Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Author's Chapter Notes:
Christmas finally comes
The Perfect Present

Harry sat bolt upright upon the soft gray suede couch, groping frantically for his glasses before recalling they were atop his head. He had been too lazy to set them upon the low table and had instead shoved them on his head when his eyes began to close reading his new Charms book.

It was Christmas Eve, and Harry had worked all that day brewing a special potion as a gift for his new guardian in the Wise One's cave. Because Severus had made a condition that Harry not leave the castle alone, the great ruffed serpent had come and carried him to her home upon her back. Once the potion was finished, she had returned him to Hogwarts, giving him two parcels as well. **Remember, you must not open these until tomorrow,** she had instructed. **A joyous Yuletide to you, Harry!**

He had also wished her a happy Christmas, tucking the two small wrapped presents into his pocket. They now rested beneath the huge tree in the Great Hall, which was where Dumbledore insisted they come to celebrate Christmas. Harry and Severus would have been perfectly content to celebrate Christmas morning in Severus' cozy set of rooms, but the Headmaster insisted they not "hide themselves away like hermits", but allow themselves to experience the joys of the season out in the open.

Severus had rolled his eyes, he had never been one for ostentatious displays, then muttered to his ward, "Fine. We'll humor the old man. Thank Merlin the only staff members present are Trelawney and me, and Hagrid. They might serve to keep the old fox in check."

Harry merely smiled quietly. "I wonder if there will be twenty five turkeys at the feast, like last time?"

"I would hope not. There are only nine of us in the castle, how could we possibly eat that much food? It would be a massive waste, unless we delivered it to some homeless shelter. Two turkeys or a turkey and a ham would be plenty." Snape groused, for he abhorred wasting food.

Harry shared that sentiment, he had spent too many years watching Dudley and Vernon make gluttonous pigs of themselves to ever condone such excess. After he had signed the required papers at Ministry Children and Youth permitting Snape to become his legal guardian, which had occurred as soon as the social witch had seen all the evidence that the Dursleys were no fit people to have guardianship of Harry, they had gone to lunch and then back to Hogwarts. Normally, the process would have taken much longer, a week at least, but Dumbledore had used his presence to speed up the process. So, here he was, on Christmas Eve, the legal ward of one Severus T. Snape, and glad of it.

That had been yesterday. Harry had gone caroling at Hogsmeade with the two elder Ravenclaws and Hannah Abbot and Hubert Walters, both Hufflepuffs. It had been a fun outing and they had been given warm hot cocoa and spiced apple cider, as well as candy canes, butter toffee, and strawberry taffy from the establishments they visited. Harry had been shy at first, having never sang anything, but the four other students were accomplished carolers and Harry soon lost his shyness when he discovered that Hannah, usually a quiet girl, could sing brilliantly. And if Hannah could do it, then so could he. To his surprise, he had a decent voice, nothing earthshattering, but good enough not to frighten dogs, cats, and toddlers. There was much laughing and joking among the four students, and Harry enjoyed their company very much.

But after returning to the school, and brewing all afternoon with the Wise One, Harry had been tired. Ever since Snape had become his guardian, he had started sleeping in the Potion Master's quarters. Severus had promised he would create a bedroom for Harry if he wished, which he could use during breaks or on weekends, but he should spend the rest of the school year in Gryffindor Tower. "I wouldn't want rumors to get started that I favor you or anything."

"You? Favor me?" Harry smirked. "Never happen. You'll probably be on my arse even more now that I'm your ward, right?"

Severus had arched an eyebrow. "If need be. I don't tolerate students who don't work up to their potential. And you, Mr. Potter, are quite capable of earning E's and above in all subjects, including Potions and History of Magic. And if you don't, I'll know the reason why."

Harry had promised to try and study more and come for extra instruction if he needed it. Severus in his turn had promised to look over Harry's homework and essays and offer advice and assistance as needed.

To Harry's surprise, Snape had few rules he wanted Harry to follow. One was, of course, to achieve good marks in school. The others were to always inform Severus if he were going off the grounds and to ask permission before doing so, to obey school rules and not go wandering about at night, to never put himself in harm's way, try and respect his guardian, and to come to him if he had a problem with anything.

"What if I have a problem with you?" Harry had asked cheekily, then he waited for Snape to bite his head off.

"Then I would hope you will inform me about it and we can discuss it and find a solution." Snape replied. "I am aware that you were never allowed to express a difference of opinion in your aunt's home, but that is not the case with me. You are allowed to disagree with me, but do so in a mature manner—slamming doors and throwing things or screaming at me will not be tolerated, I don't care how unfair you think I am being. Also, know that if you ever raise a wand to me, that wand will be taken from you, and not returned until you learn both discipline and restraint. Even if it takes years, so do not test me."

Harry's eyes boggled. "Raise a wand to you? Sir, I'd never . . .!"

"I have seen a few adolescents in my time as a teacher do such to their parent during a meeting, and I am giving you fair warning never to attempt it . . .or else!"

Harry agreed, shivering a little at the other's warning glare. "I'm not stupid, you know. I want to live till I'm twenty."

"Good. You have more brains than most Gryffindors I know." Severus said. Including your father, he added silently.

Severus and he had also discussed consequences for rule breaking, Harry was surprised that Snape could be so reasonable, handing out groundings and revoking privileges instead of turning him into potion ingredients or giving him a thrashing and said so.

The Potions Master had snorted. "Really, boy, any potion that had a piece of you in it would be highly unstable and explosive, guaranteed to give the imbiber the worst case of the runs in history. I have no desire to see my license revoked and be accused of poisoning, so you can stop that line of thought right now. As for a thrashing, my tongue is more efficient by far than a strap, and I have found a stinging conscience lingers longer than a stinging backside. I am not my father."

"No, sir." Harry said, and thanked his lucky stars. He then resolved to try and stay on Snape's good side, because he didn't want his guardian to regret taking him in. "I'll try and behave."

"That is all I ask of you. I would like us to have a cordial relationship, contrary to popular belief, I do not enjoy strife between myself and students, and even less so in my private life. I believe that you deserve a place to call home, one that you enjoy returning to, and will try my best to give you that. I know that I cannot replace your parents, but shall strive to be there to guide you as best I can."

"I know." Harry said softly. "I trust you."

That earned him a rare smile of approval from Severus.

Dumbledore was happy that his two boys seemed to be getting along, and quietly remorseful since learning the truth about Harry's life with the Dursleys. He was also determined that Vernon and Petunia pay the price for their cruelty, and made a vow to himself to make sure they were punished according to Muggle law. He was not yet aware of Severus' curse upon them, but since it was fitting, he probably would not have objected to it.

Now Harry woke from his nap and sat up, feeling a certain presence that had been absent from the castle return. "Icefyre's back!"

Severus looked up from where he was seated in his recliner, perusing a suspense novel. "Excuse me?"

"Icefyre's back! Can't you feel him?"

Severus cleared his mind and then he felt the unmistakable presence of the basilisk. It thrummed through his blood, sending an unobtrusive quiver through him. "How strange. I have never felt that before."

"Probably because you didn't know him then," Harry said. "This is the first time I've felt it too. It makes me all tingly."

Severus nodded, he could relate to that intimately. He rose to his feet. "Let us go out and greet him and see what news he bears."

"Do you think he . . .found You-Know-Who?"

"We shall find out."

Icefyre met them in the Entrance Hall, and told them of his triumph. He also mentioned how Voldemort had a hostage and had been using her to siphon off magic and ensure that he would remain among the living. He also told them about her rescue by her older brother, a dragon tamer and his dragon. **I believe she called him Charlie. At first he was afraid of me, but I managed to communicate a bit with him, and he accepted me then. Quite smart for a non-Parselmouth.**

"Uh, Icefyre, did Charlie have red hair? Did his sister? Was her name Ginny, by any chance?" Harry asked.

**Yes. They were red-furred and that was her name.**

"Those were Ron's brother and sister!" Harry exclaimed. "Why was V-Voldemort hurting her? How much magic could she give him?"

"It might not have just been her magic he was after. He often chose victims who were young and innocent, it gave him pleasure to despoil them in any way possible," Severus said shortly. "You are certain he is dead?"

**Indeed. I bit him. My venom kills in under a minute, dark magic or no dark magic. There is no antidote save phoenix tears or the countervenom of the ruffed serpent. Riddle had neither. He is dead and gone, and I destroyed his magic book also.**

"Magic book?" Harry asked.

Icefyre told him about the diary and how Riddle's last request had been for his familiar to save it. But he had eaten Nagini and destroyed the diary, so that was a moot point now.

Severus was not so sure. "The diary might have been more than just a journal. It's being destroyed is good, but . . .we may not have seen the last of Voldemort. I need to talk to Albus about this. And also send a letter to the Weasleys. I need to know how Ginevra got her hands upon such a thing. Having such an item in her possession too long could have caused her harm."

"What kind of harm?" Harry asked worriedly.

"Dark objects corrupt, and they almost always leave a taint behind for those who use them. If so, then she ought to go to St. Mungos and get a cleansing ritual performed by the Healers. Otherwise, she will be vulnerable to influences by dark magic," Severus explained.

**That is so,** agreed Icefyre. **S-Salazar would have s-s-said ssso himself. But why do you believe Riddle is not truly dead?**

Severus sighed. Merlin save him from too curious serpents and apprentices! "Because he has a history of cheating death. I shall return." He quickly spoke the password to revolving staircase and disappeared up it.

**I need to hunt, serpent's child,** Icefyre said then. **Hunt and sssleep. S-s-slaying those pieces of offal was pleasant, but exhausting. Fare you well for now, Harry, and a joyous Yule to you!**

Harry said goodbye to Icefyre then he raced upstairs to his room in Gryffindor Tower to write Ron a letter.


"It may be possible that there are more remaining, Severus," Dumbledore conceded after hearing what his colleague had to say about Voldemort and his allies' demise.

"But you don't think so," Severus surmised. "Why not?"

"Because it takes a great deal of energy to create such a thing as a Horcrux. I think Tom only created three or four of them, and two I have already found and destroyed. The diary was another, I have no doubt of it, and I believe Nagini was the fourth. All are now destroyed."

"And if you are wrong?"

Dumbledore sighed. "There is that possibility. One can never truly be certain about anything. In any case, there is no way to know unless he returns someday. Given what Icefyre did, I would say that would not happen anytime soon. Thank goodness for Icefyre and Charlie, otherwise poor Ginny would have been lost to us. I did not expect him to move so quickly. Hopefully, Ginny has sustained no lasting harm. I shall write to Molly and Arthur in the morning. All we can do now is prepare for the worst and hope for the best. In the meantime, why don't you enjoy your first Christmas with Harry?"

Severus acquiesced. "Very well. I have no desire to go hunting Horcruxes that might not exist." Although he wondered if Icefyre could help with that particular quest. The basilisk seemed unusually attuned to such objects. He rose. "I shall see you tomorrow morning, Albus."

"Of course! Be sure to be awake bright and early, mustn't keep poor Harry waiting. I do hope he enjoys my gift." Albus said, looking much like an overeager child himself.

Severus looked wary. "What did you get him? A chocolate gift basket from Honeydukes?"

Albus laughed. "Why, no. That's what I got you!"

Snape did a doubletake. "Albus, you are . . . incorrigible!"

"Come now, Severus! You enjoy chocolate, admit it!"

"Humph!" was all Snape answered. Albus was forever trying to make up for his lost childhood. He meant well, Snape supposed. And though he would rather have been boiled in his own cauldron, he had to admit to himself that he did enjoy Honeydukes chocolate . . . in moderation. The gift basket would last him several months.

Snape headed down to his quarters, planning on having a quiet supper with his ward and then reading till bedtime. His new Ken Follett novel was gripping and he was eager to see how it ended.


Christmas morning arrived, and Harry woke at his customary time of seven in the morning, he had trained himself to wake up then because the Dursleys always wanted their breakfast at eight and he needed that long to get everything prepared, since Vernon and Dudley were such milch cows and ate more than three grown men.

To his surprise, he found several packages at the foot of his bed, delivered in the middle of the night by owl post. He quickly tore into them, they were from Ron, Hermione, and the Weasleys. He received a new agenda book and a Quidditch stat book from Hermione, Ron gave him a Chudley Cannons poster and a bar of chocolate, and Mrs. Weasley had knitted him a scarf of red and gold and sent her delicious mince pies and raspberry Linzer tarts. Harry wound the scarf about his neck and crammed a tart in his mouth, savoring the flaky pastry and sweet filling. Mmmm!

Hedwig blinked sleepily as he gave her the special Christmas treat of a dead rat baby. He had picked it up during his visit to Diagon Alley after the visit to the Dursleys. She hooted softly and took her treat and flew out of Snape's quarters to the owlery, where she could eat in peace.

"Happy Christmas, Hedwig!"

Harry then crept out of Snape's quarters, still in his pajamas and slippers, new ones of soft ice blue flannel that Snape had purchased for him on that same visit, assuming that the professor was sleeping in, and made his way up to the tree in the Great Hall. He carried Dumbledore's present tucked under one arm, having inexpertly wrapped it with some spare newsprint last night. He hoped Dumbledore would like it.

When he opened the door to the hall, he was expecting to find it empty. Instead he found Dumbledore and Snape sitting about the tree, in green and red plaid covered easy chairs, Dumbledore was wearing a rainbow dressing gown and a cap that looked like a reject from Dicken's A Christmas Carol. Severus was more reserved, dressed in a quilted deep green robe and leather slippers, his hair pulled back. The two were quietly sipping some Holiday Spice tea and Dumbledore was munching some sugared biscuits from the plate next to him, which was hovering in the air.

The tree was sparkling with colored lights and contained several packages beneath it, some of which were gifts from Harry, and others that he didn't recognize. He also spotted one of his striped socks, which was the only pair he owned that weren't with holes, bulging with something.

He was so startled at seeing the two professors awake before him that he remained gaping in the doorway like a halfwit until Dumbledore spotted him over the rim of his teacup. "Good morning, Harry! Merry Christmas to you! Come on over here, my boy!"

"Yes, and do shut the door behind you, the castle is chilly enough as it is," Severus ordered a tad grumpily.

"Yes, sir," Harry mumbled, and shut the door promptly.

"Don't mind Severus, Harry. He's never bearable until he's had his morning cuppa," Dumbledore said, and received a sharp glare in return from the Potions Master.

But then Snape cleared his throat and said, "We can't all be bouncing with joy every minute, Albus. Merry Christmas, Harry."

"Merry Christmas, Headmaster." Harry answered, coming over to stand between them. "Merry Christmas, professor."

He looked over at the tree and then back at the two wizards, still clutching Dumbledore's gift.

Severus' mouth twitched at the way Harry pleaded silently with just his eyes to be allowed to dive beneath the tree for his presents. It reminded him poignantly of himself at that age, who had this one day to look forward to all year, a day where he would get a decent breakfast and one or two small gifts. "I was going to insist you eat breakfast first, but Dumbledore said that would be cruel to make you wait and risk choking to death rushing, so . . .go and open your gifts."

Harry beamed at him. But he didn't rush over to the tree. "I will, sir! But first, I'd like to give you my gifts."

He moved over and handed Dumbledore his present. Then he reached beneath the tree and found the small box for Severus, as well as the Wise One's gifts. He carefully removed the one for Severus and brought them over to his guardian.

"For you, sir. This one's from me and the other is from the Wise One."

"Thank you, Harry." Severus took the gifts and held them.

Harry eyed both men, puzzled. "Aren't you going to open them?"

"First, you open yours," Dumbledore urged.

Harry hesitated for a single instant, then he allowed himself to behave like the child he still was, and ran over to the tree and found several with his name on it, plus a large gift basket wrapped in red cellophane with a big red bow on it for Severus. He picked up the basket and brought it to the Potions Master. "Oof! It's heavy. Here's another one for you, sir."

Severus eyed the basket with resignation, muttering, "A red velvet bow? For Merlin's sake, Albus!"

Harry concealed a snicker. Only Dumbledore would dare give the Head of Slytherin a present with a red velvet bow and not risk getting hexed six ways to Sunday.

He looked about for a place to sit and just as he was about to sit on the floor, he heard a pop and a green velvet hassock appeared. Harry sat, perring over his shoulder to see Snape tuck his wand away and make an impatient gesture.

"Go on then, Harry. Most children your age would have been on their third or fourth gift by now." Severus frowned slightly, something only now occurring to him. "Is this the first time you've ever received gifts on Christmas?" Knowing the beastly Dursleys, Severus would have bet a silver cauldron that was so.

"No. Only the second. Last year was the first. Sorry." Harry said, then began to tear off the paper of his first gift.

"Don't apologize," his guardian said, castigating himself inwardly for making the boy's Christmas morning uncomfortable. "I shouldn't be rushing you."

Harry had opened Dumbledore's gift first. It was a large box of Zonkos joke products. "Wow!" He cried, examining all the interesting things inside. "This is so wicked! Thanks!"

"You are most welcome, Harry," Dumbledore said, his eyes twinkling brightly.

Severus bit back a groan. Trust Albus to encourage pranks! "If he wasn't my employer, I'd accidentally strangle him with his bloody red velvet bow!" the Potions Master growled under his breath. "Using any of those products in class, mine or any other professors, will be grounds for detention and confiscation, Mr. Potter. Am I clear?"

"Yes, sir." Harry said quickly. "Can I use them outside of class? Like on weekends?"

"That would be acceptable."

Harry set the gift aside and prepared to open another.

Dumbledore unwrapped his gift and smiled. "Matching socks! How marvelous!" He held up a pair of red and white candy cane striped socks with red pom poms on the toes.

"I'm glad you like them, sir. I remember you telling me once you always wanted socks for a present," Harry said.

"They are splendid. I shall wear them today. Thank you, Harry."

Harry opened his gift from the Wise One next. Inside the soft leather pouch was a vial of a familiar liquid and another of shed snake scales. "Snake's milk and scales!" Harry exclaimed. He knew how rare those ingredients were and was profoundly touched by the ruffed serpent's gift.

"I have received the same," Severus announced as he opened his own gift. "I must remember to thank her. These ingredients are worth their weight in Galleons."

Harry slowly peeled off the paper from Severus' gift, the first of three. It was a black suede coat, lined with golden fleece. The coat came down to Harry's ankles and had deep pockets and a collar that could be turned up to protect one's throat and mouth. It was the finest coat Harry had even seen, much less owned. His eyes went wide as he stroked the soft lining.

"It has charms on it for warmth and is water repellent," Severus said quickly. "I figured you needed one after your impromptu walk in the woods." He coughed and thought of how stupid he sounded. Perhaps he'd been wrong to get such a practical gift for the boy. Children his age usually didn't appreciate clothing.

Harry looked up then, and his smile was pure delight, banishing Severus' fear. "It's an awesome coat. The best ever!" He hugged it to him. He didn't say it was also the first one ever, but he knew Snape understood. The coat was wonderful, but what it signified was even more wonderful. It meant that Severus truly cared about him.

Harry opened the next boxes, which were a pair of gloves and boots to match, each of them spelled and lined with golden fleece.

"Now you're all set to go and play in the snow," Albus pointed out. "What a fine gift! You chose well, Severus!"

The Potions Master flushed at the other's effusive praise. "Do you like them, Harry?"

Harry looked up from trying on his new boots and nodded enthusiastically. "They're perfect. No more frostbite."

"So long as you remember to put them on," chided his guardian, but he was not really scolding.

"I won't forget," laughed his new charge. He opened his stocking next, it was filled with Seville oranges, chocolate, salted cashews, new quills and ink, and a book lined in snakeskin.

When Harry opened it, he discovered it was Salazar's journal.

"You're . . . giving me Slytherin's journal?" he managed to say, staring down at the priceless book. "But . . . this is . . . it belongs to you . . . you're the heir . . ." He found himself blinking back tears. He knew what this book meant to Snape.

"So are you, Harry," Severus said quietly. "I gave you this so you could understand more about your heritage, for only through understanding can we achieve peace between serpent and wizard. I have read it in its entirety and memorized most of the contents. It has given me great insight into Salazar and his times, he was much misunderstood and this cleared up a great many misconceptions. I hope you will find it both interesting and useful."

"Thank you!" Harry said sincerely, and then brushed his sleeve quickly across his eyes. He would treat the book like the treasure trove of knowledge it was.

Dumbledore had opened his present from Snape. "Rainbow flavored lollypops!" he cried. "Now how did you know I wanted to try these?" When you licked one, it tasted like one flavor, lick it again, and the flavor changed, and so did the color. One lollypop tasted like strawberry, orange, lemon, blue raspberry, lime, and grape.

"It was the only candy in Honeydukes you didn't have samples of," answered the Potions Master wryly.

In addition to the lollypops there were also lemon drops, bubble gum, and an appointment calendar that reminded one of important dates written on it. "Splendid! Now I can remember my appointments with the Minister and the Board of Governors." He began licking a lolly.

Now it was Harry's turn to be on tenterhooks while Snape opened his gift.

Snape examined the potion carefully after withdrawing it from the box. He carefully removed the stopper and smelled it, nodded, and replaced it. "Magna Mythos."

"Is it . . .all right, sir?" Harry asked diffidently.

Snape raised both eyebrows. "Did you brew this yourself?"

"Umm . . .the Wise One helped."

"Even so . . . this proves that you have all the skill your mother did and then some. Do you know what Magna Mythos does?"

"Umm . . .the Wise One said it means great magic and that it enhances a wizard's natural magical ability for a time."

"That's basically true, but it is also much more. If I drank this, my ability to brew the most complex potion would be trebled, I could cast spells that would normally drain me to exhaustion, and read any spellbook in any language. For a day and a half. Then it would wear off. It is one of the most potent and difficult potions to brew, and its use is strictly monitored by the Ministry."

Harry's face fell. "I didn't know that. Does it mean you can't use it?"

"No. Only that I must have a damn good reason to do so. Thank you, Harry." Severus tucked away the vial.

Harry still looked upset. "I wanted to give you something different, something perfect . . .I didn't realize you couldn't use it whenever you wanted . . ."

Severus carefully set the box down and beckoned to Harry. "Come here." When Harry was standing before him, he tipped the boy's head up with a finger. "Look at me. That you managed to brew this at all is a great accomplishment. You should be proud of yourself. No other second-year could have done it, Wise One or no Wise One. The reason this potion is restricted is because it can be easy to misuse. I understand that and will save it until it is truly needed. You are your mother's son, and I am proud to teach you the potion maker's art. As for the perfect gift . . .do you not know you have given me something this Christmas even better than this potion?"

"I have? Like what?"

"Yourself. As my ward, you gave me a family, which was the one thing I never truly had growing up, and always wanted, but never had. Your mother was my friend, and later I had colleagues, but never family to celebrate the season with. I told myself it didn't matter, I had always been alone, many people were. But I was fooling myself. Christmas has always been about family, and that was something I would never have. Until now. When you agreed to become my ward, you gave me the perfect gift. Now stop worrying, it's Christmas and you ought to be happy."

And suddenly Harry was, filled with so much happiness and love that he could only express it one way.

He hugged Severus, throwing his skinny arms about the tall man and burying his face in the green robe.

For an instant, Snape froze. Little boys did not hug him. Ever. Except this one did. It was confusing and exhilarating at the same time. It took him another instant before he responded, putting his arms about Harry and drawing the boy on his lap. He didn't say anything, simply hugged his newfound son.

They remained that way for a long time, until Albus coughed and Severus looked up to see the Headmaster blowing his nose with a lemon colored hanky. Only then did the two recall they had an audience and quickly drew apart, blushing.

"Come, it's time we ate something," Severus said, rising quickly and blinking.

They made their way to high table, and soon the other four students, Trelawney, and Hagrid had meandered in. Everyone ate breakfast together, having whatever they liked best, and the owls delivered the morning paper and Harry received a letter from Ron, delivered by batty old Errol, who ended up face-first in a milk pitcher, but the letter was intact.

There were gasps from Hannah and Justin and Selina and Mark as they read the front page article in the Prophet, which was about the kidnapping of Ginny Weasley by Death Eaters, and her rescue by her brother Charlie, dragon tamer, and a giant snake that Charlie swore was a basilisk. Girl Kidnapped by Death Eaters, Rescued By Brother and Unknown Giant Serpent! The headline screamed.

"A basilisk?" Justin looked skeptical. "He had to have seen wrong. Basilisks kill people."

"And eat them," added Mark.

"Basilisks hate wizards," Hannah said softly.

Harry looked over at Severus, wondering if he ought to say something to defend Icefyre.

But Snape put a finger to his lips. Not yet. Wait.

Harry turned back to his letter from Ron.

Dear Harry,

I still can't believe what happened to my sister and our family, even though I was right there when we were attacked. It all happened so quickly, we were all caught off guard. I mean, who expects to be attacked by a crazy Death Eater in broad daylight in Diagon Alley? Not me!

The bloke came out of nowhere, we were coming out of Gladrags, Mum had just bought us new Christmas shirts, it was early, hardly anybody was on the street then. He just appeared, and started hexing us, he was bloody fast and then he grabbed Gin. She started screaming and he knocked her out with a spell.

Poor Ginny! We're not even sure why she was taken, and thank goodness Charlie was able to keep his head after Mum released him from the Stunning Spell. He cast a tracking spell and summoned his Welsh green, Flamestrike, that he'd trained from a hatchling and flew off after the scummy bastard.

We were all in shock, Dad had gotten knocked down and had a bump on the head, and Mum was crying. Fred and George were arguing about who it was that had taken her and trying to comfort mum at the same time. I didn't know what to do, I was sort of numb and dazed, like I'd been belted with a Bludger.

By the time we all started thinking again, about forty minutes had passed. Mum insisted the rest of us go back to the Burrow with her, while Dad went to the Magical Law Enforcement to report Ginny's kidnapping. By the time he finished explaining and filling out stupid forms and an Auror team had been sent out, Charlie was back with Ginny. Made those Aurors look bloody dumb, I can tell you.

Of course, everyone wanted to interview them or get statements, Dad just kept muttering thank Merlin and hugging Ginny. We took her to the hospital to make sure she was all right, and the Healers said she was fine, except for being scared. But she'll probably have nightmares about it for months.

The press was totally shocked when Charlie told them about the basilisk who'd fought and killed the Death Eaters, they kept asking him if he was sure that's what it was. I don't think they believed him, even though he swore it was true. I believe him, my brother doesn't lie and he knows his magical beasts.

But it's pretty hard to believe, since basilisks are considered monsters and all. Still, I'm so glad this one wasn't.

They were even more shocked when Ginny claimed she'd been kidnapped by You-Know-Who himself! They thought she was going crazy, until she agreed to give her memories to the Aurors to view. Apparently, she'd come out of the spell and pretended to be sleeping while they had her, and she heard everything they said before the basilisk came. Not only was You-Know-Who there, but so were Bellatrix LeStrange and Barty Crouch junior! Talk about coming back from the dead!

Charlie and Ginny both swore that everyone died on that mountaintop, but some Aurors will be sent to investigate, Charlie's gonna take them over there. Don't know what they think they're gonna find though. Charlie said there's not much left.

Mum got a letter from Snape telling her she ought to have Ginny checked out for dark magic influences, since she was carrying a diary that belonged to Riddle. Mum said she would, especially since Ginny told her about the way the diary talked to her. Creepy! And why Snape would care about my sister is beyond me, but Mum was really happy the greasy git told her that.

You'll probably read about the kidnapping in the paper today, and once they decide Old Snake Face is really dead, they'll run an article about that too.

Hope you're having a good holiday. Thanks for the book about the Cannons, mate.


Harry wondered how long it would take people before they believed the truth. If they ever did. One thing he did know . . . when his friends returned from break, he was going to tell them about his ability to speak Parseltongue and Snape's guardianship at the very least. If he asked Icefyre for permission, he might even tell them about the basilisk and Slytherin's true heirs. Their reactions were sure to be classic ones.

After breakfast, Harry felt like going outside. Now that he had warm winter wear he could do so and not worry about freezing to death. He helped Hannah and Serina build a snowman, and then they teamed up and challenged Mark and Justin to a snowball fight.

When they were tired and shivering, they all trooped back into the castle for some warming hot cocoa and treats. Harry read Slytherin's journal in Snape's quarters until supper, then they all returned to the Great Hall, where a lavish feast had been prepared.

They opened Christmas crackers. Harry got a gold Galleon in his cracker. Trelawney got a silk head scarf from Damascus. Hagrid got a peanut. Dumbledore got a rubber chicken and Severus a hat with reindeer antlers that had colored lights that blinked.

Everyone giggled and Dumbledore smiled and said, "Oh my! Severus, you must put it on!"

"I will not," growled the embarrassed wizard. "It's ridiculous."

"Severus, it's Christmas. Have a little fun!"

After a bit more persuasion, a scowling Severus put on the hat.

All the students, even Harry, smiled at the sight of their serious professor wearing reindeer antlers that blinked and glowed. It was sight that had to be seen to be believed.

There were two turkeys, a honey-glazed spiral ham, and a large rack of lamb with mint jelly. There were mashed potatoes and rice, several kinds of vegetables, buttery rolls, a green salad, and cinnamon apples. Harry ate till he could hold no more, and then he waited until the desserts were brought out. There were cakes and pies, candy and trifle, anything you could think of. Harry nibbled a bit of everything, until Severus hissed under his breath in Parseltongue to stop before he made himself sick.

Harry obeyed, having no wish to ruin his very special Christmas by being a pig.

Later on, Harry and Severus went to see the Wise One, to thank her for her gifts. As they walked through the snow, Harry wearing his new gifts, Severus kept looking at him surreptitiously. The boy seemed to be enjoying the outing, skipping across the snow, not minding the occasional drifts.

"Are you warm enough, Harry?"

His ward turned. "Very warm. I don't feel cold at all."

"Good." Snape said. He strode on ahead of the boy, plowing through the snow determinedly.

Until something stung the back of his head.

He brushed at it with one gloved hand.

Cold snow trickled inside his collar and he shivered. He turned to look at Harry.

The boy was whistling, his hands in his pockets.

Severus scowled, but since he couldn't prove anything, turned around and started walking again.

This time the snowball hit him in the ear.

Snape spun. "What the blazes?"

This time Harry wasn't quick enough. "Oops! I meant to hit the tree."

"Really?" Severus' eyes narrowed.

Harry gave him an innocent look.

Severus frowned. "Next time mind your aim."

Harry smirked behind his gloved hand. Then he scooped up two more handfuls of snow.

But before he could take aim at Snape's back, the wizard vanished.

Harry gazed around. Huh? Where had Snape gone?

An instant later he had his answer, as two strong hands grasped him and mock-snarled, "Impudent brat! Ambush me, will you?"

The next thing Harry knew he was sailing through the air . . . to land face first in a snowbank.

Harry sputtered and gasped, for even his new winter coat didn't protect him enough to avoid getting snow down his neck and in his eyes. He quickly rolled over, brushed off his glasses, and snatched a handful of snow.

He hit Severus square in the face.

Then he got up quickly and ran to hide behind the nearest oak tree.

Once Severus had brushed off the snow, he stalked his wayward ward, growling dire retribution. "When I find you, Potter, you'll be scrubbing cauldrons till your fingers fall off."

"But first you have to find me," taunted the boy, giggling like a drunken imp.

Another snowball flew, but this one missed and only splattered Snape's hem.

"Keep it up and you'll be writing I will not throw snow at my guardian two hundred times with a broken quill."

Snape put a hand behind his back and waited.

Soon Harry peeked his head out, unable to bear the sudden silence.

Snow slammed him in the forehead.

"Five points for Slytherin."

"What? No fair!"

Harry ducked and ran to the next tree. "If I hit you, you'll have to give points to Gryffindor."


"B-because it's only fair!"

"Whoever said life is fair? You started this little snow war."

Harry lobbed a snowball at him. He ducked.

"Yeah, but I can't take points from you."

"Very well. Five points to Gryffindor if you hit me."

Harry whooped. "Agreed!"

He thought it would be easy. But Snape played for keeps.

It took him ten minutes before he finally scored a lucky hit.

Now they were even.

And so it went, all the way to the Wise One's cave, where the final score was tied. Harry was panting, and red-cheeked, but he wasn't cold at all. He was warm, from his nose to his toes, both outside and inside. He grinned cheekily up at his guardian.

"Well?" demanded Snape sternly. "Have you learned your lesson?"

"Today I have."

"Just what is that supposed to mean?"

"Umm . . . it means I have a bad memory and might forget it by tomorrow."

"I see. Then you'll end up getting your face scrubbed with snow again until your memory returns."

"Only if you can catch me."

"None of your cheek, boy," scolded the stern unbending professor. One long fingered hand reached out . . . and tousled the messy mop of wet hair. "Get inside the cave, before you catch your death of cold."

Harry obeyed, though he knew he wouldn't get sick. He was surrounded by warmth, not only from his coat, but also from the family he now had, which consisted of a Potions Master, a lemondrop loving Headmaster, a ruffed serpent, and a basilisk.

Chapter End Notes:
An extra long chapter for you!

But no, it's not the end. There's still two more chapters to go!

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