Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Author's Chapter Notes:
The expulsion of Cross occurs as does another incident down by the lake.

Note: The Ceremony of Shattering is entirely my creation since it was never covered in the original series. Hope you like how I wrote it.
The Lesson

The Great Hall

8AM Sunday

Myriad students shifted and murmured among themselves as they stood at attention in front of their tables beneath their House banners.  The hall was filled to capacity, the entire student body was there, as well as some onlookers from Hogsmeade who wished to see the first expulsion in over fifty years.  By now it was all over the papers, how Cross had gotten himself expelled for "conduct unbecoming a Hogwarts student and for extreme malice and prejudice towards the steward of the castle". 

As predicted, Benjamin Cross had come to Hogwarts Saturday evening and attempted to get a reduced sentence for his son, arguing that it was a first offence and leniency was called for.  But Albus, despite his regretful grandfatherly demeanor, refused to budge.  And not even Cross senior's honey tongue could sway him. 

"What your son did is inexcusable, Mr. Cross.  He nearly caused the death of an innocent man, one who has served this school faithfully for decades, and who had no means of defending himself against an attack like that.  No, I'm afraid we cannot just chalk this up to youthful misdeeds and let it go."

"Come now, Dumbledore! You were a boy once, you know the sort of hijinks boys get up to.  That's all this was-a mere prank."

But Dumbledore was adamant.  "I'm sorry you see it that way, Mr. Cross.  But this was no mere prank.  Your son intended harm to another, and willingly cast spells upon Argus Filch because he was-and I quote-" Squibs are always expendable. Who needs ‘em? Waste of space, in my opinion ." and left him suspended upside down from a forty foot ceiling almost naked for over three hours! Were it not for the skilled healing of both my medi-witch and my Potions Master, my steward might well have died.  That is not any kind of prank, Mr. Cross, it is a felony.  And I shall not have such go on in my school."

He simply ignored the other's protests, and then he informed Cross senior that he would be performing the expulsion ceremony tomorrow morning at eight o'clock, he should be present afterwards to escort his son off the premises.  

Now, students and staff were gathered in the hall, awaiting the start of the proceedings.  In years past, the Ceremony of Shattering had been performed with only the Headmaster and Deputy Headmaster or Headmistress and the Heads of Houses as witnesses, but Dumbledore wished to make this a public viewing, in hope that seeing justice done would convince other students who were like Cross that such was the wrong path. 

Holly and Harry stood next to Narcissa and Draco, off to the left of the dais where the staff normally sat to have meals.  The large table had been banished for the time being, replaced by a large block of granite upon which rested an innocuous looking ash wand .  Standing atop the dais were five people, all four Heads of House, and Argus Filch.  Argus was still off-color from his ordeal but he was to play a crucial role in the ceremony, and so Madam Pomfrey reluctantly released him from her care, despite the fact that he wasn't quite recovered yet. 

The four Heads stood grim and disapproving in front of four small tables upon which rested several possessions of the former student.  In front of McGonagall was a school robe bearing the Gryffindor crest and a set of Quidditch robes, in front of Snape a black cauldron and a potions kit, in front of Sprout a set of parchment and quills, and Flitwick had several textbooks.  Filch was behind the block of granite, waiting impatiently for Albus to make his entrance with the guilty party.

As if on cue, mournful music began playing from invisible musical instruments, and the doors swung open to admit the Headmaster and Cross. 

Albus was wearing his very formal Headmaster gown, a somber black and midnight blue affair, not his usual moon and stars purple robe, and carrying a tall staff in his hand.  His face was devoid of merriment, the blue eyes solemn.  He walked one pace to the right and behind Cross, who was wearing plain clothes and had his hands bound in front of him by what looked like some kind of plant.

He was sullen and unrepentant, the picture of a rebellious adolescent.  As he began the Walk of Shame, some students jeered at him and others glared angrily and a few turned their backs upon him, but most stared openly. 

"What's that he's got around his hands?" Harry asked.

"I believe it's a snippet of Devil's Snare." Narcissi replied out of the corner of her mouth.  "Now hush.  We're supposed to be silent until the Headmaster gives us leave to speak."


"To show our disappointment and disapproval," she hissed.

Harry shut his mouth, and so did everyone else.

The pregnant silence descended over the hall like a pall of doom, broken only by the harsh skirling of invisible bag pipes, as if for a funeral dirge. 

Atop the dais, Severus fought to keep from wincing.  Merlin, Albus, could you not find different music to play? Those bagpipes go right through my head like the screeching of adolescent girls.  I'm going to need a Headache Remedy once this is over with, no doubt. 

But at last Albus and Cross had reached the dais, and the old wizard made an aabrupt gesture, and the invisible music ceased.  He placed a hand upon Cross's shoulder, the boy flinched and glared at him, but Albus ignored the hostility and turned the teen to face the assembled students and other onlookers.

Albus raised the staff and brought it down three times upon the floor, then he said in a ringing tone that carried to the furthest reaches of the hall, "As you are all no doubt aware, we are gathered here upon this Sunday morn to witness the Ceremony of Shattering.  Such a ceremony has not been required since before I became Headmaster, and it is with great regret that I now perform this one."

He turned to Cross and said sternly, "Shelby Turner Cross, you have been found guilty of conduct unbecoming a Hogwarts student and malice aforethought against steward Argus Filch, Squib, and faithful caretaker of the castle.  It is to your shame that you did use forbidden magic to harm said steward, with clear intent to harm and remain unrepentant.  This institution refuses to recognize you any longer as a student or a wizard of standing.  You are persona non grata-outcast."

He brought the staff down hard on the floor. 

Then Minerva drew her wand and intoned sharply,  "You are no longer a Gryffindor, Shelby Turner Cross.  I declare you unfit and unworthy to bear the crest and the robe.  I see you not."

Her wand stabbed down at the pile of clothing, and it rose up into the air and shredded itself until there was nothing remaining but strips of red, gold, and black cloth, drifting through the air. 

Then she motioned to the members of her House, and as one, all the Gryffindors shouted, "We see you not!" and turned their backs to the dais.

Then Severus stepped forward, his wand pointed down at the cauldron and the potions kit.  "You are no longer fit to be my student, Shelby Turner Cross. You have disgraced the honor of the school past bearing.  You are unworthy and unfit to bear the cauldron and the kit of a true wizard.  I see you not."

He glared at the young man, who shrank away from the predatory obsidian gaze.

Then Severus hissed something and the cauldron and the potions kit exploded soundlessly in midair, leaving only droplets of several regeants to fall upon the stone floor.

He gestured to his Slytherins, who enthusiastically shouted, "We see you not!" and turned their backs.

Professor Sprout was next, her face stern and set.  "You are no longer welcome as my student, Shelby Turner Cross.  You have crossed an unforgivable line.  You are unworthy and unfit to hold a quill and record the wisdom of your fellow wizards.  I see you not."

She waved her wand above the quill and parchment and they immediately became confetti, mixing with the remains of the robes and the potions ingredients upon the stone floor in mute testimony to the wrong done.

The Hufflepuffs echoed the other two Houses, also turning their back upon the outcast.

Shelby remained silent,  his head tilted defiantly, but he went pale as one by one, the Heads of House destroyed his things. 

Flitwick coughed, frowning hard at the young wizard.  Then he said, in a quiet voice filled with disapproval, "You are disgraced as my student, Shelby Turner Cross.  You used magic intolerably.  You are unworthy and unfit to be privy to the knowledge and craft of a true wizard.  I see you not."

He waved his wand and spoke a sharp, "Incendio!"

The books in front of him burst into flame.

When they had been burnt to cinders, Flitwick canceled the spell. Then he gestured and the Ravenclaws stood and intoned, "We see you not." And then spun about to face the hall doors.

Albus banged his staff down on the floor again three times and then said, "Shelby Cross, outcast, your wand is forfeit according to ancient decree, for you are unfit and unworthy to be part of our company.  May Merlin have mercy upon you."

He nodded to Argus, who moved up to the block of granite and lifted the ash wand. "As the one you wronged, I claim the right of shattering.  Shelby Turner Cross, you are unfit to wield magic.  I declare you broken!"

Filch lifted the wand high above his head.

Everyone in the room suddenly whirled around and faced the dais. 

Then the Squib brought the wand down upon the edge of the granite block.

There was a tremendous CRACK!

And the wand shattered.

Cross cried out, whether in protest or pain, no one knew.  He then tried to spring at Argus, but Dumbledore jerked him back. 

Cross turned upon the other wizard, flecks of spittle upon his lips, his eyes burning with a terrible loss and hatred.  "I'll get you for this, old man! If it's the last thing I do, I'll make you pay!"

"Silence, Nameless One! It is finished.  Get thee hence, outcast.  Hogwarts sees you not!"

At that, the rest of the spectators and the staff, including the Heads and Argus, all turned their backs to Cross.

And Albus practically dragged the furious teenager off the dais and back down the hall, amid the jeers and taunts of his former classmates.

Catching the drift of the students, Harry, Holly, and Draco also started yelling insults, until Narcissa hushed them.  "There is no need to behave like wild barbarians."

"But Mother, everyone else is doing it," Draco argued, a bit petulantly.

Narcissa shot her son a Look.  "Just because everyone is doing something doesn't mean you follow them like a brainless sheep, Draco.  Think before you act.  If a child challenged you to jump off the Astronomy tower, would you do it?"

"No, of course not! That's suicide!"

"My point exactly."

Invisible hands propelled Cross forward and threw him out of the doors, then the doors shut with a clap.

Albus turned to face the students and said sternly, "Let this be a lesson to all of you in the rewards of intolerance and hatred.  We are all worthy of dignity and respect, whether wizard, squib, or Muggle. Take heed from Cross's example and ware following him down that road, for it shall only end in shame and disgrace.  You are dismissed.  You may resume your normal classes."

The students began to file out of the hall, still a bit shell shocked, but soon they were talking among themselves, albeit in more subdued tones than normal.  It was now the general consensus that it didn't pay to get Dumbledore riled at you, and perhaps Squibs were not as bad as purebloods thought. 

Narcissa waited until most of the students had left the hall before taking the children back to her quarters, where they played several games of Exploding Snap and Gobstones with Draco before Severus came to take them back to their own quarters to have some lunch and change into cold weather outfits so they could go skating.


* * * * * *


After the excitement of the morning, all of them were glad to relax and do something fun for a change.  Harry soon discovered that Draco could skate nearly as well as he could, and enjoyed racing across the frozen lake.  Holly was very good as well, and she could do spins and a double twist that impressed her brothers, who didn't think she could keep up with them. 

"Where did you learn to skate like that, Holl?" Harry asked, gliding to a halt in front of her.

"My mum.  She used to love skating and she liked to watch Muggle skaters down at the ice rink near her home when she was a kid.  Some of the really good ones taught her how to do flips and stuff and she showed me.  It's the only sport I was ever really good at." Holly admitted.

"You are quite good for your age, dear," said Narcissa, who was gliding in lazy figure eights, like a graceful swan.  "I don't think I would be bold enough to attempt that, I'd probably fall and break something."

Holly blushed slightly.  "I did fall a lot, in the beginning.  But Mum used to say that practice makes perfect and to get up and start again. She was always there, watching, until she saw I could do it right."

"Valina was a very good teacher," Severus praised.  "And I can see that you learned a  great deal from her, Holly.  Would you show me that double twist again?"

And Holly did, moving smoothly across the ice and then arcing up into a flowing double twist and landing on one foot.

"Well done!" Severus clapped and so did Harry and Narcissa.

After a moment, Draco followed suit, though he was a bit resentful that a girl, especially a Squib, could do something better than he could.  But he wasn't about to admit it, and waited until the two adults grew tired and skated off the lake to summon the refreshments before challenging Harry to a race.

"Can I race too?" Holly asked.

"No," Draco said abruptly.  "I don't race against girls."

"Why not?" the girl queried, a bit hurt.

"Because you're too little and it's not done, that's why."

"But she can skate as good as either of us," Harry argued.

Draco glared at him.  "What are you, a pansy-arse, Snape?"

"No! I can take you any day of the week, Malfoy!"

"Oh, yeah? Let's see it then!" The blond whirled around and crouched, then began to skate off to the far side of the lake.

"Hey! You stupid . . .!" Harry cried angrily. "You didn't even wait for me to start."

"Go get him, Harry!" Holly yelled, hoping he would catch the blond boy and put him in his place.

Harry skated faster, trying his best to catch up with the other boy.  It was hard, because Draco had a good four minute lead.  But Harry used to race against Severus sometimes, and his father was very quick on his skates.  He had taught Harry how to put a good deal of power behind his strokes and move quickly and easily over the ice.  Though it had been a long time since those lessons, Harry still recalled what Snape had taught him, and he crouched low and made each stroke count.

Without even realizing it, he was catching up to Draco, who was fighting to hang on to the lead he had.  Harry was pleased to note the other wizard looked nervous, and wanted badly to say something humiliating, but decided to save his breath and just skate.

He concentrated hard and forced his legs to move a bit faster and extend just a little further, until he suddenly was even with Draco.  Then and only then did he lift his head and cry, "Eat this, Malfoy!" Before he shot past the other, reaching the edge of the pond a good half a foot before his rival. He skated about in a semi-circle, giving Draco a triumphant smirk. 

Holly was jumping up and down, cheering.  "Harry won! Hooray! I knew you were a better skater, Harry!"

Draco, unused to being shown up by anyone, spun around and skated halfway across the ice up to Holly and snapped, "Shut your trap, Squib brat! Your opinion's worthless."

It had not been what he was intending to say, but it slipped out of his mouth, he had heard the sentiment so many times from Lucius.

Holly flinched, the words striking her a sharp blow, but before she could respond, Harry came to her defense, having followed Malfoy across the ice.

"You take that back, Malfoy!" he growled, his hands clenched, his green eyes flashing.  "Or so help me, I'll knock your teeth down your throat.  Holly's opinion matters more than yours from where I'm standing."

"Back off, Snape!" Draco cried, feeling the unaccustomed sting of shame, but not knowing how to admit he was wrong, for Lucius had taught his son that he need never apologize for anything a Malfoy said was right.  "Mind your own business!"

"Holly is my business! She's my sister and you can't talk to her that way!"

"Since when?" Draco threw back.  "She might live with you, but she's my father's daughter.  And I'll talk to her however I please!"

"Like hell!" Harry snarled, and started to draw back his fist.

"Don't, Harry!" Holly cried.  "You promised Severus, no fighting!"

"I know, but-"

"Better watch it, Snape.  Wouldn't want to get in trouble with Daddy, now would you?" Draco teased, smirking unbearably.  "He might spank you." Then Draco skated off, laughing scornfully.

"Why that little . . ." Harry trailed off, then started to go after the other boy, his eyes gleaming with the light of battle.

Holly grabbed his arm and held him back.  "Harry, no! I won't let you get into a fight over me.  Just forget it, okay?"

"Why? Just because he's your real brother doesn't mean he can talk about you that way." Harry argued softly.

"Please, Harry! I already got you in trouble once, it's not worth it," she insisted stubbornly.

"I don't care! Let me go, Holly!"

"No.  If you break your promise, Severus will be so mad, and I don't want you to get grounded.  Or worse."

Harry huffed exasperatedly.  "I can live with Dad punishing me."

"I can't." Holly said, sniffling. "Besides, I've heard worse."

"So? That doesn't make it right. He needs his arse kicked."

"I know.  But some other time. Okay? He's a jealous spoiled brat, you know." She gave him her most pleading stare.

He groaned.  "Fine.  It can wait." He relaxed and Holly released him.

Just then, they heard Severus calling them to come and have cinnamon buns and hot cocoa.

For an instant, Harry considered telling his father what Draco had said to Holly.  But he didn't want to look like a tattletale baby.  He was too old to be running and telling Severus every little thing, he was old enough to pick his own battles.  And he wanted the satisfaction of making Draco eat his own words.

Draco looked up uneasily as the two skated over to the edge of the pond and exchanged their skates for their snow boots.  He knew he shouldn't have made that remark about Holly, not after what had transpired that morning in the hall, but it was too late now to take it back.  He wondered if either of the other kids would squeal on him, but Harry just shot him a glare before walking over to pour himself a cup of cocoa from the steaming tea cozy resting on the small table. 

Severus glanced up at his son and noticed there seemed to be something bothering him.  "Something wrong, Harry?"

"No.  I'm fine," he said quickly, sipping his cocoa.  It tasted wonderful, all rich and creamy and it warmed him right up.  "This is really good, Dad."

Holly accepted a cup from Severus and thanked him, then picked up a cinnamon bun and sat next to Harry to eat it. 

Draco pretended they weren't snubbing him and ignored them.

The Potions Master frowned, sensing that all was not well between the three, but decided not to pry.  Children tended to fight one moment and make up the next and he had seen them racing across the lake and assumed it probably had something to do with Harry beating Draco.  Lucius's son looked sulky, Severus thought, then turned back to his own cup of mulled cider, resolving to let the boys sort it out on their own. 

Once they had finished off the pot of cocoa and nearly all the buns plus the cider as well, the adults said it was time to go back inside, as the temperature was dropping.

"It feels like it might snow tonight," Narcissa remarked.

"It's possible," agreed Severus.  "Snow storms come up suddenly around this time of year. Well, we'd best head inside, before all of us freeze." He banished the remains of the picnic with a brief wave of his wand.

"Severus, what about Silver?" Holly asked suddenly, remembering that the wolf had gone to hunt in the forest.  "He hasn't come back yet."

"Don't worry, Silver knows enough to come home before a storm sets in," Severus reassured her. He rose, wrapped his green and silver scarf about his face and began to walk back towards the gray stone castle. 

Draco lingered a little ways behind the two adults and hissed at Harry, "How about a rematch, Snape? Tomorrow afternoon, meet me here and then we'll see if you're all talk and no action."

"Fine, Malfoy.  One o'clock,"

"I'm coming too," Holly said firmly, for she suspected that far more than a race was about to go on.

"Who asked you?" Draco demanded.

"I don't need your permission, Draco," Holly told him.  "I can go where I want."

Draco shrugged loftily.  "Very well, Sinclair.  Watch me mop up the ice with him if you want."

"You wish!" Harry snorted.  "I beat you fair and square."

"You got lucky," Draco said dismissively.  "Tomorrow will be a different story." Then he turned and walked away.

"That's what you think," Harry muttered.  He was looking forward to tomorrow afternoon, for he planned on winning again, knowing that it would really get the proud boy's goat.  And if Draco dared make one more sneering comment about Holly, he would happily knock the smugness right off his face and he'd pay the consequences afterward if Severus found out.  It would be worth it, just to see Malfoy get what was coming to him. 

Holly, who was trailing a little ways behind the two boys, glancing back towards the Forbidden Forest, hoping to see Silver coming back to the castle, noticed a group of older students gathered near the lakeshore.  They were around Cross's age and sniggering and one cried, "Dumbledore's gone off his rocker, saying that Squibs are equal to one of us.  Pranking old Filch was the best thing ever and now we're going to be bored stiff."

"Well, least we found this stupid scrawny cat to test out our latest spells on, Pritchard," laughed another. "Watch this! It's a cat pinwheel."

The boy pointed his wand and suddenly a ragged black and white kitten was flung into the air, mewing helplessly as it was spun about like a top, its legs splayed and all its fur standing up in spikes. 

"Good one! Let me try." Another waved his wand and the kitten's fur suddenly vanished and the skin beneath became speckled with green and purple spots.

"What do you call that one, Demarest?"

"Polka-dot fantasy."

Holly stared in horror.  Why, they're-they're torturing that poor kitten!

"Wait! I've got another!" the first giggled and pointed his wand again.  "Look, it's hedgehog kitty!"

Now the kitten sported quills like a hedgehog and kept trying to curl up into a ball, meowing in confusion.

The three laughed as if it was the funniest thing they had ever seen.

That poor thing! How dare they? Suddenly she was furious, she had never been able to stand people being cruel to animals, and without stopping to think, Holly stormed over to the group and shouted, "Stop it, you wicked things! Leave that kitten ALONE! What's it ever done to you?"

One of the boys spun around in alarm.  "What-oh, it's just a little girl.  Get lost, kid!"

"Leave the kitten alone!"

"Mind your own business, brat!" snapped the one called Pritchard.  "Now get, before I hex your nose off for sticking it where it doesn't belong."

He waved his wand threateningly at her. 

She felt a shudder go through her, for she knew quite well how helpless she was against an armed wizard.  But then she looked again at the defenseless kitten and the infamous Malfoy temper surged through her, giving her the courage to stand her ground. 

"Well? Get your arse outta here, I'm warning you!" growled Pritchard.

Holly glared at him defiantly.  "Let the kitten go, you rotten bully! How could you do that to it?"

"Easily. Want to see?"

They closed in around her, eyes gleaming like manticores who had just found a free meal. 

Holly gulped, knowing she was in very serious trouble.  Filch's warning flashed in her head.  Don't go anywhere unless your father or brother or that great dog is with you.  Alone, you're an easy mark.

But she had allowed her temper to run away with her and now she would pay the price.

Until she heard a familiar voice cry from behind her, "Hey! Get away from my little sister!"


"Oooh, now I'm really scared!" jeered Demarest. "Look, mates, it's her "big brother"!"

"Ahh . . .I'm so scared I can't move! It's a shrimp fest!"

Harry ignored their laughter.  "I mean it! Leave her alone, or you'll regret it!"

"You and what army, midget?" brayed the third boy. 

"Us," Draco replied.

The three teens looked up and froze.

For beside the blond boy was a huge silver wolf, growling menacingly.

And behind them came a dark figure, cloak billowing, wrath burning in his eyes.

"Oh bloody damn hell! It's Snape!" cried Pritchard. He went white . He started to back away, lowering his wand, praying Snape had not seen him draw it.

"Pritchard!" Severus barked.  "Were you just pointing a wand at my children?"

Chapter End Notes:
Well, what did you think?

Were you surprised at Argus's role?

And what will Severus do to the three troublemakers?

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