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The Cave

Severus emerged from the winding stair in time to hear Hagrid finishing a 'report' on the detention. Severus took a deep breath and smothered the wave of aggravation he felt at Hagrid. Hagrid had such deep admiration and devotion to Albus that expecting him to see anything less than scrupulous about the Headmaster was sheer folly.

Severus knew that Albus had helped Hagrid out of some unpleasantness in the past. Hagrid's Gryffindor loyalty rivaled a Hufflepuff's at times, but Severus was in no position to point fingers. Severus had stuck with a job he disliked to stand by Albus in expectation of the Dark Lord's return because Albus had gotten him out of Azkaban as he had promised to do.

Severus took another deep breath. After all – Hagrid's total trust in Albus had made Tom's attending the Care of Magical Creatures classes easier. Hagrid helped Professor Kettleburn with the 'more difficult' animals these days. Especially when they wished to show Norbert to the classes.

Hagrid, of course, did notice Tom's eerie resemblance to the boy Hagrid had gone to school with – and that he had the same name. Albus had 'explained' things, and the soft-hearted Hagrid had willingly been sworn to silence – complete with a spell to ensure it (at Severus' insistance).

Tom had stayed curiously silent and rather subdued during this and had only quietly muttered a low 'thank you' to the half giant after Hagrid had agreed to Albus' order of silence. Hagrid had simply clapped Tom on the back with a 'not ta worry none'. Tom – and Percy had become favorites of Hagrid when he realized how much they knew about dragons. Yvane – through Tom - had imparted quite a bit of information to Hagrid – mostly in an effort to discourage him from wanting to keep Norbert. They had made little headway on that.

Severus slowly entered the Headmaster's office, repeating to himself that Hagrid's naivete was useful Albus smiled hopefully at Severus as he entered, earning a hateful glare in return. Hagrid smiled uncertainly at Severus and nodded to him as he took his leave.

Severus sat and glowered at Albus. "I needed to give Harry a rather strong pain potion for a massive headache. I was quite disturbed to hear the tale of the detention the two of them endured."

Albus remained as impassive as he could, tapping his desk with one finger. "Yes – I didn't intend for young Harry and Draco to be separated from the others. Hagrid was quite anxious to find the injured unicorn ... however it was interesting to find out that Harry's scar reacted in that manner to the ... being ... he encountered."

Severus sneered. "It's obvious that it was the Dark Lord. And, yes, I understand that you believe the scar ... as a horcrux ... reacted to his proximity. It means nothing – I will find a way to free Harry from it without killing Harry."

Albus looked at Severus a bit sadly. "I do hope you are able to. You understand with Voldemort now making his attempts at returning – our time is short."

Severus froze, eyeing Albus carefully. He wasn't sure if this was some sort of threat, or not. "We have enough time, that we don't need to toss Harry and his friends into this sort of dangerous situation."

Albus nodded distractedly, but not very convincingly.

Severus stood, unhappy with the situation. "We need to keep the stone out of the Dark Lord's hands ... and Quirrell's." Albus looked at him sharply as Severus related the confrontation with the DADA professor and the man's subsequant trek into the forest.

Albus nodded in agreement. "It does seem certain that he is working with Voldemort. We will need to watch him closely."

Severus nodded shortly and left. He was sure that Albus still had much more in store for Harry. He could remember Albus musing on 'training Harry' back before Harry had escaped to Severus' home. Severus had always assumed the Headmaster meant that to be after Harry had graduated from Hogwarts. He was increasingly aware that he would have to protect Harry even now.


Months went by with certain occupants of the castle waltzing around one another in an odd dance. Severus stalked Quirrell relentlessly with Neville, Ron and Hermione trailing after them with suspicious eyes. Dudley and sometimes Tom followed that trio as well. Harry and Draco watched the whole bunch of them with irritation.

They were sure Quirrell was helping Voldemort and felt he should have been fired, already. They both hoped the DADA professor would make a wrong move and Severus could turn him into a toad, permanently. The trio of fellow first year students they were even more angry with than Quirrell. Ron was merely an idiot Gryffindor, they felt, but surely Granger was smarter than this? And Longbottom! - a traitor to Slytherin, certainly ... breaking cardinal rules of the house. If one did suspect a housemate of something – or in this case the Head of House, you kept the suspicions within the house. Going to Ron and Hermione was blatant betrayal of Slytherin.

Draco and Harry took great joy in smirking at Ron over the next Slytherin vs Gryffindor Quidditch match. Slytherin had trounced Gryffindor quite well. It had been equally satisfying to cheer Hufflepuff on to victory over Gryffindor and laugh happily in Ron's purpling face.

Draco and Harry had hesitated over their gloating at first due to Dudley, but Dudley was rather indifferent over the House games and Dudley himself had been happy that Weasley twins had done so well on the Hufflepuff team. Dudley had seen enough professional Quidditch, now, that school games seemed unimportant.

Ron had been furious that the twins had gotten onto the House team immediately in their second years. Their skills as beaters, along with Cedric Diggory becoming the seeker had made the Hufflepuff team formidible for the first time in over a decade.

Dudley and Tom though ... Draco and Harry pitied them – having to waste their time trying to save Ron, Neville and Hermione from their own folly. Dudley, at least, couldn't afford to take this much time away from his studies, they felt. Tom – whenever he got too close to the DADA teacher he would end up with hives and something about that made Harry anxious – he was sure it meant something.

Tom only had taken a few days off from tracking the trio - which he had spent comforting Hagrid over Norbert's removal to the Welsh dragon reserve. He finally calmed the man by promising to arrange a visit over the summer and hoped Yuan would be agreeable.

Albus was equally frustrated. Not only was the hunt for the cave going much slower than he expected, but there seemed to be an impasse with the stone. Quirrell was unable to make headway with Severus blocking him, and the trio was not looking for the stone itself – they were just shadowing the professors. Worst of all, Harry showed no interest in doing more that sneering along with Draco at the trio doing all the work.

Quite aggravating.

Spring break had come and gone before anything happened to make Albus happy again. A pair of Lucius' rabbit-like henchmen nervously reported that they were sure they had found the cave Lucius wanted. Lucius cheerfully poured a couple of bags of galleons over the pair and obliviated the information from them.

Lucius reported the find to Severus and the two of them told a beaming Albus. Albus spent the next few weeks putting plans and a 'team' together to explore the cave. None of the Order of the Phoenix knew of the Horcruxes, and he wished to keep it that way. None the less, he decided to tell just Remus and recruited him to come along with he and Severus. Albus wished to keep the number of people to a minimum.

Suprisingly, Severus insisted that Tom come along with them. He and Tom insisted that Tom 'might be useful' if Voldemort used familial magic of any sort – like he had used on his vaults. Albus conceded that they might be right and agreed, bringing the number to four.

Lucius had glowered over his exclusion until Albus insisted that he needed Lucius stay at Hogwarts while they were gone 'to keep an eye on things, as Minerva had not liked being in charge of the Stone last time'. Lucius' eyes had taken on the same manic glint Severus' had at the thought of having the Sorcerer's Stone within his grasp ... and then he'd shaken it off with a grimace. He'd been mollified by the request to 'take charge of Hogwarts for a day'. He could wring some satisfaction out of sitting at Albus' desk while they were gone – he'd make sure McGonagall saw him there at least once.

Tom was relieved that the day of the expidition was after the NEWTs exams. The examiners had been quite impressed with his abilities during the practical exams and the written ones he was very confident about – there had been only a few questions he'd been uncertain of.

The four apparated to the coordinates given them by Lucius and they found themselves at a cliff edge. The wind from off the sea was chilly even this late in the spring. Severus smiled, though. He was sure that Harry, at least, would still have enjoyed it.

Severus looked over at Remus. He'd been pleasant to the man ... so far. Remus was mucking up what little relationship he had with Harry so thoroughly that Severus saw no reason to bother annoying the werewolf with insults. Remus looked aggravated by Severus' presence and that was satisfying enough.

Remus looked down over the cliff and quietly conjured ropes to scale the face of the cliff. "We're likely to get wet, everyone." Tom said with a sigh, remembering the trek as a child.

Even with ropes the descent was tricky, and there were some gasps as they entered the chilly water to swim to the fissure they could see. The fissure opened to a dark tunnel that they had to wade down until they reached steps that went up into a cave. They cast drying and warming charms as soon as they entered this and lit their wands with a Lumos.

Albus led the way into the cave, with the others close behind. Albus stood in the middle of the cave examining the walls and ceiling. "Yes, this place has known magic – we're in the right spot."

Tom looked around, it had been years, but he recognized it. He looked over to where he knew the opening had been and wandered to it, pretending to examine the rock face. He encountered a spell and frowned – he didn't recognize it. "I've found a spell, Headmaster – I'm not sure what it is..."

The others crowded around and Albus nodded. "Yes this must be the entrance." He hummed as he waved his wand over the area.

"It's spelled to require blood as payment." Yvane said in contempt. "Simple, but not many these days are familiar with sacrificial magic."

Tom mulled over how to impart this. "The Dark Lord seems to like painful spells ... maybe something requiring a sacrifice of some sort. I think it would be like him."

Severus raised an eyebrow and Remus frowned. Albus, though, nodded. "Perhaps..." He hummed a bit more and muttered more spells and then sighed. "Ah, you're right ... very crude, but effective – not many would think to look for this. And as it requires magical blood – no muggle would open it even by mistake." Still, Albus sounded disappointed – as if a student had fallen short in a test.

Tom twitched unhappily. He was glad Voldemort was falling short in the Headmaster's estimation and he mentally renewed a personal vow to never fall short again, though Severus and Harry's regard were the ones that counted.

Yvane soothed him quietly "... Voldemorts actions meant nothing now ... Tom would do more than Voldemort ever dreamed, he promised."

Albus spelled a small cut onto his palm and let the blood spatter onto the rock. An entrance appeared and they moved through it into a large cavern – large enough to have a huge lake in it. They moved closer and they saw a small island in the center with a green glow coming from it. Tom looked around curiously. He'd not really explored the cavern as a child – he'd just thought it would scare the other orphans into giving back what they'd stolen.

They followed Albus with Severus muttering angrily about the anti-apparition wards he'd just found. Severus hated being without an escape plan – he was sure the wards would prevent the portkeys Lucius had stuffed into his pocket from working.

Remus looked over the water. "He must have placed something here to cross with, Headmaster. If we can't apparate ... there must be something." He brightened suddenly. "Maybe we aren't meant to cross it? Maybe we just summon it?"

Albus stopped and looked at him. "Why not? – go ahead Remus."

Remus pointed his wand at the green glow and shouted. "Accio Horcrux!" There was a flash and something burst out of the water with a splash like an explosion. They all moved back a pace.

"Inferi." Severus spat with a snarl.

"Yes, likely they are poised to interfere with anyone trying to take the Horcrux away." Albus said with deceptive calm.

Albus walked along the edge of the water once again with the three following with more sober countenences. Finally Albus came to a stop with a muttered. "Aha."

Albus waved his hand out over the water and grasped something, and then tapped his hand with his wand, making a chain appear. They all pulled and quickly got a small boat to the surface. Severus snarled at the small size.

"Too small for all of us, even if we stand, but two might fit if we squeeze." Remus sighed.

Albus shook his head, having completed his examination of the boat. "No, It will only bear one of-age wizard at a time."

Severus froze at that, recognizing the light in Tom's eyes. Albus looked at Tom carefully. "Are you prepared for whatever we might meet?"

Tom nodded firmly and patted Severus' shoulder. The wizard was looking at him in fearful dread.

"You're not going to do anything stupidly Gryffindor just because you got sorted there for one year?" Severus whispered in anxiety. He was feeling a bit fatherly toward Tom at the moment and was terrified Tom would feel the need to get this Horcrux even if the cost was high ... or even if the cost was too high.

Tom gripped Severus' arm tightly in reassurance. "I promise to pretend to be a Slytherin for the boat trip, Severus." Severus sighed and hoped Tom meant it.

Albus smiled kindly, understanding Severus' fears. Attacking any of Voldemort's bastions could easily be deadly. He waved Tom to the front of the boat and stepped in behind him. The boat made it's way across the lake and Tom tried not to notice the occasional glimpse of a pale face or human limb that would appear in the water.

Yvane intoned. "It was not you that did this."

Tom gripped this mentally and chanted 'It wasn't me, not me, not me.', all the way to the island. Tom leaped out of the boat in relief the moment it touched the island. Albus followed more slowly and they approached the stone basin and it's glowing contents together.

Dumbledore waved his wand, muttering revealing charms while Tom simply stared at the glowing liquid, trying to think of what Voldemort likely put in there to hide a piece of his soul. Something terrible, he was sure.

Albus reached toward the liquid even as Tom started to say "No..."

Albus just smiled and said, "Don't worry – it won't let me touch it." Albus demonstrated that his hand would not go near the liquid. "The liquid cannot be touched, charmed, transfigured or in any way changed ... I believe it must be drunk to reach what lies on the bottom."

Tom paled at this. "It's likely a poison ... it will kill us..."

Albus shook his head confidently. "No, Lord Voldemort would not want to kill the person who got this far ... he believes his Horcruxes to be a secret and he would expect only a very powerful wizard would get here. He would want to meet them – and question them."

Tom nodded, that made perfect sense. "I'll drink it, then." Albus started to shake his head. "Headmaster, to get back past those Inferi we will need you at your best. I wouldn't like those odds against me, alone ... you'll need to do that. You said the liquid won't kill – you can get me back to Severus ... he'll fix whatever happens to me from it."

Albus smiled at Tom fondly ... Tom was a Gryffindor, indeed – with some cunning thrown in as well, which was not a bad thing. "Severus will scold you for months to come. Harry and Draco will make Gryffindor jokes and insults for as long as they can get away with it for this."

Tom smiled back as best he could. "Yes – Severus and the boys are almost a fate worse than the Inferi, but I'll do my best to bear it."

Albus conjured a crystal glass and scooped up the first cupfull of the emerald liquid. He turned to Tom. "Are you ready, Tom?"

Tom took a deep breath and reached for the cup in answer. Before taking it from the Headmaster he looked closely at the man. "You need to make me drink all of it." Albus nodded slowly. "Whatever it does to me, you know I must drink it all."

Albus nodded again with a sigh. "Yes, Tom, I know."

Tom took the first long drink, draining it dry and quickly scooped up another. He managed to down four cups quickly before gasping and leaning against the basin. Pain was ripping through him as he filled the fifth. Albus helped him lift the cup and drink. Tom collapsed to his knees as it emptied.

"No, no more..." Tom whispered as the pain built up, making him uncertain of where he was and why he was drinking this horrible liquid. Albus lifted the sixth cup to his lips and Tom batted ineffectually at it and drank reluctantly.

Horrifying visions of the orphanage erupted into his mind. Billy Stubbs was there threatening him with terrible things. "No, NO! Don't ..." Tom screamed at him. He could hear a soothing voice telling him to just drink the seventh cup and nothing would happen. He gulped down the liquid praying that Billy would let him go.

He was suddenly in school, facing a group of sneering students from other houses in his first year. "Oi, runt. You're nothin' but a scholarship student ... bein' in Slytherin don' make you a Lord, ya know..." They began shoving him back and forth between them, slapping at his face. Knocking him into walls. He began to wonder how much worse it would get ... what else would they do? Would they ever stop?

"Please, stop...Don't ... please..." Tom pleaded to the sneering faces, hating himself for begging ... hating them for making him beg. The voice was back, telling him to just drink and it would all be alright again.

He was transported to the Chamber of Secrets, realizing with terror that he'd turned a basilisk loose. He ran through the chambers screaming "Stop, STOP!" at the monster. He took another drink of something and was standing over the body of a girl, feeling like something inside was ripping apart. "NO!" he screamed again. "I didn't mean to! Please!" Someone pushed more liquid toward him and he found himself looking into Dumbledore's eyes.

"Just kill me." Tom begged tearfully.

"Drink this, Tom, and I promise it will be over with. Tom drank, hoping it was a fatal poison. Albus then reached up and pulled a gold necklace out of the stone basin. "You did very well, Tom. I'm sorry it was so painful." Albus said softly, helping Tom to his feet.

"I'm so terribly thirsty, Headmaster." Tom whimpered, and winced at the pathetic plea in his voice.

Albus tried to cast aguamenti without success and started toward the lake to get water, then stopped. "I think getting a drink will alert the Inferi – likely it is why aguameti is warded against here. I am sure Severus will have something for you."

Tom whimpered as he clambered back into the boat, his recent horrible visions still replaying in his mind, though he at least no longer felt he was reliving them. Albus sat behind him in the boat, supporting one of his shoulders as they started to recross the lake. The water was soon churning with Inferi trying to reach them inside the boat. Albus conjured a wheel of fire around them, charring some to ash and driving off the others.

Tom kept his eyes locked on the dark-robed figure pacing at the far side of the water, willing the boat to take him to Severus faster. Remus and Severus pulled the boat up on shore as soon as they touched and Tom fell into Severus' arms immediately, babbling about the horrible visions.

Albus and Remus urged them toward the entrance, casting firewalls behind them to keep the Inferi back. Albus reopened the entrance quickly and they moved into the smaller cave and then into the tunnel. As soon as they waded into open air. Severus handed around the portkeys and they were taken to the gates of Hogwarts.

"I gather that Tom had to drink something to get to the Horcrux, then?" Severus snarled at Albus, who nodded in response.

"It caused alot of pain and then, apparently caused him to relive his worst memories." Albus said.

Severus frowned and dug around in his pockets – he had brought as many different potions and things as his wizardspaced pockets would allow. He handed a few to Tom and then held up the dreaded bezoar. Tom grimaced and hunched his shoulders and swallowed it with difficulty.

He sighed as he began to feel better immediately and they trudged toward the castle and went in the front entrance – only to be met with a frantic Dudley.

"Headmaster ... Professor ... come quick – Harry and Voldemort ... and they're going to arrest Lucius!" Dudley panted out.


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