Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Author's Chapter Notes:
James becomes his proper age again and has a bit of trouble adjsting
There and Back Again

James rubbed his eyes and slowly stretched, wincing as all his muscles protested the sudden movement. He felt all achy and sore, as if he'd been stretched on the rack. He stifled a moan and slowly turned his head to meet the dark eyes of Tom Riddle, who had been his surrogate father for a year now and who was really the only father he could recall, since his real dad had been too sick to ever interact with him as a boy. "Dad?" The word flowed off his tongue naturally, as he had been calling the older wizard that for so long.

"Yes, Jamie? How are you feeling? Are you in pain?" Tom asked, concerned.

James shrugged. "Some. But then I guess that's what happens when you grow up over the course of ten minutes."

"Let me get you a potion, son," Tom suggested, then he rose and went across the hall to the bathroom, where the potions cabinet was located, similar to a Muggle medicine chest. He was happy to finally be able to ease his son's pain, though now there was a new pain in his heart—the fact that he had lost his little boy now that James was an adult again.

James massaged the back of his neck and looked over at the large black dog who was sitting beside his knee. The dog looked back with eyes that were too knowing for a mere canine. "Padfoot? Is that you?"

Padfoot barked and wagged his tail, then blurred into Sirius. "James! It's so good to have you back again!" he grabbed James in a bear hug. "I mean, you were a cute kid, but damn, I missed my best mate!"

"Me too!" laughed the other. He felt odd, and not only because he was an adult now. He had all these memories swimming about in his head of when he was little, and the Headmaster's son, and they were all pushing and crowding inside his skull. It made his head start pounding. He wondered if it were some kind of side effect of the Aging potion. He glanced down at himself, disorientated for a moment. It felt strange to now be as tall as Tom and no longer have to look up at people.

Sirius released him, still smiling. Clearly he was delighted to have his best friend back.

Before James could say anything else, Tom returned with a vial of pain reliever. "Here, Jamie, take this. I would imagine you're sore from the accelerated growth spurt you've had." He handed James the potion, then said, somewhat awkwardly, "Ah . . . guess I can't be calling you Jamie anymore, now can I?"

James swallowed the potion before answering. He let out a soft sigh of relief as the magical elixir dulled and vanished the majority of the aches. "That feels much better, Dad. Umm . . . do you mind me calling you that still? I . . . I've kind of . . . gotten used to it, you see . . . and . . . I still want to . . . be your son. That is, if you still want me to?" There was a wistful longing in his hazel eyes that made him seem slightly younger than his actual age and more like the boy he had been.

Tom came forward then and hugged him. "I would like that very much. Just because you're grown up again doesn't mean that you'll stop being my child. Welcome back, James." He cleared his throat. "Although, I may still call you Jamie, if only to remind you when you're behaving like a spoilt arrogant child. Which I hope won't be the case, considering all you've learnt this past year."

"That would be all right, sir." James murmured, allowing himself to remain in the tall wizard's arms for a few more minutes before separating. He rubbed his temples, his head still felt muzzy. "So . . . what happens now?"

"Why don't we all go back to Hogwarts and have a cup of tea and some sandwiches in my quarters? We can speak privately about everything there, James. You're probably ravenous after the re-aging and I know I could use something in my stomach." Tom suggested. He glanced over at Sirius. "How about you, Sirius?"

Sirius nodded. "You know me, Tom. I never turn down a meal."

They all Flooed back to the Headmaster's quarters, where Tom summoned a school house elf to bring them some refreshments. All three wizards sat around the coffee table on the large sectional couch, nibbling on the sandwiches and other treats the house elf had brought up along with the tea tray. Once they had all eaten and drank their fill, Tom settled back on the sofa and said calmly, "Now that you're back to your adult self, I'll need to contact the Wizengamot and let them know that we need to reopen the custody hearing. I believe that will require you and I to meet with them and Severus, Lily, and Harry, as well as a representative from Wizarding Children's Services. There will doubtless be a certain amount of time given for you to reorient yourself before they require proof that my little experiment worked."

"Proof? What sort of proof?" asked James.

"Proof that you can behave responsibly and like an intelligent adult, James, as well as be a decent role model and father to Harry. I would think they would give you a set time to show how much you have changed and are willing to work with both the Snapes and the representative from Child Services. You may also be required to get a job again as well."

"A job? But I have plenty of money, I don't really need to work," James protested softly.

"This isn't about need, it's about showing the Wizengamot that you've changed from a boisterous playboy only out to have a good time with his mates and be a friend to his son. Holding down a job is one of the first signs of maturity, James. I shouldn't need to tell you that, since you have worked before as an Auror consultant."

"Should I do that again?"

Tom spread his hands. "That's up to you, but that's really only a part time position. I think in order to prove to them you've really changed, you'll need to get a more permanent post." He looked thoughtful. "I believe that you would do well as the Assistant Flying Instructor, James, at Hogwarts. Madam Hooch has been thinking of semi-retiring, she's getting on in years to be flying in all kinds of weather monitoring Quidditch games and so forth. You would be able to reduce her workload a thousandfold and get a good salary and do something you enjoy-fly and teach Quidditch. If you perform well, you might even take over Hooch's position when she does retire."

"And you can be near Harry too when he starts Hogwarts," Sirius reminded.

"Yes, and I'll be able to ask you for advice as well, Dad," James said happily. He still felt insecure and uncertain about his changed status, and was relieved that Tom would still be around for him to ask questions of and so forth.

"All right, Dad. Will you offer me a job?"

"I most certainly shall, James Darius Potter. Just as soon as you fill out all the paperwork." Tom said, snapping his fingers. Immediately, several sheets of paper appeared along with a quill and ink, which he handed to James.

Once James had finished filling out the application and history forms, Tom took them and sent them into his office. He would make a copy later and send one to the Ministry.

By then, James' odd memory fog had cleared a bit, enough for him to recall with fondness the young inhabitants of Riddle Manor, whom he had played and gotten into mischief with, as well as Remus' children. He flushed when he recalled how nasty he had been to poor Draco Malfoy, who had been traumatized after witnessing his mother murder his father. He definitely owed Draco an apology. "Dad, how will we explain where I am now that I'm an adult again? They're going to be wondering where I've gone."

"Hmm." Tom concentrated, thinking hard. After several minutes, he finally said, "All the kids know is that you're an orphan whom I was fostering. But perhaps we could tell them that a distant relative—a cousin from America—was found and you were sent to live with them. I don't like lying, but we have no choice. The only people who know the truth about what happened to you are myself, the Wizengamot, Sirius, and Severus and Lily."

"Harry knows," Sirius reminded him.

"Right. That makes sense." James agreed. Then he rubbed his head again.

"Do you have a headache?" asked Tom, looking worried.

"Well, sort of. My head hurts, but it's not just that. I feel . . . so different, my thoughts are all jumbled and I can't seem to sort them out. I keep remembering different incidents, but they're all mixed up."

"I see. Your memories should straighten themselves out in a day or two. Unless you'd rather have a Clarifying Draft?"

James thought about it, then finally said he would like to try the Clarifying Draft.

"I shall firecall Severus and Lily and let them know you're coming over."

"Oh. Right," James agreed. Thinking about the Snapes brought a memory to his mind of being cared for when he was sick with dragon pox, where he distinctly recalled Lily and Severus giving him potions, baths, and bed time stories. He blushed as he also recalled calling them "Aunt Lily and Uncle Sev" and being punished as well by them for being an awful brat. He almost changed his mind. But then he remembered that Harry would be there too and he longed desperately to see his son again now that he was back to normal.

A few moments later, Tom removed his head from the fire and said, "James, Severus is at home right now because all three of his children are sick with coughs and fevers. Lily is at a meeting for the International Society of Apothecaries at the Ministry. He told me to tell you to come over, he'll have the draft waiting upon the table for you."

"Oh, all right." James said, looking slightly uncomfortable.

"Want me to come along?" Sirius offered.

James shook his head. "No, but thanks anyhow, Sirius." He picked up a handful of Floo powder and tossed it down. "Snape residence, Diagon Alley." Then he stepped through the green flames and was gone.

Sirius cast Tom a worried look. "Tom, he seems so . . . unlike himself. He's more . . . quiet and he seems like he's . . . overwhelmed."

Tom just nodded. "Well, you have to admit that it is a bit overwhelming for him. He's been a child now for a year, with a child's perceptions and emotions and expectations. And now he's an adult again and still trying to come to terms with everything he's learned as well as his new feelings for everyone. He's bound to be a bit out of sorts and confused, Sirius. Especially when it comes to dealing with Severus and Lily, who used to be authority figures and caregivers to him as a child. Now he has that image plus his old ones of bullying Severus to reconcile with. Give him time. He'll figure it out."

"I hope so." Sirius said feelingly.

Tom patted him lightly on the shoulder. "You'll see. It'll all work out in the end. And he'll come out of this a better person than before." Or so the Headmaster prayed.

When James stepped through the Floo into the Snape flat, he felt a sudden feeling of déjà vu overtake him. He could recall so clearly coming through here for months, accompanied by either Tom or Remus or Lily. He had felt as comfortable here as he ever did at Hogwarts or Riddle Manor or even his own home. A part of him still did. But another part of him, the adult part, felt oddly awkward. He glanced around, and saw the vial of potion sitting on a table with a note beside it.

He leaned over to read it—Merlin, but it felt strange to be able to actually look down upon something, he had gotten so used to having to stand on tiptoe to reach a high shelf, as he had not been a particularly large six and seven year-old. It was from Severus.


Come and see me before you take the potion. There are a few minor side effects you should know about. Also, Harry's been asking for you.

S. Snape

James picked up the vial and stared at the contents. The potion was a silvery pink color, not too thick or too thin. From elsewhere in the flat he could hear children's voices and then Snape answering with quiet authority. James walked down the hallway towards Harry's room, his footsteps sure and even. He paused before reaching his son's room, because Severus was sitting on the bed in Eric and Rosie's room, holding a fussing Rosie on his knee. His black apothecary robes were stained with some kind of green substance.

"Come on, one more swallow. Open wide." Severus held a spoon with some kind of potion on it and was trying to get his stubborn two-year-old to take it.

Rosie shook her head and whimpered, for she hated taking medicine, especially the Fever Reducer, which tasted like limes. She had traces of Snape's most recent attempts all over her face. Severus heaved a sigh and looked up . . . to see James standing in the doorway. He put a finger to his lips then said to his recalcitrant daughter, "Rosie! You have a visitor!"

"Where, Da?" Rosie cried, turning to look, her mouth open.

The sneakily clever Slytherin quickly popped the spoonful of potion in her mouth.

Rosie sputtered, but Severus was quick to tilt her head back and close her mouth with a hand, ensuring that she swallowed the draft. "There! All done!"

Rosie sniffled. "You twicked me, Da!" She glared at him.

"Sorry, but you were being stubborn. If you'd taken your medicine like a good girl, I wouldn't have to do that," Severus told her simply. "Here. Have a spoonful of chocolate pudding."

That she ate eagerly, Severus had a small bowl sitting on the nightstand, it was how he rewarded his children for taking potions that tasted terrible. "Mmm!" Then she stared at James. He seemed familiar, but she couldn't quite remember where she had seen him before. "Who's that?"

"Hey, Rosie. It's . . . I'm James Potter," said James, stumbling for he had almost introduced himself as Jamie. "I'm sorry to hear you're sick."

She coughed and said, "I feel yucky."

"She's been running a fever since this morning, and has congestion in her chest and a nasty cough. But it was Harry who came down with it first, I think he picked it up over at the park the other day." Severus told him. "Then Eric started feeling sick and Rosie was a few hours after them." He shifted his small daughter, holding her over his shoulder and gently rubbing her back. "Close your eyes and sleep, Rosebud. You'll feel better after you have a nap."

Rosie yawned and laid her head down on his shoulder. "Hot, Da."

"Shhh. You'll feel better in about ten minutes with my potion in you," soothed Severus. He looked back at James. "Give me a minute to get her to sleep, all right?" He began rocking her and humming softly.

"Sure, Uncle Sev," James blurted, it was sheer reflex.

Severus raised an eyebrow, looking both startled and amused.

James felt himself color. "I . . .I mean . . . Sn—err . . . Severus." He couldn't believe he had actually called the boy he used to mock and torment by that name! Merlin, what was the matter with him? Get it together, Potter! You're all grown up now, and Snape's not . . . he's not your uncle anymore!

He looked over to the next bed, where Eric was sleeping soundly, and smiled. Snape's son was a quiet and sweet-tempered boy, and James had enjoyed building towers and bridges from blocks with him as well as playing board games. Eric had taught him how to share and play quiet games. Unbidden, a memory flashed in his head of leading Eric down the dark stairs into the apothecary to help him play a prank on Severus, and switch all the labels on a shelf of potions. He recalled the little boy writing "Eric" all over the parchment labels and sticking them on the bottles . . . He also recalled feeling very sorry for urging the little boy to get into mischief after Tom had lectured him and spanked him . . . he quickly looked away, and saw Snape gently laying his slumbering baby girl down in her bed and covering her with a light blanket. He gestured with his wand, and the tray with the pudding and two more potion vials levitated itself out of the room. Beckoning to James, Severus followed, closing the door part of the way behind him.

"That was clever . . . Severus. The way you got her to take the potion," James said, because he had never seen anyone try that before on a toddler.

Severus' eyes gleamed. "Not really. After two children, you learn a few tricks. Harry was notorious for spitting out potions when he was that age, until I learned to how to make him swallow quickly. The pudding for a reward afterwards was Lily's idea. Before that I used to give them sips of water to wash the taste away."

"I'll have to remember that," James said, staring at the potion bottle in his hands. "You said there are side effects after I take this?"

"Yes. Nothing serious, but you may have very vivid dreams, since the Clarifying Draft brings out memories that you may have forgotten in order to help you organize your thoughts. You could also have a dry mouth for a day or two, or become slightly constipated."

James made a face. "Great. I'm not sure I want to take it now."

"Drink plenty of water afterwards and you won't need to worry about either of those last two," advised the apothecary. "The first one is unavoidable."

"How long before it takes effect?"

"It should start working after five minutes. You might feel slightly lightheaded, so I recommend you take it while lying down, or just before bed." Severus instructed. "How are you feeling otherwise?"

"A little sore. But otherwise I'm fine, Un—Severus." James caught himself this time. "Sorry. I just . . ."

"I must have made quite an impression on you for you to still refer to me that way," drawled the other wizard.

James looked right into his eyes. "You sure as hell did. Take it as a compliment. I never thought I would ever say that about you, Snape."

Severus' mouth twitched. "You learn something new every day, James."

"Where's Harry?"

"Lying down in his room," Severus replied.

As if on cue, they heard Harry calling, "Da, I need a drink of water." That was followed by a series of hoarse coughs.

"Just a moment, Harry." Severus called, then indicated James should precede him down the hall.

Harry looked up when the shadow fell across the threshold from the book he'd been reading. He had been feeling pretty crummy ever since he woke up this morning with a bad cough and a fever, all tired and achy. He had quite forgotten that this was the night Jamie was going to become aged back to his adult self and able to be Harry's father again. His green eyes widened behind his glasses when he saw who was standing there.

"D-Dad? It's really you?"

"Yes, it's really me, scamp." James whispered, staring at his son in longing. "I'm back."

All of a sudden he was moving across the room, and gathering Harry into his arms and hugging him tightly. "Harry, oh Merlin, I'm so sorry. I never meant to scare you or hurt you when I came over here that time . . . I just wanted to spend time with you. I was such a damn idiot. I'm sorry for everything, son, but especially for never being a father to you." He held his son against his chest, his heart feeling as if it were about to burst with remorse and love. Tears gathered in his eyes and he sniffed sharply as he realized just how close he had come to losing his beloved child. "Forgive me?"

Harry hugged him back, smiling. "It's all right, Dad. You didn't know any better. Least that's what Uncle Tom and Mum said. I missed you, Dad. You were fun as a kid, though. I liked flying with you and playing Quidditch. Except when you got me in trouble that time with Da's potions."

James chuckled ruefully. "I'm really sorry for that, sport. That was one stupid decision on my part. One that I'll never make again."

Green eyes met hazel ones. "You've learned your lesson, huh?"

"Yes, Harry. I really have," James said solemnly. "From now on, I'm going to be a better father. Because I don't want to lose you, son."

Harry hugged him again. "I'm glad, Dad. Being a kid for a year was better than Azkaban, even if Uncle Tom did spank you, right?"

"I'd say so!" laughed his father. Then he moved over to sit on Harry's bed, holding the eight-year-old on his lap. "It's good to be back though. How are you feeling, sport?"

"Not too good. I got this bad cough, can't breathe right, and I'm tired and feverish," Harry said honestly. "Da says I gotta stay in bed till tomorrow, until my fever breaks. Where is he?"

"Right here," Severus said, coming into the room. He had been watching from the hall, and seen the genuine pleasure on both of their faces at the unexpected reunion. He just hoped that James would keep his word this time. The apothecary reached the two and placed a hand upon his son's forehead. "Still feverish. You need another round of potions, Harry. And here's your water." He handed the thirsty boy a glass of ice water with a straw.

Harry drank, sucking up the water greedily, until it was almost empty. "Here, Dad. Hold this, please."

James took the glass, chuckling at his son's bossy tone.

"Da, I'm ready for my potions." Harry said, eyeing the vials resignedly.

"Very well. You know the drill by now," Severus said, handing the boy first one potion and then the other. One was a Fever Reducer, the other a Decongestion Draft.

Harry drank them without protest, though he made terrible faces. "Ick! Da, the pudding! Please!"

Severus handed Harry the bowl and a spoon, and the boy eagerly started to eat, the creamy rich chocolate erasing the nasty taste and filling his stomach at the same time.

James watched his son eat and thought that Snape's idea was probably a good one to try on himself as well. He would have to get a house elf to bring him water and chocolate pudding before he took the Clarifying Draft and fell asleep.

Harry finished the bowl and Severus floated it into the kitchen into the sink, along with the spoons. He leaned back against James' chest with a satisfied sigh. "That was good, Da. But I still feel kind of hot."

"Your pajamas feel damp," James remarked, only now noticing that Harry's shirt was wet.

Severus felt them also. "Let's get you a new pair." He waved his wand and Harry's old pajamas were sent to the laundry hamper and fresh lighter ones were put on him. "Feel better?"

"Yes, Da. Is my fever going away?"

"Soon." Severus ruffled his son's hair playfully. Harry's cheeks were still flushed, the fever had not broken yet, but Severus was sure it would do so after this round of potions. He cast a Cooling Charm over Harry's sheets.

James saw and said, "I think I can remember my mother doing that for my father . . . and me as well when I was sick."

"Mine also," Severus murmured.

"Dad, can you read to me?" Harry asked. "I always fall asleep better when Da reads me a story." He picked up the book he had been reading, it was The Tales of Beedle the Bard, and handed it to James. "I'm at the part with the three brothers."

"That was always my favorite story when I was your age," said James. He rose and set Harry down. "Get in bed."

Harry climbed into his now cool bed and Severus tucked him in and then turned to James. "Only one story, Jamie—ah, Potter—because he needs his rest."

"Da! You called him Jamie!" exclaimed his son.

"Excuse me, I forgot." Severus said, looking slightly embarrassed. "Sleep well, Harry."

"Do you mind then, Severus?" James asked then, suddenly realizing he might have stepped on Snape's toes.

"Not at all. I have read stories to all three of my children several times already today. I think it's your turn now, James." Severus said, though he was surprised that Potter had even bothered to consider his feelings. The old James wouldn't have given a cracked Knut about them. Perhaps the time the de-aged wizard had spent with him hadn't been wasted after all. He departed the room, leaving the two Potters alone.

"Did you know, Harry, that the three Peverell brothers in this story are our ancestors?" James asked, holding the book and sitting beside his son.

"They were? Cool!"

"Yes, the Potter line is descended from the youngest Peverell brother, and they lived in Godric's Hollow, where I have a cottage there. Someday when you're better, I'll take you there. Would you like that?"

Harry nodded eagerly. "That would be wicked, Dad. Can we invite Draco and Teddy and Tessa too? They'd like to see it too, and they probably want to get out of their house. They haven't been able to come over too much since baby Zoey was born, that's their new baby sister." Zoey Grace Lupin had been born a few months ago and all the Lupins adored her.

James considered. He had wanted to spend some time with Harry alone, getting reacquainted with his son, but then he recalled that Tildy Bagshot had once said that he needed to consider Harry's feelings as well as his own. And Harry clearly missed playing with his friends. "Sure, that would be fine. There are lots of things to see and do in Godric's Hollow. We'll talk more about it later." He started to read.

"Dad, what do I tell them about . . . you know," he gestured at James.

"Oh. Just . . . tell them that Jamie's gone to live with a relative and he doesn't live with the Headmaster any longer."

"All right." Harry said, though he wished he could tell the truth. It was hard keeping secrets from his best friends. He relaxed on his pillows and listened to James reading the Tale of Three Brothers. He had heard it before, but never from his father, for James had never bothered to read him bedtime stories since Harry had no set bedtime at Potter Manor and usually collapsed somewhere around twelve midnight wherever he happened to be playing.

Soon he felt his eyes shutting and he fell asleep just as James reached the end of the tale and whispered, "You know that cloak the story mentioned? I have it still." Then James realized Harry was asleep. "Good night, sport." He set the book on the nightstand, removed his son's glasses, and kissed him gently on the forehead. "I'll see you tomorrow."

Then he left the room, heading back into the den to use the fireplace, the potion tucked securely in his pocket. He found Severus sitting in the den, drinking a cup of hot spiced cider, taking a much needed rest himself. "Thank you for that," the Auror said. "This is the first time I ever . . . actually read to him."

Severus looked up, a slight smirk on his lips. "Better late than never, Potter. I assume the Ministry hearing will be soon?"

"Yes, as soon as my father contacts the Wizengamot," James said. "He'll call you once everything's settled."

"I figured as much."

"Once this business has been settled, I'd . . . like to start spending some more time with Harry, Snape. I . . . I want him to learn about his ancestors and take him to visit Godric's Hollow. Would that be all right with you and Lily?"

Slowly, Severus nodded. "Yes, it's important to learn about your family. Although I doubt if the Ministry will allow you to go alone."

"Oh, I won't be alone. Harry wants his friends to come too. The Lupins, I mean."

Severus' eyebrow climbed into his hair. "Do you think you can handle all of them, Potter?"

"I'll find out, won't I?" James said. "Well, I had better be going. Thank you for the potion."

"Don't mention it. Good night . . . James."

"Good night," James called over his shoulder before throwing down some Floo powder.

He was hoping that the Clarifying Draft would help him gather all his thoughts and memories together before the Ministry hearing, so he could give examples about what he had learned and show those doubting officials that he was now a different man than the one who had kidnapped his son a year ago.

Chapter End Notes:
Hope you all enjoyed this chapter and Harry's reunion with James! Please review!

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