Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Chapter 22

Yvane had worked on improving Tom's Occlumency shields and Legilimency. It was necessary to be good at them to truly master observing a Dragon's memory and learn from a dragon. It helped of course that Yvane was inside Tom's mind. But, Yvane was a separate entity in there and pulling Tom inside his knowledge and memories could be hazardous if Tom couldn't keep control - others who had not been ready had been known to lose themselves in the world of Dragon memory and never find their way back out. Tom carefully pulled Tom into the memory of the dragon Margento.

Yvane had been a very young Dragon when he had been taken under the wing of Margento, a very ancient British Scarlet Dragon. Yvane had not met his first rider as yet, and held a fine contempt of the puny humans. British Scarlets were extremely rare in the late 1400's when they met, and Margento was very old - over 5 centuries.

The Scarlets were the smallest of the dragon breeds, but also the most stubborn. Once they lay claim to a place, only death removed them. They could be persuaded to share an area, and Margento had claimed a den in what was now the Forbidden Forest - so he had needed to learn to share - with centaurs, and unicorns - and humans.

He was still in that den when Yvane had asked for mentorship. Young dragons tended to go from old dragon to old dragon, staying with each a few years, learning what they knew and being given memories they felt important. That was one of the principles that dragons lived by - stewardship of the memories they held, and passing them on to others so the memories and knowledge did not die.

Margento had been only a century old when he found the den in the Forbidden Forest, and this had alarmed the nearby Hogwarts School. Margento had been in mourning for his recently deceased rider. There were no dragon reserves, as yet but riders tended to band together - usually in mountains. Now and then a brave muggle or wizard would decide to find fame and/or fortune by picking a fight with a dragon or their rider. Margento's rider had lost the fight, and the victor had been dismayed to find out that there was no hoard of gold or jewel to lay claim to.

Margento had no intention of using the school as a feeding ground, but the founders had no way of knowing that, and so Margento had watched with resignation as the four founders and several teachers had approached the foot of the hill his cave was in.

"I'm telling you Rowena, we needed to come at night, stun and kill him." Godric whispered furiously.

"There is no need to kill him." Helga said patiently "I have a cousin who is a dragonrider, he says they are very intelligent, and you can make bargains with them."

"Having a dragon nearby would be helpful in keeping the muggles back. Unless some knight looking for fame decides to try and kill it." The other man said in a somewhat bored tone.

"Yes, Salazar, having him here could be a two-edged sword." Rowena answered. " But, I have heard that old dragons have a great deal of knowledge and are wise, we should try to make a peace with him," Rowena nodded at Helga, who nodded back just as emphatically.

Godric looked disgruntled that he had been outvoted, and Salazar looked smug at that. The four came through the dense bushes to find themselves much too close to Margento. They all paled and Godric groped for his sword. Margento allowed himself a mental chuckle they could all hear.

Rowena looked intrigued by this, Helga smiled, and Salazar lifted an eyebrow, but Godric looked affronted.

Helga stepped forward, long blond hair sweeping forward as she curtsied. "Greetings, Lord Dragon, we have come to seek peace with you." Helga was apparently quite a proficient Legilimens, to Tom's surprise.

"Greetings, young witch, I have no wish to make war on you - or eat any of the humans at your castle." Margento responded agreeably.

Helga and he worked out an agreement for him to stay away from castle, and they would ensure that no one from the school bothered him. Rowena wanted to talk to Margento, but had no skill with Legilimency. Helga offered to assist, if others wished to speak with him. Salazar had some Legilimency, and said he would return when he was better at it. The memory ended with the four leaving.

Tom backed out of the memory, gasping with the effort. It was easy to become so immersed in a memory that you forgot to keep yourself separate from it enough to be able to leave. Tom could see the trap in a dragons memories, he would not make any mistakes in the future.

"Yes, Tom, it's difficult to explain the problem to humans - you must be shown it, and then it may be too late." Yvane said.

Tom sat back in the chair; he would need to move the memory to the pensieve for Lucius, Severus and the boys. But not right now, a little nap might be good.


The next morning had Tom handing vials with copies of the memory to Severus and Lucius to keep. They accepted the vials with glee. Tom went with Lucius to Malfoy Manor to spend the day excavating the Malfoy's library for books on Legilimency and other mind magic. Lucius pulled him through the floo quickly, wanting to get to the memory as soon as possible.

Severus cursed; he would have to wait until after the Weasley spectacle was over with to see it. He had his own pensieve in the locked cabinet in the library. He was glad Tom had thought to weasel one out of Lucius for his own, with the dragon using memories to teach a pensieve would be invaluable.

Severus carefully placed the labeled vial in a drawer in the cabinet and locked and warded it. He smiled - with luck there would be several more memory vials there. He and Lucius hoped Yvane had more interesting memories of Salazar and the other founders. This had been an unexpected windfall.

Dudley and Harry went through to Spinners End once again, after breakfast. Severus took more copied books into the small library to put away - it was looking almost normal. He and the others went through the house, adding a few touches to make it look right. Soon enough there was a knock at the floo. Albus opened it from the Weasley end and came through.

"All set then?" Albus asked. At their nods he pulled Severus aside. "I really should unbind Dudley's magic beforehand."

Severus smiled a bit unpleasantly. "Oh, don't worry. Lucius and I already undid it." He watched Albus' eyes widen with shock. The news that they had undone a spell of Albus Dumbledore's unaided was likely an unwelcome surprise. Albus recovered with aplomb and nodded. They went through the floo to be met by the Weasleys.

Severus braced himself for an onslaught. Arthur greeted them well, with a "Welcome to the Burrow." Molly of course embraced the pair of boys as if they were only two years old instead of ten, and drew them into the kitchen where the Weasley brood was still eating. Dudley and Harry declined further food. Dudley certainly didn't need feeding up and Harry was now at a good weight, with all the nutrient potions. Severus eyed him critically - Harry had shot up a few inches, and he hoped for a few more before summer ended.

Arthur introduced the six boys and one girl to Dudley and Harry. Severus was surprised that Bill was visiting, but he supposed that they were pulling out all the stops to try and hook Harry.

The entire troop gathered around them, all talking at once, and went outside to play Merlin-knew-what. Dudley was unaffected; being part of a gang of boys was nothing new to him. Harry however was clearly uncomfortable and his eyes swung to Severus with an anxious plea.

"Wait." Severus said sharply, making all nine halt in puzzlement. "I need to speak to Harry - go along and he will follow in a moment." There were a lot of scowls, but they slunk outside, taking Dudley with them. Arthur followed, firing questions about muggles at Dudley.

Harry went to his guardian in relief. "There's so many of them, Severus." He whispered. "I'm used to being alone, most of the time. Having Dudley and Draco around is okay - it's only two more and if I go off to read a book alone for a bit, they don't mind."

"A bit overwhelming, Harry?" Severus smiled, as Harry nodded. "I'll be close by if you need me. If you're uncomfortable, feel free to join me for awhile - I'm good at frightening off children."

Harry giggled, "I'll keep that in mind."

"Go on and join them, I'll follow in a few minutes." Severus shooed him out the door, and turned to Albus, who had been listening in with a sober frown.

Molly had been confused by this. What had made Harry so afraid - had Snape told him to not join in? Was he being punished? Bill and Charlie had said Snape was prone to endless detentions.

"Really, Professor Snape, allow Harry and his cousin to enjoy themselves. They're just youngsters; they need to be with those their own age." Molly fussed as she waved her wand to clear the table and set the dishes to washing themselves.

Severus gave Molly a level stare, so it was beginning, already. "I assure you Harry and Dudley - ‘the cousin' has a name you know - have been having as much fun as possible since they arrived on my doorstep. Harry is simply unused to so many people."

Molly flushed, ‘fun' indeed. Snape was a bachelor schoolteacher, what could he possibly know about fun? Albus had told them about Vernon's descent into madness, and that he had abused poor Harry and then had shot poor Petunia. It was good of Snape to help them escape, she conceded, but he should relinquish the guardianship to others, now. Albus said that he was being difficult about that - wanting to keep control of Harry the remainder of the summer, until Petunia was well, and released from hospital.

"Well, they need to be with other children. My lads can see to it that they enjoy the rest of the summer, you know." Molly asserted, and marched out to the garden, to gather some vegetables.

Severus glowered at her back, the insufferable cow. He followed the trail of childish yelling coming from the meadow across the lane. Albus paced quietly at the Potionsmaster's side.

Albus was beginning to think he hadn't thought this through quite enough. With Harry's exuberant play with Dudley and Draco, he had thought Harry would leap in with the Weasley's. Harry's anxiety had not been lost on him, and the talk he'd overheard made him cringe. Dudley might be at ease in a crowd, but Harry clearly would never be comfortable in a boisterous family like the Weasley's.

They came to the home-made Quidditch pitch, with Bill and Charlie showing off the latest maneuvers on their brooms. Dudley and Harry were watching avidly. Seeing the pictures in Lily's album had been one thing. Watching the wizards flying on brooms at close range was another.

Severus sighed; he knew the boys were anxious to learn flying. Dudley would, no doubt quickly become a prized beater on whatever team he joined. Harry's father had been a remarkable chaser, and Harry would likely be an excellent flyer. Lily had adored Quidditch, and had screamed herself hoarse at every match. She, however, had dislike flying itself. She didn't trust the brooms and hated heights. Harry didn't look like he had the same difficulty.

Harry and Dudley watched the flying with awe. Harry yearned to be in the sky with the others. Severus had promised they could join in Draco's flying lessons. They knew that students didn't try out for the house teams until second year, but they hoped to be good enough flyers that they would get on the teams right away.

Ron stood beside Harry - he had been ecstatic to be introduced to the boy-who-lived. When his parents had said the pair was coming to visit he had been speechless. They'd all listened in as Albus Dumbledore had explained that Harry had become Snape's ward because of the muggle Vernon's abuse. He'd said Snape was doing a good job (as if!) but Snape had other obligations and the two boys were likely to be in his way. To his joy, his parents had immediately offered to take them in for the remainder of the summer. Albus had said that Severus was reluctant to give up his responsibility to the boys, having promised Petunia he would care for them.

Ron snorted - his dad had said that it was admirable that Snape was dutiful to promises, but his mum had ranted at length about his unsuitability. He grinned at the memory. He was sure that now they were here that Harry and Dudley would prefer to stay at the Burrow.

Ron saw Harry glance over at his guardian's arrival to the pitch. Ron smiled, "Don't worry - Dumbledore will make the greasy git let you fly."

Harry had been wary of Ron's numerous questions, and asking to see the scar. He didn't like how insulting some of the questions he and the others asked were. Did they really think Severus didn't feed them, or let them out of their rooms? And testing poisons on them, really? Now his blood started boiling at Ron's ugly description of his guardian. Harry rarely dared show his temper at Privet Drive, but he had Severus, now - and Severus would never let such an insult pass.

"Whom are you referring to, Ron?" Harry's voice was ice, and his green eye's flashed in fury.

Ron was confused, he'd heard his older brothers refer to the Professor by that so often that he'd almost forgotten it was an insult - and why would Harry care? Surely he didn't like him? "Well, won't the horrid bat say no if you want to fly?"

"If he says no, he'll have a good reason for it." Harry's voice was still glacial. "And I don't like you insulting him - you've never met him before, so why are you calling him names?"

"Bill and Charlie say he'd horrid - and I hear he hangs around with Lucius Malfoy - He and his friends are all dark wizards." Ron whispered.

"I'm friends with Draco Malfoy, as a matter of fact, and he's quite nice - and he doesn't insult my guardian" Harry hissed back.

Dudley was at Harry's back, but only caught part of the conversation. Percy also edged closer. He wasn't sure he wanted two more boys crowded into their stretched - to - breaking house, even if one was Harry Potter. But he wasn't as confused as Ron was. He knew Professor Snape may be the meanest teacher at Hogwarts, but he took great care of his Slytherins, he was likely just as careful with his wards. He wasn't sure he liked hearing about the Malfoy's - but it wasn't really their business, was it?

"Ron, Professor Snape is likely a very good guardian to them, and you know better that to badmouth an adult - Mum will wash your mouth out." Percy admonished.

Ron glared at Percy. "Going to tell on me, Percy, you big suck up?" Percy grimaced, he was well aware that his family didn't understand him, and made fun of his need for order.

Ron turned back to Harry, but Harry had already marched off to Severus. Albus watched the exchange, and although he couldn't hear, he rightly assumed Ron had stuck his foot in his mouth. Luckily, he thought, Charlie and Bill landed and Dudley and Harry went to have a look at the brooms. Before long they were, of course shoving the brooms toward the pair.

Bill, of course, grinned at Severus in challenge, waiting for him to object. Severus sneered; Bill likely thought that forcing him to interfere would somehow make him the bad guy and have his wards resenting him.

Severus strode up, "William, I'm quite certain that you are aware that Harry and Dudley are muggle-raised. "They've never actually seen a broom before, so just shoving a broom in their hands is quite fool-hardy." Bill was taken aback. He likely had expected Severus to yell no, and the boys would whine and Severus would be the bad guy.

Before Bill could recover, Severus turned to Harry and Dudley, "I'm sure they could take you up behind them on their brooms, for a fly." The two nodded happily to Charlie and Bill's chagrin, and they took the pair up. The twins and Percy brought out their brooms, and a sulking Ron got out his training broom. Ginny pouted beside her mother, she hadn't been able to talk or cry her parents into letting her even get a training broom, as yet.

They flew for a half hour, with Bill and Charlie explaining how to control a broom. They landed and the twins offered their brooms to Harry and Dudley, so Bill and Charlie could monitor their first flights on their own brooms. Severus smirked - his chance had come. He stepped over to the twins, herding them away from the crowd watching Dudley and Harry try the brooms.

"Fred and George isn't it?" Severus asked as pleasantly as he could. They nodded warily. "I want to thank you for letting Dudley and Harry use your brooms, it was quite kind." He listened to their mutters of ‘no problem'. "You are starting Hogwarts this year, are you not? I wonder if you will be in Gryffindor?"

"Of course we will be - our parents, brothers, most of the family - all Gryffindor." Fred answered, - or perhaps it was George.

"Oh, well, likely they all asked to be - wanting to hold with tradition, but I've heard you're unconventional. You can argue with the Sorting Hat, tell it where you want to be. Of course you might not get your way. I'm sure that the thought of having to be in your brother's shadows all the time must be wearing." He saw he had caught their total attention with this. "And having to be in Gryffindor with Percy - your brother - as a prefect and sending word of your every infraction to your parents...well." He watched their faces cloud with distaste, and smiled with satisfaction.

"Naturally if you became Slytherins your parents - and scores of relatives would be absolutely shocked." He noticed they looked intrigued at the thought of that. "Of course I always encourage my Slytherins, and assist in their projects - I hear you have interests in ‘pranks' - have you looked into prank potions as yet? And, of course Slytherins are spectacular at scheming if you need help with that." Severus was sure he saw them drooling a bit at this.

"Ravenclaw isn't actually too bad either", he continued. "And of course, being so smart, they could come up with ideas you've never dreamed of, and likely show you how to never get caught." They mulled that around their minds a bit.

Severus smiled, this was going well. "Of course Hufflepuff..." He raised a hand at their scoffs. "A pair of strong-minded lads like you - full of energy and determination...you would likely be running the entire house of Hufflepuff within a week." The pair were now glassy-eyed with delusions of grandeur.

Severus walked away with glee. He was fairly sure that the five generation streak of nothing but Gryffindors in the Weasley family was about to be broken. He wasn't sure he actually wanted the pair of miscreants in Slytherin, but if it made Molly Weasley purple with rage, it would be worth it.

Severus wandered back over to stand by Albus and watch the youngsters make a few laps around the pitch. Albus glanced at him with unease. He knew he likely looked as smug as he felt. Molly edged up to him.

"They look so happy up their on brooms. My lads can help them learn about the wizarding world, why don't you let them stay a few days, Professor Snape?" Molly cast down the verbal gauntlet.

"Absolutely not." He turned to the quickly angering Mrs. Weasley. "I'm their guardian, I will remain their guardian, and they'll be spending every night in their own beds, where I can best keep them safe." His unfettered glare of anger made her swallow whatever reply she had thought up.

After hours of flying and fending off unsubtle hints from Bill and Charlie to spend a few days, they went in to have a late lunch. Harry placed himself between Severus and the twins, and across from Dudley. Dudley had decided to simply ignore any question he didn't want to answer, to the Weasley's frustration. He had gotten Arthur to sit beside him He didn't mind the constant silly questions about muggles, and answered as best he could.

Harry could hear the twin's furious whispers about the houses at Hogwarts. Severus leaned over and whispered "Offer to send them books about the different houses."

Harry looked at him quizzically, and did so. The twins perked up and nodded happily. They had never considered any of the other houses, and now found themselves woefully ignorant about them.

Bill looked down the table at Harry in frustration. Who would have thought it would be so difficult to win any child away form the horrid bat of the dungeons. Surely he wasn't truly attached to the sneering beast. Charlie looked just as puzzled and shrugged at him.

The meal finally ended and Severus announced they needed to return home. Molly made one last try to get them to stay. "Surely, Harry, you and umm- Dudley would like to stay and play with Ron and the twins." Harry looked over at the scowling Ron and scowled right back at him.

"I'm really pretty tired, I'm sure we'll visit again, sometime?" He glanced at Severus.

"Yes, we can come back to visit, if you like." Severus answered easily. He glanced at Albus, who looked resigned. Albus also made his excuses, and they flooed back to Spinners End. They boys went upstairs, to play with a few of the muggle games in Dudley's pretend bedroom until Albus left.

Severus looked at Albus steadily. Albus finally caved. "I guess I'll have to say that you're right twice in as many days, Severus. The boys are better off with you this summer. Harry is quite attached to you, and obviously depends on you. He's quite correct in doing so - you are a good guardian - I'll just have to replace my spy, if the need for one comes up."

Severus finally smiled at Albus. "I expect having to tell me that I'm right and you're wrong won't happen all that often, Albus." Albus simply chuckled and flooed to Hogwarts.

Severus closed and warded the floo again, and apparated the boys back to Dragonsrest. He rubbed his hands in glee. He'd kept the Reserve secret from Albus one more time, turned the Weasley twins into non-Gryffindors, infuriated Molly Weasley - and he had a dragon memory of Salazar Slytherin to view.

Life was very, very good.

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