Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Author's Chapter Notes:
Tom goes to a conference and leaves Severus to take care of James. Will the Snapes survive the littlest Marauder?
Snape and the Littlest Marauder

Eight weeks later

The schoolroom:

Jamie took his homemade slingshot made from two pencils and a rubber band and shot a small pebble at the portable blackboard that Uncle Remmy was writing on. Today they were learning the vocabulary words "Bat", "Mat" Scat" "Hat" and "Ker-splat!". Remus liked to introduce new words to them by having them make up a story using them, and that was what he was writing on the board, the beginning of the story. After he wrote the beginning, his students would each have to come up with a sentence that used a new word that followed the story written and after they all had a turn, he would finish the story and pick someone to read it. Remus usually did his reading/vocabulary portion of lessons in the morning, since the kids were more alert then and eager to participate.


The pebble struck the board almost by his head.

Remus bit back a groan. Well, some of them were eager to participate, he amended silently. Then there was Jamie, his troublemaker.

Once a Marauder, always a Marauder.

Remus turned around, his eyes flashing. "All right, who shot that?"

Harry, Tessa, Teddy, Draco, and Jamie were all sitting up in their chairs, copying what he had written on the board. They all looked perfectly innocent, especially the littlest Marauder. Remus sighed. He knew, of course, who had shot at him, but he couldn't accuse the boy unless he caught him in the act. Frowning, he said sternly, "If I have one more interruption, all of you will stay inside for recess and do seat work instead of going out to play."

"Aww, no fair, Uncle Remmy!" Jamie groaned, as if on cue.

The twins and Draco glared at him. Harry rolled his eyes.

"Mr. Potter, what's not fair is me getting interrupted every five minutes. Now quit squirming and sit still. Have you finished writing the beginning of the story?"

Jamie shook his head. "Nope." He was squirming because he was trying to hide the homemade slingshot from Remus' sharp werewolf eyes.

"Do so." Remus turned away to write the next sentence.

Tessa scowled at Jamie. "You stop frowing things at my papa!"

"Frow? What's that word?" Jamie teased, making fun of the little girl's slight lisp.

"Quit makin' fun of my sister, Potter!" hissed Teddy. He was the more easygoing of the twins, but one thing he didn't tolerate was anyone mocking his twin. "You know what she means!"

"Yeah. You wanna get us in trouble again?" Harry whispered, giving his de-aged father a nudge. When they had first met, both had been shocked at how much each resembled the other.

"It's like we're twins!" Jamie had cried. The only difference between them was Harry's green eyes.

"You have a twin we don't know about, Harry?" Draco had asked, puzzled.

"No, he's sort of my cousin," Harry said awkwardly. He had been told by Severus and Lily what had really happened to his father, and also that he had to keep it a secret. The first time he had seen his six-year-old father he had felt very odd, but soon he had come to regard Jamie as just another child, especially because his father acted just like a kid, and not a grown-up trapped in a kid's body.

"Maybe he's your evil twin," Draco suggested, there was something about the other boy that he didn't really like.

"Am not!" Jamie cried, and went to push Draco.

Until Remus had entered the room and separated the two, scolding Jamie for trying to assault Draco. The two hadn't really gotten along since that first day at school.

Now Draco hissed, "Evil twin!"

Jamie stuck his tongue out at the other boy. "Crybaby!"

"Shh!" Tessa frowned. "Shut up and do your work! I wanna have recess today!"

Yesterday they'd all been kept inside because of rainy weather.

Jamie turned and wrote another sentence on the large lined parchment they all used. Because they were in primary school, they weren't allowed to use real quills and ink yet, but pens filled with ink that were easier for them to write with. When they were eight or nine, they would learn to write with real quills. Jamie found writing easy, for some reason, and soon he was finished with the sentences and bored again.

He looked over at Draco, whom he regarded as a little sniveling crybaby, since he had seen Draco petrified once when the lights went out in the old farmhouse. Draco seemed to be a pet of Uncle Remmy's and Jamie was jealous because he liked Remus and wanted the other man to notice him. And he had found the best way to draw Remus' attention was to act up in class. He liked Harry and Teddy all right, they almost always laughed when he played pranks, but Tessa was a little prig and needed to be taken down a peg.

He thought really hard about making something happen to Tessa, something funny, and the next thing he knew, the little girl's beautiful blond hair had turned a disgusting shade of puce.

"Eeww! Your hair looks like something a cat barfed up!" he sniggered, pointing at Tessa.

"Huh?" Remus' daughter looked up. "What are you talkin' about?"

Teddy's mouth hung open. "Uh . . .Tess? Y'might wanna look in a mirror."

Tessa pulled out the small doll mirror she had in her backpack. "Ahhhh!" she screamed. "Papa, my hair! It's so ugly!"

"What'd you do to her, Potter?" Draco growled.

"Me? I didn't do nothin'." Jamie said slyly.

"Liar!" Draco cried.

Jamie got mad.

Next thing that happened was Draco began to burp uncontrollably.

Harry and Teddy started to laugh hysterically, unable to help themselves. Tessa was sobbing and wailing, and in about ten seconds Remus' quiet morning had turned into a ruckus.

Remus was tempted to put his hands over his ears, his daughter had a howl to rival a coyote. Gritting his teeth, he turned around and said sharply, "Enough!"

Everyone shut up.

It was rare that Remus needed to go Alpha upon his students, but when he did, everyone, including Jamie, stopped and froze.

"Tessa, stop crying and come here, I can fix that in two seconds." Remus said, beckoning to his daughter. He pinned Teddy and Harry with his amber eyes. "Harry and Teddy, quit snickering and finish your work. Draco, what on earth is the matter with you?"

"Dunno—" He let out a loud belch. "I-I can't stop—" Another burp emerged and then another.

Remus knew that old prank and his eyes slid towards his last student. "James Darius Potter, is this your doing?"

Jamie squirmed, for Remus' eyes seemed to see right through him, just like his dad's. "Umm . . .sort of."

Remus pointed his finger. "Corner, young man. Five minutes. And no recess for you."

"But . . .Uncle Remmy . . .!" whined the mischievous scamp.

"Never you mind. March!" Remus knew he had to be firm or else Jamie would walk all over him.

Jamie groaned and got up, his face set in stubborn lines. "Don't wanna!" he muttered. "I was just havin' fun!"

"Playing pranks on your classmates is the wrong kind of fun," Remus scolded. "Corner, Potter. Now!"

"Better do as he says," Harry hissed behind his hand. "Or else he'll send a letter home to your dad. Then you'll be in real trouble!"

Jamie huffed and went to the corner. He hated that punishment and wriggled and squirmed the entire time. Remus ignored him, removing the spells over Tessa and Draco in a few seconds. Then he had them go back to their seats and start using his words in a sentence.

After five minutes, Remus allowed Jamie to return to his seat, and they finished the lesson.

Lunch and recess arrived and when all the others went out to play, Jamie stayed in, finishing the rest of the lesson he'd missed that morning and getting a lecture from Remus.

"Now, I know you know better, James. Why were you starting trouble again?"

Jamie looked down at his shoes. Now he felt guilty. "Don't know. I was bored."

"That's no excuse for acting up in my class. If you're bored, all you need to do is tell me and I'll give you more challenging exercises to work on."


"Oh is right. Now, you have three strikes for this week. You get two more and you know what happens, don't you?"

"Yes, sir. Daddy gets a letter from you."

"Right. And you don't want that do you? Not after I told your dad how you were such a good student last week."

Jamie shook his head. No, he didn't want that at all. His dad would be so disappointed and that always made his stomach hurt. Plus, he would also be getting grounded for a day, which meant no broom and an early bedtime. And he hated that too. "I'll behave, Uncle Remmy."

"Do I have your word?"

"Yessir." Jamie knew that a promise was something that should never be broken, his daddy had taught him that. A wizard's word was his bond.

The boy looked up at him with huge hazel eyes and Remus found that he was no longer angry at the scamp. "All right then. Finish up your story and we won't have this discussion again."

Jamie obeyed, for once.

Remus began to hope that between all of them they might tame the littlest Marauder. Or at least blunt his penchant for pranks somewhat.

The weekend

Friday evening:

"Now, you'll remember to behave for Severus and Lily while I'm gone, right?" Tom instructed his son. This would be the first time he had to leave James overnight with someone other than his family, since he had a long conference to attend at the behest of the Board of Governors. This happened every year, but Tom had forgotten about it with all of the responsibility of raising his little hellion. The conference was four days, starting Friday evening and lasting until Monday evening. He didn't want his father to have to mind the child for that long, he was getting on in years, and despite Tom's consistent discipline, Jamie was still a handful.

So he had asked Severus and Lily if they wouldn't mind watching him, figuring it was about time Jamie got to know all the Snapes, and not just Harry, whom he only saw at school. Plus, it would give James some good memories of Severus as a loving father and not his schoolboy nemesis.

Severus had been a bit reticent at first, but Lily had agreed right off. She apparently had no qualms about babysitting her former husband during his second childhood.

So it was arranged that Tom would drop Jamie off at the Snape flat that Friday evening and pick him up right after the conference concluded.

"Can I bring my broom, Daddy?"

"Yes. If you promise to stay in the yard and no flying off into Diagon Alley."

"Okay," Jamie agreed, biting back a sigh. How was it that his dad always knew what he wanted to do before he did it? It was like he could read minds. He hugged the tall wizard. "When will you be back?"

"Three days, imp. Not so long. You have fun with Harry and his brother and sister and listen to Sev and Lily, okay?" Tom hugged him back.

"I will."

"You can Floo me if you need to talk," the Headmaster told the six-year-old.

"Okay, Daddy. Have fun at the con'frence."

Tom chuckled. "I'll try. But I'll bet you'll have more fun with Harry. Go put on your coat and we can leave."

While Tom and James were getting ready, Harry was in his room with Draco playing with Mousie. The cat had grown a lot since Harry's birthday and was almost an adult. But she still liked chasing string and the little magical mice Severus had enchanted to run across the floor. Harry had just told Draco about his guest for the weekend.

Draco made a face. "You mean he's gonna spend the whole weekend here?"

Harry nodded. "Yeah, 'cause his dad's gotta go to some Headmaster conference and my parents said he could stay here."

"Poor you. He never listens to anyone."

"He does to Headmaster Tom. And every kid I know listens to my Da. Even the big ones," Harry said confidently. He had seen Severus make rowdy teenage boys hush and behave in his shop with just a Look.

Draco figured Harry was right about that. "Your mum too."

"Right." Harry pulled the string about for Mousie to chase.

"He better not hurt my Rosie," Draco said suddenly. He was fiercely protective of the youngest Snape. "Or else I'll knock him into next week."

"You won't need to do that, Draco. 'Cause if he hurts Rosie, I'll knock him into next week first," proclaimed Harry. He might be my dad turned little, but nobody hurts my little sister. "I'll make sure he knows that." Other than that, however, he figured he would have a good time with Jamie. When he was not causing trouble, Jamie was fun to be around.

Draco was less than thrilled about Jamie's arrival, but he would put up with the boy for Harry's sake. And if Jamie tried anything with Eric or Rosie, Draco knew he could always tell Lily or Severus. He thought of how humiliated he had been when Jamie had cast that burping hex on him. He wished he knew how to do something like that, so he could get the other boy back. Just once, he wanted the other boy to see how it felt, and then maybe he'd stop picking on Draco.

Lily was there to greet Jamie and Tom as they came through the Floo, she had only seen James once since he had been de-aged, and had to admit that even as a small boy, James still had charm and cuteness on his side. But she knew better than to be taken in by his innocent façade. She was sure that behind those hazel eyes lurked an imp of mischief just waiting to come out.

Even so, she smiled at her former husband and her Headmaster and said, "Hello, Jamie. Hello, Tom. Welcome to my home."

At a nudge from Tom, Jamie said politely, "Good afternoon, Mrs. Snape."

Lily choked back a laugh. "You may call me Aunt Lily, if you wish, Jamie. Come in and we'll put your stuff in Harry's room. You can share with him while you're here."

"Lily, where is Sev?"

"In the lab, brewing some more Children's Fever Reducer and Anti-itch Salve. There's been another outbreak of dragon pox going around and we've been bombarded with requests for medicines to stop the fever and itching. Sev's working overtime, but he'll be up for supper in a bit. Would you care to stay and eat with us?"

"No, thank you for the offer, Lily. I need to be getting on to the conference." Tom demurred. "Make sure my scamp behaves, and if not, I wish to know of it, and you have my permission to discipline him like you would your own." He looked down at his son. "Understand, James Darius?"

"Yes, Daddy."

Tom hugged him one last time before Flooing back to his quarters at school and fetching his bags.

"Come, Jamie, I'll show you where Harry's room is," said Lily, hoping to distract the child from the fact that his parent was gone away.

Jamie followed her down the hall, dragging his broom and his little duffle.

"Draco's come over to play, and you three can either play here in the house or outside in the yard as long as you tell me where you're going. Just don't make too much noise because Rosie, Harry's little sister, is sleeping, and so is his little brother, Eric."

"Okay. I wanna show Harry my broom."

A look of alarm crossed Lily's face. "James, I need you to promise me you'll not ride that broom without a grown-up nearby. Harry doesn't have his own broom yet and neither does Draco."

"Oh. Okay." Jamie's face fell. "Then he doesn't know how to fly?"

"Not by himself. He's too young to do that. Tell you what. After supper, I'll see if your uncle wouldn't mind watching you fly, and then you can impress him with your skill."

"I'm a really good flyer!" Jamie boasted.

"Then and now," Lily muttered. It would seem some things never changed.

She opened the door to Harry's room, saying, "Harry, Jamie's here. Remember your manners, won't you? You too, Draco."

"Yes, Mum."

"Yes, Aunt Lily."

Jamie walked into the room. "Hi. What's new?"

Harry shrugged. "Nothin' much."

Draco spotted the broom in Jamie's hand. "Hey, is that a racing broom? I always wanted one of those."

Jamie's mouth hardened. "Well, you can't have it. It's mine!"

Draco blinked. "I didn't want to keep it, just ride on it. Duh!"

"Boys, don't quarrel," Lily ordered, then she left them to make supper.

No sooner had she left, then Draco said, imitating Jamie in high voice, "It's mine! I'm a itty-bitty baby who can't share!"

"I'm no baby!" Jamie cried. "I'm bigger than you!"

"But I'm older, so there!" Draco stated.

"I ain't letting you ride my broom, Malfoy."

"Didn't want to anyway," sniffed the other.

"Hey, stop fighting," Harry ordered.

"Mind your own business," Jamie cried.

Harry's green eyes flashed. "This is my house, so you gotta follow the rules. And that means you share with all of us."

"No!" Jamie glared right back at him.


The two were nearly nose to nose, wearing identical scowls.

"What's this?" came a deep voice from the doorway. "Quarreling already, I see."

Harry looked over at Severus. "Da, Jamie says he won't share his broom with Draco."

"I don't hafta if I don't wanna!" shrilled the youngest Marauder.

Severus gritted his teeth, the child's whiny declaration setting his teeth on edge. But he controlled the impulse to shake the boy and said firmly, "Mr. Potter, in my house you share and share alike, or else you don't play with anyone."

Jamie stuck out his lower lip. "But Draco called me a baby!"

Severus sighed. He had little doubt that Jamie had provoked Draco into losing his temper. But in the interests of being fair, he turned and looked at the blond boy. "Draco, what have I told you about name calling?"

"That it's wrong," the other said, lowering his head. "Sorry, Uncle Sev."

"You need to apologize to James there, not me." Severus told him. "No more name calling, from either of you, or else you can both have a taste of a bar of soap and an early bedtime."

Jamie's eyes were wide. "Soap? You can't eat that!"

"You can if you say bad words," Harry informed his father. "And it tastes nasty."

Jamie had never been punished that way before and just flashed both Snapes a look. "Yuck!"

Severus nodded. "Yes, so unless you want to taste some, I suggest you behave. Come, it's time for supper."

"And after can I go flying?" Jamie queried.

"If you share with Harry and Draco."

Jamie sulked, for sharing was a new concept that he hadn't fully understood. "But why?"

"Because it's fair." Severus told him. "If Harry had a broom, wouldn't you want him to share with you?"


"There you go then." He shepherded all the boys to the dinner table, where Rosie and Eric were already seated, eating.

Severus was not surprised that James didn't know the meaning of the word share, as an only child spoiled by his parents he wouldn't have learned how to share anything, but he was determined the boy learn that lesson this time around.

After dinner, the older boys trooped outside to take a turn on the broom. Rosie and Eric followed.

Once they all had a turn hovering, with Severus watching, on his own broom, Rosie cried, "Me turn, Da! Me!"

"You're too little!" Jamie cried scornfully.

"Me turn!" Rosie insisted.

"You can't ride a broom, you big baby!"

Rosie's face crumpled.

"Not alone, that is," Severus stated, then he moved and picked up his daughter.

"Can I ride too, Da?" Eric asked wistfully.

Severus picked him up also, and flew them about the yard a few times before setting them down.

"Don't you be mean to Rosie!" Draco warned, looking like he was going to hit the other child.

"I don't let little babies ride my broom!" James stated. There was a challenging tone in his voice.

Severus whirled on them. "Draco and James, don't even think about hitting each other, or else I'll take that broom away for the whole weekend and you can spend some time in the corner and go to bed early. Clear?"

Both boys gulped and looked down at their shoes. Harry snorted, wondering how they could be so dumb as to pick a fight with his da right there watching! Even he knew better than that!

"Why don't we go and play Exploding Snap?" Harry suggested.

Draco and Jamie agreed, but no more than five minutes into the game, Draco accused James of cheating, he had taken one card too many, and James lost his temper and threw his cards all over the floor.

"Who wants to play that dumb old game anyhow?" he cried.

"Cheater!" Draco shouted.


"Spoiled brat!"

"Fart face!"

"Kiss arse!"

There was dead silence in the room after Draco blurted that insult, for that was the worst one any of them had ever come up with. Unfortunately for the two boys, their shouting match had been overheard by both adults, who came in two seconds later to see what was going on.

Severis frowned down at the two rivals and said sternly, "What did I just tell you about name calling?"

"Uh oh." Rosie muttered. "Youse in twouble."

"I suppose you must learn everything the hard way," said the apothecary.

"But Uncle Sev, he started it!" Draco cried, tears filling his eyes.

"And I'm finishing it, Draco." Severus said, and he turned to Harry and said, "Harry, what happened here?"

Harry told him, and Severus said, "You brought this on yourselves, boys. Come here."

Draco obeyed.

Jamie tried to run away, yelling, "No! I ain't eating soap!"

But Severus caught him easily and hauled him off to the bathroom for the promised mouth washing, along with Draco.

Afterwards, once he could talk again, James sobbed, "I hate you, Mr. Snape!"

Severus remained unfazed. What else is new? "You brought this on yourself, Mr. Potter. I always do what I say. Next time remember that and you won't need to eat soap."

He waved his wand and both boys' clothing were Transfigured into pajamas. Then he enlarged the bed Harry normally slept in and said, "Into bed, Draco."

The little boy pouted, but he obeyed, crawling into bed. He was full of resentment towards the other boy, however, since it had been months since he'd gotten into trouble with his Uncle Sev.

Jamie squirmed and sulked when Severus put him to bed on the other side, then he tried to trick the older wizard by shutting his eyes and pretending to fall asleep. But Severus was wise to that trick and remained in the room. After two minutes, James opened his eyes and looked about.

"Go to sleep, James." Severus ordered.

"Awww!" groaned the imp and scrunched his eyes shut again. "M'not tired!"

"Too bad."

Draco turned over and asked, "Could you read us a story, Uncle Sev? Please?"

James huffed. He was still angry with the dark-haired wizard and didn't want to listen to a story. He wished his dad were here. Until he recalled that Tom would be angry at him and then he was glad his father was gone.

"All right." Severus chose a book off Harry's shelf and began to read, keeping his voice low and soft.

Two minutes later, both boys were asleep, overtired from their bickering.

When Severus rejoined Lily in the den, he found she had already put Eric to bed, he had fallen asleep on the couch, and was sitting with Rosie in her lap while Harry read a story to his sister. The little girl was drowsing, but whenever Harry would pause, she would open her eyes and say, "More 'tory, Hawwy! More for me!"

Harry sighed and kept reading and Lily kept humming and rocking. Severus watched for a moment the tranquil scene and smiled lovingly at his wife, baby, and his eldest. Though he made no sound, somehow Rosie knew he was there and lifted her head and looked right at him.


"Sorry, Lil. I didn't mean to wake her."

"It's all right, Sev. I swear she has radar when it comes to you. Must be a girl thing."

Severus came and took his sleepy daughter from her and sat inbetween Lily and Harry. "Close your eyes, little flower," he whispered, patting her gently. Rosie shook her head, but then she laid it down on Sev's shoulder. "Nite-nite, Da."

A moment later she was asleep, snoring lightly.

"I wish I knew how you did that," Lily said. "It takes me fifteen minutes and you two seconds to make her fall asleep. You must have the magic touch."

"Or I came in just as she was surrendering anyhow," Severus said, and then he rose to put his baby girl down for the night.

When he returned, Harry was nestled against Lily and he looked half-asleep as well. "Mum, was Jamie always a troublemaker?"

Lily chuckled. "I'd have to say yes, son. Mischief seems to run in his blood."

"He was born a troublemaker," Severus said. "I'm very proud of you, Harry. You behaved very maturely tonight and didn't get mixed up with Draco or Jamie."

Harry beamed. "I know better, Da."

Severus ruffled his adopted son's hair. "You do indeed. You're like your mum, who usually thought before she acted."

Lily arched an eyebrow. "What do you mean "usually", Severus?"

He smirked. "You know what I mean, Lily Snape. Usually you were very levelheaded . . .unless your temper got the better of you."

"Like someone else I could name."

He saluted her. "Touche, my apothecary witch."

"Did you get both boys to sleep finally?"

"Yes. Even James, may Merlin grant me patience, quit sulking and dropped off eventually." Severus said, relief in his tone. Despite their bitter rivalry, Severus had taken no pleasure in punishing his former schoolmate, it had been a necessary duty, and he hoped that the child would learn from it that he wasn't to be trifled with. It was odd, but the thing Snape had wanted most from the adult James was respect as a person and a wizard. It would be the height of irony if he succeeded in earning the child James' respect. He exhaled softly. "He reminds me of you, Harry, at your brattiest."

Harry gaped at him. "No way, Da! I never said I hated you!"

"Oh, yes, you did. You were three and had a fit in a store because I wouldn't buy you a purple dinosaur or something and you screamed bloody murder as I dragged you away," Severus recalled.

"I don't remember that."

"I do. Unfortunately." Severus grimaced.

"But he's still a brat and I'm not. Well . . .only sometimes," Harry said honestly.

Lily hugged her eldest. "So is everyone as a child, Harry. The important thing is that you learned from your mistakes. Hopefully so will Jamie and then he'll be a better person. The first time, he never really was made to understand that every action has a consequence—some good and some bad. This time . . .maybe he'll get it, with all of us as examples and consistent discipline."

"You're a fine example, Harry." Severus praised.

Harry smiled. It felt good to hear that he was an example that his siblings and his father should follow. It made him feel very grown-up and proud.

"Remus is coming to pick up Draco after breakfast," Lily said. "Which is probably for the best. I love him dearly, but he and Jamie are like oil and water."

"Mmm . . ." Severus muttered.

"Jamie started it though, by picking on Draco in school." Harry told them.

Severus frowned. "Typical. Potter always was a bully."

"Because he was indulged and too used to getting his own way," Lily mused. "Maybe that will change, if you have a talk with him, Sev."


"Yes. Who better to teach him otherwise than one who used to be a victim," his wife said wisely.

Severus said nothing for a long while afterwards, carefully considering Lily's words. She often saw clearer than he did, especially when it came to James Potter and himself. He was not inclined to be any kind of role model to the deaged Marauder, yet nevertheless he found himself trying to improve the youngster's manners and behavior. He had no wish to usurp Tom Riddle's place, he didn't really care if the boy liked him or not, but at the same time he didn't want the little brat harming his children or teaching them bad behavior. Which inevitably meant he would try and teach the youngster better. He massaged his temples. This was all he needed.

"He tries to bully Rosie or Eric and I'll give him a talk all right, the kind where my hand talks to his backside," Severus said shortly.

Lily cocked an eyebrow at him. "I have never seen you raise a hand to a child who was not yours, Severus Snape. And despite your dislike of my ex-husband and his actions towards me and Harry, I don't think you would take advantage of your authority over him now. No matter how much he provokes you."

"James Potter, then and now, could provoke a saint, Lily. And that's one thing I'm not."

"True, love. But you also know better than to punish in anger, and once you've calmed down, you tend to look for alternatives to spanking."

"You said it yourself, Lily, there are times when he could have used a good paddling."

"Yes, but that's for his father to do. Unless you want to become more than just a caregiver to him?"

"Merlin bloody forbid!" Severus shuddered. "That's one headache I do not need. Tom's welcome to the brat. For his sake, I'll tolerate James."

Lily kissed him. "That's all anyone could ask, Sev. What I said before was just a suggestion."

"I'll take it under advisement," Severus murmured, drawing her into his lap. "But right now, my brilliant beloved, I have a different lesson to teach, one which I happen to be an expert in."

"Oh?" she purred. "What lesson is that, professor?"

"Making love to my wife," he answered, and captured her mouth with a kiss that nearly made her self-combust.

Lily's only answer to that declaration was to kiss him back.

Day two


After an uneventful breakfast, uneventful meaning that Jamie didn't accidentally hex Draco or start a quarrel with him, though Rosie did throw half her food on the floor for Mousie, who happily ate her eggs and bacon, and Eric upset the orange juice, lately he'd been going through a spilling phase, Remus arrived to pick up Draco.

After asking how his foster son had behaved, and sighing when Severus told him about the mouth washing, the werewolf took his youngest back home, figuring it was for the best considering what Severus now had to handle. Draco fussed a little, but the truth was he didn't like Jamie and was happy to be getting away from the other boy.

Lily was working in the shop today, so Severus took Rosie to get changed, while Eric, Harry, and Jamie went to play.

"Can I play with your train, Harry?" Eric asked, for he loved the toy Hogwarts Express that Harry had gotten for his birthday last year.

"Sure." He waved at the train in the corner.

Eric smiled and raced over to the train and started to run it. The train could run on carpet as well as a train track and could also go backwards and it had real working lights and everything.

Jamie started to play with one of Harry's magical warrior figures while Harry took out the haunted castle he liked to play with. But in about two seconds, James grew bored with the figures, and went over to where Eric was playing and said, "I wanna play too. Let me play."

Eric looked up at the older boy, who reminded him a lot of his brother, and said calmly, "Okay. After I'm done. We can take turns."

But Jamie was bored and didn't think he needed to wait for any little baby to quit playing with the toy he wanted. "No. Gimme it now! It's my turn!" He made as if to yank the train out of Eric's reach.

"No!" Eric hollered. "You share!" Having been taught to share with Rosie at a young age, Severus' son couldn't understand what was wrong with the other boy.

Jamie, who had never shared anything growing up the first time, had only started to learn that lesson with Tom's nieces and nephews. He still found the concept difficult, especially when it came to younger children. "Shut up, you little whingy baby!" He promptly shoved Eric down and snatched the train from him. "It's my turn now!"

Eric began to sob, he hated it when people shouted at him, he was a sensitive child, plus the sudden violence from James had scared him.

Harry looked up from where he was playing with the haunted castle, saw Jamie push Eric, and saw red. Like Severus, Harry also detested bullies, and he also was very protective of Eric and Rosie. "Hey! You give that back, Jamie!"

Jamie ignored Harry and continued playing.

Furious, Harry marched up to Jamie and grabbed him by the shoulder. "I said give it back to Eric. He had it first!"

"So? It's my turn now!" Jamie declared stubbornly.

"It's my train and I say who gets to play with it," Harry snapped. "And you're not allowed 'cause you pushed Eric!" He made as if to take the train from Jamie.

Jamie hung on. "Get off!"

"No, you get off!" Harry growled and tackled the other boy to the ground.

Eric started to cry harder as he saw the two boys fighting.

The resulting cacophony brought Severus, holding Rosie, into the bedroom. "What the blazes is going on here?"

"Da, Jamie pushed me an' took my train!" Eric howled, his face scrunched and wet with tears.

Severus set Rosie down and went to separate the two boys. "Enough!" He hauled them apart by the back of their collars. Then he removed the offending train and vanished it to Eric and Rosie's room.

Jamie burst into tears when the train vanished.

Severus wanted to smack him. He controlled himself by counting to ten rapidly. "Harry, go and sit in the den and calm down," he ordered his son, who looked ready to clock James.

"I hit him 'cause he hurt Eric," Harry protested.

"I'll talk to you about it later. Go."

He released Harry and his son left the room.

Then he marched Harry's bawling quasi-reflection to the corner. "Seven minutes, Mr. Potter."


The boy threw himself on the floor, kicking and howling.

Severus walked away, picked up Eric and asked him if he were all right. He hugged his son and allowed him to cry into his shirt. "Hush, Eric. You're all right now."

Rosie gripped his pant leg and glared at Jamie, who was still indulging in his temper tantrum. "Bad boy!" she shouted, pointing. "You no hurt my brudder! Bad!"

Jamie lifted his face from the floor. "Shut up, you little brat!"

"Corner, young man! Now!"

Jamie sniffled. "No fair! It was my turn!"


Jamie froze. When Tom counted to three, if he didn't listen, he got three swats.


Unsure if that would happen now, Jamie quickly picked himself up and put his nose in the corner.

"Stay there and if you move a toe out of line, you'll be there for another ten minutes." Severus ordered.

Then he left the sniveling child and went to speak to Harry, who told him what had happened, along with Eric's account of the incident.

"Harry, you know you shouldn't have hit him."

"I know, but Da, he knocked Eric down and stole my train from him. I had to do something!"

"What was the something you should have done?"

"Err . . .gotten an adult to help . . . .Sorry, Da."

"Yes. Next time remember that. Stay here for five more minutes, as punishment."

"Yessir." Inwardly he groaned. He hated time out.

Then Sev put Eric in his room along with Rosie and went back to check on his resident hellion.

Jamie was still in the corner, fidgeting. Severus called him, conjured a wet cloth, and scrubbed the youngster's face before saying, "Next time you wait your turn, James Potter, and don't shove Eric on the ground. That's unacceptable, to hit a boy that's younger than you."

"But he took my train!"

"That train is not yours and I don't care what he had—you do not push, hit, or pinch anyone. Clear?"

Jamie nodded.

"Now, say you're sorry to Eric. He's in his room."

James dragged his feet to the room across the hall and mumbled an apology to Eric while Severus watched.

Harry returned and called an uneasy truce with his de-aged father, still not quite ready to forgive him for hurting Eric, who never did anything to anyone. Soon they were playing some kind of Hide and Seek combined with tag.

After an hour of hearing their feet racing across the wooden floor, Severus was developing a headache and decided to let them burn off steam at the local park.

While Severus minded the toddlers in the preschool area of the park, Harry and Jamie went to play on the other side with Jamie's broom. The broom had charms on it and could only hover about three feet off the ground, so Severus wasn't afraid that they would fall off and break their necks. Both Harry and Jamie loved flying and managed to take turns without too much bickering.

"I gotta go pee," Harry told Jamie, and went to use the public toilets on the preschool side of the park.

Jamie was flying over by the swings where some older boys, around nine, were fooling around, standing on top of the swings and jumping off, flipping off them and landing on the dirt. They spotted the little boy flying and smirked to each other.

"Hey, kid! Come over here!" one called.

Jamie looked down and saw them and went down to see what they wanted.

"Nice broom, kid," said a dark-haired boy with buck teeth. "Where'd you get it?"

"My dad," answered Jamie proudly.

"Can we see it?"

Jamie hesitated. "Umm . . ."

Buck Teeth scowled at him. "Give it 'ere, kid!" He snatched the broom from Jamie's grasp. "Oi, fellas! Now we can try broom swinging. You gotta land on the broom after you jump off the swing two times." He moved to set the broom hovering. "Ready? Go!"

Jamie watched, a little bit in awe, as the bigger boys all tried the trick. Some made it, some didn't. But after four or five minutes, he wanted his broom back.

"Hey! I wanna fly now."

"Beat it, kid," ordered Buck Teeth. "Before we beat you."

"Yeah, scram, shrimp. You'll get it back when we're done."


"No! It's mine! You can't have it."

"Who says?" growled Buck Teeth. "Get lost!"

Jamie's eyes filled with tears. "I'm gonna tell my dad!" he yelled, before he remembered his dad wasn't available.

"Ooh, now we're really scared!" jeered the boys. "Go call daddy, bedwetter! I dare you!"

Jamie's lower lip quivered. He had never been the object of bullies before and didn't know what to do. "I'm not a bedwetter!"

"'Course you are! All you little primary school babies wet the bed. 'Specially when they get scared." Buck Teeth grabbed the younger boy and lifted him off the ground. "Now, unless you want me to thrash you till you wet yourself, you'll shut your gob and get!"

"I want my broom!"

"Tough. Finders keepers, losers weepers." He set Jamie down and shoved him sprawling into the dirt.

Jamie picked himself up, he was bleeding from a scraped knee and skinned hands, and ran from them, sobbing.

Behind him the children jeered and chanted, "Bedwetter! Bedwetter!"

Harry had just come out of the restroom, right near the bench where his dad was sitting, scanning a potions magazine, when Jamie came across the grass, bawling loudly. "I want my daddy!"

Severus jerked up, took one look at the boy, and came over to him. "What happened?"

"T-These big boys stole my broom and called me a b-bedwetter and knocked me down!" Jamie cried, showing Severus his skinned knees and hands and wailing.

Severus first thought was Well, well, now you know what it feels like. And though it was petty and unkind, he couldn't help a brief glow of satisfaction. An instant later, however, his instinctive hatred of bullies pushed aside any childish notion of sweet revenge. Someone had dared to hurt a child under his care and that he would never permit. "Where are they? Point them out to me."

Jamie pointed.

"Stay here with Harry. I'll be right back."

Face stormy, Severus strode over to where the older boys were shouting and laughing.

In two seconds they were shaking and trembling, as Severus gave them a death glare and in an icy voice informed them that if he didn't get the broom back in two seconds they were going to regret they ever got up in the morning. Buck Teeth handed over the broom immediately, and Severus turned and strode back to where Harry and Jamie were.

"Harry, watch Rosie and Eric while I take Jamie to the lavatory to clean up," ordered the apothecary. "Come with me." He took Jamie's hand.

Once inside the lavatory, which was thankfully unoccupied, Severus set the still crying child on the counter and began to wash and put magical salve on Jamie's scraped knees and palms. "Hush up, boy. You blubber worse than Rosie, for Merlin's sake. It's only a few scrapes, you're not dying."

Bloody little drama queen! He began to gently wash the scrapes.

"It stings! Oww!"

"Be still." Severus ordered, holding the boy's leg still. "You're acting like this is the first time you've ever gotten a scraped knee."

"It is!" whined his former nemesis, sniveling.

Severus halted, and stared at the little boy. He had never thought that the deaging might rob James of his memories, and if that had happened, he could understand why the six-year-old was making such a fuss over something so minor. "Oh for the love of—all right, Potter, relax." He tried making his voice more gentle. "I know it stings, but I need to wash them so you don't get an infection. Then you'd really be howling."

"What's an 'fection?"

Severus told him, ignoring the yelps as he applied some mild soap.

Finally the operation was over and Jamie was bandaged and had gotten his face washed and stopped shrieking.

"There. You'll live." He took the child on his hip and walked over to a convenient bench near the door and said seriously, "Now, we need to have a little talk about what just happened. When those big kids took your broom and called you names, did you enjoy it?"

"No!" Jamie stared at him as if he'd gone mad. "They were mean an' they made me cry."

"Just like you made Eric cry this morning. And Draco in school."

"But I wasn't being mean. I was playing pranks on Draco. And Eric wouldn't share."

"Don't lie, boy. What you did was no different than what those boys did to you. You intentionally humiliated Draco and hurt Eric. That's being a bully, James Potter. Not being funny. Those other boys were laughing when they took your broom and pushed you down. Did you think it was funny?"

Jamie slowly shook his head. "No."

"Why not? They sure thought so."

"B'cause . . .they were makin' fun of me and they hurt me."

"Right. It doesn't feel good when you get called names and pushed around, now does it?"

Another head shake.

Severus took his chin in his hand. "Look at me." The hazel eyes rose and met his own. "I want you to remember how badly you felt, James. Never forget it. And next time you start to push or play a prank on someone, think about what it felt like when those boys did it to you. They're bullies, and so were you this morning when you hurt my son. No excuses. Being a bully isn't funny, or amusing, or cool. It's cruel and shameful. You should treat others like you would wish to be treated. Do you want to be hated and feared and make your father ashamed? Or do you want to be polite and well-mannered and make your father proud of you? Think about that. I know which son I would rather have. Understand?"


Severus met the hazel eyes for a long time to be certain the lesson had sunk in.

Jamie blinked hard, understanding for the first time why his actions were wrong, and feeling ashamed. He stared at his bandaged hands, his face burning, and began to cry again.

"Now why are you crying?"

"B'cause I'm sorry."

"For what?"

"For pushing Eric an' all."

"Ah. So when you apologized before you didn't mean it?"

"N-not really." He continued to snivel for a few more minutes.

Guilt is a great motivator, Severus thought wearily. He patted the boy awkwardly on the shoulder. "Enough, child. It's done and over with. But next time remember this and think before you act."

"'Kay . . .Uncle Sev."

Severus rolled his eyes, then handed the boy another handkerchief. "Blow your nose, Jamie, and then go back and play with Harry."

The child obeyed, then he threw his arms about Severus' neck.

Snape stiffened, then he lifted the boy in his arms.

"I'm sleepy," murmured the child.

"It's been a long day. Let's go home and you can take a nap." The Potions Master said, then he went to gather up the rest of his brood of imps. He began to hope that this incident and his lecture just might have had an effect upon the spoiled brat, enough so that maybe he might not become an arrogant bully once he grew up again. Maybe.

Day three


If Severus had been expecting to see an immediate improvement in James' behavior the next day, he was doomed to disappointment, since the next morning Tom's ward woke up covered in green and blue spots, feverish, itching like mad, achy, and nauseous.

"Da, Jamie's sick," Harry announced at six in the morning, waking his father and mother from a sound sleep.

One look at the little boy and Severus and Lily both knew what ailed him.

"Bloody hell, Lil. Dragon pox. Again!" groaned the apothecary.

"He must have gotten exposed to it when he was at school with Tom," Lily said. "It wouldn't have been apparent right away since the virus takes fourteen days to incubate."

Jamie looked up at the two adults, and whimpered. "Uncle Sev, I don't feel good. My tummy hurts and I'm hot an'itchy." He reached up to scratch a large green pustule on his face and Severus grabbed his hand.

"No, child. You mustn't scratch, otherwise you'll break open the pox and you'll be itchy and burning and have scars too." Severus told him.

"I'll go and run a tepid bath with some oatmeal and milk mixed into the water," Lily said. She wasn't worried that her children would get the virus, as they had all already had it. The most recent one had been Rosie who had had it a mere three months before.

Severus thanked Merlin that Eric and Rosie were still asleep. Harry was yawning and blinking. "Harry, go back to sleep."

"Can I sleep in your room?"

"Yes," Severus said, reasoning that neither he nor Lily would be returning to bed any time soon.

Harry stumbled off to his parents' room, where he curled up in the middle of their four poster and was soon fast asleep again. He felt sorry for Jamie, but not sorry enough to stay awake. Mousekins came and curled up next to him, purring loudly.

Severus summoned several things from the family apothecary shelf, including a jar of Anti-Itch powder, a Stomach Soother, a Fever Reducer, and a pair of strange looking mittens, they were made of foam. He set everything out on the nightstand and said, "Jamie, I need you to sit up and take a few potions for me."

"Don' wanna. My tummy hurts." He gulped ominously. "Think I'm gonna—"

"NO!" Severus cried, gesturing frantically.

Too late.

The next thing he knew, Jamie had vomited all over the bed, the floor, and Severus.

"Goddammit, Potter!"

Jamie started to cry, Severus' harsh tone making him think he was in trouble.

"Sev? What's wrong?" Lily called, hurrying back from the bathroom. "Oh, honey. You poor baby. Look at you."

Severus grimaced. "It's not the first time, I know, but I—"

Lily breezed right past him to Jamie and picked up the sick little boy. "Come with Aunt Lily, honey, and I'll make you feel better."

Severus' jaw hung open as he watched his wife and their guest disappear down the hall. "Thanks ever so much, Lily," he muttered, then began to clean up the mess with a simple "Scourgify!" He scowled at the open doorway. "I had it under control." He picked up the vial of Stomach Soother and headed down to the bathroom.

Lily looked up as she vanished away Jamie's clothing. "Sorry, Sev. I didn't mean to leave you all . . .you know . . .but I figured he needed to get into the bath right away before the itching drove him crazy." She grabbed Jamie's hand as he went to scratch the bright blue spots on his bottom. "No, dear. No scratching."

The little boy squirmed. "But Aunt Li-i-i-ly!" he whined in an aggravating tone. "I'm really itchy!"

His entire body was covered with large and small pox, some were blue, the smaller ones, and the larger were green. He was shifting from foot to foot as if he had St. Vitus' dance.

"I know, don't worry. This nice bath will stop the itching." Lily said. "He has them everywhere, Sev. His diaper area, even inbetween his toes."

Severus winced. "Lily, he needs to take this potion. It'll settle his stomach so we don't have another . . .accident."

"M'sorry, sir."

Severus knelt down. "That wasn't your fault. You couldn't control yourself because you're sick."

"Then you're not mad? You're not gonna give me time out?"

"No. What I am going to do is have you take this potion." He poured a measure out onto a large spoon. "Come on. Open wide."

"No! I don't—aghckk!" Jamie sputtered as the sneaky Slytherin shoved the spoon into his mouth as he was talking.

Severus tipped his chin up so he wouldn't choke. "Swallow."

Jamie coughed. Then he shouted, "I told you I didn't want no yucky potion!"

"Jamie, it'll make you feel better," Lily soothed.

"One more," Severus said. "Will you take it like a big boy?"

The cranky child whined and dithered before finally Severus lost his patience and snapped, "I'm going to count to three . . ."

Jamie opened his mouth and gulped down the rest of the Stomach Soother.

Lily placed him in the oatmeal milk bath and coaxed him to sit down in it.

"It feels weird," complained the little boy.

"It'll help the itching," Lily told him. She looked at her husband. "Remember how the itching used to drive you crazy?"

Severus nodded. Because they had both been raised in almost entirely Muggle households, neither had been exposed to dragon pox till they came to Hogwarts, and then they came down with it when they were eleven and spent nearly a week in the Hospital Wing, together in their misery. "The baths were the only thing that really made you feel better. Still, it's good that we got it then, and not later on."

"I know." Lily said. After fifteen, dragon pox was very dangerous, it could slowly drain away your magic or damage some organs, such as your liver or heart. She gave him a sly grin. "I seem to recall Madam POmfrey threatening that if you didn't stay in bed, she'd charm your behind to the mattress."

"She was exaggerating."

"I don't think so," his wife laughed. "And I can't blame her, for you have one great behind, Sev darling."

"Lily!" he hissed, mortified.

She chuckled, sounding like a very amused fairy. "He's not listening to us, Sev, he's too busy playing."

Severus risked a glance and saw that Jamie was playing with myriad bath toys amid the oatmeal. He took advantage of that distraction to kiss Lily.

They let Jamie soak in the oatmeal bath for twenty minutes, then took him out and Severus dried him. "How's that, better?"

"Uh huh. I'm not so itchy."

"Hold still and I'll put some of this powder on you too," Severus said, then he Summoned the powder and began to rub it all over the boy.

Once that was done, Lily conjured a soft loose nightshirt for Jamie to wear, and then she came along to tuck him into bed.

Together, they tag teamed the boy and got him to take the Fever Reducer and drink a good amount of water.

Then he snuggled down in the cool sheets and started to fall asleep.

"Do you want me to stay?" asked Severus.

"If you want. I'll take the turn in the evening." Lily said, referring to which one would sit beside the child taking turns on being there if he needed anything.

It was a long morning and afternoon.

Jamie only slept till eight o'clock in the morning and when he woke he was very cranky and whined and fought with Severus. He didn't like staying in bed, his sheets were hot and sticky, Severus recast a cooling charm.

He rubbed the child down with a Rash Away lotion, to try and alleviate the itching, but the sly little boy tried to scratch while beneath the covers until Severus caught him and threatened to put the gloves on his hands.

During the day, Harry, Eric, and Rosie drifted in and out of the room, but they never stayed very long, for Jamie and Severus were both nursing short fuses. A typical conversation went like this:

"Potter, no scratching!"

"But it itches!"

"Put your hands where I can see them."

Whimper. Whine. Squirm.

"James Darius Potter, one more time you try and scratch and the gloves go on."

"But Uncle Sev . . .I can't help it . . .!"

"Then I'll have to help it for you."

The little boy was one of the worst patients Severus ever had, which was saying something. Despite all the warnings, he refused to stop trying to scratch the pox. Severus dozed, unable to keep his eyes open and when he woke, he saw Jamie looking guilty and hiding his arm beneath the covers.

"What have you done, Potter? Show me your arm."

"It's nothing."

"Show me." Snape frowned.


Exasperated, Severus yanked back the covers, revealing the boy's arm with one blue mark weeping a yellowish fluid. He swore under his breath, sprinkled some anti-itch powder right onto the mark to seal it, then he charmed the foam gloves on the boy.

Jamie wailed. "No! No! I don't like 'em! Take 'em off!"

"I told you what would happen if you kept scratching."

Jamie tried to tug a glove off and found they were firmly attached to his wrists. He howled for Lily.

"James, what on earth . . .!"

Lily appeared in the doorway. "Oh, goodness, Sev! Did you have to put them on?"

"Yes. Look at his arm."

Lily looked. She sighed. "Sorry, little one. It's for your own good."

Jamie bawled. Lily patted him. "Did you put more salve on?"

"Twice. Maybe a Calming Draught . . .?"

But James wasn't going to take any more potions without a fight, and nearly bit Lily before Severus pinched his nose shut and used a medicine dropper to give him the draught.

Sensing her husband was reaching the limits of his patience, Lily told Severus to go and eat something and read to Rosie and Eric. While he was eating a sandwich, Remus Flooed him to tell him that Draco had come down with dragon pox and wanted to know if any of the Snape children were sick.

"No, but bloody Potter is," groused the exhausted apothecary. "And he's driving me up the wall."

"You look like hell, Sev. Why don't you take a nap? Cissy and Dromeda are taking care of Draco at the clinic, and the twins are over a friend's house. I can mind your three for a few hours. You know the first twenty-four hours are always hell."

"Thanks, Remus. I'm on my last nerve."

"Get some sleep. You'll feel better," urged his friend. Then he picked up Rosie and tickled her till she howled.

"Me too, Uncle Remmy!" Eric said.

Remus went to tickle him and the little boy fled across the den to hide behind his father. "Ahh, Da, the Tickle Monster's comin' for me! Help!"

Remus swooped down and picked up Sev's youngest son, tickling him till he begged for mercy.

Severus put his feet up on the sofa and dozed off to the sound of Eric laughing and Rosie giggling and ordering Remus imperiously, "Tickle me, 'gain, Wolfie!'Gain!"

At night, Lily gave Jamie another oatmeal bath and some more potions and finally the crabby youngster slept for several hours.

Severus brought Lily dinner and put his other three to sleep before crawling into bed himself. He was almost asleep when a pair of warm arms slid round his waist.

"Lily?" he murmured sleepily. "Who's with James?"

"I put a Monitoring Charm on him. If he wakes up, I'll know. Meantime, I can sleep in my own bed, next to you, where I belong." She purred in his ear.

"Now why didn't I think of that?" grumbled her husband.

"Because women are smarter than men."

"Like hell."

"Who was the one who spent the morning dozing in a chair and got a crick in his neck and woke up with an attitude?"

Severus rolled over. "You always think you know best, Lily."

"Think?" she teased. "I do know best, Severus Snape." She tugged him to face her and whispered, "Now come here and let me kiss away your attitude, my love."

The Potions Master had no quarrel with that statement. None whatsoever.

Day four

Monday evening:

Monday morning, Jamie was feeling much better, and Severus and Lily allowed him to remove the foam gloves, since the pox were starting to dry up thanks to repeated applications of salve, powder, and oatmeal baths. He was starting to feel hungry and his fever was down. He ate toast and drank juice for breakfast and managed a sandwich of butter and jam for lunch with milk.

Lily asked him if he wanted her to read him a story, and to Severus' utter shock, he asked her if Uncle Sev could read to him instead. They had closed the shop down for the day because they didn't want to take a chance of any customers getting dragon pox, and so Severus left off his brewing and came upstairs.

He ended up reading The Adventures of Merlin and His Magic Cauldron to Harry, Jamie, and Eric while Lily napped on their bed with Rosie.

When he was finished, he found Erci curled up next to his foot like a puppy, and Jamie holding his hand.

"Thank you for reading to me," said the littlest Marauder. He gave Severus a shy smile. "I'm sorry I was so much trouble. I don't like being sick."

"Who does?" put in Harry.

Severus ruffled the messy hair. "No one. I forgive you, imp. You wouldn't be the same if you weren't in trouble most of the time."

When Tom came to pick up his son some three hours later, Jamie practically flew out of the bed and into his arms. "Miss me, did you? I hear you've been fighting dragon pox, my brave lion."

"Uh huh. But I'm better now, Dad, and Uncle Sev was the best, he took care of me just like you," said Jamie.

Tom chuckled at Severus' flabbergasted expression. "I am sure he did, son. Now it's time to go home. Say goodbye and thank you, Jamie. I think you've worn out your welcome for the weekend."

James obeyed, thanking everyone politely, as did his father, before Flooing back home in Tom's arms.

Lily looked at Severus. "All's well that ends well."

Severus snorted. He would never admit it, but towards the end of the visit, James Potter had begun to grow on him a little.


Chapter End Notes:
I hope you all liked this one! Sorry it took so long to post, but I was trying to finish Two Hawks Hunting first. Please review!

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