replied.

“I did. I don’t understand why, but I thought you might,” Severus said. He let out a heavy sigh. “I should get to marking.”

He left Lily watching something on television. He hadn’t given much attention to avoid becoming engrossed in the program. He sat at his desk in his newly created office. He pulled the nearest stack of essays towards him. It was a stack of papers from Gryffindor, this was not a promising start to the evening. Lily found him still in there hunched over the desk several hours later.

“Are you coming to bed,” Lily asked draping her arms over his shoulders.

“When I finish,” Severus said reloading his quill with red ink.

“Come to bed,” Lily requested once more.

“I’m nearly done,” Severus told her.

“Fine,” Lily pouted, leaving him presumably for bed.

Severus slipped into bed well after midnight. Lily wrapped around him almost instantly. Severus let out a contented sigh. Not even an hour later, he was woken by a small knee to his ribs. Severus groaned.

“What are you doing Harry?” Severus hissed in the darkness.

“There’s a monster under my bed,” Harry whispered trying to worm his way between his parents.

“Harry, stop,” Severus said grabbing hold the boy’s middle.

“What’s going on?” Lily asked blearily.

“There’s a monster under my bed,” Harry said instantly.

“Don’t be…” Severus stopped himself. He wouldn’t put the boy’s feelings down. He knew what it was like to grow up in a home with a father like that. He would not be Tobias. “What did you see Harry?” Severus asked very calmly.

“It was banging under my bed. I got scared,” Harry explained.

Severus took a calming breath, “I know, Harry. Can you describe the monster?”

Harry sniffed, he was close to tears. Severus thought it was strange the boy would be acting that way now, not when he first came in.

“Maybe one of us should just go look,” Lily suggested.

“No,” Harry protested, the first tears falling.

“Shh…” Lily said pulling him to her chest, pulling Harry down slightly before asking, “You want Sev to go see this monster?”

There was a very long pause before Harry gave the smallest nod. Severus pushed back the covers and threw his legs over the side of the bed. He found his wand on the nightstand. He didn’t bother with the lights in the hall or in Harry’s room. He was certain this was the product of Harry’s overactive imagination.

What he saw when he entered Harry’s room told him different. In the middle of the room, only illuminated by the narrow shafts of moonlight, lay Lily’s bloody, mangled corpse.

‘A boggart,’ Severus thought with some relief. He could handle a boggart. Severus thought hard about the way to make this image funny. Severus settled on the image of Lily’s failed attempt to learn to tap dance. As the boggart-Lily tripped over its feet, face nearly hitting the ground Severus let out a laugh. The boggart went up in a puff of smoke.

Severus returned to his bedroom. He found Harry passed out on his pillow, drooling slightly. Severus looked from Harry to Lily.

“He fell asleep,” Lily pointed out the obvious. “What was it?” she asked as Severus moved the boy over slightly.

“Boggart,” Severus said stepping back into bed. He cast a Drying Charm on his pillow. Harry threw out an arm heading Severus’ chest. “Should I not take Harry back to his bed?”

“Leave him,” Lily said settling in once more.

Severus sighed, resigned to a poor night’s sleep as a bony knee jabbed him. ‘Harry must be the world’s most active sleeper,’ Severus thought.

Severus managed a few more hours sleep, but was woken several more times by jabs of elbows and knees. Lily seemed to be completely unfazed. Severus wondered if he was Harry’s sole victim, or she was just simply used to it.


Severus was miserable. His head hurt. His body ached. His throat was sore. He was having a hard time breathing as well. It seemed he was finally falling victim to whatever it was making its way through the castle.

Severus turned over and felt for Lily. Lily’s place in bed was empty and cool. She’d left some time ago. Severus contemplated going back to sleep. He just shut his eyes when his bedroom door was thrown open.

“Sev,” Harry called.

Severus groaned in response.

“Sev,” Harry repeated at the bedside now.

Severus grumbled. Harry climbed over Severus to pounce on the empty bed.

“Stop that,” Severus snapped.

Harry flopped onto the bed with one final jump, “Mummy said breakfast is ready.”

“I’m not hungry,” Severus grumbled.

“Mummy said you need to come,” Harry told him.

“I’m not hungry,” Severus repeated.

“But Mummy said…” Harry began.

“Potter, I’m an adult. If I don’t want to eat, I don’t have to. Now, leave me be.” Severus ordered.

Harry’s lip trembled as he ran from the room. He was in tears by the time he reached the kitchen. Lily picked the boy up.

“What’s wrong Harry?” she asked as she ran a hand up and down Harry’s back.  Harry mumbled something into her shoulder. Lily could make out what he said.

“What was that Harry?” Lily asked gently drawing his face out to speak unobstructed.

“Sev doesn’t like me anymore,” Harry repeated miserably.

“Of course he likes you. Severus loves you. Why would you say differently?” Lily asked her voice full of concern.

“He yelled at me. He told me to go away,” Harry explained.

Lily wasn’t sure if she should be mad or worried at hearing this. In the past Severus had always been very careful when disciplining Harry. She had never heard him yell at the boy. When he did punish Harry he always reassured Harry that everything was okay after.

“I’m sure if he still likes you,” Lily reassured as she set Harry down, “Go get in your seat.”

As Harry climbed into his chair Lily prepared his breakfast plate. Setting it in front of him she pushed his hair back.

“I’m going to talk to Sev,” Lily told him.

Harry ignored her, his attention on his eggs.

“You better have a good explanation for your behavior Severus Snape,” Lily warned she entered the bedroom.

Severus did not respond, however. He wasn’t in bed either. The sound of retching alerted Lily to her husband’s location. Lily found Severus hunched over the toilet as another wave of vomiting hit him. Lily sank to the floor beside him, pulling his long hair out of the way.

“Oh Sev,” Lily said sadly.

“I’m fine,” Severus insisted sitting back on his heels.

“You don’t look it. You’re pale… Paler than normal and clammy.” Lily observed.

“It is a simple flu,” Severus told her.

“Be that as it may, you’re sick. You need Pepper-Up and rest,” Lily advised.

Severus did not see the point of arguing this. He did feel horrible and more sleep sounded absolutely wonderful. Lily helped him  back to his feet and to bed.

“What did you want when you came up here?” Severus asked as he settled back down under the duvet.

“What did you tell Harry this morning?” Lily demanded. “He was in tears when he reached the kitchen. He was convinced you don’t like him anymore.”

Severus groaned, this time it was not from the pain in his aching body, “I told him off for jumping on the bed. The sensation was making  me nauseated. I told him that as an adult, I could do as I please, including not coming to breakfast. I then ordered him out. I was… Rather stern about this.”

Lily sighed, “You’re feeling poorly so you lost your temper.”

Severus nodded, a poor choice on his part. There are terms of feelings of nausea.

“You need to be more careful Sev,” Lily warned. “Harry’s your son now.”

“I am aware. I will apologize to him when I come down to breakfast.” Severus promised.

“You can  apologize, but you aren’t coming down. I’ll bring you something. Rest,” Lily ordered.

Severus let his eyes fall shut. Almost instantly the only sound was Severus’ heavy breathing. Lily placed a kiss on his sweaty brow. She let him sleep for a bit before she brought up breakfast. She was surprised to find Harry standing outside her bedroom door.

“What are you doing here?” Lily asked her son.

Harry didn’t answer.

“Harry did you want to hear if Sev was in trouble?” Lily asked.

Harry didn’t respond once again.

“Whatever you’re doing, it can stop. Severus is asleep. He’s sick,” Lily said guiding the boy by the shoulder away from the room.

Severus woke sometime later. He was somewhat surprised to see Harry sitting in the bed beside him having not been woken by the boy climbing over him.

“Mummy says you’re sick,” Harry stated rather matter-of-factly.

Severus sat up slightly. He pulled a pillow from under him to slide it behind his back.

“I am,” Severus agreed.

“Harry, I would like to say I’m sorry for how I spoke to you earlier. It was out of turn. My feeling poorly does not give me an excuse of treating you with such a manner,” Severus said sincerely.

“That’s okay,” Harry shrugged.

“It is not,” Severus rebuked. “But I take it I am forgiven?”

Harry gave him a nod.

“Can I have a hug?” Severus asked opening his arms.

Harry happily bounced into them. Severus wrapped the boy in a tight hug then he placed a kiss on Harry’s messy hair for good measure.

“You should know Harry, I love you no matter what.” Severus said.

“Okay,” Harry agreed, completely clueless to how much it cost Severus to say something like that.


“Come, Harry,” Severus called from his spot on the park bench.

“Five more minutes,” Harry begged.

“I already gave you an extra 10,” Severus reminded the boy.

“Fine,” Harry pouted. Harry dragged his feet as he joined Severus by the table.

“You have a good time?” Severus asked taking Harry’s hand.

“Uh huh,” Harry agreed, skipping to keep up with Severus’ long strides.

“Good,” Severus agreed.

Their walk home was filled with Harry  babbling about one thing or another. Severus occasionally would respond or slow down to show he was listening.

“Go wash your hands for dinner,” Severus ordered as they walked into the house.

“Okay, Daddy,” Harry agreed, running down the hall.

The order of “Don’t run!” Could be heard issuing from the kitchen. He was still lost in thought when he reached Lily standing by the stove.

“Sev can you hand me the… Are you okay? You look as if Golpalott’s Third Law no longer applies or something,” Lily said, alarmed by the lost look on Severus’ face.

“What?” Severus asked shaking from his thoughts.

“What happened to make you so rattled?” Lily asked.

“Nothing,” Severus said dismissively.

“Really?” Lily asked. “I haven’t seen that look on your face since,” Lily took a deep breath as she thought back, “Sixth year, when your Strengthening Solution failed to come out properly.”

“It was only because Black switched my salamander blood…” Severus began.

“Not the point, Sev,” Lily redirected. “What’s wrong now?”

Severus sighed slightly, “Harry called me ‘Daddy’.”

Lily smiled, “That’s great.”

“Is it?” Severus asked uncertainly. They had never really talked about what Harry was to call Severus. Most of the time he still called Severus by his name, but increasingly he was referred to as Harry’s father.

“It is,” Lily confirmed. “It shows he’s comfortable with you.”

“Is it not disrespectful to Potter’s memory?” Severus asked.

“I don’t think so. You are Harry’s father figure now,” Lily explained. “It’s not as if you’re bad mouthing James to Harry or something.”

Severus nodded slightly, “I can only imagine how will Potter’s photo will take this turn of offense. There are any number of unpleasant looks. I’m fortunate that it is only a photograph and not a portrait. I can only imagine what it would have to say about this.”

“Don’t worry about it Sev,” Lily told him. “Everything will work out. All that matters is that you and Harry are comfortable with things.”

Severus gave her another uncertain nod.

“Now go set the table,” Lily said waving him out of the kitchen.
Chapter End Notes:
Thanks for reading. Thanks to my beta, Pan. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I hope you'll come back next time as things continue to change for the family.

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