Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Albus' Discovery

Dora led Poppy and the Headmaster down to the lab. Poppy gasped and pushed by Dora quickly to kneel beside the unconscious form of Tom. Harry was still cradling his head, tears dripping onto the blood-covered face with pieces of glass and metal sticking out of him at awkward angles. Tom breathing was shallow and labored eyes open and glassy with shock.

Poppy quickly spelled blood replenisher down his throat, and spoke to Albus. "We need to get him to Hogwarts, immediately - I'll need help from St Mungo's or he will die." She conjured a stretcher and then tried to pry Harry off her patient. Dora came over to them and managed to convince Harry, through her own sobs, to relinquish him.

They were about to leave when Severus charged in - and nearly passed out. Albus caught him before he collapsed, sympathetic to his distress at the sight of Tom. Severus took some deep breathes and his vision cleared. He had been afraid Albus would recognize Tom on sight, but at present Severus would not have known who the traumatized boy was, himself.

Harry, on catching sight of Severus, ran to him and grabbed Severus' waist in a tight hug. Severus hugged him back, drawing comfort from the fact that Harry was in one piece.

Poppy drew out her emergency portkey and took the stretcher and herself to the infirmary, and then quickly summoned emergency Healers from St Mungo's. The others flooed swiftly behind her and arrived to see the Healers disappear behind the screen. Severus was still clutching Harry and Albus was now supporting the slightly calmer Dora.

Severus turned to Dora and tried very hard for a calm, cool voice. He knew he needed to get information from her and that would work best if they were both calm.

"What the hell happened, Dora?" Severus barked. Drat, he thought, that didn't come out right.

Albus patted the hyperventilating Dora on the shoulder and glared at Severus, "That isn't helpful, Severus." He hissed reprovingly.

Severus tried again. "Dora, I realize accidents happen, I just need to know - the potion might interact with their healing. I'm sure it wasn't your fault."

Dora straightened and took a deep breath. "But it is my fault. If he dies, it will be entirely my fault." She gave a few hiccoughing breathes. "We had been studying up on Arithmancy and when we were done Harry asked if we could make a fire protection potion. He'd been so good all morning - he must have been bored to tears listening to us. We figured - it would only take an hour." Dora closed her eyes and took a shaky breath. "I was passing Tom the Hellesbreath..."

Severus took in a breath, he knew what was coming.

"...I dropped the bottle - right into the cauldron and it broke." Dora let out a gasping sob. "Tom pushed Harry behind him and...and he took the full impact of the explosion."

Harry looked up at the adults. "He saved my life, didn't he? If he dies it'll be partly my fault, Dora." Harry whispered in a horrified voice.

Dora rushed over and hugged Harry, briefly forgetting her own pain. "Oh, no, Harry it is not in any way your fault. It's a horrible accident, and definitely not your fault."

Severus uncomfortably watched the distressed young women. "Miss Tonks..." He waited for her to stand and meet his eyes, awaiting the razor-sharp tongue lashing he would likely give. "...you need to listen to your own advice - it was an accident, and you should not blame yourself more than is your due."

Nymphadora looked at him a bit stupefied.

"Would you feel better if I assigned you a detention gutting rats to get their spleens?" He asked dryly.

She gave him a watery smile. "Maybe ... but probably not."

"Well, I suggest you floo your mother and have her come over to sit with you." Severus said.

The Weasley boys entered then, a bit hesitantly. They hadn't been sure Tom would be brought here. Dora could have been just having hysterics over nothing, or they might have taken him straight to St Mungo's. Percy, on seeing Severus and Harry knew Tom was here though, and ran up to them.

"Will he be alright, Professor?" He asked anxiously.

Severus was saved from answering by Poppy emerging from the curtained area. "He'll be just fine in a few days. One of the larger pieces of the cauldron pierced a lung, and it gave us trouble. The dittany liquid closed the rest of the wounds on his chest. He'll need to keep our healing paste on his face the rest of the day, but that should heal the cuts there with no difficulty and no scarring."

Andy hugged her daughter as she sobbed in relief on her shoulder, leading her to the floo to go home for some tea and a calming draught.

Harry looked at the mediwitch hopefully. "Can we see him?"

Poppy smiled at him kindly, "Just don't wake him."

Severus and Harry went past the curtains and stood at the beside. To Severus' relief Tom's face was well hidden by a thick white paste that obscured his features quite well. He had been hoping for a little more time before having to fight this battle with Dumbledore. Tom's breathing was now easy and quiet, and he was apparently sleeping.

One Healer was packing up, while the other was doing some last minute scans and chanting a few final healing charms. "He's a lucky lad - that was a bad explosion." The Healer packing up said.

Severus just nodded at that, he knew more than one wizard that had been killed by similar explosions.

Harry, however, looked at him seriously. "Thank you so much for helping him, he saved my life, doing this."

The Healers glanced at him in surprise, and then even more surprise as they noted his scar. Tom was given an awed look, and then they went back to their packing and chanting. Percy peeked around the curtain hesitantly and looked at Tom, and on seeing he was breathing and asleep, ducked back out to report to his brothers.

Albus shooed the Weasley's out, once Percy had verified that Tom really was alive, and quietly entered the curtained area. He'd been afraid that the young man would die and leave Severus without family once again. He looked at Harry's relieved face and conceded that Harry would have been devastated, as well.

He looked at the still figure; all you could really see was a tall, slender form with a wavy mass of dark mahogany hair on top. He sighed; he had hoped to speak with the boy. Albus gave a last comforting pat to Severus' shoulder and left after thanking the Healers.


Lucius and Draco stumbled into the infirmary a couple hours later. They had arrived at Dragonsrest to tell Tom and Harry about the party, only to find Tinker and Dobby trying to clean up an alarmingly large pool of blood and an exploded cauldron.

Tinker had attempted to explain what had happened, but all Lucius needed to hear was infirmary and Headmaster. Damn - they had not intended to try to convert Albus until Christmas! Lucius hated having his schedules messed about with.

Draco went immediately to sit by Harry and gaze at Tom. Severus gave a brief rundown of events, but Lucius' main unasked question, of course, was regarding the Headmaster. Severus looked around at the various curious - and closely listening - portraits, "Tom's face was covered in blood and was sporting a lot of glass and shrapnel - I barely recognized him."

Lucius nodded in understanding. Albus remained in blissful ignorance, then.

They sat in some chairs a bit away from the boys so they could talk quietly. They smiled a bit as they peered down the infirmary to the doors. The Weasleys had likely let the news that ‘the boy who lived' was at the bedside of another boy who had saved his life - and they were both in the Hogwarts infirmary. Poppy had set up a triage station at the door to sort through the steady stream of children trying to get in by complaining of various sneezes, coughs, sprained ankles, etc.

Lucius remarked that reporters would be next.


Lucius left at five with a protesting Draco to let Petunia know what had happened - she was expected back at this time, after all.

Harry had begged to be allowed to stay with Tom, and Severus was unable to refuse, seeing his distress. Poppy promised to watch over him, as she needed to check on Tom frequently. Severus ordered a tray of food for him, knowing that lunch had been completely missed and told him to eat, or be dragged home. Harry acquiesced with a glare, and Severus went to check on his students, relieved that it was a Saturday.

The Slytherin Common room was in an uproar, with no one sure just who was dead - but everyone was sure someone was. Severus shot a volley of fireworks from his wand and got silence.

"No one is dead, I assure you." Severus began, and chose his words with care, knowing letters would be sent to parents, immediately. "As you all know, Harry Potter is my ward. An orphaned relative of mine is also my ward - he has been helping to tutor Harry. They were brewing a potion and there was an explosion. He was brought here to be treated, as his injuries were severe. He is doing fine - I expect to send him home tomorrow."

Some of the students looked disappointed at the less exciting truth, but the students quieted and went back to their studies - or started writing letters.

Severus left to find Sinistra and let her know what was happening. She was relieved Tom was recovering - Severus had taken to talking about Harry and Tom a great deal, probably more than he even realized. He then went to the Great Hall just in time for supper. The agitated students soon settled at the sight of the Head of Slytherin. The Headmaster made an announcement that indeed; someone had been injured during a potions accident and was recovering in the infirmary.

A flock of owls left Hogwarts and Severus rolled his eyes as he watched them leave, Lucius was probably right - they could expect reporters. He narrowed his eyes and thought, and then penned his own letter to the Minister, telling him the events of the day in as good a light as possible and sent it via a house elf, who was told to give it into the hand of Minister Fudge only and to say it was from Severus Snape regarding Harry Potter.

Let the Minister handle the press - that's what he is there for, Severus sneered. It was also what Cornelius liked best, obviously.


Albus roamed the quiet halls of Hogwarts, unable to sleep. He smiled a little. It was usually Severus roaming at night because of insomnia.

He sent a few out-after-curfew students to their dormitories with a stern warning. His footsteps led him to the infirmary, eventually. He opened the door slowly and walked down the dark infirmary ward and came to the two occupied beds. Harry was curled up under several blankets, peacefully sleeping.

He looked over at the sleeping Tom, and noticed the thick layer of paste had been removed and smiled. He was sure the lad was more comfortable without it. Albus moved closer, as it was quite dark, and then the moon finally peeked out from behind the clouds, illuminating the room.

Albus froze in shock at the sight of a boy who looked just like the teenage Tom Riddle - who had later become Lord Voldemort, and drew his wand.

But how? It was impossible; Voldemort would be in his sixties. If, or rather, when he returned he would likely look that age, possibly a bit younger if he used certain potions, but he would certainly not be looking like a teenager. He leaned over the boy looking closely - it was definitely not a glamour, and he'd been here too long for Polyjuice to have been used - if anyone had hair from a teenage Tom Riddle.

A few other stray thoughts drifted in - in no universe Albus could imagine would Voldemort throw himself in front of a potentially fatal potion explosion to save someone else - and especially not Harry Potter. But how and why was this duplicate of the young Lord Voldemort here?

Albus cast a spell to look at the boy's magical signature. It was similar, but different enough that Albus relaxed - he was definitely not Voldemort.

Albus straightened and stepped back, raising his wand, and cast an identification spell. Wispy letters appeared above the boy's chest, spelling out ‘Thomas Prince Riddle'. His arm dropped and he fell into deep thought, mulling over all that Severus had said about his young relative. There was really only one conclusion to draw. He turned slowly.

And found himself looking straight into the frighteningly cold and emotionless eyes of Severus Snape.

Albus had never understood people's frightened reaction to Severus, but he had never had this particular look used on him by Severus. Every terrified description he had chuckled at when others had said they were sure he was planning their demise scrolled through his head.

He understood them now - Severus was really upset with him, and very well might be planning his demise he thought whimsically. He was glad, now he had the elder wand, he wasn't sure he could beat this wizard without it.

"Severus?" Albus asked as calmly as he could.

"Albus?" Severus answered flatly, with a slightly lifted eyebrow.

"Would you like to tell me how Voldemort's son came to be in your care?" Albus asked carefully.

Severus relaxed minutely and almost snickered. He hadn't had to even argue with the man, Albus had taken the dropped tidbits of information and run with them when he saw Tom. Now he only had to convince Albus that he should give Tom a chance and not condemn him for his supposed father's acts and they were home free.

"Perhaps we should move to your office." Severus returned, remaining carefully emotionless in his tone. He was well aware of how his ‘Death Eater' glare affected people, but he had been surprised it worked on Albus.

Albus nodded, relieved that Severus looked less like he was going to brush up on his unforgiveables. They walked there quietly and poured some tea. Severus took a few sips, refusing to look anxious about this.

"Did Voldemort catch your cousin Serena, then?" Asked Albus, unable to contain his curiosity.

Severus nodded and sat the teacup down. "We all assumed he was after some of the Prince books - my mother's family did have an extensive library. I know the Dark Lord was talking a great deal about his ‘bloodlines' much of the time throughout the war. It would be no surprise if he decided to try for an heir if he had a pureblood witch like Serena at hand."

Albus nodded thoughtfully. "It's odd how tragic circumstances tend to repeat themselves", he mused.

"Yes, Serena must have learned his real name at some point - he did tend to ramble and gloat to his victims at times. At any rate she put Tom Riddle down as his father. The orphanage took that name and added her last name - Prince - as the middle name."

"I wonder how she managed to get the dagger?" Albus frowned.

"It was likely how she escaped. If he tried to have her use it in a ceremony of some sort - she may have been able to cut through wards and get away with it." Severus shrugged. "We'll likely never know exactly what happened."

Severus took another sip of tea, and then continued. "Luckily, Seneca Prince was able to find him because of the middle name - too bad it took so long, but he likely hired an investigating wizard with as little knowledge of the muggle world as himself." Severus and Albus shared a smile. "I'm glad he came to me when Seneca died - Seneca's grandchildren are a haughty bunch - even Seneca couldn't stand them - and they would have taken great pleasure in throwing Tom out - if they had known he was there."

Severus sat back, he knew Albus would backtrack and verify what he could of this, himself. That was alright, Lucius and his lawyer Angus Essex had everything in place. There was no one who could contradict the story - unless Albus questioned Voldemort - an unlikely scenario. None the less, he wanted Albus to be careful.

"You realize, of course that Tom would have no peace if this got out - no one can know his ancestry." Severus watched Albus' face.

Albus nodded absently in agreement - this lad should not have to pay for his fathers crimes, of course. He would need to look into this, himself a bit, though. Severus was not easily fooled - but it was possible. If only the boy didn't look so much like the young Voldemort. Severus stood and quietly excused himself, and he nodded to him absently.

Severus walked back to the infirmary and lay on a bed next to Tom. Harry occupied the bed on the other side. He wanted to be here when they woke up - to comfort Harry and to keep Tom up to date on events. He let his eyes drift shut. He would be needing a great deal of pepper-up when the castle woke in the morning.


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