Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Author's Chapter Notes:
Nesmay turns Prince Manor on its ear as she tries to adjust to her new life

chapter dedicated to Carol--Happy Birthday!!
Wild Child
 She had only been at Prince Manor three days, but to Nesmay it felt more like three months.  She had known that time ran differently at the manor than what she was used to, but even so she had not expected to feel it slipping away from her so quickly.  In the Faerie Realm time was a thing you always seemed to have too much of, but not here.  Here it seemed that every hour was filled with something to do, and usually it was something she would prefer not to be doing.  It seemed that Severus Snape set great store by clocks, he had given her a schedule to follow her first day at the manor, and each part of her day was broken down into hours.  Nesmay was unused to such a regimented way of living.  The fae generally did not pay so much attention to hours, since their lives were so long, time became almost irrelevant.  They generally followed seasons rather than individual days, a day for them was usually divided into morning, noon, and night. 

Her schedule was not that much different from Severus' sons,  who were expected to rise no later than eight or eight thirty, eat breakfast, and do the chores assigned them upon the chart on the wall.  Severus did rotate the chores, so no one was stuck doing the same thing day after day, except for keeping one's room neat.  That was a must, and also not something the fae girl was accustomed to doing herself.  At Graystone Manor, which was one of Titania's winter residences, Nesmay had a small staff of servants, as befit a highborn Seelie lady.  She had nisses to pick up after her, small housefae that were similar to brownies, though they were always female.  She had wood nymph maid, Nutberry, and a sylph gardener, Redleaf, as well as the tutor her grandmother insisted she have.  The lessons with her tutor were usually scheduled around the afternoon, and the mornings she was free to hunt or take a walk in the woods, or sleep in as she chose. 

Since she was only a bastard half-breed, and therefore not of much account, no one had ever really cared what she learned or didn't learn, except Titania, who made sure her granddaughter was educated, but anything else, such as riding, or kin-sa-dor, Nesmay had to learn on her own.  And she was very much accustomed to setting her own schedule.  So it irked her when Severus told her he expected her to follow this same routine day after day.  It was boring and she felt stifled, despite the fact that she was given two hours of free time after her magic lessons, as well as some reflective time in the evenings, where she could read or play chess or Dragons Wild with the boys.

Added to that was the feelings of resentment she still harbored towards her grandmother for exiling her to this place for the summer.  She understood Titania's reasoning, but she didn't have to like it. She was grateful that at least she would not have to see Jarillion any more, nor endure her uncle's disapproval or Malchiar's tormenting and mockery, but she was still homesick.  The manor contained elements of the fae realm, but it was not home.  It felt as though she had been exiled, since the fae rulers were known to punish those who disobeyed them repeatedly with exile to the mortal realm for centuries or even forever. 

She knew Titania meant for her learn to control her wayward magic, the wild power that had been her father's legacy to her, and which responded so readily to her emotions.  But deep in her heart she wondered if this were not a means to an end, to send the unwanted bastard to the mortal realm, with her mortal kin, and so forget she ever existed.  After all, what was she in the grand scheme of the Summer Kingdom, but a pawn to be moved hither and yon by the queen? Titania was a great chess player, and her every action was carefully considered to best determine how it would benefit her kingdom.  And right now, it appeared it benefited the kingdom to have Nesmay away from it.

Angry and hurt, the girl found herself a cauldronful of conflicting emotions.  She knew her grandmother expected her to treat her new teacher with respect and obedience, and in truth she found Severus easier to deal with than all her previous tutors, especially Ironhand, who had been the worst of the lot.  Ironhand had been petty and cruel, a dwarf with a grudge against her father and he extended that grudge to her.  He had taken great delight in humiliating her and revealing to her the vast gulf between her and her legitimate fae cousins. And also the gaps in her knowledge and education as well.  She had detested him, for he belonged to the court in a way she knew she never could, daughter of a princess or not.  She had finally managed to get him fired, and since then she had been left to her own devices.

That had been almost a year ago, and it was then that her human magic began to surface, and unlike the fae magic, which was as easy to control as it was to breathe, it came to her instinctively, this magic refused to bend to her will.  It exploded from her at unexpected moments, especially when she was under stress or angry.  And it lent itself to destruction.  That had been one of the things Ironhand had sneered at her for, saying that she had inherited her mortal father's talent for destruction and harm.  Ironhand had once told her she was no better than an Unseelie, and would probably do better to go and dwell in Winter's icy realm.  Nesmay wouldn't have put it past the spiteful dwarf to have whispered into Oberon's ear about negotiating a match between Winter and Summer, since he was Oberon's creature, hired on the crown prince's recommendation. 

Nesmay sighed and looked down at the floor of her new room, which was covered in several outfits, shoes, gauzy scarves and wraps, and pillows and blankets.  In short it was a total disaster, as her mentor had told her in no uncertain terms when he had come to inspect her room after breakfast.  "This room is a . . .I do not even know what to call it . . .a disgrace, and such sloppiness will not be tolerated by me, Nesmay.  I expect you to keep this room neat, not looking like a hurricane rampaged through it." He had told her, scowling, his arms folded across his chest.  "Everything needs to be picked up and put away, see to it immediately."

"But sir, I was going to go flying with Harry-" she began, not seeing what he was getting all worked up about. They were only clothes, her clothes, and she didn't mind if they were a bit wrinkled. 

"Flying is a privilege, and not one earned until you finish cleaning your room," Severus had told her firmly.  "I shall be back in half-an-hour and this room had better be spotless, or else you will spend all afternoon inside, cleaning it and a few other rooms in this house.  Am I understood?"

"Yes sir." She had managed to say, waiting until he had departed before muttered. "Bloody uptight black crow!  Who cares if you can see the floor? It's my room, I should be able to do what I like in it."

She had stood glaring down at her wardrobe, wondering what her teacher would say if she simply disregarded his orders and went flying anyhow? Or turned all his conservative wardrobe into garments of sheer silk colored shocking electric blue and screaming slime green and shocking pink? The naughty idea was very tempting, and she half-considered doing it, until Smidgen blinked into view.

:I wouldn't if I were you, Nesmay.: The dreamweaver said.  :Master Severus is deserving of respect, not ridicule.  Any prank you pull upon him will surely backfire on you.:

"But it would be funny." Nesmay pouted.

:For whom? Yourself? Because Severus will not be amused.  And doesn't it remind you of a similar incident where a certain girl was forced to greet the queen in rags and cinders because her cousin decided to prank her that day?:

Nesmay flushed upon recalling that dreadful day, when Malchiar had caused her court gown to change into a charwoman's rags just as she was going into the audience chamber, and she had been only a little child and didn't know how to glamour a counter.  She had been embarrassed to tears, and everyone had laughed at her, Mlachiar loudest of all.  She could still recall his mocking tone, "Why Father, look at how the bastard is dressed for court! In rags and dirt. That just goes to show you-half-breeds are like animals."

:All right. I'll leave his clothing alone.: She moped. :You're such a killjoy, Smidgen.:

:If you want to play pranks, do so on Harry and Draco.  Why are you scowling?:

She told Smidgen of her task and the shimmerling said only, :That is what is expected of you here, so best you get used to it.  Chores teach responsibility.  And it won't kill you to become organized.:

She huffed and picked up a turquoise sequined blouse and folded it neatly.  "This is so boring!  Why aren't there nisses here?"

:Because the Heir sees no need to employ servants when he has two healthy sons and one apprentice to see to the small chores around here.: Smidgen sent. Then she blinked away before Nesmay could argue the point further and thus procrastinate cleaning.

She had reluctantly picked up all of her clothes and imagined Snape in purple tights with butterflies on them and a flowered tunic.  She gestured and made her boots and shoes dance their way into the closet and her scarves tie themselves together and hang about the bedpost.  Lastly, she unpacked her journal and quill and ink.  Those went on the desk in the corner. 

She huffed and looked about the room.  She admitted it did look nicer and airy without all the junk on the floor.  Her room was done in tones of aqua and white, with white leafy patterns upon the aqua wall, and deep purple shadows for the trees.  It reminded Nesmay of the Deepwood back at home.  She flopped on the bed, put her slightly pointed chin in her hand and sulked.  All I want is to go home.  Damn my bloody magic! Why couldn't Gran just get rid of it?

Her frustration built until a small bottle of perfume toppled off her dresser and exploded, drenching the carpet with its sweet hibiscus aroma.  Sun, Moon, and Stars! She swore, then got up and cleaned up the mess, kicking the dresser for good measure.  But all she got for that was a sore pair of toes.

Severus knocked on the door while she was hopping around on one foot, muttering curse words.  "Nesmay? Might I come in?"

"Err . .urhk . . .yes, come in!" she managed to get a sentence out of her mouth finally that wasn't some form of fae swear word.  She wasn't entirely sure just how much of the fae language her mentor knew, but Harry had already warned her that Severus was death on foul language.

He entered, raising an eyebrow at the now visible floor and made-up bed."Much better.  Now you need to remember to keep it that way."

Nesmay cocked her head at him.  "Why do you care?"

"Excuse me?" he gave her a sharp look, uncertain if she were being impertinent or not.

"Why do you care what my room looks like?"

"Because how you keep your room reflects upon me as your mentor, and I do not like a mess.  It also helps you become organized and orderly, which is essential for learning discipline over your mind and body and over your magic.  And it will not kill you to learn how to look after yourself, instead of relying upon servants to do everything for you."

"Really? Cleaning my room will help me do all that?"

"It's a start.  Don't be cheeky."

She rolled her eyes.  "Okay.  May I go flying now, cousin Severus?"

"What broom are you using?" he asked abruptly.

"Draco's old one," she said off-handedly.

"Go, but remember you have a magic lesson with me at one o'clock, right after lunch." Then he turned and strode out of her room, his cloak billowing behind him like bat's wings.

She couldn't resist casting a small glamour upon his cloak. A miniature face that resembled her teacher greatly popped out from the back and began mouthing sentences silently.  She smothered a giggle at how silly it looked upon her austere teacher.

Draco was just coming out of his room and his mouth dropped open as he caught sight of the face mimicking cloak fluttering behind his father.  The face narrowed its eyes and scowled, while a hand popped out and shook a reproving finger at him. The blond wizard's eyebrows rose into his hair and he clamped a hand over his mouth, his gray eyes brimming with suppressed laughter.

He glanced back down the hallway and saw the fae girl smirking like the cat who had just swallowed the canary.  "You?" he mouthed, and received a nod in return.

Nesmay's shoulders shook.

Draco couldn't believe her nerve, playing a prank like that upon his father.  She had brass all right.  But he had to admit, it was pretty funny . . .so long as Severus never discovered they were making fun of him.  He wondered how long the spell would last, when he saw the face flicker and fade, melting back into the fabric like a ghost. 

Severus turned the corner and went back to the kitchen, blissfully unaware of the prank his student had pulled. 

As soon as he was gone, Draco and Nesmay collapsed to the ground, laughing so hard they almost cried. 

"That was . . .insane! How did you dare . . .oh Merlin, I've never seen anything like that!" Draco gasped, wiping tears from his eyes.

Nesmay giggled. "I learned that one from Robin Goodfellow."

"It's a good one. Too bad Harry missed it."

"I'm going flying. Want to come?"

"Nah.  I feel like fishing. Borrow my broom if you want."

"I shall," she said impishly and waited till he had Summoned it for her.

Then they both left the manor through the back entrance, which was by the kitchen.  That led into an herb garden, which Draco and Harry were intimate with from being punished by weeding the garden. 

Nesmay looked at Draco.  "Where would Harry be at this time?"

"Probably in the orchard.  He likes to fly inbetween the trees."

"Is he a good flyer then?"

"Yeah. One of the best.  Just don't ever tell him I said that."

"Why not?"

"Because then he'll be an insufferable prig," laughed his brother.  Draco carried his good broom under his arm.  He set it on the ground, called "Up!" and the broom hovered in mid-air, then he mounted it.

Nesmay copied his actions, finding the broom obeyed her.  She had one brief flying lesson from Harry yesterday and was eager to learn some more tips and tricks. 

She kicked off from the ground as she saw Draco do, and was soon soaring into the air.  She glided a bit, did a few circles, then turned towards the orchard.

Draco waved to her from his broom, then shot off to the pond. 

Nesmay found she loved the sensation of the wind in her hair and the total freedom that flying gave her.  It was better than hunting, better than riding a fast horse, better than anything she could ever remember.  She didn't see Harry anywhere, but that didn't bother her, she was too busy enjoying herself.

She had always loved racing, whether against a partner or herself, and so she set herself a simple course, flying in and out some of the broader spaced fruit trees, all the way down the orchard and back.  The merlinnas were in full bloom, since the Heir had returned, and their sweet perfume filled her nostrils.  They recalled to her memories of home, of running across the dew soaked grass of the estate to pluck the first fruits at the crack of dawn. 

She hovered over a large tree, inhaling the delightful scent, her head thrown back, her hair changing colors to show her joy.  It flickered from the royal purple to blue to green and then a soft rosy pink.  Nearly drunk on the smell of ripe merlinnas, Nesmay suddenly felt dizzy and the sun was beating down upon her.  She wiped droplets of sweat from her forehead.

It's getting hot out here! I'm glad there's a pond where I can cool off. She turned and headed towards the pond where Draco was calmly fishing. 

The blond boy was reclining against a large willow tree, his fishing pole stuck upright in the ground, the line bobbing gently. 

Nesmay came to hover directly over the pond, observing the water and hoping she didn't scare away the fish with what she was about to do.  But really, the water was too tempting to ignore. She calmly passed her hand over herself, removing every stitch of clothing she was wearing.  They reappeared upon the bank in a colorful pile. Then she stood up, balancing with innate grace upon the broom and called out cheerily, "Hey, Draco! Why don't you join me for a swim?"

Draco opened his eyes at the sound of his name . . .just in time to see a nude Nesmay do a perfect swan dive into the pond. 

"Bloody hell!" he cried.  "Tell me I didn't just see that!" 

A few moments later, Nesmay resurfaced, and reclined casually on her back, totally oblivious to the fact that her breasts were on display for Draco and anyone else to see.  "Ahh, that felt great!" She turned her head to look at Draco.  "You should come on in, the water's perfect."

Draco made himself tear his eyes away from her, blushing so hotly it was a miracle he didn't have steam coming out of his ears.  Merlin help me, but she's skinny dipping! And she wants me to JOIN her . . . He abruptly stood up, yanking his pole from the water, and turned around.  "Ah . . .no, that's all right, Nesmay. I like to fish, not swim."  Especially not stark naked with my father's new apprentice or whatever she is!  And it's not that she doesn't have a really nice body . . .from what I saw of it, it's  very well endowed . . .and if I wasn't dating Hermione . . .ahhh! What am I thinking? She's like twelve or something! Get your mind out of the gutter, Malfoy!

He heard footsteps coming closer and he nearly passed out, thinking it was his father.  Merlin save us, but he's going to drop dead if he ever sees . . .Frantic, he tried to recall a spell that would make Nesmay look like a rock, or a frog, anything but what she was. 

"Fishing not going well, Draco?" Harry inquired, glancing at his brother curiously.  He was holding his broom under his arm, and he leaned it against the willow. 

"I . . .no, it was going fine until . . ." Draco babbled, stepping in front of Harry.  "Don't look over there, please!"

Harry's brows knit together.  "Don't look where? At the pond? Why?"

"Harry! There you are! I couldn't find you, so I came here to go swimming," Nesmay called, waving.

Harry made as if to step around Draco.  "Oh. That's good.  Sorry, I was visiting a runespoor."

Draco moved in front of him.  "No! Don't look at her!"

"Draco, what the blazes? Why can't I look at Nesmay?"

"Because she's . . .naked and swimming in the pond, that's why!" Draco hissed.

Harry's eyes goggled.  "You're putting me on!" He lunged to one side, peering around Draco . . .and froze.  "Great Merlin!"

Draco yanked him around by the shoulder.  "For Godsakes, Harry! I told you not to look! It's not a peep show!  I can't believe she just  . . .went in there like that . . . Dad's gonna have a stroke . . .!"

"Only if you tell him."

"Harry! What in the name of the Light was she thinking!" Draco sputtered.

"Uh . . .that she wanted to go swimming, I think," answered his brother, also blushing now.  "The fae . . .well, they don't have the same . . .err . . .they don't think a naked body is anything to be embarrassed or ashamed over.  Sarai told me that sometimes they bathe altogether, men and women, I mean . . ."

"This isn't the fae realm! This is our backyard!" Draco  cried.

"Okay.  Let me just . . ." Harry thought quickly.  "Err . . .Nesmay? How much longer are you going to be . . .umm . . .swimming?" He called over his shoulder.

Nesmay splashed about, playing in the water like a seal.  "Oh, I don't know. Probably till your father calls us for lunch.  You should come in. It's very refreshing."

"Oh . . .umm . . .I'm sure it is . . ." Harry said, coughing.  "But . . .well, you see . . . here in the mortal world it's not . . .err done to swim . . .without clothes on . . ."

Nesmay gave him an odd look.  "You swim with your clothes on?" She started laughing.  "But why? Then they'll get all wet! That's just plain silly."

"No . . .I mean . . .not regular clothes . . .we put on swimming trunks, well boys do, they're like shorts, and girls wear bathing suits that cover . . .umm . . .their private parts . . ."

"They do? All the time?" Nesmay sounded extremely puzzled. 

"Yes! Especially when girls and boys swim together." Draco added.  "Because it's not polite for a boy to see you naked."

"Is there something wrong with the way I look? I know I'm not considered a beauty, but I don't think I'm repulsive, like a troll wife or an ogress, am I?" she asked. 

"No! Of course not! I mean . . .you look fine!" Harry stammered. He could feel his ears turning red.

"How do you know if you aren't even looking at me? Maybe I should stand up so you can-"

"No!" Harry yelped. 

"I saw plenty before," Draco said hastily.  "Why don't you just . . .hurry up and finish swimming so I can fish some more before lunch, okay?"

"All right, but you really should come in, the water's lovely.  You needn't be shy, I'll bet you have a better body than Malchiar, and he's always bragging about his muscles."

"We'll take your word for it," Harry said hastily.  "Maybe some other time."

They kept their backs to her while she swam, and both prayed very hard that Severus wouldn't decide to take a walk over to the pond before lunch.

Shrugging, Nesmay dove and played, thinking once more how strange humans were. 

Lunch went well, Nesmay enjoyed Severus' ham with pickles sandwiches and homemade crisps with malt vinegar and sea salt.  Between them, Nesmay and Harry drank an entire pitcher of merlinna juice, which made Severus caution them about having any more of the beverage that day.  "Too much will probably give you diarrhea, so I would suggest you moderate yourselves."

Both teens made a face at his bluntness, but they didn't argue with him.

Afterwards, Draco and Harry washed up and Severus took Nesmay into his sparring room to see if he could evaluate her magic and determine how strong she was. Based upon Titania's report, he figured she had inherited much of Voldemort's magic, which was both a good and bad thing.  The more elementary spells would come easier to her, but control would come harder, and from what he could sense, Nesmay's magic was wild and tempestuous, much like the girl herself.

Severus directed Nesmay to sit crosslegged upon the mats while he spell-sealed the room.  Then he came back and sat opposite her.  "Now then.  Let me explain something about witch's magic.  It is linked, at least in the beginning, to your emotional state, and you'll have noticed that when you become angry or upset, things tend to happen around you.  I'd wager you have had things shatter or fall off a shelf when you're angry or perhaps leap into the air, yes?"

"All the time.  Once, when I was arguing with my cousin I . . .reached out and shoved him with my mind and he . . .flew six feet across the room into a wall."

"All those incidents are what we call accidental magic, meaning they happen without your conscious thought or control.  That is why we teach our children at a special school to harness that raw wild talent with the use of wands and incantations.  Had you been raised here, your guardian would have purchased you a wand when you turned eleven.  The wand is an important tool, as it helps you to channel and focus your power.  Each wand is individual, attuned for the wizard it chooses." He drew his own ebony wand. 

"Can another wizard use your wand?"

"Yes and no.  Technically, all wizards can use a wand, but a wand works the best for the wizard it was made for.  So if you have someone else's wand, it might still function, but it won't be as responsive or as strong as your own.  And when you have been using the same wand for years, it grows accustomed to you, and it never feels the same if you use another."

"Can you do spells without a wand?"

"Yes, but only the strongest of us ever manage to do so. That is called wandless magic and not something I wish to teach you right now.  You need to get a wand, but right now, Ollivander, the master wandmaker, is on vacation, and only his apprentice is running the shop.  I need you to speak with the master, since you may be a special case when it comes to a wand.  For now, however, you may use this practice wand." He withdrew a length of hazelwood.  "This belonged to an ancestor of mine, but it should serve its purpose." He handed Nesmay the wand.  "Flick it up and down."

Nesmay did so, and immediately the wand exploded in a myriad of sparks. She was so startled she nearly dropped it. "Shade and Shadow! Was that supposed to happen?"

"Yes.  The wand is reacting with your magic." Severus said calmly.  He had rarely seen such a reaction with a practice wand before, but he kept that information to himself.  Clearly her gift was stronger than he had first thought.   Given whose child she was, he shouldn't have been surprised. He felt uneasiness stir within him. Such power in the hands of an untrained witch . . .

"We shall practice basic spells first, so you can fine tune your control," began Severus, and he demonstrated the most basic spell, one that every child at Hogwarts usually learned before school or within the first week they attended, the spell to create light.

"Hold your wand thus, and say clearly-Lumos!"

Nesmay copied him and light bloomed from the end of her wand. "I did it!" she cried, grinning.

"An easy spell.  To banish it, you say Nox." Severus said.  "Now, on to something a bit harder. . ."

He worked her hard, teaching her how to Summon an object from across the room, how to levitate a book and a feather, how to light a fire and then put it out.

She performed all of the basic spells well, though fire and water were harder for her to grasp.

"Severus, is there a spell to glue someone's mouth shut? Because sometimes Malchiar really needs one."

Severus' mouth twitched.  "Yes, it's called a Silence Charm, but right now that's too advanced for you."

"Can I try? At least let me try."

"No. You have enough to practice with. I shall teach you how to transfigure an object next time, for now practice the charms I've shown you.  And read chapters one and two in this book." He handed her the copy of Charms for Beginners.  He might have given her a copy of the Standard Book of Spells Level One, but there were spells in there, like the Unlocking Charm, that he didn't wish her to learn yet. All the spells in the charms book were harmless and would not lead her into mischief.

Nesmay pouted, her lower lip sticking out adorably.

If Severus were a different sort of teacher, he might have thought she looked cute, but as it was, he found her slightly defiant air troubling instead of amusing.  Defiance coupled with the power she had inherited spelled trouble.  He fixed her with a hawk-like gaze.  "Stop looking at me that way. It won't work.  I know what you are capable of and that particular charm is beyond your capacity now, especially when you are tired."

"How do you know when I haven't even tried!" Nesmay demanded, her eyes flashing.

"Lower your voice and do not shout at me, young lady!" Severus warned silkily.

Nesmay could feel his temper slowly bubbling to the surface, and normally she would have been wary of arousing such a powerful wizard's wrath, but she was cross and sulky at his refusal, and not minded to listen to the sensible voice at the back of her mind. "I wouldn't need to shout if you'd listen to me!"

Severus' eyes narrowed. He was incensed at her lack of respect.  "I have no need to listen to a child who knows next to nothing about magic. I am the teacher, you are the student, do not presume to lecture me.  I do not know what you were permitted to get away with from your other tutors, but here you will show me proper respect or else-"

"Or else what? You'll send me away, back home?" Nesmay challenged. Her wand began spitting sparks as she waved it wildly. "Good, because I'd rather be there than here! I never wanted to come here, you know!"

Severus made an effort to reign in his temper. "Whether you want to be here or not, the fact remains that you are here and here you shall stay. I gave my word that I would teach you and I shall not break it. Sit down and control yourself, child."

She glared at him defiantly.  "I can cast that spell! I don't need you to show me!" she stormed, and suddenly her wand was pointed directly at him.

Severus stepped aside quickly, weaving a Shield Charm about himself.

Nesmay's uncontrolled magic exploded from the wand in a crackle of purple lightning and slammed into the wall with a thud that shook the room.

Sparks and chips of stone flew everywhere, bouncing off Severus' shield. 

Nesmay stared down at the wand in dismay. "But . . .how did . . .why . . .?" She put a hand to her head. It was throbbing fit to kill and suddenly the room was spinning and she felt herself falling . . .falling a long way . . .only to be caught in a pair of strong arms. She smelled cinnamon and cloves and some other more exotic spices and then the blackness shrouded her and she knew nothing more.

Severus stared down at the girl in his arms and swore. "Idiot child! Are you trying to kill yourself?"

Nesmay was pale as snow, and he could feel her body start to shake with chills and burn with fever as she drained her magical core and began suffering spell backlash.  Given no incantation or direction except uncontrolled rage, her magic had reacted violently, drawing upon the girl's reserves with a vengeance.  Severus swore again and Apparated from the workroom to Nesmay's bedroom. 

He then Summoned several draughts from his personal stores, including a Magic Replenisher, a Class 6 Headache Remedy, for he knew from experience that her head would be threatening to split itself in two after such a wild surge of power, a Stomach Soother, because the headache would make her nauseous, and a small vial of wakeflower. 

He waved the wakeflower under her nose.

Nesmay groaned, coughed, and opened her eyes. "Oooh! My head!" Tears sprang to her eyes. She had never felt such horrible stabbing pain in her life. "Make it stop!" she sobbed.

Cool hands touched her cheeks. "Shh, child. Relax."

She squinted, recognizing Severus by his voice more than sight, for it hurt to focus her vision. "It hurts, Severus!"

"I know. This is what happens when you overspend your magic." He held the Headache Remedy to her lips. "Drink. This will help."

She gulped, sputtered, and swallowed. The pounding of dwarven hammers against her skull receded a little.  "My eyes . . .it's all blurry . . ." she whimpered, frightened.

"The potion will begin to clear your head soon." He put an arm behind her head and lifted.  "Open your mouth. You have more potions to take. Here's the next one, a Stomach Soother."

Nesmay swallowed obediently, for her stomach was doing flips and the last thing she wanted was to throw up all over Severus, who probably hated her for almost killing him, even if she hadn't intended to.  The draught tasted like mint and when it hit her stomach, it made it stop churning almost instantly.  

Severus gave her the Magic Replenisher next.

She grimaced but managed to get it down. She felt a warm glow spread through her, easing the chill that seemed to have settled deep in her bones. "That feels . . .nice . . ." she murmured.  She looked up at him in consternation. "I . . .I didn't mean . . .I just thought . . ."

"You just thought you knew better than I did, a common failing among most students your age." He finished.  "Now, I would hope, you have learned your lesson?"

She nodded, feeling wretched and stupid. How he must despise her! She closed her eyes, tears dribbling from beneath her lashes.

She felt something patting her cheeks, then strong fingers began to massage her temples, easing the awful throbbing even further.  She sighed with relief. Maybe he didn't hate her that much after all.  "Will you . . .send me away?" she whispered.

Severus sighed. "No, child.  Rest. I shall discuss your behavior and the consequences when you are well."

Nesmay tried to relax. His hands were gentle, as they continued to rub her head and ruffle her spiked hair.  She could not remember the last time anyone had been willing to care for her this way, especially after her own folly had resulted in the misery. She felt herself drifting and allowed herself to sink into sleep.  She would worry about how much trouble she was in later.

Severus waited until her breathing had evened out before withdrawing his hands. He  stared down at his rebellious charge and shook his head.  Yet another who must learn things the hard way, I see.  Sarai, I wish you could be here now, instead of two weeks later.  This is proving more difficult than I ever anticipated.

He pocketed her wand before leaving the room. He had known the girl would prove a challenge but had never expected this.         

Chapter End Notes:
More challenges await Severus and Nesmay.

Hope you all enjoyed this one!

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