Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Chapter 28

Severus landed harshly on a marble floor, finding himself in a large hallway. Taking a moment to get his bearings, he rubbed absently at his knees who were protesting at such rough treatment.

'Severus!' He turned to see Narcissa rushing down the corridor towards him and had to fight to hide his reaction to her changed appearance. She was dressed in a simple black dress and flat shoes, her hair pulled back in a single plait. There was not a scrap of make-up or jewellery evident; not even her wedding ring he noticed with interest.

She looked as if she would embrace him but stopped uncertainly a few feet away; looking unsure as to how to greet him. This was the first time they had seen each other since Severus's true allegiance had been exposed. Their correspondences had been brief and stilted.

'Thank you for coming,' she whispered shakily; If anyone can help him I know you can.'

'How is he?' he asked seriously, allowing his concern to show. He wanted Narcissa to see he still cared about Draco despite what had happened between them.

She bit her lip and shook her head. 'Not...not well. They're doing everything they can but...'

'Did you keep a sample of the poison?'

Narcissa picked up one of his bags and directed he follow her down one of the long corridors.

'I managed to save a small amount and I think I have found the book he was working from. The healers have identified Belladonna and Black Nightshade and have managed to purge his system but they think there is a third active ingredient still at work.'

They had reached a small room off the main corridor and she placed his bag on the floor before opening the door. The room was bright and filled with sunlight and barely any furniture. A single bed sat in the centre of the room and three healers surrounded it talking softly. They fell respectfully quiet as Severus entered. Even here they had heard of the famous British Potions Master that had invented the Wolfsbane potion.

'What are his symptoms,' he asked officiously, not bothering with introductions or pleasantries.

What was obviously the senior healer stepped forward and handed Severus Draco's chart.

'His renal system in still compromised and we are struggling to keep blood flow to the area. He is having regular convulsions that are not sensitive to our potions and is developing some clotting problems.'

'You're sure you have fully purged the nightshade?' he asked sharply and the older man nodded.

'Yes Monsieur, I have checked several times. We are clearly missing something. We sent a sample of the poison to the lab but they have been unable to identify the third active ingredient.'

Narcissa silently handed over a small potions book and Severus winced. He recognised the tome. He had given it to Draco himself on his last birthday. Narcissa touched his arm lightly in sympathy. He opened it to the page she had marked and saw the recipe for a standard poison. Simple, effective and deadly but something was clearly off.

'Did your labs say he followed this exactly?'

The healer nodded.'Yes other than the unknown ingredient and the fact he used a different binder.'

Severus looked at the man sharply who continued. 'He substituted rose water with grapefruit juice. A case of what was to hand I expect.'

Severus frowned and moved over to look at his godson for the first time. Draco lay utterly still and was as white as death. He wrapped a slender hand around the boys smaller one whilst he thought through the boys reasoning.

'Draco is an accomplished brewer,' he said with certainty. 'He would not have made the substitution without good reason.'

'What are you thinking Severus?' Narcissa asked quietly and Severus turned to face her and the healers.

'I think he wanted to die,' he said bluntly. 'He has chosen a potion that is deadly but also easy to treat if caught quickly. If I know Draco he would have made that weakness into a strength. What did you treat him with?'

The healers read through each entry on the chart and Severus was surprised to hear a number of muggle treatments on the list. At his raised eyebrows the elder man explained. 'The senior healer at our clinic is Muggle born, he has also trained in non magical medicine and encourages us all to use a combination of the two.'

Severus glanced back at his godson with a thoughtful expression. 'It is likely that is why Draco is still with us. He would not have anticipated that you might use non magical means to purge the poisons.' He frowned heavily. 'If you had used potions only, are any of the treatments toxic in their own right?'

The healer frowned. 'Not really. The treatment for the Belladonna is pretty acidic and has to be measured carefully but other than that...'

'Acids,' Severus murmured reaching for the remaining sample that Narcissa had saved. He smelt it carefully, noting the grapefruit and distinctive Nightshade. The belladonna would be odourless by now but there was another sharp, sweet odour behind it. 'He would have used the grapefruit for it's acidic qualities, meaning there is something in here that is harder to break down. Most likely a root or leaf.'

He turned back to the small team who were listening avidly. 'Have you checked the level of acid salts in his blood?'

One of the team, a small dark haired woman, moved to do just that, collecting the things she needed on a small tray before returning to the teenagers side. She pricked one of his fingers and allowed a few drops of blood to fall into a test tube before healing the small nick with a wave of her wand.

She then allowed two drops of reagent to fall into the tube before sealing it and shaking gently. They all waited for a moment for the pink mix to turn and several of the healers swore loudly as it moved from pink to bright yellow.

Narcissa started in alarm as the room burst into activity and one of the healers moved to place a muggle IV into Draco's arm.

'What is it?' She asked, gripping Severus's arm.

'The acid levels in Draco's blood are extremely high. That is what had been causing the convulsions and renal damage. I think Draco deliberately put an ingredient with acid salts into the potion. Something that would slowly increase the acidity of his blood until it destroyed his organs. By itself it wouldn't have been enough to do him harm but coupled with the treatment for poisoning...' he tailed off as Narcissa started to cry.

'He put a fail safe in,' She stated sadly. 'In case I found him in time.'

Severus rubbed his nose as he watched the healers work. 'He should survive this now, although damage at this level cannot be undone overnight,' he warned. 'Draco is likely to be sick for many months after this.'

She nodded tearfully before standing on tip toes to kiss his cheek. 'Thank you Severus,' she whispered. 'I don't know what I would have done if I had lost him too.'

He watched the healers work sadly. That such a bright young man would be reduced to this was unfathomable to him. He promised himself yet again that he would see Voldemort fall.

'Is it true that Harry Potter is apprenticed to you Severus?' the Malfoy matriarch asked and he smiled gently at her.

'Wanting to catch up on all the gossip Cissie?'

She smiled tiredly and rubbed her eyes. 'Of course I do. I'm stuck in this shack with one old house elf for company. The Ministry have seized the manor and all of our funds...,' Severus raised a disbelieving eyebrow at that and she smiled. '...all of our funds that they know about.' She corrected and Severus laughed.

'Will you take tea with me and fill me in on all your news?'

She glanced back at her son anxiously and the senior healer nodded at her. 'I will inform you of any change immediately Madam. Please feel free to go rest with Master Snape.'

Severus offered her his arm which she wearily took, leading him towards the parlour. He glanced at the large grandfather clock in the hall as they passed. It read ten past four, meaning it was ten past three in Scotland. Harry had been missing for nineteen hours.


Harry shifted position so that the headmaster's swollen arm was resting in his lap, still encased in the oversized bag. The bag sloshed a little as the fluid collected in the bottom moved around.

'Gross,' Sirius muttered, earning a reproving look from James. 'It is though.'

Ignoring his friend, James sat down on the floor behind Harry and wrapped his arms around his son. He took a deep breath in and Sirius smiled softly, knowing his friend had been overwhelmed for a moment that he held his boy in his arms.

'OK Harry, I'm going to talk you through this but I need you to promise me you will stop if I say so.'

'I will,' Harry promised earnestly. He picked up his wand and glanced over his shoulder at his father expectantly.

'Firstly, you need to completely relax and see if you can attune to the energies in the room.'

Harry closed his eyes and starting taking the deep, controlled breaths that Severus had taught him. After several minutes he slowly opened his eyes and glanced about, seeing immediately the intricate wards that surrounded the room and the soft glow of his parents and Sirius's magic.

'OK,' Harry said quietly. 'I can see the wards and all you guys.'

'That's good, Harry,' James whispered. 'Now focus on Albus. Can you see the curse?'

Harry squinted and focused on the plastic bag for a moment, seeing the dark swirling mass that had invaded the veins and arteries.

'I see it,' he declared. 'It's spread all the way up to the shoulder.'

'I want you to focus on the edge near his armpit and imagine it being pushed back down through the arm.'

It took several attempts but eventually Harry could feel the edge of the curse and he sent his magic out, forcing the swirling mist a few inches back down the arm. He panted heavily. 'It's really hard.'

'I know son,' James said, rubbing his back gently. 'Now that you have it I want you to take a big breath and push with all your might. The further down the arm you can get it in one push, the more chance we will have.'

Harry took in a deep breath, tensed his stomach muscles and then pushed with his magic. The curse fled almost to the headmaster's wrist before it seemed to become aware that it was being attacked and fought back.

'Anchor your magic Harry!' James said urgently, his arms wrapped tightly around Harry's waist. 'Imagine it is wrapped around Albus's wrist.'

Harry forced several tendrils of his magic around the muscles and veins in the headmasters arm and imagined them pinned down with nails.

'OK relax a moment Harry.' James said gently and Harry sagged in his arms.

He could feel the curse pushing and prodding at his magic; the outside edges feeling as if they were being burnt and bruised. He winced in pain.

'You did great Harry, really great. That was impressive work. Take a few moments and we will see if we can expel it completely.'

Harry turned slightly and buried into his fathers shoulder, being careful to keep his concentration focused on the bits of his magic being slowly pried off their anchor by the curse.

James shifted to accommodate the boy and rested his hand on Harry's forehead, hugging him close.

'You are remarkable young man; do you realize that?'

Harry smiled faintly and took a few deep breaths. 'I'm ready,' he stated quietly and felt his father nod against his hair.

'You will need your wand for this bit kid.'

Harry held his wand ready, waiting for his father's instructions.

'You need to try and push the curse out of the body in one smooth movement. The thing will fight you strongly this time so be ready for that. As soon as it's expelled you will need to cast a protego so that it doesn't attack you.'

Harry took one last deep breath and then pushed with all his might, releasing the anchor simultaneously. He managed to slide the mist all the way down the edges of the headmasters burnt fingers before the curse fought back with a vengeance. He cried out as pain shot through his magical core as it the curse were electrocuting him.

'Don't let go Harry,' Sirius barked urgently. 'You've almost got it, keep pushing.'

Reminded disturbingly of a childbirth documentary he had seen, Harry fought with everything in him to keep moving the curse down the fingers. With one final burst of strength he forced the mist into a compact ball and pushed it away into the air above them.

'PROTEGO!' he cried hoarsely and a white shield sprung over the prone headmaster and Harry. He felt the curse impact against the shield before it dissipated, the air in the room instantly feeling cleaner and fresher.

He collapsed back in James's arms as the man laughed in delight.

'Well done son, well done.'

'Have a bit more chocolate Harry,' Sirius encouraged whilst Lily moved back to her place beside her husband and son.

'I shouldn't,' Harry whispered wearily. 'I've eaten one whole bar and we might need the other one. I don't know how long we will be trapped here.'

James smiled softly down at his son. The kid was always thinking of others.

'You need the energy Harry. There is one last bit of magic you need to do.'

Harry felt the instant tension between the adults and looked at Sirius questioningly.

'What is it?'

Sirius looked pointedly at Harry's bag before answering and with a sigh Harry reached for the second chocolate bar which he had wrapped in notepaper. He broke a bit off and nibbled on the edge whilst his godfather explained.

'We are going to help you break the connection you have to Moldyshorts.'

Harry's eye's widened. 'Really; you can do that?'

'Well, no,' Sirius clarified but you can now. 'You will need to use the headmaster's wand.'

Harry frowned. 'I don't think he would like that. Shouldn't we wait until he wakes up so I can ask him.'

James chuckled in his ear. 'Oh, I wouldn't worry about that Harry. I can assure you he won't mind.'

'Should I heal the burns first?'

'Do you know how to do that,' Lily asked and Harry shook his head. 'Not really. I was hoping one of you might. I know the spell to heal small burns but we are not supposed to use that on anything deeper than the surface skin.'

'I think you should leave that for Madam Pomfrey Harry,' James added. 'None of us were that great at healing charms. Lily knows the most but those burns are pretty serious. Don't worry; now that the curse has been destroyed, Albus's own magic should protect it.'

Sirius made him eat three pieces of chocolate before he would explain any further about the magic they wanted him to do.

James and Lily's grip on him had become almost painful and Harry felt his stomach start to ache with anxiety. 'What's wrong?' he asked them anxiously.

'Harry,' Sirius laid a hand on his knee. 'I believe Albus explained to you what Moldyshorts had done to try and make himself immortal?'

Harry nodded. 'The horcruxes, yeah. One less of them now though,' he added in satisfaction and Sirius smiled.

'Yeah kid, good job on that one. It's just as well Albus brought you along isn't it?'

Sirius squeezed his knee. 'The thing is Harry, no-one has ever gone as far along this path as Voldy has. He created five of these things and in doing so left the bit that was left in him dangerously unstable. It's why he has grown so mad over the years.'

Sirius took a deep breath before continuing, not at all sure they were doing the right thing with the risk they were about to take.

'The night he attacked Godric's hollow,' he continued gently. 'He underestimated your mothers love for you and how that could trip him up. As you know the killing curse rebounded on him and destroyed his body. It also broke the remaining bit of his soul in two. One bit fled and as we know is still causing us no end of trouble. That's the bit that resides in his new body. The second bit...' Sirius paused and looked anxiously at his friends for guidance.

James squeezed Harry tightly and finished what Sirius couldn't say.

'The second bit attached itself to the only other living thing in the room.' he said softly and Harry frowned in puzzlement.

'...I don't understand? What could it...?'

Harry bolted upright in his fathers arms, ignoring the wave of dizziness that swept over him. 'Me!' He explained. 'I'm a horcrux!?'

'Shhh, darling it's OK. We can sort this out right now.' Lily said urgently, tears in her eyes.

'Does...does Dumbledore know?' Harry asked shakily and his mother smiled gently.

'Yes dear, so do Remus and Severus. Albus has been researching for a year to try and find a solution.'

'That's why he was avoiding me last year.' Harry declared in distress. 'He knew I was evil.'

The three adults burst into speech in denial of his statement.

'No Harry!'

'Of course you're not.'

'Nobody thinks that.'

James pulled him back into his arms. 'Harry, we can get rid of this right now. I'm going to talk you through it but I have to warn you that...that, it might hurt.' James voice broke at the end and Harry looked over his shoulder at him.

'I'm really tired. I don't know if I can do this now.'

'It's alright Harry. This will be really easy. I want you to eat one more bit of chocolate and drink some water.'

Harry shakily reached for his water bottle and one piece of chocolate. Once he had drunk enough for his father he leant back and picked up the headmasters wand.

'What do I do?' he asked nervously.

James gripped his free hand tightly and Lily placed hers around both of them. His father guided their joined hands up to the stone around Harry's neck and encouraged him to grip it.

'OK Harry, try and attune in to your magical core again.'

It took Harry more than five minutes to find his magic but eventually he could see the multicoloured orb in his chest and the tendrils that spread through out his body.

'I see it,' he said softly, his eyes still closed.

'OK Harry, now focus on your forehead.'

Harry directed his senses upwards and nearly gagged when he found the dark swirling mass. That had been in him his whole life! Voldemort's soul sat right there all this time!

'Keep your concentration Harry!' James said sharply and Harry forced himself to calm.

'What do I do now? He muttered.

'Lay the point of the wand against your scar and imagine a ball of light wrapping itself around the horcrux.'

Harry did so and nodded slightly when he had done it.

'That's great Harry. Now this bit will be easy to do but may hurt afterwards.'

'We are right here darling,' Lily said softly. 'We love you so very much.'

James checked that his sons free hand was touching both the stone and cloak before exchanging a glance with Sirius. His friend nodded encouragingly trying not to show his fear and James took a deep shaky breath.

'OK Harry; keeping the horcrux surrounded, I want you to say; 'The Hallows and I command you to leave.'

Harry took a moment to ensure he was focused on the scar and then repeated his fathers words. There was a moment where nothing happened and then his scar burst open and his head was flooded with pain.

Harry screamed as blood poured down over his face and neck and agonizing fire shot throughout his body. He could dimly hear his father speaking urgently and his mothers soft voice but it seemed far away. Blackness invaded his vision and he collapsed, giving into unconsciousness with relief.

James held his limp son in his arms as Lily sobbed on his shoulder. Heavens, there was so much blood! He looked up into his friend's worried eyes in panic. Sirius tried hard to give a reassuring smile.

'It worked Prongs, it worked!'

James nodded numbly as he rocked the teen gently. He would feel better when Harry was awake and he could see for himself that he was alright. They had taken a risk doing this. A risk Albus might not have allowed had he been awake.

The three adults watched as the swirling grey horcrux bounced around the room, the wards preventing it from leaving. It flashed over the headmaster briefly and James tensed, worried it would try to embed itself in the wounded man. Perhaps sensing the weakness, the mist moved on and continued its desperate attempt to escape.

It took half an hour for the separated soul to weaken and the three friends sighed in relief as it finally faded out of existence; too damaged to exist independently. One more down, James thought with relief. They had just increased Harry's chance of surviving this war enormously.


Severus sat quietly at his godsons beside watching the young man sleep. He was alarmed at the change in the boy since he had last seen him. Draco's cheeks had almost collapsed in on themselves and his hair was shoulder length and hung lankly.

The muggle IV continued to drip fluid into the teen veins, keeping the boys blood levels normal whilst the last remaining toxins were expelled. Severus suspected the boy had used rhubarb leaves to create the acid salts and was rather impressed by his thoroughness.

Severus rubbed the bridge of his nose tiredly as he sat there bathed in the evening sun, much brighter here in the South of France than it had been in the still chilly Scottish spring. He felt awful that he hadn't been here for Draco and that he hadn't realised what a state the boy was in.

Nacissa had explained all the events leading up to their flight from Britain. Voldemort had grown impatient for Draco to take the mark and had apparently had a specific mission for the boy at Hogwarts. When Draco had proved reluctant, he had ordered Lucius to hand him over to Bellatrix for 'training'.

Draco had been tortured by his own aunt for four days and then delivered back to the Dark Lord. Fortunately or unfortunately, depending on which way you looked at it, that was the night of the botched mission to recruit Horace Slughorn.

Voldemort had thrown a hissy fit, killed three death eaters including Lucius and in the confusion Nacissa had managed to rescue her son from the Manor's dungeons and flee.

Severus had been in the Manor that night but had not even known Draco was there or what he had been through. He was feeling a particularly bad godfather just now. Draco was struggling to cope with what had happened to him and the loss of his father. Realizing that his mother had never really believed in the family's pureblood ethos in the first place had also rocked him enormously.

Draco was finally understanding what a lie he had been sold all these years and Severus could understand how destabilizing that was. He had been there himself.

He still had no idea how to help the boy.

A gentle knock interrupted his brooding and he turned to see Narcissa peeking around the door.

'Remus Lupin is here to see you Severus.'

Severus shot to his feet as the werewolf entered, exhaustion showing on every line of his face.

'Have you found them?' he asked sharply and Remus smiled cautiously.

'No but Moody thinks he has a lead. How is Draco?' he asked, his gaze falling on the pale young man.

'He'll live,' Severus answered and Remus's smile grew.

The ragged looking man turned to face Narcissa. 'That is very good news,' he said warmly and Narcissa's expression softened.

'I have Severus to thank. It took him about three minutes to work out what Draco had done. I will give you some privacy.'

She left quietly and Severus sank back down in the chair as Remus went to lay a hand on Draco's arm.

'Poor kid, I bet he didn't expect all this when he was strutting the halls spouting all that nonsense.'

'Yes, well he has had a rough wake up call,' Severus said sharply. 'What is the lead?'

'Moody had me check out all The Orders emergency portkey locations. I have been bouncing around Europe all day. Shame they don't do airmiles on the things; I would probably have earnt myself a toaster by now.'

Severus snorted at the muggle reference and rubbed his nose.

'Anyway, I didn't find them at any of the locations but Tonks found an apparition signature and traced it back to a house near the Riddle Manor.'

Severus looked up sharply at that. 'The Gaunt House?'

'Yes and they were definitely there. There were traced of Albus's magic all over the place and signs that floorboards and bricks in the internal walls had been moved. We found an empty wooden box on the floor so they found something. Moody thinks that they may have left in a hurry but we don't know where they might have gone.'

'How does this help?' Severus asked sensing more.

'Well, Albus didn't use his portkey which leads us back to emergency apparition points. Moody mentioned that there was an old World War II bunker that was used by The Order in the last war.'

'Yes it's in Plymouth,' Severus explained. 'We haven't used it for years though. I used to meet Albus there to report in. Have you checked it?'

'We can't,' Remus explained. 'The wards are still active and they were only keyed in for Albus, the McKinnons' and yourself. Moody asked if you could check it out?'

Severus nodded wearily. 'I will go now. I need to explain to Cissie first. Do you need a lift back with my portkey.'

Remus nodded and followed the potions master from the room, glancing sadly back at the still unconscious teenager. Severus must be feeling torn in two right now, he thought with a sigh.

Fifteen minutes later the two men landed with a jolt in Minerva's office, finding the elderly woman grading papers.

'Have you slept at all?' Remus asked her and she shook her head.

'Not yet, I will shortly.' She handed Severus a new portkey. 'This will bring you back to my office again, should you have need of it. I'm assuming you will have to apparate into this safe house?'

'Yes, although I only have to be outside the wards to use the key.'

Severus thanked her and with a brief nod to the wolf, strode swiftly from the room. He walked down through the chilly grounds with a heavy heart. This was at best at long shot but at least this way they could rule it out.

He passed through the school wards and taking a moment to remember the exact location of the bunker flashed away in a blur of movement.

It took a moment to get used to the dark lighting in the underground room but once his eyes had adjusted he swore violently. The room had practically collapsed and only one of the twelve torches seemed to be working. He glanced around and a moment later was running for the far corner, his stomach clenched in fear.

Two prone figures could clearly be seen and neither showed any signs of movement.

Severus fell to his knees beside Harry and swore. The boy was covered in blood and white as a ghost.

'Harry!' he shouted, shaking the teenager's shoulder as hard as he dared.

Harry stirred at the noise and fought to push his heavy eyelids open. Magical exhaustion had settled in and he felt like he was drugged.

'Pr'ff'sor?' he mumbled and Severus groaned in relief before pulling the boy into a hug, unknowingly tearing him from his fathers arms.

Harry leant against his Professors shoulder, enormously relieved to have been found. He blinked wearily at his dad, who sat just a few feet away.

'Sorry,' he whispered and James Potter smiled reassuringly.

'Don't be son, I'm glad he found you. Give your new dad a hug eh. He's been worried about you.'

Harry smiled and using the last bit of his strength wrapped his arms around the Potions Masters shoulders. 'Thanks for finding us,' he muttered. 'The headmasters arm is burnt. I couldn't heal it.'

'Shh, Harry. Don't worry about that now. Lets get you home shall we.'

Severus apparated to the cliff face above the bunker and lay Harry gently down on the grass. He winced as he saw the open wound on Harry's forehead. He could actually see the skull bone showing through.

'Try not to run off OK?' he said dryly and flashed away to get Albus.

He gathered up Harry and Albus's wand and packed Harry's cloak in his rucksack before transporting Albus up to the grass bank beside his apprentice.

'Harry, can you hold onto the portkey?'

Harry struggled into a semi prone position and took hold of one end of the quill that had been enchanted and Severus slipped his arm beneath the headmaster's shoulder.

He looked anxiously at the blood drenched teenager. 'Ready?'

Harry nodded and winced as Severus declared 'Sanctuary' and the world spun away.


To be continued...

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