Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Seti's Victory

Severus had remained blissfully unaware of the situation with Black until he reached Britain after the honeymoon trip. The news had broken only two days before – though Black had escaped three days prior to that. The ministry had kept it under wraps, hoping that his body would wash up on one of the beaches, or that he would be found wandering aimlessly – he had spent 12 years in Azkaban, after all.

The four of them had arrived at the Leakey Cauldron a couple hours before the boys and their Weasley entourage were expected. Lucius had firecalled the minister while Severus had read the lurid tales in the paper Tom had silently handed him and had crumpled the wanted poster in his hand, wishing it was Black himself.

The minister had arrived with a disgruntled Amelia Bones, who was likely there to protect Cornelius from irate parents.

"About 2 weeks ago I was doing an inspection of Azkaban ..." Fudge began, sweating profusely, "– I happened by Sirius Black's cell and told him that young Harry was doing quite well, in spite of him. I had the newspaper with me – it was one with several articles on some of the vacations the ministry workers were taking. Someone had gotten wind the Harry was with the Weasley's, so they were in the Headlines again – even the picture of all of them." Cornelius sweated a little more, bearing the scrutiny of two Slytherin fathers and a pair of angry looking mums. "He grabbed the paper, and started acting crazed, so I left, of course. He escaped somehow the very next week. The guards said they heard him saying over and over "He's at Hogwarts. We were sure he wouldn't survive the swim to the nearest shore – but we haven't found a body, and he was sighted by a reputable wizard in Northern Scotland since then."

Severus thought carefully. With Bones watching he and Lucius intently there was no chance of even the most subtle of cursing – even if one of them distracted her. Anyway, they needed the minister – they could direct a thorough search via he and his Aurors. Madame Bones was quite competent in spite of her regretably Hufflepuff origins - unless they annoyed her by causing grevious harm to Fudge in her presence. That would likely distract her from their own goals.

The minister continued to blather about the search in progress and Severus nodded occasionally, and then directed a few questions to Madame Bones, to prevent himself from yelling in public at the Minister of Magic. Cornelius understood he was persona non grata with Snape at the moment and wisely didn't protest. Lucius took over with him, asking about publicity.

A question entered Rosmerta's mind, though she thought it might be silly. "You are looking for him in his animagus form as well – it's not mentioned in the article on his escape?"

Severus was about to snap, 'Of course they are.' when Bones asked "Animagus?" in confused tones.

Lucius, Petunia and Cornelius all turned at that. "Yes, surely you checked his old Auror records? He'd been a dog animagus since Hogwarts." Severus answered in surprise.

"I did check – there is absolutely no mention of any animagus ability." Amelia snapped, hating being wrong-footed in this manner.

"He hid it from his fellow Aurors?" Severus blinked in surprise.

Severus answered questions automatically as Madame Bones asked questions about the dog's description and then snapped angrily. "His friend Lupin never mentioned the ability."

Severus answered absently, "He might of assumed you knew, just as we did."

Bones nodded a bit crankily at that, but agreed. Severus almost regretted telling her that. Another once - over by unsympathetic Aurors would have kept the werewolf cowed for a bit, perhaps.

The minister and Bones left to disseminate the new information and the four sat at a long table – knowing they'd need the room when the crowd of travelers arrived. The women muttered back and forth about the outrage of a breakout at Azkaban. A sympathetic Tom brought drinks. Petunia and Rosmerta managed smiles for him. Lucius and Severus nodded to him, sharing the male sympathy for another male needing to guard hearth and home from a threat like Sirius Black.

At last Hugo came through the floo, checking the room with wand drawn and relaxed at the sight of Severus and the others. Harry tumbled through next, to Severus' intense relief. Harry raced to him with a wide grin and grabbed Severus. Hugging the obviously unharmed and very healthy young wizard erased Severus' worries for the moment. Harry's happiness told him Harry had heard nothing about the escape.

Severus was loath to shatter his mood, but he didn't want Harry to hear it elsewhere. Severus drew Harry to a nearby alcove. Harry sensed something wrong and his smile faded. "What is it,dad?"

Severus sighed, "A couple weeks ago Sirius Black somehow broke out of Azkaban." He said rather baldly. There was no way to sugar-coat it. Harry looked briefly shocked, but then his face hardened and his eyes narrowed. Severus recognized the look of a plotting Potter by now and interupted it.

"He will be caught, Harry – and sent back where he belongs." Severus said hardly, and Harry's eyes flew to his. "But you'll not be trying it on your own, Harry. If he comes looking for you, we will catch him – but you are not to go looking for him on your own. You aren't ready to face a dark wizard of his calibre and insanity – not even with all the righteous fury you can summon."

Harry thought swiftly, "Okay, I will promise to not go after him alone – but only if you promise that if you go after him I can come along if possible."

Severus leaned back, fighting a smile. Harry was negotiating like a Slytherin. It truly warmed his heart even in this dark hour. Lucius had slowly edged close enough to eavesdrop and smiled as well. Soon Harry, Dudley and Draco would be helping plot advancements of friends in the ministry and getting leverage on the Wizengamot – just a matter of time.

Severus drew Harry into a one-armed hug, "Yes – if possible – I will make sure you witness his capture. However, now that the Aurors are aware of his animagus form they may be picking him up on their own very soon." At Harry's puzzled look he explained. "They didn't know he was a dog animagus – Black never told his fellow Aurors."

"But what if they had needed a dog animagus for something ..." Harry started, and Severus looked at him ironically. "Oh, it's not like he was trying to really help them – he was helping the Dark Lord the whole time." Harry continued.

"Yes, he was playing a rather deep game. Even those who knew the Black family well believed he'd truly joined the fight against the Dark Lord." Severus grimaced. "Even I believed that if nothing else – I thought he was truly a friend to James Potter."

They moved back over to the group around Dudley who was introducing Seti to Petunia and Rosmerta. Seti looked gratified at the appreciative noises they were making. Lucius moved in behind Petunia and gave the cat a look of superiority. The cat surprised him by him by returning the look in full measure and even managed a sniff that Lucius was sure was aimed at him.

Lucius moved away, scowling, though he didn't really object to the cat. Mau cats that chose you were a true prize. Oh, one could buy a mau cat of course – but that did not make it your familiar. Mau cats were intelligent, selective and had a magic all their own. To have Seti choose Dudley was quite auspicious.

The groups finally broke up, to floo to their respective homes. Hugo, Lucius and Severus all agreed that a 'war council' needed to occur the next day.

"In the afternoon, if you please. I have to see the lawyer and Heather Black in the morning – we hope to settle the issue of the Black estate." Lucius said with satisfaction.


Seti watched the wizard stroll away from the table with a certain amount of humor. He'd offended the wizard most likely. Seti had been quite pleased to have found Dudley – a compatible wizard, at last, so he supposed he would have to make up to the aristocratic wizard eventually.

Seti had been saddened that he would have to leave the ancient tombs and magical sites he so loved well and that held so many of the old memories, but it was more important to have found a magical companion like Dudley.

The mau cats had long out-lived the ancient temples and the homes of the pharoahs they had once roamed. At one time they could have counted on finding a companion among the pharoahs family or the priests in the temples. But only the ruins of those places now remained, though many had been buried for century after century under the sands. The cats had rejoiced when they'd been unearthed and they'd returned to sniff over the old stones and pillars that had been alive in the memories handed down by their ancestors.

The mau could sense the historys recorded in the pillars, just as the wizards did. Many came to the temples to lay on the pillars and bask in the sun ... and remember. His own favourite spot had been a pillar with writings on it about the great Pharoah Seti. The history and memories of the pharoah and his own mau cat had intrigued him and he had loved watching the ancient mau cat with his powerful friend.

Dudley had reminded him a bit of the old pharoah – strong and solid, with more than a little stubborness – making him able to stay the course of whatever he put his mind to. When Dudley had asked his name he'd thought for a time … he'd never needed a name before. He had decided on Seti, in remembrance of the ancient pharoah and his cat that he'd loved to watch, even milleniums after their deaths.

Now, though, he had a family to look after. The one he'd likely offended – Lucius, they had called him – was obviously the leader of the little group of four. Now they had arrived at their den Seti planned to get even him under his paw. That would require some subtlety. He quickly inspected the house and found Dudley's room and then moved back down to the main floor. Lucius was in a good-sized room with a large desk in it and he was shuffling some parchment and frowning.

Seti leaped onto an empty spot on the desk, directly in front of Lucius and locked eyes with the wizard, silently challenging him to a staring contest. Lucius had won enough staring contests with other Death Eaters during power struggles in the ranks to respond to the challenge automatically. A few minutes into it he realized that taking the mau's challenge had been as big a mistake as when he'd tried to defeat a young Severus at this … that had been a disaster that still made him flinch to remember.

Lucius clenched his jaw and willed himself not to blink and felt a trickle of sweat run down his forehead. He'd endure crucios at the hands of the Dark Lord himself, been in battles against the Order … he'd survived marriage to Narcissa with his sanity intact … he could win a staring contest with a cat! At last, when he'd been about to throw something at Seti to break the Mau's concentration, the cat broke their gaze and walked toward him, rubbing his head on Lucius' arm and giving him a brief purr.

Lucius leaned back in relief and gave the cat an admiring pat on the head. It wouldn't have done to have to live with the mau after a humiliating loss. Seti gave him a brief glance as he walked back out the door. The wizard was obviously more kindly disposed toward him, now that he'd 'defeated him', and Lucius had smiled a bit as Seti had left. Seti had kept the contest going long enough to instill a healthy respect for him in the wizard and then had conceded the victory to Lucius. A Mau knew when a loss was really a gain.

Most of all he'd kept his gaze on Lucius long enough to thoroughly read him. He was well content to have Lucius head up the household. He was strong, determined and would never allow harm to befall the occupants of the house. There were shadows in him and some darkness, though it didn't extend as far as it had in the past. All felines understood shades of grey in a person. All in all a good wizard to have as his Dudley's protector.

A green creature appeared suddenly and Seti puffed a bit in surprise. The creature made admiring noises at the cat while Seti sniffed at him. Aah … a servant. Well, Seti knew what to do with them. Seti chirped an imperious demand for food and followed the house-elf to the kitchen for fresh liver.


Severus, Rosmerta and Harry arrived to Dragonsrest with relieved happiness. Harry threw himself onto a nearby sofa and sighed in satisfaction.

"Egypt was great and all, but it's good to be home." Harry smiled at his dad who was fussily getting Rosmerta settled into a chair. They were so cute, he thought.

Presents were pulled out. Harry gave Severus the book from the Alexandria library. He was quite impressed and started leafing through it immediately, making Harry grin in satisfaction. In a moment of clarity he handed the lotus seeds to Rosmerta as a gift. He still wasn't used to the idea of thinking to buy for a second 'parent figure' and it would take some getting used to. Rosmerta was quite pleased and planned to take them to the garden club to get planted.

She winked at Severus, "We might trade them to Severus for some beauty creams made from them."

"But you're already beautiful." Harry said in shock. Why would she need beauty creams?

Rosmerta laughed in delight and gave him a hug. Severus grimaced at Harry – leave it to Harry to give such an artless and sincere compliment. In a few years he would be charming most of the females in Hogwarts.

"Perhaps I should say … anti-aging creams, to stay as I am as long as possible." Rosmerta said in answer.

Harry shrugged at Severus, not getting the point of going to so much trouble.

Rosmerta looked at the bright pictures of the many different lotus flowers on the front of the packages. Severus rambled a bit about the different potions that required each different flower. Harry sighed happily. It was good to be home. They only needed …

Tom threw the door open and loudly greeted them. … yep – they just needed his brother, Harry thought.

"Welcome back." Tom beamed looking almost as tanned as the rest of them and very happy. Obviously working on the Dragon Reserve the past month had suited him. Tom hugged Harry and then Severus. He hesitated at Rosmerta, but she laughed and pulled him into a hug and peck on the cheek, making him blush a little.

Tom hadn't been so busy he hadn't missed his adoptive family. A dozen times a day there were things he wanted to share with them. He wasn't sure how he would bear it when the school year started. But, they were here, now.

Severus was a little surprised at Tom's carefree attitude in the face of Sirius' escape, and then looked over at the large stack of still-rolled-up newspapers. Tom had not read any of them, then.

Severus cleared his throat and accioed the relevant papers. He unrolled the one with the news of Sirius' escape with Black's screaming visage on the front and handed it to him. Tom paled and read it anxiously. His face hardened and he gritted out. "He won't pass the Reserve borders, the dragons won't allow it."

Severus nodded calmly and Harry remained silent, actually hoping that Black would try it. Hazelette or one of the other dragons might get indigestion – but McNair's fate would likely be appropriate for Black as well.

Tinker was overjoyed at the return of the travelers for him to take care of. Harry presented him with a brightly decorated silk pillow with glittering tassels at the corners, and the elf was tearfully grateful. Harry was sure that all his favourites would immediately be served that evening.

Sure enough – it was an excellent fish dinner. Between mouthfuls Harry told them about the magic carpet adventure – after all, they would find out anyway - and then told them about seeing the past in the stones at the temple of Horus.

"Bill said it's because of my Osprey animagus form – I was very in tune with the magic there." Harry smiled happily. Tom, was immediately eager to hear about this new way to see the past, and Yvane was equally intrigued.

As soon as desert was dealt with both Tom and Harry raced to the library to haul out a pensieve. Tom carefully helped him take out the memory of the trip to the temple of Horus. They jumped in and reviewed the experience. They restarted the memory several times and even an excited Yvane spoke so Harry could hear him – asking questions.

Severus and Rosmerta looked in, shouting 'goodnight'. Tom and Harry didn't come out of the memory – just waving their hands at their general direction in response and continuing to peer closely at the chariots and the buildings.

Severus chuckled and wondered if the pair would be working in similar careers in the future.


Lucius scowled at the lawyers and goblins sitting across the table from he, his lawyers and Heather Black. He'd thought that by now he would have this done with, already.

One of the lawyers sitting next to a unsympathetically grinning goblin sighed and tried to placate them once again.

"I understand your frustration, sir, but the Black's familial rules clearly state that only the Head of House or Heir can access the family homes – or grant access to others. We can install Miss Black as 'acting executor' of the estate, as she is likely the only heir following Sirius Black – since Harry Potter has withdrawn his claim. This gives her the right to administer the funds and it grants her the right to access most of the vaults. There are some properties that are not considered 'Black family homes' that she can use, but the main ones are barred to all but Sirius Black – in particular the one on Grimauld Place." He explained patiently for the fifth time.

The goblin wasn't so polite. "You'll just have to wait until Sirius Black is dead … it might not be that long, as the Aurors are likely to have him kissed once they catch him ..."

Heather gasped and paled, not liking the thought of that happening to anyone … and to be expected to be looking forward to it? Not likely.

Lucius grimaced, deciding to not act happy at the thought of Sirius Black's imminent demise, since it seemed to alarm Miss Black.

"Very well, gentlemen ..." Lucius stood. "We will be contacting you at a later date, then." The others stood and watched as Lucius and his small entourage left.

"Will Headmaster Dumbledore be very disappointed, then?" Heather asked. "He seemed to want to get into the house on Grimmauld quite badly."

Lucius mulled it over as they flooed back to the Dragon Reserve. "We do need to get in the house. There is a dark artefact that can't be left lying around for the Dark Lord to retrieve." He decided that simple, but truthful was best. Heather Black was related to Draco, though it was as a many-times removed cousin. Still, family was family, and she was trying to be helpful to them.

Heather nodded at that, "Well, if I can assist, I will of course, but it seems this angle isn't working." She added regretfully.

He walked her to her home, not far from Dragonsrest. She and her mother were doing work on the unicorns on the Reserve for the summer, though Heather was likely to return to Hogwarts with the school year to pick back up with the Forbidden Forest herds. Lucius nodded to Ruth, who greeted him pleasantly before he went to Dragonsrest.


Lucius arrived in the middle of a visit by Yuan, who was reassuring the Dragonsrest family that he'd re-inforced the warding on the Reserve as soon as the news of Sirius' escape had been released. "We now have wards for animagus' and the dragons have always had orders to report strangers to us."

Tom was a little put out that he'd missed out on getting in on a manhunt … and now that Severus was back he was unlikely to be allowed – he was needed here to guard Harry, instead. Yuan blithely ignored Tom's pouting about not being clued in on the escape. They hadn't hidden the papers, but they didn't tell him, either. Yuan, through Yao, had told the dragons – and therefore the riders and keepers that they weren't to tell him, though if he found out on his own, he was to be brought to Yuan.

Yvane had known, of course, by way of Yao, but had agreed that having Tom running rampant across the North of Scotland looking for an insane killer was not something to encourage. Yuan left after a comforting pat on Tom's shoulder, to which Tom responded with reluctant agreement that Yuan and the others were right.

Hugo arrived right behind Lucius and they discussed the logistics of keeping Harry safe from Sirius. Severus especially wished to see Sirius caged or kissed for the betrayal and death of Lily. Hugo reluctantly admitted that if Sirius stuck to mostly muggle towns in his animagus form, that they would have difficulty finding him. They had sent his picture to the muggle police – and a description of the black dog to animal control, but had no leads from either of them as well.

While Severus and Tom were holding their meeting with the others, Harry and Rosmerta were busily planning for Tom's birthday on the 26th, which was in two days. He would be nineteen, now – the last year he could use being a teenager as an excuse for foolishness, as Rosmerta said. Tinker was eager to make a spectaclur cake for him – perhaps another dragon? Harry suggested a welsh green this time – perhaps one that was eating someone? Rosmerta found that a bit disturbing, but young boys had odd tastes, she knew.

They decided on a cheetah, which would test Tinker's skills as a cake-maker, but as Dora would be at the party they thought it would be nice, and Tom would definitely like it.

Lucius agreed to meet in Diagon Alley for a shopping trip the next day – they needed to get presents for both Tom and Harry, who's birthday would be close behind Tom's.

The Spinners End and Dragonsrest families met at the Leakey Cauldron, the three boys behaving as if they had been apart for weeks instead of one day. The shopping trip was done with as much swiftness as the adults could manage. They got out of Diagon Alley before reporters could corner them, although it did mean borrowing the floo at Flourish & Blotts. They all went to the 3 Broomsticks for lunch, as Rosmerta was needing to check in with Renee, anyway.

They came out of the floo to a scene of chaos. The furniture was in shambles, broken and flung about, windows broken. Renee was screaming in french and waving a meat cleaver around, at some invisible foe.

Tom, Severus and Lucius drew their wands, sure that the man had gone mad.

At the sight of the group of wizards and wizards he dropped the huge knife and abruptly looked forlorn and near tears.

"Rosmerta, cherie, we ..." Renee actually sniffled a bit. "...we have a gremlin!"


Harry and Tom left for Dragonsrest after Rosmerta got Renee's hysterics under control. Severus, Lucius and Rosmerta stayed at the pub, sending everyone else home.

"Why can't I help catch the gremlin?" Harry whined just a bit. He really, really wanted to see if real gremlins resembled the movie ones at all.

"I'm guessing that it's better to have only a few people there for the spells." Tom said. "The gremlin started tormenting Renee a couple weeks ago and now it's so bad he couldn't even open the pub. They'll need to get it under control or there won't be anything left of the pub."

"So Lucius knows all the spells – and he's showing them to dad?" Harry said.

"Yes, the spells are becoming less and less well known – and really we need them to be available – gremlins are not that rare and are unbelievably destructive when they decide to target a family … or a business. They even go after muggles, though they don't seem to find them as fun as wizards."

"It's amazing – I thought that house-elves were regular magical beings – made little house-elves the usual way." Harry shook his head. "I would never have guessed they were transfigured from gremlins."

Tom grinned. "Yeah – a form of justice magic – they have to serve the family they were targeting for good, unless freed by them. Most of course don't want to be freed from the family they are bound to – imagine how devastated Tinker would be if you handed him clothes."

Harry looked at the little elf bouncing in at that moment with a stack of sanwiches and soup and smiled. "He'd be awful sad, I think." Harry thanked the elf profusely, wondering a bit if Tinker had been as efficient a gremlin as he was an elf … he likely could have taken apart an entire house in a night if he'd been determined.

Harry and Tom delved into a few of Yvane's memories – these being from Yvane himself and his first rider, who had explored the Savannah's of Africa. Wataching lions and elephants – and other cheetahs was quite enjoyable. A group of young male lions – about twelve of them – had thought they could bring Yvane down. The fight was short but quite exciting and involved several singed manes and outraged feline sensibilities.

While they watched the dragon vs lion fight, the gremlin was caught and the justice magic applied. The new house elf was bound to Rosmerta and she quickly set it to helping Renee.

Rosemerta looked around at the ravaged pub and sighed. "Well, we'll certainly need the elf to get reopened within a week."

Renee nodded and sighed resignedly at the scampering house-elf. "He does seem eager to undo all the damage he did."


Tom's birthday party went off without a hitch – Dora was quite flattered that Tinker had managed to make a credible cheetah cake. Harry had been quite proud that he'd unearthed a very fine lunascope for Tom. It was very beautifully inlaid with carnelian and was quite accurate as well. .

Harry's party was less than a week later and quite a few students had arrived for it. Even Marcus Flint was there for a time to drop off his present – a quidditch strategy book – and make sure Hary and Draco were practicing.

Theo Nott was there as well, though he looked worried. He nodded toward Neville, who was talking to Ron and Dudley. "Neville has been owling back and forth with Blaise Zabini all summer. Blaise has been boasting that he's finally turning Longbottom into a real Slytherin. Goyle is worried that Longbottom is getting sucked into whatever Blaise is cooking up for this coming year. Not that Blaise has managed to do more than throw insults and irritate the entire house of Slytherin for the past two years."

Harry looked over at the other three boys. Dudley looked aggravated and Ron looked puzzled. Seti was perched on Dudley's shoulders as always and even he looked a bit sneeringly at an earnestly talking Neville.

Later that evening Dudley ruefully admitted that Neville was 'sure' that Harry and Draco were evil and that Harry had simply been killing off a rival by driving off the Dark Lord in the Chamber of Secrets. Neville was now quoting Blaise quite a bit and seemed to feel vindicated since he now had someone else that was willing to back up his own dislike of Harry and Draco.

Arthur had come with his family to Harry's birthday party. Arthur had been given the day off by a cagey Cornelius Fudge, so he could attend and give Severus Snape some news that he may or may not like. Cornelius preferred to send this particular news via Arthur.

Arthur waited until the party was essentially over and the remaining kids were laying around the large outside garden, slightly stuporous from the excellent meal and very rich chocolate birthday cake.

Severus was, of course incensed with Fudge's plan. Dementors at Hogwarts? - absolutely insane. Even if they were only guarding the perimeter. If one of them caught a straying student … and there were always students out of bounds … the fate of that student would be horrible.

"Well, it is good to know he is as determined to protect Harry as we are, I suppose." Severus said a bit sullenly. The rest of the ministry would likely see it as a good idea – the Dementors would sense and track down Sirius Black without hesitation.

"Are they sure they can control the Dementors, enough?" Lucius asked, skeptically.

Arthur shrugged. "The Aurors seem to think they can do so. But the spells on the Dementors to constrol them seem to wear off at times – they need to keep a close watch on them, I think."

The Malfoy, Snape and Weasley parents looked out to the garden at their children worriedly.

Seti was laying on the garden wall, glaring at the twins who had slipped a potion into his bowl of liver that turned his spots pink and orange. They had done the same to the kneazle kit before the party – he knew the potion only lasted an hour – but he was very angry anyway. His pride had been damanged and he was feeling the need to save face.

He heard the twins mutter about needing a cool drink and raced in the house ahead of them. When the twins opened the cool cabinet where the soft drinks were kept, Seti leaped out at them, screaming a feline war cry that was high pitched enough to bend metal.

The twins leaped back with yelps of terror, both tripping and falling on their backside.

Fred clutched his chest, "My heart – I think it stopped!"

George grimaced at looked at his brother with chagrin. "I think I peed myself just a little."

Seti chirped in satisfaction and turned, marching back out to the garden and Dudley, leaving his defeated foe recovering on the floor with the parents muffling chuckles. It wasn't often the twins were out-pranked.


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