Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Author's Chapter Notes:
The Snapes and James and Sirius meet with Wizarding Child Services
The Consequences of Irresponsibility

James sat inbetween Sirius and his solicitor, Terrance Ashby, across the table from Severus, Lily, Narcissa, and the Snapes’ lawyer, Alina Simmons. Narcissa and Sirius were there to act as witnesses on the behalf of their friends. Remus was in the front office along with Harry, keeping him occupied while the others met, he was there just in case either of the solicitors had a question for Harry. Harry was still wearing the sling and cast Andromeda had put on him, though the arm was mending nicely. Eileen, Severus’ mother, was minding her other two grandchildren.

James shifted in his chair, fighting the urge to squirm on the hard seat like a guilty child. Because Andromeda had reported the incident with Buckbeak and Harry, the Director of Magical Children and Youth Services had demanded a custody re-evaluation and a hearing. That was what this meeting was all about.

“Very well, now that we are all present, I would like to discuss the events of last Saturday with all of you,” began Mathilda Bagshot, who was the representative from Children and Youth. She shuffled some papers spread out before her upon the table. She was a spare woman of about thirty, she reminded James of a prim and proper schoolteacher. Her tight gray robes did little to dispel that opinion. He flashed her a patented smile that she did not return. “I have here an affidavit from one Healer Andromeda Tonks that says she treated your son, Mr. Potter, for a broken arm, a mild concussion, and various bruises gained from falling off your pet hippogriff, is that true?”

‘“Yes, but I didn’t—”

“A simple yes or no will do,” she cut him off. “Healer Tonks further states that you were negligent in your responsibility towards Harry’s safety, as you allowed him to ride the hippogriff alone. Is that true?”

“Yes and no,” James said with a sarcastic smile. “Yes, I let Harry ride Buckbeak, but I was right there below him making sure he was all right.”

“Oh? Then why was he injured?”

“I . . .might have looked away from him for a moment,” James admitted.

“And is it a normal practice for you to allow your six-year-old to ride a hippogriff?”

“No, this was the first time I’ve ever let that happen.”

“First and last, James!” Lily snapped, her hands clenching upon the tabletop.

Severus laid a hand on her arm and she subsided. But her eyes shot daggers at her ex-husband. Even a week afterwards still had not cooled her temper.

“Mrs. Snape, kindly refrain from speaking until I am done,” reprimanded Mathilda.

“Of course. Forgive me.”

Mathilda looked sympathetic, then turned back to James. “So . . .you believe it was a good thing that you allowed your son to ride your half-broken hippogriff?”

“Buckbeak isn’t half-broken, you can ask Sirius,” James argued. “And I was trying to let my son have a little fun, we had a bit of an argument before that and he was upset.”

“What did you argue about?”

James shrugged. “It wasn’t anything important. Harry just got a little mouthy with Sirius here and when I told him to apologize, he threw a fit and I sent him to his room.”

“So you were angry with your son when you suggested he go and ride the hippogriff?”

“No, not really. I don’t hold grudges like Snape there.”

“Like hell,” muttered the apothecary.

“I thought it would be fun for him to ride Buckbeak,” James said defensively. “I sure as hell wasn’t going to make him stay in his room all day like the hardarse over there.”

Severus shot him a death glare.

“Then I take it that you and Mr. Snape have differing views on parenting?”

“Yes. He’s a strict bastard who believes in spanking my son.” James said tightly.

“Only when he deserves it,” Severus interjected. “It’s never for nothing and I never hit him hard enough to hurt, just sting.”

“You shouldn’t be touching him, Snape!”

“Mr. Potter, please!” Mathilda cried. “Settle down.” She turned to Severus. “When was the last time you disciplined your stepson that way, Mr. Snape?”

Severus told her, then added, “I’m trying to teach Harry responsibility and consequences, because Merlin knows he won’t learn anything from Potter. Potter discovering responsibility is like finding a needle in a haystack.” He sneered. “When he is at Potter’s house, his father allows him to run wild and follow no rules except his own whim.”

Mathilda looked concerned. But before she could say anything, James burst out with, “Well, at least at my place he has fun, and doesn’t get treated like he’s in the bloody army. Is that all you know how to do, Snape, order a kid around?”

Severus’s hands clenched and he fought to keep his temper. “My orders are there to keep Harry safe.”

“Oh, yeah? Then what was he doing in your lab, huh?”

“Harry snuck down there and hid behind some cauldrons,” Lily spoke up then. “You can ask him. He did it because Sev normally keeps the door to the lab locked at all times. He also knew that playing around in Sev’s lab is forbidden.”

“But Harry could have gotten hurt then too, so why aren’t we questioning your parenting skills?” cried James petulantly.

“Because I never put my son on a hippogriff alone and then got distracted by a Floo-call from a witch I was dating!” Severus growled. “You know what your problem is, Potter? You’re jealous. Because a long time ago you had what I do and you threw it away. You had a beautiful wife and son and a decent job and you made a mess of it all by being selfish and greedy. Now I have everything you ever wanted and you can’t handle it.”

“That’s a damn lie, Snape!” James cried angrily, longing to hex the smug bastard, only Mathilda had insisted they all surrender their wands at the start of the meeting. “You stole away my son, you sniveling sneaking—”

“Mr. Potter, that’s enough!” Mathilda interjected. “That is not the issue here, your irresponsible behavior is. Now, would you please stop shouting, and tell me what happened that Saturday morning after you put your son on the hippogriff?”

James grudgingly recounted the incident.

She turned to Sirius. “Mr. Black, you were the only other adult present, would you concur with Mr. Potter?”

“Say what? Uh, could you run that by me again, Miss? In English?”

“Would you agree with what Mr. Potter said?” she repeated patiently.

“Oh. Yes. James is a good father. He loves Harry and he’s not always on his arse to follow the rules. He lets him be a kid.”

“I see. Then you also think that a six-year-old should be allowed to make his or her own decisions? Were you raised that way, Mr. Black?”

“Oh, hell no, lady. I had rules and expectations shoved down my throat from the time I could walk. I hated it. I’d never do that to my own kids, if I had any.”

“You are a bachelor then? What is your occupation?”

She began to take notes as Sirius answered her, that he was independently wealthy due to a family inheritance, he owned a house in London, and worked as consultant for the Auror Department, like James.

“What did you do when you saw your godson injured?”

“I, uh, I Flooed over to my cousin Andromeda Tonks’ clinic,” Sirius answered. “I knew she’d be able to take care of Harry. She’s a good Healer.”

Now Mathilda turned to the Snapes and Cissy. “Mrs. Lupin, you were at the clinic when your godson was brought in for treatment.”

“Yes, I was. I helped Andromeda calm Harry down a bit when Lily brought him in.”

“His mother brought him in alone? Where was his father?”

“Getting yelled at by Sev, I think.” Narcissa sniffed.

“Yeah, Snape thinks he’s God and gets to tell everybody off.” James said.

“You need a good telling off, Potter, to knock your outrageous ego down to size,” Severus put in sharply. He would have said more, but Lily placed her hand on his arm and frowned warningly at him, and he held his tongue. It would not do to get into a quarrel like a child with Potter in front of Youth Services.

Mathilda continued questioning Narcissa, who answered that Harry had freely admitted he had been riding Buckbeak and fell off and hurt his arm, and when they had heard that, all of them were horrified.

“Miss Bagshot, I have twins Harry’s age and I would have never permitted either of them to get on a broom without supervision, even one with safety charms woven into it, much less ride a hippogriff! Animals are unpredictable, and if they get startled, they can panic, especially hippogriffs, which have the temperaments of both horses and eagles, and they are known to startle at loud noises and such.”

Miss Bagshot turned to James. “Was that what happened, Mr. Potter?”

“Uh, yes, ma’am. Beaky saw a bird or something, I think, and he just went after it. Instinct, you know. He’s normally a calm and good hippogriff, I raised him from a foal, and he’s never done anything like that before.” He was being honest, and he gave her a pleading I’m-sorry look from his large hazel eyes.

Miss Bagshot pursed her lips. Humph, he’s a charmer, all right, Tildy, she thought to herself. Probably able to make a woman melt just by looking at her, the rogue! But not this time. Charm isn’t going to get him out of this one, no sir! But if circumstances were different . . . She quickly cut off that thought. She knew his sort, rich playboys with more money and time than sense, she had no need to involve herself with one of them. No need at all.

She cleared her throat. “I see. So your son, Mr. Potter, could have been gravely injured due to your oversight.” She gave him a long look of disapproval, and James flinched. “I would like to speak with young Harry, if I may, in the front room? Mr. Lupin may stay, but I would like to speak with him mostly in private.”

When all three parents had given their consent, she rose and went to talk with Harry, to see if his version of events matched those of the adults. She found Harry’s testimony to be honest and unvarnished truth, and it concurred with everything that had been said. She gave him a small smile and thanked him.

But then he surprised her by asking, “Does this mean I’m not ‘llowed to see my daddy anymore?”

“Well, Harry, that’s not what this means. Since this is the first time you’ve ever gotten hurt this way when your daddy was watching you, it means we can give him a second chance. Would you like that?”

“Yes ma’am. ‘Cause it was a accident.”

“Okay. But it also means that your daddy needs to be monitored when you are over there, to make sure nothing like this happens again. Because if it did, you wouldn’t be allowed to see him again.”

“I’m not ever gonna ride a hippogriff again, miss!”

Mathilda laughed. “I would hope not! Not until you are quite grown, dear.”

“What’s monitored mean?”

“It means that the court will appoint a person to watch you and your dad together, Harry. To make sure he’s taking care of you properly.”

“Oh. Sorta like a teacher?”

“Yes, like that. Would that be all right?”

Harry nodded. “Yeah.”

“Good. Then that is what we shall do,” Mathilda said, and then she rose and went back into the office to inform James, Lily, and Severus of her decision.

“What do you mean, I have to have somebody there with me?” James demanded, outraged. “That’s ridiculous! I would never hurt Harry, I don’t need to be watched like some . . .some criminal! Over a mistake!”

“Mr. Potter, that mistake could have killed your son!” Mathilda said sharply. “You need to stop thinking about yourself and start thinking about him. What’s best for him, not you.”

“I am. Why don’t you put a guard dog on Snape there too? Make sure he doesn’t go too far with his discipline?” James cried, his hazel eyes flashing hurt and humiliation.

“If I felt it were necessary, I would bring it up before the board. But I have spoken with your son, Mr. Potter, and he assured me—quite emphatically—that Mr. Snape is not a child abuser. That his punishment was deserved and not a daily occurrence and that he loves his stepfather. He also told me that he grew angry with your friend Mr. Black because he said some mean things about Mr. Snape.” Her eyes turned frosty.

Sirius coughed and scowled down at the table and James looked half-chagrined.

Lily was furious. “You just had to start again, didn’t you, James? Badmouthing Severus in front of Harry. Don’t you know how much it upsets him? We’ve been over this before, damn it!”

“I was having a conversation with Sirus, Lily! Harry just happened to overhear it,” James fibbed, hoping to diffuse the situation.

“Yes, children hear a lot more than we think they do.” Mathilda said. “A fact that we often forget. And Harry is not stupid, he is a bright child. And it is hard for him to have to deal with the fact that you and his mum are separated and that he has two very different fathers. I can tell that he loves both of you, Mr. Potter, and your wife is correct, it bothers him when you speak badly about his stepdad. You are making Harry confused and torn in two—now is that what you want?”

“No, of course not!” James cried. He just couldn’t understand how Harry could love Snape. Snape who punished him and scolded him.

“Then might I suggest you show some restraint and watch what you say? Because slander is a crime, you know.” Mathilda reprimanded. “Now, once I report my findings to the court, they will contact your solicitor and let him know when they have appointed someone from Magical Children and Youth to supervise you on the weekends Harry comes to stay with you. The supervisor will also give you tips and classes on how to parent a child and remain with you until Harry goes to bed.”

“I don’t need classes on how to be a father,” James grumbled, his pride smarting.

“I beg to differ, Mr. Potter. And know this, if you fight the supervisor, the court may revoke your visitation rights.”

“They can’t do that! Can they?” James looked at his solicitor.

“I’m afraid they can, James.”

James looked stunned. How had everything gotten so out of control? “Fine. Let the supervisor come and teach me or whatever. How long will they be watching me?”

“For a six month period. And at the end of that time, they will evaluate you, and if you have shown improvement and a willingness to cooperate, the supervision will be cut down to once every other weekend. Understand, Mr. Potter, we are doing this for the safety of the child, for that is what matters most. Not your manly pride.”

James flushed and did not answer.

Mathilda turned to the others. “If you are all agreed, I shall submit my report today. I thank you for coming and hope you have a lovely afternoon.” Then she handed each parent a paper to sign and requested their solicitors remain behind to sign some legal documents setting up the supervised visits.

Severus rose and went out of the room to collect Harry, who was making Remus build a fort with blocks. “Scamp, time to go home. You can play with Uncle Moony later on tonight.”

“Aww, Da! But we’re making a fort.”

“I see that, but now it’s time to eat lunch. Aren’t you hungry?”

Harry thought about it. Then he nodded. “Can we have grilled ham and cheese, Da?”

“Yes. Put away the blocks and let’s go.”

Harry obeyed then, and afterwards he ran and hugged Severus, who picked him up and held him close. “M’kinda tired, Da,” he murmured sleepily.

“It’s been a long day for you.” Sev said, patting his bottom gently. “Why don’t you lay your head down and close your eyes?”

“’Kay.” Harry did, than an instant later his eyes popped open. “Where’s Mum and Dad?”

“We’re right here, sweetheart,” said Lily, coming out of the room an instant later, James following.

Harry gave them both a sweet smile and then he snuggled on Severus’s shoulder and fell asleep, thus missing the jealous glare James shot Snape before Apparating back to Potter Manor.

Chapter End Notes:
So how did you like this one? Hope you're enjoying the saga of the Snape and Potter family! And let's not forget about the Lupins.

In case you don't know about it, I've posted a new Christmas fic called Away in a Manger on here featuring a 21 year-old Severus and baby Harry, who was abandoned in a manger and found by our favorite Potions Master.

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